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\doleh Wit be FileNo: 65-536/5 Volume No. Serials: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Porm non ‘LOS ANGELES 7 puxne, 105-410 -oports contact wit! phonetic). aided aix top argentin eials in synopsis or F/ [TLUR upon his lending by submarine in Arcentia. HITLER reported to be hiding out in foot hills lof southern Ancos, Zn*ornation obtairo? from unable to be verified be aieay Attempts to loot ve, _ i é REFSRUNGE: Los Angeles setter to Bureau, O-Leld Hollywood, Catiforaia, GMD coporten to 0 fon the City Deak of the Los. Angeles Sxanwn Bewspaper that upon his leaving the Kelody Lane Restaurant at Rollywood and ‘Vine on or about July 28, 1915, he met a friend of his who at-the tine was on~ “8 in a conversation pith an individual who later identified himself as iting oo -5: eee ‘winee identity he deca not igh se atone Decnate of ronaonn Wine Da lasopaiagrviniong, revaried + AD that ho would like to havo him mest: 3 it was quite evident tha! @ problem cn his mind. ontYnued that after being introduced a triend left and he Womtntroral boure wich IDSs ob tained the folowing information. 7 aiscloaed tol Knat he wished to find some high governnent o: ficial who would guarantes him immunity fron being sont bn Argentina if he told hin the fodlowing inforeation, Aeeording to Tepid ar Dog, heal a gee na cbuIES DESTRE] CES1D, Los Angeiol 207 NOV 3 210, Los Angeles Los Angeles 1, 105-110 was one of four men who met HITLER and his party when they landed fron two submarines in Argentina approximately two and one-half weeks after tho fall of Berlin. continued that the first sub came olose to shore about 11100 pam, after it had beon signaled that it was safe to land and a 3ootor and several men disembarked. Approximately two hours later the second sub came ashore and HITLER, two wonen, another doctor, and several more mon, raking the wiole party arriving by submarines agproxinately 50, were aboard. By pre-arranged plan with six top Argentine officials, pack horses were waiting for the group and by daylight all supplies were loaded on the horses and an all-day trip inland toward the foothills of the southern Andes was started. At dusk the party arrived at a: o HITLER and his party, according are now in hiding. most specifically explained that the eubs Tanded along the tip of the VaLje insula ‘the southorn tip of Argentina in the gulf of San Vatias. told that there are several tiny villages in this area where members of HITIii"s party would; eventually stay with German families. He named the towns as San Antonio, Videma, Heuquen, Muster, Carmena, and Rason. fainteins that he can name the six Argentine officials = =~ ~ and also the Danes of the three other men who helped HITLER inland to his” hiding place. explained that he was given $15,000 for helping in the deal. xplained t: hat he was hiding out in the United Stato: ‘to that he could let how he got out of Argentina. He stated el he would tell his atory te the United States officials after 4ITLax's capture so that they might keev him from having to return to Argentina. He further explained toMPehat the mattor was weighing on his mind and that he did not wish to be mixed up in the business any further. HITLER is suffering from asthna and ulcers, According thas a long "but" on his upper lip. has shaved off his mstache an gave the following directions to "If you will go to a hotel in San Antonio, Argentina, I will arrange for @ man to met you there and looate tho ranch where HITLER is. It is heavily guarded, of course, and you will be risking your life to If you do go to Argentine, place an ad in the Exaniner stating, foal Fompstead 8158," and I know that you are on the way to San Antonio.” ‘The above information was given Re era cy eel WRB. voporter on the Los angeles Exeniner on July 27, 1915. The writer contacto: Jin an attempt to Locate om: ‘order that no misht be vigorously imverviowed in detail ooncorning the avove store. eitorated the information set out above, adding that the friend to ¢ talking in froat of the Melody Lane Restaurant was a friend of name of "JACK," last name unknown, but that since the introduction he has had further conversation with “JACK” and "JACK" advised him that whi be was eating his lunch at thé Melody Lane Restaurant eat at his table By : . Be. -2- ot J EA 405-410 and after the meal followed him out where be engaged in a conversation in front of the restaurant. ‘seeording to “JACK,” had mentioned that ho had important information ige and solicited his cooperation in locating the proper officials to whom +; this information. "JACK" tgld that it was at this tine that joame along and he asked! to his story inasmuch as he, "JACK," was in w hurry. . aded that he had spent several hours engaged in “al conversation wnich hs explained was a "feeler" on the part o! 0 determine if he,, ‘was all right and could be relied u advanced the sto: has boon related aboves 2 dvised that he hen... would try to help him, and for him to call back at the Hempstead mun ‘a fow days and he would have ‘tration for him. tinued that he inmediately contacted jat the Examiner a tried to arrange a necting wit meantime inserted ory in the newspaper which, according -. evidentiy scared! stated that he was unable to throw an) ‘Light on the sto! 19 Information obtained from”. . WME 2 Socorporated in the story. secordine pasa not! ‘Spell his name but simply introduced h: into) meties=-—— GOI: cco ty tte writer tone phoned hin or if he was observed at any time to immediately enzage him in conversation ‘to expiain that the proper authoritic ato discuss tho master fupuecr in detail with him personally. To cate has not contacte advised that he eats two meals daily at tho Melody Lane Restaurant but he has not observed the subject since his first mooting. The writer has continually spot-checked the Helody Lane Restaurant at meal tine in an effort to looategg@gMpith negative reaulte. The Hollywood and Ios Angeles police records have been checked with negative results on the name! and other similar sounding names: : ‘The records of Immigration and Natur: n Service were also checked with negative results under the nam d similar sounding names with negative results. ia Because of the lack of sufficient information to support the story advanced by| At 4s believed impossible to contime efforts to locate HITLER with @he sparse information obtained to dat lis an liable story but aduits there is some couse 1 Ne Se ctor ibe Pee a etek © a dosoription of QED cbtainea troGBRMs as ro.ions: 3. a 1g acen ~s o | cece tote | ; Assistant Chief of staft, 0-2 War Departacnt ‘Mashingtor okaowledge receipt of your soemunt cation dated. ° ‘your letter has-been carefully noted, and I want to thsok you for your interest and courtesy in writing to thie Baresi However, iissmich aethe information contained in your letter oppeert to be : aemreahcot to the military authorities, ‘I an taking the liberty of forvarding f copy of your latter’ to Ansistant chief of Staff, 0-2, ar Departzent, Wasnington, D. Go 9.2, 5 * os : : } In the event you repeive additional infornation-which you believe ‘the FBI,:I:xant you to feel free to cormunicate with me Sincerely yours, ir. J. Edgar Yoover. Chief cf Furesv of ‘atl invertigetors. serington TU, Ly deer Kr. noover: For ouite long weeke I hove teen plonning to write to you but eve to excess of rork 1 cold not. That cerly hae core very © propoz, ec in the reentire it hes been offered » veunré to anyone whoce informetion my aonduct to the cetection of Ritler. es Yo begin with I am one of those whe think onc believe farrily that AcolcHitler ae well ns svn Sporn sre r live. “reir bodies have not been founé, both venieted at the emme tire, both were not c»pabie of committing euicie om with plenty of menne, there fe not a resron why they ehoulé not be se esfe er porsibie, trying to enjoy iife. Now, er to the whereatovte my reeroning fe thict 1+ Fitler Afenppeared the very day before the %ussians entered Eerlins there war no large rercin of tire for nim to prepere hie escoprce. 2. Vitler @4@ not leern eny Lenevere -foreing one-, pretendee to ceepire al? sonpucges. noturelly teci eer the Cermen, tut the reel resecn must be. re tried ne’ covle not. 50 ne rust hove thought of country in wrieb hie German would not attract the attention of others, 3- Sultrerasne -the denying it now-, playes boli wll the thre Guring the war with the nezi Reich. Yoe Gerran Switzere ere nurerove ené powerful, and, which de more irrortent, they were ere, the neereet frience to whom ricn Fitler coulé »pply for enelter. Besides the Cerren part of fwitcerland is peopled with fer eited end procticnily feolnteé ferme, in any of which !itler ond the Ercen ronan covl? live veacefully sn heppily for the pret ef their netural liver. oe Consequently I kave e runch he atte? on ty gwitzerlend where thece fugitives of lay are to”F Tey met be there, covered ond helped by mony cther svitzer of Germn ceecent, afilisted to the nnzi idee. i WwWiening you 241 good luck in your teers, let me Youre very £ incerely, I have received ‘letter of October 22, 1945, trans- mitting # clipping from the. ine Digest" for November, 1915, on ‘the possibility that Adolf Hitler may be in Argentina. Your action in transmitting this clipping to me is indeed appreciated. Sincerely yours, John Edgar Hoover & October 22nd, 1945. ur. 3. Edger Hoover, Federal Pureau of Investicstion, Yeshinzton, D.C. . rae Desr ir. Hoover: . - pire ¢ I rocently read the enclosed article, which mey or may not have been called to your attention. 1 found it both interesting end plausible und would appreciate a reply fron you as to your"Feaction.” — aan . Cordially yours, ~ Federal Bureau of Investigation Sebdects RIMORS BITLER MAY BE Tw ANGE ETNA : Papas aatrernttted hererith « clipping fron the Muagasine Digest for Novanber of 1945 discussing the possibility. shat hitler may be in Argentina. : "(Ihde 4s transaitted prinariiy for your‘Sntorkation. toweve Seaeimmiae 2, °F the Legal Attache in Wontetigeo ane ot it 1s suggested thet*he be questioned for any facts fiwe'he makes irl the attached clipping. FS Loy Goo 9 LLLETCEPS Thteccee Gt. (eee Oe eee ee re : = ne D if bS-s3bisHL * ‘woveaber Us, 2945 Your interest and courtesy in making this information available ; are greatly appreciated and you may be assured that it will receive {| appropriate attention. In the event you have any additional information which you believe should be fumiahed to this Bureau, please feel free to contact the Special agent in Charge of our Birminghes Office which 1s located at 300 Martin Building, Eiraisighen 3, Alabana, bars _., , Sinosrely yours, 4) deha Bagar Hoover Tirector ' uy Fdgar J,Hoover Nov erd 1945 Dear Friend, I have some news in my possion whitch I believe to be true and vould interest you very much.I canot davulg the mans name ct present who gave me the news but I will geve you the news I heve and if you think it worth vnile then you can heve one of your men contsct me,for futher information. Hitler is in Argentine,He is liveing in ¢ grort unterground establishment benesth € vest hocienda- 675 miles vestfonn Florianopolis; 4:0 miles northvest of Buenos Airesjand thet ttno doubles! #re there with Hitler.the western enterence to elevstors leading to Hitlers new underground Ls 4 yell opereted by shoto-electric cells,and unrt by code signiis of even dim flesh lights,wall slides to left,lets futos speed in,and instently slides beck énto plece. To not believe the British lie that Hitler is decd I am # full blooded smericrn and think this should be investig-t-¢ at once. — Your Friend, ly yeas Cay. QQ @ esesseis— , “) gOORDE? sac, New York Movember 15, 1945 e o }’ John Bigar Hoover = Director, Federal Bureas of Investigation = I om enclos: t: Le eee Kovenber 15, 145 voor ‘Thank yoo for your letter of Hovenber 7, 195, the contents | 0f which have been oarefully noted by mo, In the event you have any additional 4nformtion which you delieve may be of interest to this Bureau, please feel free to fur {t to the Special Agent in Charge of the How York Field Division, address of which 1s 254 United States Court House, Foley Squar Yew York 7, Wow Yorks Sincerely yours, John Bigar Hoover Director 4 “ag, | WA Dad hei DI Var § py mith, fn, AL tt he peer _ > See 109 FOr : Arkh, an. haat 41 Math hawk anh’ Mths J BA ba ba teh me Lise