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Essay Correction- Peperiksaan 1B

Last Saturday evening, I walked home from a mini market which is located
just a stones throw away from my house. I went there to buy some groceries for
my mother. When I looked at my watch, I realised that it was getting late and so I
picked up my pace.
On the way home, I noticed a white car screeching to a halt in front of the
First City Bank. Almost immediately, four masked men armed with pistols rushed
out of the car and ran into the bank whereas another man waited in the car. Now
this really got my attention. I was stunned at the spot before I slapped myself
awake. Those men They were bank robbers! Soon after, I heard people
screaming from the inside of the bank. I had to do something, fast!
Without further hesitation, I raced to a nearby public telephone booth. I
dialled 999 with trembling fingers to call the police. I tried to use my calmest
voice to introduce myself and to answer the policeman questions through the
line. He asked for my name, my address, the name of the bank and the location
of the bank. After that all I could do was waiting there just as the policeman
instructed. I just hope that my mother would not get too worried about me
because had not reached home yet at this time of the day. I tried

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