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ME GATE 2010 Answer Keys

1 D 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 C
8 C 9 A 10 A 11 D 12 B 13 C 14 C
15 A 16 D 17 B 18 D 19 A 20 D 21 C
22 C 23 B 24 A 25 B 26 B 27 A 28 D
29 A 30 C 31 D 32 B 33 A 34 C 35 A
36 D 37 C 38 D 39 A 40 B 41 B 42 B
43 C 44 A 45 A 46 D 47 D 48 C 49 C
50 C 51 D 52 C 53 B 54 B 55 B 56 D
57 D 58 A 59 B 60 C 60 B 61 D 62 C
63 B 64 C 65 C


1. The given curve is y = x i.e., y2=x also 1 ≤ x ≤ 2

b 2 ⎛ x2 ⎞ 3π

⎛ 1⎞
Volume = π
y2dx = π
xdx = π ⎜
⎜ 2 ⎟

= π ⎜2 − ⎟ =
⎝ 2⎠ 2

Therefore the required volume is units
2. The Blasius equation f "'+ .f " = 0 is a third order linear ordinary differential equation.
∞ ∞ π ⎛ π⎞

3. Given, = ⎡ tan−1 n⎤ = [tan
(∞) − tan
(−∞ )] = − − =π
−∞ 1+x
2 ⎣ ⎦ −∞ 2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠

⎛ 3 + 4i ⎞
4. The given complex number is ⎜ ⎟ rationalizing the denominator.
⎝ 1 − 2i ⎠
3 + 4i 1 + 2i 10i − 5
x = = 2i − 1
1 − 2i 1 + 2i 5

∴ Modules of 2i-1= 22+(-1)2 = 5

5. The given function is y=|2-3x|. It is continuous for all x ∈R and also differentiable at all points
except at x =
| 2 − 3(x + h) | − | 2 − 3x | | 2 − (3 + x) | − | (2 − 3x) |
Since, l t ≠ lt
h→0 h x → 0+ h

8. σx = −200Mpa

σy = 100MPa, τxy = 100MPa

We know that Maximum shear stress
2 2
⎛ σx -σy ⎞ ⎛ −200 − 100 ⎞
τmax= ⎜ + τ2
xy =
⎟ + 100 = 180.2MPa
⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠
⎝ ⎠

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10. Natural Frequency is given by

Wn =
It only depends on mass but not on the weight. Therefore it is independent on gravity of a system.

13. For fully developed viscous flow between two fixed parallel plates, the ratio is given by

Vmax 3 2 2
= ⇒ Vavg = .Vmax = .6 = 4m / s
Vavg 2 3 3

15. B.P. = = 950KW
Where n=no. of cylinders = 1
Pm.e.p=Mean effective pressure
Vs=displacement volume = 0.0259m3
N=r.p.m = 2200 r.p.m
K= ½ for 4-stroke, = 1 for 2-stroke
∴ Pm.e.p.= = 2000Kpa = 2MPa
0.0259x2200x1 / 2

17. We know that

Pu =
H3 / 2
1000 P
i.e. = → Power developed at two different heads, P=353.55KW
403/2 203 / 2

20. Given shaft is φ35−0.025

Tolerance = upper deviation – lower deviation = 0.025-0.009=0.016

Fundamental deviation for basic shaft is lower deviation = -0.009

21. N002 → Circular interpolation in clockwise direction.

G91 → Incremental dimension

22. Demand = 12000, Forecast = 10275

α = 0.25, Ft=Ft-1+ α (Dt-1-Ft-1) = 10275 + 0.25 (12000 – 10275) = 10706.25

26. Given

0 60 120 180 240 300 360

0 1066 -323 0 323 -355 0

Here, h=60o-0o=60o=60 x ∏/180

y0=0, y1=1066, y2=-323, y3=0, y4=323, y5=-355, y6=0

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= ⎡(y + y6 ) + 4(y1 + y3 + y5 ) + 2(y2 + y4 )⎤⎦
3⎣ 0
= 0.349 [(0 + 0) + 4(1066 + 0 − 355) + 2(−323 + 323)]
Torque = 0.349[4(711)] = 993

27. Given, A= → for characteristic equation |A-λI|=0

⎡2 − λ 2 ⎤
i.e., ⎢ ⎥ =0
⎣ 1 3 − λ⎦

⇒ (2 − λ)(3 − λ) − 2 = 0 ⇒ λ2 − 5 + 4 = 0 ⇒ λ=1,4

Let, C1=1, C2=4 , Eigen vector for C1=1 is

⎡2-C1 2 ⎤ ⎡ x1 ⎤
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ = 0
⎣ 1 3 − C1 ⎦ ⎣ x2 ⎦