ob Srna Lh wt the Cog, Melt. soa Dt he hes width Fae Lee seri Lids spt; LAs Mek, ning »y nethes Meh, hen Miskn, fe a pe oe els at 0 Nowe Se 4 E Dont f Te) ./ V7 Die (3if (fe ‘ Cand ihrcuce af we: Lgecrior nar doe a is of Lark a Lek * ae at) Reller ak 1 al aatiegl eft’ taken sre - Corner [7 bes cotlagyese, mt ae at fist a ate Cerna, coker! rae we ae Hee ee oe ~ 5 Movember 14, 1945 Toa: your letter of Sstober 28 and for the clip “pty which ro sneloaed sorr7 that I do not have any recent Antornation concern= : “Sag Inspester Drew of Son and Yard, Sincerely youre, ‘BCB:RMB MaHUNICTIUNS ‘Siviiuis 4 MAILED 15 [- "3" RNG AA pas pia. | “f eoansunedér wists” UL §/ DeFaRtwens oF susticE. seal bal rohan eh wan, shalt fhe” Scar pin “Mang ele The hee {tomer f-4 oo Ute sb: 20®e Pi nd 6 f 2 a sd20 aNRe gh nes seh agg 20380 (eee 2 hee : Mae gap ited oes SES . ae “Stlov abuses al lot Shang, |< __ NAZI ENVOY SAYS HITLER STILL ALIVE PARIS, Ort. 27. (@}—The nGARlS, eZ eh SIS Cop, PERSE © AT Cu me secrete * : 7, Froms. ‘John Edgar Hoover ~ Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ~ gubjectiliitier Hideout in argentina e Security Matter ~ Gc ¢ sa Be barons is in rsaipt gf a zoyert tris the strstocie Services Unit of the Nar Department dated Ostober 23, 19145 conceming tip possibility Of Hutder Aide” dn Argentinas ‘This report is as follows: oi ; + “eqne Me. Eichhorn, reported to be a reputebile nenber of Argentine society and the proprietor'of tho largest spa hotel in‘la Fala, Argentina, recently nade the following. observations: \ =, My that oven before the Hari Party was founded sho made svallable to : Goeboels her entire bans account witch, at the tice, snountec @pproxizately: to thirty thousans marks, sich eonay tag 0 bo used for Propaganda Purpokess “be” that shorand her fatty havo been enthusicstic superba of Adolt Hitler “singe the mart Farty was, founded; "cy that, this volunwary dupport of the Nazi party wos neds for setton = - by Hitler and thay g the. years after he cane\ power bi g friendship wlu: Hitler bocame So close that sie ang menbers or her fanily Lived with'xitlor dn tho sone hitel on tho Pedseton of their annual vielt to ‘Soman # “Gd, that if Nitler should fat any tine get into baat penn horein it : was necessary for hin to find a safe rotreat, he would fing such be safe rutreat at her hotel (La Falda) where they hac ajroaty nade the necessary propafations." berated furnished only for your information and ‘sor wah seein Ray MAILED a: NOVI, 3 alae eT Be 1,8 \deraarment oF Jue: om ae PCO IFES AW — ‘This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 2h, 1915. The content of your letter has been carefully noted, and I want to ‘thank you for your interest and courtesy in writing to this »ureau. In the event you receive additional infornation which you believe to be of interest to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I want you to feel Director eH free to comunicate with the Special Agent in Charge of cur Philadelphia Field ae Division which 1s located at 500 Widener Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. a : : Sincerely yours, 2 4 : Joha Edgar Hoover ae ec (i Fd i H acai Covte UU. : lie Sie! Sas a Page Cy E o a Ar. 26 Ui, remeee’ , i 2% She Ce 2abiawed ES > Sie. anenf wee 2 cA Eps oo Le. ; alae a1 il ‘ Wr mh sraemane rons we 4 _ PF ny —_- - Office Memorandum * UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO + OUR. BTSECLS DATE: Kovender 23, Ifde PoFROM =: B,D. MASON + 7), NSUBJECT: ues on four He incorned EE +0: he hod telephoned a A couple of months ago antwes @ operator wy Fingerprint Dhabhiow. He talked to a man whose nane he thought = i He had heard that no ae had Hitler's fingerprints and had cal O tell the FRI the nane of a book where it shows Hitler's hands. The name of the book is —xow to Know People by Their Hands.” This book, accordin; tom’ wos published by the Seal Publishing Company. paid he was thanked very much for calling, but he\ Ssnever did hear anything more from it, He wondered if the information was helpful. Since the FBI has,a.copy of the book, perhaps the Crime Records #21 wish to prepare a short note of thanks and fen Sty woth t P ar n is background is known to the Tour Room ty J : judge 20 be approrinately.17 years ald.’ . ; 7 PDEs es BY, 285. RECO MENDATTQWS That the Crine Records ect hen consider a letter of thanks + ies if one has not yet eee __ BODELI 2 ims [GS se ua Vf pirector, FSI : L. OFFICK OF THE LEGAL ATT.’ > THE AMERICAN EMBASSY MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY November 28, 1945 8] A! — AIR COURIER RUMORS ‘HITLER. MAY BE IN ARGUNTTNA Foreign Political Matter Dear Sir: Coa fa ee eta Reference is made to the letter from the Bureau to the Buenog Aires office, a copy of which,was furnished to this office, da 26, 1945. Referghced letter suggested that be questioned por any facts supporting asserttens made im a clipping of the\pXagazine Digest”. Al- though no copy of the clipping was shed t geoffice, it was presumed that the clipping referred to report to the "Chicago Times", expressing the possibility that Hitler and EvaNireun were in Argentina. This matter was reported to ‘the Bureau and the Buenos Aires office ty radiogram and cable respectively on July 19, 1945 under the title "Report of Hitler and Eva Braun in’ Argentine’ fang has reinter- % the latter's .-" advised that the information reported by bim : om a Telative in Argentina. He continued to ©7i~- defend the likelihood that Hitler )f3 in Argentina. a“ a 5. TAL fy It is a matter of cén! omment 4a ton tevideo that an American publication;? the’ Tibbs: hould have a local representative of such low calt 8 His reputation is extremely poor and he is gegery dered to be a journalist of the most sensatiopél ywareliable nature. In view of this, no further inquirsés are being made in Monte— video concerning this matter. Very truly yours, oc - Buenos Aires EIM:bb 64-508 £ ke 50 DEC 12 1M5 acs a7 fic Seeks ee ae Ea BURL 2 ey Oe, + ARDEMAL BURA SF IRVES TSR J.B DEPANIRZAT OF usTice " oe fica ur & 99 Aosta 7 Decembertb, (145 Vey on Oo ce AC. Waov Lr! Wh rember (ough) het arene Zire ae oe eg Dom r, eo het J, Let then Mm aired te clomege thet hebil, ouch) Lo Aafpane Le canffiin. t— (the Arrives rbresrine We Awe hof Hn eh me rok Aeros Tet —_-= oie Okt tee, shed EE Nw de oe a Jomo Za ot TheNazis are Winning in the Argentine By Jouanwzs.Syfar | HE Council for Pan-Ameri- a0 Democracy called an emergency meeting in New York this summer which was attended by seventeen industrial trade union leaders and representatives of other arganiza- ‘tons. i Following that conference, the Council for Pan-American, Democ- racy dispatched a letter to President Truman, making the following re- quest: “It ie known that the Stato De- partment, in cooperation with the other American republics repre- sented in the Emengency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, hhas in its possession an exhaustive and carefully documented indi ment of the Peron regime. This White Paper fully establishes the fascist nature of that ices to the Axis enemy, is aggresive militarist plans and its dangerous penetration into other American re- publics. This document has never ‘been made public. “The original plan of presenting the facts to the Conference on Probe Jems of War and Peace, held in Mexico Gity, was never carried out, fand the document was suppressed in order that the way might be paved for Argentina's admission to UNCIO. We urge that you now make this document availabie to the press and public of the world, to- {gether with whatever additional data khas becn compiled.” So far, this document has not been made available to the press and the public of the world. If it had been made available, it would prob- ably have contained among other things an account of the follose faess. Despite the pledges by the regin: of the Argentine Colonel? Leds: (GOU) to cooperate with the United Nations, Argentina is tec ing with unmolested Nazi war cri nats ‘Among them is Count Karl von Luxburg, chief of Nazi intelligence in Argentina and a close associate of Germany's recent self-styled Fuch- rer, Admiral Karl Doenitz. Another is Richard Schroeder, one of the chiof amistante of German Labor Front Jeader Robert Ley. Count von Luxburg, Germany's Ambassador to Argentina during the first World War, was expelled from the country in 1916 for organizing ALP of Allied ships. ‘The Count reh.aed to Argentina to be= come chief of German Intelligence He has maintained a_ clandestine broadcasting station on his “Quinta © Martinez’ estate.” From a build ing near the Retiro railway station, e arganized a system of signaling to smihenarines with lagx and lighte ‘Von Luxburg’s activities resulted in the loss of Allied lives and the sinking of innumerable Allied ships, and Allied claims for his delivery t them would be fully justified. As the key Nazi in Argentina, he might cast ight on the Nazi network in this contipent. ‘Voi Luxburg is ako said to have cooperated with Fritz Mandl, former ‘Austrian munitions magnate, and to Ihave put him in contact with the Argentine goncrals. He is also re- ported to have helped finance the GOU coup d'etat in Junc, 1943, and to have personally advised Victor Paz Estensoro, leader of the coup in Bolivia in December, 1943. Schroeder, chief of the German Labor Front in Argentina in 1937 and 1938, went back to Germany to work with Ley. On his reported re- tum to Argentina, he ig said to have left for the interior of the country and is now believed to be in Cale amuchita in Cordol town and La Falda important centers of clandestine Nazi cells ‘Admiral Karl Doenite, hit so called Foreign Minister Count Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk and Ley have diposited @ ¥ ohle sums. &t twoney in Argefia ower a period of ‘ime through the “Banco Aleman Tramsatlintivo” (German Transat lantic Bank), report names. Two other Nazis, who have ako come to Argentina recently, are the leading Gestapo men, Walter other Nazis in that country. The vast territories of the provinces of Entre Rios, Chaco and Misiones are said ideal for harboring sought-for Nazis and to be, actually, the head- quarters of clandestine Nazi organ The Nazis in Misiones are re ported to be maintaining contacts in Brazil and Paraguay and to control a system of roadways known only to them. General Calderon, who dix covered the extent of Nazi control in Misiones, has been arrested and is held incommunicado. All consistently democratic high-ranking Argentine army officers were also purged after tl. ‘Additional evidence on Nazi eco- nomic. spearheads in Argentina has et: 7 5 bear out revelations on Nazi xe nie activity in Argene tina by U. 9. Assistant Secretary of State Willism L. Clayton, The evidence involves such top- ranking Argentine leaders as Col Juan D. Peron, kingpin of the cole ‘nee regime, and Finance Minister Ceferino Alonso Irigoyen. It also in- dhcates that Nazi political and. coo. nomic influence continues and hints atthe continued harboring in Argen- tina of excaping Nazis ‘The Montevideo emigree paper Cama Lanse has made the follow. ing two charges That Fiance Miner Wigoyen ie elec Hed to sveer mall colsence Tle and ZoreaquinIocy mck Sinks Conneced wits German Sed Tuan incre. Be Guilorne Berean” was present the Reacalne Asotin ‘of Friends of Samy vot ts docluton nal at the Rio Santiago naval base Eni Sooreomned othe ackaned Gezman contruction frm CEOPE: Closely connected with this frm fs Dr. Carlos Tbarguren, Argentine nationalist leader and principal legal advisor of the National Bank of Argentina. Also connected with GEOPE is the notorious, pro-Nazi Gen, Basilio Pertine, who recently sated in the Buenos Aires German Glub: “Argentina is not a country of traitors, but a harbor and refuge for its friends General Pistarini, who, as Min- liter of Public Works, is presumably responsible for letting contracts, is alto notoriously pro-Nazi. A photo- griphon the ec T Ma book on Navi iene in Arg seein by W eal party deputy Svone So thee shows hid ing te Nac wate aca Lane printed documented charger that Pen, whew then War Minster and’ Vice Proder Bs well as Secretary of Labor the pater of Bie Mande poted nos magnate ad sets te clos connections with hie The charges were never refuted. The foremmathas ofl intervened Sih Mand fm, and he av been Oily interoed Dut wy Argonne tinct tie wa for shoe pe ‘poses