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Published from Hyderabad, India.
Issue # 8 – August 2008
|| hari shri ganapathaye namah||
|| Avignamasthu ||



Aum Bhur Bhuva Swa

Thath Saviturvarenyam
Bhargo devasyadeemahi
Diyoyona prachothayathe



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Sl Description Contributor Pages
01 Cover page 1
02 Management particulars 2
03 Pages index 3
04 Editorial Column 4
05 Cricket Match Prediction Using KP Prashna Principles-1 Raghunatha Rao 5-8
06 Medium Life (Madhyama Ayurdhaya) – KP Analysis OVN Murthy 9-14
07 Article lost ……….and found? Subhash Ektare 16-18
08 KP makes Birth time rectification possible Subhash Nair 19 – 20
09 Love Marriage – Kp System GM Ravi Kumar 22 –23
10 When shall I construct a house PR Muralidharan 24 - 27
11 Future of NTPC Shares—4th Step Theory Sunil Gondhalekar 29 - 31
12 Computer Engineering Course and KP Analysis MK Viswanath 33 - 34
13 A Note on Karma, Destiny and Free Will Tin Win 35 - 38
14 Astro Profile - Friendship R Balaji 40 -41
15 Lord Krishna – Supreme God (janmashtami special) MK Viswanath 42 - 45
16 Observations on dusthanas: Part-05: Delineation hints Vijay Kumar 47 - 49
17 Nadi Amshas in Vedic Astrology Pemmaraju VR 51 - 54
18 The Age of Aquarius Series -- Rectifying the Aquarian Age Terry Mackinnel 55 - 59
Part 3
19 Letters to the Editor 64
17 Ashtakavarga – An introduction N Balasubramanian 66 - 68

18 Find out your Janma Rashi and this month Haresh Nathani 69 - 71
for you from 01-Aug-2008 to 31-Aug-2008

// Hyderabad //




Esteemed Readers

The Central Government under the Prime Ministership of Dr. Manmohan Singh
was tested on the floor of the house on 22 July 2008, but it survived the test
and comfortably won by 17 votes basically due to absenteeism and cross
voting by members from the Opposition, mainly Bharatiya Janata Party.

The ruling coalition UPA had made mockery of the democracy when the
Opposition shown proof of bribery in the form of cash on the floor of the

The survival of the Ministry was foretold by Mr. Rajendra N. Nimje, IAS, who is
currently serving as Addl. Chief Electoral Officer, Government of A.P., by using
the oath taking chart of Dr. Manmohan Singh into consideration. Mr. Nimje is
also the President of the K.P. Astrological Forum at Hyderabad.

The Central Government was formed on 22nd of May 2004 and 5.34 p.m. at
New Delhi when Dr. Manmohan Singh has taken oath as Prime Minister.
According to Mr. Nimje, the prospects of the government were sealed at this
moment. Kudos to Mr. Nimje.

The principle pointed out by Mr. Nimje is that when the Dasha / Bhukti /
Antara lords somehow connected to houses of longevity, the life is not

The world is celebrating Gokula Ashtami or Sri Krishna Jayanti during this
month on Krishna paksha Ashtami and in Rohini star

The Editorial Board wishes the esteemed readers a happy and prosperous Sri
Krishna Jayanti.

Yours sincerely,


Raghunatha Rao
(Jyotish Chaitanya and
Jyotish Acharya)
Minnesota, USA
E-mail :

Cricket Match Prediction Using KP Prashna Principles-1

Last year, which is during Cricket World Cup 2007 time, I was asked by some of my
friends about the cricket match predictions. I have applied the KP principles using
Prashna and got some good results. I also failed few times applying the same
principles, which means, we need to work out for more precise principles by taking
more such exercises. So I have decided to write few articles on Cricket Match
prediction I have made and wrote in a Yahoo discussion group last year, I will
provide the necessary references to my earlier prediction.

I am taking two cases for this article and continue more in next month.

Chart-I) Bangladesh v India at Port of Spain, ICC World Cup

Prashna: "Will India win?": Horary Number : 66

The Prashna Details are:-

Date: March 15, 2007

Time: 9:34:43 PM
Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 93 W 20', 44 N 53'
Principle applied: 1st house is self, 6th house is winning enemy and 11th house is
desire to succeed. So, if the 1st Cuspal Sub Lord signifies 1st, 6th, or 11th houses then
the Team will win otherwise it will loose.

1) Moon is lord of 1st /2nd and placed in 7th and signifying 1st ,2nd and 7th houses. So
the question is genuine and sincere hence I am going forward to analyze this chart.

2) Lagna Sub Lord is Sat (retrograde now) and Sat is in the Star of Mer. Mer is
placed in 8th and conjoin with Rahu. This Mer is signifying 4,7,8,11 and 12th houses.
The interesting thing is the conjoining of Mer with Rahu to be taken into
consideration too. So This Rahu is Signifying 5,6,9 and 10th houses.

So the summary is : India will NOT win. The actual result was same as predicted.
The above analysis was posted in a yahoo group before the event took place and you can read
at the following link :

Chart-II) Ireland v Pakistan at Kingston , ICC World Cup

Prashna : "Will Pakistan win ?" : Horary Number : 67

The Prashna Details are:-

Date: March 15, 2007
Time: 9:42:23 PM
Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 93 W 20', 44 N 53'

1) Moon is lord of 1st/2nd and placed in 7th and signifying 1,2 and 7th houses. So
the question is genuine and sincere hence I am going forward to analyze this chart.

2) Lagna Sub Lord is Mer and Mer is in the Star of Mar. Mar is placed in 7th and
conjoin with Moon, the lagna Sub Lord. This Mar is signifying 1,2 7, 11th houses.

So the summary is: It will be another tie / draw resulting Pakistan NOT to win this
match. The above analysis was posted in a yahoo group before the event took place
and you can read at the following link :

Sarvam Sri Mahaalaskhmi Arpanamastu

Contact :
MK Viswanath, Flat 204 B, Block 1, Janapriya Township,
Mallapur, Nacharam PO, Hyderabad-500 076
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Daivagnya Siromani
OVN Murthy, M.Com. FCS.
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Medium Life (Madhyama Ayurdhaya) – KP Analysis


During the KP Astrologers Forum’s fortnightly meeting conducted on 13-July-2008 chaired by Sri Rajendra
Nimje, IAS. (Addl. Chief Electoral Officer of Govt. of AP), 10th profession and 8th house matters relating
to accidents and life dangers through medium longevity yogas were discussed in detail.


For long life ascendant cuspal sublord should connect to houses 1,3,5,9 &10 without
connecting to Maraka & Bhadhaka houses. Longevity is determined by 1st, 8th & 3rd
cusps, 1st cusp is the native 8th cusp ayusthaana, 8th to 8th is 3rd which is a
supporting houses for longevity. The vyayasthaanas for 8th & 3rd becomes negative,
which is defined as Maraka Houses i.e. 7th & 2nd.

For Ascendants of Moveable signs 11th, Fixed signs 9th and Dual signs 7th is
Bhadhaka houses which is detrimental to longevity. Any connection to Maraka and
Bhadhaka house would reduces the longevity. However if any of the Maraka or
Bhadhaka is in 12th bhava from their house reduces the propensity of the evilness of
the planet. However in practice, if a planet (2nd n 7th Maraka & Bhadhaka Planet) is
also signifies its 12th house i.e. 1st & 6th for 2n7, when Bhadhaka for Moveable sign
10th, Fixed sign then 8th house are 12th houses to their cuspal lordship hence
dilutes its negative strength and does not harm the longevity but giving illhealth to
the native.

If the 1st cuspal sublord signifies Maraka houses 2 & 7 along with Bhadhaka house
indicates short life span. If 1st cuspal sublord signifies 1,5, 10 or 9 not connected to
Bhadhaka and Maraka houses gives long life. Medium life is promised if lagna sublord
connects apart from the above houses to 6, 8 & 12 along with Marakasthana.

Madhyama Ayurdhayam (Medium Life) is indicated longevity upto 60 years. The

Rules given by Guruji Sri KSK and reiterated by Sri Tinwin ji in his KP House
Grouping Part I published in Ezine October 2007 and Sri Kanak Bosmia (Editor of KP
Ezine) Article about Balarishta Yoga. The various combinations for Medium Ayur Yoga
deals with longevity is as follows:

1. Lagna Sublord connection to 1,5,9,10 & 6,8,12 indicates Middle life. Here we have
to note one point,which is particular to Bhadhaka Lord. Asc. Moveable sign then 11th
house is not favourable only 9/10 houses holds good, Asc. Fixed sign then 9th is
baneful only 10/11 houses holds good. Asc. Dual sign then as said above, 1,5,9.10
connection to 6,8,12 indicates Middle Life.
2. Lagna Sub lord connection to 6, 8, 12, Karaka Mars (Rahu, Kethu, Saturn) leads
to accidents and connection to Maraka and Bhadhaka becomes fatal. Basing on the
above principles of Madhyama Ayurdhayam (Middle Life) three Birth Charts of the
natives who are having medium longevity were discussed hereunder. Chart 1 is Late
Sri Pappu Chandra Sekhar, Staff Artist of AIR, Hyderabad who met with a fatal
accident while driving the two wheeler. Chart 2 is Late Sri OV Rama Rao, Staff Hyd.
Doordarshan, who is a victim of Brain Tumour. Chart 3 is Late Sri Vara Prasad who is
a victim of Liver Cancer.

CHART 1: – Sri Chandrasekhar (dob: 12.05.1958 tob: 06:52 pob: Bapatla,

Guntur Dist. AP, Birth Chart

Annexed Day: Monday Birth Star: Satabisham-3 (Sathayam) Rasi: Aqua. Asc. Tau )
Facts of the Case: During May 2001 in the evening while the native was driving his
2 wheeler in Shivam Road, Hyd. he was hit by a boy motorcyclist and met with head
injury & died within a short time before reaching the Hospital.


Lagna Sublord Ju (l/o 8n11 in 5th Lib conj. Rahu) in Ma-Me (Mars l/o 7n12 in 10, Mer
l/o 2n5 in 11). 3rd Sublord Mercury (l/o 2n5 in 11) in Ke-Ve (Ke in 11th in Aries
agent of Mars; Ve in Sa-Ra Saturn Bhadhaka in 7th) 8th cusp Sublord again Mer lord
of 2 connected to Bhadhaka and occupant of 7th Saturn thr sub’s starlord Venus in
Saturn. Cuspal sublord of 4th is Mars, 8th n 12th Mercury connected to Saturn by
sub hence fully operating Medium life and death by accident by the involvement of
Mars and Rahu.


During DBA Sa-Ju-Ra (May 2001) the native died due to 2-Wheeler Accident, Saturn
Dasa lord in 7th bhava as l/o 9n10 in Ke-Ve (Ke is agent of Mars, Venus in Sa-Ra
Maraka n Bhadhaka) Jupiter Bhukthi in 5th conj. Rahu as l/o 8n11 in Ma-Me (both
are Marakas) Rahu Antara in 5th conj. Jupiter in own star hence agent of Venus who
is in Saturn star clearly indicated danger to life. 8th sublord Mercury in Ke-Ve has
given death by vehicle accident.

CHART 2: – Sri Rama Rao (dob: 29.11.1958 tob: 01:54 pob: Balajipeta, Srikakulam
Dist. AP, Birth Chart

Annexed Day: Saturday Birth Star: Aridra-2 (Thiruvathirai) Rasi: Gem Asc. Virg )
Facts of the Case: During Sa-Ra-Mo in March 2004 the brain tumour was detected on
headache & vomiting symptoms by Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. The native
underwent brain surgery and subsequently within one month the native vacated his


Lagna Sublord Ra (in Asc. as agent of Mer l/o. 1n10 in 3rd) in Ma-Sa (Mars l/o 3n8 in
8th own house rep. Head & Brain of the Kalapursha, Saturn l/o 5n6 in 3rd bhava in
Kethu star in 7th Bhadhaka and Maraka house); 3rd Sublord Ma (l/o 3n8 in 8th own
house) in Ve-Ke (Ve l/o 2n9 in 3rd in Me star, Kethu in 7th in Me star); 8th cusp
Sublord Mer (l/o 1n10 in 3rd) in Ke-Ve (negative as stated above) connected to
Bhadhaka and occupant of 7th by kethu. 6th cusp Corulers are Sa-Ra-Me; Saturn
connected to Kethu 7th occupant, Rahu in lagna own star, Mercury as Lagnesh in
Kethu star 7th house did not allowed to diagnose early and only in advanced stage
becaz Rahu in Asc. and Mars in 8th played havoc with regard to the illness of brain.

During DBA Sa-Ra-Mo (April 2004) the native vacated his body due to brain tumour
after treatment for one month. Sa in Ke-Ve, Ra in Ma-Sa, Mo in Ra-Ju – Dasa
Bhukthi Antara are connected to Kethu 7th, Rahu-1st and Mars-8th Seat of brain and
head of Kalapursha.

CHART 3: – Sri Vara Prasad (dob: 24.05.1956 tob: 10:01 pob: Eluru, WG Dist. AP,

Annexed Day: Thursday Birth Star: Anuradha-1 Rasi: Scor Asc. Can ) Facts of the
Case: During Ve-Ra (2006) Liver problem was diagnosed and Ve-Ju the native
vacated the body with same complaint after treatment.


Lagna Sublord Mo (l/o 1st in 4th) in Sa-Sa (Saturn in his own star as l/o 7n8 in 4th
conj. Ra/Mo); 3rd Sublord Ke (in 11 Bhadhaka conj. Sun/Mer) in Mo-Ju (Mo Lagnesh
Ju l/o 6n9 in 1st bhava in Kethu star who is in 11th Bhadhaka Sthana); 8th cusp
Sublord Ra (in Scorpio 5th bhava with conj. Sa/Mo) in Sa-Ju (Sat l/o 7n8 in 4th, Ju
l/o.6n9 in 1st) connected to Bhadhaka, Maraka and Disease. 6th cusp Corulers are
Ju-Ke-Me; Ju as lord of 6th is karaka for Liver in 1st bhava Leo O deg. aspected by
Saturn in Kethu star who is in Bhadhaka house conj. Sun/Mer. Kethu is in Bhadhaka
house in the star of Mo-Ju indicates the problem. Me sublord of 6th is afflicted by
Sun n Kethu in 11th Bhadhaka in Mo-Ra, Moon is Lagnesh, Rahu in conj. with Saturn
Moon played havoc in damaging the Liver by Hepatitis.


During DBA Ve-Ra(2006) Venus as Bhadhaka lord in Ra-Ke and Rahu in Sa-Ju given
the incurable disease which was detected during Rahu Bhukthi and in Ve-Ju (2007)
Jupiter Bhukthi as lord of 6th in 1st in Kethu star made the Soul to rest in eternal


Subhash Ekatre
Jyotisha Vishaarada and
Nakshatra Shiromani
4090 Crandall Circle,
Santa Clara,

Article lost ……….and found?

