Puranic Encyolopaedia - Vettem Mani - Part8

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SATYAKARMA I thiged with him, . Vayu (wind), the Sun, Agni ‘Ggad) and Prana together gave him divine knowledge aad Wisiom After tis Saiyakama returned to" the hermit Gautama with thousand fat cows, Sesing the boy whose face shone with the light of God, the hermit was amazed. “Who gave you divine knowledge ?” asked the hermit. Sapaline told the hermit all that took place. Fully satisfied with the boy, Gautama imparted ibn knowledge about the universal Soul (Paramsstmnd) and Satyakama became a noble hermit. Satyakima got several disciples of whom Upakosala way prominent. He approached Satyalama asa student, For twelve years he served bis teacher and kept ‘up. the fire in the firepit for burnt offering, without being ex- tinguished throughout the twelve years, and worshipped the fire god. Yet the teacher did not impart knowledge tohim. The teacher’s wife recommended to her hus- band that Upakosala should be given learning. But the teacher was silent. Upakosala took a vow and fast before the burnt-offering fire pit. Agni Deva felt pity for him and informed him that God js all-pervading and that his teacher would show him the way to God. When he came to the teacher, his face was seen shining. Satyakama asked Upakosala for the reason. Upakosala told the tcacher what the fire god had told him, Immediately Satyakima taught his disciple the path of yoga (union) by knowledge of the Sarikhyas, SATYAKARMA I. A king of the family of Bharata. He was the son of Dhrtavrata and the father of Anuratha. (Bhigavata, Skancha 9) SATYAKARMA II, The brother of Sufarma the king of ‘Trigarta, ‘Though he took a vow in the Bharata battle that he would kill Arjuna, what happened was that he was killed by Arjuna. (MB. Drona Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 17; Salya Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 39), SATYAKETU I, A king of the Soler dynasty. He was the son of Dharmaketu and the father of Dhrstakete. (Whagavata, Skandia 9). SATVAKETU TL A king ofPancdla. Me ig Branands Paap Sloa 73, of a atyaketn who fought with Pareturiaea, SATYAKETU IIT. A king belonging to the Piru dynasty, ‘This Satyaketu vas the son of ‘King Sukumira,° CAgyi Purina, Chapter 278): SKIYARY (VEXUDHANA), A, Vaden, who wan a warrior of the Visot dynasty and 2 fiend of Sor rasa 1) Gemalogy. Deseetded rons Vigna thes Boke sm Vignu thus : Brahma - Atri ~ Candra - Budha- Purtravas = Ayue = Nate” ‘Yayati - Yadu - Sahasrajit - Satajit -Hehaya-Dhanea + Kuni - Bhadrasena - Dhanaka - Krtavirya = Kacttavic, yatjuna ~ Madu ~ Viva - Yuaha Sink = Satya Satyaki, Sini was the younger son of Yudhajit. Satyaki alias Vayu. dhana, a companion of $+ Krsna and a great friend of the Pandavas, was Sini’s grandson. 2) His relation to other prominent Yédavas. The dynasty of ‘Anamitra, fist son of Yudhajit, became famous throvigh Prasena, Satrajit, Svaphalka and Akrira. Of the fore sons of Andhaka, predecesior of Krsna, Kukura and Bhajamana deserve special mention. Ahuka, in the dynasty of Kukura had two sons named Devaka and Ugrasena. Devaki, daughter of Devaka, became wife of Vasudeva and mother of Krsna. Karisa was the son Of Ugrasena, Sara, seventh in the line of Bhajamina, son of Andhaka had twelve children, His first son 706 SATYAKI Vasudeva was Krena’s father. Srutakirti, Srutacravas, Srutadevi and Rajédhidevi the four daughters of Sara were married respectively by Dhrstaketu, King of Kekaya, Damaghosa, king of Cedi, Vrddha- farman, king of Karlisa and Jayasena,” king of Avand.” Dhrstaketu was a great ally of the’ Pandavas. Situpala was the son of Damaghosa, and Dantavaktra the son of ViddhaSarman. Sigupila and Dantavaktra, the third hurnan incarnation of Jaya and Vijaya were war-crazy and haughty persons.” Vinda and Amuvinda, sons of Jayaseria, were great friends of the Pandavas, AS Kunti, daughter of Stra became the adopted daughter of Ugrasena, she became also the niece of Vasudeva and Kespa’s father’s sister. Kunti married Pandu and she delivered four sons, Karna, Yudhisthira, Bhimasena and Arjuna. 8). Other information I. The following facts about Sat are extracted from the Mahabharata, (1) Satyaki was born from an aspect of the Marud- devatis. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 18). (2) He was present at the wedding’ of Draupadi. (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 18). (8) He was in the company of the Yadavas, who went to Indraprastha with the dowry for Subhadra, (Adi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse $1) i (4) Amember in the court of Yudhisthira, Satyaki earned dhanurveda (science of archery) fromm Arjuna. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 34), (5) He was one of the chief Yadava warriors 'arva, Chapter 14, Verse 57). (6) At the coronation of Yudhisthira he held the royal umbrella over his head. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 93> Verse 13). (7) He also was present at the wedding of Abhimanyt eld at Upeplaoya city. (Virtta Parva, Chapter ese 21). . (8) He went to Yudhisthira with a big army to lsat hl cipate in the great war, (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19s Verse 1). (9) He informed $ri Krsna, who went to the Kaurava GaumnY asthe mesenger ‘of the Pandavas, dat he lesired war. | (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 81, Verse 5): (10) Si "Kerspa started. for’ che’ Kaurava assemblY with Satyale after making him leave his weapons in the chariot," (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 12). (1) On the frst day of” the great war, he fought, & duel with Krtavarman, (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 455 Verse 12). (12) He saved! Arjuna, who was in difficulties 00 unt of the rain of arrows from Bhisma, (Bhism Fagvas Chapter 69, Verse 78), eon fe fought with Bhi Gee 1). pon (14) When his charioteer w. Grove the chariot himself. 73, Verse 28). (15) Bhirisravas killed ten sons of Satyaki, (Bhisma2 Parva, Chapter 74, Verse 1), Of Satya, (Bhar (18) He defeated Alambasa, 82, Verse 45). (17) He rendered Aévatthim’ unconsck Parva, Chapter 101, Verse 47), vomscious. ( a) He fou te Bhisma, (Bhisma Parva, Chapter i (Sabb (Bhigma Parva ras killed by Bhigma, Satyaki (Bhisma Parva, Chapter (Bhigma Parva, Chapter (Bhisma SATYAKI (19) He fought with Duryodhana. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 110, Verse 14). (20) He fought with’ Bhagadatta. Chapter 111, Verse 7). (21) He fought with Aévatthama. Chapter 116, Verse 9). (22) Following that he fought with Ksemamiieti and Brhanta on the Kaurava side. (Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 47). (23) His chariot was thrown off by Bhagadatta’s cle- phant, (Drona Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 43) 24) Karna and Satyaki fought each other. (Drona arva, Chapter 32, Verse 67). (25) Ac the instance of Arjuna he remained on the attle-ficld protecting Yudhisthira. (Drona Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 35). (26) He fought with Dussasana, (Drona Parva, Chapter 99, Verse 14). (27) He saved Dhrsiadyumna from being killed by Drona. (Drona Parva, Chapter 97, Verse 32). (28) He fought Drona again and broke six bows of the Tater. (Drona Parva, Chapter 98). (29) He fought with Vyagbradatta. Chapter 105, Verse 14) (30) He killed “Vyaghradatta. (Drona Parva, Chapter 107, Verse 32), (31) Drona wounded Satyaki. (Drona Parva, Chapter 110, Verse 2). (32) Satyaki” wounded Krtavarman. (Dropa Parva, Chapter 113, Verse 46). (82), Hilfe Jalasandna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 115, (34) He'defeated Duryodhana. (Drona Parva, Chapter 116, Verse 24). (35) He defeated Drona. (Drona Parva, Chapter 117, Verse 30). (36) He killed Sudaréana. (Drona Parva, Chapter 118, (Bhigma Parva, (Bhigma Parva, (Drona Parva, Verse 15) (37) He defeated Dussasana, (Drona Parva, Chapter 121, Verse 29). (38) He killed king Alambiiga, (Drona Parva, Chapter Ho. Vere 18). oars He killed Bhiri‘ravas (Drona Parva, Chapter Lia Vines = (40) He defeated Karna in fighting. (Drona Parva, Chapter 144, Verse 64). (41) He killed Somadatta in battle, (Drona Parva, Chapter 162, Verse 33) (42) He killed King Bhiri.(Drona Parva, Chapter 166, Were 12) : He defeated Vrsasena, son of Karna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 170, Verse 30). ae (44) Bhima and Sahadeva prevented Sityaki, who tushed forward with his club, fom killing Dhysta- dyumna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 198, Verse 6). (35) He routed six mahdrathas of the Kaurava army. {Drona Parva, Chapter 200, Verse 53). (20) Puting the bate with Asvatthama he fell_uncon- cious. (Drona Parva, Chapter 200, Verse 56). {17) He killed “Anuvinda, King of Kekaya, (Karna ‘arva, Chapter 13, Verse 11). an (48) “He kil ool 365 killed Vinda. (Karma Parva, Chapter 13, (49) He killed the Chapter 22, Verse ‘i3) King of Vaiga. (Kama Parva, 707 SATYARATA (50) He defeated Sakuni! (Karna Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 48). 51) He killed Prasena, son of Karna. (Kama Parva, Ghapter 82, Verse 6) (52) He fought with Salya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 13). (53) He killed Salva, the mleccha King. (Salya Parva, Ghapter 20, Verse 26), (54) He killed Ksemamirti, (Salya Parva, Chapter 21, Verse 8). (35) He captured Safjaya alive, (Salya Parva, Chap- ter 25, Verse 57). : (56) Though he got ready to kill Safjaya, yet he set him free on the advice of Vyasa. (Salya Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 38). i (67) After the great war was over he went to Dvaraka from Hastinapura ‘in the company of Sri Krsna, (Agvamedhika Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 37). (58) He participated in the celebrations held at mount Raivataka in the company of Sri Krmna. (Aévamedhika Parva, Chapter 59, Verse 3) Fs (59) He performed the afier-death ceremonies of Abhi- Thanyu (Agvamedhika Parva, Chapter 62, Verse 9); (60) He participated in the aivamedha yajfia held by tudteile at taeiugman (ahauoliaa Foie Chapter 66, Verse 3). (61) Under the Tedvcnce of liquor he ridiculed Krtavar- man for killing sleeping children. (Mausala Parva, Ghapter 3, Verse 16). ee (62) Ror Sityai’s part in the Syamantaka incident see under Syamantaka. (63) When Satyabi, after killing Krtavarman, rushed forth to kill many others, Krsna, and Pradyumna inter- fered. Yet, he killed many others. (Mausala Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 29) : (64). Arjuna appointed Yauyudhéni, son of Satyaki, chief of the region in the plain of Sarasvati. (Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 71). : (65) After death his soul went to the Marudganas. (Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 17). (66) Synonyms used for Satyaki in the Mal ta, Saineya, Saineyanandana, Sauriy Sinipautra, Sininapta, Sinipravara, Dasarha, Madhava, Madhavagrya, Madhavasimha, Madhiidvaha, Satvata, Sawatdgrya, Satyaka, Varsneya, Vegni, Vrsnisardila, Visoikulodvaha, Vesnyandhakepravira, Wadava, Vadide vaha, Yadittama, Yuyudhana, 4) Other information IE From Bhagavata (1) Inall the wars in which Sri Krsna was engaged, it was Sktyaki, who was his most powerful supporter, ” Tn the battle between Krsna and Banasura, Satyaki clashed with Kumbhanda, Bana’s minister. (Bhagavata, Skandha 1). (2) When’ Jarisandha attacked Mathurapuri, Sityaki who guarded the city’s western entrance, fought the former and routed his forces. (Bhagavata, Skandha 1). (3)He participated in the Salya and Paundrakavasudeva wars. (Bhagavata, Skandha 1) SATYALOKA. ‘The world of Brahma. (See under Brahma) SATYANRTA. See under Pramrta SATYAPALA. A hermit. It is mentioned in Mahabha- rata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 14, that this her~ zit shone in the court of Yudhisthira SATYARATA, A Kekaya princess. Satyavrata (Triaiku) the king of Ayodhya married this princess.(Vayu Purana, Chapter 88; Verse 117). SATYARATHA 708 SATYARATHA. The brother of Suarma the king of Zeigars. (MCB. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 66, Verse IL). SATVARTHAPRAKASA, A commentary oft the Veda siktas by Svimi Dayénanda who founded the Arya Samaja. SATYASANDHA. I. (SATYAVRATA, SATYASENA, ‘SANDHA). One of the hundreds ons of Dhrtarastra. The following information about this Satyasandha is from Menai a 1) This Satyasandha’ was one of the eleven great chariot-fghters in the army of the Kauravas, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 119). (2) This Satyasandha stood as the bodyguard of Salya and fought in the Bharata-battle. (M.B, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 62, Verse 17). (3) Abhimanya wounded him in the Bharata-battle. (MLB, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 73, Verse 24). (4) Satyaki showered arrows on’ Satyasandha, (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 116, Verse 7). * (5) Bhimasena killed Satyasandha in the battle of Wharata, -(M.B, Karna Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 2). SATYASANDHA, IL, One of the two followers given to Subrabmanya by the, god Mitra. The other follower was Suvrata. (MLB. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 41). SATYASANDHA IT. An ancient king in India. There is astory in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 254, Verse 16, as to how, this king Satyasandha, who was an observer of vows and fasts, saved the life of a Brahmin by sacrificing his own life, SATYASENA I. See under Satyasaridha, SATYASENA IL. A brother of Susarma, the king of Tri- garta. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 3, that this Satyasena confronted ‘qAtjuna in the Bhirata-battle and was killed by him. SATYASENA III. A sonof Karna. He served asthe guard of the wheel of the chariot of his father Karna in. the petra patie. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 48, Verse ). SATYASRAVAS I. A warrior side against the Pandavas, tior. “(M.B. Drona Parva, SATYASRAVAS IT. A teache who fought on the Kaurava Abhimanyu killed Chapter 45, Verse 3) er-priest of ‘the line of the iples of Vyasa. He was the son of the hermit farkandeya, wya Purana, 96: 171). SATYATAPAS(UTATHYA) 1. A brahmin boy who changed into a cobra by ihe cumse ats saint cated Godila. ‘The original name of this youth was, Utathya, Later he came to be known as Satyatapas, ‘The story of this Satyatapas ie given in Devt Bhagavata, Skandha 3, In days of old, there was a Brahmin named Devadatta in Kosala, His wife was called Rohint. “Though suck time elapsed no child was born to them. At last Deva, datta performed the sacrifice called Putrakamesti, on the banks of the river Tamasi. Several saintly persons took part in, the sacrifice. “Suhotra was detaied as Brahina, Yajfavalkya as officiating priest, Behaspati as sacrficer, Pallato reve Vedas and Goda io sig Saman hymns, ‘The singing of Godila, an expert singer, caused pcripilation vo everybody in the sacrificial hall. But in the middle of singing he had to take breath, and there occurred a solecism in his voice. Devadatta did not like St. He warned Godila, who instantly became-angry and said to Devadatta. “Since you called me Cobra, the son ‘born to you will becomea cobra.” SATYATAPAS IT Devadatta became miserable and begged Godila bY holding his feet to pardon him. He gave liberation from the curse that his son would be a cobra and said that he would become a sage. ‘The wife of Devadatta became pregnant and gave birth to a son. He was named Utathya. In the eighth year, the ceremony of investiture with the Brahma string was performed and the boy commenced education. The teacher began to teach the Vedas. From that day onwards the boy became self-conceited. All the attempts made by the teacher to change hi behaviour were futile. His father tried the four ex- pedients in vain. Thus twelve years elapsed. The boy did not even learn the evening prayer. Everybody thought that he was a cobra. All'scoffed at him. His ‘own people disliked him; with this, selfrenunciation took root in his boyish mind and he left his home and went away. He reached the banks of the Ganges and made a hut there and lived there observing rigorous celibacy, and vow of truth. ‘Thus the boyshermit began severe penance, He had learned no rites or rituals according to the Vedas. He would rise carly in the morning, and after cleaning the teeth he would take a dip in the Gangetic waters, without any spells or actions and return to the hut. He would cat anything that came by, He would cause ro harm to anybody, though he had no power t0 do good to anybody. Everybody in the neighbourhood began to realize that he was a boy who would on no account utter falsehood. So all began to call. him Satyatapas. Satyatapas had no peace of mind. Lif seemed to be a burden to him, He became thoughtful day and night. Thus he spent fourteen years there: People firmly believed in his truthfulness. So they named him Satyavrata. Once a forester came neat his hhut. He sent an arrow at a hog, which ran into the hermitage with the arrow sticking on its body. Bloo was oozing from its wound. The jungle-dweller als came into the: hut following’ the hog: Seeing Satya; vrata the man asked “Where is the hog that I bad shot ?” Satyavrata who knew that killing animals was 4 sin, kept. silence to save the beast. Devi was please at the moral courage and truthfulness of Satyaveata- TE is said that the moment the hog got into the hermita8, the Sarasvata syllable ‘Ai’ arosc from the tongue © Satyavrata. ‘The moment: he had pronounced th® Tootsound of Sarasvati, ‘Ai’, by the grace of Devi, BE became a poct like Valmiki.’ Looking at the foreste? Satyavrata said + “Yah paiyati na éa brate Yo briite sa na patyati / Aho ! vyidha, svakaryarchin ett gq Xam rechasi punab punah He who jeer doesnot speak. He wh a hunter, whom do’ you as When the forester heard theee words I © speaks, does Bot > again and again? ¢ words of Satyavrata, Sow and arrow fl om ‘ie ands, ‘With self-repun ciation he went. away from the hermina fame af thee pet Sayers Spade yet Bis father also heard about this from others, He came t© eben Of the Ganges and took his son home. Ever. (gly Brahmins ‘sing shout the fame of that hermit 08 days. SATYATAPAS TI.”"A hermit. Once be ‘cured hinder his penance, t® celestial maid. who had tried: to SATYAVAN 1 become a’phoenix tree. Later this hermit liberated her from the curse, (Padma Purana, Uttarakhanda, Chap- ter 178). SATYAVAN I. Husband of Savitri who was famous for matrimonial fidelity. (For detailed story see under Savitri II). SATYAVAN II. Sce under Rtambhara. SATYAVAN III. One of the commanders of the army of the Kauravas, Mention is made about this comman- der in’ Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 167, Verse 30. SATYAVAK I. Aon of Ciksusa Manu. Ten sons including Satyavak, were born. to Caksusa Manu by his wife Nadvala. (Agni Purana, Chapter 18). SATYAVAK II. A Deva, Gandharva. This Gandharva was the son born to Prajapati Ka¢yapa by his wife Muni, (MCB, Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Verse 43) SATYAVARMA. A brother of Sugarma the King of ‘Trigarta. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 17, Verse 17). SATYAVATI I. The mother of Vyasa. 1) A short history: Satyavatt was the daughter of the celestial maid Adrika. Because of a curse she lived as a fish in the river Ganges, Once the semen of King ‘Uparicaravasu happened to fall in the Ganges and this fish swallowed it in consequence of which it became pregnant. A fisherman caught this fish and cut it. He got two human babies, male and female from’ the stomach of the fish. The fisherman gave the two infants to the [King who took the male child, This child later became the Matsya King. The female child had the smell of fish. The King called her Matsya- Gandhi (She who has the smell of fsh) and gave her back to the fisherman, who took the child to his hut and brought her up as his daughter. As the child was dark in complexion the fisherman called her Kali. Thus the girl was known by two names Kali and Matsya- gandhi. Later she got the name Satyavati also. ‘The fisherman was engaged in the work of ferrying people across the river. Matsyagandht helped her father in this work. She became a full-bloomed young woman, One day the hermit Paraéara came by that wayand when he saw Matsyagandhi, he fell in love with her. She ferried the hermit across the river. Tn the middle of the river Par3éara created an artificial fog inside which Par3ara took Matsyagandhi as his wife. From that moment Matsyagandhi became Kastiri- gandhi (she who has the smell of Kastiri (musk), Kali became pregnant and delivered instantly. Para- Sara. left the place after having blessed her that she would not lose her virginity. The son born to Kal, immediately grew up to be a youth. After promising his mother that he would come to her when she thought of him, the youth went to the forest for penance. The name of the som was Pho eS Ki later became famous by the name ‘visa, Satyavati again engaged herself in helping her ie fa again engaged herself in helping hi « day Santanu, a King of the lunar dynasty came to the forest for hunting. "The fragrance of musk emanat- ing from the body of Kastrigandhi spread throughout fbewhole forest. The King walked on through’ the horest tracing the origin of the smell of musk and Seathed the fisherman’s hut, The King fell in love with fmt oike Gage’ King had a son named Bhigma by his ‘wife Gaga. Bhisma made it easy for the King to 709 SATYEYU marry Satyavati, Two sons Citrafigada and_Vicitr virya were born to Santana by his wife Satyavatl Gitraivgada was killed in his boyhood. Vieitravirya became a youth and married Ambika and Ambalika the daughters of the King of Kast. Vicitravirya met with untimely death before a child was born’ to him. When Satyavati saw that the family was about to become extinct, she thought of her son Vyasa, who instantly arrived at the palace. From Vyasa, Ambalika tthe son Pandu and Ambika, the son Dhrtarastra. Bou the sons, Dhrtaristra and Pandu got married. Pingu died, The death of her son struck heavily at the heart of Satyavati. She did not wish to live much longer after this. She mentioned about the fearful things yet to happen. ‘Then taking her davghters-in- Jaw Ambika and Ambalika with her, Satyavatt went to the forest to do penance and finally attained heaven. