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Introduction to business communication Manager

The five communication skills are:

I. Visual Skills
II Written Skills
III Spoken Skills
IV Listening Skills
V Reading Skills
I Visual Skills:
Skill of communicating with the help of visual matter/ element is visual skill. It
comprises of four basic intellectual skills
a) Literacy Basic skill to read & write
b) Numeracy- Expressing communication in mathematical notations
c) Articulacy- Art of speaking
d) Graphicacy Graphical presentation of information i.e. Table, Graph, Map,
Photograph etc
II Written Skills:
Written skills involves writing with clarity, precision, brevity & force of logic.
Written communication is important part of day-to-day business activities.
III Spoken Skills: Spoken communication is mostly used communication by any business
executive. It includes person-to-person, telephone, informal group discussion, formal
group meeting, interviews, and formal presentations.
IV Listening Skills:
Listening is critically needed in business. The listen communication is having five levels:
a) Discrimination
b) Comprehensive
c) Therapeutic
d) Critical
e) Appreciative
V Reading Skills:
Reading and understanding the information is important, so that it can be shared
Rating Scale of 1 to 5 unsatisfactory satis. good- very good - excellent
I. Visual Skills
II Written Skills
III Spoken Skills
IV Listening Skills
V Reading Skills

- Good
- Satisfactory
- Unsatisfactory
- Satisfactory
- Satisfactory

Communication plays major role in successful management.

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