Hsm113-Food Service Management (Final Exam 2011-2012)

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COURSE CODE : HSM 113 FINAL EXAMINATION FOR SEMESTER TWO SESSION 2011 / 2012 PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR SEMESTER KEDUA SESI 2011 / 2012 COURSE NAME (NAMA KURSUS) : FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT COURSE CODE (KOD KURSUS) : HSM 113 PROGRAMME (PROGRAM) : DIPLOMA IN HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND HALAL FOOD SERVICES LECTURER (PENSYARAH) » YUNT ARYANTY BT. ROSLIN INSTRUCTION (ARAHAN) 1 2 This question paper consist of FIVE (5) printed pages included front page. There are THREE (3) sections in this paper. SECTION A & B : Answer ALL questions. SECTION C : Answer ONE (1) question out of TWO (2) questions. ALL answers must be written on the provided answer booklet, DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL INSTRUCTED JANGAN BUKA SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERI ARAHAN © KOLE) UNIVERSITI INSANIAH CONFIDENTIAL FINAL EXAM2011-2012(2)/DPH/HSM 113 PART A (MATCHING) Answer ALL ques Choose the best answer for each of the following statement. Deuce "Flam Sorbet ~~ Protocol Linen’ Service towel Espresso “mise en place” Hor @oeuvre Reservationists = 9, Poitery Clear off tables and dining areas, Réchaud Longevity ‘hote | { Guéridon Napper Walk-in Walk-outs Sauce boat Getting the same work done but with less effort and better result, To put into place. Set of rules concerning priorities in arriving, seating and sequence of service during official or casval events. Dramatic tableside preparation in which brandy or liqueur is poured over a food item. ‘The phone at the until it produ flatware, 's foam on top, called “crema” should be answered within the first 3 rings. is deep, rich, dark-roasted, finely ground coffee that is teamed is one of the factors 10 be considered when purchasing a Frozen fruit juice or tea with sugar, an ice made without fat or egg yolk. 10, Pre-set multicourse menu offered at a set price, 11. A napkin folded in three parts along its length, draped over the left arm during serviee, CONFIDENTIAL FINAL EXAM2011-2012(2)/DPH/HSM 113 12, Any cloth used by the servers or on the tables or side stands. 13, A table for two. 14, Traditionally a warm appetizer, but often include any tidbit served before the meal, either passed butler style, at a station where the food is carved or prepared, or in a stationary display 15. A rolling service cart 16, Low-fired, it has large pores and does not absorb much liquid, 17, Heating burner that is used to heat up or cook food in the dining room, 18. To coat with a sauce. 19. China or silver hollowware container for sauce served on the side, 20. Guest who leave the restaurant without paying for their meals. (Total: 20 marks) CONFIDENTIAL FINAL EXAM2011-2012(2)/DPH/HSM 113 PART B (SHORT ESSAY) Answer ALL questions QUESTION 1 a) Define Remarkable Service 2 marks) b) Briefly explain any eight (8) principles of Remarkable Service, (8marks) QUESTION 2 a) Briefly explain any six (6) courses of classic menu. (6 marks) b)_ Differentiate between a la carte menu and table d’ hote menu. (4 marks) QUESTION 3 1a) What is the reservation book? marks) b) Design the reservation checklist. (8 marks) QUESTION 4 8) Identify only six (6) duties of closing crew. (6 marks) b) What are the considerations in the selection of glassware? (4 marks) QUESTION 5 a) Identify the three (3) Ty of service. (3marks) b) What are the aspects of table maintenance that server must consider? (marks) ) What are the three (3) Rs in monitoring glassware? (marks) QUESTION 6 a) What is side work? (2 marks) b). What is jack stand? marks) ¢) What are the first steps in readying the dining room far service? (6 marks) (Total: 60 mack CONFIDEN: FINAL EXAM2011-2012(2)/DPH/HSM 113 PART C (LONG ESSAY) Choose ONE only. QUESTION 1 2) What is the critical success factor in providing a restaurant service and list only five (5) of the criteria’s? (5 marks) b) List the steps in the procedure of providing a table ser (15 marks) QUESTION 2 a) Give five (5) service areas that need a systematic approach to maintaining a positive public image (5 marks) b) List down the guidelines to follow whenever emergency occurs in your establishment. (5 marks) ©) Briefly discuss the ten (10) rules of restaurant safety (10 marks) (Total: 20 marks) (Grand Total: 100 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER

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