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 127). (For further details sec under Adrika, Vyasa and Santanu). 3 2) Names. Diseyi, Gandhakill, Gandhavatl, Kali Satya, Vasavi, Yojanagandha and such other words fare used in the Mahabharata as the synonynis of Satyavati init SATYAVATI II, The sister of Visvamitra. (See under ‘Jamadagni; Para 2). SATYAVATT III, "A princess of thc country of Kekaya. She was the wife of ‘Trifanku and the mother of Haris- candra, (Mahabharata, Daksinatyapstha, Sabha Parva, Chapter 12). i ie SATYAVATI IV. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 117, Verse 15, that one Satya vati was the wife of Narada. : ; SATYAVRATA I, Another name of Trigatku. (See under Trigafiku). SATYAVRATA Ii, The Brahmin (See under Satyatapas). : SATYAVRATA IIT, A'son of Dhrtarastra. It is seen that he was known by other names also such as Satyasena, Satyasandha, Sandha etc’ (See under Satya- SATYAVRATA IV. Brother of Susarmé, the King of ‘Trigarta. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 17, that this cursed warrior took in vain a vow in the battle of Bharata that he would kill Arjuna. SATYAYUGA, Another name of Krtayuga. (See under ravage). SATYAYUS. One of the six sons born to Purdravas by Urvasi, The six sons were Ayus, Srutayus, Satyayus, Raya, Vijaya and Jaya. (Bhagavata, Skandha_ 9). SATYESU I. Brother of Susarma the King of Trigarta. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 17, and Salya Parva, Chapter 27, that this Satyesu was Killed by Arjuna in the Bharata-batle. SATYESU IT. A Raksasa (giant). Mention is made about this giant who had ruled over the world in it days and had to go, leaving this world due to fate, in Mahabharata, Sanu Parva, Chapter 227, Verse 5. SATYEYU. A King bornin the dynasty of King Paru. ‘This Satyeyu. was one of the ten sons born to Raudra- fe bythe exlertal aid Ghytt.(Bhdgavats, Sanda According to the statement that ocdurs in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, the father of Satyeyu was boy Satyatapas. SAUBALA Raudrdfva and mother, Migrakesi. The son Satyeyu was bom to Raudrafva by the celestial maid Misrake SAUBALA. A Vaitya, It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 2, that King Dhrtarastra had two wives, one a Ksatriya ‘woman, named Gandhari, the daughter of the King of Gandhara and the other a Vaitya woman named Saubali, the daughter of Saubala, SAUBHA. The acrial chariot or Vimana of the King of Salva. This was also called Saubhanagara. When Sci Krona Killed Salva, this Vimana was smashed by the power of his weapon, the Cakra (Discus). (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 33). SAUBHADRATIRTHA. "A holy place on the coast of the southern sca. (For further details see under Padmatirtha and Varga). SAUBHAGYAGAURI.” A particular kind of image of Devi Parvati. When the image of this goddess Parvati is fixed and consecrated as having ‘the posture with one of the left hands touching the head and shoulder and the other hand holding a mirror, one of the right, hands holding fruit and the other one being held high, itis called Saubhagyagauri, (Agni Purana, Chapter 50). SAUHAGYASUNDARI. A feminine form of Narada, (See under Tladhvaja {). SAUBHAPATI. The King Salva. Ashe had been in possession of an acrial chariot called Saubha, he is said to have got this name. SAUBHARA. Aire. This agni (fire) was born from a grow of Varcas (MGB. “Vana Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 6) SAUBHARI I. A hermit who had_performed penance, sitting on the banks of the river Kalindi. (For detailed story see under Garuda, para 11). SAUBHART IT. A hermit who had put up bis hermit. age on the Vindhya. At the time of the horse-sacrifice of Yudhisthira, Arjuna called on this hermit. Saubhari. On that occasion ‘the hermit told Arjuna about the previous history of Candi, who had been cursed by the hermit Uddilaka, Tt is ‘mentioned in Jaimini Aévae medha Parva, Chapter 96, that Arjuna later redeemed Candi from the curse. SAUBHART IIT, A hermit famous in the Puriuas, A urinie story about this hermit’s marrying the daughters of Mandhaea is given below. = Me AY Saubhari saw two fishes engaged in coition, while h was doing penance on the banks of the Varun rte sight aroused matrimonial thoughts in the hermits mind. He instantly approached Mandhata and. ine formed him of his desire to marry a princess, Mandhata did not like to give his daughter in marriage to the old hermit. Concealing his thought, he. told. ihe hermit as follows:—“Out_of my fifty daughters, she who wishes to be your wife, shall be given to you,” Saubhari, who had already read the thought of Mandhata entered the harem in the shape of a hand some fine youth, and all the Sfty damsels liked him, ‘Thus Saubhari married all of them, and begot hundre sons of each of them.) ‘This matrimonial life lasted for some time, At last the elt ererwency of tas Met Ducwdiag ereayihice’ Saubhari went to the forest. His wives, who also had Become. dismerested in worldly enjoyment, flowed hin (Bhdgavata, Skandha 9; Visnu Purana, "4, 2, 3; 70 SAUNAKA I Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda 262; Garuda Purana, 1, 138). SAUDASA, A King of the Iksvaku dynasty. He was known by the name Kalmasapada also. see under Kalmasapada). SAUGANDHIKA. A flower-garden of Kubera. It is assumed that Vayu (the wind-god) carried fragrance from this garden and remained in the palace af Kubera, praising him. This garden was full of sweet-scented lotus (Saugandhika-flower), (MB. Sabha Parva, Chapter, 10). SAUGANDHIKAVANA. A holy place. It is assumed, that the gods such as Brahma and others, hermits, Siddhas, Caranas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Big Nagas, and soon dwell in this place. All the sins of a man are washed away, the moment he visits this holy place. (M.B._ Vana Parva, Chapter 34, Stanza 4). SAUHRDA. An ancient country in South India, famous in the Puranas, (Mahabharata, Bhima Parva, Chapter , Verse 59) SAUMADATTI. Bhirigravas the son of Somadatta. (See under Bhiirigravas) SAUMANASA I. One of the eight elephants supporting the globe. (See under Astadiggajas). SAUMANASA TI, The peak ofa mountain. It was on this golden peak, with a girth of one yojana and an elevation of ten yojanas, that Bhagavin Visnu placed the first of his three steps during the incarnation a3 ‘Vamana, the second step being on the peak of Meru and the third on the head of Mahabali, “There is a golden peak called Saumanasa, with girth of one yojana and a height of ten yojanas. It is’ said that in days of yore Mahavisnu placed the first of his three steps on this peak the second being on the peak giMeru.” Vlei Rimfyana, Kiskindha kinda, Saree SAUMYAKSADVIPA, An island famous in the Puranas (For details (Mahabharata, Daksinatyapatha, Sabha Parva, Chap- ter 38). SAUNAKA 1. 1) General. A renowned acarya. He is believed to be the author of the famous works — “Reveda Anu- kramani”, “Aranyakam”, “Rkpratisakhya™, ete. ‘The famous Aévalayanacarya was Saunaka’s disciple. Acdryas like Katyayana, Patanjali and Vyasa belonged to his class, Saunaka’s real name was “Grisamada”. It was because he was the son of name “Saunaka”, 2) Birth.“ Saunahotra, the son of the sage Sunahotra, ‘nce perfogmed a yaga. Indra attended that yaga, At that time Saunahotra fescued Indra from an ‘attack of gis Asuras. Indra who was pleased at this, blessed Saunahotra that he would be born in his nest birth in the Bhrgu family under the name “Saunake", 2 Gemaloay In Vayu Purina his genealogy is given in Sunaka that he got the Raru (Pramadvara) - Sunaka-Saunaka-Ugrasravas _Daarmavrddha — Sunahotra er ose oe — Saunaka. (Vayu Purana, 92, 26). Of names eka Pata baled to be the author ioe ost imporane of me authoe Rkpratifakbya (2) Revedacchandanuks 3) ayanulramast i) Reve Reese (3) (8) Revedasiktanukramani (8) Revedakathanu- SAUNAKA II Kramani (7) Revedapadavidhana (8) Brhaddevata. (9) Saunakasmrti (10) Caranavyttha and (11) Rvidhana, Matsya Purana, Chapter 252 mentions that Saun: had written a work on the science of architecture. 5) Disciples. ‘The chief disciple of Saunaka was Asva- layana, Once Asvalayana wrote and dedicated to his Guru (master) two treatises entitled “/Grhyasiitra” and “Srautasiitra” to please him. After reading it, Saunaka destroyed his own work on “Srautesastra”. Agvalayana ‘wrote his treatise after having studied the ten works of Saunaka on Rgveda. zi Katyayana, the disciple of Aévalayana later received the ten books written by Saunaka and the three books written by Aivalayana, Katyayana gave his disciple Patafifali, the two works, “Yajurvedakalpasitra”” and “Samaveda Upagrantha” which were written, by him- self. From this we may infer that the series of Saunaka’s isciples was as follows: Saunaka—— Asvalayana — Katyayana — Patanjali — Vyasa. SAUNAKA IL. A Brahmana who went to the forest with Yudhisthira, (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 2). SAUNDIKAS. “A Caste. Originally thet were Xsatriyas, Mahabharata, Anufasana Parva, Chapter-35, Verse 17, mentions that they were debased on account of a curse by a Brahmana, SAUPTIKAPARVA. A Parva (section) in Mahabharata (See under Bharata ). SAURABHEYI. A celestial maid. For details see under area. SAURABHI. A cow which was the daughter of Surabhi. Having drank too much of celestial honey (amrta) which is the essence of the six tastes (sadrasas), Brahma had to vomit, on which occasion, the cow Surabbi rang up from his face. Her milk having accumulate ina low place the milk-sea was formed. The hermi known as the Phenapas live on the shore of the mi sea, the foam that settles on the shore being their food. Around them, there are four cows which protect the four directions. Saurabhi is one of them. She supports the east. Hannsika bears the south, Subhadra the west and Dhenu the north. (M.B. Udjoga Parva, Chapter Vasudeva, the son of Sarasena. SAUSALYA. A country in ancient India very famous in the Farias. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, stanza 40), SAUSRUTI, Brother of Susarma the King of Trigarta. Sausruti who had fought on the side of the Kauravas in the battle of Bharata, was killed by Arjuna. (MLB. Karna Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 3). SAULKAYANT. A sage who belonged to the series of ‘Vyasa’s disciples. SAUTI. A famous son of hermit Romabarsana. The eal “name of this son was Ugratravas. This. teacher is responsible for the arrangement of the Mahabharata Jn the form that we see foday, The story of Mahabharata composed by Vyisa ahd Yailampayana contaied only a graphic description of the battle of Bharata, No" vivid description, of Si Krma born of the Yadava dynasty and of the YAdavas, SEAM ito, emave i ‘dfciency, Sout gilded an appendix cated “arivatiéa’ to Svargirohana aectalt Mahabharata, (For further details see under m SAVARNA I SAUVIRA, An ancient country near the river.Sindhu. Ic is stated in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 133, that during the period of Mahabharata, the King of this country was killed by Arjuna. SAUVIRI. The wite of King Manasyu, the son of Pravira and the grandson of emperor Par, (Maha- bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 5) SAVANA, I. 1) General. Son of Priyavrata who was the son of Svayambhuva Manu, by his wife, Surapa. Surapa had ten fons including Savana, (Der! Hhigavata, Sangha x 2) Bish of son Savana married Suved, daighter of Sunabha; but he expired before children were born to him. According to the Vamana Purana, Chapter 72, seven children were born from the dead Savana. The story about it is as follows :— Suveda, heart-broken at the death of Savana, did not permit the dead body to be burnt, herself holding it in embrace. Then a celestial voice said to her : “Cry ot. If you are really chaste and true, enter the funeral pyre along with your husband.” To this Suveda answered thus : “I ery because of grief that he died before making me the mother of a son.” The celestial voice said to her again : “You enter the pyre without weeping. Your husband will have seven sons,” Sudeva now permitted her dead husband to be cremat- ed and meditating upon her chastity she jumped into the funeral pyre. But within minutes Savana came alive out of the fire with his wife and rose to the sky with her. He stayed in the sky for another five days and on the sixth day had. the sexual act again with her. His semen dropped on earth from the sky. The King then with his wife went to Brahmaloka. Samada, Nalini, Pusyati, Citra, Visala, Hariti and Alinild, all of them wives’ of munis saw’ the semen in the sky and wen it fll into dhe water they “thought. it ‘was amrta, which conferred eternal youth, and~ with the permission of their husbands swallowed it. As soon as they swallowed it their divine effulgence was dimi- nished and their husbands, therefore, abandoned them, ‘Those women delivered "seven children, who cried ficrcely and that sound filled the entire universe. ‘Then Brahma appeared.and asked the children not to cry and also told them that they would come to be called Maruts. Brahma himself called them Maruts. ‘They were the Maruts of the first Svayambhuva Manvantara, SAVANA II. One of the seven sons of Bhrgumuni, the other six being Cyavana, Vajrasirsa, Suci, Aurva, Sukra and Vibhu. “They are called Varupas. also. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 129). SAVANTA. A King born in the dynasty of emperor Prthu. He was the son of Yuvanagva and father of Brhadasva. (Devi Bhigavata, 7th Skandha) SAVARNA. Wife of the niuni called Pracinabathis, Savarna was the daughter of Samudra (ocean). (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 14). ‘The ‘couple had ten sons called the Pracetases, and they were very efficient in Dhanurveda, All of them engaged themselves. in observing the ‘same dharma (duty) and did tapas for 10,000 years under the sea. (For details sec under Pracinabathis). SAVARWA T. “A. hermit. ‘This hermit shone in the council of Yudhisthira. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 15.) SAVARWA II ne SAVARNA IL. (SAVARNI). A Manu. (For further ‘details see under Manvantara) . Z SAVARNI I. The cighth Manu, (For further details see under Manvantara), : SAVARNI I. A hermit. This hermit shone in the council of Indra, (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 10). This hermit Savarni did penance for six thousand years in Satyayuga. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 103). SAVITA. One of the ele, sons of Katyapapralipati by his wife called Aditi. ‘These sons are called Adityas §0, Savita also is one of the Dvadasadityas. Vismu, Sakra, Aryama, Dhata, Tvasta, Pisa, Vivasvan, Savita, ‘Mitra, Varuna, Asisu and Bhaga are the Dvadasa- dityas. Préni, wife of Savita, gave birth to three daughters called Savitei, Vyahrti and Trayi and three sons called ‘Agoihotra, PaSusoma and Citurmasya the great sacrifices. (Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter 15). SAVITRAT. One of the ‘eleven’ Rudras. (M.B, Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Verse 20). SAVITRA II. One of the eight Vasus. (Mahabharata, Anusdsana Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 16). SAVITRA III. A’lofiy peak of the mountain Sumer, ‘Jyotiska is another name of this peak, which is ‘not approachable. It is adorned with precious stones and is glorified by all. Siva and Parvati once sat on this peak and did penance. It was on this peak that Devt Gata did penance to Sivay assuming a. divine ure. (MCB. San Parva, Chapter 282, Verve 8). SAVITRIT. 1) General information. ‘The daughter of the Sun, This Savitri is the elder sister of Tapatt, Brahma married these sisters, It is stated in some Purinas that Savitri, Gayatri, Sarasvati all these are one and the same. But there is'a story in Padma Purana, Sratikhanda, Chapter 17, stating that Brahma once went to Gayatrl in the absence of Savitri, who got angry at this and cursed all the Gods. ‘Once Brahma went to Puskara to perform a sacrifice. va, Vien and all the hermits came there.” Everything was ready for the sacrifice according to conventions But Savitrl, who had been engaged in household duties hhad not yet arrived. So a priest was sent to. bring her, Savitri said to the priest, “T have not finished drening. ‘There are to many things to be done here. Moreover, Laksmf, Bhavani, Ganga, Svaha, Indrani, eclestial women, wives of Rsis (hermits), none of these have carrived yet, How can T enter’ the hall as the only woman ?” The priest returned and reported that i was not convenient for Savitri to come just then, a she had so much work to do. Brahma became angry and said to Indra, “Lord Indra, itis up to you to bring me a wife from wherever you like, But it must be Gone instantly.” Hearing the order of Brahma, Indra selected Gayatsl who was a good-natured damtel of a cowherd’s family, and brought her to. the. sacrificial Gas, With the blessingsof thehermitsand gods, ‘Brahma held her hand and acknowledged her as his wife, Savitri dressed well, adorned herself with ornaments and feached the sacrificial hall. She saw-the marrige scene dad became furious. Everybody in the hall held. their breath, thinking of the approaching danger. Trembling orth anger Savitri said “Lo; Brahma, how is it that you Fane Sommitted this sin? Have you not married me with SAVITRII fire as witness ? Lam your wife. Are you not ashamed of this?” ‘The three godheads shivered with fear Savitri ‘cursed everybody. ‘The curse given to Brahma was that no body should worship himon any other day except the month of Karttika in the year. She cursed Indra that enemies would enter the world of gods and would make Indra their captive. Savitri cried out that Visnu would take the birth of man by the curse of Bhrgu. She cursed Siva thathe would lose his manliness. She gave Agai the curse that he would cat anything and every- thing without the discrimination of purity or impurity. She cursed the Brahmins that they would, in future per form sacrifice merely with a view to obtain gifts and that they would be wandering about from temple to temple and from tirtha to tirtha merely for gain.” Uttering these words of curse, Savitri left the sacrificial hall. Laksmi and some other goddesses followed her a little while. ‘Then they begged for permission to return. Savitl sald to them, “Laksmt ! You are leaving me, Te i not so? Right. Hereafter you shall be permanent no- where. May you become the companion of the wicked, the wavering, the low-minded, the sinner, the cruel, the foolish etc. Indrani also wants to return, Hear thi Indra will kill Vrtra and incur the sin .of Brahmahatya and at that time Nahusa will capture heaven. Then Nahusa will abuse you.” Looking at the celestial women who were going to the sacrificial hall, Savitri said; Look, Ye celestial women. None of you will give birth to child and you will not enjoy the pleasure of nurturing a child.” Saying these words Savitri left the hall, Not knowing what (0 do, all sat there, Instantly Gayatri rose up and looking ateverybody, saidas a remission of curses: “I shall remy all curses. Those who worship Brahma, will be bles#¢q with the pleasure of wife and children and wealth 3° they will unite with Brahma. Even if Indra is take”. captive, he will be made free by his son and will beco™® the king of heaven again. Visnu will rescue his wife 20d Kill the enemy. The phallus will be worshipped in a! the worlds, “As Brahmins are the gods on earth the gift you take, will be considered your dues. Laksmi! you need not worry. Everybody will worship you. He whom you favour will become a well-to-do person and he whom you forsake will become miserable. You Indrani ! Because ‘of Nahusa’s arrogance Agastya will change him to @ big Python and he will fall to the earth, The celestial maids will have no desire for children. So childlessness will not make you miserable.”” By these words of blessing® of Gayatr, everybody in the sacrificial hall was pac 2. Other details, 1) | Savitel shines in the palace of Brahma. (MB: hatin, Chapar venga ( } Savitri is the sovereign’ deity of the mantra Gayattl. ht Goddess Savitri rose up from the sacrificial fire ing ASvapati and gave him a boon, and accordingly @ Sane ane agent or he Ring x va, Capt 25) ‘ife of Satyavan, (M.B, Van4 ang inne 200 ager Que. ona who ig for Tripuradahana (the burning ras), placed Savitri as the bridles es: rona Feta, Chapter 202; Vere 15) hmin worshipped Devi Savitel, appeared before him and gave him boone, As the Hn was engaged in deep ‘meditation and prayety SAVITRI II he did not see the Devi when she appeared, It was due to this piety that the Bralinin was given boons. (M.B Santi Parva, Chapter 199). (v) Once Devi Savitri appeared before Satya, a brahm- in of Vidarbha, (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 272, Verse 11). (0h Once Devt Stitt praised the giving of rice as alms. (M.B. Anusisana Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 8) SAVITRI II. A hand-maid of Devi Uma. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 231, Verse 49). SAVITRI IIT. A S2vite? who was the wife of a king and a righteous woman if mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 24. This Savitri gave two ear-rings as alms and attained heaven. SAVITRI IV. The wile of Satyavan. 1) Birth, In the country of Madra, famous in the Purdnas, there was a king named Asvapati. His wife was Malai,” Though the-couple grew old they were child- less, At last they worshipped Devi Savitri. After vows and prayers for eighteen years the Devi appeared before them, and giving them the boon that a daughter would be born to them, she disappeared, The couple returned to the palace and Milati conceived and delivered a daughter whom they named Savitri. (Skandha 9, Devi Bhagavata; Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 393). 