Puranic Encyolopaedia - Vettem Mani - Part9

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UPARICARAVASU —Yayati_Paru— Janamejaya — Pracinvin — Pravin Namasyu—Vitabhaya—Sundu—Bahuvidha — Sashyati —Rahovadi — Raudriéva — Matindra — Santurodha —Dusyanta— Bharata — Subotra — Suhota — Gala —Garda—Suketu-Brhatkyetra-Hlasti- Ajamidha - Rksa- Sarivarana -Kuru-Sudhanva - Sugotra » Gyavana-Krti- Uparicaravasu. 2) How he got the name Uparicaravase. Once Vasu built a hermitage and began to_ perform penance in accord- ance with the advice of Indra. When the penance became too severe Indra appeared and gave him an Jal chariot. Since then Vasu used to travel through air.in the chatiot. So he got the name ‘Uparicaravasu’ (Vasu, who travels above). (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 63) 8). _ Vasu and Indra festival. Indra gave Vasu a garland (Vaijayantimala) which would never fade, and gave @ boon that, so long as he wore that garland, he would riot receive any wound.’ He was given a bamboo stick (Venudayda) and was instructed to fix that rod on the earth. and celebrate the festival of Indra, Vasu celebrated the festival of Indra and from that day on- wards the festival of Indra came to be celebrated in the world, (See under Indrotsava) 4). The sons of Vesu. Five sons named Brhadratha, Kusimba (Manivahana), Mavella, Yadu and Rajanya Bye Rikng ed siting Kolaale. ‘The ver Suk + Kicking and split latala, ‘The river Sukti- ‘at lowed through the capital city of Vasu. Once the great hill Kolahala, grew amorous of Suktimatl and Caught hold of her. Uparicaravasu got angry at this ‘gnd kicked the mountain which was split into two and Suktimatiflowed out of the gop. Still two. children were born to the great hill by Suktimad. The river ‘was pleated at the freedom accorded by the king and placed the two children at the fect of the king. “They grew up. The son became general of the army and the Gaughter Girika became the wife of the king. (M.B. Adi Parva Chapter 63). 4 6). Vasu goes ahunting. One day the king desided to {0 to. hunt, On the same day his wile had her monthly course, Still without changing his programme he started for the forest. Even after entering the forest the thought of his wife lingered in his mind. The forest was in full ‘bloom as it was Spring. Seeing this the king grew amorousand sat under a tree. A mild breeze wasblowing. Instantly the king had seminal flow. He collected the semen in the leat ofa tree and sent it to the queen through an eagle. Thinking that to be some food, an- other eagle got ncar and a quarrel arose, ‘The semen fell in the rivel Yamuna, A fish named Adrik& swall- owed it, (Sce under Adrika). A fisherman caught hat fish. He got a male child and a female child from the stomach of the fish. That girl is the famous Satyavatl Matsyagandha who became the queen of Santanu, (See under Satyavati). ‘The fisherman gave the boy he got from the fish to King Uparicafavasu. (M. B. Adi Parva Chapter 62). 1). Other information. i () Teis'mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 20, that Uparicaravasu was famous as amember of the council of Yama. He was friend of Indra, a devotee of Vienu and a righteous and diligent man who loved and_estecmed his father, Because of the grace of Sri Narayana, he 809 UPAVITA secured an empire. He consecrated everything before gods, Once Indes gave him half of his seat, (ML B, anti Parva, Chapter 355). Beeause of the grace of Bhagavin (Lord), Garuda made him a traveller of the sky. (M. B, Santi Parva, Chapter 337, Stanza 37). In Mahabharata, Sinti Parva, Chapter 337, is mentioned that finally Uparicaravasu entered the world of Brahma. Gv). Once a controversy aroxe between Indra and the hermits, whether cow-slaughter during sacrifices, was desirable, At this time Uparicaravasn happened to come there. ‘As he was a man of truth, he was asked to make a decision. Uparicaravasu stood on the side of Indra and gave his opinion in favour of slaughter. ‘The hermits who were against cow-slaughter got, angry and cursed Uparicaravasu. to go down to the world of Patala (netherworld). (Matsya Purana, Chapter 152). “This story is seen with slight difference in Mahabharata Santi Parva, Chapters 322-324. UPASLOKA. A-son bom to Sri Kra by Sairandbi. He learned all sciences and Philosophies and finally became a follower of the Sarikhya-Yoga cult, (Bhaga- vata, Skandha 10), UPASRUTI The patron-goddess of Uttarayana (The sun's progress towards North in the former half of the year). In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 166 mention is made of how this goddess made it possible for Indrani to sce Indra through the holes of a stalk of lotus Twas by the help of Upasrut that Sacdeat and Indra met together. (M.B, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 14, Stanzas 12 and 13). UPATYAKA. A county in Bharata. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 2, Stanza 59). UPAVARSA. The younger brother of the Teacher Varsa, He also was a teacher. For further information see under Vararuci. UPAVASA. Upavasa means going back from sin and leading a good life. (Upa (varta) ~=go back and Vi A life). All actions which are not good, must be relin- Guished. Those who observe Upavasa should abstain fom using flesh, Masira (pulse), canaka (a kind of ram), Varaku (akind of grain), grcen leaves prepared), honey; rice etc. and from contact with women, He should not wear flowers, ornaments, or fashionable dress; should not inhale fragrant smoke, and fragrance of any sort, Cleaning the teeth and using collyrium also are prohibited. Instead of cleaning the teeth in the morning Paficagavya (Milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung of: cow) should be taken. in. Drinking water several times, using betel leaves, sleeping in the day time and sexual act also should be avoided. (Agni Purana, Chapter 175). ‘UPAVENA, A river. ‘This river is considered to be the soother af Agni (Site); Some are of opinion ‘that his river is Krsnavena a tributary of the great river Krsna (ReKistna) of South India, (MLB. Vana Parva, Chapter 293, Stanza 14). UPAVITA. The sacred string or Uttariya. ‘The twic born (the three upper castes) wear this, When it is sworn over the left shoulder and under the right arm. xe is called Upavita, when itis worn over the right shoul der and under the left arm it iscalled Précinavita and if it is worn around the neck as a garland it is called Nivita. (Manusmrti, Chapter 2 Stanza 63). UPAVRTTA (M) UPAVRTTA (M) A country in Bharata, (M.3. Bhigma Parva, Chapier Sy Stanza 84). UPAYA (S$). See under Caturupaya. UPAYAJA. Brother of the hermit Yaja. Both of them lived on the banks of the Gaiga. Dirstadyumna and Pafcali were born to the King Drupada of Pancala as the fruit of the sacrifices performed by these hermits, ‘The story is given below: The famous teacher Drona was the son of the hermit Bharadvaja, who was a friend of the King. Prsata of Pancale, So King Pryata sent hisson Drupada to. the hermitage of Bharadvaja for education. "Thus Drona and Drupada were fellow students, After completing his education Drupada became King of Paticala, At that time the teacher Drona once visited the palace of the King, But Drupada did not duly receive his former classmate, Drona got angry at this and went to Hastinapura and became the teacher of the Pindavas and the Kauravas, As” a remuneration for teaching them Drona demanded that Arjuna should bind Drupada and bring him before him, “Arjuna did s0. Drupada gave Drona a portion of his kingdom. and got his liberty. From that day onwards Drupada wished for ason who would take revenge on Drona, and Fequsted the hermit Upayaia w perform a sciie for getting a son. At first the hermit’ refused, ‘The King served the hermit for a year. ‘The hermit “was. pleased and asked the King to invite Yaja for the sacrifice. The King did as he was told and Yaja_ and Upayaja, came to Patiedla and performed the sacrifice for getting a son. From the’ sacrificial dais Dhrsiadyumna, and Pafcalt were born. (M.B, Adi Parva Chapter 166 and Sabha Parva, Chapter 80, Stanza 45). UPENDRA. A synonym of Visuu, Mahavignu once took birth by Aditi the wife of Kaéyapaprajapati. In. that birth Mahavionu had the name Upendra. He was known as Vamana too. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha), UPENDRA. A river, (Mahabharata, Bhisna Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 27). UPENDRABALA. Son of a minister of the King named Sei Datta. (See under Sri Datta) URAGA. "A class of serpents, Ten daughters were born to Krodhavaéa wife of Kasyapa. “The Uragas were bore from the daughter Kaded "and" dhe niggas were. born from the daughter Surasf, (Vahniki Ramayana, Ar Kinda, Sarga 14). * te CORDHVABAHU. A sonrof Vasistha. His mother was Unija. (Agni Purana, Chapter 20), Tt is mentioned “an Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 150; that the ‘Drdhvabahu did penance in South India, UORDHVABHAK. *A fire. This Agni (fire) was the fifth son of Brhaspati. (M.B) Vana. Parva, Chapter 219, Stanza 20). URDHVAPUNDRA, A mark worn on the forehead ‘with yellow ochre. “This mark should be made by ‘earth or ochre, which should be’ taken from the top of a mountain peak, banks of rivers, seashore, Saivite temple terpenchill or from under a holy basil The fraiterat wearing the mark will vary according to the colour of the ochre, Black ochre will afford peace, red soil will procure docility, yellow soil ‘will. get prosperity, and White ochre will give duty or righteousness, As the fuss ary according to the colour, so-also it will vary accord. ing to the finger used to put the sige. Ifthe snark iy 810 ORMILA made with the thumb the man will become stout. Tf it is done with the middle finger he will have long life. If itis done with the fourth finger (animiki), he will get food and if it is made with the index finger (tarjant) he will get salvation, The form of the mark also could be changed. The mark may be made in the form of a flame, the leaf of bamboo reed, a lotus-bud, a fish, & turtle’or a conch. If the mark is as large as ten finger breadths itis superfine. Ifof nine finger-breadlths, it is medium super-fine; and if itis eight and a half finger breadth, its lower superfine, Tn the same way if’ the finger-breadth of the mark is seven, six or five they Wi be super medium, medium medium and lower medium. If it is four, three and two they will be of the lov's medium low and lowest. Ttis also ordered that when one wears the Urdhva~ pundra in a particular spot of the body one will have t© think ofa particular name of Vignu. : “Kesava in the forehead, Narayana in the stomachs Madhava in the heart, Govinda in the neck, Vist 0 the right side of the stomach, Madhustdana on t€ middle of right hand, Trivikrama on the left eat, Vamana on the left side of stomach, Sridhara_on the Ieft hand, Hirstkeéa on the right ear. Padmanabha, om the hinder Part, Dimodara on the nape and Vasudeva on the head, shaild be meditated upon.” (Devi Bhs vata, Skandha 11). : ORDIVAVENTDRARA, an attendant of andadent (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 18). CAITR L SR vite of Vasienas ‘Seven sons nassed Ral Gotra,” Crahvabahu, Savana, Anagha, Sutapas an Sukra, were born to Vasistha by his wile Orija. These seven holy men were the seven hermits _(Saptarsis) the third Manvantara. (Vignu Purana, Amsa | Chapter 10). i ORJJA II. One of the seven hermits of the ‘svarocise Manvantara. The seven hermits of the Svarockst Manvantara were Urija, Stambha, Prana, Vata, Prsabhe Niraya and Parivan. (Vigqu’ Purana, Ansa Chapter 1). ie ORIJA. AIT.” A King of the Hehaya dynasty. He was 1 grandfather of the famous Jarasandha. (Agni Pur’ Chapter 278). as URJJAKETU. A King of the dynasty of King J! _ (Bhagavata, Skandha 9) URJJANI. A daughter of ‘the Sun. ¥, Anuvaka 17, Siikta 119). sia cl URYASVALT. "A daughter bora to Priyavrata, the “3p ot Manu Sviyambhuva, by Surapa the daughter Viévakarma. Orjjasvati bad ten brothers, (Devi Bhagee vata, Skandia §). Priyavrata gave Unjjasvatl to ff teacher-priest Sukra. Devayani, the wife of Yayis? was the daughter born to Sulaa by Urijasvati. ( vata, Skandha 5). URJAVONI... One of Vitvamitra’s sons who (Wer expounders of Vedas. (MLB. Anusasana Parva, ter 4, Stanza 59), ee URMILA. Lakgmana married Urmila, the daught King Janaka and the. sister of Sita, When Tals! Went to the forest with Srt Rama and. Siti, Of Femained in Ayodhya. After the forest. life, Sr? Rtg and Laksmana sesurnes ‘with Sita. When Sri was ruling over the country, two sons were Laksmana by Onmila, The elder son was Tata. ‘Vaksaka and the sccond was given the name Chel (Reveda, Mandal were URNA kketu. At the instruction of rt Rama, Laksmana went to the Eastern sca and. killed the foresters there and buile there a city called Agat?. ‘Taksaka was made the ing of Aga. Laksmanaten went to the western sca and killed the Barbarians there and builta city called Candramati and made Chatraketu the King of that city. Being punished by Sri Rama, Laksmana drowned himself in the river Sarayi. (See under Laksmana). After that Ormila jumped into a pile of fire and reach~ ced the world of Vignu. (Uttara Ramayana). URYA. Alwife of Marci, Inthe Sviyambhuva Man- vantara Mar ci had a wife called Urn and six mighty sons by her. When they saw Brahma once, they teased hhim by calling him ‘afather who had married his daugh- ter? Brahma got angry with them, and cursed them to take birth as Daityas (demons) on the earth. Accord- ingly they took birth as the sons of Kalanemi on earth. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 4) ORINANABHA (SUDARSANA). A son_of Dhrtarastra. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 96). Itismention- ed in Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chapter 127, Verse 67, that Bhimasena killed him. ORMAYU, A Devagandharva. He had participated in the Birth celebration of Arjuna. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 52). Once this Devagandharva fell in love with Menaka. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 117, Stanza 16) i TORU. A son born to Manu Caksuga by his wife Nadvala. Dru had. nine brothers named Piru, Satadyumna, ‘Tapasvi, Satyavak, Kavi, Agnisthu, Asritra, Sudyumna and Atimanyu. Six great sons were born to Urn by his Wife Atreyi.. ‘They were Ariga, Sumanas, Svati, Kratu, ‘Avigivas and Gaya. Vena was born to King Aga by his wile Sunitha and the famous emperor Prthu was born as the son of Vena. (Agni Parana, Chapter 18). URUKRAMA. Another name of Vamana, URVA (AURVA). A luminous hermit of the family of Bhrgu, He was the son of Gyavana and the father of etka, He created a tremendous fire for the destructio of the three worlds and extinguished i by putting i in. the ocean. (For details see under Aurva). URVARA. A’ celestial woman in the palace of Kubera, In the company of some other celestial women, she danced before the hermit called Agtivakra. (M.B. Anugisana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 44) URVARIYAN, Son of the Prajapati Pulaha named Kardama, Urvariyanand Sabisnu, Pulaha by his wife Ksama. (Viguu Purina, Chapter 1). URVASI I. A famous celestial damsel. 1)Birth of Ureast. In days ofold two hermitsnamed Nara and Narayana did penance to Brahma in_ the holy her: mitage of Badarika for a thousand years. (Nara and Narayana were the childzen born to Dharma, the son of Brahma), Because of the severity of their penance Indra wwas struck with fear, ‘Thinking that they were doing this severe penance with a view to become Indra, he approached the hermits and told them that they might ask for any boon. Even though Indra told them several times, they did not speak a word nor did they make any stir. "Indra’s fear increased. So Indra decided to create some delusions which would arouse in them fear, desire ete., s0 that their penance might be broken. Hs began to Bring around them wild animals such as lion, elephant wild snake etc, and natural phenomena such as storm, ‘Three sons were born to “Aunga 1, ail URVASI I heavy rain, forest-fire etc. to terrify them. ‘The efforts of Indra were futile. ‘The disappointed Indra sent, for Kamadeva (Cupid) and consulted him, as a result of which Kamadeva and his wife Ratidevi with many celestial maids came to the hermitage in_ the mountain of Gandhamadana with the intention of hindering the penance of Naraniréyanas. ‘The season of spring was Greated in the forest. ‘The celestial women such a8 ‘Rambha and others came before the hermits and began to sing and dance. ‘The hearts of the hermits began, to swell with passion, When they opened their eyes what they saw was a beautiful sight. The famous celestial women, Menaka, Rambhi, Tilotiama, Sukesini, Mano- ramadvard, Ghrtdct, rama, Mahesvat r Candraprabha, Some, V: namala, and others with their ten thousand and eighty hhand-maids stood before them. Hermit Narayana who got terribly angry struck on his thigh with his hand 2nd instant, there arose a woman of extreme beauty. Because she had originated from the Uru (thigh) of Nardyana, that woman, who was the most beautiful in the three worlds, got the name Urvasi, All che others were struck with wonder at thesight of this new oreat= jon. After that so many other beautifil women also were created. The hermit Narayana gave all of them to Indra, With shame Indra accepted them and return~ ed to heaven along with them. Thus Urvasi arrived at the realm of the devas (gods). (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 4) 2) Position of Urvast. tis mentioned in Mahabharata diat Urvasi had the eleventh place among the singers, The expert dancers were Anticana, Adtika, Somakesi, ‘Misrs, Alambusé, Marici, Sucika, Vidyutparnd, Tilo tami,’ Ambika, "Keema, Rama, Subs Aste, Supriya, Puncarika, Sugandha, Surasi, Pramathini, Kednya and Siradvatt. Usvesi got the fit place among the celestial maidsin beauty. (MB, Adi Patva, Chapter 123), 3) Ureasi and Purdravas, Puriravas was the son of Budha born of 11a, He grew up and became a king of great nov. Is fauie reached even the reais ofthe gods ‘One day during that period Brahma cursed Urvasi. “Go ‘and be born on the earth.” (Its