If I remember it correctly, it was a night of 13th June 2007. After the dinner I was watching
TV. Suddenly there was electricity failure. Though the black out due to load shedding is very
common, this was not the time for power shedding. I was lying down on the bed but not
sleepy. Unexpectedly the phone bell rang.

“Hello, Baba (means father in Marathi) How are you? And what are you doing?”

It was a call from my daughter from Delhi. We had a routine talk for about 2/3 minutes. But
that day from her voice I felt that every thing was not normal. Probably she was worrying
about something.

“Are you OK? Any worries?” I asked her. After repeated inquires, she came out with the truth.
“I probably misplaced or lost my golden ornament before 4/5 days back. I searched at all
possible places in the house but did not find it. May be it is stolen by maid servant.” I said,
just to console her, “Think quietly and try to remember, you will definitely get it.” But
suddenly it struck me that I should try for an astrological solution. So I asked her to give a KP
number within 249. She gave the number 49. Since there was no electricity, I told her that I
will call her next day.

The horary chart was prepared on 14th June 2007 at 13:49:09 IST at Thane (Lat. 19 N 12,
Long. 72 E 58) After detailed study of this horoscope I immediately called her and conveyed
my prediction that

(1) It is not stolen

(2) You will find it in the house itself
(3) But not before 17th June 2007.

She called me on morning of 17th June to tell that she found it in the house exactly as

Now let us go through the analysis, which is based on “Four Step Theory”. The second house
indicates the jewelry about which we want to find out. The Rule is, if 11th cuspal sub lord is
strong significator of house 2 the native will get the lost property (in the conjoined period of
the significators of houses 2 and 11.)

In this case 11th sub is Rahu. Its 4 step significations are:


Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (9) Rashi-Swami Saturn (2) (8) 9

It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (9) Rashi-Swami Saturn (2) (8) 9
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 2 5 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2) (8) 9

It can be seen that Rahu strongly signifies 2nd house on first, second and 4th step. This is sure
indication that the article under consideration will be found. Secondly, Rahu being in Aquarius
is an agent of Saturn. So it has to give result of the houses signified by Saturn also. Let us see
Saturn’s signification:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 2 8 9
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (1) 1 (4)
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (6) (7) 10 Moon-Drusht (12) 2
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (1) 1 (4)

Saturn strongly signifies houses 1 (favorable house) and 4 (suggesting that the article is in
house itself)
So the article will definitely be found in the house.

Now the next question will be when? We will have to study the DBAS lords in order to pinpoint
the time of fructification of the event. DBAS at the time of judgment were (as per Astro-
Kundali s/w):

Moon Dasha …………………………………… up to 18-03-2011

Mercury bhukti……………… from 17-01-2007 to 16-06-2008
Venus Antara ………………. from 30-04-2007 to 25-07-2007
Jupiter Sookshma …………… from 12-06-2007 to 24-06-2007
Saturn Prana from 15-06-2007 to 16-06-2007

Ruling planets at the time of judgment were:

Asc Virgo 19-39-44 Mer – Moon

Moon Taurus 18-20-34 Ven – Moon
Day Thursday Jupiter

Common DBA lords and the ruling planets (Moon, Mercury and Venus) are fast moving
planets. Therefore it can be concluded that the article will be found in Jupiter sookshma
i.e.12-06-2007 to 24-06-2007. In this Jupiter sookshma, Jupiter pranadasha was already
over and Saturn period was till 16-06-2007. This Saturn period was not favorable for three
reasons (1) Saturn is a delaying planet (2) it is posited in 2nd house (3) it is not a strong
significator of houses 2 and/or11. Then follows Mercury period, which is favorable.

So I declared that the native will get the article on 17th June 2007 because transits of DBA
lords were also favorable on that day. Incidentally, on 17th June morning Asc was cancer in
the star of Mercury.

It is worthwhile to note that if the question is solved with the help of Ruling Planets only, one
will arrive at the same timing.

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KP makes Birth time rectification possible

The most perplexing and intriguing question, which challenged Astrologers from the time of
birth of Astrology, is the correct birth time. This typical issue crosses the mind of the
Astrologer only in the case of natal horoscopes, whereas in Prashna, etc. this does not cause
any problem.

The time of birth reported mostly could be the biological time of birth like first appearance of
head of the baby, separation of the baby from the mother’s womb, disconnection of the
umbilical chord, or the first cry of the baby and so on. An astrologer should always depend
upon the planets to guide him / her for the correct birth time.

There are several methods of birth time rectifications prescribed and advocated by ancient
seers from time to time.

Late Prof. KS Krishnamurti, the propounder of KP System, had brought out the beautiful and
most reliable system of BTR using ruling planets. Based upon this dependable theory, I had
attempted a case of BTR, ruling planets of which were jotted down.

Rectification of birth time illustrated below is of one of my friends’ son from Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Time of birth provided was 2.30 am on 28-Mar-1984, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Please note Rahu
was in the nakshatra of Chandra and in the sub of Sani. As per given birth time his lagna falls
in Dhanu rasi. In that case the lagna lord is Guru, lagna star lord is Ravi and lagna sub lord
is Rahu.

First successful attempt

Step 1

I took up his case on 9th may 2007 at around 11.33 a.m. at Mumbai. The ruling planets then:

lagna sign lord is Chandra

Lagna star lord is Sani (strongest)
Chan sign lord is Sani
Chan star lord is Chan
Day lord is Budh (weakest)

The lagna sub lord is Ravi, so this confirms the birth nakshtram of the boy as

Rahu in Aquarius represents sani and is in own star and in the sub of chandr. Budh the
weakest significator is in the star of Ravi. So among the Ruling planets we select Sani, Chan ,
Rahu and Ravi.

Step 2

Since Guru is not a ruling planet, dhanu rasi cannot be the lagna, so lagna has to be placed in
Makaram. Moving the lagna to 00.28 in makara rasi , we see the lagna in the sign of sani, star
of Ravi and in the sub of Rahu. Also, Chandr is in Makara rasi. This gives double

Please note Rahu was again in Sani and sub of moon in the horary chart as well. So time of
birth is rectified as 02.33.00 am

Second successful attempt on the same chart

Time of 2nd attempt , 11 May 2007 10.53.00 am , Mumbai.

Step 1 The ruling planets

lagna sign lord is Chan

Lagna star lord is Sani (strongest)
Chandr sign lord is Sani
Chandr star lord is Rahu
Day lord is Sukr (weakest)

Sukr, the weakest ruling planet is in Rahu star. So Rahu represents sukr

The lagna sublord is sani, and sani is aspecting ravi by 10th aspect, so this confirms
the birth nakshtram of the boy as uthradam (Utharashada)

So among the Ruling planets we select Sani, Chandr, Rahu and Ravi.

Step 2

Since Guru is not a ruling planet Dhanu cannot be the lagna, So lagna has to be placed in
Makaram. Moving the lagna to 00.28 in Makara rasi, we see the lagna in the sign of sani, star
of Ravi and in the sub of Rahu. Also, Chandra is in Dhanu rasi, ruled by Sani. This gives double

Please note, Rahu was again in the sign of sani and sub of moon in the horary chart. So time
of birth is rectified as 02.33.00 am.



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As per the KP analogue love marriage takes place with 5th Cusp Sub lord is connected to 2,7,11,
especially the legal house of marriage, i.e., 7th house.

Here is a classic example of love marriage, but the marriage took place during Ketu dasha, who is
occupant of 6th house. 6th house is treated as a negation to 7th house i.e., marriage. The horoscope
chart erected in strict KP principles is appended below:

Name: “X” Ayanamsa : 23° 20' 07" Place: Hyderabad Date: 5-10-1969 Sunday Time: 17-30-0
Longitude : 78-27-0 East Latitude : 17-26-0 North

Cusps Longitude Star sig-sta-sub Planet Longitude Star sig-sta-sub

I 09° Pi 44 U Bhadra Jup-Sat-Ven Sun 18° Vi 44' Hastha Mer-Moo-Mer
II 14° Ar 29 Bharani Mar-Ven-Ven Mer(R) 07° Vi 16' U Phalgun Mer-Sun-Ket
III 13° Ta 18 Rohini Ven-Moo-Rah Ven 21° Le 45' P Phalgun Sun-Ven-Jup
IV 08° Ge 53 Ardhra Mer-Rah-Jup Mon 10° Cn 54' Pushya Moo-Sat-Sun
V 04° Cn 44 Pushya Moo-Sat-Sat Mar 15° Sa 43' P Ashada Jup-Ven-Sun
VI 04° Le 17 Makha Sun-Ket-Moo Jup 22° Vi 7' Hastha Mer-Moo-Ven
VII 09° Vi 44 U Phalgun Mer-Sun-Ven Sat(R) 13° Ar 55' Bharani Mar-Ven-Ven
VIII 14° Li 29 Swati Ven-Rah-Ket Rah 26° Aq 34' P Bhadra Sat-Jup-Ven
IX 13° Sc 18 Anuradha Mar-Sat-Rah Ket 26° Le 34' P Phalgun Sun-Ven-Ket
X 08° Sa 53 Moola Jup-Ket-Jup
XI 04° Cp 44 Utrashad Sat-Sun-Sat
XII 04° Aq 17 Dhanisht Sat-Mar-Ven

I 09-44 SAT(R) 13-55 III 13-18 IV 08-53

II 14-29
Rah 26-34 V 04-44
XII 04-17 Moo 10-54
XI 04-44 KP Cuspal Chart VI 04-17
Ven 21-45
Ket 26-34
Mar 15-43 IX 13-18 VIII 14-29 Mer® 07-16
X 08-53 VII 09-44
Sun 18-44
Jup 22-07


Cusp 1 2 5 6 7 10 11
CSL Ven Ven Sat Mon Ven Ket Sat
PCO Mon -- Sun Jup Mar Sat Mer Rah -- --
OCC Sat -- Mon Ven Ket Sun Jup Mar --
PCBL Rah -- Sun Jup Mer -- Rah Mon
BL Jup Mar Mon Sun Mer Jup Sat
Dasa Bukthi from to

Ketu Ketu 14-Dec-1994 12-May-1995

Ketu Venus 12-May-1995 11-Jul-1996
Ketu Sun 11-Jul-1996 16-Nov-1996
Ketu Moon 16-Nov-1996 17-Jun-1997
Ketu Mars 17-Jun-1997 13-Nov-1997
Ketu Rahu 13-Nov-1997 02-Dec-1998
Ketu Jup 02-Dec-1998 08-Nov-1999

In the chart discussed above, which is a natal chart, the 5th sub lord Saturn is in Venus star
& Venus sub. Venus is signifying 2nd & 7th through star and sub level respectively. Moon,
the lord of 5th signifying 2nd & 11th is in the star of Saturn (sub lord of 5th and also
signifying 2nd, 11th and in the sub of Sun, which is signifying 2nd and 7th. All the above
connections i.e., 2, 5,7,11 blessed this native with Love Marriage in Ketu Dasa, Venus
Bhukthi, i.e., in 12-5-1995 to 11-7-1996.

Although Ketu is significant of 6th house by occupation, which is negating marriage, since Venus is 7th
sub lord and Ketu is in Venus star, Ketu agreed for marriage. Besides, Ketu is conjoined with Venus.


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Name: S. SHANKAR Question: HOUSE CONSTRUCTION–WHEN Date of Birth: 27 -11 -1950

Time of Birth 5 -40PM IST Place of Birth/: JOG FALLS


Houses to be judged? 4, 11, 12 houses Generally MARS are the karaka for lands and buildings
are to be considered.

Note the 4th cusp falls 27 -41 -43 in Cancer .It is Moon sign Mercury star Jupiter Sub Rahu Sub
–Sub. Jupiter is in tenth house in Saturn sign in Mars star. lord of 12TH cusp .Mars aspects the
4the cusp by 8th aspect and biquintle. Jupiter is the lord of 7th cusp .and has cuspal links with
the houses 4 and 12. Jupiter has sextile aspect to 11th cusp. Saturn being a dispositor is lord
of 11th cusp, a yoga karaka for Taurus borns. Moon is lord of 4th cusp and is in Rahu star, who
is the occupant of 11th house .Moon has cuspal links with 12th. Mercury is the occupant of 7th
and lord of 2nd along with Sun and Venus in Scorpio sign ruled by Mars .Mercury has a cuspal
links with 4th .Trine to 4th cusp and Square to 11th .Mars is in Jupiter Sign all the above planets
is one way or other connected to 4, 11 or 12 the house .Hence construction of house is

Planets in Planets in Planets conjoined with or aspecting the

the the Lord of significators or houses Effective
Hous Occupa
constellati constellation the Hindu Western cuspal
es nts
on of the of the lord of sign B M Favorable Unfavorabl links
occupant the sign e
1 2 3 4 5 5 1A
4 - - - MON - - Mar Biqu Mon S Mer Jup
(S)145.3 Squa Ven
7Mer (A)44.83 Rah Ket
Ven Terd
11 MOON RAHU SUN SAT - MAR Sun Tred Mer Sun Sat
VENUS SAT (S)107. Squ(S)93.
RAH 93.41Rahu 41 Kethu
U©K Conj(S) Opp
ETHU 2.23. (A)177.9
12 - -- JUPITER MAR - -
Sun Biqu 9 Mon
(S)142.2JJ Jup
7.38 8Rah
rs in their ,RAHU ,JUP ] [Moon ,Mercury ,Ketu ] [Mer Jup Ven Rahu Kethu Sun Sat Mon]
order of
Sun, Venus and Mercury aspects the Ascendant .Venus is in Mars Sign ,Deter mints (Weak).
Sun and Venus conjoined (S)3.33. Rahu Tred (S)Venus .106.60Saturn Sextile to Sun
(S)64.13. Saturn Squa(A) to Moon 84.60Saturn Quin (A)to Jupiter 148.96.Rahu
Squa(A)Mercury 95.74 Rahu Opp(A) Saturn 174.06. Kethu Squa(A)Jupiter 84.26and Conjoined
with Saturn (S)5.54. Venus gains strength and give effects of Sun ,Rahu since it
receives favorable aspects .As the Native is born in Taurus Sign Mercury ,Venus and
Saturn are yoga karakas . Venus aspecting her own house fortifies .Venus is along
with Mercury in Mars sign and aspected by Saturn It means all yoga karakas have
connections with Venus and Mercury.

