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Athoplogy ea cere of mais inci seit sy hana de sims and diy fel “enptsto preset ninterata pitrofhrenkid, Apology St he opal sc eure cence ofan abd Seeksemuer tow epee illest ‘Sbdivsow inked unfyng hes Onecn pene vasess fe Subjectmate ofan bk ote els Emer ni 1961412 Whiten, 2013.10) sochas owing ‘There ate wo fils of anthropological archaeology) prehistors anchacology, which studies societies that didnot leave write! records (nateral remains are examined to reconstruct preistr fea to see how he ulus similar tothoseof some present societies) and ( hiserclarhacology. which ties societies wit writen records (© Linge thse yo ams eng nite and ‘writen, se changes akin place iapader to understand people's ‘culture. Lately, ithas broadened its scope to include the aspects of ‘eommuniationsuhastc media electronic mal popular msi and aaverising-New researches inlingistcs involve anhropolozns the sly of chology, jooraism television and radi, education and ‘unk (Mile 20024, ®_ Applied Anthropology This is used onthe application of ‘deri achieve acta ens. The eas atheed me we fer poliey recommendations. delomen planing. and advocacy. Test) can ‘ewefulinares ofp any planning sia develope ‘The sabdvisins of antropoogy ar linke yung themes Howard and Hats, 1992:446), Allpeope sre flly and equaly human. whether they belong to indigenous groups, such ste Actas, Mangyansor Subanons, ‘orareurbanized, such as those living in Metro Manila. All ‘the people on earth belong to one species, Homo sapiens. Anthropologists view the vaious aspects of lifelike Kinship and family economy, ars plies. as interwoven to forma xia ‘whole. They also look all societies as an integrated par of lung wor sytem. The antropologiss view societies withinthe context of the larger world or global perspoctive so that the influence of global markets on small sand societies, aswell asthe strategic concers of Fors powers is also studied. Avituopolgi sty how hus ae aoey tr surouings ocenvironment and what adjustments they make. These soci ‘ciettshold thathmans and ther envionment ace interlted tnd that the end product of anadapation may bea particular tehavi, sci system, ocphysialstmcie, olism means geting the whole pictur of phenomenon andthe pplication of knowledge from different frelds in order to Understand an aspect of behavior. Anthropologists use the holistic approach in studying groups and their culture or distinctive way of life, covering many aspects oftheir social lie, inclading thehistory of the ar, physical envionment, organization familie, language, tem patems polit, sconomic and religious organizations, and lifestyle. They sty ‘many aspects of human existence, both pas and presen, inal, lovel ofcomplenty Emberand Ember, 19815 6) Tisbolisic approach differentiates anthropology from the other soc Lite antoplg sokog sues every ocurences lvainsspeneal ie Sceby stnsconse torts “uhm scale. Te bse pense sei ht haan ‘ovr deem eel gp whoo bes he ‘tia gop cil fc nsec behie lv 20- 7 Sosa fess nln seal murcon socal se rubs elope nwa pocever Income ‘ithe etanreve fare er dey tea terms nt wich mae ypsncareADa Feimedout snscope acta at uc fact fii ee: mera es adeconomis. These eas fetings sd ays eka tte ate heconetonsewoadaia Wehave nd eating them, they wee tmposed pon bs (Fervent, 200520) Steep ek stony Se deersin aro een Shave They ae meetin owing hecans fs act be Foncon of scl non tn teeasng of soci acto, The fscnaonf egy bates stosee ie ward wich We Tneinanew ipa Asintbe other sciences, here ae paterns of behavior required Forsocologists,stehas: Knowledge masthe chsined through direct experience or ‘bservation and sting must be usedin the stud of social phenomena, The irdngs in cience are capable of being ested tose whether they are medic dept note Shp CHHERIEREHE coctinuing critical spirits importantin sociological inguiry ‘fiustegobeyondcommon sense. Thesosclgist does noxont dering ‘whether an id informations interesting or pertinent bu makes indgmentastitstth He should also determine whether th ‘estableand ean be subject to detailed analysis, The sociologist gts answers supported hy reason and evidence should deveribe he subject of testy which bas ‘been observed independent of one's belie, values, and personal loyal. Objectivity isthe ability to give an account of things as they are, nots they ought tobe. This characteristic is harder to achiovein the social selenoes than nthe mara sciences. I the ratual sciences, ne stdies od observes phenomena objectively, ‘without geting emesinally affected by the things observed Ta he soxial sciences on deals wi people and hs may lad ie researcher ‘obeemesionlly involved with he group being tics, Populareurent opinion disountshe pest of tt objeciviyin chert natal seca sciences, Te seal scientist may be biased ‘without being aware oft Forinstance, ne selection of sociological problembecoms largely amt of personajadernent Rigs ing Ismecessary fora social centstto attain objectivity. is quality of being value-feeisrelated to objet. Meeisa group of sociologists who fel that one should ‘ot abandon one's value-fiee postion if sociology isto develop asa science. A number of leading young sociologists have challenged thispostion. They have uped ther fellow social sciensts to recognize the practical application today. They feel thatthe ‘echical know of he social sienstcan be wef in theinsinon, of social reforms. They ae for acrical problem centred soeilogy. ‘Ande debate coninues.

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