stated in the Devi Bhagavata that it was Brahma who cursed Urvasi and in the Bhagavata that itwas the Mitravarunas who cursed ‘Urvasl) Urvasi had heard about the fame of Puriiravas and had felt tender love for him, ‘The celestial maid reached the earth. She went to the palace of Puriiravas fand saw him, Because of the perfection of their figures, both loved mutually. The king asked her to become his wife, She agreed. Butshe laid down three conditions. (@) Thave with me two lambs which I bring up as my sons. You must take care of them. No harm should befall them. Gii) Ltake in only ghee. On no account should you compel me to eat any other food. (iii) Don’t come near me in nudity except at the time of eoition. ‘The king agreed to all these conditions. From that day onwards Urvasi lived in the palace of the king as his wife. They lived happily for a long while without separating frrm each other. Urvasi became conspicuous by her absence in the realm ofthe gods She was the most expert actress in heaven, URVASI I 812 Indra missed her. So a search was made and they found out that she was in che palace of Purdravas.” Indra asked the Gandharvas to bring that celestial woman to heaven somehow. ‘Visvavasu and some others of the Gandharvas reached. the palace of king Puriravas and waited for an opportunity. One midnight they stole the lambs and took them away through the sky. At that time the king was with Urvasi in the harem, Urvasiheard the cry of the lambs and she was furried, She reviled the king who was not capable of taking care of two lambs. “Hearing her harsh words the king took hisbow and arrow and following the cry of the lambs hhe was about to chase the thieves. Taking this oppor- tunity the Gandharvas caused a lightning toflash in the king’ harem. Inthe light of the lightning Urvasi saw the king standing nude, The Gandharvas having achi- eved their task had left the lambs and departed before the king had got out of the room. The king caught hold of the lambs and returned to the harem, within’ a short while But Usvaéi had gone out ofthe palace The ‘ing was full of grief, He wandered all over the countey in search of Urvasi. "At last he reached Kurus kksetra and saw Urvast there. He bowed low before her and implored her to return to the palace. But Urvasi replied thus:— “Women are like wolves. Don’t have alliance with them Oh King! Kings should not put faith inwomen and thieves.” Saying’ thus, (Devt Skandha 1), 4) The reason why Pur Qravashad to remain separate fiom Uroatt. Purdravas had once gone to heaven, in. accordance with the invitation of Indra to help the Gods in. the battle with the asuras. Indrahad killed Mayadhara, a noble Asura, in that-battle and had celebrated a festival. Tn. that festival Rambha was dancing before Tumburu, the sage-priest, and detecting some flaw in her dance Puri ravas teased her, Rambha retorted by asking the King what he knew about dance, and the king replied that he had learned from Urvasi more dance than ‘Fumburu the teacher of Rambhi, ‘Tumbura got angry at this, and cursed the king Purdravas to suffer from the pangs of separation from Urvasi, Stricken with grief, Purtravas returned to his palace. Tt was after this that the Gane dharvas took oway Urvast. Purtravas went to Badaris Karama and performed penance, meditating on God Visnu tor the nullification of the curse. Urvasi, aggri- eved by separation from her husband, sat motionless as a picture, in the custody of the Gandharvas, Lord Visa was pleased with the penance of Puriravas. The Gan- dharvas brought her back to the King. Thus it became possible for the king tomeet Urvasi at least once a year. (Kathasaritsigara, Lavanakalambaka, Taranga 1). 3) The sons born to’ Puritravas by Uroasi. "The king became very sad when Urva‘i was about to depart from him at Karukgetra. Seeing his grief Urvasi told him. “Oh King, if you want so much tolive with me, you have to worship the Candharvas, ‘They will be pleasea and will give rae to you. Don’t be sorry. Now Iam preg- nant, Come to this place at the end of a year.’ We can spend that night together. Then we will get another son also that night.” Pleased at what Urvadi had said, the king returned to his palace. On completion of a year Purdravas went to Kuruksetra and spent a Urvasi_ vanished. Bhagavata, URVASIT night with Urvasi. Urvasi gave Purdravas a very beautiful child and then she vanished. ‘The king sat there and praised the Gandharvas, who gave the king an Agnisthali (a fire pot). Because of his derangement, thinking it to be Urvasi the king took the sthall (pot), and wandered about in the forest. At last placing the pot in the forest, the king returned to his palace. On that day Tretayuga (one of the four ages of the word) commenced, and the Vedas dawned in his mind as three in number. He returned to the place where hhe had left the Sthalt in the forest and took it. After that he made two ‘aranis’ (wood from which fire is kindled by attrition)out of a banyan tree and placed his body between them and made fire.-That fire is galled Jatavedas’. Thus Jaravedas became the son of Purdravas. Purdravas generated three fires from Jatavedas. The first of them is Pranava. The second is called Narayana and the third Agnivarna. (Srimad Bhagavata, 9th Skandha). : ‘To Purdiavas six sons were horn from the womb o Urvasi. They were Ayus, Srutayus, Satyayus, Raya, Vijaya and Jaya. (A little difference is observed in these names in the Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 75) Stanzas 24 and 25). : 6) To know how a Gandharva named Durmada a” @ Vidyadhari_named Unmada played a trick on Puri ravas and Urvasi, see under Unmiada. te 7) How Agastya and Vasistha were born to Mitravarupas be cause of Uroasi. Tn days of old there was a. renown king named Nimi in the family of Iksvaku. He decid to perform a sacrifice of a long duration. He beg? Preparation and invited famous hermits such as BhYEts Atigiras, Vamadeva, Pulastya, Pulaha, Reika and others, Finally he invited Vasistha. “At that time Indra ba begun another sacrifice in heaven, ‘So Vasistha went (9 heaven for that sacrifice, telling Nimi that he would conduct the sacrifice on his return, ‘The emperor Nimi did not like it. Recognizing the hermit Gautama the main priest, he began’ performing the sacrifice: ‘The sacrifice of Indra lasted for 500 years. When Vasit” {ha retarned after that, the sacrifice of Nimi was ove. Vasistha cursed Nimi. “You will become devoid of body." Nimi cursed back. “Let Vasistha also becom thus.” ‘The aggrieved Vasistha went to his father Brahma and Sgmplained about the cursc. Brahma told Vasisth®; “You penetrate the brightness of Mitravarunas a%¢ stay there. In due course you will get a birth which is not of awomb." Hearing these words, Vasistha reache™ the hermitage of Mitravarunas, . He left his body ther and fused himself into’ their effulgence. During tbis Period Urvast came to that hermitage. Sccing het Mitravarunas had seminal flow. ‘The semen fell in * pot. From the pot two bright and handsome sons Wer® born. | ‘The first of them was Agastya and the seco! Vasistha, (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8) 8) Indra cursing Ureasi. Once Agastya went to the du" bar of Indra, “On the occasion faces atten Oerast 10 dance. "In the midst of the dance she saw Jayanta, &® son of Indra, and became amorous and hed sep! we" Mian Narada who was playing his famous Tate called fahati could not play well. Agastya gor angry, 0? cursed Jayanta. to become'a bad Perens N rad sito. So his lute became the Jute ofthe world... Urvas! URVASI I bed ‘born on the carth under the name Madhavi due to the curs. 9) Urea changing Arjuna ‘Axjana) 10) Other information (i) Tt is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 10, Stanza 11, that Urvasi had been in love with Kubera once, (ii) Urvati was dismayed when Sukadeva attained Sup- teme Bliss. (Sec under Suka). URVASI IL. Another name of Gafiga. As she sat on the ‘Uru (thigh) of Bhagiratha, Ganga gotthe name Urvasi, (MB, Drova Parva, Chapter 60, Stanza 6). URVASITIRTHA. A holy place and Bath, ‘Those who bathe in this holy bath will be honoured by the world. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 157) ; USAIL, ‘The daughter of Binisura and the wife of Ani- ruddha. : 1) Genealogy. Descended from Visnu in the following order!- Brahma - Kasyapa - HiranyakaSipu - Prablada- VicenaMababalnRane ag, “Marriage of Ura. Sec under Aniruddha, US ee ere ofa hermit, ‘The king of Salva Once attacked Satyaratha, the king of Vidarbha, and Villed ‘him. ‘The queons of the king of Vidarbha went to the forest. One of them who was mant gave bicth to a child on the bank ofa river. When she got down into. the river to drink water, a crocodile swal- lowed her. Then a hermit’s daughter named Usa brought up the child. (Siva Purina). : USK IIT, The night is called Usé and the day, Ghost The time between Usa and Ghusi is called Sandhya. into eunuch, (See under (Visau Purina, Aska 2, Chapter 8) USANGU 1. A hermit who lived in the westera country, (MB, Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza $0). USASGU TI, A synonym of Siva.(M.B. Anugasana Parva, Chapter 17, Stanza 105) USANGU ITT. A king of the Yatu family. His father was Vijinivan and his son was called Citraratha, (MB. Anu sana Parva, Chapter 147, Stanza 29). USANIGAVA. A member of the durbar ofthe king Yama (god of death). (MLB, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 8) 3). us (KU). A hermit, Seeing tbat old age Suu sss ane St Prthddaksgrtha"and. went to the realm of Vis: Arstigena, Vigvdmitra, Sindbudvipa, Devapi and such others got Brahmanya (the state of being Brabrnin) by doing.jenance in the hermitage of this hermit. (MB. Sint! Parva, Chapter 38, Stanzas 83-39). USANAS. The teacher Sukra, the son of Bhygu (See under Sukra). wv Pe tins mention is made in the the hermit USIR™T. “A her Reveda. dl USIK TL One Usik as the wife of thehermit Dirghatamas is mentioned in the Reveda Mandala 1, Anuvaka 16, Sabin 112, This Usik was the maid of the queen of the old King of Kalidga. ‘The king requested Dirghatamas to beget children by bis queen, The quecn Be ee oe eather mad UsiktoDieghatamas, ‘The hermit Kaksivan was the son born to, Dirghatares by Udi (Raveda, "Mandala 1, Anuvaka 18, a. USINARA I. A famous king of the Ca dynasty), ndravariéa (Lunar 813 USINARA IV 1) Geneaingy. Descended from Visnu in the following order: Brahin3-Atsi-Candra-Budha- Pu Nabusa-Yayati-Anudruhya-Sabhanara- jaya-Usinara, Usinara was the father of Sibi and Vena. 2) The reason for the curse of the eight Vasus. Once the Astavasus Vasus eight in number) came to thehermitage of Vasistha, with their wives. ‘The wife of Dyau, one of the Astavasus, saw the caw ‘Nandini’ in the hermit- age. She and the daughter of Usinara were intimate friends, She wanted to get Nandini, so that she might give it as a present to the daughter of Usinara. ‘According to her wish the Astavasus caught hold of the cow and took her home. At that time Vasistha had been away. When he returned, he knew about the theft of the cow and cursed the Astavasus to take birth in the wombs of women on earth. It was according. 0 this curse that the Astavasus took birth in Gangadevi the wife of Santanu, Sce under Bhigma, (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 2). 3) Indra testing Usinara. Usinara wes a just and liberal- minded King. Indra decided to test the King regard- ing bis iberalicy, He got Agnideva (Sre-go8) for hi help. Indra took the form of a Kite and Agni that of a dove, Both fiew down to Usinara as if the Kite was chasing the dove. Utinara agreed to protect the dove. ‘The Kite argued with the King that it was not meet and right on his part to rob him of his lawful food, ‘The King agreed to give any other kind of flesh to the Kite, But the Kite would have none of them. Finally the Kite agreed to accept the flesh of the King instead, equal tothe weight of the dove. ‘The King cut more fand more flesh from his body, but it could not weigh equal to the dove. At last the King himself got into the balance, Then the gods had pity on the King and the Kite and he dove appeared in their real form and blessed the King and. then they returned to heaven. (MB. Aranya Parva, Chapter 131). In Mahabharata a story like this occurs about King Sibi also. 4) Other information (i) Usinara gave Gilava two hundred horses as dowry and married Yayati’s damsel Madhavi, (Sec under Gilava) . fi) The King Sunaka_gave Usinara a sword, (M.B. ‘inti Parva, Chapter 166, Stanza 79). (iii) Usinata performed a sacrifice on the bank of the river Vitasta ‘and became equal to Indra. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 190, Verses 20-21) (iv). Usinara attained heaven by giving cows as gifts. ‘MB, AnuSasana Parva, Chapter 76, Stanza 25). USINARA Il. A King of the Yadavas. In the Maha- pharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 185, Stanza 20, it, is ‘mentioned that this King was present on. the occasion of the Svayarhvara (the bride choosing @ husband) of Draupadi. USINARA III, Mention ig made in Mahabharata, ‘Anugasana Parva, Chapter 32, that Vrsadarbhi_ was another name of Usinara and that he had once ruled over the kingdom of Kasi. USINARA IV, A country, Itis stated in Mahabharata, ‘Karna Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 47, that Arjuna had Iklled. the warriors of this country. In Mahabharata, ‘Anugasana Parva, Chapter 33, Stanzas 22 and 23, ‘mention is made that due to the curse of Brahmins the iva (the ruling class) had become Sudras (servile class. USIRABIJA 1 USIRABIJA I. A mountain in North India, (M.B. ‘Vana Parva, Chapter 139, Sranza |). USIRABYJA IE A place on the northern side of the imalayas. ‘Mention is made in Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 111, Stanza 23, that the King’ Marutta once fought a battle here. USMA. The son of the Agni (Fire) named Paficajanya. (MB, Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 4). USMAPA. A group of Pitrs (the Manes). It is men- ioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 30, chat these Pits (the manes) live in the lace of Yama, USNADESA. An ancient place in Krauficadvipa (the island of Krauica). Krauficaparvata (the mountain Krautica) stands near this place, (M.B. Bhima Parva, Chapter 12, Stanza 21). USNIGANGA, “An ancient holy place in Bharata, (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 135, Stinza 7). USNIK. One of the seven horses of the Sun, The seven. horses of the Sun are, Gayatri, Brhati, Usnike, Jagati, Trigiup, Anustup, and Pankd. (Visnu Purana, Aisa 2, Chapter 8) USNINABHA. "A Vigvadeva (a class of gods). (Maha- bharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 44). USTRAKARNIKA. An ancient place ‘in South India, Mention is made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 71, that this place was brought under control by Sabadeva, UTATHYA 2 1) Ganeral. "Son of sage A giras, (M.B, Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 5). He gave advice ‘on, subjects of satccratt to King Mandhaes, (MB. Sant, Parva, Chapter 90). He married Soma’s daughter Bhadra. (MB. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 154, Verse 12). 2) Utatlya drank up the'sea dry. Varuna deva had an cye on Soma’s daughter Bhadra when Usathya ma her. Incensed at the marriage, Varuna carried Bhadra off to the sea one day when Utathya was not present, Narada informed Urathya that it was Varuna, wh stole his wife. Though Narada, at the request of Utathya, asked Varuna to return Bhadea to the former he did ‘not oblige. Enraged at this Utathya drank up the sea dry. Yet, Varuna did not come round. Then Utathya rendered all the lakes of Varuna dry. Trem- bling at this Varuna returned Bhadra to Utathya and prostrated at his feet. He pardoned Varuna and gave back the sea to him, (MLB. Anuéisana Parva, Chapter 154). UTATHYA Il, The muni Satyatapas. (See under Satyatapas.) UTKALA I. A place in India where people lived in safety. Karna conquered this place. (Drona Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 8).Uthala is believed to be modern Orissa UTKALA I, Son of Vaivaivata Manu, (Brahminda Parana, Chapter $1). UTKOGA (M). A holy place. Dhaumya, the younger brother of Devala lived in Utkocatirtha: The Pandas vas went there and made Dhaumya a’ priest, (MB ‘Adi Parva, Chapter 182). UTKOCAKA (M). An ancient holy place, Dhaumya did tapas kere, and it was here that the Pandavas tock Dhaumya as their priest. (MLB. Adi Parva, Chapter 152, Verses 2-6), gis UTTANABARHIS UTKRATHINI. A female attendant of Skanda, (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter #6, Verse 16) UTKROSA. “One of the two attendants Indra_gave to Shanda; the other was called Paneaka. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 48, Verse 35). UTPALAVANA. A holy bath in the Panjab. At this place Vi'vamitra performed a sacrifice. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 87, Stanza 13). UTPALINI. "A river flowing near the forest known as Naimisiranya. Arjuna had seen this river. (Mahi bhrata, Adi Parva, Chapter 214, Stanza 6). : UTPATAKA. “A holy bath. Those who bathein this tirtha (bath) will get the merits of a fast. (MB. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 41) UTSAVA. Celebrations conducted in temples from olden days. There are Sasteaic (seriptural) injunetions as regards conducting utsavas. Utsava is an indispens= able celebration when once the deity (idol) isin stalled in the temple. Utsava should be celebrated for fone day, three days or seven days in the very same month in which the deity was installed, because no celebration of Utsava will render the installation it fective. Utsava should be conducted either during ‘Unarayana movement of the sun from south to North) or Visu (when the Sun is in the centre) or ata time suitable to the temple. authorities who conduct the utsava in Sayana, Upavana or Gyha. It should come mence with auspicious ceremonies like the sowing 2 seeds of nine varieties of foodgrains, and with dance song, instrumental music ete. i UTSAVASANKETA. A place in the South Bharat. