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Volume 1, Issue 1

March 2,2010 WVDE

The Vietnam War from Romney

Peace In Vietnam
The Vietnam War first started on September
26, 1959 to Apri l 30, 1975. The war followed the
First Indochina War and was fought between
the commun ist in North Vietnam. The Vietnam
War was fought at Laos, Cambodia, and Viet-
nam. The war was fought long and hard. Thou-
sands of people died from serving in The Viet-
nam war. Fami lies lost their loved one and
wives were left as widows. Families will never
get the chance to say good -bye to their loved
ones. During this time in history, it was very
sad and devastating to everyone.
The United States and The Vietnam War
argue over how won the war. Some people say
that the U.S.A. won, but others argue that The
Vietnam won.
My opinions is that both places won in
their own way. They each thi nk they won, so
why tell them other wi se. I really don`t under-
stand why it matters who on , so I just keep my
opinion to myself. I want others to reali ze that
The Vietnam War was a devastating even t in
history. I want them to understand the con se-
quences in putting you life in the hands of your
army friends or the soldi ers.

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