only. "Vasu, Scat party werk Iy pushed in Buenos Ae reveal the Tallowing four pei tas af continued Nas activi infu caret ee a Ee srg Redes or ts nbs Tn lean ie iim ieatente Sot See wat Se a eshte Ma wee ney Sch oobi Pet Sees,» ae Solero inaie eats Heda E ca Aa Site nae aah on singe Pena hye ortamar eoreey bas Reliable observers who recently | fi allan a A last, thanks to a. simple chemical called alloxan, the mystery of that murderous and’ bafiing dir ‘ease, diabetes, is well on its way 1o- ward ultimate solution. Diabetes kills some 37,000 persons yearly, and its tims are four times greater in number than those crippled by infan- tile paralysis. Allloxan i the “open sesame” to the enigma of diabetes. With it, re- searchers have, for the first time, a simple experimental method of giv ing diabetes to the usual laboratory animals, ‘This means that doctors now have a direct approach toward solving ome of the more complicated theo- retical problems concerning diabetes. Te also means that they now have a quick, easy way for testing different diabetes remedies such as diets, medi- cines and glandular extracts As the conservative New ENCLAND JOURNAL oF MEDICINE 62} “The discovery of alloxan diabetes has opened opportunities for re- search never before dreamed of, and these new pathways of investigation should be exploited.” In the two years since its original discovery, the results of experiments with alloxan have been published in at least eight different countries Everywhere doctors are interested in this new diabetes-causing chemical In diabetes the insulin-secreting cells of the pancreatic gland fall be- low par in function. As a result, the Tevel of the sugar (glucose) in the blood, ordinarily checked by insulin, Fises to abnormal high ‘That is why diabetes is sometimes called “the sugar disease.” That is ‘why most diabetics need their daily hypodermic quota of insulin, Defi ‘ciency in insulin is the outstanding Feature of diabetes. ‘The mystery of diabetes lies in the fact that there is no altogether satis- factory explanation of why the insu- Ao, Patagonia state thar they say MM group of Germans, whow HAN ad imannee were unt mistakably th... of German alficers uccting on the estate of the German Lahuen Company. This comp. is extremely active in the wool and is considered most important Nazi spearhead in southern Argen: tina, th, Assistant Secretary of State Clayton submitied to the Senate Military Affairs Committee that Argentina has failed to climninate a single case of suspected German economic penetration “A cording to evidence submitted by Mr, Clayton, the Allies have been unable s0 far to seach some 104 Axis spear beads in Argentina. And, significant. 4y enough, the campaign to eliminate these’ spearheads also has not fared #0 well in either Paraguay or Unu- uay, the neighbors of Argentina. Meanwhile, inside Argentina the terror gocs on. The releaw of a reported hundred or so political pris. ‘ners, most of them humble persons of ‘no great political standing, has heen followed by the arrest and im. prisonment of other hundreds —per- haps thousands. In Argentina, peo. ple say that Peron is following system of rotating arrests"—“until hhe can build jails enough to hold the ‘entire population. Our former Ambassador to Buenos Aires, Spruille Braden, was obliged to use a speech before the Brith Chamber of Commerce as the occa. sion to remind the Argentine Govern ont that it he 2 elimina subversive Axi and inter £8 Speaking Tou, anonthe after Peron had signed the Act of Chaput tepee, and almost two months afin theit admission to San Francisco a+ a reward for that “good behavior” Mr. Braden recited some of the con ‘mituents undertaken by signatories to that document. The implication was that the Argentines had signed with their eyes closed and their fingers crossed Among the pledges recalled hy Mr. Braden were: “That war erim, ‘nals shall be wicd and sentenced that centers of Anis subversive i fluence throughout the hemisphers shall be eradicated; and that enenn Properties, investments and othr holdings, beginning with those st from theit victims, shall be tough: ut, immobilized and controlled” President Truman bas since apy pointed the militant ambassador te Argentina, Asvstant Secretary. of State in Charge of Latin American Affairs. Mr. Braden, who has den: onstrated his democratic conviction ay be expected to liquidate the ams biguities which marked the policy of his predecessor, Nelson D. Rockefcl ler Je. The State Department knows th the Germans have a detailed plan to return to power via steppingsione jn neutral nations and that the Nazi leaders and industrialists intended to a full-scale economic war, even a Allied troops occupied the Ger, man homeland, © Naris are already Weft by Frankl dy Roowvelt. Tis Xo Tadiap comers care Beping tenon J handy a {cirond bus..ctsin South America, under the admini.tion of ‘Pre Mexico, Switzerland and Spain, to dint Truman, it must and will guide ick into power in the the relations of our country with the nal financial world. So fat, republics of South and Central the United Statcs has discovered in ‘A'yerien South America alone 654 of Axis economic. pene are running against many 2 slone wall in tying to get at the German obligation to help the Argentine peo- economic out ple overthrow the Fascist regime and ‘The policy of the Good Neighbor re-establish democracy among a peo- was one ofthe many valuabe legacies ple who love freedom as we do. woocee The principle of the Good Neigh- bor policy imposes upon us the Jose Try to Say Ie! Toe following parser andard teat given applicants for jobe as radio announ leatly and without mista in'2) seconds and you have an sbove-sverage diction! Thought « batch of baking pou eked a batch of bis. Gute T' brought a big basket of bucuitr beck fo the bakery and Baked & bestet of big biscuits, ‘Them I took the big beske! of bie cuits and the barkat of big biscuits and mized. the big. bicuitz (GHA the basket of bscutt thet was next to the big baskef ond Pi bunch of buiceus from the basket ito a box. Then I took the boe'of mixed biscuits and a biscudt mizer and biscuit basket and Brought ihe basket of Mucuitr and the bec of mired Bieuils and the bivewt micer to the bakery and opened a tin of sardine. Brave Defiance Hones in the United States seldom have a thisteenth floor, yet the rarer then ie Behwed by many tobe the Tacky numero the {ountry. Perhaps it was to dely Old World rupentitigns that eur fore- Extreyand heen in v0 many ways. Or perhaps the hincen Orga AL rat; fn out fist nadonal fag the symbolic we of the number tnirreen appeared a3 shiricen sare and uirecen wipes, fe, 1785, exe thineee yeore after we declared our independence, the frst Prevde George Washington, wat elected. In the National Coat of Arms, the tp bolic ore of the number thirteen is at its senith—thirteen stare above the eagle in the cret, these encircled by thirteen small clouds; thineen eather on each of the eagle's lege; thirtcen arrows fm one talon, and an olive branch with thirteen leaves and thirten ol IettereE Pleribus Unum-—on the scroll in the eagle's beak, And blay ‘Oued on the eagle's breast im abield composed of thirteen heraldic pat- why donk yard ae a na ee hilo 7 PE lar Ae Aochels - Eb ee : ao gtack fut Bi Air, otngl. thes 7 = noe bole war he Nistize Jud ak Ming’ | be ute deren ipl f V Evel. at & hrceule va end $h,,,9 gf oe nce Ni ae o i 7 Wi A GLb \ C oe Ait 8 J9a6 36 nr Hs Yiller Mystery Deepens a. Other Nazi Leaders Make Pleas to Live ‘by JOHN F, sEMBOWER ‘im Germany ttaelt, Weitten for Central Press AE Hitter stl Turis tn Germany, ‘and this Wevapaper seaths believe that in time he sili, 7pm sre muna mpeg enti ee ee ae a to prow Gay Bao tte Sar Porage hula Jess's. Dyers iher ee pei prepare to Rhbentey eas ted aCe Ray ghd owen, te erate pasty mer Senta ort noted of ae tor pereuntone he et mye Soe art casa hae Keefe tee dt oe Bidneccunte fr acy rota whe a TE HANS sede Clive ana ae Peg a weg Sta ing itt de gs mont oe coe tebe tga sing th expne | fate te, wag hos ae ely wept Raley whiny ed Seren ineuded or found fee eum” Hints fo he vit sach aatag day te wi Sete ant the tine That pen ae tre anes Setaice ateh was tune op Eten lve Ie would bane of erected eulnation «a Sant sees “ee ede Se purg, nid to hoe tee bel never found‘ so Soran ho Tiga hare been Eve toe 2 es ene, te ease Bonin wan apecedoheve landed ENS Shst crrain to beseme Dt Foc mbes of te sass Sentral agure set epee pute "bur fat tanks th chances Eats asurce reported that are that for years to come there “Hitler ig alive and dwelling in the ‘will be persons alt over the world Alto Adige region” of Italy. Mys- Sho CaP port Ol hey ea ee tb Sigs had soning as DiC TRS i et ot Bese at Sete trasport pares sitet ay te heed cot Sb Sat Soar Pemtatboe retote of ney =; shave bos il By sae“ "anlad tader ike the prow Pee e pect eon tne trent ar repens navy la See tld Bin inn fala tran Get acai a Stars arcane te Suny ailerd pecs bore ta eine Ean Broan to apa eter Be captors that he was avant Suite coop abate Sa opto, et Mea Tess Bet a olin eae SI'S eaappear tary Bo far be stag Sent to aa ncceel a Gan thie er elhng fare was hard of he ti ost ings tht heated eben Unerang to Ui dep Su Bueeren PTE n ne bone ot ts aay Exper Dotto ee German Uses a0 ae ue secounted for. ‘ fiwreen Germany and Japan was ia icated_ bythe Starception ast Sug at « Nat U-boat Sepan-bourd SHUh 3.000000 cache of mercury (hoe cone valuaben sorely heeded ‘ae Dope for 8 iataich sand, akon rvdence was ated to the pounbty Oat bigh-raneing ‘Sermasa ght have cacoped to Jee fan'tnat Uited Beaten Army ase ‘hortes have been caseflly ene fag the epproxinately three thou nbd Germane entered 10 Che fRove mountain dite of AMD. Thaee ah pesto eeeeme Biase or ature beloved Bavaria, "Dati and nies te Hier mye tery efoialy ts alee, Shwe Te por a contnue and row unt Brey reeen ther wtmate end of Soeneoue reparing wctuuly seeing Fiver nimeat the Bean. Under teh tees Sega ate TapStes Sieaiato for years that TE Enc Lines aren Soh Witeen ‘Booth, who. was obot. 10 Teuuhy Union tes ns bare 2 age te ne eee a sleeping tramp who was mista mor beth, "dp wt a foe years ago st wt nevary for cant denial tobe meee taat Booth ad nat evade je Tieanive oot he wate ite “ete reas ineraation = OTe at ot the ebulose 3? are not nearly 20 easily obliterated, ‘Ringty-two charred and broken, _ bodlentwere removed from @ mass F S RET SER TRE Ta Tincotn's wesaazin, Sol Wide Rant, whe wae Aho! to Genth by Union sridiens n'a barn 12 days after the aseaseination Fu fis teour and were “pholographed. They have Fone tack into old police records of Fiitlers ave arresta before he be- Enme ciel of Germany on Jan. $0, ‘as. "rhe searchers consider it more ‘than an accldent that no remains dave been found which cam be Wden- ‘ited ax Dione of Exa Braun or of Btartin Bormann, deputy chief of ‘the Nazi party, ag well as Hitler. "some German sources contend ‘that Bormann miperiniended the (Eremation of Hitier and ve Braun, fShd sehen last seen had Hitler's last eatamnent natn him mvecestor Lp he Kazl movement, Bormann Day Be Key futhorties ane inclined to it Bormann is the key to the mystery. If Hitler te alive, Bore rllted to escape. mann (9 likely to be wiin him, or ‘To thle dey there are historians {fe raow his whereabouts. Sopuentions by Central Press Artit WO contend that Ney eventually Ie Hitter is dead, eis regarded anf. "Ggorge, Green ef how No. 1 moaned to the United States where mare plaupitie that the subtle Bor flast may hove changed himaell— MARY permona Inter reported seeing nan engineered the complete du iN elive ond in hiding Minh various discuines. ‘Sppenrance of the bodien than that Tt is a slring 6€ ihese legends 2 chauficur accomplished that e- that Allied “authorities “want to ult in Une crave manner Uet he | body of Attila the Hun disappeared {forestall by uncovering. conclusive Bane devertbed. [after his death in 453. He became | proof that Hitler was alain or killed Manon the fond of rumors tt one| pert of the Teutonic leend of Nie | Rimuelf in the macisirom of falling ‘ao tye eect Unet the Rusalana have) belungentied, in whlch Siegtried | Berlin ‘Bormann in aecret curtody. and also Aguren “Slennvchile, there are thate who Berne mow the meaner of ite | although runiors have originat-|remain convinced that Hiller tives Jats dtatnipernape even bosecssing | ein