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 61) UTTAMA. A King born in the dynasty of Svayambhuva Manu sho had two famous sons, of whom Privav"™( married Surpa and Barhismati, two daughter Virvatarma, Priyavrata begot tiree children, Ua ‘Tamasa and Raivata by his wile Bachismats., These three sons attained exceptional prowess and becam™ lords of the ages of Manu (Manvantaradhipats); Priyavrata, with his children ‘ruled the country in 3lt happiness and prosperity for ten crores of years. (De Bhigavata, 8th Skasidha), Unianapida, the second son of Svayambhuvamanu begot one son, Uttama P his wife Suruci and another son Dhruva _by his wi Sumit (Sec under Dhruva). “(Ving Purana, Part raptor ; UTTAMASVA. A particular place in ancient India (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 41) - E: UTTAMAUJAS. A warrior who fought in the great W3t on the Pandava side. He belonged to the Paned country. Tewas Uttamaujas who guarded Axjuna’s chariot, (Bhi f the right wheel rma Parva, Chapter 15, Vere 19). He fought fiercely with Afigada. (Drona Parva Ghapter 28, Verses 38-39), Hee fought Krtavarma. a2: (Drona, Parva, “Chapter 92, Verse 27-32), He ¥® defeated in a fight with Duryodhana. (Drona Bare Chapter 130, Verses 3043), "Kruavarma also defeat him. He killed Susena, son of Karna, (Karna Patv®: Chapter 75, Verse 13). This valiant’ warrior 2 Killed by Asvatthama. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter_® Verses 95-86). His cremation is described in Ve 34, Chapter 26 of Siri Parva, UTTANABARHIS. ‘The son of Saryati, a King of 2 family of Vaivasvata Manu. (Bhagavata, Skandia 2)” UTTANAPADA UTTANAPADA, A King. He was the son of Sviyam- bhava Manu, the son of Brahma, Seayambhuva Aan had two sone Priyaveata and Uttinapada, (Devi Bhage- vata, Skandha 8}. A son named Usama was. born to Utednapada by his wife Suruci, Uttanapada had an other wife called Suntt (Visnu Purdia, Ama, Ghapter 11). See under Dhruva UTTANKA (UTARKA). An ideal disciple of Veda ‘who was the disciple of Apodadhaumya. 1) Utasita and te Gur’s wif. After entrusting manage- ment of the afraina to Utiaikay Veda once went out fon a tour of the country, and ‘Uttaika stayed in the Rérama carrying out the instructions of the Gura, Then Came the menstr tal period of Veda's wife, and his other Srives requested Uttaika to do the necdfal, so Ghat the fertile peiod of their co-wife was aot wasted. Ureanka's Feply to them. was as follows. “Asked. by women, [ Shall not do this improper acts and the preceptor ‘has fotasked me to do such @ thing. though ie mighte Improper.” His Guru, Apodadhaumya returned to the Aérama some me ae hy an wae ery pled near about ‘the above incident, He blesed Utisika. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 2) 2) His tution fie. His education being over it was now time for Untanica to give due offerngs—tuition fee to his guru, and Uttanka enquired ofthe guru ss to. what he vould have. by way. of daksinas ‘The gura asked Uteanka to get his wi’s instuetion in the matter and det vaccordtigiy. Because of the aforesaid incident (Unatika not acting. on the gurw’s wile during her tenstrual period) she had a. grouse against him, and therefore, foked hin to bring as hie tion fee the’ ear- ings worn by the Kyatriya wife of King Pause, Utiasika set out to procure the earrings. On the way he saw an ox, and_on its back a big man, who Called out to Utiaika to. atthe excretion of the ox: When Uttanka hesitated to do 30, the man on. the 0x iaked itn again to eat poinding out that his gory ‘Then ‘aid. Utanka consume both ne ofthe os, and did hs oblate jons: in his perplexed mood, standing. Utatha arriv at the palace of Ring Pausa and told him about the Sheet Behnsvatt, The Ring agreed to i Buty when Uttara eneered. the, Zenana Pause's Keatriya wi ould not ie seen, When Uutaika tid the King about this, he remained thoughtful for some, me and to the former, dha he migneeutely. have become impure due te performance of pblatgns in the, wrong manner and that ino wale would not be visible, due to. her Chasity, tothe ejes of suck impure folk Urtanka dit shaving om his way peso oblate formed oblation in the correct manner Sear ie tee la ands, plese She also. advied him to be very careful pbeae coer ings as they had once been coveted by ‘Takeal ay King of the serpents, Bidding adieu to the quem et saw the King and they sat together t0 S¢ Ona Qnly was the rice cold; but 2 Tair wat slo, pet sae ee sed Utah not © have 815 UTTANKA children. But, both of them became calm quite soon and withdrew their curses. On his way back to:the Agrama with the ear-rings, he had only just stepped into a pool for a wash, when a naked Buddha sannyisin, who was. following him, snatched and ran off with the ear-rings. It was really ‘Taksaka disguised as the sannyasin who. thus snatched the ear-rings. Uttanka chased him and caught him when he assumed his original form of the serpent King and disappeared into cave, Utiaitka waited at the mouth of the cave stupeficd, when Indra deputed his Vajedyudha to help Utaiika! The Vajrayucha cut a tunnel-like route to Patala from the earth and through the cave Uttarika reached Patila by this route and found out the palace of Taksaka. ‘Though Uttaiika praised and cajoled the Nagas (ser- pents) their King Taksaka did not_make his appear- ance, Uttaika saw there two women, who had been ‘weaving clothes, and on one machine there were black and white threads. The machine had one wheel with twelve spokes and was turned by six boys. Also ‘was there a horse, and a man. When Uttaika praised them, the horse and the man approached him. ‘The man advised Uttaitka to blow through the anus of the. horse so that the snakes could be brought round. Uniaika did so, when lo ! from all the pores on the body of the horse, flames. of fire began sprouting out. When the Nagaloka (country of serpents) got thus filled with fire and flames, Taksaka lost his nerves and came out with the stolen ear-rings, which Uttaika received back. But, hae vas the last day’ on which ‘the ngs Tad been promised to be given to his guru's wile by Usanka, tho remained there gloomy and sorrow stricken at the thought that he would not be able to wavel all the distance before sunset and give the ear-rings to the guru's wile, ‘Then the horseman gave the horse 0 Gtiaika, who reached the Aérama just in time when the gurw’s wife was about to curse Uttaika for not returning with the rings though it was nearly dusk time. Now. the guru and his wife blessed Uttaika, who de- tailed to them his experiences since leaving the Asrama in quest of the car-rings. ‘Then the guruspoke thus to Uttarika—“The two women whom you found engaged in weaving were: Dhata and Vidhati, the white and black strings, day and night, and the six boys who turned the wheel with twelve spokes were the si seasons, ‘The ox seen by you on the way was Airavata (Indra’s elephant), the horse seen in Patala was Agni deva, and the horseman, Indra, The excretion you ate fon yout way was nectar and that was the reason why you did not dic in the Nagaloka. Indra who is my friend blessed you because of mercy towards you, my disciple, You could bring back the ear-rings also be~ cause of Indra’s blessings.” ‘Then the guru blessed Uttanka and the latter took leave of thim, (M.B Adi Parva, Chapter 3) 8) Uta, ond Fanancioa’s sent sata Uetatha, determined on taking vengeance on ‘Taksaka, went away directly from the 4érama to Hastinapura, “where he met Janamejaya and told him the fact that’ it was Taksaka, who had bitten to death Pariksit, his (Janame- jaya) father. Tt was thus prompted by Utiailka’ to. take rrevenge upon Takaka that Janamejaya performed. the serpent yajiia. (M.B, Adi Parva, Chapter 3), UTTANKA 816 4) Udtarike and Diandhumndra. See under Dhundhumara. 5) Uttanka attained salvation. Uttaika was put up at a place called Ujjalaka. When he became old, he went about visiting many temples. During this tour one day Uttafika saw a hunter in the forest called Gulika aticmpting to steal the golden plates on the dome of the Vienu temple in Sauvira, Gulika raised his sword to Kill Uttanka, when he told the former that he would have to suffer the results of sin during many births ie committed a sin. This admonition of Uttarika so touched the heart of the hunter that he fell dead on the spot with a repentant heart. Uttarika sprinkled Gaiga Water on the corpse of the hunter, who attained Vai- Kuntha (abode of Visnu), On the advice of Visnu, Uttasika went to Badari where he did tapas and also attained Vaikuntha. (Néradiya Purina), In Chapters 53-58 of Asvamedha Parva of Mahd- bharata is related the story of one Uttanka muni, under the ‘caption ‘Utankopakhyana’, In Mahabharata (original) he is referred to as Uttanka; but in its Malayalam rendering he is called Utaika, There are no substantial differences between the story of Utianka and that of Utanka, Veda’s disciple. But, since, there are differences, in ‘certain aspects some information about the Uttaiika of the “Utaikopakhyana’ is given below— 1) General. Uttatka was a disciple of Gautama, the husband of AhalyZ. The guru had more love for Uttatika than for his other disciples, and therefore did not permit the latter to leave the Asrama even after the other disciples were sent away. Uctanka, became old; wrinkles attacked his body and greyness his head. 2) Tuition fee (Gurudaksing). Uuatika once returned from the woods with firewood, in a very tired condition. The daughter of the guru shed tears at. the sight, Gautama called Uttanka to him and asked him about the cause of his grief and sorrow. Uttaiika replied that the hairs on his head turned grey on account of sorrow that he was not permitted toleave the Asrama although it was hundred years since he had gone there first a3 Gisciple. Then Gautama permitted Uttanla to quit. the Asrama. Uttaiika asked Gautama what he should offer as tuition fec. Gautama consulted his wife on the topic and she suggested at tuition fee the two earrings gems worn by the wife of King Saudaca, who used to cat the flesh of man. Immediately Utiatika set out to fetch the ear-rings and on his way met Saudasa in the forest, and told the latter about his mission, Sau. dasa tried to cat Uttaika, who told him that he was in duty bound to obtain the ear-rings for his guru's wife and that, after fulfilling the tmission, he srocld return to Saudisa to be caten up by him, Sauddsa agreed to the proposition. He directed Uttaiika to his wife Madayanti, who spoke to him thus—"Devas and. Maharsis covet these ear-rings. If place them on the round, serpents will steal them; ‘ifhanded over. to Hechista, Yaksas will steal them, and if the ‘watchman sleeps, Devas will snatch them off. Therefore, you should bring some token for me to believe that you ‘are deputed by my husband.” Accordingly Utiaila went back to Saudasa and returned to his wife with a token from him, and Madayanti handed over her ear-rings to Uttaika, Being ,told by Saudisa that Uuatka need not return again ta him, Uttanka started for Gautama’s agrama with the ear-rings. Feeling hungry on the ‘way, UTTARA I Uttaika tied to the branch ofa vilya tree the ear-rings bundled in deer skin and ate vilva fruits. Just -then the bundle of deer skin got untied and the ear-rings kept in it fell on the ground. A serpent carried off the rings between its teeth and concealed itselfina mole- Highly grieved and upset by the sight, Uttanka fl down from the tree. For 35 days Uttaika dug the mole- hill. ‘Then Indra felt great sympathy for him, appear ed on the spot, and passed his Vajrayudha through the mole-hill, “Then the earth burst open and Uvtaika entered Patila through the opening, and a horse, its tail white and the rest of the body black in colour Presented itself to him, Tt asked Uttafka to blo through its anus. Uttanka did so and the Nagaloka was filled with flames of fie. (The horse was Agnideva) ‘Then did the serpents return the ear-rings to Uta, who returned with it to Gautama and presented it (© him (Gautama) as tuition fee. ; 3)_Uttaika about to curse Sri Krmna. Uttaika once went to Dvarakd, and during their talk was about to curse Kysna for not attempting to bring about « compromise between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Ato” Krsna exhibited his Vigvardpa (himself as containing the whole universe). Thereupon Uttaiika saluted Kreme who asked him to request for any boon. He prayed 7 the boon that water might be made available in 9PY desert he visited. Krma told him that whenever required water he might successfully think of him. 4) Indra tested Utaika. Some time afterwards, while roaming about quite thirsty and tired ina desert Uttatika thought about Krsna, and at once there 925 peared before him a naked Candala, his body, covers with mud. Dogs encircled him, Utiaiika, hesitated, § drink the water given to him by this Cangala, who had some water with him. The Candila again insisted 0% Untaika drinking the water, but he again refused 7 offer. The candila then disappeared with the 408% ina few minutes a person with dise, conch, > ete. about him appeared, and Uttaiika recognised bit as Soi Krsna, Unaika ‘told rama that ft was, 20" ‘oper to give water to a brahmin through a, cand Kirapa’s reply to this wasas followss "lacked ina 10 give you nectar instead of water, and he argued that Was not proper that men should be given necta pleaded for you again, Indra replied to this that himself would, in the guise of a candala give nectar you, and he should not be found fault with, iff, refused the nectar. T accepted that proposition of {25° eat But, you did not accept nectar thus offered to yous you cannot be given nectar now. But, there will aPP: water-laden clouds in deserts which you traverse, WPATg would be known as ‘Uttaika clouds’ and they ™ give you sweet water. Uttaika was pleased; and it is the yphich form as per the above orders of Krsna. th ain to fall, though rarely, in deserts even today. va, UTTARA'T. “The son of King -Virata_ of Mats” Mention i made in the Mahabharata, Virata P@t iy Chapter 35, Stanza 9 that Bhiiminjaya was 22tner name of Uttara. Uttara also accompanied his tira ‘Virata, when he went to take part. a the SvayaiiVes, (choice, of a husband) of Draupadi (M.B. Adi Pa’ Shapter 185, Stanza 3), vl lara and Arjuna, Sce the paragraph Aj wonder Arjuna, gee a clouds, Deas cee anal? UTTARA 3) The end of Utara, Uttara, had taken part in the battle between the Pandavas ane the Kauravas. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 77 that a combat took place on the first day of the battle between Uttara and Virabahu. Uttara attacked Salya who killed Uttara, (M.B, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 47, Stanzas 36 to 39). Uttara who met with a glorious death in the battle, got a place in heaven with the gods. (M.B. Svargirohapa Parva, Chapter 5, Stanzas 17 and 18). UTTARA Ti. A King who had gone down because of is contemptuous behaviour towards his superiors. UTTARA TIT. A fire. (MLB. Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 29 and Sabha Parva, Chapter 22). UTTARA. 1) General information, Daughter of Virata, the King of Matsya. Her brother was called Uttara. 2) Up to marriage. The Pandavas led their incognito lifein the capital of the Matsya Kingdom. Arjuna adopted the name Brhannala and was employed as the tutor of princess Uttara in music and dancing, At the ‘end of the life, King Virata gave his daughter Uttara in marriage to Abhimanyu the son of Arjuna, (See the paragraph Ajfatavasa (incognito-life) under Arjuna). 3) Son. ‘The son born to Abhimanyu and Uttara was Pariksit, who became a very famous King later. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Sianzas 83 and 84), See the seventh paragraph under Aévatthama, : 4) The death of her husband. Abhimanyu was killed in the battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Drona Parva, Chap- ter 78, Stanza 37 that Utara fell unconscious, when she heard of the death of her husband. Sri Krsna consoled Uttara. In the Mahabharata, Stri Parva, Chapter 20, Stanzas 4 to 26 the lamentation of Uttara over the death of Abhimanyu is mentioned. 5) To the forest, Uttara also was seen among the ‘women who accompanied Dhrtarastra, to a little dis tance when he went to the forest after the battle. (M.B ramavasika Parva, Chapter 15, Stanza 10). UTTARADISA, See under Galava. i UTTARAJYOTISA. An ancient city which stood in the western part of Bharata. Tt is said in the Mahabharata ae Nakula conquered this city. (Sabha Parva, Chapter , Stanza 11). ae UTTARAROSALA, An ancient country in Bharata. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chap- ter 30,: Stanza 3 that Bhimasena conquered Uttara Kosala. ds (island of UTTARAKURU. A part of the Jambidvipa (Island o! Jambi). Mention is Tnade in the Mahabharata that uring his conquest Arjuna had gone up. to. this and carried away from there. plenty of wealth. Tt is believed by common people that this place is inaccess- ible to human beings. (MB. Sabha Parva, Chaptcr 28, Stanzas 7 to 20), ‘The southern end of this place is, the Nilagiri and the Northern end Mount Meru. Th habitants are gifted people, with trees bearing flowers fits, the fowers fragrant and the fru see’ A particular type of tree known as Kit] (mity), rows here from which milk will fow. There are ss see = ill give you whatever you atk. It was the Dell ofancient people that with the fruits of Ksirh, you colt make garments and ornaments. The soil Place contains geme and in the sand there is gold, 8l7 VADI Thosc who fall down from heaven live in this region, ‘The average age of the inhabitants of this place is said to have béen eleven: thousand years. There is a kind of bird in this place called Bharunda, These birds drag dead bodies away to caves. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chap: ter 8, Stanzas 2 to 13). UTTARMANASA. A ‘holy place of pilgrimage. Itis stated in the Mahabharata, Anusdsana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 60, that those who visit this oly place ‘will Ket atonement from the sin of Bhriipahatya (causing, embryoctony) . UTTARAPANGALA. An ancient country in Bharata. Drupada became the King of this country on the death of King Prsata. