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Configuration Changes

All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2007

Configuration Change
General Conciderations

Upgrades : use "system setting"

Parameters changes : use tabs of the related domain, or "system setting" (see details)

Before any changes are performed, take care

to clear any Abnormal Conditions (loopbacks, switches),

disable ATPC,
stop Performance Monitoring,
disable Link Identity Code mismatch detection

All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2007

Configuration Change

The upgrades procedures are described in the user manual.

These upgrades imply a modification of NE type : add a new plug-in, modify
the protection type.
Each time an upgrade has been performed :
Reset NE
Check then that all parameters are correctly set up in equipement view
Perform a quick commissionning : send the commands that will have a minimum
traffic impact and that allow to check the new item is correctly set up

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Configuration Change
Parameters modifications

Modulation change : use system settings

Before changing modulation, check Tx power is within range of new modulation
(Ptx range is translated by 3 to 4 dB, depending on frequency band.

Capacity modification
Better to use "system setting", but the advantage of "quick configuration" is that
the setting of tributary mode is done at the same time.
In case of Eth-Data configuration (at least one Eth port is enabled) and capacity
"downgrade", check that the number of enabled TDM ports is less than the capacity
to be configured.

Frequency change
Use the "frequency" tab in the radio view

All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2007

All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2007

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