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The life of scientist lines every even few centuries ago was very hard. The people were at the
mercy of seasons and other natural conditions many people full of eviction of natural elemi ties.
They had poor facilities of living Medicine were not developed and Technology was totally out
of sense. But in recent post science and Technology has provided affluence and comforts. Life
science has made our standard of living high. It has provided us comforts like air comforts have
totally changed the standard of living of the present age.
Life of human begins in the modern age is insuperably connected with scientific
inventions. All around us hundred of things which are the gift of modern science our Mobile,
telephone, television, aero planes, rockets, spaceships, medical instruments our electrical
instruments, our engines, motor, luxuries car and so on these all are the gifts of science.
Scientific technology has given us atom bomb and hydrogen bomb it has open up
frightful possibilities of bacteriological warfare all of which can wipe out entire oratories in
going in to time, we cannot but wonder science is going to prove to be a cause other then
It cannot be denied that science has provided us fearful weapons of human destruction but is if
the fault of the scientists themselves that these instruments of destruction were created?
Scientists are like though Genii in the Arabian Night stories which can perform miraculous feats
but only at the concerned of the Magicians. Scientist left himself would use the enemy of the
atom for the service of mankind and not for its destruction.
Modern methods of treatment and the wonder always discovered by the modern
medicines hence, reduce human suffering greatly.
We have become so use too the comforts which are provided by the modern science
technologies and become so accustomed to the wonderful inventions of science that we have
ceased to wonder at them, Our modes of traveling have been revolutionized, think of the old and
slow modes of traveling and modern stream line Jets and Airplanes. It is marvelous to see that
what a big strides we have taken on the path of progress.
With all these facts before us we cannot but admit that science and Technology has
indeed contributed inversely to human happiness.

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