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 129, Stanza 43). In course of time Uttarapaiicala came under the control of the Acarya Drona. (See under Drona). Tn the Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 137, Stanzas 70 to 76 it is mentioned that this country was on the north bank of the Gaiga. UTTARAPARIYATRA. A mountain. (Bhisa Bharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 313, Stanza 8). UTTARAPATHA. North Bharata, (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 207, Stanza 43). UTTARA RAMAYANA. The second part of the Rama- yana, Uttara Ramayana comprises the story from Sti Rama's return from the exile in the forest’ and assum- ing the ruling ofthe country onwards, UTTARA ULUKA. The country of Ulika in North India. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza I that Arjuna conquered this country. UTTEJINI. A follower of Skandadeva. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 6). Vv VA (a). This letter means Varuna and letter ‘Vi? means separation (of lovers). (Agni Purdina, Chapter 348). VABHRAVAYANI (BABHRAVAYAMI). One of Vis ‘itra’s sons, who were all Brahmavadins. (MLB, Anusa- sana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 57). VADANYA. An ancient hermit, (For further details see under Astavakra), VADHA. Son of Yatudhana, a giant. It is mentioned in Brahmanda Purdna that this giant had wo sone Vighna VADHRA. A country in ancient India, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 55) VADHRIMATT. A princess, praised in Rgveda, ‘This beautiful princess got a hermaphrodite as her husband. She shed a good deal of tears and prayed to the Adving (Charioteers of Indra, celebrated as Gods of light and helpers) in consequence “of which she got a son named Hiranyahasta. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Sukta 116). VADHOSARA. A river which flowed through the vicinity ‘of the hermitage of Cyavana, This river took its origin from the tears of Puloma, the wife of hermit Bhrgu, (For further details see under Cyavana). Because ofa bath taken in this river, the body of Parasurima shone with radiance, (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 99, Stanza 68). VADHYASVA. A king in ancient India. Tt is mentioned jin Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza. 12, that the spirit of this king stays in the palace of "Yama, (Mahabharata, ‘Ason of emperor Prthu. Prthuhad two righteous sont called Antardhine ard Vad 9 son nemed Blache hina was born to Antardhéna by Sikhanding, Dhisaya VAGBHATA born in the dynasty of Agni became the wife of Havir- ghana. Six sons named Pracinabarhis, Sukra, Gaya, Krsna, Vraja and Ajina were bora to the couple (Visnu Purana, Ariéa I, Chapter 14). VAGBHATA. A Sanskrit scholar who lived in the 12th century A.D. He is the author of the two medical books “Astaiga-saiigraha’ and ‘Astiigahrdaya’. Another work called ‘Neminirvana’ is also written by Vagbhata. ‘This work deals with the story: of Neminatha, a Jain hermit. Not much is known about Vagbhata. He was a scholar in rhetorical science. ‘There are certain stories about his writing the medical books. Tt was a period when the muslims had beaten down the Brahmins. They had taken away the medical science also from them, The Brahmins considered this to bea disgrace to them. They decided to select an intelligent boy and send him to a ‘Muslim physician. They selected Vagbhata. The Brah- mins disguised Vagbhata as a Muslim boy and sent him to the Muslim Physician on the other side of the river. The boy went to the physician and told him that he was coming from far away with the intention of learning, medical science. ‘The teacher put certain questions and understood that the boy possessed extraordinary intelligence. He began to teach the boy the science oftmedicine. Seeing the interest of the boy the teacher asked the boy to eat food from his house and to learn day and night, The Brahmin boy did not like to eat the food of Muslims. The boy said that he had a relative on the other side of the river and that he would thereand have his supper and return for the night study. ‘The teacher agreed and thenceforward Vagbhata began to learn day and night. Within a short time he completed learning. One day the teacher was sleeping on the seventh storey of the building and his disciple Vagbhata was massag- ing his legs. The boy soliloquised that fate had destined him to massage the legs ofa Musalman. Instantly he cried bitterly, and the teacher awoke and understood that the boy Was not_a Muslim, and tried to cut his head. ‘The boy thought: “The four Vedas and the six Sastras say that there is a god, If itis true no. harm will come to me.” Then he jumped out of the window. In consequence of this jump, he became a little lame and_no other harm befell him. He swam across the river and reached the other side and told the Brahmins everything, The Brahmins asked him what he imagined. when he jumped from the seventh storey. He replied “T jumped with this imagination, The four Vedas and. the’ six Sdstras say that there is a god. If it is true no harm will come to me.” As soon as the boy had finish cd the Brahmins became angry and they” all got u They said “You went wrong in using the doubtfil ik instead of the affirmative ‘As’. ‘The Brahmins joined together and expelled him from the society. ‘The boy thought of going away somewhere. “But there won’t be another chance for somebody else to go and learn medical science from the Muslim physicians, So before going away from here I must make the fruits of my efforts available to these people.” Thinking so he lived there for a little longer. He lived there without ming- ling with the Brahmins, cooking his food. It is believed that Vagbhata wrote ‘Ast&igasaigraha’ and ‘Astaiiga hrdaya’, during this period, 818, ‘VAIDARBHI 1d VAGDUSTA. One of the seven sons of hermit Kausike. (Matsya Purina, 20: 3). ‘The famous Pityvartti was the youngest brother of Vagdusta aon VAGINDRA. Son of the king Prakisaka born in the family of Grtsamada. It is stated in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 63 that he Was the father of King Pramici. a VAGMI, A son born to Manasyu, the grandson of emperoe Puru, by his wife Sauviri. ‘This son had two brother Sakta and Sarhhanana, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 24 Stanza 45) A VAHANA (CONVEYANCE). To know about the conveyances of Rudra, Yama and so on, see Un Jaladhi. : asad VAHI. A devil living in the river Vipasa. The devil hag a friend called Hila. Their sons are called che Vahikas, ‘The Vahikas are not considered to be the ercation the Prajapatis. (MB, Karna Parva, Chapter +4, Sta 1 na VAHIKA. A Brahmin who was well-versed in. the Vedi. “This Brahmin earned his bread by selling salt. In, Be life, he had commiticd sins. At last he was killed by.# lion. The flesh of his dead body fell in the Gag,» consequence of which he got remission of his ‘Skanda Purana 2: 4:1-28). VABINARA “king who tives in dhe palace of = (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 1°) | VAHINI 1. A division of army. (See under Aksaubitt) VAHINI Ii. Wife of Kuru, a king of the Lunar dynasty, Five sons such as Agvavan and others were born t0 (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter Stanza 50), VAHNI I. An asura. It is mentioned in Mahabharat ‘Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 52 that this airy had been a iokapala (Indra, Agni, Yama and V* were called lokapalas) in olden days. enad VAHNI I. “The son of the King Turvasu. Vali fet son named Bharga who became very famous. (BB? vata Skandha 9; Brahmanda Purana, 3: 741° gseae VAHINI TIT. One of the sons born to’ Krsna by vind, (Bhagavata, Skandha 10). eee VAHNIJVALAM. A hell, (See the portion They by his wife Vahini ‘under Kala) VAHYAKA. The two daughters of King Srjay® Arce the ‘were married by Bhajamana, a Yadava king sons named Nimi, Krmilaand Vrsni were born 'o (Matsya Purina, 44: 49-50). VAIBHRAJAKA. A garden, It Skandha 5, that shisgarden js situated om the Pf n4- mountain Suparsva which stands as. a prop 0 meru. VAIDARBHI I. A wife of King Sagara. This king of the Solar dynasty, had two wives named, Vaid? gnd Saibya, Vaidarbhi was also called Suma 27, Saibya had another name Kesini. OF these, thys Vaidarbhi gave birth to sixtythousand sons and 95" to one son named Asamafijasa, (See under Sagar®) 4 VAIDARBHL IL. Wife of the King Kufa. Four 8085 2.50 ‘Kusamba, Ku’andbha, Asirtarajasand Vasu we? Bala to Kusa by Vaidarbhi. (Valmiki Ramayat® Kinda, Sarga 32). pret VATDARBHI Ill. A king. This King gave his danfant Lopamudra in marriage to Agasiys, (M-B. AD™ Parva, Chapter 137: Verse 11). VAIDEHA 1 VAIDEHA I. The King of Videha. VAIDEIHA It, See under Varna. VAIDEHA ILI. Another name of the country of Videha. Tt has the meaning, that which is in Videha, (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 57). VAIDORYAPARVATA, A mountain which stands near Gokarnatirtha (holy place) in the country of Sirparaka (Kerala). Agastya once built a hermitage on this Inountain. [fone bathes in the river Narmada, after having visited this Vaidirya mountain one could attain the holy worlds. (M-B. Vana Parva, Chapter 33, Verse 13). : VAIDYA. One of the sons born to Varuna by his wife Sunadevi. His sons Ghrni rake fought with each other and died. (Vayu: 84: 6-8). " VAIHAYASA, A cavity ora sacred pit (kuna) situated near the hermitage of Naranarayanas. (M:B. Santi Parva, vee 127. Stanza a F ey VANTA L._The capital city of an asura_ names ‘Timidhvaja, otherwise called Mambara. (See under Timidhvaja} VATAYANTA IL Name of the fig of Indra, (MB. ‘Vana Parva, Chapter 42, Stanza 8). re VAIJAYANTA IIT, A mountain standing in the middle ‘ofthe sea of Milk, It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 9, that Brahma comes to this mountain daily for devotion and meditation. VAIJAYANTI. ‘Two bells of Airdvata. Indra presentes these two bells to Subrahmanya, who, in his, earn, gave one of them to Visékha. (M.B. Vana Parva, ‘Chapter 231, Stanza 13). VAIKARTANA, Another name of Karna. me VAIKHANASA. A pl He fad written a Book known as ‘Vaikhanasadharmaprasna’. Matters concer ing the duties of a forest-house-holder, cae at Suitable for children born of wedlocks which are, te accordance with natural law as well as contrary {0 bit hatural order, etc. aze dealt with, in detail, in, Hs book, A large number of quotations from nacadharmapenéna oecurin Manusmrti: gi. VATKHANASAS. A eae cat aa group age. ‘There were hundred hermits i 7 ‘Kvean 3: 66), ‘They were born from the finger i ot Beans,‘ (Taieriyay 1, 23 as VATRONTEAT The dicing es a ei VAIKUNTHA II. Another name of Mapivitl 17 MRC EEA sfubdbharata, Shot Parva, Chapter, 2, Startea 80, that when Visa made ereation Se five elements, bis powers didnot have AN (Kunthita) and so he got the name Vaikumties i, aye VAIKUNTHA TTI, A Brahmin saint 0 From sin, Tretayuga, The living things got dc him. This eet ey ar i ving. things, deliverance, ower oF Vaikantha to give living things oe ee Pimcntione ar Badona Purana, Brabina khavd is ter 3,.as follows: in the presence of Vase once Hight a ghee in. Psat Gime ‘gga in Karuika and return Cee Thee arateame there and began to drink 1° EO seiged Fea eee At ae ame. TNE ee the at this, and ran away, But bY ee Tat gor deliverance from all it8 784 oy of Yama se elias oy ape. TM eo You came with ropes, Instantly the M&M afraid of also came on’ Garuga. Yama’s ™ 819 VAISALAKSA Vignu’s messengers and humbly aksed them : “For what goodness of him are you taking this great sinner to Vaikuntha?” They replied: “He had blazed a lamp before the presence of Visnu. That act has earned for hima place in Vaikuntha, The goodness earned by lighting a lamp with devotion and love in Karttika, could be described only by Mukunda.” After that the rat was taken to Vaikuutha, VAIMANIKA. A holy” place. Mention is made in ‘Mahabharata, Anutasana Parva, Chapter 29, Stanza 23, that thase who bathe in this holy place could freely walk about in the world ofthe celestial snide VAIMITRA, One of the Saptamatrs (seven mothers). ‘They are Vaimiua, Kali, ‘Halima, Malini, Brhada, Aryé and Palala. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 228, Stanza 10). VAINATEYA I. One of the prominent sons of Garuda, (MB, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 10) VAINATEYA II. Son’of Vinata. (Garuda) VAINYA. Another name of emperor Prtin Prthu). VAIRATA One of the Sapta Pitrs (Seven Manes), ‘The Sapta Pitys are, Vairaja, Agnisvatta, Somapa; Garhapa- tya, Ekagriga, Caturveda and Kala, (MB. Sabha Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 40), VAIRAMAS.. A casie of people in Ancient India. The ‘people of this caste gave Dharmapuira, various ‘kinds bf jewels and other costly things as prevents and_then atiended the Rajasiya of the Pandavas. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 12). VATRATA. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. Teis mentioned in Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chap- ter 96, Verse 26, that this Vairita was killed in the battle of Bharata by Bhimasena. VAISAKHA, A month. This month comes afier the ‘month of Caitra and before the month of Jyestha. Tt jsstated in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 106, that by observing the fast af taking food only once, daily in this month, one could acquire prominence among kinsmen and people of one’s own caste. VAISAKHAVRATS. See under Dhrstabuddhi, VAISALA. A city. This city was founded by King ‘Vigala, who belonged to the dynasty of Dista. Because Nabhaga, the son of Dista had married, a woman from, Vaisyacaste, healso became Vaitya, ‘The writings of Vaisa, the son of Bhalandana of this family, are included in the Reveda. The differentiation of castes was not. so strict in those days as today. It is not known in what country Dista and his people Anagas lived. The Kings Karandhama, his son Aviksit and his son Marutia of this dynasty were great and valiant. Marutta had performed both horse sacrifice (afvamedha) and impe- Fial consecration (Rajasiya). To Trnabindu, who was See under in the tenth generation from Maruita, a son was born, named Vigdla. This Vigala founded a city and lived there, That city is called Vai’ ala, Many of the scholars are of opinion that this city Vaigala is the same as Ujjayini. tis stated in Mahabharata that Soma- datta of the seventh generation from Visala had per- Tormed ten agvamedhas (horse-sacrifices) VAISALAKSA. The Law of conduct of Brahma. Since Siva, who is Vigalaksa (far-sighted) had collected and abridged them, it came to be called Vaisalaksa. (MB. Santi Parva, Chapter 59, Stanza 82) VAISALINI VAISALINI, The daughter of King Visila. She was married by Aviksit, the son of Karandhama. ‘The famous Marutta was the son bora to this couple. (Markandeya Purina, Chapters 119-126), VAISAMPAYANA. 1) General information. A prominent disciple of Vyasa. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha I, that the main disciples of Vyasa. were Asita, Devala, Vaiampayana, Sumantu, Jaimini, Paila and some others, (See under Bharata). 2) Other details. (2) Te was Vaigampayana who told he story of Bharata composed by Vyasa, to King Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 1 Stanza 20). ) Vaisampiyana told Janamejaya the story of Bharata at the instruction of Vyasa. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 60, Verse 22) (ii) Vaitampiyana praised Mahabhirata and spoke Gfits greatness, (MLB. Adi Parva, Chapter 62, Stanza (iv) Once Vaisampayana was overpowered by igno- ance, and he ‘killed @Beahinin. Tes" mentioned ta Mababhirata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 56, that in spite of it he attained heaven. VAISYAVACAPA, The bow of Visnu, (For further details see under Vigna, para 7, sub-section 7). VAISNAVADHARMAPARVA." A sub-section of, Aévamedhika Parva in Mahabharata. VAISRAVANA. "“Kubera, (See under Kubera) VAISVADEVA’ (M). A’ sacrifice. It is mentioned in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 11, that a brahmin should perform this sacrifice to protect himself from hurts Caused by oven, threshing stone, axe, cutting knife, and other weapons. This sacrifice could be performed in. a cavity for kindling fire on the floor besmeared with cowdung and mud. It should not be done in an ordinary oven meant for cooking, in iron oven, earthenware or on ordinary floor. As all. the deities are having faces of fie, the sacrificial fire should aot be kindled by fanning the flame with hand, winnow, hide of black antelope or cloth, By fanning the flame with cloth, the sacrificer will contractdisease;_ by winnowing he would sustain loss of wealth; and death, by fanning with hand. Plums, fruits, roots, curd, ghee etc. could be used as burnt offerings. "When these are not’ avail- able, firewood, roots of herbs, grass ete, could be used instead. Things to be offered as_burnt-offerings should be purified, frst by sprinkling ghee on them, In the absence of ‘ghee, mill, curd and water may be used, Using things which ate unfit as burnt-offerings will invite bad results. In Vaisvadeva-sacrifice, half-burnt firewood used in cooking, should never be used. So also salts of any kind. After finishing Vaisvadeva, Gogrisa (giving rice to cow) also should be done. VAISVANARA I. A hermit. itis mentioned in Maha. bhirata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 7. Verse 18, that this hermit stays in the palace of Indra, (Reveda, ‘Mandala 1, Anuvaka 11, Stkta 59). VAISVANARA iI. The first son of Agni called Bhinu, In Caturmasya-iacrifice, this fire Vaiévanara also is worshipped along with the fire Parjanya, (M.B, Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 16). VAISVANARA III, ‘One of the sons born to Kafyapa by his wife Manu, (Bhagavata, Skandha 6). 820 VAJASANEYL VAIVAHIKAPARVA I. A sub-section of Adi, Parva in Mahabharata, This Gomprises chapters 192 to 198 of Adi Parva. VAIVAHIKAPARVA II. A sub-section of Virita Parva. This comprises Chapters 70 to 72 of Virata Parva, VAIVASVATA MANU. The seventh Manu. There is 4 description of Manu Vaivasvata under Manvantara.. 