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Hydraulic Machinery

Unit 1
1. What is a hydro electric power station? Explain the various elements with sketches.
2. (a)Explain Run off river plants i. With pondage ii. Without pondage
(b) Two turbo-generators each of capacity 25000 KW have been installed at a hydel
power station. During a certain period the load on the hydel plant varies from 15000
KW to 40000 KW. Find the total installed capacity, the load factor, the plant factor and
the utilization factor.
3. (a)Explain pumped storage plants
(b) Differentiate storage and pondage
4. (a)What is a mass curve? Explain with sketch. How mass curve is used to estimate
power generated?
(b) Write base load and peak load power plants

Unit 2
1. Derive the expression for work done per second on a wheel with radial curved vanes.
2. (a) Prove that the force exerted by a jet of water on a fixed semi-circular plate in the
direction of the jet when the jet strikes at the centre of the semi-circular plate is two
times the force exerted by the jet on a fixed vertical plate.
(b)A jet of water of diameter 80 mm moving with a velocity of 30 m/s strikes a fixed
plate in such a way that the angle between the jet and plate is 60 0. Find the force
exerted by the jet on the plate in the direction normal to the plate and in the direction
of the jet.
3. (a) A set of water of diameter 50 mm moving with a velocity of 25 m/s impinges on a
fixed curved plate tangentially at one end at an angle of 30 0 to the horizontal find the
resultant force of the jet on the plate if the jet is deflected through an angle of 60 0. Take
g = 10 m/s2.
(b) Derive the equation between the angle, through which a hinged plate will swing in
terms of force of jet and weight of the plate.
4. (a) Derive equation for work done and efficiency for a jet impinging on series of flat
(b) A jet of water of diameter 8 cm strikes a curved plate at its centre with a velocity of
18 m/s. The curved plate is moving with a velocity of 8 m/s in the direction of the jet.
The jet is deflected through an angle of 165 0. Assuming the plate smooth find. Force
exerted on the plate in the direction of set, power of the jet, efficiency of the jet.

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