Ruling planets: On 16 -07 2008 @9-35 AMIST MERCURY is the DAY LORD ,ASCENDANT SUN

Common significators: MERCURY, SUN, JUPITER, KETHU, VENUS, SATURN, RAHU Selection of
strong significators: MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS, SUN

Deposite Planets
Signifies Deposited Signifies
Signifi Signifies Stre d in the Stre Stren in their
the house the in the sub the
cators ngth Star ngth gth order of
house ruled by house
ruled by strength
MER 4 /11 1A MER 4 /11 1A RAH 4 /11 2 1A
JUP 4 /12 3 MARS 4 /11 1 MON 4 /11 1 1
/12 /12
VEN 4 /11 3 SAT 4 /11 3 JUP 4 /12 3 3
SUN 11 /12 3 SAT 4 /11 3 MON 4 /11 1A 1A
MON 4 /11 /12 1 RAH 4 /11 2 MER 4 /11 1A 1
MAR 4 /11 /12 4 VEN 4 /11 3 SAT 4 /11 3 3

DASA MERCURY 15 -07 -1995 15 07 -2012
BHUKTHI JUPITER 30 -07 -2007 5 -11 -2009
ANTHRA MERCURY 28 03-2008 24 -07 -2008
SOOKSHMA VENUS 21 -04 -2008 10 -05 -2008
RAHU 2 -06 -2008 19 -06-2008


On 7 -05 - Degrees Sign Star Sub Sub –

2008 Sub

DASANATHA Mercury 42.48 Venus Moon Rahu Rahu

BHUKTHINATHA Jupiter 268.30 Jupiter Sun Mars Venus
ANTHRANATHA Mercury 42.48 Venus Moon Rahu Rahu
SOOKSHMANATHA Venus 14.03 Mars Venus Venus Mars
SUN 22.57 Mars Venus Saturn Venus
MOON 44.18 Venus Moon Jupiter Jupiter

RESULTS: _ On the 7 -05 -2008 Wednesday ruled by Mercury when Moon is transiting Rohini
star. Venus Sign Moon Star Saturn Sub. @ 2pm. House warming function will take place when
Leo rises [17 -19 -33 ] Sun Sign Venus star Sun Sub. Permanently stay from 6 -6 -2008 @1-
35 PM IST when 10-0518 Virgo rises. Mercury sign Moon star Moon Sub. Moon will be in
Punarvasu star ruled by Jupiter. As Venus is strong, the native will decorates his house and
Jupiter well placed means more Wood. Saturn and Venus indicate cement; Saturn, Venus and
Mars indicate R.C.C., framed structure. Mercury denotes two floors.


DATE 7 -05 -2008@2PM IST 6 -06 -2008@1 -35 PM IST

SAGGITTRIUS27 -18 -30 -
Ascendant 17 -19 -33 Leo SUN SIGN –VENUS STAR – MERCURY SIGN –MOON
/10-05 -18 Virgo. SUN SUB. STAR –MOON SUB .S


Judgment of the Right Period for the Event

1. Note the Dasa that operate during the appropriate period, then note down the star
lord and sub lord and their significations with their strength.

2. If any planet is in any way connected to all the houses then that is most powerful.

3. Planet in own star lord and own sub lord is powerful.

4. Planet in own sign, is powerful.

5. Planet in exaltation, directional strength, vargothmma, Moolatrikona is powerful.

6. If a planet aspect his own house then that particular house or cusp is fortifies.

7. Planet in friends camp, and also aspected by benefic is powerful

8. If a planet is aspected by many favorable significators is also powerful

9. If a planet is in a particular sign, whose depositors are strong then you can select that

10. Planet in conjunction with a strong significators is most favorable

11. The relationship between Dasa lord and bhukthi lord; is most important.

12. If bhukthi lord is in any way connected to 6th,8th or 12th counted from Dasa lord or in
negation to the houses concerned, then that particular planet will not allow
materialize, similarly anthra lord to bhukthi lord, and sookshma lord to anthra lord.

13. A planet in Conjunction or any aspect with Dasa lord or bhukthi lord and also the star
lord of those planets who is stronger or in more occurrences will define the day of the
event. (Normally the day of event will be the bhukthinatha of the star lord).

14. Sun should transit in the sign of dasanatha or bhukthinatha and in the star of
dasanatha or bhukthinatha, which will indicate of the period.

15. Now look into the transit of Dasa and bhukthinatha and their transit in the house of
favorable significators which will clearly indicate the period of an event.

16. Now most important is the transit of moon. Moon should transit in strong significators
which will indicate the day of an event.

17. Now look into transit of anthar lord as well as sooksma lord if they are also in
favorable significators then the event will fructify.

18. It is also necessary to note the strength of planet in navamsa chart or in relevant
divisional chart such as drekkana, Chathuramsa etc.

19. Sooksma lord should be the strongest and next anthra lord.

20. Cuspal linkages are most vital and their effects should be considered.

21. Zero rasis, Birth yogi, Avayogis is also important

22. The permanent and temporary friendship and internal relationship between Dasa
bhukthi, antharas and sookshma is to be considered.

23. Importance may be given to the sub in case of slow moving planet and star in
Case of fast moving planet.

Sunil Gondhalekhar
109, Godavari,
Laxmi Indl Complex, Vartak Nagar,
Thane –400 606,
Maharashtra, India.
Tel : 022 2588 8179 Cell : 9819 248 179


Now-a-days investment in shares is a common practice. Everyone is eager to earn in

this share market. The gain in share market can be judged through K.P. Method,
especially through the 4th step theory.

One person was having N.T.PC. shares in his portfolio, and cost of this shares had
fallen in last 4-5 months. He wanted to know when he could earn from these shares.
As per KP method he has furnished horary no. 210 from 1 to 249.

The horary chart for this number was cast on 07th July 2008 at 15:53:17 PM at
Thane 19N32, 72E58.

Query: Profit in Shares, Horary No. 210 (1-249) Place: Thane Date : 7th July 2008 Monday
Time : 15-53-17 Longitude : 72-58-00 East Latitude : 19-32-00North System: KP
Ayanamsa:23° 52' 45" Zone: IST 5.5 Setting:UT Latitude: Geographic Lagna: Kumbha
Dhanishta 3 Query Rasi : Simha Query Star : Poorva Phalguni 2 Lunar Half : Sukla Paksha
Lunar Day : Purva Panchami 5 Dasa at DOQ : Venus Dasa Balance: 11 Y:1 M:23 D Bhukti at
DOQ : Rahu Bhukti Balance : 1 Y:3 M:23 D Current Date : 8/1/2008 Current Dasa running :
Ven-Rah-Ket : Venus Dasa upto: 30-Aug-2019 Rahu Bhukti upto: 30-Oct-2009 : Ketu
Antara upto: 01-Oct-2008

Cu Longitude Star KP Pointer Pla Longitude Star KP Pointer

I 02°Aq40' 0 Dhanisht Sa-Mar-Ven-Ve Sun 21° Ge47' 38 Punarvasu Me-Jup-Sat-Sa

II 10° Pi 11' 8 U Bhadra Ju-Sat-Ven-Me Mer 1° Ge 13' 28 Mrigasiras Me-Ma-Mer-Ra

III 13°Ar30' 31 Bharani Ma-Ve-Ve-Ve Ven 29° Ge 33' 5 Punarvasu Me-Ju-Moo-Ma

IV 11° Ta23' 44 Rohini Ve-Mo-Ma-Sat Mon 19° Le 14' 13 P Phalguni Su-Ven-Ra-Me

V 06°Ge29' 13 Mrigasira Me-Ma-Mo-Ve Mar 9° Le 33' 27. Makha Su-Ket-Sat-Sa

VI 02°Cn16' 14 Punarvas Mo-Ju-Ra-Me Jup® 23° Sa 50' 6. P Ashada Ju-Ven-Sat-Ju

VII 02° Le40' 0 Makha Su-Ke-Ve-Me Sat 11° Le 13' 54 Makha Su-Ket-Sat-Ju

VIII 10° Vi11' 8. Hastha Me-Mo-Mo-Ra Ura® 28° Aq 44' 2. P Bhadra Sat-Jup-Ve-Ke

IX 13° Li30' 31 Swati Ve-Ra-Me-Ma Nep® 29° Cp 56' 7. Dhanishta Sat-Mar-Sat-Ju

X 11° Sc23' 44 Anuradh Ma-Sa-Moo-Ju Plu® 5° Sa 31' 38. Moola Ju-Ket-Mar-Mo

XI 06°Sa29' 13 Moola Ju-Ket-Rah-Me Rah 26° Cp 28' 53 Dhanishta Sa-Ma-Jup-Sa

XII 02°Cp16' 14 Utrashad Sa-Su-Jup-Ve Ket 26° Cn 28' 53 Aslesha Mo-Me-Ju-Sa

For 00° Ar6' 34 Aswini Ma-Ke-Ke-Ve Lag 2° Aq 40' 0 Dhanishta Sa-Ma-Ve-Ve


While judging, the profit will be from short term or long term can be seen through
cuspal sub of 5 and 12 respectively.

If this sub signifies 2 or 6 or 11 then you will earn profit in DBA of these houses.
Houses 1, 3 and 10 are also supportive houses for gain, whereas 4-5-8-12 houses
show losses.

Now we will judge whether person will get benefit in short term (this term is depends
on person to person but as per taxation rules it is before one year)

For this we will have to judge 5th cuspal sublord, who is Moon.

Now let us see its signification. (figures of houses shown in bracket are strong
significator of that house. Only strong signification of house offers the results is the
main rule of 4 step theory)

Itself :-------------- Moon:- (7) 6
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (5) 4 (9) Cusp Yuti: (6)
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (12) Rashi-Swami Saturn (7) (1) 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (7) (3) (10)
Itself aspects :------ 1

Signification of 1-3-6-10 houses shows that person may get short term benefit from
these shares.

Now let us check that whether he will get benefit from long term. For this we will
have to judge 12th cuspal sublord and it is Jupiter. Let us see it’s signification.

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 11 2 11
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (5) 4 (9) Cusp Yuti: (6)
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (7) (1) 12 Conj.Mars (7)(3)(10)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (6) Rashi-Swami Moon (7) 6
Itself aspects :------ 5 3 7

Jupiter signifies 6-1-10-3 houses, but main house 11 and 2 are absent in this
signification so person will get benefit from short term instead of long term.

While judging these 5 and 12th sub we will come to know that person will opt for the
medium gains. He may not get huge profits from these shares.

Now let us check when he will get benefit after selling it. For this we will have to
consider Dasa, Bhukti and Antara. At the time of judgement Venus Dasa Rahu Bhukti
was upto 31-10-2009.

Let us check signification of Venus.

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 5 4 9 Cusp Yuti: (6)
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (11) (2) 11
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- (7) 6
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (5) 4 (9) Cusp Yuti: (6)
Itself aspects :------ 11
Venus signify 2-6-11 houses strongly.
Now let us check signification of Bhukti lord Rahu.

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (12) Rashi-Swami Saturn (7) (1) 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (7) (3) (10) aspects (2)
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 11 2 11
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (5) 4 (9) Cusp Yuti: (6)
Itself aspects :------ 6

So Rahu signify 1-3-2-6-10 houses thus completes the chain. Now to know about
Antara, since Venus is signifying 2-6-11 houses, we will opt for Venus Antara to get
benefits. Venus anatara operates from 3-10-2008 to 4-04-2009. While choosing
sookshma period we will choose Sun and its signification.

Itself :-------------- Sun:- (5) 7
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (11) (2) 11
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (7) (1) 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (6) Rashi-Swami Moon (7) 6
Itself aspects :------ 11

Sun signify 2-6-11-1 houses, so the said person will sell his shares during sun
sookshma i.e. from 3-11-2008 to 12-11-2008.

While judging this query, the share price was Rs.157 and currently it has appreciated
to 10% more. I hope this share will cross or nearby Rs.200 during the period
mentioned above.

Disclaimer: the gain in share market is depends on the person’s chart. Writer will not
be responsible for any losses made due to the reference of this article.


MK Viswanath
Block # 1, Flat # 204B
Janapriya Township,
Mallapur, Nacharam PO
Hyderabad-500 076

Mob: 9440 346 285

Home ph: 040-2715 2868


Mother of a teenaged boy, who was known to an astro-colleague of mine, approached her to
find out as to whether her son, who is appearing for Intermediate final year examinations this
year, would get admission into a Graduate Engineering course and if so what will be the
branch likely to be selected.

She has supplied me with the birth details of her son, who is born on 19 May 1990 at 11-05
a.m. (given TOB 11-06-50 am) Hyderabad. The KP natal chart is erected as given below:

Cu Sign Long KP Pointer Pl Sign Long KP Pointer

I Can 18-44 Mon-Mer-Ket Sun Tau 04-22 Ven-Sun-Sat
II Leo 15-48 Sun-Ven-Sun Mon Aqu 21-52 Sat-Jup-Sat
III Vir 16-04 Mer-Mon-Sat Mar Aqu 27-28 Sat-Jup-Ven
IV Lib 18-07 Ven-Rah-Mon Mer Ari 14-28 Mar-Ven-Ven
V Sco 19-34 Mar-Mer-Ven Jup Gem 16-37 Mer-Rah-Ven
VI Sag 19-34 Jup-Ven-Rah Ven Pis 23-27 Jup-Mer-Mar
VII Cap 18-48 Sat-Mon-Mer Sat Cap 01-32 Sat-Sun-Jup
VIII Aqu 15-48 Sat-Rah-Ven Rah Cap 17-30 Sat-Mon-Sat
IX Pis 16-04 Jup-Sat-Jup Ket Can 17-30 Mon-Mer-Mer
X Ari 18-07 Mar-Ven-Rah
XI Tau 19-34 Ven-Mon-Mer
XII Gem 19-34 Mer-Rah-Mar

Ve 23-27 Me-Ma Me 14-28 Ve-Ve Su 04-22 Su-Sa Ju 16-37 Ra-Ve

IX 16-04 Sa-Ju X 18-07 Ve-Ra XI 19-34 Mo-Me XII 19-34 Ra-Ma

Ma 27-28 Ju-Me Ke 17-30 Me-Me

Mo 21-52 Ju-Sa I 18-44 Me-Ke
VIII 15-48 Ra-Ve Ra=Sa,Mo, Ju
VII 18-44 Me-Me II 15-48 Ve-Su
Ra 17-30 Mo-Sa
Sa 01-32 Su-Ju
VI 19-34 Ve-Ra V 19-34 Me-Ve IV 18-07 Ra-Mo III 16-04 Mo-Sa

Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sign Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem
CSL Ke Su Sa Mo Ve Ra Me Ve Ju Ra Me Ma

PCO -- -- -- -- -- Ju -- Ra Me Sa Mo --
Ve Su Ma
OCC -- -- -- -- -- Ra -- Mo Ve Su Ju Ke
Sa Ma Me
PCBL Ra Sa Ke Me -- Mo -- -- Mo -- Me Ke
Su Ve Ma Ma Ve
BL Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me
Asp Sa Ma Ma Ju Sa Su Ju Ju Sa Ma
Mo Ve Me


For education as KP dictum, houses 4,9 and 11 are considered. 4th Cusp Sub Lord (CSL) when
signifies 4, 9 and 11, College education is granted.