1) Genealagy. Descended from Visnu in the following order:—Brahma-Marici-Ka¢yapa-Vivasvan- Vaivasvata Manu. 2) The incarnation of Matsya and Vaivasvata Manu. See under Avatira, Section “Mataya.” 3) Wife and dldren. "The wile of Vaivasvata Manu was Staddha. Many sons were born to the couple. Prominent among them were, Yama, Yami, Asvi kumaras, Revanta, Sudyumna, Iksvaku, Nrga,_ Saryati, Dista, Dhrsta, Kardsa, Narisyanta, Nabhaga, Prsadhra and Kavi, VAIVASVATA TIRTHA. A holy place. It is, mentions ed in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 39, that he who bathes in this holy bath woul begome himself'a holy tirtha. 4 VAISYA. One of the four castes. (For further detail see under Varna and Citurvarnya), VAITALL. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Saly* Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 67). aoe VAITANDA. Son of Apa, one of the eight Vasus. APé had four sons named, Vaitanda, Srama, Santa a0 Dhvani. (Visnu Purana, Ama 1, Chapter 15). : VAITARANT I. Abell.) (See under Kala, the Sectio! Naraka). 1 VAITARANT II. The name of river Ganges phen flows through’ the world of the Manes. (MB. Parva, Chapter 169, Stanza 22). VAITARANT TIL. A river. ‘The prominence river is given below : i (i) This river stays in the court of Varuna and glor fics him. (Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter % Stanza 20). : 7 (ii) This river gives remission of sins. ‘There is a SPO called Virajatirtha, in this river, He who, bathes, 1 this holy place would shine like the moon. (M.B. Va Parva, Chapter 85, Stanza 6). ip VAJA. A son of Sudhanva, whose father was Afigir35, (5 is mentioned in Reveda, Mandala 1, Astaka, 1, aro 111, that Sudhanva tad three sons named bb Vibbvan and Vaja. VAJAPEYA. A sacrifice. VAJASANEYA, A religion or religious book (script™t®); At the end of Kaliyuga, people will become thieves 804 Jose all good qualities, and moreover fifteen branch i of the Veda Vajasaneya alone will be accepte’ Regulations of life. (Agni Purina, Chapter 16). VAJASANEYI (VAJASANEYAS). A group of Priest. Priest Yajfiavalkya was one of the disciples of YAM Veda-group of Vyasa. Of the line of disciples, Y0%~ yalkya had fifteen disciples. They were called VajasaneY ins or Vajasaneyas, ‘The Yajus—collection received from the god Sun ¥°% divided into fifteen groups by Yajiavalkya and ger to each of his disciples. From that day onwards, his 4(5 iples became famous by the name Vajasaneyas. (BF of this VAJASRAVAS VAJASRAVAS. Apriest who was the son of Naciketas. (Brhadaranyaka Upanigad, 6-4-33). VAJRA T. Son of Vivamitra. He was an expounder of ‘Vedas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 52). VAJRA Il. The son of Aniruddha, who was the grandson of Sri Krsna. Mention is made in Maha- bharata, Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 72, that ater the extermination ofthe Vidavas by, the masala fight (the fight with grass grown from the flings of the iron-pestle), Arjuna erointed Vajta as the King of the remaining Yadavas. When the Pinder the Mahaprasthana (the great departure), Yudhisthira aed abhadles And infiracted her to fk, after. Vajra with particular care. (M.B. Maha Prasthana Parva, Chapter 1, Stanza 8). e VAJRABAHU 1. A notorious asura. Vajrabihu was ‘born of a Vidyadhara-damsel named Cs icalaksi, when she was raped by the asura Sahasramukha. This \Vajrababu did penance before Siva and obtained Pasu- patastra (a divine arrow) and an impenetrable armour. ‘After this, he caught hold of Indra and bound him. Subrahmanya rescued Indra and killed Vajrabahu. (Kamba Ramayana, Uttara Kanda). VAJRABAHU II. A monkey. With other pears fajrabahu got on the body of Kumbhakarna an scratched hie face and body and did much harm in. the battle between Rama and Ravana. Kumbhakarna caught hold of them and ate them. (M.B. Vana Parva, vy Sapien 287, Sianza 67). Pte RDAMSTRA 1. A. ferocious giant who was, Kanda, Sarga of, mention is made that this, giant was Killed by Angada in the Rama-Ravana battle. z VAJRADAMSTRA IJ. A__captain of the army oP ‘Tripurasura, It is stated in ‘Ganeéa Purana that eae ‘sura gave his captain clothes, villages ete. 3&5 et 5 for bringing Patala (netherworld) under contol. VAJRADATTA. The King of Prighyotisapur nbouring the son of Bhagadatia. HE HE ore ngs and defeated, them. He caught hold of The eridcial hove of Yudhisthira, Jed by Agjuna, soho fought with Vajradatta for three daysand dees (MB. Agvamedha Parva, Chapters 69 and 7)- VAJRAJVALA. acaauenienee ee Besa) vila was the wife of Kumbhakarna on gems tte we eer A hell (See the part Naraka under Kala). VAJRAMUSTIL. to Malyavan of his wife brothers named Virpaks®, palate. Matta and oy am ali. (Utara Ramayana) - ery | (R- VAJRANABHA 1. A wareor of a aya. ( alya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza VAJRANABHA I ‘A King of He 1 genealogy is the followin Rava Devanika ~ ‘i gncalogy he a naan Deve Riga-Panyatra-Dala-Vinda-Vasena oS) the son of Vajeanaba. (BhaEe a TT nom Pra- VAJRANABHA III, An asura- me ‘was the daughter iyumna the son of Sri Krsna AT? ‘prabhavati) - Of this asura. (For details 8° Om veg Mathura VAJRANABHA TV. A King WhO TNC est of hermit ‘He was a friend of Parikgit. At vant, Vajramusti was the Sop) Dora A giant. Valier, Vajramusti had sx Surmukha, _Suptaghnay Spa sister nam 2 VaJRAYUDHA Gandilya, Uddhava talked to Vajranabha about the greatness of Bhagavata, VAJRANGA. An asura, This asura was born to Katyapa of his wife Diti. Tarakasura was born to Vajraiiga of hhis wife Varangi (For details sec under Parvati, Para 2) VAJRAPRASADA.. A house in heaven. Manidvipa is situated above the world of Brahma, This is an island in the sea of Amgta with an area of several yojanas. All the sand particles on the shore of the sea of Amrta are jewels. Beyond the trees of jewels standing on the sea~ ‘Coast, there is an iron-wall with four towers. Those who come here to see Devi (goddess) should get down from their vehicles here. (Beyond this wall of iron, there are seven walls of bronze, copper, lead, brass, a mixture of five metals, silver and gold. They are called Saptasal Between the walls there are several parks such as Kal Pane Santanavatika, Haricandanavriqavatira, Man Garavatika, Parijatavagika, Kadambavati etc. On pas- Sing the seven walls, several houses are seen. ‘They are topaz-house, jacinth-house, beryl-house, diamond-house, ysoprase-house, sapphire house, ruby-house, emerald- house, etc, (Dev? Bhagavata, Skandha 11). VAJRASTRSA. A ton of hermit Bhrgu. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 195, that hermit Bhrgu had seven sons named Cyavana, Vajtasirsa, Suc, Aurva, Sukra, Varenya and Savana, VAJRAVEGA. A giant who was the brother of Khara, Yisana and Triviras. In the battle between Rama and Ravana Vajravega stood as the attendant of Kumbha- farou and fought with, So Rama and wa killed by Haniman. (M.B, Vana Parva, Chapter 27). VAJRAVISKAMBHA. A child of Garuda. (Mahabha- ‘ta, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 10). VAJRAYUDHA (Thunderbolt). ‘The famous weapon fh Tae aking of Ta olden days & 1) The of this weapon, In olden. days a fierce Ee nel ‘tia wae born. ‘The, eatateya and many other asuras became his followers. They began to ‘create havoc in the world, and cause harm to the Devas. At last under the leadership of Indra, the Devas went to Brahma and informed him of their grievances land requested for advice as to the way of killing Vrira. Brahma told them that only with a weapon made of the bone of the hermit Dadhica, could Vrtrasura be killed. ‘The Devas went to the bank of the river Sona and_saw the hermit Dadhica, who was the foremost of munificent men, doing penance there. Indra told him the purpose of their visit. He told the Devas to take his bone, if it ‘was useful to them, Saying this he forsook his body. The Devas took the bones of the hermit and gave them to ‘Vigvakarmi who made_a powerful weapon with them, and gave that to Indra. They named the weapon the “thunderbolt”. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 100) 2). The face of Subrahmanya was cut. Once Indra’ was defeated by Narakasura. He went to the Himalayas and hid himself there. Unable tosee their King Indra, the devas went to Subrahmanya, When Indra knew this, he thought that Subrahmanya had taken possession of the world of the gods. So he came and fought with Su- brahmanya, ‘The thunderbolt of Indra touched the face of Subrahmanya and wounded him. From the blood which flowed from the face of Subrahmanya two _ noble men appeared who eventually became warriors of Subrahmanya, (Kathdsaritsigara, Lavanakalambaka, Taraiiga 6). VAJRIL 3) Daily thunderbolt. In Visou Purana, Arisa 1, Chap- ter5 and Aria 2, Chapter 8, a process by” which thunderbolt is made daily in the evening from the water ppatticles thrown by Brahmins when they recite the spell Gayatri, is described, In the evening, the fierce giants called the Mandehas wish to eat the Sun. Prajapati had given them a curse that though their bodies would not perish they would daily meet with death, So there is a fight between these giants and the sun daily in the evening, At that time the Brahmins recite the spell Gayatri with the Brahma- pervading syllable ‘OM’, and’ throw up water. ‘This water becomes the Vajra weapon, and burns the giant 4) The thunderbolt became a tiger. “The hermits Narada and Parvata once went to the palace of the King Sritjaya, The King worshipped them and served them for a long time, as a result of which a son was bom to him. Indra decided to lessen the superior ower of these hermits. Once the son of the King, who Was a mere boy, was playing in the forest. At the in- struction of Indra, the thunderbold took the form of a tiger and went 1o’the forest and killed the boy. Srijaya beéame very sad. Narada and Parvata brought the, boy to lite again and gave him to the King. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 30). VAJRI I. Indra who wields the weapon Vajea (q.v) VAJRI IL, An eternal god concerned in offering to the manes. (Mahabharata, Anu Asana Parva, Chapter 91, Stanza 33). VAKA (BAKA). See under Baka, VAKA. ‘The daughter of the giant Malyavan. Vigravas matried her. Three sons Trisiras, Diisana and Vidyuj- fa and a daughter Anupiliki were born to the couple (Brahmanda Purana, 3:8: 39-56; Vayu Purina, 70 34-50). But in maha Bharata, mention is made only about three wives of Visravas, named Puspotkata, Rika, and Malini VAKA DALBHYA (BAKA DALBHYA). A hermit of Ancient India. The information obtained from Maha- bharata about this hermit is given below. (He was a member of the council of Yudhisthira, (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 11) (ii) Once Vaka Dalbhya lectured to Yudhisthira about the greatness of Bréhmanas. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 26, Stanza 6) (iti) On another occasion he described the welfare of eternal beings to Indra. (M.B, Vana Parva, Chapter 193), (iv) Once he stopped Sri Krsna, who was going to Hastinapura, and conversed with him on the way. (MLB. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 63) (v) The hermit Baka Dalbhya once talked about how the kingdom of Dhrtarastra would be made burntoffering to fire. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 41, Stanza 3) VAKANAKHA (BAKANAKHA). One of Vigvamitra’s sons who were expounders ofthe Vedas. (Maha Bharata Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 58) VAKPARUSYA (Using harsh words). One of the weongs brought under the rule ofchastisement in ancient India, Without caring for the truth or falsity, a man fising another with a view to tease or offend him, ED Vakparusya. The teasing may be aimed at some. body with disabled members of the body or disabled organs of sense. Besides, using heart-rending words also 322 VALMIK It comes under this crime, In olden days kings issued ‘orders to fine anybody found guilty of this crime. Ordi narily the fine was 25 Panas. If the crime was committ- ed against one who was below the level of the culprit the fine to be paid was only half. If harsh words were ‘sed against ther women or people of a higher level the fine was double. (Agni Purana, Chapter 258). VAKRA. A King in Ancient India. He is known by the name Dantavaktra. (For further details see under Dantavaktra). VAKSOGRIVA. Vigvamitra’s son, who was an expound- er of Vedas. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 53). VALA (BALA). An asura. It is stated in Padma Purdina, Bhamikhanda, how Indra killed this asura. One day Vala went (0 the sea for his evening worship. Devendra saw the asura, shining with the radiance of celibacy and the divine 70d and. deer-hide, praying fon the seashore. Instantly Indra cut him into «wo wil his weapon, the thunderbolt. Vala fell down motionless ‘Mention is made about this asura in Rgveda, Mandala 1; Anuvaka 4._( For further details see under’ Bala). VALAKA (BALAKA). A forester. (For further details sec under Balaka). : VALARASVA. | See under Balikisva, VALAKHILYAS. See under Balakhilyas VALALA. See under Ballava VALGUJANGHA. A son of Vigvamitra. Brahmavadin. (See under Viévamitra) . | VALIMUKHA. “A famous monkey in the army of Sti Rima, (Valmiki Ramayana, Vuddha Kanda, Sare@ 4, Verse '52). VALISIKHA. See under Baliikha, VALKALA. "See under Balvala, VALLABHA I. The husband of Hemaprabha, an un chaste woman. (See under Hemaprabha). VALLABHA II. Son of Balakasva. He was a righteous King. Vallabha had a son named Kusika. (M.B- Anusisana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 5). VALMIKI I. A hermit who was the first among poct and the author of Ramayana, : 1) General information. Knowledge about this hermit who was the first among the poets of Bharata, is scanty- So we have to depend mainly on some hearsay for the life history of th It is said that Valmiki was the tenth son of Varuna. But in his younger age he fell into the hands of wicke people and became a wicked man, like his friends, The? his name was not Valmiki, Being a father, Fhe bad 12 support his family, For this purpose he used to plunder travellers. Once he happened. to catch the Saptarsis (the seven hermits) who passed by that way” TRE hermits asked him whether his wife and children would share the sins he had incurred by plundering. The plunderer could not answer that unexpected questio®- He ran home and asked his wife and children if they would share the sins incurred by him. ‘They were not Prepared to do so, Ina moment his life underwent # thorough change. He ran to the Saptarsis and knelt before them. ‘They imparted to the forester, knowledge ee ths Vein ‘The forester sat under a tree ang begat sing ‘Rama Rama’. Days and months and yea*$ Passed, unknown to him, He did not know that white ants had built a shelter above him. After several Ye the Saptarsis returned by that way. They broke the He was # 4 VALMIKI IT antchill and took the hermit out, Because he came out OF Valnika or whesenchil he came to be. known as Gstnakh ie" butte his hermitage on the bank of the Necr'Tainasi and lived there with his disciples. Tt was Bris place that he composed the famous poem Ram- yana, or further deals sec under Ramayana). 2) Other details. (1) Vilmist shines in, the palace of Indra, (MB. Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 16). (i) Menton is made in'Mahabheala, Udyoga Parva, Grapter 3 Stanva 27, that, Valatht met Set Krsna pho was going ro. Hastinapura 382 mesenget off the Endavas. ao (a Saujaki recited a poem composed, by VAlatky ie, Rating killed Bhasgravas in the Bhirata-batile ‘MLB. Drona Parva, Chapter 143, Stanza 57). Ooo Ear ca cf ihe belts of (iv) Valo “of the . devotion to Siva, (M.B. Anusisana Parva, Chapter 18, Stanza 8). VALMIKI I. One of the prominent sons of Garuda. (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza hy. VAMA, An attendant of Subrahmanya, (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 12). VAMABEVAL fn cin! het 1) Pamadeve and Sala, ‘Three, sons, named ad Bala were boon to King Parisi by it wie S hand, a princess of Mandika, In due course, Partkst apoinced his eldest son Sala as King and went to the forest for penance. B Gave’ gels went torte forest fo, hunt, While. chasing a deer, the King uted it cl Capable of overtaking the deer. Fee en oe Mores were available at. the ermitage Sena see they went tothe, hermitage of Vm, deva and got the horses on condition that they woul be returned. eae nag De returned ag, Sala reached his capital, Sering the beauty aod the vigorous nature of the horses, He Gidnge ike to. part with them Vamadeve disciple to the court of the King to tae amadeva named Sala, Dala "The charioteer told the honey Sree require sud citing, wih cach “ive and pierced, Sala ‘A. Vans Parva, other, some fierce giants came witha trident and killed him. Chapter 192). 