September Newsletter

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Lucas Middle School AIG

Stay connected with the AIG Department:
Remind (formerly Remind101) offers teachers a free, safe and simple way to
instantly text students & parents. Many of your childs teachers will be using this
resource to connect with you. You can sign up for multiple classes and receive
information from many sources. The Lucas Middle AIG department would like for
you stay connected with us through the Remind service. Please sign up using the
information below and we will send you information about school-wide AIG
meetings, academic competition dates, and outside service options to help further
your childs education.

AIG Department

Text this message:


To this number:

You can opt-out of messages at any time by replying, 'unsubscribe @lmsaig'. Trouble using
81010? Try texting @lmsaig to (919) 800-0549 instead.

AIG Website: Follow the AIG Department on our website at

Or by using the QR code

Upcoming Opportunities:
Announcing the 11th Annual Science under the Stars! This event will take place
Wednesday, September 23rd from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Duke University French
Family Science Center.
Free/No Charge
Free parking in the Chemistry lot located off of Circuit Drive at the corner of
Circuit and Towerview Drives.
Event will take place on the lower floor of the French Family Science Center
and outside near the green houses (weather permitting)
Children, pre-school through high school must be accompanied by
Hands-on interactive stations suitable for all ages, supervised by Duke
Representatives (undergraduate and graduate students) of various
Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Environmental Studies, among
Lottery for free passes to the Lemur Center (2 passes to be given out)
Music provided by Out of the Blue a Capella choir
Liquid nitrogen ice cream
If you need further information, please contact Dr. Kenneth Lyle at 9196819952

Lucas Middle School AIG


Upcoming Meetings Differentiated Education Plan


Sixth and Seventh Grade - Monday, September 21st from 6:00 to 7:00
Eighth Grade - Monday, September 28th from 6:00 to 7:00

~If one night works better for you than another, please feel free to contact us and we will
make arrangements.

This will be our first AIG parent night entitled AIG The Place to Be! We will cover
the services that will be offered to your child throughout the years as well as discuss
all activities/programs available to our students this coming year and upcoming
summer (Duke TIP, etc). This meeting will also give you time to meet with your
childs AIG teachers and to answer any questions, comments, or concerns you have.
You will receive a more detailed invitation in the next few weeks.

CogAT Testing

All sixth grade students will be involved in CogAT testing on September 23 rd. The
Cognitive Abilities Test, or CogAT, is used as a sweep screen to help identity gifted
students. All students will participate in this test even if they are already identified
AIG. Once a child has been identified for the AIG program they cannot be removed
and low performance on this test will not impact a childs placement. However, if a
child is only identified in one subject area, high performance on this test can be
used to identify them in another area. Scores will be provided to all parents once
they become available. Students results give us a learning profile that helps
educators and parents together to understand characteristics and instructional
strategies for each student.

Academic Competitions
Students at Lucas Middle School are eligible to participate in a wide range of
academic competitions. We offer Battle of the Books, Science Olympiad, Math
Counts, and the Scripps National Spelling Bee. We also offer a several competitions
through the North Carolina Association of Scholastic Activities including, Twelve, Art
Showcase, and the Quill. These programs are offered to all students and more
information about each program can be found on the Lucas AIG website. If your
child is interested in a competition that is not listed on our website, please feel free
to contact us and we will attempt to make arrangements to offer that program. All
program offerings are based upon student interest. Therefore, some programs may

Lucas Middle School AIG

not be offered every year based upon minimum participant requirements not being
met. It is important that students listen to the morning announcements to find out
dates and deadlines for each competition. This information can also be found on
the Lucas AIG website.
We are currently still looking for students to participate in the Battle of the Books
competition. This competition requires students to read 27 books and to be able to
answer specific questions about the books that they read. In order to participate in
this competition, students must be able to stay after school for practice and parents
must provide transportation. For more information about this competition, please
see Mrs. Longee or our librarian Ms. Will.

Parent Conferences
Teachers will begin setting up individual conferences for all students in the
upcoming weeks. However, if at any time you would like to set up a conference
with your childs teacher, please feel free to contact those teachers or the AIG
Facilitator, Amber Longee. You may also set-up a conference with the AIG Facilitator
in order to discuss specific needs and program goals. To set-up a conference with
the AIG Facilitator please email and your email will be
returned with available dates and times within 24 hours.

As always, thank you for your continued support and communication! We

look forward to working with you this year!

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