Spain, Argentine, Tlaly, Je-| A leading public opinion poll re~ fin enrper, pan and Sweden that mvateriave| ported oniy'e few weeks ago test “allied tuthoritin ave wttached | movements of parties which might | {ico out of three Americans still anormportance tothe rumors, point nelode Biter have teen ech, the refuse 40. Deieve that Miller te Eng out the irony tat Biter prob {ont for hinr aide Germany Tacit, dead, ‘Shiy hoped that his disappearance hax not relaxed. ‘As the Nuernberg trad sets une Be ew Mecds’ of Bissention| "The arrrat of Ceriach Hemme. !derway the abeence of knowledge ‘Srnong his conquerors. jie, an excmeniber of the German as lo the precise tate or schere- "Shue have Seer inotances in his-| general Wat and alated t9 bee de- abouts of Hiller probaiy will be- tory when the followers, of dend fendant at Nucraberg, after he Mad {came more ef an aching vobd tnlexs Jeaders have tried to perpetuate. sorked {ncogmlte for four months in the meantime some ot the minst Aneie force through complete con-i1'# United States Army bilet in‘ sensational disckoires in a neriod ‘Seaiment oe thelr remains, |Berin bigtighted the possibly jot wersatnealwonisbeking events TT inter may bave known hat the! of Nazi leaders going unterground’ are fortcoming, "Up ntl a fev: sean po St eae necessary. for ofBeint dewial te be ‘ade that Booth dia nol eave ae ce and Hive out his natural Ii ‘One of the greatest International legends wax that of the fabulous Marshal "Nes, Napoleon's ehiet Mewtenant and called By hin “the a Peench court-martial and ofa Iy executed on Dee, 8.1815, in Lux- fembourg Gardens, the rspart cise Culated that the Bring wquns, for- ner soldiers under Ney, purposely ‘seed thele alm and he Was per= vee bus ota ote pue o12" ee esate s+ aapuna YU9d. eQatNDg H1G21 BLIHM 'NV3TO YOd © $67 ee $67 Buyyewssaag auioy, ST Sapaadapead HST RES Seynded ow ueeeeaesebig oben) SH 3S2HL alyioguday THM NV OV “bud wat iB caaleae 4° WOON 1PAK anbOA : criunwenn 9 | QO HOOD 190d CHL “doje “Hy Uy $20K8D parog SANDENIY aywvigaasa S310 3HL 104 ———— Jamary 17, 1946 Dei ae ‘Thank you for your communication of January 7, 1946, which will recoive appropriate consideration. In the event you have additional information, which you believe to be of interest to this Bureau, please feel freo to comeunicate with the + Special Agent in Charge of our Los Angeles Office, the address of whichis * 900 Security Building, Los Angeles 13, California, Sincerely yours, 1 Jobn Tdgar Hoover : Director : 39 January 22, 1946 “thank you for your. Agtter of Jamary S, 19N6, which will receive | sppropriate consideration. : In the event you have af@itional information which you believe to ‘be of interest to this Burem, please feel free to communicate with the Special Agent in Cuarge of our Los Angeles Office which is located at 700 ty Building, Los angeles 13, Califomia. ” Sinoarely yours, John Edgar Hoover Director . ” a aa i ° Ledleref (Tran § = abet ve ch veng len GC = ee ; don Wh fay oe EF WH Kare hued po aneh Las Catatyr, bebin os ES VT, ethane wey he ve oberg weg! mafeih v ve on. 9 Kase shad deem & 6 amlonber tngrrelira % th Lect Md tichetgh Wibeer Higher wid bor Docentiids wend & eee % de, Gord wiv wii hecding Hare orwvinaig on i! Heeb oD We Onfermetion Comes = Eas a C Argon wetrsn for greek Teo nts eng ora lewecn 32 rhe heedLa & eonansrg, it 3 Af ot bs Mr yen Melee af oy) +e atau ze ir jo Son jidertiad ” tea2, * Wovre fn a bebe, 49 ‘cknowledge the receipt of your letter dated G2 hte di *Sanuary 25, 1946. Your courtesy and interest {n waking this information fone are sincerely appreciated. You may be azsured this consideration. In the event available AION SECTION | waned ti2, FSuery Fro jayleortay 0¢ mveSTIEATION i eg MENT ot STICE ——, % s t eae Jan. 25,1946- Ape 3, Zager Hoover, oe mu of Investication, Federal Bure yashingtoh, D.C+ Dear Sir: qhe enclosed picture was taKee from the U."; ™ : ang Tam mailing it to, yous foeause the party at vm : ett of the figures, Standjng boning the post, has &..5 embience to Hitler ta very marked rez f this is of interest t° you or nots| —e I do not know i would mail it- put I thought I y Loe BD ou om . mW! & WAGE FIGHT IN ARGENTINA Strike by Business as Weapon Against Raise Ordered by Government Effect on political line-ups as Colonel Peron faces test in presidential election A threeday strike of Argentine busi- ‘messmen against their Goverument now ‘The Argentine Government, dominated by a group of Any colonels led by Cal Tuan Ueron, in Deceoiber ordered employ- fr to increase wages ofall workers and to pay each worker a December boaus equal {to one month's salary. Total increases in pay ranged fro 18 to $355 per cent. Protest. Busivesrmen immediately pro- tested. Some ef thew» complied. with the corer, but most of them reused on ‘rounds of illegality and inability to pay. Businessmen Gnally bit upon s three-lay “Shutdown, with employes soutuuing to re: Seive their regular pay, as a means of showing their disapproval, Most businesses tnd industries remained closed Uaroughout the three deys: privcipal exceptions were ilies, hanke and some small shops ‘Businesmen now have taken the deere into court they say itis enconstitutonal because the Argentine Congress did not approve it. There has been no Coogress in their country since 1958, Ability for the decree i Iaid at el Peron. Easlir, ax aha Milt, be had beck formation iendly Inbor unions and proposed a decree to give workers 25 percent of their employers’ profits. These actions were gen- ‘raly iterpreted as bids for labor backing for his presidential hopes. ‘Col. Peron followed these moves by or- spring the Labor Party, which now has Sominated him ails presidential candidate. Support of lage abate of Argentin '5000°000 workers might enable Colonel Peron to wiv. the February 2 election ‘withoat‘eoerion “oF manipulatious And houg he sometimes has used strong tmethods, he ia believed vow to desire dee tee yao oterebeiing pensar vote Peron counts en the support of seferal elements: The Army, on the whole, can be ex: pected to buck him. The colonel! ‘bas imprisoned generals known to beve plotted or susyscted of plotting against the Government. It has sent others to duty far from Bucnos Aires, But Army backing ‘ean be deceptive; at times, defection has ‘cropped out in unexpected places. The nt ice are considered solidly bebit 1 Peron. They, to- > The balonce of power letween there ‘190 alignments appears tole in the hands of certain elements Workers in Inisinesses and factories and fon ranches, nonmembers of the old unions, fae the largest group. It is primarily to ‘them that Colonel Peron has ing his labor overtures. COLONEL PERON CAMPAIGNING acther with the Army, may control the lection if the voting appears to be un- favorable. Cotholic leaders favor him, and Ar geatina i overwhelmingly Catholic. Young nationalists, although not nu- merous, are his active supporters. Nazi ‘and Faacst sympathizers are expected to ‘work for bis election. ‘Opposition. Colonel Peron's opponent, Jose Tambor, candidate of the Demo- fexatic Union, will count on the backing the parties in the Union—Socinlsts, Radicals. (except few dissenters), Pro- restive Denn 14 Comm oe ‘range from mildly liberal to strongly leftist Long-established labor unions, in the main, are believed friendly to Tamborini, But they claim only $00,000 members students, and. busi his elevation would create some delicate problems Notional Democrats may amit. their votes, This conservative partys Govers- tent was overthrow by the colonels in 104s, Uroconservative owner of huge extates will find themselves baving to choose be- Treen Communist backed ‘Taaborint and Golonel Peron, who recently promised to Dreak up a vast raoch holding and tum over to the workers : Poitcally apathetic citizens, a fn group whose 281 Colonel Peron’ seks, in any: crzes reented the closing of shops during the buries strike. Some of them rr copected to mpport Peron, TW Ganel Yoon oper want proves too weak to asune his claite by Tree voting, force may swing the election in bis favor, His elevation to the presi- eney would erento some deicate probe ems for the U.S. whose offcals have publicly denounced im in the past ‘THE UNITED STATES NEWS have always led . SOCIAL PROGRESS “Whatever is right can be achieved through the irresistible power of awakened and informed public opinion. Our object, therefore, is not to enquire whether a thing can be done, but whether it ought to be done, and if it ought to be done, to so exert the forces of publicity that public aa will compel it to be done.” ; ae os n*tbe, 1880'S the ttearst News- fpioneered in the movement for 8 Hour day for labor and helped to Pxone for the ironworkers. "TH-1902 ‘the Hearst Newspapers ad- vocated public ownership of certain corrupt trusts, . . In 1918 the Hearst Newspapers helped to put over Parcel Post to pre- axent exorkitant exprecs rates. Tn 1916 the Hearst Newspapers got Congress to pass a law—later set aside by the courts—barring child labor. public utilities to save them from the In 1922 the Hearst Newspapers fought for a “living wage” for the nation’s railroad workers. In 1932 botore the New Deal, the Hearst Newspapers urged work relief as fa temporary cure for unemployment. In 1937 she Hearst Newspapers asked for more recreation facilities for chil- dten, stating that juvenile delinquency results from community carelessness. M199 the Hearst Newspapers lauded labor’s amazing record while at the same time deploring the Com- munist-led strikes of a tiny minority, atts arene Fou oo - - * Office Meni, Mdum - UNITED SiaT€S GOVERNMENT TO + Mr. De Me Ladd AK 3 FROM : (. He Carson SUBJECT: Documents of adolf histter te t ’ == Rae On January 2h, 196, who advised that he was formerly a clerk in the Bureat Rirning from military leave to the Bureau's employ on February 16, 1916, furnished the following inforration to supervisor Say of the European Des) Weaver explained that ho studied in Oxford, England, for a brief ‘time before returning from military leave in the Duropean theater. A fellow United States Army student. that he had been attached to the amy Transport Corps ~ Dent ‘was among the first United States troops to enter Berlin, He elained that he went directly to the Heich Chancellery and that he took from a safe there twenty-five packages of documents which, from what he could make out, were personal papers of Hitler's and consisted of personal letters written to and by Hit 3 well as some documents apparently concerning 4 new religious novenent. ‘lained that he sent the: 8 directly shone as mementos and that they should be there now, described ‘as a very reliable ‘sndiviauel, very religious and apparently sincere in his statements. Hecoumendation: It is recomended that this memorandum be referred to the Security S so that if deemed advisable a check can be made ai home to determine 4f these documents actually are This ‘tion might be of assistance in war crimes trials. that intended to advise the Bureau about these documents. still in the European theater. ‘DVH: BPA -37 - lg EE | G/ “ten 30 a. 2 q RIKI ae SSMAR 1 3 19: es Hitler ars 7 ‘eemenno soma 90. 08 *. ‘ Office Memir Sedum * UNITED sts GOVERNMENT D-L9583 aD TPTOH Eg aly de pats: arch 13, 1916 no Qe Ko +. supyect: ‘moi Gduer, Certificate of Marriage, 7 Private Will and Political Testament; a Examination for War Department There is transmitted herewith the Laboratory report of tl Document analysis of the above papers for MIS. ' These papers were, when received, mounted on cardboard pages of | leather binder, each being covered with cellulose sheets fastened with scotch ‘tape for protection. 