2) Marriage. Savitri grew up as though Laksmi had taken an incarnation and bloomed into a beautiful damsel. But nobody came forward to marry her. On New moon day she bathed and purified herself’ and getting the blessings of Brahmins, came and bowed before her father. ‘The King felt sorry as nobody had offered to marry her though she was in the fall bloom of youth, He advised her to travel in. the outside world and to select a husband by herself. According tothe order of her father she took the aged ministers of the ing and travelled through the forests in which hermits lived. Once Narada came to the palace and while he was talking with King Asvapati, Savitri and the aged ministers returned. She bowed before her father and Narada, As soon as Narada saw her he asked with curiosity about her marriage. The father replied that he hhad sent her in search of a husband. Savitri said “I have accepted the Prince Satyavan as my husband, He is the son of King Dyumatsena of Salva. Dyumatsena tbscame blind in his old age, and takine this opportunity his enemies captured his ‘country. Dyumatzena with and son went to the forest and lived there.” Narada described the qualittes of Satyavan, “Satyavin is as radiant as the sun, as intelligent as Brhaspati, as valiant as Indra and as patient as the Barth. Aivapati was immensely pleased at hearing about the good qualities of Satyavan, and asked Narada, if there was anything to say against him. Narada said that he had nothing to say against Satyavan except that he would dic “within one year from this date.” (Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 294) ‘The King felt miserable when he heard this. Savitei said that she had accepted Satyavin as her husband ged {hat nothing could make her waver from her iccision even if he is not going to live more than a Year. The King agreed to the wish of his daughter and Preparations for the marriage were begun. The King went with Savitri to the forest and saw Dyumatsena 73 SAVITRI IV who gladly consented to the marriage. Acvapati return ed to the palace leaving Savitri with Satyavan and his parents, Assoon as Afvapati had returned, Savitti dis carded her ornaments and assumed the dress suitable to life in the forest and lived with them, 3) The death of Satyaaan. Tt wasneatly a year and the day of death of Satyavan was fast approaching. There were only four days more. Savitri had taken a vow lasting for three days. Dyumatsena dissuaded her from taking fast. She completed the fast. ‘There was left only one night. more. She Kept awake for the whole night. Morning came. Though she ended her fast she had not taken any food. Dyumatsena wanted to know the reason, She humbly said that she would eat only after sunset. ‘As usual Satyavan took his axe and started for the wood. Savitri also followed him, Satyavan:-"You have never accompanied me_ before. Moreover you are very weal, on account of the fast ‘Then how can you come with me?” Sevier “Tam fot at all weak by the fast and vow. T want to come with you. I pray, don't hinder me. ‘At last Satyavan consented afier getting the permission of his parents, Both went to the forest to gather fruits and roots. They gathered fruits and roots. Then Satyavan began, to cutwood. By that exertion Satyavan sweated all over. ‘Hewas affected by headache. “Let me liedown !” Hesaid, ‘Phe axe fell from his hand. Savitri caught her husband wo wa falling dow and iid him on ber lap | Sve Saw a person clad ia blood-coloured garments, wit saw # popron clad ip blood cloerea gun ith nal came to the spot and stood there looking at the body of Satyavin, Realizing the person to be Kala (Deathgod) ‘Savitsi stood up instantly and bowed before him. Savitri:— “Who are you Lord. What may be your object in coming here?”” ‘Yama:— Hei, Savitri. As youare a hermitess of chas- tity Imay converse with you. Tam Yama, Tain come to take away the life of your husband.” Savitri:— “Lord, Ihave heard that your messengers come and take away the souls. How is it that you have come in person today?” Yana:— This Satyavan is a righteous. man who is an ‘ocean of good qualities. Messengers are not sent, in the ceases of persons like him.” Saying thus Yama cast his rope and caught the soul of Satyavan, Savitri saw the body of her husband. lyn without life and soul. Savitrt followed Yama who hi gone to the south with the soul of Satyavan. ‘Yama:— Child, you go back and conduct his funerals. ‘You have followed your husband as far as you can, SaviteI:— I am coming to the place where my husband is being taken, That is the duty of a wife. What im- pediment is there on my way to follow you, when I have the merits of vow, fast, devotion to my elders, love and regard for my husband and the good will of your- self, my Lord.” When Yama realized that it was difficult to send Savitri back, he asked Savitst to ask for any boon. Yama ‘was prepared to give anything except the life of Satyae van. She requested for the recovery of sight by Dyumat- sena, Yama granted it. Still Savitri did not turn back. Yama aéked her to pray for one more boon. She SAVYA, & requesed for the recovery of the lost kingdom of Dyu- Tediena, Yama sanctioned that request alto, Still the followed Yame, who was ready to grant her a chird hoon. She requested: “My father may, please be given 2 hundred sons who would continue the family. Yama granted that too. But she did not urn back, Yama 3d her that she tight ask for a fourth boon, She said: STomay be given a hundred sons born directly from Satyavin, Yamna granted this fourth boon also, "Then Sivitt asked Yama how the boon would be realized Unless the Iie of Satyavin was given back to him. Yana ‘was pleased with her at her love and devotion for her husband) and returned the life of Satya. van. "Yama. blessed her that she and Satyavani would live for hundred years. Yama’ disappeared. Sivitti retuned and sat there taking the body of Satyavan on er lap. Satyavan ame to life. Both of them rose up. Night came on. It was dark, ‘They could not find the way. Satyavin wanted to reach their hermitage somehow. Savitri took the axe and supporting het husband inthe dim oon light, walled to the hermitage. Dywnatiena got sight, He started with his wife in search of his children, and walked about ‘in. the forest. ‘At last all of them met together. They reached home, ‘Then Savitri told them all that had. happened. Every. one was delighted. ‘Then some people from Salva came to the hermitage. They said that the minister had led’ the King, that the people had expelled’ the minister, and that they had come to request Dyumat: ena to return to his country and to resume. the’ relges ‘Accordingly all of them returned to Salva. Dyuraatssoa was anointed as the King of Silva. (MB. Vaea Parva, Ghapters 293 10 299). SAVYA. A son of Angiras, Savya is actually Indra him- sell. The story is that Aigiras began ‘worshipping’ the Devatis for a son equal to Indra and that Tndva, thinks ing that there should not be’ another person equal. to him, got himself born as che son of Atgiras, ‘That son eee ers Mandela Sowa, sta 3 Another mame of Arjuna. (Vir Parva, Chapter 44, Verse 19). eee SAVYASIVYA. One of the "sons of Vipracitti by (ral Simi, This asura seas killed by Parasurzinas manda Purina, 3.6, 18-20), SAYAMVAISVADEVA. The sacrificial offering given bby the wife with the food prepared in the evening widh+ out any spellorincantation, is called Sayamwvaisveders, ___ (Manusmrti, Chapter 3, 121), SAYANA. A hermit who was an expounder o: the Vedes, Tn course of time, dve to” the differences. in languages and grammar, the Vedas beeame difficult. to be grat ed. ‘It was Vaska and Sayana who saved the Indians from this difficulty. For the Vedas to be grasped easily, Yiska, made the Nirukta (Etymology) and Sayana wrote the Book Vedarthaprakasa. SAYU. (A maharsi. (Reveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 112, Sakia 16) : ‘ SEGARA, A naga (serpent) born in the family of ‘Dhytarastra. ‘This serpent was burnt to death in the tacrifelal fre of the serpent-sacrifice of Janamejaya, FMB. Adi Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 14). SEDUKA. An ancient. King in India. Once some Secoepmius approached this heroic King who was _well- eed in the art of wielding weapons, for Daksina to m4 SENODYOGA PARVA their teacher. But Seduka directed them to King Vrsa- darbha. (MB. Vana Parva, Chapter 196, Verse #). SEKA. An ancient country ‘in India. It’ is mentioned jin Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 9, that this country was conquered by Sahadeva during. his regional conquest of the south, SEKKIZHAR. Author of the Tamil song ‘Periyapurdnam (See under Arulmozhitevar) SENA. Son of King Ryabha. It is mentioned in Bhaga- vata, Skandha 5 that this king had nineteen sons inchiding Sena. SENABINDU I. 1) General information. A Keatriya King who lived in the age of the Purinas. This King was born from a jortion of an asura called Tubunda. (Mahabharata di Parva, Chapter 67). 2). Other details. G) Senabindu was presentat the Svayatiwara marriage Draupadi. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 9). Gi) Arjuna, during his regional conquest of the north, with the King of Uldka had attacked this King who lost his kingdom. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 10). (iii) “The Pandavas had invited this King to take part in the Bharata battle. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 13). (iv) Itis said that Senabindu was known by another name Krodhahanta, He was as valiant as Sri Krsna and Bhimasena, (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 17ls Verse 20) (v) He was killed in the battle of Bharata. Kama Parva, Chapter 6 Verse 32). SENABINDU II. A warrior of Paficala who had taken part in the battle of Bharata on the side of the Pandavas: Karma killed him. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 48 Verse 15). SENACITTA. A King of the dynasty of Bharata, This King was the son of Vigada and the father of Rucirasv (Bhigavata, Skandha 9), a SENAJIT I. “A King who lived in the period of Maha- Dharata, [tis stated in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva Chapter 4, Verse 13 that the Pandavas had decided ‘© gerd a letter of invitation to this King, for the battle of arate, SENAJIT Il. A King. He lived in tears because of the loss of his son, At last by the advice of a brahmin he Got peace of mind. (MLB. Santi Parva, Chapters 29 and SENAJIT IIT. A King who was the son of Ki da fig the utero Race” ese Rassias, Sena had three more sons_named Drdhaiianus, Kagya and Yate, (Bhagavata, Skandha 9). . hi is menti ion of King Vikvaj Afvajit ip Matsya Purana. Ttis mentioned in Maha- bhieata, Sanat Parv cuapies 26, that this King had sunt g teatte on justice (duties ofa King). PNAMUKIA. “A division ‘of an “army. (eee undet SENANI (SENAPATT). One of the Digarir, e wa killed by Hosen "hale rata, (M.B. Bhisma Patva, Chapter 5 SENODYOGAPARVA. "A subateione Uithons ara in Mahabharata, This sub-section comprises Charter 1'to 19 of Uayoga Parva in Mahabharatg, nt CMP (MB. SIBIV SESA m5 SESA (ADISESA). Ananta. (q.v (x) The people of the country in earlier days were ‘ional syormatin ns AMderte land ignorant. (Kasha Patva, "Chapter 38, (i) Ananta is the reposing bed of Visnu. It is this _ Verse 34). : i Ananta who dislodged Mandara mountain at the time SIBI III, “A King born in the dynasty of Ustnara, He of Ksirabdhi mathana: (churning of the ocean of milk) (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 18, Verse 8). is Gi) Ananta is the noblest of the nagas. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 2). (iii) When there were mutual dissensions among the hagas, Ananta visited holy places such as Puskara, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 3) Gv) Ananta obtained from’ Brahma the boon to be able to stand firmly on Dharma. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 17). (x) Ananta carries and supports the earth at the behest of Brahma. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 36, Verse 18). (vi) Ananta’s father is Katyapa and his mother is Kadra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 41). (vii) Balabhadra Rama was born from a portion of Ananta, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 152). At the time of Tripuradahana, Ananta served as the axle of Siva's chariot, (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 202, Verse 72). SETU. A King of the family of Bharata, He was the son of Babhru and the father of Anarabdha. (Bhaga- vata, Skandha 9}. SEYA. One of Visvamitra’s sons who were ‘expound: rs of the Vedas, (M.B, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 58). SIBI T. ° Grandson of Hiranyakasipu, who had four sons called Anuhrada, Hrada, Prahlada and Sathblida, and gf the four, Sarihlada had three sons called Ayusman, Sibi and Baskala. (Agni Purana, Chapter 19. 1) This Sibi was the son of Hiranyakasipu. (Adi ’arva, Chapter 65, Verse 18). (2) This Asura took birth again and lived as a King bythe name Druma. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, fetse 8). SEBI II, ‘Inhabitants of the country called Sibi; they are called Saibyas also. The following information about the country is gathered from Mahabharata, (@) Sunanda, mother of King Santanu was a princess gis county, (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, ‘Verse (ii) Govasana, father-in-law of Yudhisthira, was a King of Sibi. (Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Verse 76). (ii) Nakula, during bis triumphal tour of the western Tegions, conquered the kingdom of Sibi, (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7). (iv) People of Sibi attended the Rajasiiya yajtia conducted by Yudhisthira with presents, (Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 14) {v) A King calted Usinara, once ruled the country. (Vana Parva, Chapter 131, Verse 21). (i) The kingdom of Sibi was once under the jurisdi hy of Jayadratha, (Vana Parva, Chapter 267, Verse (03) Asjuna annihilated the armies of the kingdom of Sibi which’ followed Jayadeatha, to the batteheld. (Vana Parva, Chapter 271, Verse 28), arraed oe eabarathas of Sibi, with their armies, _ Rfayed under the Banner gf Duryodhana to, Bight the Flaxlavas. (Udyoga Parva, Chapicr 195, Verse 7). 4 ix) Karna once subjugated the kingdom of Sibi. (Drona Parva, Chapter St Vere 50) 8 was present at the wedding of Draupadi. He fought on the side of the Pandavas in the great war and was killed by Drona. (Drona Parva, Chapter 155. Verse 19). King Sibi had four sons Bhadra, Suvira, Kekaya and Visadarbha. (Bhigavata, 9th Skandha). SIBLIV, An Indra. There were four secis of Devas called Suparas, Haris, Satyas and Sudhis in_Tamasa Manvantara, and there were twentyseven Devas in each Sect. Sibi, who performed hundred yajfias then was Indra. (Por details see under Manvantaram). SIBIV. An ancient Rajarsi 1) Genealogy. Descended from Visnu thus :— Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha-Purdravas- Ayus - Nabusa- Yayati- Anudruhyu - Sabhanara - Kalanara -Srijaya - Usinara-Sibi. Sibi was bora to Usinara of Madhavi, daughter of Yayati. 2) Sutotra made to give way. King Suhotra of Kuru ‘dynasty once on his return from a visit of maharsis saw King Sibi coming inthe opposite direction in, his chariot, and both the Kings saluted each other as their age ordained. But, they did not give passage to cach other as they thought themselves to be equal in merit, ‘At that time Narada came there and asked the kings why they stood there thus blocking the path. "They answered Narada thus : “He who is more noble or clever on account of former actions, etc. is usually iven way to by the other person. Both of us are Somratdes and are equals.” ‘Narada then spoke asfollows:— “Oh I King of the Kuru dynasty ! You are cruel to the gentle and gentle to the cruel. To the evil you are good; then why not be good to the good. Devas have ordered that he who does good will get it hundred- fold by return, King Usinara is more noble and gentle than you are, The miser is won over by liberality, the liar by truth, the cruel by patience and the evil person by good. But, both of you Kings arc noble Persons, "Therefore, one of you should give way to the other.”” Listening to Narada’s advice, Suhotra gave way to i ‘and proceeded on his way, (Vana Parva, Chapter 3) ‘Sibi tested, Sibi’s fame spread in the three worlds, and an idea was mooted among the Devas that it should be tested how much of the reputation of the King was genuine. Accordingly, Agni in the form of a dove and Indra in that of a ‘ite hunting after the dove, rushed to King Sibi, The dove took refuge in the lap of the King sitting in ‘divya’ posture, and the priest told the King that it_was the latter’s duty to protect the dove, which took refuge with him for its life. The dove also told the King thus ; “I am really a muni, who has entered the body of the dove. I take refuge in you for my life.” By that time the kite too had flown up to the King. It asked the King to return the dove, which it had been chasing. ‘The King was surprised to hear the kite tall and told the bird that it was not proper for him to give up thedove who had sought refuge under him, “but that he would give the kite any other flesh in lieu of the SIDDHA T dove. The kite replied as follows : “You must give me flesh cut from your right thigh equal in weight to that of the dove. If you do so, the dove will be saved and you will be praised by people.” ‘Accordingly, the King cut a piece of flesh from his right thigh and weighed it in the balance against the dove. But, the dove weighed more. The King cut more ficsh from his thigh and’ weighed, but the dove still weighed more, “Thus, by instalments the King cut his ‘whole body and weighed the flesh against the dove, yet it weighed more. ‘Then the King himself sat in the balance, seeing which the kite few away. Then the dove assumed its original form and told the King that itwas Agni and the kite, Indra. The Devas were greatly pleased with the firm sense of sacrifice of the King; they blessed him and told him that a son called Kapotaroma will be born to him. (Vana Parva, Chap- ter 197). 4) Other information, (@) When Yayati fell’ down on earth from heaven, Sibi Promged to wansfer wo ‘him the merits acquited by im (Sibi). (Adi Parva, Chapter 93, Verse 3). i) Sibi worships Yama in his court. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 10) Gi) Sibi foo was present in the company of Indra to witness the fight’ between Arjuna and Droga in the batde between King Virgta and. Kauravas atthe Virata city in connection with the lifting of Virata’s gow by the Kaoravas, (Vira Parva, Chapeer 88, Vere fv) Sibi loved Indra. very much, pier 9, Vee 7). (x) People of the Yadu dynasty presented Sibi a sword, (Bind Barva, Chapter 168, Ver 89), vi) He gifted avay his son’ 1g the brahming, and ierefore he attained heaven. (Santi Parva, Chapter 234, Vere 19; Anuideana apa, Chapter 137, Vere). (e did not eat flesh, (Anuéasann Parva, : fetes (Amusasana Parva, Chapte: nelusion. ‘The story of two Kings connected with Cheelone at hedge ine comes, yh the “Mahibbarata. One of the Kingsis Sibi and the other Usinara, father of Sibi, (See under Usinacs oe ae A Deva Gandharva. This Gandharva was rn to Prajipati Katyapa by his wife Pradk (Mahan Dhirata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Vere 46). MY SIDDHA Tl (THE SIDDHAS). "A group of Devas, The group of devas called Siddhas lived on the “TLsealayn near the hermitage of Kanva, (MLB. Adi Parva, Choe, ter 70, Verse 15). It is mentioned in Mahabharate, Sabhi Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 29, that this group of Gods stay in the palace of Yama serving him, SIDDHA. The Devi (xoddess) consecrated in Rambhi- vand, wearing a water-vessel with a out, rosary, boon, and fre, is called Siddha. (See under Devi). SIDDHAGRAHA. ae evil splat shoe who aa eoumed the group of devas called Siddhas are afflicted by th Mei and “they ‘become maniacs. (MLB. Vang Parva, Chapter 230, Verse 49) ‘i APATRA, A'warrior of Subrahmanya, (Mahi- sa pratuta Satya: Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 66). SIDDHARTHA I. A King. This King was the rebirth dhike asura Krodhavaéa, (Bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 60). (Bhigma Parva, 6 SIKHANDI SIDDHARTHA II. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 4). ee SIDDHARTHA III. The name of Buddha in his chil hood. (See under Buddha). SIDDHARTHA IV. A minister of King Dagaratha. (Valmiki Ramayaga, Ayodhya Kanda, Sarga 36). SIDDHASRAMA. A’ hermitage. ‘The place at which Vamana thrust Mahabali down to Patala. ‘This place became a hermitage later. When Visvamitra took Sri Rama and Laksmana to the forest for the protection of his sacrifice, he showed them. this hermitage, (Valmiki Ramayana, Balakanda, Sarga 29, Verse 22). SIDDHIT. 'A daughter of Daksa. Thirteen daughters including Siddhi were married by Dharmadeva. (Vistu Purina, Amhsal, Chapter 7). SIDDHI II. A ‘goddess. Kunti the mother of the Pandavas was the human rebirth of this goddess. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 120). This goddess Siddhi’ had walked in front of the army of Subrahmanya, in the great battle between the Devas and the -asuras. To attain the object in any matter, the blessing of this goddess is essential. (MLB, Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 64). SIDDHI TIT, The son of an Agni (fire) named, Vira. Siddhi was born to this Viragni, by his wife Saray. ‘The story stating how this agni once screened the 30" by his radiance, occurs in Mahabharata, Salya Parva Chapter 218. SIGHRA, A King of the Solar dynasty. In Bhagavatas Sth Skandha, itis said that he was the son of Agni- pirna and father of Maru, SIGHRAGA. One of the sons of Sampi Purana, 6, 35). - SIGRU. A particular caste of people. In the Dasarajiia ‘war they fought against Suds and got themselves de feated. (Rgveda, 7-18-19). SIKATA, An ancient hermit. When the Bharata-battlé ‘was going on this hermit approached Drona and request” ed him to stop the battle forthwith, (M.B, Dro# Parva, Chapter 190, Verse 34). f SIKATAKSA. A holy place, Once Yudhisthira visited this holy place. