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] [
- ..........
] - - -
- ): ( WAP
] [ Wireless Application Protocol
- ............
] [
- ............
] [ Reply
- MS-Word ............
][ Header and Footer
- ) ( ADSL :
] [
- ) ( CPU ...........
] [ GHZ / MHZ
- ..............
] [ Show pictures
- ) ( ISP :
] [
- ) ( SMS :
] [ Short Message Service
- ............
] - Disk Top - Documents - CD-ROM [
- ............
] [
- ..............
] [ Ctrl+ Enter
SMS - ......

] [ MMS

- ..............
] - Close Window Minimize , Maximize Scroll bar [
- ...........
] [
- .............
] [ Forward
( Web browser ) - .............
] [
- ) ( Restore .........
] [
- .........
] [
- ............
] [ Tittle Bar
- / ............
] [
- .............
] - - [
- .............
] [ File
- ) ( File Type .............
] - - - [
- ) ( File Type .............
] [
- 20000
] [
- ............
] [ Ctrl + L
- ............
] [

- ) ( Favorites ...............
] [
- ...........
] [ Modem
- ) ( CPU :
] [
- .............
] [ Windows 8.1
- .............
] [
] [
- ) ( Ports ..........
] [ UPS
- ..........
] [
] [
- ................
] [
- ) ............ ( Maximize
] [
] [ Access
] " " [
- ............
] [ Amazon
] [

][ Twitter
] [ Bing
- ) ( Restart
] [
- ) ( Shut down
] [
- ) ( Log off
] [
- ) ( Sleep
] [
- ...........
] [ Close
- ...............
] - - - [
- .............
] [ Extension
- ...........
] - - [
- ...........
] [
- ............
] [
- ........
] [ Hard Disk
- ..............
] [
- ) ( File System
] [ BOIS
- ) ( POP Mail ...........
] [

- ..........
] [ VoIP
- ) ( GPRS :
] [ General Packet Radio Service
- .........
] [
- ..........
] [
- ..............
] [ Ctrl + F4
- .......
] [
- ) ( Nic .............
] [ MAC address
][ Magnetic drums
- ..........
] [ Filename .mpg
] [
- ) ( Out Look ..........
] - - - [
- .............
] - ISDN - IDSL - PSTN [
- ............
] [
- ) ( Setup .............
] [ Uninstall
- ................
] [ Information

- ...............
] [
- .............
] [
- ............
] + Ctrl [
- ............
] [
] [
- ...........
] [ Packets
- ............
] [
- ............
] [
- ...........
] [ F1
- ..............
] [ Hard Disk
( CD Rom ) - ............
] [
- .........
] [
- ............
] [ Print Screen
- .............
] [ Ctrl + F6
- :

] -
- - [

- ) ( Mail Merag :

] - - - [
- .........
] - - - [
- ..........
] [
- ..........
] - - - [
- ............
] [
- ) .......... ( Multimedia Files
] - - - [
- ........
] [
- ........
] [ Drag and Drop
- ...........
] [
- ............
] [ WAN
- ..........
] - - - [
- ..........
] [
- :
] [ Random-Access Memory
- ) ( Shortcut Menu
) ( Compress .............
] [ Send to
] [

- ) ( RAM ........
] [
] [
- ) ( Interface ...........
] ) [ ( GUI
] [
] [
- ............
] [
- ...........
] [ WAN
- ........
] [ LAN
] [ HTTP
- ) ( URL
] [ Path
] [
- ............
] [ Personal Computers
- :
] [ ROM
- ..........
] [ Backup
- )( .............
] Shift + Ctrl [

- ............
] [
- ............
] [ Ppt
- ............
] [ Folder Option
- .............
] [ Ctrl + N -
- ) : ( Freeware
] [
- ..........
] [ Page Setup
- ..........
] [ Alt + Shift
- ...........
] [
] [
( ADSL ) - :
] [ Asymmetric Digital Subscriber line
( ISDN ) - :
] [
- ...........
] [
] [ Pixels
( GUI ) - :