2) Other informalion sya and a pret of Dasarasin. Sein 7, Stanza 3)- ‘was composed bY pa Mandals 401 er ipernit #20 ee och, Acvinidevas when he was ip BE MS: (Rgveda, Mandala 1. snk 12 cat! the Aes of dog iv) Once, Vamadeva 0 eat ioe Brahmins. fechase at hunger, with 2 Wet (Manvsmyti, Chapter 10, Stan 100° {Monnet eer nent meme, Sanaa 17) Indra, (MB. Sabba Parva, ChE'pu¢ righteousness (0) Oe Vale Sr ny, Capt to Kine Vasumanas, (MB: Sat Pe eed this King VAMADEVA TI. A King. ASU" North,(M.B, Sabbi Surin his regional conquest of PE Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza ye (i)He was a friend of Vs (Valmiki Ramayana, Mandala 4 of Rev the assembly of 823, VAMANA I VAMADEVA III. One of the seven sons born to Manu by his wile Satarupa. Ie is stated in Matsya Purana, Chapter 4, that the Brahmin was born from the face, Keatriya from the hand, Vaisya from the calf of the leg and Sidra from the foot, of Vamadeva, who was an incarnation of Siva. ‘This Vamadeva’ who had five faces and a trident in his hand, fought Candra, when Tara the wile of Brhaspati was carried away by andra, (Matsya Parana, 4-13). VAMANA I: An incarnation of Mahavignu, 1) General information. "There are ten main incarnations of Mahavisntt. Of these, the incarnation of Vimanz is the fli. 2) Two Vananas. Two different stories occur in the Puranas about the incarnation of Vamana. One story js about how Mahiviswu took the incarnation of Vamana and thrust Mahabali an asura, down to the nether world. This story is more widely known. In the second, story the place of Mahabali is given to the asura called Dhundhus This is the main difference. For a compara- tive study, both stories are given belo fa) The fast story of the incarnation of Vamane. The devas {gods }such as iadra and the others were born ¢o Praja pati Katyapa by his wife Aditi and the asuras (demons) fuch as Mahfbali and others, by his wife Diti, The Daityas (asuras) began to harm and harass. the Devas toa areat extent. Once Aditi, the mother of the Devas, complained to Kafyapa about this, He advised her to fake the fast called ‘Payovrata’ fixing the image of Mahavisou in her heare and. that he will take birth through her as Vamana and destroy Mahabali. Accord- jng tothe advice of her husband, Aditi began to take Payovrata, t the end of which Mahavisnu appeared belore her and asked her what her wish was, She told Visou, of ber grievances and Visnu consoled her and taid “You have invoked me by your prayer and fast forthe safety of your sons. So T will enter your womb through the penance of Kasyapa and take birth as your fon and rescue your sons.” Mahivignu disappeared. Aditi worshipped her husband with devotion. By contemplation Kagyapa knew every- thing, He infused the energy he had acquired by penatice into Aditi, who gave birth to a son. ‘The birth Fook place on the twellth day of the month of Bhadra- pada, in the bright lunar fortnight at,the auspicious Moment called Abhijit, inthe star of Srivana. ‘The infant had four hands.” While Kasyapa and Aditi were ooking on, the infant changed its form and. became a dwarfish Brahmin boy. ‘The Devas brought presents to the child, The Sun taught him the spell called Savitri- mantra. Brhaspati gave the Brabmastring. Kasyapa we the string worn round the waist." The earth gave the hide of a black antelope. Soma the Vanaspati g a rod; Aditi gave the cloth over the privities, the sky fan umbrella, theseven hermits gave Ku’a-grass, Brahma gave a waterpot, Sarasvati gave a rosary and Kubera Rave a pot. At that time, the powerful Mahabali_had brought she three worlds of heaven, earch and Patala (the nether~ world) under his control. That Asura King performed 3 horseesacrifice with the help of @ Bhargava Brahm Hearing about it Vamana started for the place of sacri fice. Mahabali was performing the sacrifice at a place called Bhrgukacchaka on the North bank of river Narmada. The priests who were performing the rites VAMANA I 824 and ceremonies of the sacrifice saw Vamana coming slowly to the sacrificial hall. They wondered whether it was the Sun, Sanatkumara or Agni (Fire) coming to se the sacrits: While they wercstanding thus, Vimana with his umbrella, rod and water pot ‘filled with water entered the sacrificial hall. Mahabali welcomed Vamana and asked him the purpose of his visit. Vamana said “Oh King! Your words are sweet. Noble Asura ! give me three feet of ground which I measure with my feet. ‘That is all what I want.”* Mahabali agreed. The tcacher-priest Sukra felt some doubts regarding the identity of Vamana. So he secret. ly told Mababali that the boy Vamana was none other than Mahavisu and as such, he should not give any promise. But Mahabali had already given the promise He refused to go back upon his words. ‘The priest Sukra got angry at this and cursed Mahabali ‘thus, “You boast that you are wise and learned. But you arc disobedient, slow-witted and unwise. So. all your rosperities will be destroyed.” ‘Though he was cursed, he did not deviate from the path of truth, He gave the promised ground to Vemana by pouring water with the water brought in golden pot by his queen Vindhyavali. The names, ‘Agana and Kotara also’ are used in the Puranas for Vindhyavali the wife of Mahabali. She came out for the purpose wearing golden ornaments. Mahibal himself washed the ‘fect of Vamana, who instantly began to grow and became large beyond imagination Everybody on the spot _was amazed at the unimagi able bigness of Vamana. On that huge figure, Mahabali saw the priest, the performers of sacrificial rites, the sact- ficial hall, the universe, the elements, the qualities the senses, the mind, the individual spirits, and at the feet of the figure the world Rasatala, He saw the earth on its feet, mountains below the knees, birds on its knees, the Maruts on its thighs, evening on its clothes, the Prajapatis on its privities, the noble and mighty asurae onits loins, thesky on its navel, the oceansonitsstomach, Dharma (duty) in its heart, rightness and. truth om itt breasts, Mahalaksmt holding” lotus on its chest, songs gods of Shman and all other voices in its neck, all the eginning with Indra on itshands,. the ‘points (diteec fons) on its ears, the ether on jts head, the Sloe oa its hair, breaths in its nose, the sun in its eyes, fre on its face, the Vedas in its words, Varuna in its tongue day and night agreement and disagreement in its wok. ing and anger on its forchead, Tn its touch there” mg desire, in its radiance there was water, in its horton, Jawlesiness, sacrifice in its steps, death 'in ite shadow, lusion in its laugh, medicines in its hairs, rivers ewe veins, stones in its’ nails, Brahma in, its intelligence, hermits, devas etc. in its lifecbreaths. ‘Thus the ‘figure wwas seen by Mahabali. Vamana had trodden “one whole of the earth, which was completely onde, ie cont ol of Mahabali, with one foot, filled the whale the sky with his large body and the four points were Sled wh bit hands. The second step wan pot en Migharlok, Janatoka and Tapoloka (three worlds), "No spot ora left in the universe for a third step. Vamana said :—“You have given me three feet of ground. I have measured two feet of ground, Shaws ‘moe the place to measure the third step. T have measured the earth with one step and the heaven with the sesocd step. You have seen it. If you cannot keep your promise VAMANA I fou had better go down to Patala.” Bali requested him ‘To place the thitd step on his head, Vawane placed bis foot on the head of Mahabali and thrust him down 10 Patala, : ‘Vamana brought Indra to the spot and anointed him as the ruler of heaven, in the presence of all the gods and henmits.. Indra ‘sent Vamana with the Lokapalas (Indra, Agni, Yama and Varuna) in a divine Vimana \o the world of Visnu. (Bhgavata Skandha 8). ) The second story of the incarnation of Varrana, Dhundh, an asura_boy, was born to Kasyapa by his wife Danu. ‘hat asura did penance and pleased Brahaaa. He made a request that he should not be killed by Indra am the other gods or anybody ls. Brahma, who was Plessed at his penance, gave him the boon he asked. ‘The boy Dhundhu, at the beginning of the four! Kaliyuga, during the period of Hiranyakagipu, went (© heaven and defeating Indra and the other Devasy established his rule there as Indra. ‘The mighty ‘Hiranyakasipu was travelling on the mountain Mandara as an official under Dhundhu. : The defeated and griefstricken Devas went to the orld of Erahmé and lived there. Dhundha, who, knew this, wanted to drive them out of that place also. He requested Sukra, the priest and teacher of asuras, tell him the means of doing it, ita Sukra said. ‘Devendra was enabled to enter the presence of Brahma, because he had performed one wundred horse-sacrifices. “Hearing this, Dhundhu, wi the permission of the teacher Sukra, began to perform sacrifice in the holy place called Pracina urtha. Hearing that Dhundbu had begun the horse-sacrifice, Indra ‘and the Devas trembled with fear and, leaving the werld of Brabmdy went to the world of 'Visnw + prayed for protection. Bhagavan came to know ©! everything and consoled them and sent_ them back: After. this’ Mahavigau took the form of a Vamane and jumped into the Devikijala and lay afloat like Piece of dry wood. Dhundhu and the hermits saw Shanee, Vamana sinking and coming up in the watet; They took the Vamana-Brahmin out of water and aske him how he had fallen in water. Vamana replied with shiver:—*In the family of Varuna there was a Brahmi named Prabhasa, who was a scholar. Tam Gatibhast the younger of his two sons._ After the death of fathe?, J requested my brother to divide the property of oat father. My brother quoted several rules and said (at I was not entitled to get any portion of my father wealth. Tspoke against him and getting angry Be caught me by my hair and threw me into the river: is a year since I, being not able to swim, began to si”) and come up in this river. Thus you have seen here.” - ‘The Bhargavas who were present there, request Dhundhu thus. “Oh! King’ of the auras’ Be pleased {0 give this boy a. well-furnished house, servant-maid and plenty of wealth.” Hearing this Diundhu. said '2 Yamana. “Iwill provide you with wealth, servat! maids, house, gold, cows, land, clothes etc,”” ée ‘Vamana humbly ‘said to Dhundhu “Oh Lord! : BOL want ny ‘weatth. Te femy dei for wealth 22 Brought me to this plight, I request you to 8! me only three feet of ground,” . FEsonn. a8 the asura-King complied with his request ‘Vamana began to grow like the moon, He acsumed # VAMANA IL shape of Trivikrama to measure each of the three ‘worlds with a foot. In two. steps he measured all. the worlds. Vamana whose body was bigger than Maha meru became angry when he did not sce place to measure the third step, and fell on Dhundhu, By ¢his heavy fall there appeared a great cavity thirty thousand Yojanas deep. Bhagavan Vismu took the asura Dhundhu and threw to that deep pit with a mighty force, and by «shower of dust e fled the avy, a Indra with the Devas occupied the world of Gods. Leaving the asura King in the sca of dust, Bhagavan jumped into the river Kalindi and disappeared. (Padma Purana, Chapter 78). VAMANA Il. One of the cight elephants. supporting ‘the universe, This elephant was one of the four sons of Irivati, Airdvata, Supratika and Afjana were _ the other three, (Bratmanda Purina, 3: 7:292). 7 "imana was the conveyance of famous giant, inthe army of Ghatotkaca’ during the battle of (M.B, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 60, Verse 56). VAMANA TIL. A holy place situated on the borders of Karukseira, By bathing in the particular spot.called Visnup ida, in this holy place and worshipping Vamana, one could enter the world of Visnu. (M.B. Vana Parva, ane 86, Stanza 103). Fale NATV. A holy place. It is stated in Mahi bharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 13, that those who worship Hari (Visnu) in ‘this place will never become miserable. VAMANA V. A. mouniain in the Kraufica Island. vy hahtoharata, Bima Party chaps te MANABHATTABANA. A great Sanskrit poet, Tf, © written sereval pocms and plays. His poetic, works sre ‘Nalabhyudaya’ and ‘Raghundthacarita | The, former consists pfeagh Seandas and the latter, thicty Ragdes, It is stated that Vamanabhattabana was the tefehe! Vidyaranya. Besides these two major works, fen several pocms and dramas. Imitating, sip ‘Meghasandeta® of Kalidasa, he had writen © Foner work of che sane type called ‘Hashsasandels”. A Soir Brana cnied Spsiabhaaes $e sca at led Srigirthat this drama was acted 9% Vijayanagar. ‘The two plays named Parvacbe ee ae eee: citar were also written By the sau POs ‘VAMorAPITRABA, ‘One of the eighteen Purdnas, ce under Purana). Z VAMANTEER ae oaendant of Subrabmenye. (MB. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 23)- ps the VAMISU. A river which is famous ine Tes, Tow-caste people who lived on the, Soe) 2 nasecration) of Yudbi- came to the Ie ajasiya (imperial conser, 17). er Sthira, (MB. Sabha Parva, Chaplet a vajapati Kasyapa by his VAMSA, A daughter bora to PralSPett Gs) apa by is AMES. A ana Br Paros, Chaptss 5, Sen VAMSAGULMA, A holy bath. ThE, Tee gta Meter bat Ty A tay ag ava, Chapter 85, Stanza 9 1 0 oF perform ava, Chapter 5, Stu? ta ce fut of peforming @ horse-sacrifice. lace VAMSAMOLAKA. A_ holy PIs, Boundary of Kurukgetra, 10 54 ituated_on the ae Mahabharata, 825 VANDANA Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 41, that if’ a bath is taken in this holy place one could bring about the up- lift of one's race, VAMSAVALI, (GENEALOGY). The genealogy of the characters in ‘the Puranas is given separately at the tend of this book. VAMYA. Name of the horse of the hermit Vamadeva. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 41). VANAPARVA. An important Parva in Mahabharata. VANAPRASTHA. _ (House-holder in the forest). One of the four stages of life. (See under Asrama), VANARA (MONKEY). Monkeys are given a prominent ace in the Puranas. Considering them as born. in_ the Family of Handman, an ardent devotee of Sri Ram some worship monkeys. It is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana that the monkeys got a prominent place first among the gods and spirits. It is stated in Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindh’ Kanda, Sarga 33, chat the leaders of the monkeys were Bali, Sugriva, Arigada, Mainda, Gavaya, Dvivida, Gavaksa, Gaja, Sarabha, Siryaksa, Haniman, Vidyunmali, Virabahu, Subahu, Nala, Komuda, Jambavan, Tara, Supatala, Sunctra, Nila and Dadhivaktra, ‘The social life of the monkeys, is described as follows in the Valmiki Ramayana, Kiskindha Kanda, Sarge 35. “Mahendra mountain, the Himalayas, the Vindhya oo ntain the peaks of Kailasa and Sveta mountain, Mandara mountain etc. are the places mostly inhabit- edby monkeys. On the mountains shining like the ng sun, on the eastof the western ocean also monkeys five, ‘The Monkeys which inhabit black soil are blue Inealour. Monkeys which live in red arsenic caves wie yellow in colour. ‘Those which live in Mahé. Meru $hd Dhtmra (smoky) mountain have the colour of the Hsing sun and are drunkards.” VANASPATI T. Those trees which produce fruits without lowering are called Vanaspati according to Manusmarti Chapter 1, Stanza 47. Atti (fig tree) is an example. (appl phalavanto yes vanapacays amr), VANASPATI II. One of the seven sons of the King Ghytaprstha, (Bhigavata, Skandia 5). VANAVA. Acountry famots in the Purigas. (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 54) VANAVASIKA. A country in ancient India, (M.B. Bhigma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 58) VANAYU I. A’son born to Prajépati Kasyapa of his vife anu Tis mentioned in Mahabharata, Ri Parva Chapter 65, Stanza 25, that he was the most prominent of the ten sons of Danu. ee VANAYU II. A. son_born to Urvast from Purtravas. ‘The sons of Urvasi were Ayus, Dhiman, Amavasu, Drdhayu Satdyu and Vanayu, (M.B. ‘Adi Parva, Chapter 75, Stanza 25). VANAYU II], A country in ancient India. Mention {ig made about this country in Mahabharata, BhTsma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 56 VANCULA. A bird. ‘The cry of this bird, is believed to forebode victory. (Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda Sarga 69, Stanza 22). VANDANA. A hermit mentioned in Rgveda. Onee ‘this hermit was pushed into a well by Asuras. But he was saved by the Aévinidevas. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, ‘Anuvka 1, Sikta 116). VANDANA.’ A river famous in the Puréas, (Mahabha- rata, Bhigma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 18) ‘VANDI VANDI (BANDI, VANDINA). A scholar and scientist in the palace of King Janaka. He defeated the hermit Kahodaka in an argument and dipped. him in water. For further details see under Astavakra). VANDINA. See under Vandi. VANEYU. "A King who was the grandson of emperor Paru and the son of Rudraéva, Vaneyu was born. to Rudrisva by a celestial woman named Misrakesi. ‘Ten sons named Vaneyu, Reeyu, Kakgeyu, Krpaneyu, Sthandileyu, Jaleyu, Tejeya, Satyeyu, Dharmeyu and Santatcyu, were born to. this celestial woman. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 8). VANGA. An important state in ancient” India, The present name of this country is Bengal. Several’ state- ‘ments occur in the Purinas about Vata. The following are the statements about Vaiiga given in the Mahabharata i) Arjuna visited this country during his pilgrimage. (xcBoRGt Pans Chaney tarng Ms ile (ii) Bhimasena attacked Variga,” (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 23), (ii) The Kings of Vatga visited Yudhighira with prevents. (MLB. Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Stanza 18), (iv) Karna conquered this country during his regional conquest. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 254, Stanza 8). (v) In the Bharata battle the King of Vaiga confront. ed Ghatotkaca and was defeated, (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 92, Stanza 6), (vi)_Once $ri Kréga conquered the country of Vaiiga. (Ma, Drooa Parva, Chapter 11, Siaa 1b). vii) Parasurama exterminated the Ksatriyas of Vaiga, (M.B, Drona Parva, Chapter 70, Stanza 12). (vill) ‘The low castes of Vaiiga attacked the’ sacrificial horse led by Arjuna who killed every one of them. (M.B. Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 29). VANGRDA, An asura,’ It is mentioned in. Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 1," Sikta 10, that the Kings Att, thigva and Rjisva, with their armies surrounded. the cities of the “asuras Karafja, Parnaya and Vaigyda and that Indra helped the two Kings. VARJULA. See under Vidura 11 VAPUS I. A daughter of Daksa, Dharmadeva married her. (Vigna Purana, Arisa ly Chapter 7). VAPUS II. A celestial maid. She made a futile attempt to hinder the penance of the hermit Durvasas, ‘and by the curse of the hermit she had to take birth ae the daughter of Kundhara by Menakii in the next birth: (Markandeya Parana, 1, 49, 56:2, 41). VAPUSMAN. Son of Saiikrandana, the King of Vidar- bha. Dama, a famous King of Dista dynety chad away by stealth Sumani, the daughter of ‘Carwvarn the King of Dasarna, in consequence of which Vancrnnn, and Dama became enemics, cae Vapusman waited for an opportunity to take revenge and when a convenient moment came, he ‘killed Watt syanta the father of Dama. Indrasena the moves of Dama told him of his father’s murder and dren jumping into the funeral pyre of her husband, che drat Because of grief at the loss of his parents: and anges towards the slayer, Dama started with mighty areay and engaged Vapusinan in a fierce battle. He willed Vapusman in the battle and with his blood he made offerings to the spirits of his parents. (Markanders Purana, 133). 