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 125, Verse 12); SIKHANDAM. Things which were born from the blo’ of Vrtrasura and which Brahmins, Kaatriyasand Vaisy35 are forbidden from eating. (Santi Parva, Chapter 282 60). SIKHANDT (SIKHANDINI 1), Rebirth ‘of Amba, daughicr of the'king of Kasi. Amba ended her life with the vow that she would take revenge on Bhisma and was born in the next life as che daughter of king Drupada under the name Sikhandini, and Sikhandini helped Ajuna in the war at Kuruksetra to,kill Bhisma. (For the history of Amba ending in two lives see under. Amb3- Certain picces of information not included under that head are given below), (1), Sithandim wat present at the wedding of Abt manyu in the city of vaplavya.(Virata Parve yaptel wate ty of Upaplavya.(Virata Parva, Chapter ikhandi learned archery at the feet of Droaacary2: (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 192, Verse 65) — (3) On the first day of the great war a duel was fought between Sikhand? an (Bhigma Parva, (Matsya a Asvatthams Capes 45, Vern 3). eee ‘ikhandi retreated from hattle-field in fear of Drona. (Bhima Parva, Chapter 6 Verse 3) SIKHANDINI It nT (5) A second duel was fought by him and Asvatthima. (Bhigna Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 26) (6) Sikhandi broke the arrow of Salya with his divine arrow (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 29). (7) He tried to Kill Bhisma. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 108, Verse 45). (8) Sikhandi attacked Bhisma at the instance of Arjuna. (Bhigma Parva, Chapter 119, Verse 1). (9) He followed that attack wich many other attacks. (Bhigma Parva, Chapters 114, 118 and 119). (10) "Saajaya praised dhe provess of Sikhandt to Dhyta- rastra, (Drona Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 45) (11) Bharisrava and Sikhandt fought with each other. (Drona Parva, Chapter 14, Verse +3) (12) Sikhand? and Karna fought with each other. (Drona Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 7). (13) “Sikhandi. and Balbika fought’ with each other, (Drona Parva, Chapter 96, Verse 7). (14) ‘In the fight that followed, Sikhandi was defeated by Revarman. (Drona Fangs Chapter 115, Ver) rpécarya defeated Sikhandi, (Drona. Parva, Chapter 169, Verse 22) Peer 16) In the battle that followed with Kptavarman, ithandi fainted. (Karna Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 26). (17) Defeated by Krpacitya, Sikhandt had to run away for life. (Karna Parva, Chapter 54), (8) sens defeated Sishans. (ataa Pars, Chapter » Verse 7. (19) Annihilating the army of Prabhadrakas Sikhandi fought fierecly with Krtavarman and Kypa. (Salya Parva, Chapter 15, Verse 7) (20) Sikhandt resisted the advance of Asvatthima. ‘{Salya Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 6). (21) Tn the ferce battle that was fought after the fall of Bhisma Agvatthimd killed Sikhandi.(Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 65) (22) Synonyms of Sikhandi used in Mahibhérata, Bhiomalian, Sikhandio, Draupadeya, Drupadstmaj, ya, Yijflaseni ctc. SURHANDING (11), Wife of Antardhana bom in the dynasty of emperor Prihu. The emperor had two sons called Antardhana and Vadi. To. Antardhana was born of Sithandini a son called Havirdhana, who married Dhisana born in the dynasty of Agni, and the couple hadsix sons called Pricinabarhis, Sukra, Gaya, Bray Via and Aja, (Vinw Porta, Gaptsr "ar SIKHAVAN A maharsi, who lived in the court of Yudhi- sthira, (Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 14). SIKHAVARTA, A Yaksa, who lives in the court of Kubera ‘worshipping him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 17). IKE. “A naga born in the Kasyapa dynasty. (Udyoga grrattas Chapter 105, Verse 12)- IKHIDHVATA. A king, who ruled over Malava during the first Dvaparayuga in the seventh Manvantara. Ciidala, daughter of the king of Saurdsica was. Sikhidh vaja’s wife, "The Jnanavasistham contains a story about how the toyal eduple renounced all attachment in ie a the result of intense tapas. Sikhidhvaja and Cadala began, practising jAanayoga (communion through, knowledge) . It was Cadala, who fined Siddhis fist, Though the king was pleased with the achievernents of his wite he felt sorry, about hie failure or drawbacks. Cadals had attained the Siddhi to vel even in air. ‘Though she told her husband empha- SIMHALA ically that he could practise jhinayoga living in the palace itself, he quitted the city for the forest and began PiHorming ‘tapas. there. ‘Then om one day, she went Bethe presence of the king in the forest in-the guise of a brahmin boy and stood there without touching the earth with his fee. The king treated the boy with honour and respect taking him for some Deva. ‘Then she reveal- ed. her actual form, and the king agreed to return with hher to the palace and practise jaanayoga there. At that juncture Cadala created by her* soul-power celestial junslan, ike’ Urvagi and also Indra and lined them up- before her husband. ‘This was to test whether the king Yielded to, any of the temptations by the celesdal Yigimen or by Indra and Gigala returned with the king to the kingdom. SIKSAKA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 76). : SILA. Daughter of Dharmarsi. She was vedded by Marici 1A Daiifor some reason the mabarsi cursed her and mabarsi Terrsformed into a stone in the Gaya. temple. ayy Purana, 108)- ST aTRN A vine age. Tn Mahabharata, Daksi patha, Udyoya Parva, Chapter 83, there isa, reference aa enronversarion between this Mabarsi and Stl Krapa. SILAVATI. A heroine reputed for her chastity and fidelity to her husband. Her husband, Ugra‘ravas was ‘cruel and vicious. Yet Silavati used to adore him. Once ‘Ugateravay fell victim to the disease of leprosy. From et ime, Silat used to go about beagiog in the Peat se Giahmanes to feed and support her husband. Rfet tome tine by her constant nursing, his condition ane iehrly mpegved. After. that she’ continued her Begging from door to door, carrying him on hershoulders. OE hey happened to arrive infront of a huge man- sion, Water was flowing in front of the gate and so Silavati returned from there with her husband without Stepping into. the water, When they reached “home, Ugeasravas asked his wife why she returned without emering the mansion. She explained that it was the house of a prostitute and to touch the water coming out of that house was sin, On hearing it, Ugrasravas felt Sn irresistible desire to visit that brothel, He expressed his desire to her. ‘obediently Silavati took up her husband on het shoulders and went to the prostitute’s house. (For more details see under Ani mandavya, Anasiya and Atri). SILAYUPA. A Vedantist son of Visvimitra, (Anusisana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 54) SILT, A ndga born in the Takgaka dynasty. It was burnt to death at the serpent yajna conducted By Janamejaya. (Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 9). SIMANTINI. The wife of King Citrtaiigada. The story of this Sitantini is given in’ Somapradosavrata maha~ tmya. in Skanda Purina. SIMHACANDRA. A king who had helped Yudhisthira. (MLB. Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 40). SIMHAKETU, A warrior who took the side of the Pandavas and fought against the Kexuravas.. (Mahabha- rata, Karna Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 49,) This Sinha- ketu was killed in the battle of Bharata by Karna. SIMHALA. Modern Ceylon. In ancient days this place was called Sirhala and the inhabitants were called Simnhalas.. ‘The following statements about Sibala occur in the Mahabharata. SIMHAPURA (1) The low caste people of the Sirihalas originated from the sides of Nandini, the cow of the Devas. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 174,’ Verse 37). (2) The king of Sirnhala had taken'part in the sacrifice Rajasuya of Yudhisthira. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 12). so (8) ‘The Katriyas of Sitshala gave Yudhisthira, Chry- soprases, pearls and such other wealth of the sea as pre~ seat. The people of Sirihala wore clothes studded with Jewels. They were of dark complexion with eyes the ends of which were red. (M.B, Sabha Parva, Chapter 58, Verse 35). (4) ‘The Sithhalas took the side of the Kauravas in the battle of Bharata. In the Garuda vyiha formed by Drona, the Sitihalas were stationed in. the position of the neck, (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 20, Verse 6) SIMHAPURA. A city inBharata, famous in the Puranas. ‘This city was situated in the mountainous region of North India. During the period of Mahabharata, Citrayudha was the king who ruled over this city. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Verse 20}. Arjuna during his regional conquest of the’ North, de- feated this king. SIMHASENA I,” The commander of the army of Karta- viryarjuna, (Brakmanda Purana, Chapter 46). This ‘itahasena captured and imprisoned Rivana. SIMHASENA II, warrior of Paticala. In the battle ‘of Bharata he took the side of the Pandavas and was + killed in the battle by Drona, Drona Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 32). SIMHASENA III, Another warrior of Pafedla, Karna Killed him in the battle of Bharata, (Karna Parva, ‘Chapter 56, Verse 44). SIMHAVAKRA. An asura, (Skanda Purdna, Asura Kanda,) This asura fought Subrahmanya. SIMHIKA. A giantess. (Visnu Purana, Ariga 1, Chapter 15, and Agni Purina Chapter 19). ‘Two sons named Hranyakatipu and Hiranyaksa and a daughter_named Simhika were born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wile Diti. Shihika was married by Vipracitti. ‘Two sons named Rahu and Ketu were born to them, Recause they were the sons of Sishhika, they came to be known by the name Saitihikeyas, 7? came te bee (But it is stated in Mahabharata, Adi and the wife of Kasyapa,) A story occurs in Ramayana, that this Sithhika caught hold of Hantiman by his shadow ‘and. swallowed hin, while he was jumping to Lanka, “and that Manama escaped fromher.” (See under Rima, pars 27) SIMSUMA, Daughter of a Gandhara King. She is_also ‘known as Sukesi. She. was’ married by (MLB. Southern text, Chapter 38) SINDHU I. A siver in India, very famous ) General information. Tt is assuined in the Puranas 1 ere aeiniba traacl of Ge teavenly Grapt by the efforts of Bhagiratha, the heavenly Gafiga fell on the earth in the Lake Bindu. After that it had six channels. Three channels flowed to the east and three to the west. The rivers which flowed to the East were Hladini, Pavani and Nalini. The three rivers Sucaksus, Sita and Sindhu flowed to the west. This seventh branch followed Bhagiratha and flowed to Patila to perform ‘obsequies to the sons of Sagara, Parva, Chapter rajapati Daksa Sei Kyspa in the 18 SINIVAK 2) Other deta. (i) Sathvarana, a King, who was defeated by his enemics, hid himself for a while in the natural arbours on the basin of Sindhu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 40). (ii) Sindhu remains in_the palace of Varuna and glorifies him. (M.B, Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 19). Gil) Once’ Markandeya happened to sce the river Sindhu in the stomach of child Mukunda, (M.B, Vana Parva, Chapter 188, Verse 103). (iv) Sindhu is considered to be the origin of Agni (Fire) (MiB, Vana Parva, Chapter 242, Verse 22). {v) Sindhu is one of the seven channels of Ganga. MLB. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 48). ‘ By bathing in the river Sindhu, one could attain heaven, (M,B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25 Verse 8) - (vil) Once Parvati held a talk on the duties of women. Alll the rivers met to hear the talk. Sindhu was_promi- nent among the rivers who were present, (M.B. Ant sisana Parva, Chapter 146, Verse 18) (viii) This is one of the rivers which ought to be remembered every morning and evening, (M.B. An SGsana Parva, Chapter 165, Verse 19). {ix) Mention about river Sindhu occurs throughout the Rgveda. Prominent rivers mentioned in Rgveda are Kaubha, Sindhu, Suvastu, Vitasta, Asikni, Parvsal, Vipicy Satadra, Sarasvatt etc SINDHU II. A country very famous in the Puréaas Jayadratha the King of Sindha was present at the ‘Svayathvara marriage of Draupadi (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 183, Verse 21). SINDHUDVIPA. A’King of the Solar dynasty, (Mahé bharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse4). TBi® King was the son of Jahnu and the father of Balakasv3- ‘This King did penatice in the holy place called Prt dakatirtha and attained Brahminhood. (M.B. Saly# Parva, Chapter 39, Verse 37) It ismentioned in Bhigavata, Skandha 9, that Sindh, dvipa was the son of Srutanabha who was the son 0! Bhagiratha, SINDHUPRABHAVA. A holy place, The river Sindhu starts. from this place. This is a place frequented bY the Siddhas and the Gandharvas. He who bathes he? for five days with fast can obtain heaps of Gold. (M.B- Vana Parva, Chapter 86, Verse 84). SINDHUPULINDA. A kingdom of India very famous in the Puranas, (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva a Shee Royapes. (Mahabharata, Bhtema Parva, Chap SINDHUSAUVIRA. A place i India, famous in the Puranas, Parva, Chapter 86, Verse 84) gina do not know dharma (duty), [UTAMA. A holy place. (Mahal o Parva, Chapter 82, Verse 78), The ene a un holy places in the world and ‘that by bathing fa this Lirtha one can obtain heaps of gold. e SINT. A King of the Yadavadynast Devaki to be wedded toVasudeva after dete handed in battle, all. the kings fought between tis. §) Somadatta. (Drona Pa SINIVAK. A. hermit, council of Yudhisthira. 4, Verse 14). the North-west part of (Mahabharata, Van ). The people of Sindhu ote Gale int ot Bevan peat One a a al (MB. Sabha Parva, “Chapter SINIVALIT 7 SINIVALI I. 1) Birth. A daughter of Aigiras. The wife of Avigiras was Smyti. She gave birth to four daughters named ‘Kuhi, Rakai, Anumati and Sinivali, (Visnu Purina, Arnéa'l, Chapter 10) ae & mentioned in Bhagavata, Skandha 6, that inivali was the third daughter of Arigiras by his wife Sraddha, . ome 2) Other details. (G3) Dréyadrsya is another name of Si is small. So sometimes she can be scen and sometimes she cannot be seen. It is in this meaning that she gets the name Dréyadyéya (scen and unseen). Siva bears her in his forehead. So she has another name Rudrasuti, (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 218, Verse 5). (ii) Siva used Sinivali as the yoke of the horses of his chariot in the battle with Tripuras. (M.B, Karna Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 32). (iii) Ac the time of his birth Sinivali had come to see the child Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 13). (iv) It is mentioned in Atharva Veda that Sinivali is a wife of Mahavisnu, SINIVALI II. A daughter born to Brhaspati by his wife Subha. It is stated in Vayu Purana, Chapter 90, that though Sinivali_was given in Marriage to Praji- pati Kardama, she abandoned him and lived with Soma (Moon) SIPHA. A river extolled in Reveda. It is stated in Sakta 104, Anuvaka 15, Mandala 1 of the Rgveda that, the asura hamed Kuyava should be thrown into the depths of Sipha as he stole money. SIRADHVAJA. Janaka the father of § details see under Janaka). IRISAKA. A naga born in Kasyapa dynasty. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 14) ae SIRISI. A Vedantist son of Viavamitra. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 59} SIRKALI. A sacred place in South India. Brahmapura is another name for this place which is near Kumbha- Konam in Tanjore District. The place was sanctified by the birth of Tirujfianasambandhar. (For further details see under Tirujnanasambandhar). SISIRA. Son of Soma the Vasu, of his wife Manohara. To the couple were born four_sons called Varcas, Prana, Ramana and Sigira. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 22). SISIRAPARVATA, A mountain near Mount Meru. (See under Mahameru) SISTA. Dhruva’s son by Dhanyd. Sista married Sue echaya, daughter of Agni. Four sons, Krpa, Ripufijaya, Vrtta and Vrka were born to them. (Matsya Purana, 4,38). SISTI. A son of Dhruva, Dhruva had two sons, Sisti and Bhavya, by his wife Sambhu, Sist's wife, Succhaya gave birth to five sons, namely, Ripu, Ripuijaya, Vipra, Vekala and Vrkatejas, ‘The eldest of them Ripu Was the father of the Manu, Cakgusa, (Vignu Purana, got 1, Chapter 13). U. A son born to the Saptamitrs due to the blessing of Subrahmanya. The cyes of the child were blood-red. Ic was called Viral ; bee yes taka as well. (Vana Parva, Chapter . Her body . (For further 19 SISUPALA SISUMARA I. A Rel, Thit Rei used to live in water in the form of a crocodile. There isa. story about him in the Paficaviznsa Brahmapa. Once all the Rsis joined together in praising Indra. Séumira alone remtined tent without taking part ia it, Seeing this, Devendra ordered Sumara to praise him, "The sage’ answered proudly that he had ng Ge for it and that he would praise Indra for as much time as was needed to throw the water upwards, Recordingly he started praising Igdra: ‘The sage to ‘oom Indes praise was’ at fist disagreeable, sabes. quently felt that he could not do it too much. By his austerity he acquired “Samavidya”, He even compos- cd a “Sima” (a. yma) in praise of fagra-” In Inter times it became famous as “Sarkarasama” S1SUMARA TL. A constellation o called because itis in the form of a Sixumara (Crocodile). It is said to be the starry form of Visnu, At the tail-end of it is Dhruva, which automatically rotates and also makes planetsilike the Sun and the moon to rotate. Stars follow the self-rotating Dhruva and rotate like a wheel. ‘The Sun and the moon along with stars and planets are bound by the cord ofatmesphere to, Dhruva ‘The basis and support of this constellation of is Mahavisnu, who is the support‘of all light and ‘effulgence. Dhruva, son of Uttanapada came to be installed at the tail-end of Sigumfra as he had wor- shipped Visnu. Sicuméra is dependent upon Visnu, the [old ofall and Dhruva is dependent upon Sisumara, Surya is dependent on Dhruva. (Visqu Purana, Part 2, Chapter 9). SISUMARAMUKHI. A woman follower of Subrah- anya, (MB. Salya Parva, Chapter 40, Verse 22). SISUNAGA. The first King of the Sidunaga dynasty. He founded the dynsaty after defeating Nandivarchana or Pradyors family, Ring of Magatha. ‘Though ‘he first belonged to Kasi region, later on he settled down in Magadba. Rakavarna was Situntga't son. ‘The following ten Kings of §¥undga dynasty ruled the country for 360 years, (1) Kakavarna (2) Kgem dharma (3) Ksemajit (4) Vindhyasena (5) Bhim! raitra, (6) Ajatalatru (7) Vathéaka (8) Udist @) Nandivardhana (10) Mahanan: (Matsya Purana, 272, 6-17; Vayu Purana 99. 314-315). SISUPALA. King of Cedi. 1) Previous birth, Jaya and Vijaya, gate-keepers at Vaikuntha were Born thrice in astra womb as result of the curse by munis like Sanaka. They were first born as Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakagipu, next as Ravapa and. Kombhakaroa. andthe third me as Sifupala and Dantavaktra. (See under Jayavijayas). 2) Birth. Sigupala was the son of King Damaghosa of Cedi by his wife, Srutasravas (Bhégavata, 9th Skandha).” He was born. with tree eye, and four hands, and at the time of birth he brayed like an ass, {0 the patents decided to abandon the ugly and awkward child, Tmmeduely a Jin (ghost) appeared ‘and told the father that the child would grow up to become very rong ‘and. powerful, ‘and that only one person would be able to kill him and that person had already been born on earth. Further questioned by Sivupala’s mother, the Jin said that as soon as the son saw the person born to kill him, he would lose his third eye, and that if he was seated on the lap of the person, two SISUPALAVADHAPARVA 720 out of his four hands would be lost. After having said this the Jin disappeared, News about this peculiar spread far and wide ‘and many kings visited him. Damaghosa placed the Child on the lap_of each of them, But, no physical Change occurred to him. Then one day $:1 Kryya and Balabhadra came to see the child, whose mother Srutasraves (she was also the sister of Krsna’s father) placed him on Kryna’s lap. Immediately two hands and the third eye of the child vanished, and with tears“in her eyes the mother prayed Krsna never to kill Siupata, and Krsna promised. that he would forgive the crimes of Sifupala a hundred times. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 43). 3). Other information. (i) Sigupala was present at the wedding of Draupadi. In his attempt to draw the bow he fell down on his knees, (Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 28). (i) He was present at the wedding of the daughter of the King of Kalifiga also. (Santi Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 6). (ii) He was the Commander-in-Chief of the armies of Jarésandha, (Sabha Parva, Chapier 14, Verse 10). (iv) When Bhima conquered all the kingcoms Sisupala honoured him. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 29, Verse 11) (wv) He too was present at the Rajastya of Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 234, Verse 14). (vi) At the Rajasiya, Krma heaped insulting words on Sifupala, (Sabha Parva, Chapter 37). (vil) Siupila objected to’ the selection of Krsna as president of the Rajastiya and controversy followed it {Sabha Parva, Chapter 39, Verse 11). {vili) Sigupala insulted "Bhigma at the (Sabha Parva, Chapter 41) tix) Once inthe absence of Krsna Sisupala attacked Dvaraka. