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Culture shock

1) Academic

- Her English was not perfect. Dita got low grades on her quiz, test, and essay.

- The professor spoke so quickly that make dita rarely understanding what he
was telling her

- Dita got misunderstanding about what the professor explained

2) Culture

- Dita didn’t like with the food in the United Stated because the food was too
bland and it was greasy compared to what she had eaten in Indonesia.

3) social

- the weather is getting colder than her country

- she had no close friend

- she felt embarrassed when her friend tall about their sexual activity


1. academic

- before she went to United Stated, she prepare her English well

- more practice in spoken English

- she must memorized new vocabularies

2. Culture

- She must look for Indonesian food

- she cooked food by her self

- She should be adaptation with the food in USA

3. Social

- She should wear a coat

- She must be friendly

- She must adaptation what her friend talk about


1. Naqiyatul warida (07360169)

2. Susianik (07360166)

3. Eva kristina (07360173)

4. Atina dewi R. (07360170)

5. Suwaibatul A. (07360160)

6. Putri mayang (07360172)

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