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R Diagramming Sudeep D’Souza

FMCG Company:

The mission of Pepsico is “to

to be the world's premier consumer products company focused on
beverages.” To this end they have introduced several different brands
convenient foods and beverages.”
into the market. The Prowess Database (Appendix A) classifies their product portfolio into
Aerated and Non-Aerated
Aerated Beverages, Potato Chips, Namkeens, Agro Products and Others.

This product portfolio

io can be further broken down into their horizontal range of products.
Apart from the classification of the product mix from Prowess, the horizontal product mix
can be broken down into Aerated beverages, Non Aerated Beverages, Cookies, Namkeens,
Chips and Agro Products. (The entire product matrix can be found in Appendix B at the end
of this paper).

Pepsico’s product range can be divided broadly into two groups, beverages and foods.
Beverages contain all the liquid products which are both aerated and non-aerated.
non The
vertical product mix in Pepsico’s aerated drinks arsenal include beverages such as Pepsi,
7Up, Mountain Dew and Miranda. They also recently launched a Tropicana Twister drink
which comes in Orange Thrill and Apple Burst flavours.

The Non-Aerated drinks vertical shows products such as Aquafina, Gatorade, Nimbooz, Slice
and Lipton Tea. Tropicana, a fruit juice beverage, which also comes under this category has
two subcategories, Tropicana and Tropicana 100%. Both brands have various flavours in the
market, apple, grape, orange and pineapple to name a few.

The Food Product mix of Pepsico’s product portfolio

portfolio has Aliva which is Pepsico’s
Pepsico brand of
cookies, Frito-Lays
Lays their chips brand which took over Uncle Chipps (this comes under the
potato chips division in Prowess), and Cheetos and Kurkure which are crispy munchies. Each
of the above products come in their unique flavours (refer to Appendix B for more details).

Pepsico also has Lehar Namkeen’s (refered to as Namkeen

Namkeen in prowess) which has different
Namkeen products such as Aloo Bhujjia, Khatta Meetha and Mirchi Peanuts to name a few.
The agro products of Pepsico Ltd. are Quaker oats which is a breakfast cereal.

As can be seen from the Prowess Data, Pepsico makes most of its revenue from their
beverages and their Potato Chips products.
ER Diagram for Pepsico Products
Explanation of the ER diagram for Pepsico Product Portfolio:
Each of the products in Pepsico’s product portfolio is either a Food or a Beverage which can
be seen from the Is_a relation. These two types are entities of the product matrix. The
attributes which can be used to explain these two entities are:

Brand – which is the identification of what name Pepsico has named the product. The brand
is not an entity by itself but is used to explain about the product.

Stock – Quantity of the product which is in the store

Price – The amount the product is sold for

Qty_sold – Number of units which have been sold in the market

Nutritional Value for Food, which tells about the fats, carbs and energy in the product which
is a multi-valued attribute

The above attributes are generalised attributes for both Food and Beverage entities. Apart
from these attributes the specialised attribute to the products are

The Pack_type attribute for the beverage gives the type of packaging i.e., if it is a bottle or a
can and the type of bottle i.e., glass or plastic

The Food can be further divided into Chips, Namkeen and Agro entities, the entity set is
disjoint since a product can be in either one of the entities. It also has a partial specialisation
rule since another entity called cookie’s exists but inherits the attributes of the parent entity
and has no specialised attribute.

The specialized attributes are Flavor and Pack_Size, the different flavours of the entity can
be seen in Appendix B while the Pack_Size shows the quantity per unit. Namkeen does not
have a pack size since it is sold in only one quantity and Agro i.e., a product like Quaker oats
does not have flavours.

Beverages are either Aerated or Non-Aerated. The disjoint rule is used since a drink could
either be aerated or non-aerated and not both. It also has a complete specialization
constraint since there is no other entity present.

The Aerated beverages are explained by the Gas_Qty attribute while the Non-Aerated entity
can be explained by the flavour of the juice and the type of product which can be either
water, lime juice (Nimbooz) and other flavours from the Tropicana Brand. It could also be
the Lipton ice Tea. Each of the aerated and non-aerated entities inherits the other attributes
from the parent.

Total_Sales and Total_Revenue are derived attributes for the Product calculated from the
total sales and total price attributes of the respective Food and Beverage entities.
Appendix A – Product Portfolio of Pepsico in Prowess

Appendix B – Product Portfolio

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