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CANDIDATE ANSWER BOOKLET ‘9 USE THIS PAGE TO RECORD ANSWERS TO MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS + your question paper has less than 60 questions, fl inthe relevant answers only. i ach multiple choice question has only one correct answer Fl in one bubble only (A,B, Cor D) to indicate cxaueue ‘your choice of answer. ‘Wrong mar ia “+The mak avilable foreach question fs Indicted on your question paper. There is no penalty for incomect e@ e060) | ansners or unanswered question. + No marks are awarded f you do not ceary indicate your final choice orf more than one bubble per question isiled in + Tovoid a selected answer, place a cross (X) over te bubble, Tesrereym atin ses | Samos! i We Meooo (oo) ®O0 Hioxeoo DOO@ ® Fo oe eoo Bo © Moooo @®0O Bo © BMeoooo om @ Boecooe @00 oo Bcoo0o aoe © @Aoa00 m ooe Bocca Boocoo Hoeoo Zz ooe D Boso0o Boece a ©e9 Hioeoe Mcoecoo DOO = @0oo Hee2oo Bjooo0o ©o a e000 Boeoo Boooo MIooo0o = ®@0 Hoooo Boece Hoooo a @00 Bioooo Moeoo Boo0o a eo Boo00 HB2000 Boeco0o a AA L 2yS3802b102 |

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