] [ Graphical User Interface

] [ Laser

- ........
] [ 8 bit
- ) ( CPU
] [ Central Processing Unit
] [
] Inkjet [
- ............
] [ Alt + Esc
- ...........
] [ F2
- ...........
] [ Alt+ Tab
- ..........
] [ Ctrl + F
] [
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - :
] [ HTTP
- Megabyte Per Second
] [ mbps
] [
- PMP GIF ............
] [
- ..............
] [
- ) ( Close .............
] [

- ............
] [ Server
WWW - ............
] [ World Wide Web :
] [ Printer - Speaker - Data show - Microphone
] [ Internet Explorer
] [ Ide
] [
- .........
] [
- ............
] - - - [
- ............
] [
( Hyperlink ) - .............
] [
- ...........
] [ PowerPoint
- ...........
] [
- ) Windows XP( properties .........
] [
- ) Folder( Properties ..........
] [
- ..........
] [ LCD

- ) : ( com
] [
- ) : ( gov
] [
- ) : ( edu
] [
- ) : ( org
] [
- ) : ( info
] [
- ) : ( Mil
] [
- ) : ( net
] [
- ) ( Shift + Delete .............
] [
- ) : ( FTP
] File Transfer Protocol [
- ) : ( TCP/IP
] Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol [
- ) : ( URL
] Uniform Resource Locator [
- ) : ( IP Address

] Internet Protocol Address [

- ..........
] [
- ..............
] [ Ctrl + B
- ...............
] [ Ctrl + U


] [
- ) : ( ISP
] [ Internet Server Provider
] [ Hard Disk
( Sign up ) - :
] [
( Sign in ) - :
] [
- ) ( ..........
] [ Ctrl + ESC
- .............
] + L [ Windows
( Gateway ) - ..............
] [
- .............
] [ Ctrl + Z
- ................
] [ Alt + Enter
- .............
] [
- .............
] - - - [
- ............
] [ Download
] [ System Bus
- .........
] [

- ...........
] [
] [ Bits Per Second
- ..........
] [ File
- ) ( Power ............
] [ Shut down
- ...........
] [ TB
- ) ( Internet Option
Windows ...............
] -
[ - ) ( LAN ..........
] [
- ) ( MHZ ...........
] [
- ) ........... ( IT
] [
- ...........
] [ Doc
] [
- .............
] - Ctrl + S - Save As - Save [
- .............
] [
- ) ( Intranet :
] [

- ) (club ) ( computer
) ( :
] [ club - computer
- ............
] [ Gateway
- ..............
] [ Compaq
- ...........
] [
- ..............
] [
- ) (CACHE ............
] [ KB
- ) : ( UPS
] [
- ) : ( Shareware
] [
- ) ( pnp :
] Plug-And-Play [
- x ...........
] [
- ) ( MDI :
] [ Multiple Document Interface
- ............
] [
- ..............
] [ Folder
- ..........
] [ G mail

- ............
] [ Oracle
- ...............
] [ Print current page
- ) ( Processor
] [
- ) ( Notepad .............
] [
- ) ( Format ...........
] [
- ..............
] [ Upload
- .............
] [
- ) ( BCC ............
] To [
- ............
] [ Ctrl + F4
- .............
] [
- .............
] [ Search Engine
- ............
] [ RAM
- ............
] [ WAP
- .................
] [ Crop

- ) ( Desktop ) ( My Documents ............