4th CSL is Moon. Moon is conjoined with Mars. Both Mars and Moon are in Jupiter star, who is
lord of 9th house. 11th BL Venus is in sub of Mars. Also Rahu is in Moon star and 9th lord
Jupiter is in Rahu star. Hence Moon has got connection with all the houses required for
College Education.


Dasha of Sat 2004-02-14 to 2023-02-14

Bhukti of Mer 2007-02-17 to 2009-10-30
Antara of Sun 2008-02-12 to 2008-04-01
Antara of Mon 2008-04-01 to 2008-06-23
Antara of Mar 2008-06-23 to 2008-08-21

The examination for the final year Intermediate course is likely to be held on March 2008.

The Entrance Examination for the Engg. course is like to be held in May 2008 and admission
during June-July 2008.

The DBA that shall operate during the above period shall be Sat-Mer-Mon and Sat-Mer-Mar.

Saturn who is the Dasha lord is conjoined Rahu, who is in Moon star. Hence Saturn VMD
agrees for the event.

Bhukti lord is Mercury. Moon is in the sub of Mercury. Hence Bhukti lord also agrees for the

Antara of Sun will run from Feb to April 08. Thereafter, Antara of Moon will run from April 08
to June 08 and subsequently antara of Mars will run from June to August 08. Sun is in the sub
of Saturn, who is connected to the event. Both Moon and Mars also do agree for the event.
Hence there is no interruption to the Intermediate examination, Entrance Examination and
admission to an Engineering College.


4th CSL Moon is conjoined with Mars. Mars is stronger than Moon and will give a line of
education toward Engineering. Mars is in the sub of Mercury. Moon is in the sub of Saturn.
Hence it was indicated that the native would go in for Computer Science as the branch in the
Graduate Engineering Course.

Accordingly, the native got admitted into an Engineering College in Tamil Nadu during the last
week of June 2008 and the branch selected was Computer Science.

KP Rules are perfect. At the feet of Guruji. Long live KP.

The only real prison is fear, and the only real

freedom is freedom from fear.

Aung San Suu Kyi


Tin Win

A Note on Karma, Destiny and Free Will
Logical Reasoning

1. If everything in one’s life is predestined at the moment of birth by past Karma,

then the cent percent accuracy in the astrological prediction would be possible as per
logical reasoning. There would be no benefit of knowing one’s future to help him
avoid the foreseeable roadblocks, and to learn how to use time to his best

2. Based on the attached Quotes on Karma, Destiny Fate and Free Will, especially
three kinds of Karmas, Sanchita, Parabdha, Agamithe, and three levels of karmic
intensity, Dhruda, Dhruda – Adhruda, Adhruda, it seems that one does have the
limited free will to somewhat enhance or mitigate the karmic life circumstances.
Astrology can be helpful in this regard, as said by Varaha Mihira, “There is no better
boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the troubled sea of life."

3. However, the major positive or negative destined life experiences like wealth,
marriage, longevity, may be unavoidable. Sanchita Karmas are assumed to form a
constant karmic background that is not totally comprehensible by ordinary means.
According to Varaha Mihira, after proper remedies, even in a bad period, if one falls
in the mouth of a lion, he can come out unscratched. However, regarding his famous
prediction of the death of his master King Vikramathithya’s son, he also said that no
human remedies could avert the danger and save him from the jaws of death and
that this unpleasant incident could not be altered. Similarly one may not evade his
major Karma and fate by relocating the solar return chart.

Quotes on Karma, Destiny and Free Will

• If the present life is totally conditioned or wholly controlled by our past

actions, then certainly Karma is tantamount to fatalism or determinism or
predestination. If this were true, free will would be an absurdity. Life would be
purely mechanistic, not much different from a machine. Such a fatalistic
doctrine is not the Buddhist law of Karma…Karma does not necessarily mean
past actions. It embraces both past and present deeds. Hence in one sense,
we are the result of what we were; we will be the result of what we are… The
inequality that exists among mankind is the result of our own past actions
and our own present doings (esp viriya 'effort' and panna 'wisdom'). We
ourselves are responsible for our own.
-Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw (The Theory of Karma)

• Thus you shall be free from the bondage of actions, which bear good or evil
results. With your mind firmly set on the yoga of renunciation, you shall
become free and come to Me.
-Bhagavad Gita 9:28

• A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in
mathematical harmony with his individual karma. His horoscope is a
challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future
results…The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of
birth is not meant to emphasize fate—the result of past good and evil—but to
arouse man's will to escape from his universal thralldom. What he has done,
he can undo. None other than himself was the instigator of the causes of
whatever effects are now prevalent in his life. He can overcome any
limitation, because he created it by his own actions in the first place, and
because he has spiritual resources, which are not subject to planetary
-Swami Sri Yukteswar, guru of Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of
a Yogi)

• Occasionally I told astrologers to select my worse periods, according to

planetary indications, and I would still accomplish whatever task I would set
for myself. It is true that my success at such times has been preceded by
extraordinary difficulties. But my conviction has always been justified: faith in
divine protection, and right use of man's God-given will, are forces more
formidable than are influences flowing from the heavens.
- Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi)

• Karma operated through a series of births till moksha was attained. There
were three categories of Karma- sanchita the accumulative, parabdha the
operative portion being our destiny in this life and agamithe prospective – and
the horoscope indicated the prarabdha. Therefore the astrological predictions
were tendencies on their way to fulfillment…. In the ordinary man, free-will is
not very strong. His actions in life will, therefore, correspond, to a very large
extent, to the forecast given by his horoscope. But, in the case of persons of
great spiritual development, there will be some variation, even though the
general pattern will remain the same as indicated by the horoscope. In this
world of relativity, neither fate nor free-will could be supreme. It is some sort
of a conditional liberty which man enjoys.
-B.V. Raman (Hindu Astrology and the West)

• Karma can be divided broadly into three kinds: Dhruda (fixed) Karma that
one has committed an inexcusable mistake or crime in the previous birth,
Dhruda - Adhruda (fixed/non-fixed) Karma that one would have committed an
excusable mistake in the previous birth, and Adhruda (non-fixed) Karma that
the crime committed may be negligible…The majority of people commit
excusable mistakes called Dhruda – Adhruda Karma. Therefore Shanti will be
done by them with or without their knowledge and they will not ultimately
suffer… Just like one has no choice about his birth time, place and his
parents, so also there is nothing left in one’s hands. Everything is pre-
destined. None can change it. Then only one can use this science…Astrology is
a science. It needs further research and confirmation. There is no use for the
word “Likely”. Everything is a certainty… It may be said, more as a
compromise, that man is both a slave of the effects of his past deeds and is a
free agent as regards his deeds, which are in no way directed to thwart,
arrest, alter or in any way modify or remold the effects of his Karma.
-K.S. Krishnamurti (KP Reader II & V)

• The idea seems to be prevalent that astrology teaches fatalism. Those,

however, who have studied the subject knows that it does not teach absolute
fatalism. We are not utterly bound: neither, on the other hand, are we
entirely free. We are limited and restrained by ignorance. All our misfortunes
are the result of our imperfect knowledge. Had we even but a little more
knowledge, there would be much less suffering.
-Alan Leo

• I believe that birth chart configurations, as well as, progressions, solar arcs,
transits, etc. mirror the natural unfolding and building of soul and
"psychological states" that can definitely result in fate, fated behaviors, and
fated events. In our day-to-day lives we end up making choices and acting in
ways that leave us stuck in mud-filled ruts, traveling down dead-end roads,
and continually repeating destructive patterns of behavior that aren't 'working
for us'. This is experienced as fate and fated behavior.
--Carl Jung

• The correct understanding of Vedic Astrology is that it is a blend of free will

and fatalism. But this does not mean that astrology implies any fatalism or
rigid determinism.
-Chakrapani Ullal (Karma, Free Will, and Destiny)

• Man has full control over the Sanchita and Agami Karmas but not over
Prarabdha. ….Once an arrow has been shot, it can not be recalled.
-S. Balasundaram (Universal Tables of Houses)

• Our destiny determines the parameters within which only we can exercise our
limited free will.
-A. R. Raichur

• Each individual's chart is simply a reflection of his destiny based on his/her

past karma. And within the context of our pre-determined "destiny" - the
confines of which all our experience will arise - we also have "free will"
operating as to whether we personally elect to make a right or a left turn at
every one of those experiences and crossroads.
-Sandy Crowther

• Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in
this and previous lives, all of which determine our future. The conquest of
karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction. Not all karmas
rebound immediately. Some accumulate and return unexpectedly in this or
other births.
-Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (Dancing with Siva)

• Freewill and destiny are ever existent. Destiny is the result of past action; it
concerns the body… Freewill and destiny last as long as the body lasts.
Whatever happens, happens as the result of one's past actions, of divine will
and of other factors.
-Ramana Maharshi (Karma and Destiny)

• The will is not free, it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect, but there
is something behind the will, which is free… It is the coward and the fool who
says this is his fate. But it is the strong man who stands up and says I will
make my own fate.
-Swami Vivekananda (“Freedom" from his Complete Works)

• Neither is everything predestined, nor do we have free will in everything …Our

previous acts determine our present life, and our present acts go to make our
future. We reap now what we have sown in our previous births, and we shall
reap in the future what we are sowing now… We have "made" our own
destiny, and are now constantly engaged in making it for the future.
-(Great Master) Daryai Lal Kapur (Call of the Great Master)

• Honestly, I cannot understand what people mean when they talk about
freedom of the human will….Everything is determined, the beginning as well
as the end, by forces over which we have no control.
-Albert Einstein

• It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

-William Shakespeare

• O youth or young man, who fancy that you are neglected by the gods, know
that if you become worse, you shall go to worse souls, or if better to the
better… Man can and does defeat the purpose of the universe predetermined
for him.
-Plato (The Laws)

• Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way
you play it is free will.
-Jawaharlal Nehru


John Fitzgerald Kennedy

35th US President

A child mis-educated is a child lost.

A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles

and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality.

A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open
market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage, which in the past has been
brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or regard that quality in its
chosen leaders today - and in fact we have forgotten.

A young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not
likely to have what it takes to make a living. Today's military rejects include
tomorrow's hard-core unemployed.

All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin. And therefore, as a free
man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner!".

And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what
you can do for your country.

America has tossed its cap over the wall of space.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is
not to utter words, but to live by them.

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain
to miss the future.

407 Gharonda Pancham
Padma Rao Nagar
Secunderabad-500 025

Mob 9440 495 904

Astro Profile – Friendship

Friendship is a network that needs no recharge, no roaming, no activation, no signal problems, just make
sure you don’t switch off your heart and discontinue friendship.

As astrologers we all come across several articles on Profession, Marriage, Education, Progeny
and charts on Celebrity, Sanyasis, etc. I have hardly come across astro articles about charts or
horoscopes being discussed on friendship astrologically. Hence on the eve of Friendship day,
i.e. on 3rd August I examined two charts of my friends. They are good friends not only for me
but also to others. I would like to see what attributes them astrologically to be liked by all of

Friendship is a human bond where a person sees the opposite person as brothers and sisters,
hence, astrologically 3rd house (younger brother, neighbour) 7th house (opposite person,
partner,) and 11th house (elder brother, friends and associates) indicate friendship. Planetary
wise, primarily Venus the planet of sharing and Moon the planet of emotion, play an important
role. Secondarily, Mercury the planet promotes togetherness and Saturn the most coolest &
selfless service planet, also play a vital role in friendship. Rasi wise all watery signs Cancer,
Scopio and Pisces play an important role in human emotions. This apart, Virgo ( Hospitals,
Nursing, Service to others) the 6th sign of natural zodiac play a crucial role. Hence I re-
emphasize that a chart of a native whose Asc., Moon, Venus connected with 3,7, & 11 ,
Watery signs would promote good friendship and is liked by one and all.

In the light of the above principles I have analysed two charts of my good friends which are in
tune with above said rules.

Chart 1: DOB: 13th Sep 1972 TOB: 22.11 Hrs POB: Vijayawada

Body Longitude Star Pada

Lagna 08 Ta 44' 23.53" Krit 4

Sun - 27 Le 36' 07.93" UPha 1
Moon - 04 Sc 38' 25.87" Anu 1
Mars – 25 Le 31' 43.88" PPha 4
Mercury - 22 Le 06' 22.34" PPha 3
Jupiter 05 Sg 41' 38.56" Mool 2
Venus - PiK 12 Cn 38' 12.84" Push 3
Saturn - AmK 26 Ta 53' 31.52" Mrig 2
Rahu - DK 29 Sg 39' 43.47" USha 1
Ketu 29 Ge 39' 43.47" Puna 3
Maandi 26 Cn 16' 54.48" Asre 3
Gulika 16 Cn 04' 20.38" Push 4
Uranus 23 Vi 35' 47.62" Chit 1
Neptune 09 Sc 21' 42.96" Anu 2
Pluto 08 Vi 06' 30.68" UPha 4

Asc. is falling in Taurus, whose lord Venus the planet of sharing placed in 3rd house of watery
sign in the star of Saturn the lord of 11th placed in the Asc. Saturn aspecting 3, 7, 11. Moon
the planet of emotion being the lord of 3 placed in 7th again in a scorpion watery sign in the
star of Saturn. Venus the planet of sharing , is placed in 3rd house in the star of Saturn.
Mercury (togetherness) conjoined with 7th lord Mars in the star of Venus is a value addition.
Hence this native’s chart clearly indicates that Asc, Moon, Venus, Mercury connected with 3,7,
& 11 promotes friendship with all.

Chart 2: DOB: 11th Feb 1978, TOB: 09.26 PM POB: Cochin

Body Longitude Star Pada

Lagna 13 Vi 13' 16.70" Hast 1

Sun - 29 Cp 07' 53.94" Dhan 2
Moon - 21 Pi 34' 36.91" Reva 2
Mars (R) - 01 Cn 05' 26.38" Puna 4
Mercury - 17 Cp 41' 03.93" Srav 3
Jupiter (R) - 02 Ge 44' 24.44" Mrig 3
Venus - 04 Aq 02' 46.76" Dhan 4
Saturn (R) 04 Le 02' 33.25" Magh 2
Rahu 14 Vi 53' 56.10" Hast 2
Ketu 14 Pi 53' 56.10" UBha 4
Uranus 22 Li 55' 41.92" Visa 1
Neptune 24 Sc 29' 30.46" Jye 3
Pluto (R) 23 Vi 04' 56.62" Hast 4

Asc. is falling in Virgo , the 6th sign of natural zodiac represents selfless service to others and
whose lord Mercury (togetherness) placed in 5th (Love & affection) in the star of Moon the lord
of 11 aspected by Mars from watery sign. Moon (emotion) the lord of 11th (Friends) placed in
7th (opposite) in the star of Mercury in a watery sign. Venus (Sharing) placed in 6th house (5th
Bhava) in the star of Mars who is posited in watery moon sign. Rahu the planet of expansion
placed in the asc. being the 6th of natural zodiac in the star of Moon and well aspected Moon
from 7th the lord of 11th . Hence all these above factors clearly indicates the bond of friendship
which is one soul in two bodies.

