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The biodiversity is good?

Peru is a country with many kinds of weathers, we get over 23 kinds of

weather than allow out us have many species of animals and plants, also it
watch on country beautiful landscapes. Many people of anothers countries
are hooked on our biodiversity, we are the second most biodiverse country in
the world, in the face of all of it. They dont know the other side of the coin.

The biodiversity make an environment, where have much is also we must

make many laws for each regin, this was sleep on it. In the agriculture the
many kinds of cultives make than each region must have their own laws
doing many-sided of manage more if the laws favor only an elite group, in
our wildlife the peruvians dont know all species, we havent a complete
record because the many kinds of weather and also out of government
support, it makes a hard work up a plan species recognition. The many
cultures and manners makes many differences when making decisions this It
does not allow up now do a good organization of the country.

Well, we must give thought than all have some good and bad, of course than
the biodiversity isn't a damnification but we must know how to take

By Bruno Loyaga Cortez

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