] [ Send to
- .............
] [
- ) ( Assembly
] [ Assembler
( Bar code ) - .............
] [
- ................
] [ Alignment - Punctuate - Space - Border
- ) ( Work .......
] [ Work
- ) ( Table ............
] - - - [
- ..........
] [ Web Pages
- ) ............ ( Restore System
] [
- ..........
] [ Coulme
] [ Paint Microsoft
- ) ( Domain :
] [
- ) ( Touch Screen ............ :
] [ Input / Output device
- ) ( Paragraph ............
] [

- ............
] [ Google +
- .............
] [ Skype
] [
- ) ( Delete ............
] [
- ) ( BOIS ............
] [ ROM
] [
- ...........
] [ Clipboard
- ..............
] - - - [
- ............
] [ LED
- .............
] [
] [ Application Software
- ) : ( Authorization
] [
- ..........
] [
- ) ( K56 ) ( K56 ............
] [

- ..........
] [ NTFS
- .............
] [ HUB
- .......... .
] [
- ) ( Qwerty ............
] [ Keyboard Layout
- ............
] [
- .............
] [ F7
] [
- ............
] [ Ctrl + E
] [
- ) ( SMTP :
] Simple Mail Transfer Protocol [
- ) ( Switch
] [ Star
- ............
] [ Web Page
- ............
] - - - [
- ............
] - Video Converse - E-mail - [

- ) ......... ( Dial up
] [
- ) ( SMS ............
] - -
- [
- ............
] [ Ctrl + V
- ............
] [ Ctrl+ D
- ...........
] [ Wiff
- ) ( Desktop ...........
] [ New
- ...........
] [ Ctrl+ C - Ctrl+ W - Ctrl+ V - Ctrl+ X
- ............
] [
] - Recycle bin - Document- Desktop [
- ) ( CD Room ...........
] / [
- ..........
] [ Prolog
- .........
] [ File name RAR - File name ICO - File name ZIP - File name ISO
- ) ( ............
] 176000 [
] )[ (Delphi
] [ Paint Shop Pro

- ) ( Microsoft Word ..........

] [ Ctrl + A
] [
- .............
] [
] [
] [
- .............
] [
- ............
] [
- ...........
] [
- ..........
] [
- .............
] [
] [
] [
- ...........
] [

] [
- .............
] [

] [
- .............
] [
] [
] [
- .........
] [
- .............
] [ Click
- ............
] [ Double Click
- ..............
] [
- ...........
] - - - [
- ) ( AutoCAD :
] [
] [ Control Panel
- ............
] Edit Ruler Draft [
- .........
] [ Microsoft Solitaire
- :

] - -
- [

- .............
] [ Hardware - Software Programs - Languages
- ..........
] [ Protocol
- ) ( Font Style
] [ Italic Superscript Bold Regular
] [
- ............
] [ Line spacing Alignment Numbering Page Border
- ..............
] [
- ...........
] [ Ungroup
- ..........
] [ Shift
- ) ............ ( Home Page
] [ Use Current
- ..............
] [ # Name
- .............
] [ Ctrl + End
- ..............
] [ Bus
- ..........
] [ GPRS
- ............
] [ Printer Computers Cable Modem
- .............
] [ SMTP

- ...........
] [ F5
- ...........
] - - - [
- ...........
] [
- ...........
] [
- ...........
] Photo Shop [
- ) ( Unix ..........
] [
- ............
] [ Mdb
- .............
] [ Xls
- ...........
] [ Avira
- ............
] [ AltaVista Firefox Yahoo Google
] [
] [
- ............
] - - Data Show - [
] [ Flash
- ) ( Motherboard ............
] - - -

- .............
] [
- ..........
] [
( Multitasking System ) - :
] - -
- [
] [ Microphone - Date Show - Speaker - Printer
- ..............
] - - - [
] [ Front Pages Dos Word Excel
- ............
] [
- ..........
] - -
- [
- ............
] [ Google Plus
- ...........
] [ Enter - Assembler - Comparator - Compiler
- ...........
] [
- ) ( ALU .............
] [
- ) ( RAM ............
] [
- ...............
] [

. ...........
] [ Parallel port
- ..............
] [
- ..........
] [
- .............
] [
- .............
] ) - (HTML)[ (Java
- :
] - - - [
] [ Fortran - Delphi - Visual Basic - Pascal
- ............
] [ Windows NT
- :
] [ Podcast

] [ RSS
- ) ( DSL .