7 To conduct the necessary exanination, in accordance with express statements of MIS, several pages were removed from the covers. Since this endangered the specimens and additions! preparations will be needed for peraa- nent maintenance, this removal was confined to the minimum for "random tests! Pages 1 and 2 of the Marriage papers (the most questionable), the last (signa- ture) pages of the "Private Will" and the "Political Testanent" were the only ones completely renoved. One, or two of the covers of other pages were lifted to gain access to the paper, but otherwise the mountings were not disturbed. ‘It was found that rubber cement was used at the top and corners to fasten the original papers to the cardboard. Jn replacing those renoved no additional adhesive was added and at no time was anything placed on the papers (in the nature of a test reagent, solvent, adhesive or any other Laboratory material such as might be applied in an examination). For permanent retention and display, it is assuned that each page will be properly prepared, the Japanese silk or pressure cellulose methods of mounting being employed. ‘The latter of these is the method used by Archives which has the necessary machinery and trained technicians. The Japanese silk method 4s used by GPO special binders (there are only a few in the U. Ss S properly skilled) at the Library of Congress. : The Bureau may wish to suggest such to the MIS. F The present mountings were restored in the leather binder and the : ¢ specimens Ql to Q17 inclusive and M1 to Kl) inclusive are transuitted herewith for personal delivery to,MIS with the report if desired. Photographic copies have been prepared for the records of the Laboratory. Pi ee of faee1 81916 ? casas 6 sae Sree : Office Moe * UNITED cad naw 2 - GOVERNMENT To fig saren 6, 1946 rom: “ at goa 43583 SPaee s,. doit "itler/ 3 Certificate of twrriagc, Private (i111 and Political Testanen' brochure is prepared with the original document eppéaring on the left-hand Side of the page and the English translation appearing on the right-hand sie. It is note& thet the signatures of Adolf Hitler, Fva Titler nee — fi 4 —fravn, Josepl Goebbels and Marti@Qormann are signed to the marriage certificate——- which signatures enpear on page 2 of the marriage certificate. It is noted that ‘thg fignatures of Adolf Hitler and signatures of Yartin Tormann, Micholaus —vorlf-zlow, and Dr. Goebbels appear on page 3 of Hitler's private will. ‘The nane 0” Dornann apyears on a letter prepared by Wrtin “ormann to the Srant Mimiral. The sisnawres o° Hitler, Dr. Joseph Coebhels, Wilhelm Baredorf, Martin Dormann and Hans Krebs appear at the bovton of page 10 of sitler's political testament. ‘The attached brochure was headed eer scrs?———prerene of the Liaison Section by Colonel » KOS. Colonel QMMMB advised that the attached brochure was prepared by "the Military Intelligence Service from captured documents, and was prepared in the.attached forn so that ths Chief of Staff might give it to the President, who undoubtedly will eventually place st in the Library of Gengress. Colone agg sdvisccqmMMM that he had been acvised uy General Vandenterg that the Chief of Staff was delighted with the attached material, fut was reluctant to pass it to the President until some attenpts have Ueen made to verify the authenticity of the docuxents and signature of Hitler. There are also attached merous docusonts which vere captured by the Military Intelligence Service at the Headquarters of the jiehmacht wiich contain copies of Hitler's signature in September, 19403 Jamary, 1942; Septenber, 19445 October 12, 19445 October 24, 1944 and December 15, 1944. There are also attacied — + documents captured av the Headquarters of the ‘iehrmacht cont eining the sicnatures of ~ | M. Yornann and Purgdorf. ‘There is elso attached a folder dated September 22, 1939, containing Hitler's signature on page 2. Colone Lag advised ur AUQMMMR that seneral Vandenberg desired the Bureau to make a comparison of the signatures appearing in the attached book with ‘those appearing on the attached official docuuents in order to ascertain whether oj not the signature appearing on the alleged marriage certificate and wills arc / authentic. Colonel. Colone] AEM indicated toqQEEMMP that the chief of fact dogizes that thie information be obtained as Mepesttienaty cs esssvics NBR i503 Colone ag the natver wquid'be handled special in the Bureau. ft ot aw S° ee eee ee : Colone Lag also cautioned REED «> Fie spferantsbe ca “yin the book, that is, the fact that the Army has wha' or sottcler ts wRarrigge certificate, private will and public testanent, is not known at the present Li time, ‘gnj At is desired that. unis matter be maintained secret by the Be : Peer eee 2 ie 25 7APRI 81916: - Ree AS oo . denorandw, for ir. Ladd until after the President has made it knom yablicly that the United ctates authorities are in possession of these documents. nts There is also 2ttached a chotos copy of the official ai which was handed to (RRM by coor It is ~ecormended that this memorandum with the sttachnents he forwarded vo the Technical Laboratory and en examination he comiucted as exrediviously a3 .orsihle and that the results be made knovm to the Liaison Section with the return of all the documents attached other tran the photostat so that they may ve returned to ae It shold ne noted thav the original d-cunents can be reuoved from the book by releasiny certain sections of Scotch tupe whieh hold these docunents in places Attachments at REPONT : of the , as - oe a FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 32 yee D.C. 65-5 36/5- : Aoetetant Chief of otaft, On2 iar Departnent Hate De Ge : tec CS There follows the report of the FDI Laboratory on the examination of Hate evidence received in the Bureau froa Colone! March 13, 1916 subaitted to the Laboratory on Karah 7, 1916. : 3 hee % mar adobe sitar, fe z ta Tien Political fe Baasination tion for Var Departaant. YOUR Fue no, FB FILE NO. nares : Las. 0, polgss3 aD ~ Esti qua eae * Mareh 6, 1946 Be Ecamianion roquested: Document, a The bound original Peperar. \ "Adole Ritders ! eee @ Cortitionte of Marriage . i O-S Private m2 wt =, 6 = GT Politteal, testanenge = ings (as with paintings) and ancient writ! physical materials as woll as the However, Idina (in the fnconsistent with the ostenaible nature of the whether thay are authentic ‘The purpose af tho suminsion was given as a comparison of the signatures attempt to "verify the authentiolty of the ah ee : state, ay to ae, 3 a HR 7 Hay Mae i Gcndition of these materials ; i plata ashe fie aq ay Eo oie do a ig ae Tae a Hi “a ! aay a bia OO iin 1 rT mubaitted which would exhibit all degrees of proses wd siailar to @ to Q17 inclusive were used; 13 is a linon finish ds not smooth Lila @& through Q27+ x he Eanderiting Froa a comparison of the juestioned and signatures, it conaluded that the nanos A. ilar, Boroe and Sarator? on te Oy are the genuine writings of the signers of the sme nanos on Ki to j Ze resinder of tha quastisrad sicnatures could not be 0 oceplately ie ~ wpalyned a there are no known, (except a printed reproduction of Goebbels) for Comparison, Those are: Eva Hitler (frau), Hans Krebs, tioclaus von Below, However, 4s evidence that these ere genuine signatures Pept ak yrs ard rial mea amma i i I i t 4 ‘ ; i z j Ey ifs solsl fora ma typed for tha part tear coreony, the naire thing to do would be to copy from the printed forns, modifying as needed but edhering to the legal provisos as much as possitie, and using the typoeriter for the blank spaces. ‘The fact that the other documents are typed rateos the quoz 1 tion why this document 4s different, was ‘the *rogistrar® Ral! Bignatire appesro at the lower Aafe of the papers G2y wrote the najetity of the ink entrios. ‘The fact that certain entriss wore written in different ink and by | other persons is evidence of the impromptu nature of the act. These entries 7 fie, to © Aantr et to Sndaty ea uve been Fetwed in peresne ‘ 1944 Gy seas "Daily Treataent of adolf" Juesday, Novenber 14 ‘Traia = Uzbg (Muenzenborg) 2 P.M. + Adolf's burial In the evening trip to Hanau “ Bin. (Berlin) train (Gruber, Stelzer; Becker) “Aftarnoon Prof, Becherte death learned througs Schmidt, Crim. Dir. (Crimina Director). Not s& regrettable cause of to be published jointly Deoause of the ) for mol Be vogotar.; no tobacco; no alcohol; t scientist oascra ly of the intestional aroa and of bacteriological {vopks thereon). = = ne Woinesdey, Novenber 15 “Afternoon arrival Berlin - to Schwanenwerder (Hanni sang) - in the evening 6100 o'clock departure for WLFSCH. (Wolfschanse). . Ps =e, 1\ghuraday, Novenbér 16 ae In the morning arrival Goerlitz Station. 5130 Pe. to the Fe NS. Blood purification and X-Ray examination propoasd; great retreat for melt! ‘Fe face sunken and pale. (He 4s no simple school boy and knows what he - shag to do). 7 . Trbs, Vit. f, Glyes Ton. £. No homosoran. i von Bickon arranged fort IT] deiany, November 17 { "von Eicken arrived. : 17 $130 pems (aftor breakfast) to Fs and examination (Tons, throat; nasal ouvity & “and phar.)= iT remained (Trb. & lt. f+) Beforehand F. ‘corversation von Eickent st mea untid 4:15 P.‘lively”: “anvited for supper. in-the evening ba Fold. oitel (Gen. Scharff (Werff?) op eer strong,) (1130 aeme nee, ‘Stunphagesr and 1‘ haan |). =:Fe"contrete bunker, -exanination ty von Es” antrum, of Yighmore sprayed. ‘hone sad reat (decane qis- 6% Sunday, Hov. 19 (Toa until 4 a.m, aninated conversation). 3:00 pam Fs looking much bottor ‘thon yesterday; allegedly couplotely well, voice harsh. = Ps 72, heart o.B., sounds light, = wants no-inj. at prosont, — epnvorcation about antigas pills and strychn. Monday," iovenber 20 (Fou until 4 a.m.5, talked woll and also ate well). At 11100 wakone Wednesday, Nov. 22 11130, otelock ~ Fy feels very well, no more swelling in abdonen, no trouble. = Mph., 0.01, Atrop. 0.0001 I. subc.— 12150 otclock Polyp. op. I, von Eicken, <\ + Dre Gbumpfegger held tovel, Gister/7/ Maria aast. Pol. eize of a lentil.= Bed in’bunker. I went out (net Fri. £.) P66, full. 7- ¥ ofclock back fron ting. Immediately to F.: “Whether: oatmeal broth is permitted. Yes. 10:10 pom. Come immediately: © sputum tinged with blood, von B. 10 com Sango- Stop and 20 arps. codeine ordered. Sister/¥/ Varia (from Iaubach. Fathor from Henson at Btzb.) brought the things herself, = The bleeding has no : +” significance, since only slight. “Been to F. in all 4 times in the ovening. +. 2 optal. for sleeping. On leaving mot E. Afternoon in /?7 and evening Pho. : Pl. 20 lying in bed the abdomen of the patient examined: soft all over without Fosistance, uovhore pain dus to pressure! . Thursday, Now. 25 ‘ PF." in disoussion with ‘von 2. aské questions about what he my eati everything _ permitted without any restriction. In tho visit /7/ complete well-ocing indicated. Ps 72, Ble 120 mu; abdonon soft, without pain due to pressure. Conference about Prof. Chaoul /¥/.~ X-Ray exam! Again the necessity stressed. - Prof. Blaschke undertaken tooth cavity. Meanhiie v. E. arrived, quite satisfied. Dr. Stumpfogger present. “F. without any complaints. ~ F. gone up toward evening and hunted up tho secretaries. Ato woll. Ta the evening’mde inquiry, but Fy called, no nore Friday, Yovs 24, iH i 113Q pom. = P. 72, Bl=120 mj sbdonen sano as for days without troubl _ only 2'hours, I considered inj. unecessary; but F. wants sone for nore «_ speedy strengthening, = 204 Trbs_ sols 20 eam Tei. [Injection intravenously conorm and Liver’ Tome 7intramisculer injection!7 6 o'clock in the ~ Soniket, Blsdn > 1 (lett) antrum of Highnore, sprayed, tonsils sprayed and Age nitre (5%) oauterizing. alked dn the garden @ short timo in the-afternoon, ~ Ate well, ept Saturday, Nov. 25 F. has very good appetite, els quite well and went for a walk alone in the garden for l hr. It is not ary that I go to him today. : Sunday, Nov. 26 eset an 12:30 pam. Fr. Krause, my former mod. techn. practice assistant requested to come for connection with the,Fuohrer. ~ Pirat, extractions for i" Bltb., Blts., Bltz. and Haem. content. - I:then aid extractions (30 com ani 15 com) with glyo. venule for calc. and dixastase - speculum, bilirubin ~ + ‘Kidney acids - cholesterin, diastase and amino acid ‘Witrogen; besides urine and stool given for Institute of Schmidt ~ Burbach.’--once more injected. Fy discussed situation until Same)’ 8 otelock.¥. Eicken called that the'histol. ens: Ropssle on the removed ‘polyp are very good.’ fandioes of: Prof. aces gr. dits. he explains ‘fromthe tonsillitis. “cavities were touched with of Arg. nitr. sglution, Findings on cores picture : {of early’ stage ‘of the”so-called Jeryngitis nodulose.. Decision: 4n'no case @ tructuior, = Pathol. Instit, of the University (Charite). = Findings. ne Fre. Krause/Dr.Webers Blts. 83/66 (autrun of Highmore, Tonsillitis and treshea.) ‘bites "80-mg % haemogle 86%,'"b1tb. 5.600 leukro., 4.58 erythro. 1.01 's ‘white bltbs:: segm. 56%, 1ymphoc. 504, ‘sosinoph. 3%, monoc. 4%, neutroph., x. e etubie AZ: (o.= Uriner” sp. weight 1017, alb. 0, Sacch. 