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45 Verse 7). () He stole the sacrificial horse of Vasudeva, (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 9). (xi) He abducted the wife of Babhru, (Sabha Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 10) (sii) He abducted the daughter of bis uncle, th ae arg Sep of acl, the og (sili) Following the above he was illed in battle by Krgoa, (Chaprer 45, Verse 25, Sabh Parva) jer death his effulgence got absorbed in Krsna. (Sabha Peron, Chapen drWesea5). St (xv) Krona once told Arjuna that he killed Sigupala for his (Arjuna’s) good. (Drona Parva, Chapter Verse 21). er ares 181: SISUPALAVADHAPARVA, A Sub-Parva of Sabhé Parva, Chapters 40-45. SISUROMA. A naga (serpent) born in the family of “Taksaka, This Naga was bumt to. death in Janame- jaya's Sarpasatra. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, “Chapter Bi, Vere 10). a, ITA, A warrior of Subrahmanya, srEiya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 69) SITA. Wife of Sri Rama, 1) Whe i Sita? Sita is the incarnation of Mabalakgmi, peed rook the birth of a woman because of the curse cakemevait, Vedavati, Siti, Paficali, all these women of chastity were the incarnations of Laksml ‘The stories Sf Lakymg passing from birth to birth such as Vedavati, ‘Tulasi, Sita, Paftcalt andsoon untilatlastshereached the Rajasiya. (Mahabharata, sITA world of Visnu, occurring in various Puranas are collected and given, here. : Laksni, Sarasvati and Ganga were the wives of Maha- vignu. One day Viggu was sitting with his three wives and entertaining them with conversation when Devi Gaiiga looked at Vignu amorously. Instantly a quarrel arose.among the three of them. When the row became uncontrollable, Sarasvati cursed Laksmi to take birth in thecarth asa plant. Ganga cursed Sarasvati_and made her a river. Barasvatieutsed Ganga and made her a river, At the end of all these rows and curses Vigna stood up and said to Lakgmi. “Laksmi! you will take birth as the daughter of Dharmadhvaja on the carth with the name Tulasi. In order that the curse of Sarasvatl may come true, a plant called Tulasi (holy basil) will grow up on the earth froma portion of you. While you are living as the daughter of Dharmadhvaja, a asura named Safikhaciida born from my portion will marry you.” ‘The curse was realized, Sarasvatl and Gafigi became rivers. Laksmi was about to be born as the daughter ofDharmadhvaja. Who was Dharmadhvaja? He wes aman of Fgheous deeds and good qualities, born of the family of Daksasivarni who was born from a portion of Mahavisnu, Brahmasivarni was born from Dals@ varn', Dharmasavarni begot Rudrasivarni, Indras vari begot, Vesadhvaja, Rathadhvaja was thes” of Vesedhvaja. Two sons named Dharmadhvaja and Kusadhvaja ‘were born to Rathadhvaja, Dharmadhvaj and KuSadhvaja were performing penance before Devi ‘Laksmi to regain the wealth and prosperity lost by ‘he curse of the Sun, : How ‘did, Dharmadhvaja, and. Kusadhvaja lose their prosperity? Their grandiather Vrsadhvaja was a devotee Erdiva., He performed penance before Siva for a long ime. Siva became pleased with Vryadhvaja and lived in his hermitage for the period of three Devayugas- king Vrsadhvaja made a. proclamation that none other than Siva should be worshipped. As all the other gods were despised, the Sun got angry and cursed Vrsadhval®- “Tet the prosperity of yours and your posterity be dest” royed.” Siva did not like the action taken by the Su against his favourite. Siva took his trident and went against_the Sun, who took refuge near his father Pra- Jépati Kasyapa.” KaSyapa complained to Brahma: Brahma ran to Vailuntha. Siva also came there with his trident. Vignu looked at them and said ‘You gods, hear this. What is the need of all this bury? Within the short time you have’ taken to run up to tbis Pisce so many years have elapsed in the world, "Its 4 long time since Vrsadhavaja died. His son Rathadhvaj® also is dead. Rathadhvaja has two sons named Dhat~ madhvaja and Kuéadhvaja, They both have become Kings. " But because of the curse of the Es the Sun, they a! devoid of any radiance. ‘The i id of any radiance. ‘They vate now worshipping Mohalakgmt for radiance." "Heasing this tlk of Mab visau all of them returned to their place Tena acs eee BE aag sult ahvajahad been engaged in penance before Mahilalks=™; Dost Mattakemt appeared before them and granted heir wish. Devi promised them that yuld take birth as the daughter of each of thes and he would geeove: for thent all the wealth and prosperity they baé ae \ccordingly Mahalaksmi took birth by her portio® the daughter of Madhavi, the wife of Dharmadhvaj® SITA 1 under the name Tulasi. (For the rest of the story of ‘Tulasi see under Tulasi, Para 4). Malivati was the wife of Kusadhvaja. As Laksmi had promised to take birth as their daughter, both of them Waited for the birth of the child uttering ‘the Vedas. At this time a child was bora irom the mouth of Kusadh- vaja. This child was the incarnation of Laksmi. With the birth of the child Kusadhvaja regained all the wealth and prosperity he had lost. The child was nama Vedavati (Devavati). She grew up and became a young woman. Her desire was to get Mahavisawasher husband, Once an agura named Sambhu came to the hermitage of Kusadhwaja. When he saw Vedavati he fell in love with her, He asked Kusadhvaja for the hand of his daughter, but Kusadhvaja did not give his consent. Sambhu got angry. He came back in the night and kill- ed Kusadhvaja with his sword. Hearing the sound Veda- vati woke up and saw the dead body of her father lying ina pool of bleod. She looked at Sambhu angrily. In that fiery look Sambhu was burnt to ashes. Vedavatt began to perform very severe penance to get Vignu as her husband. Tt was at this time that Ravana hhad begun his campaign of conquest. He defeated all kings and was proceeding victoriously through the of the Himalayas, when he saw the beautiful damsel Vedavati sitting alone and performing penance. Seeing so beautiful a girl engaged in penance, he told her that he was the famous Ravana with ten heads and requested her to throw away the garment of bark of the tree and the matced hair and to accept him as her husband. She rejected his request. ‘The angry Ravana caught hold of her hand. She resisted using her teeth and finger-nails, She cried out that she wanted no more to retain the body made impure by the touch of a wicked person. She made a fire and jumped into it, Thus in the sight of Ravana, she burni herself to death. Before death she vowed that in the next birth Mahavigau would become her husband and would kill Ravana. Ravana who himself was burning ir the fire of amour, wwas extremely sorry at the death of the beautiful girl He took the ashes of hers to Lak and put them in a golden box and kept the box in a solitary place. He used to visit the place daily. Since the arrival of the ashes, bad omens hegan to occur in Laika. One day Narada came to Laika. Ravana asked Narada for the reason of constant occurrences of bad omens in Laiik, Narada replied that the cause of bad omens was the golden box he was keeping and that if it was kept in Laika any longer, it would cause destruction and that if it was destroyed, great disaster would follow. Narada advised Ravana to remove the box without opening it to some- where else outside Lanka, Accordingly Ravana caused the golden box to be dropped in the sea, By and by it came with the waves to the shore of Bharata (India). Robbers took it and went to the north and bid it ina forest. They were not able to take it away again, ‘Thus the box came to be deposited on the basin of a river in Mithila, Te was this river -basin that King Janaka selected as the place for sacrifice. Being kept_in this holy place, the ashes of the body of Devavati in ithe box mingled with her spirit and was taking shape into a child, When the place was ploughed for preparing the spot of sacri fice, for Janaka, this golden box was discovered. ‘The child which was inside the box, was taken home and a 721 SITA I brought up by the king who named her Sita. Tt_was the portion of this Sita herself that took birth next as Paneali, (Devi Bhagavata, Kamba Ramayana) Other versions. (i) ‘The King Padmaksa performed penance before ‘Mahavignu with a view to get Mahdlaksmt as daughter. Mahavisnu gave the King a great Phallus to. realize his wish. From that a beautiful girl was born. The King named her Padmé. When she attained marriage- ‘able age, the King made preparations for her Svayamn- vara (the bride herself choosing a husband). On the day Axed for the marriage Rakgacas came and destroy- edall the preparations and Killed King’ Padmakea, Becaus. of "her sorrow at this diester PadmA jumped into the fire. ‘The giants searched for Padma’ every where, but they could not find her. They returned in Gisappoinument. One day, during this period, Ravana was travelling in fis Aerial chariot. When he reached this place, he Wi Dada who had come out of the fire. Ravana wat fascinated by the beauly of Padma. So he turned towards her, Seeing this, Padma again jumped into the pile of fire for safety. Without any “delay” Ravana made a search in the pile of fire. At last he got the body of Padma (Sita) in the form of five jewels. The disappointed, Ravaja placed the five Jewels in a bowsnd took it to Laika and gave it to his wife Dandodart, One Gay Mandodart’ opened that box and saw Padma sitting in the form of a beautiful inginy ‘Thinking that twas. not propitious to. keep Heat was the, ate of destructica to Padmaksa, his family and “kingdom, Mandodari exerted pressure on Ruvafa to east the box out of Lanka. Ravana with his men took the box from Lanka and buried it in Mithila, Before the box was closed Padma cursed Ravana, “I will come to Laika again to kill you and your lan.” One day when a brahmin of Mithila was ploughing his field he got this box. Thinking that it belonged to the King, the brahmin took the box to King Janaka, ‘The King took the child in the box and brought it up. ‘He named the child Sita. (Ananda Ramayana, 7-6). (ii) In Adbhuta Ramayana we see another story which is somewhat different from that we sce in Ananda Ramayana, Ivis given below Ravana who had become the harasser of the entire world began to harass the hermite and sages also. He used to shoot arrows at the hermits who were sitting in ‘meditation in the forests, and taking their blood in the arrow-head, he stored it in a big pot. In the same forest a hermit named Grtsamada was engaged in penance to get a daughter who would be equal to Laksmi in everyway. He took milk with the head of Darbha grass and stored it daily ina pot, One day Ravana came to his hermitage and took the pot of milk stealthily. He poured the milk into the pot in which he had stored the blood and stirring it well gave it to his wife Mandodatt. Secing the character of her husband becoming worse and worse every day, Mando- dari became miserable. One day she decided to commit suicide and drank the contents of the pot given by Ravana. ‘The thing which was taken for suicide, made her pregnant. Mandodari buried that foetus “in Kurukgetra, After awhile a girl was born SITAI 722 from it, That child was Sita, the daughter of King anak. JE} There is story in Devi, Bhagavata stating how Sita was bom as the daughter of Ravana. It is as follows : Ravana wished to marry Mandodari, the daughter of Maya. ‘Then Maya said to Ravana thus :—Accord- ing to the horoscope of Mandodari, the first child born to her will be the destroyer of its clan. So it would be better to kill that child.” Not acting ‘upon the advice ofMaya, Ravana put the first child in a box and buried it in the city of King Janaka, This child was Sitd, the wife of Sri RAma, 2) Marriage. Sita grew up in the palace of King Janaka, Kusadhvaja the younger brother of Janaka hhad three daughters. They were named Mandavi, Crmila and Srutakiri, Sita grew up along with these three sisters. The four of them grew up as sisters and friends. Sita grew up to be a_young woman. Several young men wished to marry her. Janaka refused averyone of them. One day the princesses were play- ing with dheir maids in the garden of the harem. Sita sat on the dais in the centre of the garden to make a flower garland. All their attempts to gather the jasmi flowers from the twigs of a large mango tree garden ended in. failure, Sita instantly ran to the ‘Weapon-house and taking a bow and arrow, shot down the flowers. The flowersiell down on the cloth placed on the ground without being damaged. Janaka saw the shooting of Sita, from the palace. He was amazed at “the expertness of Sita, The bow which Sita took was Snivacapa (the bow of Siva), Siva had used this in days of old, to destroy the sacrifice of Daksa. ‘who was pacified by the destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa and the victory over his enemies, gave this bow to his devotee, the King of Videha. That King kept the bow in his weapon-house and used to worship it. ita had taken that bow and shot with it, hhe King who had been thinking about the marriage of Sita thought that what he saw was a good omen. So the King made a proclamation that only he who could take the bow of Siva, draw it, and shoot with it would become eligible to marry Sita, Hearing this many adventurers came to the palace and tried to handle the Saivacapa and retreated admitting defeat, It was at this time that Vievamitra brought Rama and Lakgmana to the forest for the protection of sacrifice, Hearing about the Svayathvara of Sita, Vigvamitra took the princes to the palace of Janaka. "The King was greatly pleased when he learned shut the princes were the sons of Dagaratha, of the solar Dynasty. Next morning, at the instruction of his elders and priests and teachers, Sci -Rama_ stood on the dais in the middle of the hall, ‘where the Saivacipa was placed, ready to handle it He lifted up. the bow with his left hand, drew it easily and fastened the string tightly and the bow was broken. When the Kings who were present, heard the roari sound of the breaking of the bow, they shivered wit fear as serpents at the sound of thunder. Sita jumped with joy like a peacock. A letter wassent to Dasaratha then and there. Friends and. relatives arrived. Under the guidance of the presiding priest Satinanda, the wartlage ceremony was conducted. Rama married ta, Bharata. married Mandavl, Laksmana married ‘Urmila, and Satrughna married Srutakirti. ‘The brides sITA1 and bridegrooms went to Ayodhy with their parents and relatives. (Kamba Ramayana, Bilakanda). 3) dnasind's gift of clothes and ornaments, Dasaratha wh hed besos of shed to hand over the ream to S:i Rama. Since Kaikeyi stood as. a hindrance, the kingdom fell into the hands of Bharata, Moreover Sita had to live in the forest with Sri Rama and Laksmaga for fourteen years. In the eatly period of their forest-life they visited the hermitage of Atri Seeing the devotion of towards her busband, Anastya the wife of hermit Atri, blessed her and gave her a fine garland, clothes and ornaments and cosmetics, Anasiya blessed Sita again and said that she would shine as Lakgmi if she besmeared her body with the divine cosmetics. (Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhy® Kanda, Sargas 118-120). 4) Test by Parvati and Paramesoara. In the last year of forest-life Parvati and Parameévara tested the firmness si ove IM abe Rw (Be wdce HAey Para 5) Phantom Std, A few days before the abduction of Sita by Ravana, Fire god took the guise of a Bralmin. and approached Sri Rama and said :“O, Sri Rama ‘The Devas have sent me to tell you certain, things which will take place shortly. Your incarnation has the aim of killing Ravana, Sita is meant to be a cause for the same. The death of Ravana is imminent. He will come and carry Sita away. So entrust Siti with me. Iwill keep her carefully. Make a_ phantom (Maya) Sita and keep her here, instead of the real Sitadevi, After the killing of Ravana, when Sita enters fre as a proof of her purity, I will return Devi Sita.” Sti Rama agreed to it, Fire god by his power of contem= Qlation, created phantom Sid, exactly like, the ro ita in shape and figure and nature and placing her beside Rama, he disappeared with thereal Sita was not aware of this fact, The real Sita Devi wasundet the care of Fire god till the moment of the test of chastitY of Sita by fire, after the killing of Ravana, During the lime: of entering the fre the Husory Sita vanished £9 the fire and the real Sita came out, (Devi Bhagavat®s Skandha 9). (ori heee 8) Sit killed Soharramatia. See under Sahasramvk® 7) Abandonment of Sit@. See under Rama, Para Stn te hetutage of Velma ‘Abandoned Site who ‘was pregnant, wandered about in the forest and at ast reaclied the hermitage of Valmiki, who gave her protect” ion and shelter. The story of an occurrence ‘at this Tee eeeiyen in Kathisaritsigara, Alaikdravatilambak® ‘The other hermits did nor Ike shelter to Sita, They said “Sita isi ise ea ea ore 4 ee ONT Te association we also would hecome sinners. As the hermit ‘Valmiki is kind, he will not cast her away especiallY when she is pregnant So the best thing for all of us, 8 {2 go to another hermitage.” This murmuring of rermits reached the carsof Valmiki, He said She 35 pure and chaste. know it with my inward eyes.” BUt they did not believe it. "Then Sita said “Lond! you ca? test my chastity in whatever way you like, and if 18 found to be impure you may cc? off my head.” e hermits tested Sita in the Ti @ ie Tittibhasaras near the hermitage of Valmiki) and wer ‘Valmiki’s action of giving sIvAL 723 convinced that she was chaste and pure. (See under Tiutibhasaras. to know the greatness of this divine lake) 9) Cursed Sita, Sith was spending miserable days in the hermitage of Vali ‘Her matrimonial life was a hell. Is there any special reason for misery? Yes. It is the curse of a bird. Once Sesa told this story, of the cursing of Sita by a bird, to the hermit Vatsyayana, That story is given below: ‘The event took place when Sité was a young gixl in the palace of Janaka. Onc day while Siti was playing in the garden’she saw two parrots, cock and hen, which talked well, ‘The spouses were delightfully engaged in love-making. As soon as the couple saw Sita they flew up to a tee and sang thus: “A handsome king will take birth on the earth, His name will be Sri Rama. His wife’s name will be Sita, Their wedded life will be PPY. faring the song, Sita thought that they were some ine persons, and asked her maids to catch them and give them food, The maids caught the parrots and Brought thein before Sita. She asked the birds, “Don’t fear. Who are you ? Where do you come from ? Who is that Rama? Who isSita? How did you come to know of them ? Tell me all. Twill not hurt you ! ‘The birds replied. ‘In the forest there is a hermit named Valmiki, We live in his beautiful hermitage. That hermit has composed the story Ramayana, which is yet to happen, and has taught it to his disciples. We have heard those songs. Having heard them over and over we also have learned them by heart. We will tell you who Rama is and who Jénakt is and what would happen to her who lives happily with him. Elear it ! Saying thus the parrots passed on to the story of Rama. Due to th sactifice of the hermit Rsyasriga, Mahavisnu incar- nated as four persons, of whom Rama the eldest, with his, younger brother and Visvamitra, would ‘come to Mithila, He would draw the bow and marry Sita... Sit was extremely pleased with the sweet song of the birds and asked them so many questions repeatedly with curiosity. Seeing the excitement of the questioner the parrots understood that she was Sita hersclf. They asked her. Beautiful girl ! who are you? Why are you so much interested in knowing about Rima ? What is Your name ?” Sita disclosed everything about her to the birds, and said “I am the same Sita, the daughter of Janaka you have sung about. I will let you go only on the day when that handsome prince Rima comes and marries me. Your conversation has made me so curious. ‘You can live comfortably in my house, cating sweet, meats.” The birds were in great fear when they heard this, "They looked at each other and replied to Sita. ‘Good child ! we birds ly about in the sky and perch on trees and bush, Houses are not comfortable to us, More: over Tam pregnant, After my delivery in our own place Lwill come here,, You need not haveany doubt.” The female parrot said thus. But Sita did not let them go. ‘Then the male parrot prayed humbly with anxiety. Sita, allow her t© go. Why do you detain my beauti- ful wife ? Allow us to have our own way in the fozest. My wife is pregnant. After the confinemext both of us will come back.” Sita said “Let her live with me, You may go as you please.” The parrots were in great sorrow. If they had notmade ay solse on that tree this detention would not have surred. ‘These pitiable supplications had no effect on hay Fi SIVA (RUDRA) Sita. ‘The male bird cried to Sita to let him take his mate along with him, and beat his head on the ground. Sita was adamant, ‘The female bird, filled with misery and anger cursed Sita thus. “You ‘have separated me from my husband. 1am pregnant. May you too be separated from your husband when you become preg- nant”. When she had finished saying, she fell on the ground and wriggled and died. An aerial chariot came down to the earth from heaven for the soul of that bird which had died exalting and glorifying Sri Rama, ‘The Soul of the bird got into the chariot and went up to heaven, The male bird, being unable to bear the death of his beloved wife, dipped himself in the Gariga. Before his death he cried out in anger, “I must be born in the city of Rama. | By my words, this Sita should be sepa- rated from her husband and fall into misery.”” ‘He died in the Ganges in Krodha (anger) and fear. | So he took. rebirth with the name Krodhana as a washerman by caste and profession, It was this washerman who spobe words of calumny about Sita, Due to the calumny of this watherman,. Sri Rama abandoned Sita and she had ‘to take shelter in the hermitage of Valmiki. (Padma Purina, Patila Khanda, Chapter 37), 10) The end of Sita, (See under Rama, Para 33) SITA II. Ariver. Mention is made in Mahabharata, ‘Vana Parva, Chapter 188, Verse 102, that once the hermit Markandeya. saw this river also in the stomach of child Mukunda (Sri Krsna). This is one of the seven Branches cf the river Ganges. (See under Sindhu). SITAPUTANA, A ferocious she-devil. | (Mahabharata, "Vana Parva, Chapter 230, Verse 28). This terrible mon ster causes abortion in women, . SITAST. A river flowing through Sakadvipa and femous in the Puranas. (Mahabharata, Bhigma Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 32). ‘ SITIKAITHA, A niga which was in the company of the nagas that came 1o lead the soul of Balabhadrarama to Patila. (Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Verge 16). SIPIKESA, A warrior of Subrahmanya, (Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 61) )- SIVA(RUDRA). One of the Trinity. 