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Holomedia of various types have been established as being very common in the Star Trek universe. From techical data
to exercise programmes, children's stories, roleplaying adventures, historical studies, romances, and even porn, they are
everywhere. Starships have holodecks, and there are public and private holosuites for rent on many planets and stations.
I contend that there are periodical HoloMagazines, even amateur-produced HoloFanZines. In my opinion, the canonmentioned Vulcan Love Slave was written by those intrepid Ferengi explorers who encountered the NX-01 Enterprise
and it's first officer T'Pol. Thankfully, she never lived to see it, as it would have provoked a strong reaction in her,
Vulcan stoicism notwithstanding...
Click on a thumbnail to view a Holonovel cover.

This page and all contents 2012 Owen E. Oulton


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