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Evernote: FREE
Evernote is an easy-to-use, free app that helps
you remember everything across all of the
devices you use. Stay organized, save your
ideas and improve producDvity. Evernote lets
you take notes, capture photos, create to-do
lists, record voice reminders--and makes these
notes completely searchable, whether you are
at home, at work, or on the go.

Digital Por+olios

Paper: FREE
Paper is an easy and beauDful way to create on iPad. Capture your ideas as sketches,
diagrams, illustraDons, notes or drawings and share them across the web. Paper was
designed from the ground up for touch and creaDng on the go. No fussy buHons,
seIngs or other distracDons. Paper works the way you think, like a familiar notebook or
journal. Have all of your ideas with you in one place.

Digital Por+olios
Three Ring: FREE
Three Ring is a fast, exible, and simple way
to organize and present your students' real
world work, from handwriHen assignments
to classroom presentaDons. Unleash the
power and the exibility of digital tools,
without sacricing the important work your
students do in non-digital formats. Rescue
student work from the boHom of
backpacks, trashcans, and ling cabinets
and have it at your ngerDps.

Digital Por+oiios

Coolibah: FREE
Coolibah is a digital scrapbooking app that could just as easily be used to present
student's work as a digital por+olio. The features include: creaDng your own layouts
using unlimited photos, elements, frames and text. You can move, size, and rotate
photos, elements and frames anywhere on your layout. More importantly it has layout
export for sharing online, texDng and emailing.

Digital Por+olios

Voicethread: FREE
VoiceThread is already in use by architects, execuDves, kindergartners, professors, and
engineers around the world. More than 25% of the top UniversiDes in the U.S. use
VoiceThread to connect and communicate around digital media. Create and share
conversaDons about documents, snapshots, diagrams and videos - basically anything
there is to talk about. You can talk, type, and draw right on the screen.

Digital Por+olios

Minimal Folio: $2.99 AU

Minimal Folio is the easiest way to present your por+olio of images, video and pdf on your
iPad. The app is unbranded so your folio does the talking. Minimal Folio allows you to copy
and paste between folios or apps. It also allows Cloud sync to mulDple devices with Dropbox
as well as the ability to transfer les with iTunes. SeIngs in the app enable video scrubbing,
sync opDons and more.

Digital Por+olios
Easy PorBolios PlaBorm: iOS Price: $1.99

This app is very easy to use for both teachers and students. It
allows you to create various classes and por+olios, while
maintaining its easily navigated layout. This app allows for
audio recordings, video, text, and pictures to be captured
directly into the por+olio. Documents can also be imported
from Dropbox.
Easy Por+olios allows the user to share items in the por+olio
via email or upload to a Dropbox account. For younger
students, an educator can maintain the digital por+olios for
the enDre class in one place. Older students can download the
app themselves and maintain their own por+olio on their own

Digital Por+olios
Open School ePorBolio PlaBorm: iOS
Price: Free for Teachers

This is an interesDng newer app available for creaDng digital

por+olios with students. A teacher can get it for free, then use
it with up to 100 students. It works as both an app and a
website, where you can create classes and secDons. Student
proles include goals and separate areas for teacher-directed
and student-directed work.
Tags can be added to work to make entries searchable.
Although slightly more complicated to learn than some other
tools, this app seems very promising as a resource for

Digital Por+olios
Kidblog PlaBorm: iOS or Android Price: Free
Kidblog is designed for K-12 teachers and students. Teachers have
administraDve control over student blogs and accounts, and student
accounts are made private by default. Kidblog also allows for password
protected parent and guest accounts to be created, which makes viewing
the digital por+olios easy. There is no adverDsing on this free resource and
it is very easy to use. All members of the classroom community are able to
view each others blogs and post comments.
Students are also able to embed pictures, sideshows, videos, podcasts, and
Google Docs into their blog. Kidblog also supports the use of Storyboard,
Animoto, Glogster, and more. This is a great resource for blogging as a
digital por+olio.

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