] [
- .........
] [ Linux
( go to ) - ............
] [ Fortran
] [

- ............
] - Java - HTML- Machine Language [
- ) ( looping ..........
] [
- ) ( USP :
] - KB - MB - GB [
- ) ........... ( Port
] [ USP
- ............
] [ Server Mail
] [
- ..........
] [
] )[ (File Server
- .......
] [
] ) - (Rename ) - (Delete ) -(Copy [
- .........
] [
] [
- .............
] [ Printer - Card reader - Scanner - Plotter
] [
- ) (

] [

- ............
] [ install.exe

] [ HD
- ) : ( DPI
] ) (Dots Per Inch [
- ........
] [ JPEG
- .COM ) : ( COMMAND
] . BAK ) [ ( BACKUP
- .........
] )[ (IBM 5100
- ) ( User interfaces
- .............
] [ Blog
- ............
] - - [ Calculator -
] [
- ) (vector
] ) [ (Zoom
- .............
] [
- ) ( Windows Media Player
] txt [ MP4 - Wav - Jpg -
- ) ( Insert .........
] [ Word Art - Clip Art- Graft- Chart
- ............
] - - - [

- ) DVD ( .........
] - GB - GB, GB . [
- ..............
] [
- Apple Maci IBM :
] - -
- [
- ..........
] - Outline- Print layout - Draft [
- ............
] [
- ...........
] [
- ..............
] [ Serial Port
- ..........
] [
] [ Key board
- ...........
] [ Ctrl
] - Fire wall - Anti spy - Antivirus [
] - Flickr - YouTube - Internet Explorer [
- ............
] [
- .............
] [
- ............
] [


] [
- ..........
] - - - [
- ) ( Dell
) ( DVD ...........
] [ F12 - F9 - F8 - F10
- .........
] - - - [
- ............
] [ Osborne ENIAC Colossus - Atanasoff-Berry
] [
- .
] [
- ............
] [ Double - Triple - Single - Multiple
- ............
] - Rotate right 90 - Rotate left 90 - Rotate [
] - - [
] - - [ CD-ROM -
- ..........
] [
- ...........
] - Wrap - Rotate - Group [
- ............
] [ Sample
- ............

- .........
] [ Ctrl + l
- ...........
] [
- ...........
] [
- ) ( USB :
] [ Universal Serial Bus
] [ Separate Files
- ...........
] [
- ...........
] [ Upgrade
- ..............
] - - - [
- ) ( Selected Icon .........
] [ Ctrl + X
] [
- ) ( Ports
] - LPT - USB - COM [
- ) : ( MMS
] [ Multimedia Messaging Service
- ............
] [ Filename png - Filename gif - Filename bmp - Filename ppt
- ............
] [
- ) ( Tittle Bar ..............
] - - - [

- .............
] [ Linux - Windows - USP - Unix
- ) ( Control Panel .........
] [
] [
- ...........
] - E-mail - E-commerce - E-Learning [
- ) ( Shut Down ............
] [
- ............
] [ Binary form
- ............
] [ Microsoft Excel
- .............
] - - - [
- ........
] [ Details - List - Cascade - Large icons
] [ Control Panel
- ...............
] [ Help menu
- ...........
] [

] Format - - Partitions
- [
- ...........
] - -
- [

] - - [
- ...............
] - Output media - Secondary storage media - Input media [
- ) ( Interpreter
] - Faster than a compiler - Converts a program to machine code
] Translates and executes programs statement by statement -
- ) ( Windows
] [ Microsoft Word
- ..........
] - - - [

- Tmp jpg ..............

] [

- .........
] [

] - - - [

- :
] - - - [

Ellsayed Ahmed Ellsehrawy

Port Said

Ellsayed Ahmed Ellsehrawy

Port Said

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