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This year the gokula (janma) ashtami or Sri Krishna Jayanti falls on 24th August 2008 when
Moon reaches Rohini star during Krishna paksha Ashtami in Sravana (Simha) month.
According to the software Jhora, Moon reaches Rohini at around 10.00 am on this day.

Lord Sri Krishna of the Mahabharata fame, considered as the reincarnation of God, was born in
Rohini star in Krishna paksha Ashtami in Sravana month.

Krishna and the stories associated with him appear across the spectrum of Hindu philosophical
and theological traditions.

In the Bhagavat Gita, he is seen as the Supreme Person, the highest God, and reincarnation of
Lord Mahavishnu.

A lovely and boisterous child, a brother, a charioteer, a warrior, a disciple, a guru, a cowherd,
a messenger, the beloved of the gopis... throughout his life, Krishna enacted so many roles—
the whole time never forgetting that they were just that, roles, and that his true nature was
eternal, ever blissful consciousness. In this way, he was able to remain detached and thus
perform flawlessly, never allowing the smile to fall from his face.

According to the birth details floating around, Lord Sri Krishna of the Mahabharat fame, was
said to have been born on 19/20 July 3228 BC at 12.30 a.m. Midnight at Mathura, Near New
Delhi, with the following nirayana planetary positions:

Asc Mon
Mon Ket
Mar Mar
Rashi Ven Navamsa
Chart Rah Chart
Sun Mer
Ket Jup
Sat Jup Sat Ven Asc
Mer Rah Sun

Body Sign Longi- Star P VMD Start Age End Age

Asc Taurus 26-47 Mrigashira 2 Mon 00-00-000 24-04-007
Sun Leo 18-09 P Phalgun 2 Mar 24-04-007 24-04-014
Moon Taurus 16-28 Rohini 2 Rah 24-04-014 24-04-032
Mars Cancer 03-12 Punarvasu 4 Jup 24-04-032 24-04-048
Mercury Virgo 01-51 Uthara 2 Sat 24-04-048 24-04-067
Jupiter Virgo 01-22 Uthara 2 Mer 24-04-067 24-04-080
Venus Cancer 15-23 Pushya 4 Ket 24-04-080 24-04-087
Saturn Scorpio 17-02 Jyeshta 1 Ven 24-04-087 24-04-107
Rahu Cancer 14-32 Pushya 4 Sun 24-04-107 24-04-113
Ketu Capricorn 14-32 Shravana 2

Some of the life events taken from the mythological texts are illustrated below in tabular form

Appearance at midnight of Sravana month, Rohini star, Ashtami of

Krishna paksha (July 19/20), year 3228 BC to Devaki
Birth taken by Vasudeva from Mathura to Nanda & Yasoda in Gokula
Garga muni performs the naming ceremony and names the baby as
lived in Gokula.
Till 3 years
killed Putana, Sakatasura, Trinivarta demons.
moved to Vrindavana
3-6 killed Bakasura, Aghasura, Dhenuka
moved to Nandagrama
Brahma steals and returns cowherd boys
Govardhana puja & lifted mount Govardhan
played rasa-lila with the gopis
7 - 10
invited to Mathura for wrestling match
killed Canura and Balarama killed Mustika
killed Kamsa and Balarama killed his brothers
lived in Mathura
Intiated with into chanting Gayatri by Gargamuni
10 - 28
Instructed with Balarama in the sixty four arts by Sandipani Muni
Protects Mathura from many demons
establishes kingdom in Dvaraka
marriage to Rukmini and 7 principal queens
29 - 83
rescues 16,100 princesses from the kingdom of Narakasura
161,080 sons born to Krishna
speaks Bhagavad-Gita at Kuruksetra Battle (3138 BC)
84 - 125 saves King Pariksit in the womb
instructs Uddhava
125 Swargarohana - leaving the body on February 18th 3102 BC

Let us make a humble effort as to what could these planetary combinations and positions
teach us about the life of Sri Krishna and the events of that era.


Taurus was rising in Mars star Mrigashira with Moon in own star, Rohini. With the Asc lord
(self) Venus in watery sign, Cancer, along with Rahu (jail) and Mars (military) would have
definitely been the reason that Lord Krishna took birth in Jail when there were heavy floods.

Late Prof. KS Krishnamurti says in his Reader 3 says that Varahamihira, Garga,Parasara,
Kasyapa, Maya, Brihaspati all have discussed about the Moon’s conjunction with Rohini to
predict the good and bad effects of rain. Therefore, Rohini indicates “rains”.


It is famously discussed from centuries about Lord Krishna’s flute blowing and thus attracting
the gopikas.

A flute is held with both the hands, placed on the lips after directing toward one side and
blown to rhythm. Hence 2nd house (mouth or face), Airy sign (for blowing), 3rd house (arms),
5th house (creativity), Music (Venus), Gemini – a long ascension sign for a long object (flute),
Mercury (both arms) should definitely get connected for the native to blow a flute to rhythm
and enthrall the audience (gopikas). Mars is conjoined with Venus. Mars indicate no fear.

Late Prof. KS Krishnamurti says in his Reader 3 that if the sub lord of the 5th house is
connected to Leo or Aquarius, one will have taste in music. In the case of Lord Krishna the 5th
lord Mercury is in Sun star and Sun is in Venus star. So the creativity aspect is covered.

Mercury is lord of 5 and 2 signifying creativity and speech or mouth and an Airy sign, Gemini
signifying blowing the flute. Venus is in connected to Mercury through Mars and Jupiter.
Mercury will signify both arms and Gemini will signify a long object since being a long
ascension sign.

Since Mars is connected with 3rd house and Venus, the native should have started blowing the
flute to rhythm during Mars dasha itself, which commenced at the age of 7 years. It would
have definitely continued through Rahu (conjoined with Venus) VMD, Jupiter (in 5th with
Mercury) VMD, Saturn (in Mercury star) VMD, and Mercury (in 5th house) VMD.


Mars is the planet of courage, quarrel, aggression, etc. The Asc falls in Mars Star and Mars is
placed in the house of courage along with Asc lord. This signifies how courageous Lord
Krishna was. Mars an occupant of 3rd house (courage) in the star of Jupiter who occupies 5th
house (intention) has definitely led Lord Krishna to persuade his cousins Pandavas to fight the
war with Kauravas.


The Asc and Moon, who is also the dispositor of lagna lord, Venus, are connected to Jupiter.
Sun is also in Venus star and in own house. Besides yogakaraka Saturn is aspecting the lagna
and Moon. These combinations should make the native very popular and ever lasting fame.


Both Jupiter and exalted Mercury falls in the house of intelligence in Sun star make Lord
Krishna always a straight-forward thinker, who always fight for justice. It could be seen how
vigorously Lord Krishna fought for his cousins, Pandavas for only justifiable half of the
Kingdom from Kauravas.


7th lord is Mars who is in Jupiter star and Jupiter is conjoined with 5th lord Mercury in 5th
house (house of romance). Saturn is occupant of 7th house in Mercury star. Mars is conjoined
with Venus and Rahu, who are in Saturn star.

Although it was common for Kings in those times to marry more than one woman, the above
combination signifies duplicity of wives. Rahu is conjoined with 7th lord Mars and is connected
with Saturn. Saturn & Rahu connection with 7th house should make the native seek wedlock
from outside the caste. It is known that Lord Krishna married Jambavathi, daughter of
Jambavan, who was probably a tribesman.

7th lord Mars is in the star of Jupiter, who is occupant of house of romance (5th), which makes
the person to marry his spouse after romance.


Vrishabha means a bull, which is the name given for Taurus. The Asc falls in Mars star and
Moon posited close the Ascendant in Moon star Rohini. Moon in Rohini makes others jealous on
the native’s success. But this also makes the native to have fixed views, pre-meditated
actions, extremely angry when provoked, etc.

It is also a fact that if Mars and Mercury are connected, the whenever the native gets annoyed
he will be shouting at his high volume like that of the roar of a lion. In KP the conjunction of
Mars and Mercury is treated as Narasimha, the lion-man God.

Mars is in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is conjoined with Mercury.

Asc lord (Venus) is in 3rd house and is involved in exchange yoga with 3rd lord Moon. This
combination will indicate relation with more than one woman, fond of traveling, romantic
disposition, etc.


Jupiter is conjoined with exalted Mercury and Jupiter’s aspect on the Moon, the reflector of
mind, should make the native extremely imaginative, blessed with high intuitive power, having
very good predictive skills.


Preaching is always signified by 3rd house, since it is the house of communications. Jupiter is
the karaka for wisdom and philosophy. Mars is placed in 3rd house in Jupiter’s star Punarvasu
and Jupiter is occupant of 5th house, the house of intelligence.

The advocting of Bhagavat Geeta by Lord Krishna is definitely linked to his communicative
skills, intelligence, his expression and the impression (left by him).

Conjunction of most beneficial and intelligent planets viz. Jupiter and Mercury falls in the 5th
house of the Lord making him extremely intelligent with Mars becoming a significator make
the Lord very tactful, revengeful and cunning.

The benefics Jupiter and Mercury is placed in the house of intelligence, both from Asc and
Moon can be seen as a classic example in what is stated in the paragraphs above. With the
spiritual Ketu’s aspect on the 5th lord (vedic 9th aspect), 5th house and Jupiter lead Lord
Krishna to the pinnacle of spiritual preaching through Bhagvat Gita.


Lord Shri Krishna was killed by an arrow shot by a hunter called Jhara, who mistook Lord as a
green-coloured bird. Hence the Lord did not have a natural death, and it was definitely
treated as an unnatural death inflicted by a weapon.

Sarvartha Chintamani Chapter 16, Stanza 6 by Venkatesh Sharma says that if the Ascendant
and 8th house are devoid of strength and afflicted by 6th and Mars, the person will die in a
battle or due to weapons.

The Asc lord and 6th lord Venus is conjoined with Mars, the planet who could cause injuy. 8th
lord is Jupiter in whose star Mars is posited. Besides, Mars is throwing its aspect on Ketu and
who in turn aspects Jupiter, lord of 8th house, and Jupiter aspects the lagna. Venus being lord
of 6th, will surely contribute her portion to cause injury. These combinations justify death of
Lord Krishna by a weapon.

In the epic Ramayana Bali was killed by Lord Shri Ram, in order to gain the support of his
brother Sugreeva so that Sita mata could be released from the clutches of Ravana, the demon
King of Lanka.

Before his death Bali was then promised by Lord Ram that in treta yuga, you will get your
chance. It is believed that Lord Sri Krishna was re-birth of the soul of Lord Sri Rama and
Jhara the re-birth of Bali.

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Observations on dusthanas: Part-05: Delineation

Hints on assessments of dusthanas.

Out of a lot said on the judgment of the dusthanas, following are the basics to be observed
from the layman’s angle for a quick startup. Many more rules and their modalities other than
the ones mentioned below may be possible and may be understood for a deeper dive.

The Dusthanas have more of evil portfolios but still have a lot of positivities and thus the
careful examination is required while assessing The Dusthanas.

The Dusthanas are assessed principally from Lagna but may be assessed from Moon as well
for additional inputs and this may sometimes help to substantiate the judgment.

It is said that the Sun and Moon do not get blemished by the 8th lordship, but this blemish
may still manifest to a good extent particularly in the considerations of medical diagnosis.

The 6th house has been given the privilege of being both a dusthana and an upachaya house.
While as dusthana, it is considered as bad but is rated good as upachaya and hence this house
toggles between the good and bad depending upon how well this house is disposed in the
chart. In nut and shell, if the 6th house and its lord are associated with the benefics, it behaves
more as upachaya and confers well to the native. Similarly, if the 6th house and its lord is
associated with the malefics, it acts more as dusthana producing evil results.

The other remaining houses of dusthana (8-12th) have also the positive and negative traits
attached to it and by the similar analogy as above, the positive traits may manifest if the
house is under benefic influence and vice-versa.

The 8th house is considered to be the most malefic out of the Dusthanas. It may be due to the
fact that the 8th house also represents the other malefic parameters such as The 22nd
drekkana and The 64th navamsha. The lords of these parameters may additionally contribute
to deteriorate a situation.

The dusthanas generally manifest the results as per the following modalities

The lord of dusthanas is basically the functional malefics and they harm the house wherever
they are posited.

The dusthana lords may not be that bad to create a chaos in a chart by themselves alone. If
they are strong, they would do well but would do harm if they are weak. Here, ashtakavarga
strength considerations may immensely help.

The real maleficience of the dusthana lords come to the surface when they are weak and be
involved with the strong malefic influence.

The dusthana lords harm the planets they aspect. In this situation, the houses owned by the
aspected planets by the Dusthana lords get harmed under the shade of the karakatwa of the
The planets placed in dusthana also get tainted by the nature of the Dusthana where they are
placed. The basic nature of those planets gets modulated by the attributes of the dusthana
houses of their placement. Such a planet when gets linked to the other planet by aspect,
imparts a part of the effect of the dusthana where it is placed.

For example, a benefic planet such as Jupiter placed in the 8th house may get colored by the
positive qualities of the 8th house such as deep inquisitiveness for research etc whereas the
Mars may produce the aggressive desire of manipulation, scandals or may be instrumental in
accidents or in surgical oriented complication.

It is said that natural malefics behave favorably when placed in the 6th house on the pretext
that the malefics destroy the evils indicated by the house of placement (6th house here). It
may be noted that this may not be true if the malefics are weak or debilitated. The placement
of malefics in the 6th house is not anyway favorable for the diseases and a lot of complications
are seen to manifest from such placements. The best placement in the 6th house is that of Sun
which makes a person robust in health, whereas Rahu may give a complicated disease.

Looking on the other side of the coin, 6th house represents our visible enemies, thus the traits
of the enemy gets decided by the planetary influence on the 6th house.

Note the example of Late Pramod Mahajan, who had Mars in 6th house. It is evidently known
that his enemies were very strong in general and he was killed by his own younger brother
(Mars being the karaka of 6th house) by shooting (the way Mars operates).

As is true for the other houses, the Dusthana lords placed in their own house make the
dusthana strong. The 6th lord placed in the 6th house may make a person disease free and 8th
lord in the 8th house may enhance the longevity.

When the dusthana is aspected by a planet, the aspect may influence the karakatwas of the
aspected dusthana with reference to the basic nature of the aspecting planet as well as by its
nature of functional lordship.

As an example, the Jupiter as 5th lord if aspects the 8th house, it may enhance the spiritual
pursuits of a native while Jupiter as 6th lord if aspects the 8th house may give rise to the
complicated disease but still give the native enough inner strength to bear the pains of it. Mars
as 6th lord aspecting the 8th house may cause a serious accident or cause the disease
aggressive and even patient may become eager to seek the surgical aid for relief.