0, urobilinogen 0, sedin.: 0.B. /tithout findings 17 Very little earvoniferous limestone and a” % little epithelien. Informed the F. of. the: ‘indings. In the treatment of kon Dre Stumpfegeer, Ceres wae weed H * Wonday’, “Wow. '27, . . s'c;- 12:80 penis = Fe doaatd to have eaten vory w sin yesterday. Slept only 2 brs. < Debause’ of disturbances (doors banging. and riolses:’ kitohen;. flyers. : From now on guards below, to see to rest. “From long:hours awake and at e work Ight. conjunctive = On ‘account of exacting work at hand the F. injections (MLL have 20 com 20% trbze sol. plus vit. f. and liver. . abdomen when felt in ." wtanding posTtions sof. “Not oven the Toast difficulvies exist. He ascribes p.dt to the Eallestol, Voice is-clear, and gufficierity strong. 3:80 poms “Findings of the Inst, Schmidt = Surbach by"Fr, Krause ~ med. techn. Qssist. now Fasanenstr. 297 at Gens ‘(Te 91-41-82): turn over: Stool blood (bensidin tost) negatives fat aud.starch normally digested. ”, JElood @iastase ae 16 waite/i7 23 urine, ditto 3: OROWTRe N= 22 mg “vigorous ‘waikof about J (with’ Gen. ‘Bodenschatz). 100:'= Appetite :good. ~ Proposition:: X-Ray exam. by ‘Prof. Chaoul, and'his reguldtion of the Institute again proposed. Results of tthe Tnatit.' Sehn. ‘Burb. tranenitted (everything normn}).” Ino trentnont oes T no trontment widertakent Mauretey, ows'30 Eo (hv 1B poms Snquiry on ay pert ghether’ to geia or tot. =:Nio, you need. not com s iN ‘srentment undertaken! ° : 7 Bridey, Doce 2 : 2 at 4130 asm. -eaid gooduby; 11130 a.m axened. Yesterday had very gre “appetite and walted 1 br. Was very full of energy, his dissociates say. « Dotelook to the. F.r."20 com trbz. sol. I.i. plus vit. f., Liver Tans = Desire .,,, #0 get homoseran' inj. {since “the treabling would be got ri: . fi always do 5 inj. each (6 ccm) at intervals. ~ Very reat epee after powerful emotional disturbances: 1924 lawsuit, (1ife/7/) 1929 variation (Volk. Beob. - », 1985/36 Wilitery unreliability. - Added Dyskraktion /or a Which provably ‘arose from the spasms. 1945 before union with idea or in the knowledge of the iminent betrayal of the, falian aray (Feltre).,.10sdvarter attonpt on bie lif seturday, Dees 20" eo: .tFe held conferences until 5150 Geme “(ore voling ‘wel. and t Sunday, Deo. 8.7%. Lot! 2100. peam.‘calledi Worked wntii'700 inthe morning; at, 11:00 '1100 pom. = Homoseren Tum. “By courrier..medical report on disoasos’by Prof. Weber, Bad Mavhein arrived. :Fr.. tine to time Deriphyllin 2 x daily 1 tabl., food with ‘very: little galts introduce’ days of complete rest. \ Food containing not too jp pdktle' albumen, tr. tind to. t, daily weight eontro} for report of mater Bite, ‘38 =m xe ste ge 20 com ‘Trees Tobe Le etn 3 asoomt ofthe 1, eye I must whawe Prof. “Ysehlein come. oul is not so ih needed just’ now; in this T° oppos Fe maintains he, is completely without P< foomplaints, has good appetite and. henes ‘such an examination (X-Ray exam.) im pWould be superfluous A Prot, Iochlein after: telephoned ‘4nformation is‘scroad at Prevent end will po reeariat the, end of the week. ©. BU eoab toe. free z ete of July 2) ‘x Jn the evening ‘spoke ‘with. es’ ‘Mullivand’ order” given to Kaninchen to test, (pls. turnt). whether, homoseran inj. causes speeding up of 5 monte ‘of blood corpusclss/7/,, since hepeseran pauses the speeding ups. “At the end-of May 1943 the Blts.° ‘tes caly, 2.5 mm. ~ » petore the Duce visit ‘in Feltre about. 7.20.43 there was a severe attack beginning in tho Wolfsschanze ‘and ‘the day after at the Berghof, .then again violent ofall after*luftw. annoyance about $9} ea wy ‘hendt Yesterday noon F. ate greens without any aietioulty, § night 1$:00"supper with lettuce salad. Noted immediately ‘agroo with him.- 3 hrs. later ‘pain. in the forner , ja’ (rs: abgye in-abdomeh), after. 3 hrs. more (6100 a,x.) 80 sovore that. : ‘sumoned.". Yesterday afternoon. great annoyance, (oe situation and mils ‘ situation q cot resulting fran an order Findingss;-Gall bl. area resistant and pe Erbe eset ‘Spas. on'ift,-(at. tip of Liver: decreasing, outlet of : ~.Natomach soft and without, trouble.” = Eukodal = Bupor. T.i, = Spasm, beginning sdomediately. gradually: Jetting up. — WE prorsat siisged ctronkert afflictions his whole life.:“In groatest nervous tensions from iminent events end ”_, the constant’ terror attacks on German cities. "If, would require, therefore only slightest causes''to-produce Fesults. Ho has made up his mind ‘that he hasn't anything wrong with: his abdomen; for ho nevor has had blood ‘din ‘the’ stool: or vonited,’. Stool only-once,. color normal and neither 7 fine aor wory hard.’ = At 7115a.m.°I-went again, after I had convinced myself ‘about the effectivencss' of; "se'The Fs, etill said T should give the rope very slowly’so that I should get no héart ‘trouble. ‘First /7/ we spoke j, about, bis lack of sleep, since he usually works until 7 a.m. I-considered : meee not ‘bg. otherwice’ just now, he . Theat. ‘the apaan attack just 20 “the 1ft,"leg does not tremble now but.the It. arm-and the hand. -P 72, ,FeGulars hear’ eoude:cloar; bids’ pre 150 mms Abdomen aoft, gall ble aro & yfdeep dow somewhat resistant TRrTUEGE pete yeto: pressure, —'T bald that Dr. Stuapfogger was waiting outside andivanted:to Anquire about his findings. Raila ‘he come id and could he also‘feel the abdomen £0 that he too could see ing looked. “But the Fuehrer said it uldn't want ‘someone else to look efter, him Tisnewered ‘1 would’ ‘be, very. dlsd tivanothor doctor would confirm the findings.- "fo ‘the’ question about ‘whet he was itaking’ for the purpose of registering it ‘Petateted: 7 2=8'-timos daily 1-tbs, Gallestol (today only”2) 2 deys ago fear’ of a: cold ‘quinine-wine and yesterday.2 tinos 10 drps. Cerdiezol sol.- he’ 1 Re ‘Fuel (he could eat, 2 times if T gave it) and heat applications he, takes constantly. ‘(Heating pads). , allowed: $0:100K ini @enin in the evening. have any difficulties, I'l] call," the F. said, "but otherwise it is unnucessary." cog tear Drs Ste como. nowt® 2 Youue *Shall-1 renin?" «Ney, I vant to speak = Rew. from the oo to “pote. fe Sn ‘the night ‘there was vory great drop {sido the barometer ‘end as a’ result ‘I°had such great, pain in the heart for 12 hrs. certainly also‘present £22100'; =F, opt” "ay pees!) ahtogether LYASE plue 6)’ and fools vory well and” looks: “very woll.';Teils me his ebdomen is entirely soft, which I find is «| ponfirned by’ examination, . Concerning the: all bladder. are a, if I should press eee EEE “deeply, since there,also,there is na more swolling and only’ in the depths a ~ * ‘alight virritation still, it would be ‘in, ‘condition! = I eaid: Some gentlemen * indinzs,' who miintain you were wrongly treated, the diagnoses iweren't right and who talk: of the devil’ for such cases. ~ Wanted to stop... “Anjections, thon gave at ‘request becduge “of great existing strain 10 com ‘Grbz.” Ie." plus Homoseren 10 oom,” Ion.” ‘turnt/ Inether reminded ‘very day: of Prof, ¥. Eicken. He at lat was to'oone "this ‘eroning but it wma changed. Prof. ‘Loohlein was provided ‘for for patty. £ “2, lent swalicing only. 5/4,nre,. [Cont wderee, 4100 eure Galled by Arndt.” Pe has spaens again,’ Buk, gall bladder area resistant," becoms softer. during Gaya'of ontire life,’ "A great victory, must be: won. 11:30 a.m: “F, has ‘gnother spasm and had no sleep, at the same time serious conferences’ constantly necessary, © Departure dependent‘on a few important expected reports, possible postponement ‘till. morning. * ‘Gr.’ inj. in train not possible on account of necessary ‘goolness dn alighting,- but condition ly cy, /mecessary according ‘to his: interpretation after a gr. en inj. - Euparverin Tom. given. /> Tce | “Ty tonsil, shows on. washing 3 abso: centers, otheret : + ‘everything well. =/Fei' Dr. Glesing ‘had to'a6e.the. pol. /polyp!/ v. Be : sonovhat perplexed and tells.a story about ‘a prof. who’ “treated KeiserW. II _ and a pol.‘only partly removed.’ First, Prof. Spioss - Prift. a.M., who was’ to e279 only roLloNup treatment for ;tho. voice, found “the Feaaining part and remo} oe parture’ Bln.’ Grunerwald'Sta,='in ‘the’ trein 4fvorespasns out only | “NUBTIGRE. “Spastopurisi suppos.;used' (1 wait). Relief theveupon, in spite of * Jong troin tripe Monday, Dee. 12 6330 = arrival in Adlorhorst (Taunus) in the morning. To inguiry informtion shat F. is wells wee 21:30 pem..- Ps without complaints, urine yesterday and today, however, broun like beer. White of the. eye 0.B. /without findings?/, however facie] skin ‘-Dérely noticeable yellowish tinge. Gallestol &x daily. 2 tos. and warmth; - ‘brought dist. “In'the evening at teé from G<11 o'clockt -F« had previously Ty; conference of mny'hré, with about’40-50 generals. .F. said to bé very frech Fand’ Lively,- animated and impulsive, :after S-hour conference then sonowhat tired (Fegelein). at 8 o'clock however until beginning of ‘tea and the rest ofthe ‘time very conversational, lively end good mood.” Ga ving ‘Entirely without, complainte, F, took leave at 4 asm, and was wakenod at 21 eeme- “Without complaints; I ‘didn't need to-cone,:< Have urine brought. 7 (ae -sanple Crim, Dir. ;Schmidt - » {at Res.:Hosp. 2, raters § Sig. Maria - ‘pad Neuhein). © Piaingas °Alb. opal: "7 Bach. 0 me /-Altogethor, ‘amok mein, urate, {No treatment 3.4 Wed, De . Pe, 22a46 “pom 20 com. Trdz. ‘I.E = “elo] “hedehts. gs Linz onthe, Danube. (248 ay Hére tho ‘sane sf 6 hire,” good | healt. 5 quite well. West fore ‘in'the charming wode and grassy valley for’over® an hour: in presence of * ~ BaPe:hed Bloats, abepherd dog, pers eo sleep pn account of the appronchsse offensive. = Bltdr. 147-153 m, Sonia y .,Yaoillating with constant troubling of left hands. FTE 6.5. Abdonon ee allegedly without the Ictst CHDIIG: Navce brane entirely upecoresry, On” account of approaching great mental strains 20 ocm’Irbz. Ink. plus Vit. f.° Jend Hama liver.I.m. - F. was -smodiately thereupon Exven. dental, ‘treatment Sunday, Dec. 17 Yesterday tea until 4, Ssme, Fe wakened at 21 asm carte ‘ offeneive iss fspemas, sony but ‘progiadasng well. «., Pe wory.well- 2 Jos He ztroatmenti ¢ “nuesaay, Boos 8 12515 peme>—'Fe gory wold tars, 146 mae = 80 far without any complaints bath faatordty. Ape, god 3 4 Sunday,’ Dec. ‘a a * Wo treatment. ~ i let Christmas day. : = ‘Yonday, "Deoe 25°42 2:5 5. : * * Bltdr. 151m. = 20 ccm tebe. Ieis plus Vit. £, and liver Im, - on ‘Slipped. Taoreas noresesie, fresh ling ofr hand’ (Situation in Hungary!) -” = Fridey, Dec. 29 To treatments ‘Saturday, Dec. 30 : s.p.FOR.2 days relief. in ebdonen, allegedly from pea soup? (talk mil. messuros _"tmninent) = x, Bicken’ ~ controls good, “o.Be- 20 ccm Trbz. Isis plus poogs Be ols fe, vite fe, Liver , te oe + if “aunday’, Doce 32". ae : 5100 a.m, ~-Bukodol"= Eupar, I. lept in bunker on account of disturbance * © 2 Of porning eleop by.gnemy,planoe, ae nas’ ‘pens “PF. hes, exons alnést entirely calm.’ Trembling of 1, arm or han ony usta slight. at 12 Pym & 2nd offensive: bogun on th ae UNITE) {+ ERNMENT : ( ' are: March 25, 1946 ‘ - SWR:MGC a SUBJECT: ADOLF“HITLER, Certificate of ikrriage, v : Private Till’ and Political Testament; 7 EXAMINATION FOR WAR DEPARTMENT . As you will recall, the Laboratory performed a docunent analysis in the above-captioned matter for the Military Intelligence Service. ratory. e delivered t by, Colone! jead the report a great tisfaction with the report| and was ‘Profuse in his praise of the manner in which the Laboratory handled this examination. 2 4s in charge of the Document Section subsequently advis had reviewed the Bureau's report and he too was ee “advised that he intends to recomend that the Bureau's report be made a original docunents when they are delivered by the Chief of Staff to the President. || BR egg RECORDER 3 SIAPRIS i346 eee @ ye up ted ‘ Office Men. andum * UNITED sf. TES GOVERNMENT ! 