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Welcome Back!!

Mr. Harter
CP Chemistry
Room A-101

Classroom Management Plan

Introduce you to the procedures of my class
Establishes consistency in the classroom
Provides a classroom environment conducive to

What you can expect of me and what I expect

of you

Entering the classroom

1. In seat before the bell
2. Not in seat = tardy
3. Take out chromebook
and class materials

Entering the classroom (cont.)

4. Read any information posted on the board
5. Answer the QOTD
What is the QOTD?
Where do I answer the QOTD?
What if I do not answer the QOTD?

Entering the classroom (cont.)

6. Prepare notebook/chromebook for taking
notes and remain quiet

1. If you are not in your
assigned seat when
the bell rings, you are
considered tardy.
2. If you are entering
late and have a late
pass, please turn in
the late pass, quietly
take your seat, and
take out your class

Tardiness (cont.)
3. If you do not have a late pass, quietly obtain tardy
slip from the teacher desk and fill it out at your seat.

4. When you have finished, leave the completed

slip on the corner of your table and teacher will
5. Quietly take out classroom materials, write
down the QOTD to answer later and begin
working along with the class
6. Excessive tardiness can result in teacher
detention and/or discipline referrals

Note taking
1. Notes are taken on
paper (it helps, trust
2. Record the main
points and summarize
3. Notebook may
periodically be graded.
4. At the end of lessons,
the slides may be
posted through Google
Classroom for review.

Getting the teachers attention

1. Raised hand
If asking or answering a question
Holding pencil in hand = need to sharpen pencil
Fingers crossed = need to use bathroom/get

2. Do not call out unless it is an emergency!

Getting the students attention

1. I will say Voices off and eyes on me please
2. I will hold up one finger to accompany this
announcement-when you hear this or see my
hand raised with one finger, please stop talking
and focus your eyes on me.
3. If students continue talking I will put up 2 fingers
and announce this. Any student who continues
to talk after 2 fingers are raised will be given a
guideline infraction and is subject to disciplinary

Answering Questions
1. Students will be called on at random to answer
2. Some acceptable responses when called on:
I believe...
I think
Could you please rephrase the question?

3. Unacceptable responses:

I dont know, Im not sure, etc

4. If you werent paying attention:

Im sorry, I wasnt paying attention, could you

please repeat the question.

Daily Closing (3 mins before bell rings)

1. Make sure you have
recorded any
homework in your
agenda book
2. Complete the daily
closing exercise
Write in your science
Complete a Class

Class Dismissal
1. If you finish your daily closing and have time
remaining before the bell, DO NOT LINE UP
2. The bell does not dismiss the class, the
teacher does!
3. The class will not be dismissed unless all
students are sitting in their assigned seats

1. Will be assigned often
2. Many will be online assignments
No internet access outside of school? Make sure you
complete the assignment after school before leaving.

3. Take home worksheets/assignments must be

turned in at the beginning of class the following
day unless told a different due date by me
4. Online assignments must be completed within
the allotted time frame

I can choose to lock the assignment at specific times.

Even if Google Classroom allows you to submit the
assignment, it will display as submitted late.

Missing homework/assignments

At the beginning of class, fill

out the missing assignment
slip located on teacher desk
Quietly fill out missing
assignment slip at desk
Turn in missing assignment
slip when homework is
If the assignment is online, a
digital pink slip file can be
attached to the assignment.

Missing Homework/assignment (cont)

4. Homework must be finished before entering
the classroom. Not finished=not accepted
(Pink Slipped)
5. If you submit a pink slip, you may turn the
homework in late for partial credit (max 75%)
6. If you choose not to submit a pink slip, grade
will finalize as a permanent zero

1. Check Google Classroom for any
assignments, notes, posts, etc
2. You are responsible for all notes and work
missed while absent
3. Time to complete missed work as indicated
by school policy
4. If notes have not been posted to Google
Classroom, get notes from table partner
when you return

Absent? (cont)
5. Homework is posted daily on the calendar
(linked on the About section of Google
Classroom), be sure to check the calendar
even if you are absent
6. Notes from class may also be posted on
Google Classroom.

Policy Infractions



Individuals who choose not

to follow the class policies
will be given a guideline
infraction notice.
After 3rd infraction
notice=teacher detention
Not following policies after
Severe infractions will
result in automatic
disciplinary referral

Finishing Work Early

1. Students work at different paces, if you finish
working early you should:

Double check your work!!

2. If you finish working early you may:

Quietly work on that nights homework

Read quietly
Quietly work on extra assignments posted by
Quietly work on homework for another class

Notice the trend??


Your grade is determined using a total point system

How many points you have earned out of the total

possible points for the marking period

(This rounds to an 88%)


Late work accepted as per the missing assignment


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