⎡1 2⎤ ⎡ x1 ⎤ 1
⇒⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ = 0 ⇒ x1+2x2=0 ⇒ x2=- 2 x1
⎣1 2⎦ ⎣x2 ⎦
Eigen vector set is

X1 1 2 3 4

1 3
X2 − -1 − -2
2 2
⎧2 ⎫
∴ The eigen vector is ⎨ ⎬

28. The given vector flow is V = 2xyi − x2zj and the point is (1,1,1), Velocity of a vector = ∇xV

i j k
∂ ∂ ∂
= = i(x21+j(0)+k(-2xz-2x) at (1, 1, 1). The vorticity vector is i-4k
∂x ∂y ∂z
2xy −x2y 0

29. Given f(t)=
s (s + 1)
Converting into partial fractions, we have
1 1 1
f(t) = − + + = −1 + t + e−t = t − 1 + e−t
s s2 s + 1

Washers Nuts Bolts Total

30. Given,
2 3 4 9
1 1
The probability of drawing two washers from 9 objects is =
9C 36

1 1
The probability of drawing 3 nuts out of remaining 7 objects is =
7C 35

The probability of drawing 4 bolts out of remaining 4 bolts is 1.

1 1
Therefore required probability = =
36x35 1260

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31. b=8Omm; D=250mm; μ =0.25; θ =270dgrees=4.712 rad; Ft=1000 N-m

We know that Ft=(P1-P2)R
= eμθ , P1 = eμθ.P2 = e0.25x4.712.P2 , P1 = 3.25P2
F 1000
∴ 2.25P2 = t = ⇒ P2=3.5KN
R 0.125
And P1=11.56 KN
Therefore Max tension in the belt = 11.56 KN.

32. Direct load=1000N on the bracket fixed at wall. There is no eccentricity therefore P at each
rivet= = 250N
P 250
∴ Shear Stress (C)= = = 8.8 Mpa
A π / 4xb2

33. Amplitude (A)=50mm

m x+ Kx = 100 cos (100t) ω=100
General solution is x=Acos ωt
. ..
x = −Aω sin ωt, x=-Aω2 cost ωt
m(-Aω2 cos ωt)+K(A cos ωt)=100 cost (ωt)
-mAω2 + KA = 100
−m(0.05)(100)2 + 3000(0.05) = 100
−500m + 150 = 100
+m = +50 / 500 = 0.1


Condition Arm/a 2 3/4 5

Arm fixed
20 5 20 32 1
2-rotates 0 1 − = − X =−
26 6 26 80 3
+1 rev

Arm fixed
5 x
2-rotates 0 X − x −
6 3
+x rev

5 x
Add y y x+y − x+y − +y
6 3

Given ωarm=-80rad/sec=y

ω2=100 rad/sec = x+y

∴ x+y = 100 ⇒ x=100+80=180
⎛ 180 ⎞
ω5=-80 ⎜ - ⎟ = 140CCW
⎝ 3 ⎠

35. dj=50mm; dB=50.05mm; lB=20mm, N=1200 rpm; μ =0.03 pa-sec

Frictional factor (f) = shear stress x Area ⇒ xπdjlb
H=rb-rj ⇒ 0.00025m

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πD jNπx0.05x1200
U= = = 3.141
60 60
(f) = xπ(0.05)(0.02)
(Torque) T=fxrj
T = xπ(0.05)(0.02)x0.025 = 0.2961
2πNT 2πx1200x0.2961
Power = Txω = = = 37.2W
60 60

36. ωAB = 10rad / sec CCW VB/c=?

A  C 

AB=250mm BC=250 3mm AC=500 mm

The direction of relative velocity of slider B with respect to ‘C’ is inline with the link BC. The direction
of velocity of ‘AB’ is ⊥ ar to link ‘AB’ and parallel to the link CD
∴ Vc=0,
∴ VB/c = VB − Vc = 2.5 − 0 = 2.5m / sec
VB = rABxωAB = 250x10 = 2500 ⇒ 2.5m / sec.
Vc = 0

37. At Section S1: At Section S2:

P1=50 KPa P2=20 KPa
Z1=10m Z2=12m
D=200mm, ρ =1000kg/m3, v=2m/s & g=9.8/s2
Apply Bernouli’s equation at two sections
P1 P
+ Z1 = 2 + Z2 + h2
eg eg

50x103 20x103
+ 10 = + 12 + h2
1000x9.81 1000x9.81
15.09 = 14.03 + h2 , h2 = 1.06m

Head loss occurs in the direction 1-2. Therefore flow is from S1 to S2 and head loss is 1.06m

