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The Prehistoric Spear

The spear has been around since almost the beginning
of time.
The inventor of the spear is unknown, but there are
Some people believe that chimps invented the spear
by breaking tree branches and sharpening them, while
others believe that they did this by observing humans.
The spear affected the community in which it was
invented in many ways including hunting and

History (cont.)
The main thought process in inventing the spear
was that prehistoric humans needed a way to
improve hunting.

How the spear affected the

There were many ways that the spear affected the
The invention of the spear has produced many new
and improved hunting weapons.
Spears are still used to fish also.
The spear also led to humans living successfully
throughout history by providing food and
inspiration for inventing other important living
objects including axes and shovels.

Modern Day Spears

Some inventions that are still used today Fishing spear
Propelled spears
Throwing Spear
Frog gig

Other Facts
The oldest non-wood tips were made of flint.
Lances were inspired by spears and were still used in
some European infantry units as late as the 20th
A blow by a spear could provide the force of a gun.
In Medieval times, it could take weeks to be trained to
use a spear.

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