It is generally understood that the dusthana Lords spoil the house wherever placed. A rider to
this rule is that the dusthana Lords shed their maleficience if associated with the trikona Lords
or the yogakaraka of the chart either by conjunction or constellation lordship. Further, if such
a planet is placed in a Kendra or Trikona, it gives results according to its positive traits of the
dusthana during its dispensing dasha.

It is said that the dusthana lord sheds its maleficience if it happens to be the Lagna lord as
well. Here, it may be noted that this rule is valid for all combinations for Mars and Saturn
being Dusthana and Lagna lord but in the case of Venus having either of 6/8th lordship
alongwith the Lagna lordship, Sage Parashara has some reservations and does not approve a
clean chit to Venus.

It is generally said that a Vipareet Raja Yoga exists if one of the Dusthana lord is placed in the
other Dusthana. In my humble opinion, this rule is not that rosy as it is said to be. Some
authorities say that such Dusthana lords should not have any link to any other planets if they
have to cast absolute benefic results. However, a careful research is necessary in this
direction. Whatever said and done, the placement of one Dusthana lord into the other
Dusthana location does produce ill effects particularly in health matters and no respite from
the disease is seen.

When more number of planets get conjunct in any Dusthana, that Dusthana become important
and the results pertaining to that Dusthana become fairly noticeable in the life of the native for
a long time. In fact this principle is true for any house in a chart because more no of planets
conjunct in any house shall keep manifesting the effects alive for a long time in their
dispensing dasha periods.

The planetary yogas formed with the involvement of the dusthanas have the necessary shade
of dusthanas involved in it. For example, consider the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in
Cancer Lagna. Jupiter as the 6/9th lord exalts and associates with the 7/8th lord Saturn.
Looking closely to this combination, it may be said to be a Raja Yoga involving the Kendra and
Trikona lords, but here, the yoga gets tainted with the 6th and 8th house lordship. Now, such
Jupiter aspects strongly to the 5th house which deals with the professional education and the
Saturn aspects the 10th house which deals with the profession.

Amalgamating the effects of the yoga under the light of the involvement of the dusthana, it
may be said that the native shall get the education relating to the disease (6th house) and
death matters (8th house), which clearly points to the medical studies and the profession is
also assured in the same direction because of the influence of this combination on the 10th
house. In case, if Jupiter falls in the nakshatra of Pushya and Saturn in the nakshatra of
Punarvasu in Cancer sign, these attributes are almost a certainty. It thus exemplifies how
dusthanas shade the results of yoga.

Daivagna Ratna
Pemmaraju V. R. Rayudu
B.E. M.Tech
67 Vinayanagar, Saidabad,
Hyderabad - 500059,
Andhra Pradesh, India

Ph: 040-24530210



Most of the astrologers may be knowing by now what is Nadi amsha. For the benefit
of others, the Nadi amsha is the subtlest division of a rashi (sign) suggested by Sage
Satyacharya similar to the Vargas (divisions) given by Sage Parasara. It is generally
the 150th part of rashi, amounting to 12' of arc or 48 seconds in time if 2 hours
duration is taken for rashi. In the Chararashis (moveable) it is counted clockwise
from the beginning of rashi, in the Sthira rashis (fixed) anti clockwise from the end
of rashi and in the Dwiswabhava rashis (dual/common) from the middle of rashi.
Different names are given for each nadi amsha such as Vasudha, Vaishnavi etc. the
last nadi amsha being called Parameshwari. Thus the first nadi amsha of Vasudha in
chara rashi will be the 150th in the sthira rasi and 76th in the Dwiswabhava rasi. The
names chosen also seem to indicate some good or bad nature of the particular
amsha similar to the names given in Shatshtyamsha.

Each nadi amsha is again divided into two parts called Poorvabhaga (first part) and
Uttarabhaga (second part), amounting to total of 300 parts, each
part consisting of 6' in arc or 24 seconds in time. Some nadi astrologers divide the
nadi amasha into 4 parts, amounting to a total of 600 parts, called Kalas each Kala
consisting of 3' in arc or 12 seconds in time, to distinguish the role and duty of an
individual as Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya or Sudra in the broad fields of religious /
philosophical guidance, ruling, trading, or service respectively.

Sthula(broad)life patterns are given for 1st and 2nd part of each nadi amsha in a
Lagna (Ascendant).The general life patterns for some of these nadi amshas in a
lagna are covered in the Astrological magazine of Bangalore, India. Sukshma
(subtle) patterns are to be evolved with the position of planets in the particular


Now let us see how this nadi amsha divisions might have arrived at by our ancient
astrologers. It is mainly based on Tatwa/Antar Tatwa Siddantha. The order of the
tatwas and their duration are Prithvi tatwa (earth) 6 minutes, Jala tatwa (water) 12
minutes, Tejo tatwa (fire) 18 minutes, Vayu tatwa (air) 24 minutes and Akash
tatwa(ether) 30 minutes. That means, for every 90 minutes the tatwas complete one
round and start the second round. Thus in 24 hours, 16 rounds will be done.In this
the odd number rounds are Savya (clockwise) and the even number rounds are
apasasvya (anti clockwise). Now, if you take Prithvi tatwa of 6 minutes and its Antar
tatwa duration will be 24 seconds (6 multiplied by 6 and divided by 90), which is the
time taken for each part of nadi amsha.

Now consider the Aroha (upward) and Avaroha (downward) motions of duration in
Prithvi Antar tatwa as follows:

Time (Mins-
Aroha Antara Time (Mins-Secs) Avaroha Anthara
Prithvi 0-12 Akash 1-00
Jala 0-24 Vayu 0-48
Tejo 0-36 Tejo 0-36
Vayu 0-48 Jala 0-24
Akash 1-00 Prithvi 0-12
TOTAL 3-00 3-00

You can see that the duration is still sub-divided into minimum of 12 seconds, which
is time taken for each Kala of nadi amsha.

This scheme is given in the book "Jyotisha Siddhamthamu" (out of print now)
written in 1973 in South Indian Telugu language by my Guru Late
"DaivagnaRatna" and "Vidya Visarada" Sri Divakaruni Venkata Subba Rao, quoting
"Jataka Phalachintamani" that the tatwas take avaroha also.


Based on this, tables are evolved to find out the male/female birth after sunrise as
per the birth tatwa, chara/sthira/dwiswabhava lagnas, day and Moon nakshatra
(constellation).The tatwas represent male/female birth as: Prithvi male, Jala female,
Tejo male, Vayu female and Akash male. From these tables, time of birth can be
rectified to suit the male or female birth. Of course, Mr.M.V.Rao in his article
"Rectification of birth time "Bhrugu nadi" in the magazine "The Times of Astrology"
March 1973, Prof. P.S. Sastri in his book "Rectification of birth (An analytical
approach) published by M/s Rangoon Publications of Delhi in 1996 and Mr.Marc
Penciled in his book "The Nadi System of Rectification" in 1976 gave their own
tables and interpretations for correcting the birth time for male/female birth, without
going into Aroha and Avaroha Antar Tatwas. Anyway, it is for the readers to find
their best method to rectify the birth time for male/female birth. In either case, the
calculation of correct Sun rise time is very important. I do not propose to discuss the
same in detail here as it is not directly connected to the present topic.


My date of birth is 7 September 1938, Place of birth Vizianagram, Andorra Prudish,

India Longitude 83-27 East, Latitude 18-07 North. The time of birth is given in the
old records as 7 ghettos 55 vighatis after Sun rise. The Day of birth is Wednesday.
The Moon Nakshatra is Savanna 4th pad. Following the system given in the book
"Jyotisha Siddhamthamu", following Antar tatwas, the birth is in Tejo anat. tatwa
in Jala tatwa, Tejo representing male birth to suit to the other conditions of Libra
chara rashi lagna, Wednesday and Moon nakshatra of Savanna. This matches the
time of birth of 9-00 AM LMT or 8-56-16 AM ITS, as obtained from the original record
and hence no rectification of birth time is required. This would give about 6 degrees
in Libra lagna depending on the Amasha used. Now, the nadi amsha patterns around
this 6 degrees in moveable lagna are to be checked, as given in the Astrological
magazine of Bangalore, India, relating to 31st nadi amsha by name "Kampala" from
6 to 6-12 in moveable sign and 32nd nadi amsha by name "Quanta" from 6-12 to 6-
24, for two parts in each nadi amsha.
For the sake of interest and appreciation of the readers, I quote below the general
life pattern given for the second part of Kamalamsha (6-6 to 6-12) from Dhruva

"The native belongs to a Shudder caste.(?). He is a devotee of Vishnu and is the 8th
issue (?) to his parents. He is born in a city. His parents are long lived. His father
lives as an employee of the State moving about in different places. He serves a Niche
Parch. His profession in to do with chemicals and minerals (Rasayargada-moolena
Dhabi dravyadhi Haitian). His father is a welted man. He lives in a foreign country.
He has a number of friends. His mother is a lady of great moral character and
discipline. His eldest brother is not alive. He has a long life and well built body (?)
and a dark complexion (?). He is educated. He is dutiful to his parents and is Satwik
by nature. He has respect for the Brahmins and Gods. He is moderate in his
ambitions and his talk. He has the knack to read others' characters, but inclined to
deceive his friends (?). He is an eloquent speaker. He is employed in the Defense
department (Senapatimupashritya). He marries a good looking girl of character in his
21st (?) year. His real prosperity begins after marriage. When he is 16 (?) a great
misfortune hits the family because of his father's Yoga bhanga. His father becomes
much afflicted due to the machinations of enemies and loss of wealth. After his 22nd
year, he gets a daughter (?). His father's enemies become crushed and things will
again improve. His parents become extremely happy. At 29 he gets into the good
glances of ruler. His father dies when he is 32 (?). There is continuous prosperity
after 35. At 36 his mother dies(?). At 40 he has a big lift in the position. He is sent to
foreign countries on errands. He gets plenty of money and two conveyances. At 42
he gets Raja Mudras. 2 sons and 1 daughter (?) are long lived. He is helpful to
others. He gives charities. His sons also prosper. He prospers like the waxing Moon
till his death. At 64 his wife dies. At 65 he passes away."

I may mention here that the general pattern mostly matches except for the ages and
the question mark (?) is given in the brackets wherever it differs. The idea to give
this reading is only to appraise the readers how a general life pattern is given from
the lagna nadi amsha only. The patterns in the other nearer nadi amshas are not
discussed to save space. It is not also necessary that all the points have to match
correctly since it is only a broad background key to subsequently link it up
intelligently with the actual planetary positions for understanding the actual life


Though it is fairly understood how the nadi amsha divisions are visualized by our
great ancient astrologers, it is still a hard nut to crack how they could have given the
general life pattern of each nadi amsha without referring to any particular lagna and
planetary positions. It seems that there are 108 tatwas, what are they and whether
they are also linked up the nadi amshas is not known. This minute division sets the
seed of an individual. If the correct nadi amsha is established, which is not so easy,
there is a bird's eye view of the entire past and future of the person concerned. Each
nadi amsha has got its own peculiar characteristics, but it
can clearly indicate one's pattern of destiny. In relation to planetary positions, birth
star etc. it can give an idea of one's parentage, number of brothers, sisters etc. A
nadi amsha connected with a birth star and certain other planetary situations can
enable us to predict future events with considerable accuracy. In fact, it seems, that
Sage Satyacharya, father of Nadi Astrology, says that in the absence of the correct
nadi amsha, the time of birth cannot be decided accurately.

During my recent visit to USA to give lectures on this topic of Hindu Astrology in the
conferences of American Federation of Astrologers and Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, on
their invitation, I found there in a World almanac book that for every 3 seconds 9
births and 6 deaths take place ( it is for the scholars to understand where the other
extra 3 births are coming from). That means, this nadi amsha division that a human
birth takes place in every 12 seconds also may not hold good in the present
circumstances. The present nadi amshas might have been written in the ancient
times when the birth rate is very slow. Also it looks that these patterns are visualized
to suit more to some particular regions within some distance of longitudes.

Therefore, it is the moral duty of every astrologer to collect and maintain the birth
data and life events of the known individuals and discuss with others in the field with
an open mind and research angle or present their findings in this esteemed journal
or elsewhere for the benefit of others in the field. Then probably we may get similar
charts on the same day with different lagna parts and life stories, born to different
parents or as twins, in different countries to really do some research. By subjecting
the Sage's revelation to proper investigation and research, some rules may be
formulated to pinpoint the correct moment of birth, if God permits the ancient
astrological wonders may be revived again and a new Nadi Grantha may evolve to
suit to the present modern circumstances. It is also necessary for all astrologers to
thoroughly study the available literature on Nadi astrology, though scanty, and
attempt to collect as much information as possible for real research.


The following table is attached to my article "A Note on Nadi Amshas" by the
magazine "Vedic astrology" on their own. It is likely that the names may
differ by some others.

Note:1 represents 0 degrees to 0 degrees 12 minutes,

2 represents 0 degrees 12 minutes to 0 degrees 24 minutes etc. till
150 represents 30 degrees, thus each nadi amsha increasing by 0 degrees 12

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The Age of Aquarius Series -- Rectifying the Aquarian Age Part 3

In the previous two issues I presented the last two sub-ages in the Pisces age (the
Aries and Pisces sub-ages) and the first two sub-ages in the Aquarian age (Capricorn
and Sagittarius). The absence of an Aquarian sub-age between the Pisces and
Capricorn sub-ages is due to the nature of the dwadasamsa sign division. The first
dwadasamsa of any sign is the same as the sign itself but due to the retrograde
nature of the precessional ages the dwadasamsa structure is also reversed. The last
sub-age encountered in the Aquarian age will be the Aquarius sub-age.

In the Aries sub-age (c.1073 - 1433+) classical examples of military might were
demonstrated with Genghis Khan and the One Hundred Years War with the prime
cultural development in the West being the Renaissance. The Pisces sub-age and
overflow (c. 1253 – 1612+) correlated to oceanic exploration, slavery, religious strife
between the Roman Catholic Church and the new Protestants and the start of the
conquest of the world by (Pisces ruled) European nations. The introduction of
tobacco and widespread witch hunts reinforces Pisces’ location at this time in history.
On the more positive side the artistic legacies of Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and
Leonardo Da Vinci etc stamped their place resolutely into the history of the world.

The Capricorn sub-age (1433-1612) and overflow (1612-1791+) also displayed its
unmistakable stamp at an appropriate place in history. Its effects are seen especially
in what is known as the Scientific Revolution with the discoveries of Leonardo da
Vinci, Copernicus, Newton, Galileo and their scientific contemporaries. The Capricorn
sub-age also produced the severe Puritans and autocratic rulers of the period.