826 VARAHA IIT VAPUSMATI. Daughter of the King of Sindhu. She Became the’ wile ef Mfaruta: (Afirkandeya Puri, 133). VADUSTAMA. ‘The prominent gqugen of King Jana. mejaya, She was the daughter of Suvarnavarma, the King of KAsi. (Dey! Bhigavata, Skandha 2). Vapur tama had two sons, Satanika and Saikukarga. (M.B- Rai Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 86). a VARADA. ‘A warrior of Subrahmanya (Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 64). VARADANA. A holy place near Dvaraka. It was here that Durvasas gave Bhagavan $:i Krsna boons (Vara); From that day this became a holy place. It is mentione in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 82, that ne who take bath inthis holy place would obtain the fruits of giving a thousand cows as alms. VARADASANGAMA. A holy place, Those who take bath in this holy place would obtain the fruits of giving a thousand cows as alms, (MLB. Vana Parva, Chapte 85, Stanza 35). ae VARAHA. | An ancient hermit, It igmentioned in Mahi. bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 17, that this hermit stayed in the palace of Yudhisthira. VARAHA Il.” A holy place in the middle of Kuruksetsa. Tt is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 88, that Mahvisqu stayed in this place for a while in the shape of Varaha (Boar) and that those Whe bathe in this holy bath would obtain the fits erforming. the sacrifice Agnistoma. : VARAHA It.” (Boar). One ofthe ten incarnations of Mabavienu, ‘ 1) Need for this incarnation. Jaya, and Vijaya, two door, keepers of Mahiviuu ‘showed disrespect towards the famous hermits Sanaka and others who went (2 visit Mahavisnu, The angry hermits cursed them ‘0 birth as asuras. Accordingly Jaya and Vijaya took bir' as the two asurasHiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipy 2” were born from Prajapati Kagyapa by his wife Dit, Even their birth itself was inauspicious. Once, while Katyapa was carrying on evening worship, his wile Wat filled with bid, She embraced Kasyapa, ‘Because sb¢ got pregnancy in an inauspicious moment, two asi! sons were bom. At the time of their birth darkness spread over the whole of the world, and some ill ome were seen, The Devas (gods) trembled. a ‘The elder son was called Hiranyflea and the sec07d son was called Hiranyakaéipa, As Hiranyaksa grew. ¥ he began to quarrel with the Devas, “When, the ‘ght grew fierce, he picked up the earth in his hands 28.9 Ball and went under water. ‘There was lef only, wale ‘The Devas went to. Mahavignu and prayed to him order to get the earth back, A At this time Manu Svayambhuva, the son of Bralm®s {3s living with his father looking afjer his welfare. 1) father, who was pleased with the services of his $2 said. “My dear son, you should worship Devi, who ¥! be pleased with your devotion and will bless you. Jy she ‘is pleased with you, you will become a famous Prajipati.” Hearing the words of Brahma, vaya Dhuva worshipped Devi with ardent devotion, eh meditation and severe vows and. penance, at WD Jagadamba was pleased. She appeared before him 2 #iked him what boon he wanted. Manu requested 18 he should be permitted to carry on’ creation with®™ any obstruction.” Devt gave hian” permission. MM VARAHA 1V returned to his father Brahmi and said, “Father, point ‘out to me a solitary place, 1 will sit there and! create subjects by the blessings of Devi.” Only when he heard the request of his son, did Brahma begin to think about the exigency of providing his son with such aplace. For, the earth was completely under water. For a long time even Brahma was being subjected to much incon venience to carry on creation. Only Bhagavan Adi Navayana (Viggu) could do anything a his mater. So Bralind with the Manus, hermits and others began to meditate on Mahavisnu. 2) Incarnation, Instantly the young one of 2 Boar jumped out of the nose of Brabma through his, breath. That divine figure of Boar stood in the air and began to grow. Within a few moments, it became a colossal Being. Tt grew up as big as an’ clephant. Soon it be- came as large as a mountain. Secing this, Brahma. and the others stood in amazement. ‘The Boar made a grunt inva loud roaring sound, The people of Janaloka, Satya- Joka etc, understood that it was the sound of Mahic visnu. ‘They raised glory and praise to Bhagavan, who heard all these prises, but without condescending t0 tell anything, looked at all of them with grace and ove, and with a mighty force jumped into the sea, Tt was immensely troubled by the manes of God Almighty. Varuna prayed to him to save him from them. Bhagvat folded his mane and went down to the deep water an rade a search for the earth. ‘The Boar walked sellin and snorting and found out the earth. Ble slowly Mi ton his cusks and started from there. On the way, the fierce and wicked Hicanyihea hindered, He ate Te firm over the water. ‘Thus inthe earth which Hated on the Wate and empowered him to perform creation. c 3) Tncataton of Boar agen, Te goiter, Eas Oe deity of earth Seton wan rized to he surface of, Va, Tell in. lover with Mahavismu and embraced Bi anbrneea Yer te return, These mutual embraces, cont, coment the gees Each ese a er sayeatently, the gethe earth slid down a lietle, unde waters Bhagavan took the form of « Boat agen y°t) lifted the earth to its original place ay vata Vaikuntha, (hagavara, Skandha 33, Oo 5 Padma Skandhas 6 and 95 Agni, Purdna, { Parana, Bhamikhanda, Chapter 0) ain, VARAIIA TV. A mountain near Gisieaiy, city of Magadha, (Mahabharat i ter 21, Stanza 2)- ily of Dhrta- VARAH An 2 senpent born in the fam SD ire TaN The serpentiwas burned iO ne aca of Janamejaya. (M.B. Adi Parva, ork is! “This Yakga VARAHAKARWA, 8 Yale (aor erat, Sabha temains in the palace of Kubers- Parva, Chapter 13, Stam7@ 18): oy ig VARAHAMBA. An asura. MCC iter in Mahabharata, Santi Parv Prana 3 VARAHA PURAWA See under POUT” Brahma. ad ARAMANT, A beetle made “iaghe with, this Jerre cia mou cond. the capital Chap- 827 VARANASI secret was known only to the giants, such as Ravana. tnd olfers, “This. Varatoayi wag kept ia an waders feud cl ot'a hrc neat the Rat temple in te ala, ‘The baitle between Réma and Ravana was golng on, Haniman made a fort coiling his tail like a spring and Rama and Lakgmana stayed inside this fort, While they were sleeping, Patala Ravana made a tunnel under the earthand carried away Rama and Laksmana. Vibhisana new this, only next day morning. Instantly he. sent Hanuman (9 Pata, In accordanse with, the advice of ‘Vibhisana, Hanamdn went directly to. the cell in. the harem, took Varamani and put it in his mouth. Then be fought with Patala Ravana and defeated him’ ‘Thus Writ the heip ofthe Varemagi Handmnan rescued Rama and Laksmana. (Samba Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda) . TA ter fercensin the Putyex: Tt ise e ed in Vamana Purana that the river Varana which flowed from the right leg and the river Asi, which Satta from the left leg of Bkagavdn, who isa ih’ cone templation at Peayaga, are two holy rivers. (See under Vachnast). VARAMA, A country in ancient Bharata. It is mentioned 3 Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza ly, That the army cf the Kauravas had surrounded this eountry. VARAWAST (VARANASI). Kasi. (Before reading the information given here refer to the details given about Kast under Katt and Divodssa). 1) The name Varanési. Formerly this place was known Dipepige Loge got Ge ase “Vaeanaand ia Eat Dee unre Vashon originated tras tro vere Hhingusia Yogadayi wo sys in Proyiga waa bora koa a portion of Mahavisnu, From the right leg of Yoga- ithe river Varand started and from his let leg. the Her Ast started, “These. two rivers are. praised) and Wouthipped allover the world. ‘The. temple of Yoga Jayiis situated in the place between these two. rivers, fa dhe place is situated between Varand and Asti i ica’ viranas, (Vamana Purdna, Chapter 8). 3} Otier information. (1) Bhisma went to Kagi and took Amba, Ambika and Maabatita, the daughters of the ‘King of Kash, to his ngdom ‘by fer, (MB. Adi Parva, Chaper 102, Starza 3). i) Varandst isa holy plice of pilgrimage. By bathin Gikaplaieada, a holy bath thee ask" wonkineies Binkera, one could Obiain the fuits of perforin the sacrifice Rajasiiya, (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 78). (ii) The middle part of Varanasi is called Avimukta. ‘Those who forsake their lives at Avimukta will obtain heaven. (M.B, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 79). (ie) Once Sct Krena made VirwoAst a’ prey to. re, (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 48, Stanza’76}, () Avery great scholar named Tuladhtra Vai:ya Give lived in “Warapast, (MS. Santi Parva, Chepier 361, Stanza). (ei) Once, in ancient days, Siva imparted to the her- spit Jaigigu at this, place; the eight miraculous attain ‘ments such as anima, garima etc. (M.B. Anufdsana Parva, Chapter 18, Stanza 37). (vii) Varanast is equal to the capital city of Indra VARANAVATA (Amarivatt). (M.B. Anusisana Parva, Chapter 30, Sansa 10). (vil) In ancient days x hermit, named Sashvartia used to come here daily to worship Siva, It was at this place that the emperor Marutia accepted ‘the hermit Samvartta as his priest. (MLB. Aévamedha Parva, Chapters 6 and 7) VARANAVATA. ‘The place where Duryodhana built the wax-house for the Pandavas. It is believed that the Imodern village Varnava, 19 miles north enst to Meerut in North India, is the place where this Puranic- Vara: vata stood. Information about Varanavata found in Mahabharata, is given below s (i) Once the ministers of Dhytarastra made a con- sultation about the festival in this city. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 192, Stanza 3). (i) Varandvata was one of the five villages requested for by the Pandavas, on their return after their life in the forest. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza’ 19). (ii) Yuyutsu, the son of Dhrtarastra, carried on a Dattle here for six months. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chap- ter 19, Verse 58) VARANGII. The wife of Vajraiga, an asura. (For more details see under Parvatl, Para 2), VARANGI II. Wife of Sarhyati, a King of the Lunar dynasty. ‘The father of this Vardigi was Drsadvan, A son named Ahashyati was born to Vardiigi. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 14). VARARUCI. An sncieat Indian scholar in_ astronomy ‘and astrology. (Some details regarding Vararucl are given under Bhartrharl). 1) Birth Te is stated in Kathasaritsigara, Kathapitha- lambaka, Taraiga 1, that Vararuci was the rebigh of a Ganansyaka (guard of Siva) named: Puspadanter Once "Siva happened to tell Parvatl tome previous Stories of the Vinyadharas, Puspadanta ‘eavecirepned and heard everything. Parvati understood this and cursed him to become a man. Accordingly Puspadanta was born in the city of Kausambi under the name Vararuci or Katyayana. (For details about the curse see under Gupadhya) 2) Of sharp intelligence’ Vararuci was born as the son of the Bralimin Somadatta at Kaucimbt, Ages fikha was another name of Somadatta, Vasudatta was the mother of Vararuci. In the previous birth, Vasudatta was a hermit maid. Due tb a eeese gs lost her hermit-maidhood ‘and took birth as a. wembn under the name’ Vasudatta and. beeame “the Sa Somadatta. As his father died in his childhood, Vararuci_was brought up by his mother. She wasin great pene after’ the death of her husband. One day tre weeiee came to her house. While: they “were siting om the veranda, the sound of a conch was heard. Then the mother ‘called Vararuci and said to him. “Son, the dance of Nanda, the friend at yes aie is about to begin.” Vararuci requested Mis mothes fo leant 22 tothe temple and sce the dance so that he might ee it, “Hearing this, the gueste were, amazed.” Gisy "at one, learn ‘dance by seeing only once? Thatwas ae doubt inthe minds of the travellers: “Vara eae earn anything by hearing only ence”, his mete | As_a test, they recited to him a portion from ihe +." Vararuci repeated the portion to them ithe any mistake, After this the guests took the boy and 828 VARARUGL showed him the dance and brought him back. The boy Besformed every item ofthe dance he saw, before the suests. They were irmenscly please SN Geiting 2 teacher, "The ‘guests had acwally been searching for a boy who could understand anything at the first hearing. There was reason for it. / In the great city of Nandaraja, there was a grea Brahmin named Saikarasvami.” He had two sons named Varsa and Upavarsa. Both married and lived i8 separate houses. By and by Varga became cruel and wicked and poor. Upavarsa became Teaened and wealthy. The rainy season approached. In those days it was @ custom for women to make a siweet food of rice four with sugar and give it ¢o crucl Brahmins. Tt was {o prevent the extreme cold in the winter and the ¢ treme heat in the summer from affecting them severely. The wife of Upavarsa made this sweet food and gavs, to Varsa. When he bronght it hame, his wile sco him. Varsa felt very sorry because of his foolishness He gave up all his desires and began to worshiP Kumirasvami, Kumérasvimi was pleased with him and blessed him with all kinds of knowledge. Kumars: swam had ordered him to teach all of this knowlede to one who could learn at frst hearing, From that 483 onwards Varga had been waiting for a disciple w! could learn at first hearing. a During this period there lived two Brahmins named Devasvimi and Karambhaka in the city of Vetasapur® They were friends. A son wasborn to each of ther ‘The son of Devasvaint was named Vyall. The, name 7 the son of Karambhaka was Indradatta. When V9! was a child, his father died. Seeing their grief the father of Indradatta let the country. Both of the b0)S: having nobody to look after them, went to perform Penance, before Subrabmanyasvami, | Subraman ordered them in their sleep to go to Varga in Patalihe: the city of King Nanda, and to learn every thing fro" him. ‘The boys immediately went to the city of Kig Nanda and enquired about the teacher Varsa. THE People told them that Varga, was a fool, They Wr Sorry to hear it. Still they did not turn’ back. TH reached the house of Varsa, and entered the house WHC? was the abode of rats and bats, the walls of which 2 crumbling due_to rain as it had not been thatched 05 along time, The courtyard was full of Cassialos? plants. Inside the house, here and there on the £00%, Cyperus-grass was growing. The wife of Varsa who 893 fn uiter penury stood up and welcomed them. She 10h. them about her husband. “He is waiting for a diselh: who would learn everything at first hearing.” V¥E and Indradatta agreed to bring such a disciple, fey they started on a journey in search of such a boy: T°}, were the two travellers who came to the hous? Vararuci. if YYAU said all about these things to the mothe She was very glad and said. “Bveryt™'%) At the birth of my son, an ether, voi PAL first hearing he will leara ev, thing. “He will learn everything from the tect. ars, He will publish works. in grammar and a nomy”’. If he has interest in good things he will gee name Vararaci, Sol had been thinking how and *> to find this teacher Varsa.™ atl ext _morning, with the permission of his mothe ‘Vararuci started for the house of Varga, with Vyall VARARUCI Indradatta. They reached the house of Varsa. Next ‘morning they smecred and purified the. floor and: the three sincere and simple disciples sat facing the east. The teacher Varse recited to them the divine spell ‘Om’, and instantly all the Vedas and the ancillacies of Vedas made their appearance. The teacher commenced teaching ‘The. three, disciples learned, Vararuei hearing only once, Vyait hearing twice and, Indradatta hearing thrice, Lcaring these divine recitations and repetitions which were ‘not to be heard anywhere else, Brabmins’ crowded to the. place. King Nanda of Pitalipatra praised, the teacher Varga and sent him plenty of wealth and conferred on bim ranks and Privileges 4) "Marriage. Vararuci learned everything from the teacher Varga. He went with his friends once to sec the Indra festival. ‘There, Vararuci happened to see Upakosi the daughter of Upavarsa and fell in love with her. That night he did not sleep. At last he slow Ty closed. his eyes, A divine woman clad in white garments appenred before him Itseemed to him. that ‘the woman said to him. “You need not worry in. this ination, "Upakosa. was. your wife inthe previous birth. She will mgery only you. T ain Sarasvatt who pervades your body.” Vararuci woke up- Next day the elders ame to Know of this, 2nd. gave her in marriage (0 Varatucl : in 5) Varartci Becoming « Minisur. Education was fiaished. Tt was ume for Vyali and Indradatta to give presents to the teacher Varsa. The a seal a cor of Vilkas a Venetian ducal used for neck-omnament)- ne a er swith Vararucl to Nanda, the King of Ayodhya, and, the Brothesgaclowot Vararuc. When they reached Ayodhy3, they ‘heard that the King had just died, | Indradatta said “By the practice ‘of contemplation I Cie Body of the King. Vararuct should come and beg » obime, Tilt my sgtacn Vyall must keep my body.” rte’ spirit of Tndradatta, immediately enccred the King's boy, the dead. ing rose up. People we sick witavondee, They ecebrated a festival, VPA Hep tne body of Indradaiea within a temple. Varanu’ Nape the body of vanes, of dhe King and begeeg for, rove of Vilkat ‘Phe King called his minister S24ti22 Seta hin Ogre Ware, eat ca nd. told him to giullgent man, felt, some, doubt in the comming to life of the King, He decided (ot se ‘one might have entered the body of ae cae a ba ordered that every dead. body in the city short burnt” Along with the bodies, the body Of ee the alse was taken by free rom Vyal, At this, Oe ing" compelie? Satara to give the beggar Vin But ull the dead bodies were burnt, Sakata (00 og bey en Because his body was burps, TnGrsday fo am fa the body of the King. Sakatala gave 75th Tul the required amount, But of what UE )e0s fog money ? Indradatta had tbocome te ae a rent Sa YE reo atte Coan ETD Meee ear ee eBeahmahatya amd, S96 Pat ngs charg i Hea Toes, BS OPES fet an ewdere grain and a ‘erat’ attra ao fo 8 ay gal of 8 amt He th ie ood he most ntelgent 229) VARARUCGI us should live by eating the whole food, to take revenge fon the Yoga Nanda King. Who will doo?” Sons:—We don’t think that we are powerful to do that. So you must live, father ! So Sahatila ate the whole food and lived whilehis sone, ‘one by one, died of hunger before his eyes. Sakatala sat in the middle of the Skeletons with the sole purpose of taking revenge. Vyali gave the present to the teacher and went home, Indradatta and Vararuci lived as king and minister. 