39. Given data

γ =1.67; molecular weight M=40
P1=0.1MPa; Ru=8.314 KJ/kmol.k; T1=300K; P2=0.2MPa
We know that
Ru 8.314
Characteristic gas constant r = = = 0.208 KJ/kg.k
M 40

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γ −1 0.67
T ⎛P ⎞ γ
From 2 = ⎜ 2 ⎟ = 21.67 ⇒ T2=396.18 K
T1 ⎝ P1 ⎠
r(T2 -T1)
W.D. in compression =
γ −1
0.208(396.18 − 300)
= = 29.8KJ / kg

40. From clausius inequality

v∫ T < 0 for irreversible process

Q1 Q2 Q3
i.e. + + −−−−<0
T1 T2 T3
Pr ocess I
dQ 2500 2500
v∫ T

= −1.042 < 0

Pr ocess II
dQ 2000 2000
v∫ T

= −1.5 < 0

∴ Process II is more irreversible than process I

41. d=5mm; L=100 mm; K=400 w/mk; T0=130oC; T∞=30oc; H=40W/m2K

Heat loss
Q = hpKA(T0 − T∞ )tanhml, A = d2 = 1.96x10−5 , P = πd = 0.0157

m= = 8.94997 ; ml = 0.895 ∴ Q = 5.0W

42. Given data DBT = 30oC

ω =11.5 g/kg Mol. weight=28.93 Pvs=4.24 KPa Pa=90 KPa
ω P 11.5 90
Relative humidity = . a = . = 0.392 = 39.2%
0.622 Pvs 0.622x1000 4.24

44. Tool life Vs Cutting speed diagram shown in the fig. for the given conditions for both A & B
Tool A; Constant K = 90; xponential constant = 0.45; Tool B; Constant K = 60
Exponential constant = 0.3
At the point of intersection Va = Vb and Ta = Tb
Therefore equating the above conditions we get T = 14.89 min
Substituting the t in any tool life equation will gives the V = 26.7 m/min.
Tool life A will be always higher than tool life B when the cutting velocity is higher than 26.7 m/min.
Hence the given condition is satisfied.

47. Given network is

P=3 R=5 T=7 V=2

Q=4 S=5 U=5 W=10

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D-S-U-W=24 days; P-R-T-V=17 days; P-R-U-W=23 days; Q-S-T-V=18 days

Therefore critical path is D-S-U-W.

48 & 49.
Given data
Rankine cycle on T-S diagram 3


ηt =0.9
h3=3092.5 KJ/kg
S3=S4=6.5821 KJ/kg k
h1=225.94 KJ/kg=hf 15KPa
hg=2599.1 KJ/kg
hfg=hg-hf=2373.16 KJ/kg
1 4
S1=Sf=0.7549 KJ/kg k
Sg=8.0085 KJ/kg k
Sfg=8.0085-0.7549 = 7.2536 KJ/kg k
S4=S1+x Sfg=0.7549+x7.2536=6.5821
h4=h1+x hfg=225.94 + (0.8x2373.16)
h4=2132.4 KJ/kg
Net work output of the cycle = ηt . (h3-h4) =0.9(3092.5-2132.4) =864 KJ/kg  860 KJ/kg
Heat supplied to the cycle = h3-h2
We don’t have information regarding h2
Therefore neglect compressor work and take h2=h1
Therefore Qs=3092.5-225.94 =2866 KJ/kg  2863 KJ/kg

52 & 53 Given data



2000 2000


First calculate RA & RC

Take moments about A
MA = 0 = R Cx4000 = x2000x3000

⇒ R C=4.5x103N=4500N

From R A +R C= x2000

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R A = 6x103 − 4.5x103 = 1.5x103 N = 1500N

Draw SFD 1500N

x (1-x)

Maximum bonding moment occurs at which SF is zero

Therefore S.F. is zero at 2000+x from A or 2000-x from B

From Fp=0, A = 2000+x=2500mm

i.e. 1.5x103 =
⇒ x=500mm

Maximum bending stress is given by

fmax = Ymax
3000 1500
Mmax at point P=4.5x103x1500- x1500x = 3.375x106
1000 2

bd3 30x1003
I= = = 2.5x106 mm4
12 12
ymax = 50mm

3.375x106 x50
fmax = = 67.5Mpa

54 & 55 Work Done = τ × sheararea × K.t

Where K= penetration =0.2; T= thickness= 5 mm
Shear area = (200+200)X5=2000 mm2
Therefore W = 100X2000X5X0.2 = 200000 N-mm = 200 J

Work Done with shear = Fmax X (Kt+I) = 200

Fmax = 200/(5X0.2+20) = 9.5 KN nearly 10 KN

56. Representing the given information in the Venn diagram, we have

μ = 25

n(H) = 15
n(F) = 17

a 10 b


Let the number of people who play only hockey = a

The number of people who play only football = b

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Now, a = n(H) – 10 = 15 – 10 = 5; b = n(F) – 10 = 17– 10 = 7

Clearly, a + b + 10 + n = 25 ⇒ n = 25 – 7 - 5 -10 ⇒ n = 3
The number of people who play neither Hockey nor Football is 3

57. The clue in this sentence is ‘If we manage to ______our natural resources’ and ‘better planet’. This
implies that the blank should be filled by a word which means ‘preserve’ or ‘keep for long time’.
Therefore the word ‘conserve’ is the right answer.