65-5365 : To r. Harbo (R Dare: yarch 27, 1946 riage Certificate Private Will Political Testament In the above-entitled matter, one complete set of photographs is being je a part of the Laboratory file for record purposes. A second set of thesé ‘photographs is revsined in Hoon 7330 for instructive purposes in connectin with the training of new technical exployees of the Docinent|Section. ‘The third group | , «jf of photograshs is attached hereto for spzcial filinc in\the event it is desirable | x {['at a Later date to mount then for exhibit purposes. aan Ss . a eo ge ib ROI aes Ae ey at June 6, 19h6 THERA Dear; ‘Your undated letter postaarked May 29, 1916, has been received and ita contents noted. The inforastion contained in your letter will be made a part of the records of this Burem. Sincerely yours, John Edgar Hoover Director WU | Ef eR pc oF wre aon aN TS 16 Sante 7. duly 23, 1946 Reference ie rade to your letter dated July 16, 1946. nding this infoma\ tion to the Federal ion 18 indeed appreciated. You may be assured that your letter has been carefully read and is being made a part of the official records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, eS : oe Sincerely yours, i : 4 © =o Vv John Edgar Hoover of a oe “" Birector 1 4ve ~ BS AUG] 14 — Me Ye eee a NS Se , Office Memorandum + ovrrep stXtes GOVERNMENT 4 : 1 2 Director, “31 pare; July 25, 1946 or US. AIABALL, SAG, Richmond There is . evith a letter duted July 18, 1946, received fron iverdale, Culpeper, Virginia, in which she-Indicates that sno Tetently sav’ a man who locked Like iitler in Charlottesville, Virginias - A copy of ny letter of acknowledgaent to irs. Jones { is also enclosed herewith. / \ ay4 t} 55 AG 1986 ° ? duly 31, ree oto | aster, Pa., pursuant to h: a= Quest that an agent contact him to obtain sone material which had; @gpeen- found and turned ‘ him’ and which indicated that aDOLF Y re This parking lot is operated ee in’ the rosy of the Hote2 Pennsylvania, 122 Queen Street, lan- Pas! lag: supply no ‘further information dn the “Dpan’ interview, Op :.:..: ‘that the material was found by an une known patron of the parking lot who was notegecculor custoneyy on aa afternoon during the week of dune 3, 1946. i : not notice the type of car operated by the finder, or obtain his tienes maber, and a Bopkpage ste rs stated thet this individual merely said that icked up the material sia Jey leading 13 2The above nonsionsd material which was bound by a email strap, consiete of she following’ itoms which are boing submitted horerith for the infor: containing an undated letter h At ‘the top of the letter appears a list new men! Our organization” and in the ody thereof appears inter-alia, the statenent, "I hoard that on August 19, 1946, our dear and beloved Hitlor will come out } from the hiding place and give an adress to the secret organtz Hon of Argentina, which numbers about 200 members all from th Fathor country". “This letter indiontod that the writer was about to sail for Argentinas sooo (ese iS we fee Renrcet ie ‘ Lt * LR. AA eo 5 1988, _& : ~ a * ~ 8: i‘ rAUG 2719465 i : a i RIINAL COPY FULD IN SES 2, cod a proposed route fron ?hiladolphie to Argentinas There dg a short massage undor the nap signed dy "FRITZ". dina small vines cf waite oarer of Dour Max, Buy yourss1? a cup ef corfao. 4. A anal notedook headed, “Contributions to the Iron Crot Organization". Various suns are then listed as “monthly paynanta" ado by individuals morely identified by use of thoir Christian nanos and the first initial of thoir sur- nanos. Thor sro various notations on several oages of this book, the most significant of ehick anpenrs on tho v.ird Page, reading as follows: "I saw ADU “21178 the othor day while in Argentina. He is conridorably nervous, but has stopped taking druge. He ie hiding very safely while we take the chancos, but he started this whole dann nese and we right we ge thru with it", Clippod to another vase of tho book is © portion of n five dollar sill ard the follewing rotation: “All mombors? roncy rust match up and than thoir numbers nust bo chacked. 16 monbers of cur sroup." Although it would appear that the watsrial was possibly pre~ fared as a childieh prank, or by a person of unsound mind, the nanos listed in the Istter as “new renbers” of the organization wore nearched in the ine ieee of thie office with napative results. The menos of arched. Tso referancos mare iad no &pparont connection and references to cated. The Inttor individual, who resided at tins a FrSladelphia, Pas, was tre audjoct of a complaint rocoivod Uscarbar 12, 1941, indicating that ho vas bolioved to be a renhor of a Goran Sund. Although no invastization was conducted at that tire, he rs the eubject of a special inquiry made durin: tha follosine year at the raquost of the ‘ar Departrent who contemplated onsloyins hin in afreraft and ~unitions The Bureau file in the letter matter is 96-5898. Produetion. ihe Bureau is boing advised of this ratter in order t searched in its indices, or for avy actio nonos referred to nay ¢ pdvisabdle. 4 . ve a gO 4 October 5, 1946 ‘ 8215 Cedar Surcet, ; Silver Spring, lmryluns. Sg 4 hau. ‘Walter ‘“Hnehell, a qh ) Now York Journal, i Hq Jo ; New York, New York. i v 4 Dear Mr, Winchell: \ Your broadeaste of Septanber 29,-1946, at 9:15 P.M. you mention that the United State and Russia had spent a lots of money, are still doing so, in effert to find Hitler, when he is in the United States. ‘You will ask the question, how do you imow 7727 Here is the story: < One day in August 1946, I went down the street on business stopped 1 at the S, %. Restaurant for lunch, as usual the plece was crowed, tables scarce, looking around trying to fino s place I found this man at a small t table just for tvo, so I askod if I may share his table, ue said (¥ Lesses) 80 then I sat down, trying to figure out just who that person could be, after close observation, Hitler came to my mino, "I thoucht Mitler in person’ 3o then I looked for something to mako that nao fit with the persor, the following : viscription: I found wes right Jew larger then the left, black mustache cut like he iad Bis cut, dark eyes, black heir, it looked like it hed been dyed, the most impressive thing about the nan was nis | hends, farce with large ring on the left hand, just as white as could bo t looked 1ike’he had been in confinement for sometine, would sey he was about Sfect, 7 jnches, 1501bs, more or less, suit was miss satched, coat : of checks, cncoS looking, very nervous he played with his napkin, arter he finished his lunch he sat at the teble playing with bis napkin, and ' Watching bis watch, efter a period of time he leaves seying (Par don). Attor returning to the office { called FBI, giving my story to than, rd I asked the agent if he beleivod that’Hitler, wos aead the reply (I don't know) thon I reluted my story, he asked a lot of qustiohs, then he asked « me for my mune anu address, have'nt heard fon, than yet. I agree with you thet Hitler, io nggStond, I really think ho is right i here in Washington, D. C. Pw ~ je feat e we BPS LE cae st [OT Yours very tue sae | ry ~epurtnent of Stute. \ hy a) ve ARAL BUREAU OF INvEsTIGATIoy WASHINGTON Dec, . ro 10 MOM IP ‘MAY CONGERN, we RAVE BEARD THAT EITIER, 18 y SPATN UNDER CARE OF poctoR NAVED“ETANKER Fo NERVOUS Comp ition. ~potel Sa ; r : iy SANE %3 a Ws JsEDGAR HOOVER FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON D.C, Office Memorandum ur nd / WN. A. dones' 2708 rrosiaent, Tru: ite “have been réceived b: the Pre; mitts }0f State, and thoreafter sent te us. 2 Ms er Ship Uuard," ond that he Tet ava employed es Butler for be ‘Ta. i not kiown xhether or not he is u ave Se A. It appears to forred to the Sécretary . at the Dock!s effect that "Hitler 4 is coherent and it is ‘ RECCISTDATION Tendon, het the atteched letter be sant to the Legel Attache ayy and that nc further action i > Ae © token by this Breau, DATRE October 1B, 1946 Tor Legal Attache Tho Anorican Erbassy London, England FROM, —«-Direetor, Federal furesu of Investization SUBJ} CT: SDOLPH HITLER Attached herato is a photostetic copy of a lcttor dated Septeater 27, 1946, izesend to The Private Secretary b Truman, bnito gpincton, De Coy Uo Se Ae and wa referrod to this Basauch a3 it eppears St 4a suggested that ‘the appropriate Dote; February 11, 1947 Tor ‘The Cormisaioner Royal Cenadien Mounted Police Ottewa, Oateric, Ceneda ‘From: = John Edgar Hoover, Director - Federal Buresu of Investigation coc: TT? rete is ee ara ee Snithrille, Ontario, is being directed to you for any action you Seeire, Yor your inforuaticn, (MMIII nas beon atvised on letter has been forvarted to you. 2 ces : c/o The Comiseioner Royal Canadian Mounted Police : (ttava, ontario, Cenada (with copy incoming) ‘COMMUNICATIONS, ‘SECTION maiLeo 10 te FEB 12 1947 PM Ns qroetat nentau oF uxt ST1GATION veg. peranraent af MENHE ‘Your coummication of Jenuary 27, 1947, has been received ant the contents carefully noted. ‘Tho interest ahown by you in writing to me as you did te greatly Sypreciated; hovever, inesmuch es thie Bureau has no juriediction in the matter mentioned by you I have teken the liberty of farvarding copies of your Letter to The Comissioner, Royal Canedian Mounted Police, Ottava, Onterto, Caneda, ‘Binoerely yours, John Edger Hoover Director COMMUNICATIONS SECTION MAILED 10 FEB 12 1947 Ps, (HocmAL guREAY oF netenGATION 18. oerancaunt os wate rae [aM : Ny CR 2000270,19:7. nerbert Hoover, unief of F.B.I., Washington, v.C. Dear Sir: T neara over fhe air that a certain actovess stated that she is sure Adolph Hitler is still living. Have you any means of identifying nim despite any plastic surgery or other change of physiography that might have ocourred? Is there any financiel reward offered for a olue which might start investigation resulting in his identification, In ny travels I have contact- Fy ed a family which might be of intervst in thet direction, I ? would be pleased to have a fow items of description such as x height,build eto,family group characteristics which might help & to confirm my susploloney ay identity must not be divulged in gonnection with the oase rainy conditions I must beperfectly — incognito. Please @tate any reward available;a very important: item to me. After nearing’ from y; 9 28. ba oUr interest in the ease I shall lend further co-operal x Pur! i oo . amy 10, 1947 Caracas, Venesuela oe ‘Your letter of April 25, 1947, has been received and the carefully noted. contents Your interest in writing to me as you did 4s, indeed, appre~ ciated, and you ary be assured that the contents of your letter will be made a matter of record in the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sinosrely yours, + dohn Edgar Hoover Director ah . : EFL: VPM i MAILED ® May 121947 py. *FEDEMG ouneAY 0° tees 58 WAY ap iy i is tectistn # hui 71 sneer Sty abo nay f 47 ae ipeewerennere CORR o Eli entre matt 2. Q2. : CZs Hagin thn equally. Gu god Hin,” bh aides Sa ae OE ed att Ee 7 1 7 5 By wa oumuneme cava naLaY - F3 EH ener ay (/ Bae TEXAS EXPLOSION RESEMBLES BIKINI BLAST roke Mushrooms Into Air After First Explosion peel : 2 Office Menu. ee UNITED S1..TES GOVERNMENT To, + ERECTOR, FBI . DATE: June 5, 1947 pps + Sac, Los Angeles my sonnet: ypoueerum ano eva bran ! personally acquainted. As Agent & information was related to complaint story in substance is as folloms: recently returned to the United States by way of Argentina and otner South American countries, when in one of tries near Buenos Aires or Rio before some notables. consented and was driven ‘mall community outside of Buenos de Janeiro which was entirely populated by German people. before a small rate ‘this gathering recognized SVA sitting at a table Legedly mentioned this recog t and was cautione: howld not mention it on the outeide "e would be in danger. nally related subs disclofed the nate jin question, The y mere ER ant was the town of Ca: ne the been related to| who [flew in and out of war, was of the opinton ‘the legal evidence of the death of HATLER and EVA BAAUN and ¢} wos entirely possible. Any reference hereinafter mde to ei wil refer to one and the same iF | — PLE if ceed Co 1g oro, FBI June 5, 1947 Ret ADOLPH HITLER AAD BVA BRAUN NI .T d been introduced 6 ho had recently ‘arrived in tomemeete — until they found out = 7 at ras. and then the ht: amen of prominente tn the country began om and scrape” to ‘Through a telephone contact gl it ws Leone ‘that the story had been given tof in confidence end ffurtherm ory boc been furnished to the government officials by letter. stated that they had no objections of agents interviexi! ‘the latter was not advised as to the source of information ie fe visit to this country. During the Dilowing information was obtained. Ed : passport,. ich contained vi = Ios Angeles, California, stamped Yay 1, 1947. The patspor numerous e1 from vorious countries in South Amcrica and Europe, and the fact that ras en route from Rio de Janeiro to sartinique, French