The arrival of the Sagittarian sub-age (c.1612 – 1791) and overflow (c.1791 –
1970+) is aligned to the Industrial Revolution, railway networks, international travel
and population explosion in the world. The great philosophers and political thinkers
such as Karl Marx, Immanuel Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche appeared appropriately with
this Sagittarian influence. Between 1791 and at least 1970 the Sagittarian sub-age
overlapped with the new Scorpio sub-age.

The Scorpio sub-age (c.1791 – 1970)

The prime concepts associated with Scorpio (in Western astrology) are revolution,
regeneration, transformation and metamorphosis; spiritual regeneration; death;
inner strength (and external weakness); waste products from any process, which
naturally includes sewage and pollution; atomic energy and bombs; almost
everything associated with sex; taxes; and finally tyrants with their cruelty. Has the
world previously seen the likes of the 20th century murderous tyrants such as Stalin
and Hitler to name a few amongst many? The death and destruction unleashed in the
Scorpio sub-age, especially in the first half of the 20th century was unprecedented in
the world and if ever a time that Death, one of the four riders of the Apocalypse,
made his presence felt, it was in this Scorpio sub-age.
The revolutionary tone and appearance of the modern tyrants is exemplified by the
rise to power of Napoleon in France. The French Revolution (1789–1799) arrived
exactly in line with the new Scorpio sub-age (allowing for the one year margin of
error in rectification). It instigated a reign of death and the appearance of the first
tyrant of the sub-age. At least one in every hundred people in Europe was killed in
the Napoleonic Wars. Despite Napoleon’s tyranny, he promoted much of the
revolutionary spirit and fervour of the egalitarian French Revolution, and whenever
his troops `liberated’ a country from their autocratic rulers, he marginalised and
ostracised the established Christian churches who were generally in collusion with
the aristocracy.

Another powerful political change aligned to Scorpio was the Workers' Revolution by
the ‘lower’ classes in Western nations. The development by the working class of a
political identity, involving labour and trade unions and ultimately socialism and
communism, commenced in the early 1800's. The philosophical basis of communism
was published in the Communist Manifesto in 1848 and Das Kapital by Karl Marx in
1867. Karl Marx was a philosopher of the Sagittarian mould - his subject however
was (Scorpio) revolution and revolutionary. Karl Marx is an excellent example of the
confluence of the Sagittarius and Scorpio sub-ages.

The outcome of the workers’ resentment at their collective lot in life was a
redistribution of wealth. Socialism and communism did this by redistributing
(Taurean) assets from the few to the many, either with (Scorpio) taxes or by
revolutionary (Scorpio) force. Unions accomplished a redistribution of wealth through
negotiated higher wages, very often using strikes as a tool to achieve this end. To
strike, a prerogative of most trade unions, is an unadulterated Scorpio archetype.

Simultaneous to the rise in the working class was the fall of the aristocracy. At the
beginning of the Scorpio sub-age in 1791 the majority of the world was ruled by
hereditary rulers. By the end of the Scorpio sub-age (1970) they had been
dethroned or had lost all real political power – this was a massive world-wide
revolution – the modus operandi of Scorpio!

The greatest technological developments associated with the Scorpio sub-age was
the harnessing of nuclear energy for military and energy needs and the first stage of
the exploration of outer space, both ruled by Scorpio. Other Scorpio developments
include the growing power and influence of underground activities such as the mafia,
triads and other criminal organisations. Spies and espionage also became significant
influences in the intrigues amongst the superpowers. The fictional James Bond
character demonstrated the widespread interest in espionage by the general public
by the close of the Scorpio sub-age.

Scorpio Sub-Age Overflow (c.1970 - 2148+)

Already the Scorpio sub-age overflow indicates that the mainly sexually transmitted
illness AIDS will remain a serious world problem and will be probably be a scourge,
or the scourge of the 21st century. The ongoing Sexual Revolution, which includes
birth control and abortion, is most likely to continue to be a major sociological and
divisive issue. All other issues associated with sexuality including homosexuality,
transvestites, paedophiles etc will continue to expand in the Scorpio sub-age

DNA is the inner mechanism of sex, and thus comes within Scorpio’s frame of
reference. Genetic engineering in all its forms and guises has already made a
significant inroad in a diverse number of areas including genetically modified (GM)
food and the cloning of animals and animal tissues over the last 20 years, and it can
be expected to continue at an exponential rate . Cures for many diseases are
increasingly dependent upon genetic investigations and manipulation.
The quest for longevity (i.e. defying or postponing death), based on various practices
and ‘starvation’ diets has definite Scorpio undertones, especially considering the
association of eating with Taurus – the opposite sign to Scorpio. This has also seen
the promotion of anorexia – strongly promoted by the fashion industry. The spread
of obesity is the hangover from the expansionary Sagittarius sub-age overflow.

The late 20th century environmental conservation issue is a relatively new

phenomenon. The passions unleashed, and the developing intensity of pro-
conservation versus pro-development can be matched to the former passions and
intensity of the workers' struggle against the bourgeois capitalists. To consume
(Taurus) at the expense of the environment, is the question of today (and
tomorrow). The concept of conservation and recycling resonates well with Scorpio. If
the Workers Revolution is any guide, the conservationists will not have their way
until the next century and must fight every inch of the way until then.

Another recent and subtle example of Scorpio's influence is ‘political correctness’.

The replacement of implied derogatory names with euphemisms, (e.g. mentally
retarded with intellectually disadvantage) indicates a growing hypersensitivity by
minority groups. This applies to racial groups, homosexuals or any other group such
as the women's movement that is perceived to stray from the previously accepted
social norm. The allowance currently being made by contemporary societies to
prevent offending such groups of individuals indicates Scorpio's external
vulnerability, and intense hypersensitivity to anything that treads on its tail.

The overflow from the Scorpio sub-age also coincided with a significant change in the
mood of the world – commonly referred to as ‘post-modern’. Previously Sagittarian
optimism ruled supreme from its overflow. Whereas modernity gave an expectation
of solving all the problems of the world, post-modernism is unconvinced and places
an emphasis on scepticism - especially concerning social morals and normal
behaviour expected by society. Post modernism does not see salvation for the world
based on mass production and burgeoning wealth. Interestingly the last time the
world went through a Scorpio sub-age overflow (c. 8 BC – 173 AD) the literati in the
Roman Empire became sarcastic, sceptical and disillusioned and also reverted to
gross sexual imagery. A modern example of the desultory cultural change is Michael
Moore’s book Stupid White Men and his documentaries Bowling for Columbine and
Sicko plus his badly received ‘revolutionary’ comments at the 2003 Academy Awards.
What is readily seen under Scorpio most likely hides the actual powerful
undercurrents that sit below the surface of our post-modern world. Alvin Toffler
came across this aspect of the 20th Century when he first wrote Future Shock
followed by The Third Wave. Toffler stated that Future Shock was his initial
pessimistic response to obvious negative changes happening in the Western world
such as the breakdown of family, religion, authority and so on. His next book
followed a more optimistic tone. The Third Wave described the hidden or less noticed
developments that are both positive and constructive, and which depend upon the
breakdown of outmoded institutions and codes of behaviour as described in his
earlier book. This behind the scenes revolution described by Toffler aptly describes
the nature of Scorpio. Scorpio, the sign of regeneration, usually requires destruction
before construction.

Terrorist strikes are perfectly in tune with Scorpio, the sign of the Scorpion with its
deadly tail. Coincidentally, contemporary terrorist activity began with airplane
hijackings in the 1980’s, at the time when the Scorpio energy had just attained its
peak strength at the beginning of its overflow period. Scorpio ruled terrorism leads
to another very Scorpionic effect – vulnerability. People have not only lost their
(Sagittarian) optimism, but they also are feeling very vulnerable. Scorpio is the sign
of inner strength and external weakness, and it is fitting that in a period such as the
21st century, societies are feeling vulnerable and unprotected. In some societies this
results in ethnic cleansing. However Scorpio implies that the strength people are
looking for must be found within as external strength and stability (Taurus) is no
longer on the menu.

Other Scorpio developments include issues such as the death penalty, minimalism in
the arts and design, sexual overtones in rock music to name a few. The Sexual
Revolution unleashed in Western Society from the late 1960s onwards is highly
indicative of Scorpio. The Scorpio world that we are settling into may be moving us
away from Fire inspired warfare as the norm (despite recent indications to the
contrary), but the issues facing the world may be as catastrophic as war due to
environment degradation, the desire for revenge, global terrorism, the subtle
manipulation or corruption of political power, the loss of optimism and a heightened
sense of vulnerability and insecurity.

Taurus is also the sign allied to a person’s values, and on the mundane level this
translates to the cultural values of societies. Under Scorpio Taurus is in the 7th
house position, thus indicating that cultural values are under threat. This is
demonstrated in the world by what is termed by some as the culture wars. The
culture war in the world is multi-faceted. Certainly the differences between Islamic
and Western culture has produced heated and violent exchanges but this is just the
tip of the ice-berg.

Sagittarian Globalisation is steadily dissolving all cultures and is another classic

example of the confluence of two adjoining sub-ages. The Western culture pioneered
the dissolution of established cultural practises but the dissolution due in the future
should be even greater for all concerned. All non-Western cultures are seeing strain
and stress as their cultural values are diminished or threatened by the Western way
of life. But the same is continuing in Western nations. Due to globalisation and the
mass influx of people from various countries and cultures into the Western
homelands, the religious, social and political inclinations of the immigrants are
affecting Western nations making them far more multi-cultural. This at times
creates reactionary tendencies from conservative elements in their populations to the
perceived threat from foreign ways intruding into their lifestyles. The French ban on
Islamic head scarves for females in their schools is one such conservative
reactionary policy.

The relationship between Taurus and culture also indicates the relationship between
Scorpio and the World Wide Web or internet. This may initially seem strange as
Aquarius or Gemini may seem better placed from the archetypal standpoint to be
related to the internet. Taurus indicates physical, tangible and sensual culture – the
complete opposite of the www with bits and packets seething through hidden optic
fibre cables to be displayed on a cathode-ray or LCD monitor. There is little that is
physical associated with the internet. This is a classic example of the evolution of
astrological archetypes to correlate to new developments not known to ancient

India in the Scorpio sub-age and overflow

How will India handle the Scorpio sub-age overflow (c.1970-2148+)? In the last
issue I introduced Taurus, along with Capricorn, into India’s astrological signature.
Scorpio directly relates to Taurus with Scorpio in the 7th house position. This clearly
indicates that there are serious relationship issues to be resolved. It strongly
suggests that the splitting of the Indian sub-continent into two nations in 1947 is a
relatively temporary situation born of 7th house issues. Once the influence of Scorpio
wanes it is likely that the Indian sub-continent will reunite.

The arrival of the previous Scorpio sub-age in c.189 BC coincided with the collapse of
the extensive, powerful and militarily strong Maurya Empire (322–185 BCE)
indicating India’s weaker fortune under Scorpio. After the collapse of the Maurya
Empire, India was appropriately split in two coinciding with the Scorpio sub-age.
India had to wait until near the end of the Scorpio influence before it could regroup
and rebuild itself to a certain degree.

This 7th house influence upon the Indian sub-continent indicates that the country that
fosters good relations with its neighbour, does not instigate sabre rattling or military
activity and promotes compromise will benefit the most. The full strength of the
Indian sub-continent will not be attained while it is split in two. It must be
remembered that the nation of India was formed by Gandhi’s non-violent political
struggle – early evidence of the positive harnessing of the 7th house by India to
achieve modern statehood.

The oftentimes violent antipathy between India and Pakistan is unlikely to be

resolved this century. The acrimony over Kashmir indicates that the only solution is
based on (7th house) compromise (not Aries/1st house war). Unfortunately both
India’s and Pakistan’s governments were created under a Capricorn micro-age
overflow (c.1940 – 55) influence indicating that the governments of both nations are
more concerned about their respective conservative positions, status and reputation
than diplomacy and the benefits to the common people if they could resolve their

The 7th house mode also indicates that the cultural dissolution that will be
experienced in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh over the coming 150 years will be
extremely strong compared to most other nations. Taurus indicates a resistance to
change while the 7th house mode of the current Scorpio sub-age overflow indicates
that resistance to cultural change will only cause conflict and thus weakness. This is
one of those rare times when change will benefit the Indian sub-continent but
paradoxically change is against the intrinsic cultural nature of the Indian sub-


If previous sub-ages are any guide, the major impact of Scorpio is yet to be played
out in the world. How many rugs will Scorpio pull out under our and our following
generation’s world? Will a new and better global society develop out of shrinking
ethnic cultures, social revolutions and the usurpation of traditional cultures,
established religions and their values? We will only be around to witness a small part
of this Scorpio development, but as bit players in the passing of the Scorpio sub-age
overflow we can be sure to be intimately involved with the evolution of Scorpio for
the rest of our lives.

The famous American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) appears to acknowledge
the Scorpio sub-age in his reading:

"Pluto is a growing influence on the affairs of man toward the spiritual...More will be
seen of this in the next one to two hundred years.' [Ref: 1100-27].

Is Cayce referring to the end and overflow of this (Pluto ruled) Scorpio sub-age?
For more information on the Scorpio sub-age overflow see




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Note: This mantra is more effective for those who are under the pressure of transit Saturn.

Aum Shree Mahalakshmiye Namah


The Maha Mrityunjay is a mantra that is said to rejuvenate, bestow health, wealth, a
long life, peace, prosperity and contentment. The Mantra is a centuries old technique
of connecting one to pure consciousness and bliss.


|| Aum hleem bagalamukhi sarva dushtanam vacham

mukham paadam
Stambhai jihva kilai buddhi vinashay hleem
Aum Swaha||




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Dear Viswanath ji -- Thanks for wonderful E-zine ASTROVISION. Month by month doing well—
regards--Kanak Bosmia.

Dear Viswanath ji -- Thanks for ASTROVISION. Mr. Tin Win’s article is very good. I came back
to India on 28th June. Regards HS Nagi.

Mr. Viswanath --Thank you for including my article in your July 08 E-Journal.
Blessings—PVR Rayudu.

Dear Viswanath--Thanks again for the copy. It's great and the cover design is very attractive
as usual. Wishing you further success for your hard work, Tin Win.

