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THE MILLING CROWD AAI LA FIERE MANOIR, 6 June, 1944: Following their successful drop, intact an in almost perfect order, Able Company ofthe 50Sth PLR, moved speedily to their D Day objective: the ‘Merderet bridge at La Fiere. The large manor house adjacent to the river bridge had been ‘occupied earlier that night by a detachment of toe 1087 Grenadier Regiment ofthe 91st Disi- ‘Sion: 28 men in all, Fest to draw fre from the vicinity ofthe manoie was Lieutenant Presnell of Ise Platoon. His tem were followed soon after by the remainder of Able Company. and later by a succession of groups including elements of all the seatered parachute regiments of the ‘ral, Each in tum advanced to comet and rad their uncoordinated moves wsainst the maa, quite unaware of he presence of numerous friendly forces. The German resistance was finally ‘worn down, the ouipost surrendering t Ben Sehivarawalder's band of 507th Regiment sees: slers, who promptly moved on 10 Cauquigny. As fire slackened about the manoit. Able Cont pany displaced forwaed to lake up postions around the bridge. As they dug their foxholes, the sound of approaching tanks vould be heard across the Merderet BOARD CONFIGURATION AND BALANCE: PLAY AREA RESTRICTIONS: dds adlional LMG tothe German OB. & Add one MMG 10 he American tum 2 enforcement SCENARIO SPECIAL RULES N 1.FC awe Moist and Oxcieast with a0 wind at sar 2The Genman player may we HIP forallunis a stan. Germans have no PE capably. Although they were Engineers. the Geman detachment cased 1 special equipment o exposivs, ant funtion as normal Inarty 3. Atthe end of German Player Tur 5, a0 Good Order American infant unit is in or ADJACENT to hex AB, ply pauses (terse, cote di rel o American Payer Tarn 6wthal oumtersin play temaining in lace) Ir play paused his way, the owningplayerremovesall Armenian counters from the map infant, SW and markers. These areal removed fro the tum. All remaining German counters rust then sot up afesh within one hex of AA9. using HIP. Broken uns outematclly rally and malfunction. VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Amerieans must Consol building AAI ing SW are rapair: SW may reselect bore sighted hexes. Pay then e- pels it Pca PEIRCE yes (aol hexes on‘east oF hexrow Y ate in play) GERMAN Ses Up Fit fe *, Savewervoorm | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 7 | 8/9 (10) » Detachment of Fnncers from the 1057 Grenadier Reflment tp wibinone hex of AA age] te | Ba) #2 | 3/23 [ees | ace | WC | |e | est IELR: 4) , | ‘ive lements ofthe $2nd Airborne Division cate as spied below Elements of Able Coy. 08th Elements of Able Coy. SOSH PLR. eter on 2m on ite eld fee a | Ta +10 MM | Er pew | 3 6] a] a ba lar] om Jas [a Reclees e:| [Melee] a) [rer | AAS | ae Taz [ia % | +10 ane Fx ® [+10 wo 3 7 = | Alt Amertcan HSI Creal Fi Te,

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