1) Birth. ‘The scers or spiritual giants of India imagined three forms to God, dividing all the activities into three departments, ie. creation, sustenance and destruction or annihilation’ Brahma, for creation, Vignu, for_susten ance and Siva, for annihilation - they are’ the Trinity. Vigna was born first, Brahm next and Siva last. The essence of Indian spiritualistic thoughtis that these three visible forms of God will, at the close of the Kalpa ease to be and become one with the cosmic power, and that the crinity will be born again at the commence- ment of the Kalpa and will wake up their respective functions ‘The dominant quality or attribute of Siva is Tamas (darkness). Many stories, with slight variations, are told in the various Puranas about the birth of Siva. Some of the more important stories are summarised below. (G) At the begining of the Kalpa, while Bralanii was meditating upon the birth of a son like himself, a child deep blue in colour, appeared on his lap, and the child fan running about crying aloud. Brabma asked the child why it was crying: then the child asked Brabma togive him a name. Though Brahma told him that higname was Rudra and asked him not to cry, he cried seven times more, Then Brahma gave him another SIVA (RUDRA) 724 seven names, and for the total eight names eight ‘Mari (orm) wives and children were alloted. Bhava, Sarva, Téana, PaSupati, Bhima, Ugra and Mahadeva were the additional seven namics, and Sun, Water, Earth, Wind, Firc, Sky, the Brahmin who has taken diksa and Moon were the eight Martis and the presiding deities allotted to them. ‘To these deities the following, ‘wives were also allotted, ic. Suvarcala, Usa, Vikesi, Siva, Svaha, Disa, Diksa and Rohini. The world is full with their progenies. Sanaiscara, Sukra, Lohitifiga, Mano- java, Skanda, Sarga, Santina and Budha are the sons of the above eight wives. This Rudra married Sati, daugh- ter of Daksaprajapati. ( Visnu Purana, Part 1, Chapter). (i) Brahma whose predominant quality or attribute israjas was born from the navel of Mahavisnu. From the Centre of the brow of Brahma was born Rudra of Tamasic quality. Brahma, by the power of his tapas, acquired the power of creation and created a red-col- oured world by his attribute of rajas. The very same world is annihilated by Rudra at the close of the Kalpa period. (Devi Bhagavata, 7th Skandia). (iii) rom the wrath of Brahma was born Rudra, from his lap Narada, from his finger Daksa, from his “mind Sanaka and others, and from his left finger a daughter called Virani. (Devi Bhagavata, 7th Skandha). ie), Four ‘mental sons” of Brahma Sanaa, Sanandana janatana and Sanatkumara showed disinclination to beget progenies. Brahma got angry at this attitude of the four sons and from the centre of his brow was born abody blue and white in colour, and he, in tears, Fequested Brahma for names and stations. Blessing him by saying ‘ma ruda’ (do not cry) Brahma allotted him names and stations. He became famous by the mame Rudra. He was also given eleven more names Brahma as follows: Manyu, Manu, Mahinasa, Mahan, Siva, Reudhvaja, Ugraretas, Bhava, Kama, Vamadeva and Dhrtavrata, These names are “otherwise famous as follows: Aja, Ekapada, Ahirbudhnya, ‘Tvasta, Rudra, Hara, Sambhu, Tryambaka, Apardjita, Ilana and Tri: bhuvana. The eleven Rudras were also allotted the following eleven positions by Brahma i.c. heart, the five organs of the body, vital force (Prana) wind, fire, water, earth, sun and moon, Rudra has eleven wives, called Di, Vetti, Usand, Uma, Niyuta, Satpis, Ila, Amb: ika, Iravati, Sudha and Diksa. Rudra, under the name Siva, is considered to be the third of the trinity. The doctrine is that as long as time is real, deluge, or snniht lation does not take place, ‘Therefore, Ridrasarhhara (annihilation by Rudra) may be taken to mean only as the beginning of new creation, (v) At the commencement of Yuga (cra) Brahma was hora from the navel of Visna. Two asuras called Madhu and Kaifabha rushed up to kill Brahma, and from the brow of Visnu, who got angry towards ‘the asuras was born Siva holding in his hands Sila (the three-prongod trident). (Vana Parva, Chapter 12). 2) Fanily life. Siva has two wives, Gaiga and Parvati (See under Ganga and Parvati). He lodges Gaga on his head. Uma, Katyayani, Gauri, Kali, Haimavati Ievari, Siva, Bhavani, Rudeani, Sarvant, Sarvamangala Aparna, Parvati, Durg4, Mrdant, Candika, Ambika, Riya, Daksayani, Girija, Menakatmaja, Camunda, Karmamoti, Carcika and Bhairavi—these are Synonyms of Parvati, Siva lives on the top of the Mahameru, where there are nine cities. At the centre is Brahma’s SIVA (RUDRA) Manovath; exactly to the eastof it is Indra’s Amaravati; at the south-eastern corner is Agni’s Tejovati; on the south is Yama’s Satiyamani; at the south-western corer is Krsnafjana of Niryti, on the west is Varuna’s Sraddhavati, at the north-western corner is Gandha- vati_ of Vayu, on the north, is Kubera’s Mahodaya, at the north-eastern corner is Siva’s Yasovati—this is the set of the nine cities. ‘Two sons called Subrahmanya and Ganapati were born to Siva of Parvati, and they are his actual sons, Some other sons also were born to him in his assumed forms and by other women, Such have been Indrajit, Handimin and others. For details see the respective words. (Devi Bhagavata, 8th Skandha, 9th Skandha; Kathasari sigara, Kathamukhalambaka) 3) Incarnations, Siva has taken several partial incar- nations, the chief of which are given below. (i) Darvisas, (See under Durvisas) (ii) Vanara (Monkey). Siva, Parvatt and their attend- 18 like Nandikesvara once transformed themselves into monkeys and played about on the Himilayas. Ravana, who came there on the occasion ridiculed Nandikes vara, who, in great rage, cursed Ravana that monkeys would destroy “him, “Being thus cursed Ravana _ raised Kailisa from its foundations and played with it. (Uttara Ramayana). (iii) Sakti, Siva incarnated himself as Sakti, son of ‘Vasistha_and was devoured by Kalmasapada, who took the form ofa Rakgasa. (Vammana Purina, Chap- ter 6), Gv) “Varuna. Siva once assumed the form of Varuna and conducted a yajia which vas attended by the Vedas in assumed forms. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85). 4) Boons granted by Siva. The Puranas refer to various persons, who had earned boons from him and others who attained heaven on account of their devotion for him, The following are important among such persons. (i) Sithavaktra—(Skanda Purana, Asura Kanda). (i) Rukmi—(Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). ) Bana—(Bhagavata, lth Skandha). (iv) Sudaksina—(Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). (v) Salva—(Bhagavata 10th Skandha). (vi) Vekisura—(Bhagavata, 10th Skandha) . (sity Ratidest— (Rathisartigars, “Livanalalambaks, ‘aratiga 1). (viii) Indrajit—(Uttara Ramayana). Gx) Bhrgu—(Padma Purana, Adi Khanda, Chapter2)- (3) Gandhanr—(MLB. Adi Parva, Chapter 109, Verse (g) Avsigit—OLB, Kai Parva, Chapter 168, Verse (sii) Prabhafjana—(M.B. Adi Verse 20). Gi Svetakt—(MLB. Aa Parva, Chapter 292, Verse Gi), Jgssordha OLB, Sabba Parva, Chapter 14, (xv) Bandsura—(M.B, Southern text), © {GP Maveana—(Vana Parva, Chapter 93, Verse Parva, Chapter 214, Sabha Parva, Chapter 33; (evil Sagara—(Vana Parva, Chapter 106, Verse 15) SIVA(RUDRA) 725 (xviii) Bhagiratha (Vana Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 1). (ais) Jayadratha— (Vana Parva, Chapter 272, Verse (xx) Amba—(Udyoga Parva, Chapter 187, Verse 12). ext) Somadatia (Droxa Parva, Chapter’ 143, "Verse 16) (xxii) Viszu—(Drona Parva, Chapter 201, Verse 56). Gesiil) Parasurima-—(Karga Parva, Chapter $4, Verse 116; Santi Parva, Chapter 49, Verse 33). (xxiv) Skanda— (Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 46). ee Arundhati—(Salya Parva, Chapter 48, Verse (xevi) A Brahmin boy—(Santi Parva, Chapter 153, Verse 114), (xxvii) Tandi muni—(Anuéasana Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 69). 5) Assets of Siva. Siva possesses a mass of matted hair, red in colour, It is known as Kaparda also, and hence he is called Kapardi as well. Siva is also stated to’ be Agni. He has three eyes, the third one on the forchead being all fire. Siva is called Trinetra, Phalanetra, Agnilocana etc. because of theabove facts. It is only just and proper that Siva, who is the destroyer of all things should have relation to Agni. Siva, the all- destroyer, carries the Sila in his hands always. Another weapon is named Pindka, and therefore Siva is called Pindkapani (he who holds Pindka in his hands). Both iva and his vehicle, the Bull, are white in colour. The white colour indicates the ‘justice observed in the process of annihilation. Siva has been described as Possessing two, four, eight and ten hands. Besides the Pindka, he holds in his hands the club called Khatvaiiga, the bow called Ajagava, a deer, beads, skull, damaru (a musical instrument) and many other sacred articles. Gaiiga and Candra (moon )dwell on his head, and he is, therefore, known as Gaiigidhara and Candraciida also. A Garland made of human skulls adorns his neck. Siva wears the skin of the leopard for cloth and uses the skin of the elephant for blanket. All over his limbs snakes ate worn as ornaments. ‘The Puranas contain stories as to how Siva earned most of the above assets. The wives of many Rais felt ena~ moured of Siva, who once appeared in the. garb of a beggar. ‘The Reis, who got angry with Siva on the above account, decided to Kill him. From the pit they dug on the ground, a tiger emerged. Siva killed it and ‘yore its skin. A deer followed the tiger from the pit. iva held it in his left hand. ‘he next to emerge out of the pit was a red-hot iron rod. Siva took it in his hands as.a weapon. Lastly snakes came out of the pit and Siva wore them on his body. On another occasion an asura called Gaya assumed the form of an elephant and chased the munis, who ‘ook refuge ina Siva temple. iva appeared, killed the elephant and wore its skin_on his body. Since Siva wore snakes as ear-rings he came to be known as Nagakundala. Brahma ordered that Rudra should create people and accordingly he created people, But, his creations were very cruel beings. Brahma feared that they would eat up the other creat- ions, Brahma, who trembled with fear, asked Rudra {o retire from the act of creation and to train himself 10. do creation in the proper. manner as ordained. ccordingly, Rudra started practising tapas. SIVA (RUDRA) 6), Incidents (1) How Siva got the name Jimutaker, (See under Jimitakeru). (ii) He became Kapali, (See under Kapalt). (iit) Sin of Brakmatiatya on Sica, As he plucked off the head of Brahma Siva became subject to the sin of Brahmahatya. Blue in colour and with grey hair, terrible Brahmahatya approached Siva who asked her who she was and why she came. She ans- wered that she was Brahmahatya and asked Siva to take her into him. She entered his body so that he felt a burning sensation all over him. In this condition Siva went to Badaryaérama. But, the great Rsis, Narandra- yanas were not there in the agrama. Sad at heart Siva Went to the river Yamuna to take a bath, But the ver Gried tip. Then he went to Plaksa island to. bathe; but the island disappeared. ‘Then he went to Puskard- anya, Migadhiranya, Saindhavaranye, Naimisiranya, ‘Dhannaranya etc. all to no purpose. He got worn out but could nothave a bath. The terrible Brahmahatya id not leave him, Though he visited sacred rivers, jramas and temples and practised Yoga, Siva did not get redemption from sin. At last, in great disappoint ent he went to Kuruksetra, where he sav Visnu. With folded hands Siva praised Visqu who advised him the following means for absolution from sin. “A Bhagavan born from my aspect under the name Yogasayi is living at Prayaga. ‘The geeat river Varuna which has started from the right leg of YogaSéyi and which redeems all sins as also the sublime river Asi, which has Started from his left leg are bath worshipped by the whole world. The temple of Yogasayi is at the centre of these rivers, and that is a sacred place most important in the three worlds and annihilative of all sins. That city is the fat Varinasi, Even materialistic or worldly people {fet salvation there, It is my (Visou) asrama, ‘There dwells Sarya called Lola destroying all sins. The place Where Keéava my aspect lives, is DasaSvamedha, If you go there you will get redemption from sin.” ‘Thus directed by Vignu Siva went to Varanasi and achieved absolution from the sin of Brahmahatya by bathing in the holy’ tirthas there. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 3). (iv) Birth of Virebhadra. (See under Daksa) , (x) Water in Ralind’ got dark in colour. (See under Parvati, Para 2). (vi), Sioa became Nagabh@rana, (See under Nagastram). (wii) Blessed Sukofa. Vidyutiesa, the Raksasa married Salakataika, daughter of Sandhya. While they toured the world round enjoying their honeymoon Silakatana conceived and deli livered in due course ason in the valley of Mount Mandara, Siva and Parvati, who pass- ed that way in an aerial chariot saw jhe child and came down toit, By the blessing of Siva the child grew up toa youth very quickly. Siva named SukeSa and after blessing that he would grow up to become a pious soul disappeared from the scene. (Uttara, Ramayana) . 1) i ter of tnt, (See under Indra, (ix) Four faces of Siva, (See under Tilottama, Para 2). (x). Sword of Siva, Siva holds a sword in his hand (© destroy the asura, tribe. The following is told in Chapter 165 of Santi Parva about the origin of the sword, SIVA (RUDRA) 726 Brahind when he erated the univere also Iaid down laws to keep living beings in the path of ‘righteousness. But the arvas did not conform to those laws, 80, the maharyis decided that there should be some other reans to instruct the asuras. They conducted a Brahma yajfiaat the Himslayas. A terrible Jin (Evil Spivit) emerged from the sacrificial pit. ‘At the emergence of the Jin the earth shook; the {great sca_grew wild with waves and eddies. Lightning 2nd shooting stars appeared and branches of trees were torn asunder. A vicious whirlwind swept, the ten regions. All living beings trembled at the sight of the Jin, i. Brahma appeared to the frightened maharsis and told them that it was nota Jin, but only the sword for the destruction of the asura tribe. Siva took the sword in bis hand, and as soon ashe touched ithe became possessed of four hands. “Siva, whose head touched the sun, who had the third eye and from whose mouth flames ‘of fre emerged, who changed himself to various colours like blue, white and red, who wore deer skin, with golden spot, who had pn his forehead an eye as effulgent as the Sun—such Siva took in his hands the fiery sword and raising his shield he swirled the sword in various directions.”* ‘When Siva, who thas became terrible, walked with the sword amidst the asura army the entire asura, forces were annihilated and the Devas came out victorious. 1) Daring deeds of Siva. F (4) Clash With Vism, ‘Though there were differences of opinion between Siva and Visnu on many occasions, only very rarely had occurred actual clashes between the two. The Puranas refer to two such important clashes. One has reference (0 a direct fight Siva fought. with Viguu and the other is about Siva’s fight with Naraya- rarsi, an incarnation of Vigna, ‘There was no reason for the direct fight between Siva and Viggu, ‘The Devas wanted to test who was the more powerful of the two, Siva or Vignu, and they told Brahma about the idea By carrying tales to. them, one against the other, Brahma made Siva and Viguu matual cnemies, The enmity led_to a fight between the two. ‘Viswakarman made a bow for each of the contestants, Tn the fight between the two Siva got defeated. Siva, who got angry at his temporary defeat. presented his bow and arrow to Devarata, King of Videha. Tt was this bow, which Sri Rama ‘broke at the wedding of Sitd in a later period. As soon as the fight was over the Devas realised that Vignu was greater than. Siva, ‘After the fight Vis gave his bow to Reika, the Bhirgava muni. Jamadagni got it from Retka, and he gave it to Paracurama, Jt was with this bow that Barasurima confronted Sri Rama on his way back after wedding Std. (Valmiki Ramayana, Balalanda, story is related in the Anusasana Parva of Mahabharata about the fight between Narayanarsi, fncarnation of Visnu and Siva, Siva, in great fury, threw bis Sila into the Yajfia hall of Daksa, and the Sala after reducing the Yajfia, to ashes, hit the breast of Narayanarsi, who was doing tapas in Badarikaérama. Narayana taised the sound ‘Hom’ as a result of which the Sila returned to Siva’s hands, who, in great anger, rushed forward to Narayana, ‘Nirayana placed his hand on Siva’s throat with the result SIVA (RUDRA) that it became dark in colour. to be known a Sitikaytha also. Narayana plucked a blade of grass and recited some mantras. {t became a parasu (axe). He threw it at Siva, who broke it into pieces, which act gave him the additional name of Khandaparaéu also. ‘The fighting became fierce and the world began | burning. Fire refused to receive offerings made; Rsis could not recollect the Vedas; Rajas and Tamas attacked Devas; the carth shook; ‘planets became dim and dark; Brahma fell down from his seat; sky came down; oceans got dry; the Himalayas crumbled, On the continuous appearance of such ill omens Brahma and all the Devas came to the battlefield, Saluting Rudra Brahma told him thus : “Oh! Lord! Let good happen to the world. In the interests of the welfare of the world. you would please give up arms. ‘The Naranariyanas are Upholders of righteousness; they ave the inar nations of the indestructible and supreme sages. I was born from, their pleasure. You were born from their wrath.” ‘On hearing these words of Brahma Siva cooled down. (ii) Rendered Kamadesa bodiless (timbless). See under Kamadeva, Parva 4). Gil) Bore Gariga on the head. Sco under Ganga. (iv) Consumed Kalakita. Owing to the curse of Durvasas the Devas were subjected to symptoms of old age, and to produce amrta (nectar) as remedy this unfortunate development, the churning of Ks bdhi (ocean of milk) was started. Vasuki, the snake, was used as cord ‘to rotate mount Mandara, which was used as the churning rod. When the churning became very intense, the mortal poison Kalakiita emer ed out of Vasuki’s mouth. (Another view. is held. that Kalakia rose out of the milk-sea), On the emergence o! the deadly poison the asuras ran off in great fear, the Devas got bewildered, Bali and Sugriva too got fright ened and po Sein his fright Visnu_covere’ is face; on the whole it appeared a ye entir weorld. would be reduced pearance Moe entlze i woul fo ashes, At this critical moment, § ‘Thenceforth Siva came ent, Siva, reputed for his reckless daring, put all the Kalakiva into his ‘mouth. Trightened at it Parvatl held Siva’sthroat by her hands co that the poison did not enter his stomach, ame time Mabavisnu covered with his ate ee od so that the poison was not spitted out. Katakata thus prevented from going down into the stomach or being vomited from Siva’s throat got itself digested in. the throat giving it a blue colour, Thus did’ Siva become Nilakantha (of the blue throat), Vignu and Parvati who were affected by the flames of the poison becatne Nilavarna and Kall respectively. (Ka ama Wigugena and Kal respectively. (Kamba. Ramayatay (9) Destroyed Dakso's yajna (ei) ‘Bought Seithcidar (Ses onde roe ee) ‘See under lasi, Para (22 Bel he Trp, (Seen Tas Beet > (vill) Fought Sarya Siva once plucked out Beahani’s head (See under Kapaij 1), and Brahma cursed! Sen chat he should beg for food with that head (skuil) in his hands. This fierce curse of Brahma affected Siva so much that, in uncontrollable wrath, he beat whomsoever he met. Thousands of Devas and others were killed. Sarya, who relished not these atrocities of Siva conffonied Rees with out-stretched hands, | Siva held with one hand of his, both the hands of Sirya from the fingers of which blood began to flow. Siva tuned Sirya round and SIVA (RUDRA) 727 round by his hands with the result that the hands of Siirya became short, When Sarya_became completely drenched in blood Siva let him free and walked to another side when Stiya, laughingly challenged him again to fight, Greatly enraged by the challenge | Siva fisted him on the face with the result he lost all his teeth, Also. he fell down unconscious, As Sirya fell thus Bhaga looked with fierce eyes at Siva, who then struck the former on his face, Both the eyes of Bhaga fell down, and the Devas were alarmed by it. Then all the Adityas, under the leadership of Indra ran off to the fen regions along with the Maruts and Agni. Only prominent aruras like Prahlida remained cn the scene. Mey saluted Siva, Siva surveyed the yaga hall, the Devas and the asuras with his three eyes. All of them then ran away to different places. Siva looked at the three Agnis with his thiee eyes and they were reduced to ashes. When Siva’s anger subsided Sirya was installed in his former form. