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The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod

Eleventh grade burns

Chapter 1
A slayers resolve
The vampire spun around, a wild, unhinged look in his eye. He lunged forward b
ut the slayer skillfully dodged his blow, delivering a hard roundhouse kick to t
he creature's throat. The vampire fell to the ground, coughing, choking on its o
wn blood. The slayer could have killed the beast a half hour ago. But this wasn'
t just about ridding the world of another abomination (thought that was definite
ly the end goal). It was about a slayer needing to release some pinned-up hostil
ity and cleanse himself of all his clouded thoughts.
Thoughts that were now perfectly clear.
These bloodsucking things could not be trusted. Not even when the donned the m
ask of relatively normal teenager. Not even when they claimed to be your friend.
Especially when they used their insidous powers to gain your trust and get you
to reveal secrets that even those closest to you didn't know. Especially when th
eir name was Vladimir Tod.
Joss was done playing games.With Vlad's face planted firmly in the forefront o
f his imagination, he slipped the silver tipped wooden stake from his backpack a
nd approached the vampire on the ground with an eager step. He whispered, "For y
ou, Cecile," and thrust the stake forward, before the beast could draw a single
breath. Blood-hot, slick, so deep red that is seemed black in the light of the
moon-pored out over his hands. The nameless vampire fell still.
Joss straightened his shoulders, triumphant.
From his backpack, he withdrew a cell phone and hit number two on speed dial.
When the voice at the other end answered, he said, "Thiss is Joss. I need a clea
nup on the ocean side of Russian Gulch State Park. The target is secure. Am I cl
eared to move onto my next objective?"
When the voice answered in the affirmative, Joss hung up the phone. There was
no need to continue the conversation. Small talk didn't matter.
All that mattered that he was going back to Bathory.
And this time, he would walk away with no regrets.

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