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HSC Knowledge Quiz

1. Explain how can be used to determine the relative

weight force on an object with ½ the radius, and 1/10 the mass of earth.

2. Explain how can be used to find the change in orbital period T

when the radius of an orbit is increased by a factor of 9.

3. What are Einstein’s two Postulates
a. ,
4. If a space craft travels at 0.6 c what is the mass, length and clock speed as judged by a
viewer of the occupant.

5. For a motor that starts from a stop to its running speed In the space below plot the
a. Speed as a function of time
b. Back emf as a function of time
c. Constant supply voltage as a function of time
d. Circuit current as a function of time

6. Sketch the magnetic field arrangement of

a. DC Motor

b. Galvanometer

c. Loudspeaker

7. Explain Eddy currents

8. If eddy currents always resists movement, draw the two eddy currents in a pipe below and
above the falling magnet that form solenoid fields that oppose the fall.
9. Perform a swinging plate experiment with a magnetic breaking pole. Diagram, Observation,

10. Induction stove tops are said to be more efficient because only the saucepan is heated.
a. Why is this so?
b. Is this true for all sauce pans?
c. What would happen to a spoon placed in a glass bowl of sugar if inductively heated.

12. Draw the voltage signals output from a

a. DC generator
i. Forward
ii. backward
b. AC generator
i. Slow speed
ii. High Speed
13. How do motor armature coupling get their name
a. Slip Ring
b. Split Ring
14. Why are the cores of motors and transformers laminated?

15. What has more Torque, 1 kg held at with your arm horizontal, 2 kg your arm at 45degree,
20 kg hanging straight down.

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