Possession, 3 Angeles. very broken English, was aided dung 7 maplish, ying Aas a4 Q teestoR, FBI dune 5, 1947 Re: ADOLPH HITLER AND FVA BRAUN INFORMATION a " = ee: cing a volunteered i. vas on anaveur journalist and Waa sspirattons toss ibis: of income, however, was from i ee a ve, claimed to be traveling throy . ‘this connection merchandise for importing. ‘aimed to have arrived in this country by air fron kio de daneiro on 9% 1967 at C.and transacted business there until arriving in Los Angeles about . the first of May. + : wt of the intervie ot A j epee: as ater RR none A | cer ‘papers, ispection that one of his ee ried the f following information: ee =e Ss "GENERAL SECRETARY TO THE COMPANY: ce )& LeDTOR, FBL June 5, 1947 Re: ADOLPH HITLER AND EVA BRAUN INFORMATION CONCER} Through this individua’ es directed to a Journalist from Casino snd near the 28 on by the nane ‘Theatre, Buenos yrho was’ 3 famo > Dt wos an Australian, another Nicaraguan, 1 or 7reoch: no negotiations with the < Dooking of cine ll ses Was not advised too mch as to their background with ‘exception of the two named above. Upon arrival at Casino, d 2s a conmunity of approximately five thousand people, it occurred t it this was an unusual community inasmuch es it was neces. Or V-: secure a pass to = enter the vicinity of the town, and ee practically of one hundred percent German population. This area also lecked commercial establishments and consisted of villas or homes and a large hotel which had been remodeled and was very modern. It appeared in sive out of proportion to the size of the commnity, eet > 1 i& nr Ue TOky FEL Sune 5, 1947 Re: ADOLPH HITLER AND EVA BRAUN ‘NFORNTION CONC! hotel no ddentificaticn was necessary nor was it nec: for the egister. They manager Was very courteous to the th the exception of the Russian' ceived no cordial reception an ©! tionality. The rest of the ry re shoun directly to their rooms. The wére the townspeople, who was apparently well knomn. into the various hones of the inhabitant a little 0} ce in view neluding! ere invited ind Were engaged in social conversation frequently. One thing of terest. cane to the attention —_—, at Casino when one of thel reported a large radio station near hotel. This station ‘in that the antenna: which was quite lengthy was parallel to the ground instead of perpendicular. It was fenced off but could pe observed from the street and, sidings necrby, having. some sort of electrical equipment ij h as! neard a dynamo but did net actually see the equivment.' erst he location of this radio station s follows: "heh stan in front of the hotel take the first boulevard to the right and a short distance away the first path or narrow street which cuts to the left. Turn left and walk approximately from five to seven minutes and the equipment may be observed." TheN@MMMB was advertised in Casino and was to be given at three performances in successive eveninvs. The performances were to be held in a hotel, combination bellrvon and ther tre, which would seat several hundred people. observed one of the raids in the hotel speaking to a rd young girl approximately seventeen years of age who was attractive and had chestnut colored air. This yo ave a Nheil HLTLA salute” to one of the hotel servants, whi thought was of particular interest, It ras further learned that the Wher also had interest ina cafe and club known us "The Jockey Club" at Cusine and also had Interest in a large manufacturing plant about half way between Casino and tio Grande. This plant mamfactured roolen and other types of goods. [he inhabitants of Casino did not appear to be engaged in any particula: occupation. ot Yd pi 2TOR, FEL dune 5, 1947 Rez ADOLPH HITLER AD EVA BAUM _— in : 7 Aa inquiry BR WR cesparer friends subsequently Gisclosed that no one coult Live in Casino except persons who had hone: there prior to the tine it became a military area and blocked off fro the rest of the surrounding community. This area allegedly becane restricted three to four months before the end of the war in Burope. The first performance was ziven on the evenin arrival in Casino. Shortly before the performance began jotaced that the bellr-zn which had a stage at one end, was complevel, tilled with chairs whicn were occupied by local townspeople. There mas a large table situated ina strategic position before the stage which had eleven empty chairs. There was what appeared to bechazpagne on the table. Shortzy before the performance started and when the lights were sonewhat dimmed, eleven people cane in and seated themselves at the table. They were a mixed group, boti men and women. He recognized one of the persons as the seventeen oF eighteen year old girl he observed in the hotel lobby earlier that day, ingu-ry was made of the assistant stage manag-r as to who tnese people were, The answer given was that “They are rich Souta Anericans". Fro position on the stoalcous closely observe tue occupants of ble. This was particularly true during the staging of yapiou. wien the spotlights were shown directly across the be re le man at the table wi had seen before. This map vas obvious because of a 23" scar ender ‘chin on the right side. recognized this individual as a former German officer by the name off Wet SSHAN. enenbered this man as being a menber of the German Occupation Forces an Paris during the last war in charge of the sanda Staff whg gensored songs and other entertainment in that area. tated that| for the French Underground new that nEISomAN Was 1co ing To! during his occupation and had 4: photo- graphs offeraug a revard Yor the capture ase were circulated in the Paris area. CR: tha tl in nis underground School Training had learned to mke mental photographs of features of individuals and mentioned the vortrait Parle System of identification. egies s td UMCeTR, FBL June 5, 1967 HITLER AND EVA BRAUN PORATION hear the middle of the tevieMoteerves an vl Amediately fel{MMBnad seen before, In refreshin GMM sepory@ suds nly arrived at the sion that she was EVA BRAUN of Dbserved zany photographs but had never seen in person. Upon recO@M@zing this woran@ felt thot HITLER might be nearby and exanined more clesely the other Meters of the group siting av the large table. There wos one Tan in particular having numerous charscteristics of HITLER. This man was described as having the same general build and age of HITIER, was clean shaven, and hada very short Geren crev haircut. This man wes rether elated ai lrelt. that this party ws definitely HITLER, but as not as nas that the woman described above was SVA BAU. ¢ HITLER suspect appeired to be friendly with everyone at the table. After the performance, which was well received, dancing was held and a number of people including guests at the hotel and those at the large teble remained for dancing. It w noticed thas the young girl stuyed with 2n elder! Honever, @Q™M“es introduced to the young girl ai She wes very tive in Gernan, gay, and rathe! oe want to izprese ‘This girl had, during one of the internissicns, given WJB2 ban: 5 a sort of gratuity for a fine performance and stated that she nope rould keep it for a souvenir. J ntdoned that these people who claimed to be Chilian spoke German y and there was no evidence of the Spanish or Portuguese language being used, which mad yubt that they had met resided in that section of the country very omer Daring tbe next a AMI: I oe cirouleted in the village ani ka trap out to thewforenentioned manufacturiny plant near Rio CraMMOQQM further noticed that everyone spoke German. During the performance of the second evening at the hotel, - | 77. earned the nine of the young girl was/.AEAVA (phonetic) and ak: © be a Cernan but ws now a Chilisn sid resided in Chile. e the seme teble was set up but on this evening the teble contained an extra ir and 3 of the previous evening the occupants of the table cane in le gain observed the girl whonlflMM thought to be EVA BRAUN and the young Eiri but did not ebserve the mm judged to be HATLER on the previous evening. id notice a veryetarge wan of approximately fifty -7- 4 9 is Ton, FBL dune 5, 1947 Re: ADOLPH HITLER Ai EVA ER-UN INF. S DSNCER NIC ars of age with steel gray hair whonfeclieved to be a German officer otserved in the Paris area during the occupation by German troops. ae unable to furnish any further identifying data beyond th» fact that Mas sure nad acen the man before There was another man mhon@had not seen before in this group, aman ed to be elderly and wno had white hair whichae wore rather Jong. being very curious, noticed something ici sresceres signif’ neerning the old man, During one of the dances Known as “Les Sylphid" (pi a well knom ballet which is danced in a violet colored spotlight J noticed that this light when placed on the large table caused We ocolpants’ faces to appear as though they were masks of death with the excej old man whose face did not seflect os the others. This coon: believe that the old man was using make-up. Upon learning U8, in question was watched more closely and it was observed that he had the walk of a younger man, possibly forty to forty-five years of age. tia not wish to be too curious in view of the fact trat the french Underground and might possibly be recogni zed lieved to be WEISSWAN and did not ask too many quostions did learnyvmonever, from the young girl that she was a niece of the han believed to be Eg caban and thet the group allegedly were from Vina del lar of cess, that this young girl as well as the persons believed and EVA BRAUN actually resided at Casino. WII sores so ome yong irt ial ening to mite a travelog about the comaunity of Casino and describe it to prospective tourists as a very delightful, selected, and uncomercialized lncation. The young girl immediately advised (Mit would not be a very good idea as the p-ople wists to keep it that Waeand did not desire tourists, She also described it as not a fit subject to write about. next mornin spoke to the manager of the ho} siotind wuld Like phot nd explained to him rezarding [ill idea of the relog. The manager bevame very vehement and said he te Wish to discuss the matter as he did not des; EY Hing of that sort: written about the compait: our received a call fron the manager sovetne nd his r leave within one hour, using the excuse thatwtne rooMewere full Na) i wTUR, FBI dune 5, 1747 Rez ADOLPH HITLER AND EVA BRAUN LN) lesired to leave the following day but wa: ged down by er. cars were sent to the hotel to pick up ti ia: in the first car which did not acconodate wi" Ss g around the front of the hotel for another cl one a was talking t: g girl who stated that she would like to have a photogr eave by josranh whic votoer spied a5 fotione: “prom a ‘of the \whe fought ig five years srainst ret - HITLER, a far0) "The young girl acknowledged the famous lady reference but no mention was made of EVA BRAUN. The young zirl did say, however, that her aunt did not Like journalists because the, were too curious, Shortly beter AM caving the hotelMMooserved the tady whom believed to be EVA \d two other people leaving the hotel and walk towards the beach. Thoy were wearing be: es. The EVA BRAUN suspect was wearing a short beach ot: Ns. r in the day-' Light and was even more positive that she UN. Wzentioned that she had sort of a deformity which he described as a very Yin waist with accentuated or large hips which he knew to be a characteristic of BRAUN. nager of the hotel b: yoodbye and sai =a: had enjoyed their visit at the hotel proceeded, ‘0 Grande where talked to the president of the Chanber o. ere regarding the proposed travelog. The result was that this Chatber of Commerce representative did not want an article regarding the cormunity as he felt that the English might learn to like her place and settle here. cceeded to Rio de Janeiro wher stayed for a fen days was walking down the street in Rio da Janeiro and a large rock fe. he sidewalk in front. oa: had been dropped from some apartment stove 2 not observe ind thought nothing much of it. Homgyer, xt day som-one dropped @ pot of some smally substance, whi described as cee out of the window and some ‘landed ot shoes. ‘that ala: was that within this "stuff" was a large piece of gevbolt, which would have been dangerous if it had felt that perhaps someone was ~ ing to do anay with je obner hand believed it might b imagination,

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