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 5) (ix) Fought with Andhaka, See under Andhaka, (8) Made five Indras Pandacas, ‘The Pandavas, in. their former life, were Indras. (Adi Parva, Chapter 199). ‘The Devas once conducted at Naimisaranya a lengthy yajfia of which Yama was the manager. In the absence of Yama there was no death on earth. ‘Thus, human beings also, like the Devas, became Amartyas (death- less). Alarmed at this "the Devas submitted their gricvance to Brahma who pacified them by saying that Yama would return a3 soon as the yajaa was over and then men will, a usual be subjected (0 the process of death, TheDevas ther. returned to Naimisiranya, the scene of their yajta when they saw a woman, lustrous a3 fire, descending the steps of Geaga to carry water. She was sobbing and cach drop of tear that fell into. the waters of the river transformed itself into a lotus Mower. As deputed by the Devas Indra approached the woman to get facts from her. ‘Indra asked her who she was and why she was weeping, The woman answered him not, but walked in silence, to the source of the Gaga. Indra followed her. When they had thus walked some distance Siva and Parvati were found in. the forest ata game of dice, and Indra, Afraid of Sivay ran way. But, Siva called him back and asked him to enter the cave ibere. When Indra did so afterremoving the mountain at the entrance of the cave he saw four Indras sitting there. They were called Visvabhuk, Bhdtadhima, Sibj and Santi. The woman whorn Indra had followed was Sridevi, Siva blessed that the five Indras, in their next birth, would wed Seidevs. When the Indras saw Mahavignu after this he also blessed tiem, and promised them that he would incar- nate and help them when they were born as men in their next life, ‘Then Vienu plucked a black and a white hair and put them on earth. ‘The black hair ‘was korn as Sri Kygnain Devakt's womb and the white hair as Balabhadrarama in the womb of Robi (xi) Kivatarjengam. Arjuna once did tapas to Siva, who Appeared 10 him in the garb of a hunter in the forest and presented to him the Pasupata arrow. (Tor details see under Arjuna, Para 20). ii) Fought with Mahisaswa, (See under Mabisésura). (xiii) Fought with Vrtrdsura, See under Vrtrdsura. (xiv) Bunt Himavan. Siva once did tapas on the top of Himavan when Parvati came behind him and covered SIVA (RUDRA) his eyes with her hands. At once darkness enveloped the whole world, and when people suffered in the absence of day-light Siva opened his third eye. Himavan began getting burnt by the fire emitted b Siva’s eye. Parvati got alarmed at this and woke Siva up. He closed his third eye and Himavan resumed its former shape. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 104). 8) Worshp of Siva. Innumerable people in India worship Siva and they follow different forms or systems of worship. ‘There are forms of worship which follow the Vedas and which do not as also forms which are sattvic and which are not. ‘The form of worship called Parasupadam (? Pisupatam) is a very ancient one, It is believed that the paraéupadas once honoured and after- wards opposed the Vedas. The Siva Titga at the place called Gidamillam is supposed to be as old as the second century B.C. One of the many symbols, which represent Siva, Sivalitiga js the most important. They are of two kinds, the movable and the immovable, The immovable are those Which appear by themselves or installed in temples. The movable are those made of earth, stone, timber, gems ete, There are also temporary lingas, which are placed fon stools of various shapes. Linigas are made of he-stones and stools of ‘she-stones". ‘There are also various types of liigas indicative of the different atiributes of Siva; for example Liigodbhava, Candrasekhara, Raudra, Umisahita ctc, Kamantaka, Gajari, Kalari, Tripuradahaka etc. represent the Lord in his fieree aspects, Siva is also represented in poses of blessing Candesa, Visnu, Nandisvara, Vighnesvara and ‘Arjuna. He js also prerented in various poses of dancing, ‘Daksinamérti is represented in four forms, i.e. Vyakhyana Jnana, Yoga and Vinadhara. Biksitaka, Kapaladha, Gaigidhara, Ardhanarifvara__ Vrsabkavahana - and Visabhaksaka are other forms of Siva. Rarely is he depict- ed in the form of Sadagiva, Mahesvara, Ekada‘ aradras Vidye-vara and Marrtyasiaka, Thereare Agamas descrip- tive of these forms. Ganapati occupies the most. prominent piace among Devas connected with Siva. Ganapati came to be wor- ‘shipped from 6-7 centuries B.C. His present idols might have been made after this period. ‘There are many temples dedicated to Ganapati in South India. Chief among the idois are itampiti (proboscis turned to the left side) and valamnpiri (proboscis turned to the right side). Ganapati is a physical aspect of Siva. Being the God who removes obstacles in the devoiee’s path, Ganapati is called Vighnefvara. ‘The universe is coniained in his big stomach. Next to Ganapati in importance is Subrahmanya. He is_worshipped in South India only. Kumara, Muruka, Karttikeya, Skanda, Arumukha, Guha, etc. are some of his popular synonyms | ‘There are a number of Subzah- ‘manya temples in Tamil Nadu, many of them on 'the tops of hills. Ta North India Subrahmanya temples are rare. But, books written during the Saiigha period go to prove that Subrahmanya was worshipped in South India from very olden times. He is depicted in many postures, sitting, with six faces, with only onc face, with two hands, with four hands, with wife, wearing the sacted thread ete, Now, about Sakti idols. Sakti is the Devi closest to Siva. In South India there are special Sakti temples called Saktipithalayas. Durga is the most important among SIVA(RUDRA) 728 the manifestations of Sakti. There are idols of Durgis 2s standing in the lotus flower and also as mounted on the lion, Agamas refer to nine kinds or forms of Durga i.e, Nilakanthi, Ksemaitkart, Harasiddhi, Raudra, Vana, ‘Agni, Jaya, Vindhyavasini, and Ripunasini. Durga’s most terrible form iss Mahisasura-mardini, found at Mahabalipuram, Bllora and other places. Durga is also called Candika and Katydyant, Durga is worshipped as Nanda, Bhadrakill, Amba, Rajamatangi etc. 9) Sivas lifecperiod. ‘Thousand Caturyugas constitute fone day of Brahma. According to the Puranas fourteen Indras fall dead from heaven during the life time of one Brahma, ‘Two such life times of Brahma form one life time of Visnu; at the end of the period he too will expire. Siva’s life time is double that of Visnu, accord- ing to Devi Bhagavata, 5th Skandha, (For details see under Manvantara). 10) Sica and creation of the universe. See under Creation). 11) Maya Siva, (See under Maya §iva), 12) Sahasrandmas (thousand names) of Sioa. "The thousand ‘ames of Siva are mentioned mainly in Chapter 285 of Santi Parva and Chapter 17 of Anugasana Parva of ‘Mahabharata, There are substantial differences between the two lists of names. 13) Asvatihama end Siva. Para 6). 14) Rudras. The Ekidatarndras, viz. Mrgavyadha, Sarpa, Nirrti, Ajaikapat, Ahirbudhnya, Pinak, Ivara, Kapali, Sthinu and Bharga are the sons of Siva. (Adi Parva, Chapter 66). 15) Sivabhasma (Ashes worn by Siia) The Purdnes contain many references to the great power of Sivabha- sman, The following story about even Visnu turning ‘Out to be a devotee of Siva on account of the sanctity of Sivabhasma is related in Chapter 101, Patalakhanda of Padma Purana. In the beginning or during the Brahmapralaya (deluge) ‘Mabavisnu. was lying in the great waters of the deluge. ‘On both sides of Visnu hundred universes each and on both sides of his feet and at the centre ofhishead twenty universes each remained attached. One universe glowed as a gem on Vignu’s nose, -Mabarsis like Lomasa did tapas seated on his navel. Meanwhile Visgu sat in deep meditation ready for creation. But, he did not find anything and began, therefore, sobbing. Then appeared an extta-mundane light at which he got frightened and closed. his eyes. Siva, rotating in both his hands a garland cach made of 'a crore of univertes appeared before Visnu. He then stood up and enquired ‘of the visitor who he was. Siva exhibited his form. Siva told Visnu that he had not attained sufficient wisdom for creation and also advised him to achieve enough know- edge by first taking the Varuna bath and then the Bhasina bath. To this Visnu answeved by saying that there was no- where water cnough for him to bathe, and he, who was Closely surrounded by universes, sat'in water. But, it ‘came only up to his thighs. Then Siva said. laughingly that there was enough water for, Visnu to bathe and ‘cast @ glance at him with his (Siva) eye on the fore- hhead and also his left eye. And, immediately Vignu’s body became very small and it ‘began. to shiver. Then Siva said as follows:-“Oh! Visnu there is deep water. you may bathe in it. But Visnu could not get into. the Tremendous pool created on Siva’s lap. So, herequested (See under Agvatthama SIVA(RUDRA) Siva for a passage to get into the pool. Siva “Oh! Visnu ! Before this even though you sat in. water, one crore yojanas in depth, it came only up to your thighs. But, now though you are on your legs you say you can- not enter the water, Look here, the water comes only up to my thighs. You may descend into it. I shall see to it that you can step into the water. A Vedic saying, Trecite will serve as the step.” Vignu :—Nobody can step on sound. One may ascend on what is material, i.e, with form; but, how could one step on that which is formless? Sivai—Why can younot get hold of that which is and ascend ? You receive this great Veda, Visnu received it, but it appeared that his hands were not strong enough to hold it. Siva smiled at the inabili- ty of Vignu and askes him to get down into water by the steps made of Veda and when Vignu descended the steps into the water, it came only up to his thighs. He had his bath and then asked Siva what he should do next. Siva: “What do you feel in your mind ? Is it that you do not feel anything” Visnu:— I feel not anything. i:— Ifyou get sanctified by bhasmasnana you will recive the ultimate Imowledge. I shall give you the bhasma. Siva took a pinch of bhasma from his breast and_chant ing the Gayatri and paficdksara (Om nama‘sivay4) mantras sprinided it all over the body of Visnu. He also said to Visnu, “You live, you meditate, now what do you feel in your mind?” Vienu meditated whereupo™ he saw a very bright light in hie heart. When he tol Siva that alight was being seen by him the. latter said that his knowledge was’ not mature enough and Asked him to eat some bhasma so thatit might become perfect. Visnu accordingly consumed the bhasma, and Jo! he, who was till then red-blue in colon became as white as pearl, He began to be called Suklavarn® (whité in colour) from that day onwards. Mahavisnu felt. hoppy and contented having seen Sivas who asked the former what it was he saw. in his min Just then. Answering that he saw the blissful, form oF Siva before him Visnu fell at the latter's feet. To Siva’S query as to what boon he desired to have, ‘Wisnu replied that he wanted to Become a devotee of Siva and because ofthe greatness of the bhasma Vignu, theneelorwal Beane a devotee of Siva, aint Vitm™_thenceforw 16) Sivaliiga (Phallus). Worshi epular practice in India number ‘of stories about the im ivalivig® Tera haan cnmtanes, Seas of the more important stories are given beloge” () | Siva wandered about the world lamenting over the death of Satidevi at the Yajfia conducted by Daki® and Kamadeva followed him with his erotic arrows ‘© gap Sivas sory predicament, During his wander iva once came to the Vindhya mouney followed him there too and began attaching Sita wi his arrows and to escape from the fierce ondiaught. SiV# took refuge in the terrible Daru forest. There’ Mahal” sis with their wives lived. Siva saluted then and t€ id ned for alms. But, the Maharsis only kept mum. Th id not like their wives saluting Siva. rat -about Mngt ie semen ct Ar an Enraged at this, munis He wee’ DY lust for him y munis like Bhargava and Afigiras cur of Sivalinga is ? he Baripss be SIVA (RUDRA) 729 Siva that his phallusshould drop to the ground. Imme ately it fell down and Siva disappeared. Th: phallus rent asunder the earth, reached Patdla ‘and rent the universe also. The whole universe shook at which Brahma met Visqu at Patala and enquired of him the reason for the universal upheaval. Visnu answered him that the world shook because of the weight of Siva’s phallus, which the maharsis had caused to be dropped. ‘Then Brahma, along with Visnu, came to the spot where Siva’s phallus lay. At the sight of the limitless phallus Visnu, in great wonder, descended to Patala mounted on Garuda. Brahma,’ on his plane, toured above. Both Visa and Brahma returned 10 earth, having failed in their attempt to find the end of the phallus,They then praised Siva, who appeared to ther. ‘hey requested him to. take back his phallus from the earth, Siva insisted that he would do so only if the Devas agreed to worship his phallus, Visgu agreed to the suggestion. Brahma took the phallus, golden brassy in colour. ‘Thereafter. Mahavispu created the four castes and various Sastraic texts for each of the ‘castes to worship the phallus. ‘The four texts are known ‘as Saivam, Pigupatam, Kaladamanam and Kapalikam, After making the above arrangements Brahma and Visnu returned. Siva took back his phallus. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 6). (ii) Eightyeight thousand Balakhilyas were born from the mind of Brahma, ‘They emaciated their bodies by constant baths, fasting and worship of Siva, Though they worshipped Siva thus for one thousand divya years, hhe did’not appear in front of them. Afterwards, when Parvati was travelling by sky one day, the latter saw and took pity on the Balakhilyas and told Siva thus: “These maharsis are suffering like anything. For my sake, you should put an end to theit sufferings. Has their evil fate no end? ‘They are reduced to mere skin and bones, and yet they are denied realisation.” Smilingly Siva told Parvati as follows “You do not know the real course of righteousness. These people do not understand righteousness; they are, not free from lust and anger. They are mere fools.” At these words of Siva, Parvati told him thus: If things be as you have §aid’‘please show me their nature, I feel interested. Then Siva asked Parvati to remain where she was, telling her that he would go to the Balakhilyas and show her “how they behaved. Accordingly Siva went to them. Siva approached the Balakhilyas in the guise of a hand- some youth, wearing the Vanamala garland on his head, holding the alms bowl in his hands and complete- ly in the nude and requested for alms. The Women- folk of the Advaitins were much attracted by the hand- some youth and came to him with a lot of fruits, roots etc. by way of alms. Siva wished them good and Parvati espied her smiling lord from her seat. After giving him alms the women spoke to him as follows :"Oh ! anchorite, what penance are you practising ? You have no clothes on you, but you wear Vanamila, You are a handsome sannyas'. If you have no objection, please tell us about you.” ‘The sannyasi (Siva) answered them by saying that his was a very secret penance and could not be imparted to others. Especially in the presence of so many. others it Sould not be revealed. So, you may please go. But, X€ women said that they wished very much to hear the Secret, and they caughthold of his hands saying ‘Come’. SIVA (RUDRA) ‘The women were overcome by lust and one of them caught hold of his neck, another of his hands, another of his knees, another of his hair and yet another of his waist. Seeing the excitement of their wives the mahar- sis cried, ‘Strike him’ and struck down his phallus with sticks and stones. Assoon as the phallus was thus felled down, Siva disappeared from the spot and returned to Kailaisa with Parvati When the phallus fell down the whole universe, shook and the maharsis were alarmed. A very intelligent maharsi among them said :—“We know not the real facts about the great ascetic. Let us take refuge in Brabma.He may know the facis.” Accordingly the maharsis went to Brahma, who found fault with their Jgnorance and indiscretion and asked them to shed their anger and please Siva. Accordingly they went to Kailisa and praised Siva, who appeared to them and told them as follows -—“You may now return, The phallus will belong to you. I shall be pleased if you Frould duly install it, Nothing will be impossible to those who worship my phallus with devotion. Even ins consciously committed will be removed by the worship ofmy. phallus, You install the phallus you Struck down in the great pond of Sannihita. That will achieve for you all your desires. Even the Devas will worship it under the name ‘Sthanu’, Being install- ed at Sthinvigvara it will Le known as Sthinvitvara ‘also, Constant meditation upon Sthanu will remove all sins, ‘The sight of Sthanu will bring about salva- tion.” ‘After this the maharsis, along with Brahma, returned to Dara forest to carry the phallus, to Sannihita, But, they could not move it even by an iota, ‘They returned again to Kailisa, but could not sce Siva there. When Brahma sat in meditation for sometime to know where Siva was, he saw in his mind Siva, inthe guise of an elephant, standing in the stream praised by munis, Jmmediately Brahma and others went there, but missed Siva there. But Pérvati appeared there and served them amrta (nectar). When they had consumed the nectar they saw Siva standing in the siream, and they spoke about their difficulties to him, Siva, in the guise of the elephant, accompanied them to the Daru forest where he, in sport, took the phallus by his proboscis and installed it on the banks of the stream, All those who witnessed the installa- tion attained ultimate realisation. Upon the phallus ‘thus installed Brahma built another phallus with stone. After a period that phallus became one with the effulgence of the first phallus. Those who saw that also achieved ultimate realisation. Immediately Brahma buile, for the pleasure of the Devas, seven phalluses ‘one Upon the other, and sages attained ultimate reali ation by smearing their bodies with the dust of the phalluses. ‘The spot where the phallus was installed became famous by the name Sthinutittha, (Vamana Purana, Chapter 45). ii) In the beginning Brahmi entrusted Siva with the duty of creation and to earn the power for creation he lived under water for many genrrations. Siva having not retuned though Brahma waited for him long, the latter created the prajépatis and got done by them all creations, Then it was that Siva, having acquired all the more power, came out of water. Siva who got angry that all creations were effected in his, SIVA (RUDRA) 730 absence plucked his phallus and threw it into the earth. He said that, since matters of creation had been managed by Brahma, he needed the phallus no further. ‘The phallus thus thrown by Siva stuck to the earth and remained pointed upwards, Next, Siva performeda dance of annibilation among the Devas.Ultimately, on the request of the Devas Siva deposited his fire of wrath in water. It is that fire which dries up water in seas, rivers etc. When Siva had shed his anger and become quiet the Devas worshipped the phallus, which had stuck to the earth, and thenceforth worship of Siva’s phallus became popular. (MB. Sauptika Parva, Chap- ter 17). 17) Stealilas ( Sports of Siva). ‘The Puranas refer to the following sixtyfour lilds (sports) of Siva. (1) Devendra redeemed from sin. (2) Airavata redeemed from sin. (3) Building of Madhurapura in Kadamba forest. (4) Sri Parvati born as Tatataki. (5) Pandyadeva wedded ‘Tatataka. (6) Dancebefore sage Patanjali (7) Kundo- dara granted power to consume much rice (8) Quench- ed Kundodara’s hunger and thirst with rice ete. and waters of river Vaigi (9) Brought the seven seas near to please his wife (10) Brought Malayadhvaja down to earth from Devaloka (11) Created the son called ‘Ugra (12) Ugra given three weapons like éila (13) Removed the sea from his side (14} Broke the crown of Indra (15) Ugrapandya given gold from Mahameru (16) Taught the maharsis the meaning of Vedas (17) Sold gems to the King to make a crown (18) Made the clouds drink water from the ocean (19) Stopped excessive rain-fall (20) Exhibited the prowess of realisation (21) Made ‘stonc-elephant” cat sugar-cane (22) Killed the clephant which a Buddha sannyasin had sent after being subjected to black magic(23) Blessed a brahmin girl (24) Did various kinds of dances (25) Brought to light and proved the death of brahmin woman (26) Annihilated the evil or sin of having slept with the another and killed the father (27) Killed Siddha to save the wife of preceptor, who taught archery (28) Made the snakes sent by Buddha sannyasins poisonless (29) Killed cows sent by the same sannyasins (30) Exhibited innumerable soldiers to. save the commander-in-chief of the Pandya army (31) Gave the Pandya King a money-bag, witen ‘would never become empty (32) Disguised hitiselfere ‘Vaisya and sold bangles (33) Granted astasiddhis to Yaksis. (34) Opened the door of the temple for the Cola King (35) Supplied water to the Pandyan arm (36) Converted base metals into gold ete (37) “De. feated the Cola King (38) Gave a Sddra a veal. fine with gingelly sceds (89), A Vaitya boy given’ victory asuit (40) Redeemed'the Pindya ‘Kine from qo of bratmahatya (41) Cartied "firewood to: save the devotee named Bhadra (42) Wrote a letter to the Cera King on behalf of Bhadra (43) Bhadra presented with a plank (44) Bhadra's wife granted. victory sa nagavidya (45) Assumed the form of pork, and yea the small offsprings (46) Small pork made minister (47) A Kbadjarita bird was taught the mrtyanjaya mantra so that it could escape from the attack of cron (48) A. Sarari bird granted salvation (49) Boundaries of Madhurapura shown by serpent (50) Defeated the Cola King (51) Dravidian scholars given the Sarhgham plank (52) Wrote a verse for a brahmin at the instance of the Pandya King (53) Saved Nakkira (54) Nakldra fought sitras (aphorisms) (55) Made a comparative SIVA (RUDRA) study of theses (56) Visited northern Wedded fisher-girl (58) Jaanadthss tion int knowledge) given to the ‘minister called Vatapuresa (59) Sold magic horses to the Pandyan King (60) River made bigger (61) Carried mud for pancakes (62) Gured the fever and hunch-back of Kubja Pindya (63) Made Jnanasambandhar kill the naked ones on the fala (64) Brought tree, tank, Sivalifiga etc. to Madhura as’ witnesses. (Haldsyamabaumya, Chapter 5). 