Dear Editor--I want to read the back issues, give me the guidance--S.C. Kursija
Mr. Tin Win--Congratulations for excellent analysis of kp and four step method published in ASTROVISION
July 2008, awaited since a long time. it covers all aspects without exceptions. kindly check the matter
under title “ more than one marriage’ wherein it is said” if the sub lord of 7th cusp and the 7th cusp is
same” I think this is totally a typing error the later 7th should be the 6th cusp. isn’t it. or there is some
problem in my understanding. Please enlighten. profound regards, Vasudhakar goswami.
Dear Vasudhakar Goswami, Thanks for your kind words. It is a typing error and should be 7th
and 6th cusps. Regards, Tin Win

Thank you Mr. Vishwanath for remembering me and including me in your mailing list for the
ASTROVISION mag. It is indeed very kind of you. May God bless you all success in your
endeavours-R. S. Mani

Dear Mr. Viswanath, Thank you for sending the July edition but I did not receive the march to
June editions, any problem? Your Magazine is very well done, congratulations. Regards, Henry
Dear Mr. Viswanath--Thank you for the Astrovision E-Journal. It is excellent-Regards-Vipin
Dear Sir- What is "Four Step Method" astrology? Is it a part of KP Astrology? Is there any
book on this subject? Kindly give reference if any. Thanking you- D.Krishnamurthy. P.S. I
have received the AV July 2008 e-copy.
Dear Editor--At the outset my humble homage to Late Sri Ajit Amin of US and may his soul
rest in peace. Article of Dif. between KP n 4 STEP is very analytical with all information in one
place with comparison. Many doubts and debate in the yahoo groups can be concluded by
going through this type of academic articles of Sri Tin Win ji. Article of Sri VSN Murthy on
Love Marriage - the author is very clear in his judgement and result oriented KP. Article Sri
Kanak Bosmia on Presidential Elections is very interesting with all KP Rules in one place for
competition and success. Regards, O.V.N. MURTHY, M.Com.FCS., COMPANY SECRETARY,

To be continued

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Ashtakavarga – an Introduction

Maharishi Parasara states in his magnum Opus Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, “There
are two divisions, or parts of the Jyotisha Shastra, namely general and particular. I
have already dealt with the general part. I now come to the other part, which deals
with this subject in particular.”

Thereafter he goes on explaining the effects of the 12 houses and the 7 planets in chapters 66
to 72. In Kaliyuga, minds of the people have become blunt because of the sinful deeds
committed by them. This shastra according to Parasara is for the benefit of all. In this shastra
or system, there will be no contradictions in judging the effects of happiness and sorrows and
for determination of longevity.

Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka mentions Ashtakavarga in a casual manner as it is

was commonplace in his times. It is quite possible it might have become an integral
part of the main body of astrological teachings and probably he has not given many
details about the system.

This Shastra or System is called as ASHTAKAVARGA. Ashta means eight and varga
means division. It is a System by which strength of planets are ascertained. Primarily
intended to be used in transit (Gochara) analysis, it also finds use in natal chart
interpretation. Only 7 planets and Lagna are included in this system. Rahu and Ketu
are excluded.

Out of my experience, I can very confidently say that Ashtakavarga System is one of
the most efficient systems within Jyotish and I have found it extremely useful for
timing of events. In addition, transit effects studied with the help of this system
present an accurate picture of the coming events. When Applied with Vimsottari dasa
system, Ashtakavarga can give extremely clear picture of the way in which events
are likely to unfold.

However according to Prof. B.V.Raman “As far as the determination of longevity is

concerned, the Ashtakavarga System cannot be solely relied upon for accuracy.” He
is of the opinion that the failure of the system with regard to longevity might be due
to “either inadequate comprehension of the principles or the inadequacy of the
number of examples worked out.

A very simple explanation of Ashtakavarga:

It is a method of calculating the powers of the 7 planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu)
and of Lagna on one another. Thus it provides a means of examining the influences
of the 7 planets and of Lagna depending on their locations in a horoscope, on each
other and all the 12 houses in a horoscope.

In other words, each planet from Sun to Saturn receives a contribution from 8
indicators (7 planets and Lagna) depending on their placement in the chart. As the
famous work Horamakaranda says “ as a result of the progression of the 7 planets
from their respective radical places and from Lagna, a collective factor sets in going
under the name of Ashtakavarga”.
It is likely that in a horoscope, a planet say Jupiter is capable of emitting beams that
may influence certain places declared as favourable, both from his position in the
chart as well as from the positions of other planets.

The System can be used in all divisional charts along with Chaleta Bhava charts and
even Horary Astrology. Prasna Marga also has got a chapter on Ashtakavarga.
Casting the Ashtakavarga Charts:

The various Ashtakavarga Charts that are in use are:

Bhinnashtakavarga or Individual Ashtakavarga charts.
Bhinnasktakavarga after reduction
Sarvashtakavarga or Total Ashtakavarga chart
Prasthara or spread-out Ashtakavarga chart.

I am not going to explain the procedures for making the above charts in this article,
as majority of the current day Astrological softwares do contain these calculations.
To know about how these are calculated reader’s can go through Dr. B.V.Raman’s
book “Ashtakavarga System of Prediction.” To calculate them manually much effort
is needed and hence probably this system was discarded. However, I will give
glimpse of the method of calculation for one planet say Sun.

Calculating Sun’s Ashtakavarga:

Each planet has got an influence on each sign. If it is benefic influence it is called
‘bindu’ and if it is malefic it is called ‘rekha’. The benefic as well as the malefic places
have already been given in BPHS.

Sun’s benefic places are the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th from himself.
The same places are benefic fro Mars and Saturn too.
The 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th from Jupiter; the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th from the Moon; the
3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th from Mercury; the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th
from the Lagna and the 6th, 7th and 12th from Venus are the benefic places. The rest
are malefic places.

If it is drawn into a table it will look like this:

(The 1st column position represents the individual planet's natal position in the chart)

from the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN * * * * * * * *
MOON * * * *
MARS * * * * * * * *
MERCURY * * * * * * *
JUPITER * * * *
VENUS * * *
SATURN * * * * * * * *
LAGNA * * * * * *

Instead of dots a star has been placed. The total of 48 points in contributed by Sun.
In a similar manner each planet distributes benefic points.

Moon contributes 49 points, Mars 39, Mercury 54 points, Jupiter 56 points, Venus 52
points and Saturn 39 points making a total of 337 points.

Here I wish to bring to the knowledge of readers that there are 2 major variations for
calculating the benefic (or malefic) points or bindus from a given planet-One of
Parasara and the other of Varahamihira. The difference between the two lies in the
vargas of Moon and Venus and results in a couple of points (however the total
remains 337 in both systems). The difference is so minute and hence it becomes
difficult to judge which of the two systems is better. If the software provides for both
the systems, readers can verify this point. The specific differences between the two
systems are:

Jupiter’s contribution in Moon’s Ashtakavarga:

Parasara: Benefic places are – 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th from natal Jupiter.
Varahamihira: Benefic places are 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th from natal

Mars’ contribution in Venus’ Ashtakavarga

Parasara: 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th from natal Mars are benefic places.

Varahamihira: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th from natal Mars are the benefic places.
Thus the combined or collective ashtakavarga of the Sun and all the other 6 planets
are calculated. By adding together the bindus contained in each of the signs the
Sarvashtakavarga is drawn.

If reader’s are desirous of knowing in detail the method of calculation of

Bhinnashtakavarga as well as Sarvashtakavarga, I shall send a detailed article
making the calculation clear through an Example chart.

This is in general about the Regular Ashtakavarga System.

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to one unique Ashtakavarga System
called “KAS” – when expanded becomes Krushna’s Ashtakavarga System.
Some of the readers might already be a member of the following Yahoo groups which
are purely dedicated to KAS:
The Web sites dedicated to this unique system are:

Readers may visit the above links and learn more about this system.

Vedic Astrologer, Vaastu
8/8, Surya Niwas
Sion Colony Road, Sion West
Mumbai 400 022
Cell +91 98672 14103
E mail:

FROM 01-AUG-2008 TO 31-AUG-2008

All prediction are on moon sign/rashi’s. This is also applicable to respective rashi’s lagnas.
General prediction for this year. Those who are aspiring to go overseas for
business/job/pleasure will get overseas opportunities.

Notes: Mangal in conjunction with Sani in Simha rashi which is another terrifying conjunction.
The king is secured having commander in chief Mangal in his house but presence of Sani is
creating disturbance. Mangal transits into Kanya rashi on 09.08.08 Sun transits into Simha
rashi on 16.08.08 in conjunction with Sani. Mercury will enter Simha rashi on 07.08.08 &
Kanya rashi on 24.08.08. Jupiter remains retrograde of vakri in this month Shukra enters
Simha Rashi on 01.08.08 & gets neech / debilitated in Kanya rashi on 25.08.08. Sani
remains Margi or in its direct motion in this month

Solar Eclipse: There are two solar eclipses taking place in Aug 08. The first on 01.08.08. It will
be visible all over India; the second eclipse will take place on 16/17th night of august.
Pregnant women should be extra careful on theses days. They should not use any sharp edge
gadget like blades, knife, scissor, nail cutter, plucker etc. By using any of these gadgets will
harm the child in the womb.

There will be Kaala Saarpa Dosha situation in certain agans in this month from 1st august to
18th august 08. Those having kaala Saarpa dosha in their respective kundli & those who have
not done prayers for dosha shanty may experience difficult times.

Aries: Health will be good this month. It will better after 9th august.
Finances will remain good, but after 25th august when Venus gets
debilitated / neech, those having debilitated Venus in their respective
charts will experience a daridra yog, & problems related to genetics.
Transition of Mangal into Kanya rashi will give you a strong will power to
face & tackle your enemies. Right time to tackle any pending court cases.
Debilitated Venus may divert your attention & develop relationships with
bargirls/dancers/singers. Heart attack yog remains till 15th august.
Pregnant women should be more careful after 15th august for a possibility
of miscarriage/abortion. Fortunes still remain favourable. Those in political
field will remain in the limelight. Be careful of any skin problem after 7th

Taurus: Health remains a cause of concern. Problems related to heart /

bones continue till 15th August. Some stability comes in finances &
improves after 24th. This is a good month for buying / selling properties,
vehicles, renovation / decorating house. Creative activity will be forerunner.
Be on guard in your diet, else obesity, diabetes, etc. are not ruled out.
Pilgrimage activities will be on your mind. Those in government service
should be prepared for a transfer. Expenses related to children will increase
this month. Fortunes are of mixed nature.

Gemini: Health is good; energy level will be excellent after 15th. Problems
related to right eye continues till 15th. Some of you may have some skin
problem till the 7th. Finances are dearer, speech remains rude. Tensions /
separation from young siblings / friends will prevail. After 24th you will
focus on investment activities. You may take loan for the same. But, after
25th matters related to children / love life will give you some anxiety.
Expect some flirtation from your spouse. Fortunes will be of mixed nature.
Those aspiring to travel overseas will see it happening after the 16th. Those
in foreign trade will see slowness in their business. Expenses will increase
on young siblings.

Cancer: Health will be of mixed nature. Transition of Venus into your 2nd
house will improve your finances to some extent. Transition of Mangal will
improve your energy level, but will create flirtations with your young
siblings/friends. When Venus gets debilitated will give anxiety to your
mother’s health. Be careful in making any promise as you may not keep
your word. Those aspiring to travel overseas will experience some
disappointment. Be guard on your diet else diabetes is not ruled out.
Flirtations with your spouses will continue, & those in foreign trade will
continue to get good results. Loans/borrowings continue to rule your mind.
You will be able to handle your enemies in your office more tactfully now.
Expenses on your young siblings will increase. Transition of Sun will give
some problem to your eyes.

Leo: Health will be average but will improve after the 16th. You will be
dominative after the 15th. Expect some rudeness in your speech after the
9th. You would be very well appreciated by people around you. You may be
also more talkative, hence will give problems related to your speech.
Finances will be better than average & excellent after 24th. Energy level is
also good, but expects your young siblings/friends to cheat you after the
24th. Your yog karak Mangal after the 9th will show good results this
month. Children are blissful. Enemies are being handled effectively now.
Expect some trouble from your office colleagues after the 24th. Problems
related to left eyes continue till 15th. Be on guard as you may loose your
wallet/mobile phone/ornaments/bag with belongings around 14/15th.

Virgo: Health will be of concern after the 9th. Tempers will be high, so will
be BP. Finances will be good but a lot of money will be spent on
family/sense enjoyment. You may also borrow money for the same. Guard
your speech after the 25th. Your contacts will favour you & get benefited.
Expect aggression in matters related to properties. Your sixth sense will help
you in many matters. Enemies may trouble you. Those with exalted mercury
will be honoured with letters of appreciation/trophies. Foreign trade is good.

Libra: Health is mixed, but will deteriorate after the 25th. Finances will also
deteriorate after the 9th. Expenses will increase specially on families needs.
Energy level is good. Your yog karak Sani continues its good results. Your
spouse may not support you after the 9th in your ambitions. Problems
related to genetics will increase after the 25th. Fortunes are favouring but
with a price. Those in government services should expect transfer. Ahaha
after the 16th overseas news are encouraging, productive & beneficial. This
is your silver lining after the 15th.

Scorpio: Health is good with high energy levels. Finances are good, but be
prepared to speak lies after the 9th. You may take a loan to finish your
foreign assignments. Those aspiring to travel overseas should expect
disappointment after the 25th. Those in research activities will see results
happening & taking shape after the 24th. Those in government service
should expect promotions along with transfer in their new postings after the
16th. You will willingly spend money in fulfilling your desires of sensual
nature. Transition of Venus will involve you into illicit affairs outside

Sagittarius: Health is fine & you will find yourself more aggressive after the
9th. Finances are average. Separation from family is going on. Children will
be demanding & drawing your attention. You will spend more money on
them. You may borrow money / take loans. Your spouse becomes your lady
luck this month. Expect aggression & flirtation in your office with your
colleagues. Discouraging overseas news after the 25th may disappoint you.
Debilitated Venus in conjunction with Mars will involve you in extra marital
affairs. Fortunes will improve after the 16th so will probabilities of
separation from your father.

Capricorn: Health remains to be disappointing so are finances. Some

improvement of finances can be seen after the 9th. Your young siblings
continue to draw your attention. Your fortunes will improve after the 9th but
again expect disappointment after the 25th. Children’s health will of concern.
Expect some disappointment from children after the 25th. Loans/debts are
not ruled out. Flirtation with your spouse continues. Spouse’s health also
deteriorates. Transition of Sun brings in frustration. Spiritual activities are
the front-runner.

Aquarius: Health improves after the 9th. Finances get aggressive after the
9th. But laziness will prevail. Your mother may develop some problem in
kidneys after the 25th. You will have thoughts relating to research activities
& those in research activities will see results in their efforts. Anxiety
prevails. Transition of Sun may stop your divorce with your spouse but
flirtation will continue. Debilitation of Venus may bring bad luck to your
father. Expect disappointment in your office. Visits to hospitals, courts,
prisons continue.

Pisces: Health may get affected after the 9th. But finances will improve.
Problems of thefts will stop after 9th. Energy level will be low. Expect
disappointment from property matters. Children will disappoint. Transition of
Sun will give you a strong will power to handle your enemies tactfully.
Flirtation with spouse increases which will affect their health. Fortunes from
overseas are favourable. Those in police/defense dept. service will get
promoted. Overseas news is encouraging. Expenses on health

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