58. A worker who is inactive or not working is termed as unemployed, similarly land which is inactive or
not in use is called Fallow.

59. Circuitous means round about or not direct. Therefore the closest in meaning will be indirect

60. The key words in the statement are ‘casual remarks’ and ‘lack of seriousness’. The blank should be
filled with a word meaning ‘showed’ or ‘revealed’. Hence, ‘betrayed’ is the correct answer.


i) H + G > I + S

ii) |G - S| = 1
Meaning G & S will be next to each other in the order. So the option A is ruled out.

G not oldest
S not youngest

iii) No twins.

Going by the options, we will try to solve the equation,

Taking an example with youngest aged 1, we can try to solve the equation,
and correct the age (started with ages 4,3,2,1) to suit condition (i) and (ii) which gives 5,4,3,1
Generalizing, we can take their ages in
S I +4 terms of I's age,
G I+3 In this case, H + G > I + S
H I+2 Since 2I + 5 > 2I + 4

I In this order, G is always less than I and H is always less than S.

G So G<I and H<S
S Implies G+H < I + S, all values are positive
H Defies condition i) Hence incorrect.

I In this order H< I, G<S

H Hence H +G < I + S
S Defies Condition i)
G Hence incorrect.

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62. Given,
5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20 days i.e., 1 skilled worker can build the same wall in 100 days
∴ The capacity of each skilled worker is
8 semi-skilled workers can build a wall in 25 days
i.e., 1 semi-skilled worker can build the same wall in 200 days
∴ the capacity of each semi-skilled worker is
Similarly, the capacity of 1 unskilled worker is .

⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ 5
Now, the capacity of 2 skilled+6 semi-skilled+5 unskilled workers is 2 ⎜ ⎟ + 6 ⎜ 200 ⎟ + 300
⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

2 3 5 20 1
= + + = = ∴ The required numbers of days is 15
100 100 100 300 15

63. Among the answer choices, the three options B, C and D can be inferred from the passage. But the
main essence of the passage is that chemical agents are being used my military establishments in
warfare which is not desirable. Therefore option C is the statement which best sums up the meaning
of the passage.

64. The given digits are 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4 we have to find the numbers that are greater than 3000
The first digit can be 3 or 4 but not 2.
Now, let us fix the first, second and third digits as 3, 2, 2 and then the fourth place can be filled in 3
3 ways
3  2  2  2 or 3 or 4

the number of ways is 3.

Similarly, we fix first, third and fourth places as 3, 2 and 2 respectively, so the second place can be
filled in 3 ways again

3  2 or 3 or 4 2 2

The number of ways is 3.

Now, we fix first, second and fourth places just as previous cases and we obtain the same result.
∴ The number of ways is 3 so; the total number of ways is 9.
Similarly this can do by fixing the numbers as 3 and 4 (instead of 2) and thereby we obtain the 9
ways in each case.
∴ The number of numbers greater than 3000 starting with 3 is 27
Similarly by taking 4 as the first digit and applying the same process, we get 27 numbers
∴ The total number of numbers that are greater than 3000 is 27 + 27 = 54
But, 3222 and 4222 is not possible as there are only two 2’s (given), 3333 is also not possible as
there are only three 3’s (given)
∴ The total number of numbers that are greater than 3000 is 54 – 3 = 51.

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65. Given, 137 + 276 = 435

Adding units digits i.e. 7 + 6 = 13, but given as 5, which is 13 – 8 and also 1 is carry forwarded to
the tens place.

7 6
3 7
Here, 7 + 3 + 1 = 11 i.e., 11 – 8 = 3 and 1 is carry forwarded to hundreds place

+1 +1
1 7 6
2 3 7
3 5
Now, the sum of digits in hundred’s place is 1 + 1 + 2 = 4
1 7 6
2 3 7
4 3 5
Using the same logic, we have
+1 7 3 1
6 7 2
1 6 2 3
Sum of units digits 1+2 = 3, sum of tens digit = 3 + 7 = 10 i.e. 10 -2 and + 1 carry forward and
Sum of hundreds digits= 1 + 7 + 6 = 14 i.e., 14 – 8 = 6 and one carry forward.

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