18} Bult of Siva. Cows were born on earth from ‘The foam of milk which | flowed like sca from cows rose into waves and fell in Sivabhami (Siva land). Siva did not like it. _He opened his third eye and looked at the cows, The flames from the eye caused different colours to the cows. ‘The cows took refuge with Candra. But, the fire of Siva’s eye followed the cows there also. At last the Prajapatis pacified Siva and presented him a bull for vehicle, From that day onwards Siva came to be known as Vrsabhavahana and Vreabhanka also. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 77)- 19) Other information. (3) The son Suka was born to Vyzsa_because of the blessing of Siva. (Devi Bhagavata, Ist Skandha)- (ii) During the period of emperor Prthu when the Devas made the earth a cow and milked resources, Siva served as calf. (Drona Parva, Chapter 69, Verse, 2’ (iii) Siva occupies a seat in Kubera’s court. (Sabb Parva, Chapter 10, Verse 21). (iv) Siva once presented gn armour to Indra. Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 61). : (¥) When the battle with the Tripuras reached its climax in intensity Siva mounted the Bull and looke at the capital of the asuras. Asa result of the fiery 10k the breasts of covis were cut and their hoof rent int two, The hoofs of cattle came to be cleft from that day onwards, (Kama Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 109)- (2) Living beings arekept healthy by the kindness 0 iva. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter If, Verse 20). (vii) Tt was Siva, who organised the penal code in the world. (Santi Parva, Chapter 59, Verse 80) (viii) Once in the war between the Devas and the Asuras Siva gave refuge to Sukrdcarya, (Santi Parv®> Chapter 389, Verse 36). (ix) Siva performed the thread-wearing ceremony of Suka, the son of Vyasa. (Santi Parva, Chapter 248 Verse 19). (x) On the occasion when Siva burnt Tripuras and the to ashes they saw hin as_a boy with five horns. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 160, Verse 32) (ai) ‘There is a story in Santi Parva of Mahabharat® about Siva’s bringing back to life the dead child of ® brabmin, The story was told by Bhrama to Yudhisthir®- ‘The brakmin took his dead child to the burning gbat when a fox asked him to wait atleast till dusk to 8° if the child would regain life. At the same time,* vulture, which came there pointed out ta the brahmi? that the dead never came back to life and asked him ' leave the dead body there and return home. As advised by the fox and the vulture the brahmin took to the burning ghat and took back from there the dead body ofhis child. “Parvati took pity on the brabmin and. Hfuested by her Siva brought the child back to life ie logic “and reasoning advanced by the fox and (2 (Drona SIVA 731 vulture for their selfish ends is famous under the name Grabragomyusannvada, (sii) ‘The following words are used in the Mahabharata as synonyms of Siva : ‘Aja, Ambikipati, Anafigiigahara, Ananta, Andhaka- ghati, Andhakanipasi, Atharva, Bahurdpa, Bhagaghna, Bhava, Bhavaghna, Bhima, Safikara, Sarva, Sitikantha, Smasinavasi, Srikantha, Sukra, Silabhet, Siladhara, Saladhrk, Silahasta, Sulaika, Salapani, Sili, Daksa- kyatuhara, Dhanvi, Dhruva, Dhayjati, Digvasas, Divyagovrsabhadhvaja, Ekaksa, Ganadhyaksa, Ganesa, Gaurisa, Gaurihydayavallabha, Girlia, Govrsaiika, Govrsabhadhvaja, Govrsottamavahana, Hara, Haryaksa, Jatidhara, Jatila, Jatt, Kamaigandsana, Kapali, apardi, Khajvaigadhies, Krttivasas, Kumarapi Lalatiksa, Leliina, Mabadeva, Mahaganapati, Mahayogi, Mahesvara, Mahisaghna, Makhaghna, Mighvan, Mrgavyadha, Munindra, Nandisvara, Ni carapati, Nilagriva, Nilakantha, Nilalobita, Pas ubbarta Paéupati, Pinakadhrk, Pinakagopta, Pinakahasta, Pin akapini, Pinaki, Piigala, Prajapati, Rudra, Rea bhaketu, Sarva, Sarvayogesvaresvara, Sthinu, Tristla~ hasta, Trisulapini, Trilocana, Trinayana, Trinctra, Tripuraghati, Tripuraghna, “Tripuraharta, | ‘Tripura~ mardana, ‘Tripuranasana, “Tripurantaka, Tripurante- kara, Tripurardana, Tryaksa, Tryambaka, Ugra, Ugre’a, Umapati, Visalaksa, | Vilohita, Virapaksa, Vrsabhadhvaja, Vesabhaiika, ’ Vrsabhavahana, Vrsa- ketana, Vrzavahana, Yamya, Vati, Yoges vara. g Names of Sica, Sambhu, Ta, Pasupati, Siva, ail, Mahesvara, Tévara, Sarva,” [6ana, Sankara, Bhateia, _Khandaparas, | GiriSa, Candrasekhara, Gitisa, Mrda, Mrtyunjaya, Krtivasas, Pinal, Pramatha- dhipa, Ugra, Kapardi, Stikantha, Sitikantha, Kapala~ bhyt, 'Vamadeva, Mahadeva, , Virapaksa, Trilocana, Kyldnurctas, Sarvajia, Dhijaji, Nilalol Smarahara, Bharga,’ Tryambaka, Tri k Gafgidhara, Antakaripu, Kratudhvathsi,, Vreadhvaja, Vyomakesa, Bhava, Bhima, Sthinw, Rudra, Umépati, Ahirbudinya, — Astamarc, — Gajiri, Mahanara, (Amarako’a). SIVA. 1 Wife of Angiras: Consumed by lust she once slept with Agnideva and then flew away in the form ofa she-kite, (Vana Parva, Chapter 225). SIVA IT. Wife of the Vasu called Anila and mother of two sons called Manojava and Avijnatagati, (Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 25) SIVATILL. The very nobie wife of Aiigiras. (Vana Parva, Chapter 225 Verse |) ee TV. Ativer in India made famous in the Puranas sma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 25). SIVA'NE) One of the seven sectors of Plaksa island. Sivam Yavasam, Subhadram, Santam, Moksam, Amrtam and Abhayarn are theseven sctors.( Bhagavata, 5th Skandba, SIVABITASMA, See under Siva, Para 15.” Sivalval "A. See under Visnujvara. SIVALINIGA, See under Siva, Para 16. SIVAPOJA (SIVA WORSHIP), These are certai ctions with regard to the worship of Siva, Nandikesaand Mahikila are to be worshipped first. ‘Then should Gags, Yamuna, the ganas, Vastupurusa, Sakti, and Dharma be worshipped. Next, the navataktis | (nine Powers) i.e. Vim, Jyestha, Raudtl, Kali, Kalavikaring Kalavikalint) Balavikarint (Balavikalint) Balaprama~ thini, ‘Sarvabhiitadamani and Manonmani should be SIVASARMAN worshipped. ‘Then chanting the mantra ‘Ham, him, hham Sivamartaye’ Siva.is to be worshipped, | Siva is to bbe worshipped with aiigas (with limbs, touching certain portions of the body) and with Vaktea’ (mouth, cbant- ing). Afigas are to. be worshipped with the chan Haum Sivaya haum’ Vaktra with the chanting ‘Ham Istnaya’, Gauri should be worshipped with the bij ‘Sfittm’, Ganapati with ‘Gam’ and Dikpalas like Indra, his arrows and Candesvara should be worshipped by touching the heart etc. of the worshipper. (Agni Purana, Chapter 21). SIVARATRI, 1) General. Sivaratsi is a holy day. Sivaratri is observed on the eve of New moon day (Caturdsst) falling inthe middle of Magha and Phalguna (February-March). During this night, penance should be done with fasting, On Caturdail day penance (vrata) should be ‘observed. without sleep and food and Siva worshipped. 2) Origin. There is the following Purinic story about the origin of the observance of Sivaratri as a sacred day. Brahma took his birth in the lotus that originated from the navel of Visnu. Brahma trying to know the source of the lotus saw Vignu only. He asked, ‘Who are you?” and was answered ‘I am Visnu, your father’, ‘That answer did not satisfy Brahmi and a quarrel ensued Between him and Visnu which ended in fighting. Brahma shot. the Brahmastra, which Visnu countered with Pafupatistra and neither of the two was able to withdraw it, which went round the world. While both Stood aghast not knowing what to do, Sivalifiga appeared betwixt the two. Both the ends of the liga were, in ble. ‘To find the ends Brahma went upwards and Visnu downwards. ‘Though they travelled a great distance they could not find out the ends, and, 80, returned to their Sia ccats., Immediately Siva appeared betwixt the two Gnd withdrew the paSupatastea. It was on Caturdasi day jn the month of Magha that Siva thus appeared. Siva enjoined. that in future Caturdast night every year Should be observed as a holy day, which should be Jhown as Sivaratei, (Kannaséa Ramayana). 3) The groainess of Sinardtri. ‘The following story about fa sinner, who attained Sivaloka by observing Sivarairi is related in Sivaratrimahatmya, ‘A son named Sukumara was born to the Brahmin mana ger of the king of Kufjara, a kingdom on the banks, of Fiver Sindhu. The boy grew up to be an immoral fellow and he married a Candala girl with whom he lived for seven years. Five daughters and two sons were born to him of the Candala woman. The father, Sukumara, himself married the daughters. One day he, in the course of his search for a flower to be worn on the hair of the Candala woman, came near the Siva temple cal- Jed Nageévara. A Sivaratri festival was being cele- brated there that day and Sukumara, participated in ic. Shortly afterwards Sukumara died. Messengers of Kala and Siva arrived to carry off his soul and a battle ensued between the two for the soul, His soul, attained Sialoka ashe had, though by accklent, participated in aratri festival SIVASARMAN. A brahmin well-versed in all $stras (sciences). Sivagarman, who lived ia Dvaraka had, by his wife Gunavati five sons called Yajiiafarman, Veda- garman, Dharmasarman, Visnu’arman and Somaéar- ‘man, all of them deeply devoted to their father. ‘The father decided to test the devotion of cach of the sons, SIVASARMAN Sivagarman had, due to Siva's blessing, achieved all Kinds of siddhis (spiritual gifts). By the power of illusion he showed the sons their mother lying dead and all. the sons wept uncontrollably. Then he asked his eldest son Yajiiasarman, to cut the dead body of his mother into pieces and throw them off. Afier having done so he came and saluted his father Afver bidding adieu to Yajiiagarman, who proved his devo- tion to hisfather as above, Sivatarman called his. second son Vedasarman to him and told him thus: “I find it difficult to get on without a woman, Look, there is a beautiful woman there endowed with all qualifications, (And he created such a woman by illusion). You go and fetch her to me.” Vedasarman, after saluting his father went to the woman and requested her to become the wife of his father. But, the woman did not want to become the wife of an old man, and she told Vedafar- rman that she would love him, and not his father, to have as her husband, He shuddered to. be told. thus, and by the power of his tapas he got down Indra and other Devas on earth and shoved them to her, She then told him in indifferent tone the following: “Yes, I have seen the prowess of your tapas, But,1 have nothing todo with Devas. Ifyou want’ me as wife for. your father, please cut off your head with your own hands for my pleasure.”” Vedasarman drew his sword and very happily cut off his head and presented it to the woman. She came to Sivatarman and requested him to accept his son’s head, which he (son) had voluntarily cut offfor the sake of his father. ‘The other sons of Sivagarman shuddered at the sight of their brother’s head. ‘They told among themselves thus: “Our mother entered eternal Samadhi, but this brother cof ours, who courted death on behalf of father is really blessed.” Then SivaSarman asked his third son Dharma- Sarman to receive his brother's head. He received. it and went out with it and prayed to Dharmadeva, who, oa his appearance, was requested to restore Veda‘ arman to life, “Dharmadeva did so, and the frst question asked by VedaSarman, who returned to life as though awakened from sleep, was about the woman, whom be hhaa brought as his father’s wie. ‘Then Vedasarman al Dharwad arman returned to thei father, td Dhara arman told the father about his. bringing back to Lik his dead brother. Though the father felt very happy about the great devoron of his on he id not amr Sivasarman fell into contemplation for sometime at then told his fourth son, Viguufarman a folleg eget go immediately to Indsaloka and bring amrta, (aectie) for me to drink along with this woman, Nectar exer diseases, Now, this woman has no interest fe mene only natural that young, beautiful women will feet no Tove towards an old ‘man and unless 1 regain sry Goch, this woman of mine may sleep with others You, gay sor Should act ln such e mandee aber eanmeaeee i Oo this woman in all the three worlds. ‘Assoon ashe heard his father, Vigqusarman, by the power of his tapas ascended to the sky and started for Tadraloka. Being told about the object of his visit Indes deputed Menatei to make him withdraw from the plas Immediately Menald put on her best clothes and sing. ing sweet. music occupied the hanging seat in Nanda navana, and Visnuarman lost not a minute to divine the object of her presence. Without even casting a look 732 SKANDAGRAHA upon her, he hurried forward. But, she jumped down from her seat, blocked his path and made enquiries about him, She also tried to make love to him. But, Visnusarman turned down her overtures of love. At this stage Indra adopted many magical tricks to frighten, away the unwelcome visitor. Angered by such attempts Visnusarman got ready to destroy Devaloka along with Indra, who then begged pardon of him and handed over to him a pot full of nectar. When Vigqusarman gave the nectar to his father the latter asked him to choose any boon he wanted, and according to his request the father brought back to life Gunavati. Now Sivasarman very much pleased with h sons sent the first four of them to Visnuloka. He decided to live forsome time more on earth with his youngest son, and he told the latter that he was going on a pilgrimage and asked him to keep the pot of nectar with him. The son kept it very carefully for ten years. Now Sivasarman with his wife returned from pilgrimage. By magic he had become a leper, and made his wife also a leper. Somasarman, his youngest son felt pained that his Parents had fallen victims to such a fell disease and served them with meticulous care in every way. He foresaw their wants and desires and satisfied them to the full. Yet, the father lost temper with the son and used even to fist him. But, the son did not lose his temper in any manner and to the least degree. He continued to serve his parents most cheerfully. A. century was over in this manner. ‘The parents were greatly satisfied and pleased with their son, and ulti- mately the father cast one more illusion on’ the #00 After stealing away by magic the nectar from the Pot, hhe asked the son for it. When Somagarman looked into the pot for nectar, to his horror it was missing. But, he took the pot to his father saying to himself, ‘Let there benectar in itif 1am truthful, if 1 have served my elders well and if I have observed pure tapas’, and lo ! the pot was filled with nectar. ‘ ivasarman blessed his son, and by the power of his yoga ascended to Vaikuntha in the company of his wife. After this Soma’arman began practising the most in tense form of tapas. When the time for his death was near asuras approached him. Fear about asuras gripped hhim, who was in deep meditation, and as he. breathed his last thinking about asuras he was born in his next life as Prahlada, son of Hiranyakasipu and got killed by Visnu in the war between Devas and Asurag, (Padma Purana, Bhim! Khanda), VASVAMI, A great poet in Sanskrit in. the court of king Avantivarman, who ruled Kashmir between 854 and 884 A.D. Only one poem by him, Kapphinabhyt" dayam, composed on the model of Kiratarjunn bas been unearthed yet. pee SIVODBHED: sr in South, Indra once fled to this place in fear of the asur@ called SGrapadma and’ did Purana) ee eee SKANDA.” Subrahmanya, (For fu i Sabena Subsatimanya. (Por further details see under SKANDAGRAHA. An evil spirit which afflicts boys uP~ teen. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Chapter 230, Stanza 43, that this spirit SKANDAPASMARA. 733 is alo known by the name Matpkigraha. or Porusa- graha, SKANDAPASMARA. A demon derived from the body, ‘of Subrahmanya, This would enter the womb of Pregnant women and afflict the child in the womb. (MB, Vana Parva, Chapter 230, Verse 26). SKANDHA. A naga (serpent) born in the family of Dhrtarasita. This serpent was burnt to death in the sacrificial fire of the serpent sacrifice of Janamejaya, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 57, Verse 18). SKANDHAKSA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (Maha- Dharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 60) SLESMAKA (M). (SLESMATAKAM). A forest. It ‘was when Vigravas, the grandson of Bralma and Kaikasi, the daughter of Suméli were living in this forest, that Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Vibhisana and Surpapalha were born to them. (Kamba Ramayana, Parva Kanda). su Son of Dhruva, Dhruva had two children Slisti and Succhaya by his wifeSambhu. Slisti_ married Succhaya. Five sons, Ripu, Ripufijaya, Punya, Vrkala and Vykatgjas, were born to them. Ripu, the eldest of them, was the father of Caksusa Manu, according to Harivary’a, Chapter 2. SMARADUTY. A maid of Vrnda, the wife of Jalandhara. (Padma Purana 3 : 9). SMRTI. The sovereign deity of remembrance, It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 64, that this goddess Smrti had walked in front of the army of Subrahmanya. Smrti was the wife of Afgiras. Four daughters, named Sinivali, Kuhi, R: and Anumati, were born to Argiras by his wife Smyt devi. (Visnu Burana, Arisa 1, Chapter 10) SNANA. Bathing. The Puranas have ordered six kinds of bathing. They are Nitya snana (daily bath), Naimi ttika snana (incidental bath), Kamya snana (Desir- able), Kriya snana (ceremonial), Kriyaiga snana (bathing only the limbs used for rites) and Malakar~ sana snina (Bathing to drag out excrements). (Agni Purana, Chapter 155). SOBHANA. ‘Son-in-law of Mucukunda, under Mucukunda). site SODARYAVAN. A chariot of Indra. The peculiarity of this chariot” vas that two chariot-fighters could sit and fight at the same time in this. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 24, Verse 12, that Indra had, sitting in this chariot, killed ninety- nine asuras (demons). This chariot passed hands from Indra to Uparicaravasu; from him to Brhadratha. and from this King to Jarasandha, on whose death, indra took possession of it again. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chap- ter 24, Verse 48). SODASARAJAKA, The story of sixteen famous Kings related by Vyasa to Yudhisthira who, after the death of Abhimanyu in the war became averse to fighting. ‘The Kings were (1) Marutta (2) Suhotra (3) Paurava (4) Sibi (5) Sri Rama (6) Bhagiratha (7) Dilipa (8) Mandhata (9) Yayati (10) Ambarisa (11) Saéabindu (12) Gaya (13) Rantideva (14) Bharata (15) Prthu (16) Parasurama, (Drona Parva, 16 Chapters from (See Para 3 LA son born to fire Bhanu by his third wife Nisa, who had given birth to two sons Soma and Pent and “a daughter named Rohini. (M.B. Vana ‘arva, Chapter 221, Verse 15) SOMADATTA Ii SOMA I, One of the eight Vasus. The cight Vasus are ‘Apa, Dhruva, Soma, Dharma, Anila, Agni, Pratyasa and Prabhasa” (Visqu Purina, Amia 1.19). SOMA III. _A’son of Jarasandha. It is stated in Bhaga- vata, Skandha 9, that Jardsandha had four sons named Soma, Sahadeva, Turya and Srutasra. SOMA.’ A celestial maid. This celestial beauty perform. ‘ed a dance at the birth festival of Arjuna, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 61) SOMA.” Juice extracted from Soma creeper. It is be- lieved that the devas accept Soma in sacrifices. SOMADA, A Gandharva damsel. (For farthcr details see under Cilli) SOMADATTA I. A King of the Tksvaku dynasty. Genealogy. Descended from Visnu in the following order :—Brahm-Marici-Kasyapa-Vivasvan-Vaivasvata ‘Manu-Tkyvaku-Dista-Nabhaga - Phalantana-Vatsapriti Prathéu - Pramati - Khanitra- Gaksusa-Rambha- Kani- netra -Karandhama-Aviksit-Marutta-Dama - Rajyavar- Ghana -Sudhyti- Nara-Kevala - Bandhuman-Vegavan - ‘Tynabindu-Alambusa-Visala-Hemacandra- Dhamraksa Sriijaya-Sahadeva-Krsasva-Somadati SOMADATTA II, A King of Paicila, He was the great grandson of Srijaya and the grandson of Saha~ Seva, ‘The father of Somadatta was KrSa6va. (Valmiki Ramayana, Sarga 47). SOMADATTA IIT. A King of the Kuru dynasty. 1). General information, This King was the son of Balhika and the grandson of King Pradipa. Three sons named Bhiri, BhGrifravas and Sala were born to Somadatta. 2) Other details. (i) Somadatta and his Svayarhvara marriage of Draupadi. Chapter 185, Verse 14). (ii) Somadatta had participated in the royal_consecra- sacrifice of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Chapter 34, Verse sons were present at the M.B. Adi Parva, 8). (iii) This Somadatta was present at the Svayarhvara ofDevaki, At that time there occurred a hand to hand fight between Sini and Somadatta, (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 114, Verse 14). (iv) The defeat from Sini being unbearable, Somadatta did penance to get power to vanquish him and Siva appeared before him. Somadatta made the following request :- “God | May I be granted a son who would ‘be powerful enough to kick down the son of Sini in his palace.” Siva granted his wish. Bhtri-ravas was the son born in conformity with this boon. He grew up and defeated she gon. of Si and Kicked him inthe ace of the King. This story occurs in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 144. (v) Somadatta, fought against Satyaki and Bhimasena in the battle of Bharata and fell down unconscious (Drona Parva, Chapter 157, Verse 10) (vi) In the battle which followed this, Satyaki killed Somadatta, (MB, Drona Parva, Chapter 162, Verse 33). (vii) Tt is mentioned in Mahibhirata, Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 17, that Dhrtarastra perform- ed the sacrifice of giving offerings to the spirit of Somadatta. (vili) Somadatta was one of the spirits which appeared.

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