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Advanced Biology Club

As an advanced club, we expect the best from participants, who
must not only be accountable to their fellow club members, but
also to themselves. This club is designed for self-motivated
individuals with leadership qualities who plan to go to college.

For the full potential of the club to be reached, this is the criteria
for members:

Must be taking a science class

Must be passing said science class

In the interest of the individual, they may only want to join if they
are planning to go into the sciences in college, in particularly
natural sciences. Though this is not a requirement, that is what
the club is designed for.

Content of the semester

In this club we will be studying and investigating research topics
that relate to any of the sciences including but not limited to
biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science. The
design of this club is for members to bring in topics they are
interested in to discuss and study with everyone else. Also, we
will have a project that is able to be presented to the 9 th grade
biology class by the end of the year.

There are 4 officer roles for this club. They and the duties are shown below.
President: The president is responsible for the layout of meetings. In the
event of any tied vote for a project or something of that nature, they will

give the tie breaking vote. They should keep meeting organized, and will
plan any collaborations with other classes or clubs.
Vice President: The vice president will announce any upcoming meetings
to the members. In the event that the president is absent, the vice president
will take their place in all presidential duties.
Discussion Leader: The discussion leader will be responsible for choosing a
topic to research and present to the club. They must propose complex
questions which will be open for discussion. They will also be responsible for
posting any videos or interesting articles relating to their topic on the
website. All sources must be credible and reliable.
Historian: The historian is responsible for taking photos of activities ABC
creates for the community. They must also take photos of any interesting or
ordinary phenomena that relates to the topic of the current discussion
**Note: these positions are subject to change for each school year in order to
accommodate any changes the club has made**

1. All responsibilities as a member must be achieved, such as attending meetings, providing
necessary assistance at meetings and events, etc.
2. All responsibilities of officers must be achieved.
3. Members must remain outstanding models of the FALA community.
4. All school rules also apply.
Anyone found breaking these rules will be put on probation or asked to leave
the club.

There will no longer be any dues for the ABC club for the 2015-2016 school

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