6) Loss of ministrship. By and by Indradatta had fallen ino bad ways, ‘The aubjects were beset with femine ‘The people hated the king and the minister, They made acry to bring Sakatala back. They obtained the per- mission of the king and brought Sakatala out of the dungeon, Sakatala knew that so long as Vararuci was alive, ke could do nothing to the King Yoga Nanda. So he decided to wait for an opportunity, ard accepted an office under Vararuci. One day Yoga Nanda went out for a walk, He saw in the Ganges the palm of a hand with five fingers. He called Vararuci and asked hhim what the sight was. Vararuci showed two fingers Jp that direction, | Immediately the palm of the hand disappeared. ‘The King was amazed at this and asked Iimor is macaning, He ald “The mening of sowing fingers was that if five men unite together, they coul accomplish anything. I showed two fingers, to mean that iftwo men unite together they also could achieve any- thing.” At this reply the king was much pleased and Sakajala felt miserable at the intelligence of Vararuci. ‘On another oceasion the King sawhis wife looking at a Brahmin guest through the window. | He got angry and ordered that Brahmin co be killed. When that Brahmin was being taken to the scaffold, a dead fish, placed for Tale, laughed loud. The king asked Vararuci for its reason. Saying that he had to consider about it before giving a reply, he went out and meditated upon Sara- fvatl, Deviappeared and told him. “If you climb up to the. top of this palm tree and sit there to night you will understand why the dead fish laughed.” Vararuci did ashe was told.” A fierce giantess came there with her young ones. ‘The children began to ask her for food. ‘he giantess told them that they would get the flesh of 1 Brahmin next day, and that he was not killed that day because the dead fish had laughed. The young ones ase her why the dead fish laughed |The giantew sa *The wives of the kings are not chaste. In all. harems men live in the guise of women. Without stopping this, the King was going bill an innocent Brabmin. That is why the dead fish laughed.” Vararuci, who heard this conversation, got down when the giantess was gone. He went to the king and told him why the fish laughed. ‘The king made a sudden search in the harem. Hé found out some men in the Gress of women, ‘The king honoured Vararuci and released the Brahmin. One day an artist who drew, portraits, came to the palace, He drew a portrait of the king and the queen and-placed it before the king. ‘The picture was lifelike. The king gave the artist several presents. Once Vararuci happened to enter the bed-room of the king. He saw the picture on the wall ‘The picture was beautiful. Still, considering the appear ance of each part of her body the queen ought to have amoleon her loin, Vararuci put that mole in the picture. When Vararuci had gone the king entered the VARARUCI room and saw themole in the picture. The kingasked his servant, who that person was who had put that mole in the picture. He replied that it was Vararuci. The king thought that Vararuci had nocturnal connections with the queen. Perhaps it was in this way that Vararuci found out men in. the dress of women. ‘The king called Sakatala to him and told him to kill Vararuci secretly. Sakafala felt pity on Vararuei and hid him in a place. Vararuci told Sakatala “No body can kill me. My friend is a giant, He will come to me the moment think of him, IfT tell him he will swallow the whole world.” When he heard this, Sakatdla desired to see the giant. Vararuci thought ‘of him and the giant appeared. Sakajala was terribly afraid of the giant, Vararuci made him disappear. Sakatala asked hion how hhe got the friendship of the giant, Vararuci replied. “While youwere in the dungeon, a city chief was disap- pearing daily from this city. The king asked me to find ut the reason. One night, while I was walking through the city, I saw this giant.’ He asked_me. “Who is the ‘most beautifull woman in this city?” I replied "Whoever falls in love with a woman, to him, that woman is. the most beautiful. You who do not know this principle, area fool.” ‘The giant had no answer, He said “You alone have defeated me, I am glad of it, The moment you think of me Iwill come and help you.” Saying this the giant disappeared. ‘Thenceforward we became friends.” Sakatéla felt great respect for Vararuci. Hiranyagupta, the son of Yoga Nanda, went for hunting. His horse ran fast and he was separated from his army and got into a deep forest far away. He ate some fruits and plums i got on a tree to rest for the night. At that time a Jion chased a bear, which climbed on the same tree. ‘The prince trembled with fear. ‘The bear said “Do not fear. I am your friend.” Both talked for a while and became fast friends. Shortly, the prince began to sleep. ‘The lion asked the bear to push that man down. The bear said that he would not deceive his friend, ‘The dis- appointed lion sat under the tree. ‘Then the bear slept and Hiranyagupta sat awake. The lion asked the prince to push the bear down. Thinking that he could save his life by complying with the request of the lion, he pushed the bear down. Fortunately the hold of the bear ‘was firm and so it did not fall, The bear cursed Hiranya gupta. | “May you become mad.” ‘The king was very sorry when his son returned a mad man. “he king repented that he had killed Vararuci. For this was the time when the king needed him mos Sakatala went to the:presence of the king and said that Vararuci was still alive. Tn accordance with the order of the king, Sakatila brought Vararuci. ‘The king showed him his mad son, By the blessing of Sarasvaty ‘Vararuci understood that the prince had’ deceived fiend, and informed the king of ‘what had happened Immediately the prince was cured of his madnes Yoga Nanda asked Vararuci, how he knew the cause of the maciness of the prince. He replied. “A man of intelli: jence can understand anything by symptoms and. in ference.” He also said that in this way he knéw about the mole of the queen. When the king heard this he bowed down his head. After this Vararuci left the palace. He did not stop to accept the favours of the king. Nor did he pay any heed to the compulsion of the king to stay. He reached his 830 VARATANU house. Everybody who saw Vararuci began to cry. Not knowing the reason, he stood dumbfounded. Upavarsa came to him and said that when the news about the slaughter of Vararuci reached home, Upakos got in- to fire and his mother died of broken heart, The grief stricken Vararuci went to the forest for penance. After this Sakatéla waited for an opportunity to bring Indradatta (Yoga Nanda) down, Once he had been walking out side the city when he saw a Brahmin dig- ging a pit, Sakatala asked him why he was digging the pit. He replied “ T stumbled on this Darbha grass. 52 Tam rooting it out,” Sakatila resolved to make use 0! this Brahmin to achieve his puspose. His name wa Canakya, Sakatdla took Canakya to the palace. A ceremony of offerings to the manes was being conduct in the Palace, Another Brahmin named Subandhu also came there. The king ordered ‘agrabhojana’ (first meal) to be given to Subandhu, Canakya tremble: with fury. At that time his lock of hair was loosene He took a vow that only after pacifying his anger bY killing Yoga Nanda within seven days, would be te UP his leek, “Canakya began practising sorcery against the king. |The king caught burning fever and died on the seventh day. Sakajala killed Hiranyagupta. After this Sakatala made Candragupta, the son of the real Nanda who died earlier, the king. Making Canakya his minis ter, Sakatala went for penance. 7) Sons. See under Pakkanar. ue 8) The end. Vararuci began to perform penance in ¢ Vindhya mountain. At that ine a. brain came the hermitage of Vararuci, He informed Vararuci © the death of Yoga Nanda. ‘Thinking about the littleness of the pleasures of the world, he began to walk throus! the Vindhya mountain when he saw the devil called Kinabhat. Telling everything to the devil Kanabbit ‘Vararuci started for Badaryaérama to discard his body: ‘On the way he saw a hermit who lived on water alone: In the meanwhile his finger was cut with the dp of Darbha grass and blood oozed from the wound. Vata ruci, by his attainments, changed the blood into the juice of a potsherb. The hermit cried out “Oh, T have Pecome a man of attainments.” With a le araruci said “You havenot yet overcome your egoist®- TF Gid'so to test_you. Firs ofall you must overeo™® your egoism and become wise.”” a Alier saying this Vararuci went to Badaryasrama and reached there, He did penance there and Devi ape” ed. According to her advice he made a fire by conte! plation and burned his body in it. ‘Then Vararu became the old Puspadanta and went to the presenc® VARASTRI, A sister of Brhaspati, ‘The Vasu named Prabhisa married Varastri. This woman who was 2° ‘expounder of the Vedas, pervaded. all the ‘creations the power of harmony with the Supreme Spirit, (M-3° ma Parva, Chapter 60, Stanza 96: Vayu Purina, 84 VARATANTU. The preceptor of a hermit called Kautsa, (See under Kautsa). F VARATANU. A King of the Kurus. Because of his si?” ful decds in the previous birth he was denied the hap ness of getting children in the next birth, Tn the rebitt® his name was Stidhara. He lived with his wife Prabb& vati for a long time, but did not “get vhitheea. Whe? the hermit Vyasa came to his palace once, the Kins VARATRI asked him for the reason of his remaining childless \Vyisa replied “Oh King, hear why you have only one wife and why you do not get, children. In the previous birth you had been a. brahmin named Vara- fans. Your wife wascalfed Sahar. ‘When both of you ‘were going somewhere onec, you happened to seea low Caste eld falling into water. Without paying any heed toit, you went on your way. The child was drowned, Though both of you have taken births in royal families due to the several good deeds of yours, you have become ‘childless because of that one sinful act.” According to the instruction of Vyasa, he gave Brah mins alms of gold, clothes, oxen, pumpkin etc. and performed Bala vrata, the rite for the sake of children. Thus he got remission of his sin. Within a year he got son loved and respected by everyone. That handsome Prince became an emperor who came to be the founder of adynasty. (Padma Purana, Brahma Khanda, Chap- ter 6). VARATRI. One ofthe four sont of Suka. "The, other three were, Prthuraimni, Brhadaigiras and Rajata- Devendra killed them because they were against sacrifice. Teis stated in Brahmanda Purana that after while from the severed heads of these sons date palm trees grew up. : E VARAYU, A King born in the family _of Maha (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Stanza 19) VARCAS I. Sen of Soma, one of the eight vane ‘Manohar was the mother of Varcas. Abhimanyu, eae gon"of Arjuna. was, the ext bir of Vareas (Fo further details see under Abhimanyt), A VARCAS Tl. ‘The son of Succtas, a Brahmin born jt the fhenily of Gyisamada, This Varcas had ason called Vibnya, (MB. Aw dina Para, Chaps 2 Si L n i in si dynast: VARDHAKSEMI. A mighty King of Vigni Overy “The folonieg details about him are taken from Mab Dbharata, ide of i jor who fought on the side of the fanaa te nie fought oS ayogn Parva, Chapter 171, Stanza 17) fmarriage) of (ii) He fn peeaeat ‘at the Svayasivare f perieee) Draupadi. (MB. Aa Parsén Chapt Krpa in the Git Confronted the , Teach ara Abarat ade and wes lied by bio OUD: Kars Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 21)- story of Pafica- VARDITAMRNA, A characte is (oe tt Ca MANA PancsiantTa)- 6s emma of is VAI a SG MISES crane sons bora tose rete 0 wife Mitravinda. (Bhagavata, SET Mr Bhrgu. . ‘The VARENYA, One of the ee ro urea, Sukra TNA. Oot rgue were Gyavan, Such AM ets gt es of BN ag vacate oT) Pare Citraes Bo, Stanza 126). story in. Mahi VaR eee See aid, There i, £0 py Vang bharata, Adi Parva, Chapter en “Socodiles and had and her friends were change ta live in water for a long time: Once there lived an ‘apsaray | Varga in Devaranya. Saurabheyi, Samict, Bs going to the house of Kul they’ saw a hermit. shining with. the radianet ef the hermit. ‘They decide jal maid) named a rated Once they were witron. Of the Way ‘he whole forest ‘of penance the hermit 831 VARMA Somehow. With this intention they _entered his hermitage. Seeing their dalliance and co- quetty, the hermit got angry and cursed them to become crocodiles for a hundred years. They implored ‘him with tears, for liberation from the curse. The hermit told them that in due course a noble man would come and get them out of water and that then they would obtain their orignal frm, They walked towardt a lake. ‘On the way they saw Narada. They told him every- thing. He told them. “On the coast. of the southern ‘ocean there are five tirthas (holy baths) known as Agastya, Saubhadra, Pauloma, Kirandhama and Suprasanna. You may go to thesc lakes and live there as crocodiles one in cach. In due course Arjuna, the son ‘of Pandu will come and redeem you.” According to the words of Narada the five celestial ‘maids walked to the south and reached the Pafcatirtha (the five holy baths) and each of them entered a lake asa crocodile. After this nobody dared to live near ‘those holy baibs. After some time Arjuna started on his pilgrimage, He pased though many places and reach- Ed the Paficatirtha, He enquired why the place was forsaken by people. The hermits told him that there jwas a crocodile in cach of the five baths and that they ‘would eat anybody who got into the bath. Arjuna got Jnto a lake, Irmmediately a crocodile came and. caught hold of him. With great difficulty he dragged it out of the lake. Instantly the crocodile changed into « beau fal damsel, The celestial maid Varga told the amaze ‘Arjuna her story and she added that her four friends were iying in the neighbouring four lakes, Arjuna redeem ed every one of them. After this, Varga and her feiends went to Devarapya and Arjuna to Manalara, From that day onwards the five tirdias came to be known as Navitirthas. VART.. An eternal God concerned with offerings to the ‘anes. (M.B. Anusasana Parva; Chapter 91, Stanza 33). VARISENA. A King, This King stays in the Palace of ‘Yama and worships him. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 20) VARISTHA. The son of Manu Cakgusa. The following ‘sory, how Varistha cursed the hermit Grisamada, Securs in Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 1 Tadra once performed a sacrifice which lasted for a thousand yeats. Varistha and Grisamada, as friends of Jndta were present at the sacrifice. Grtsamada committ- 2i'some mistakes in the recitation of Samans. Varistha got angry and cursed Grisamada that he would wander fee forest as an animal for ten thousand one hundred and eighteen years, Accordingly Grtsamada_ wandered through forests in the form ol'an animal for a very long, sme. VARITAKSA. An asura. It is mentioned in Maha- ‘bharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 227, Stanza 52, that he had been a King once and thai fate made him an VARKSI_ Daughter of the hermit Kandu. Itis stated in (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 195, Stanza 15, that she became the wife ofthe ten Pracetases. Tr is stated in Bhagavata, Skandha 6, that Daksa was bon from this ‘Varksi VARMA. In ancient days it was the custom to add the word ‘Varma’ to the names of Keairiyas. Brahmanas VARMACIT 832 had to add the word Sarma, Ksatriyas the word Varma ‘Vaityas the word Gupta and Sidras the word Disa to their names according to rules. (Agni Purana, Chap- ter 153). VARMACIT. ‘Skandha 9) VARNA. Cate. The four castes of Brihmana, Ksatriya, Vaigya and Sidra and the eleven castes produced by the intermingling of these four castes, only these are taken into account when we speak of Varna, To under- stand about the four castes of Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaigya and Sidra, see under Caturvarnya ‘To know about the eleven mixed castes that originated from the four castes, see under EkadaSasankara Varnas. VARNASANKARA. | See under Ekidasasankara Varnas. VARSA I. ‘The teacher of Vararuci. (For details see under Vararuci) VARSAIL, See under Kalamana, VARSAGANYA. An ancient hermit, The Gandharva King Visvavasu learned about the connection between the individual soul and the Universal soul, from_ this hermit, (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 318, Versc 59). VARSAKETU. | A King of the Piru dynasty. The father of Varsakeru was Ksemaka, and his son was Vipu. ‘Agni Purana, Chapter 278). VARSNEYA.TI. A charioteér of King Nala, It was « Varsneya who took the prince Indrasena and princess Indrasena to Kundinapura when Nala, after being defeated in the game of dice, went to the forest with Damayanti. After this, Varsjeya went to Ayodhya and became the charioteer of King Rtuparna. Varsneya played an important part in finding out Nala. (For more details sce under Nala), VARSNEYA II. Another name of Mahavisnu. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 37). VARSNEYA Ili. An ancient country. It is mentioned in Mahabbarata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 24, that the King of Vargneya brought presents to the imperial consecration-sacrifice (Rajastiya) of Yudhis- thira, VARTA. A King of ancient India, This King stays in the palace of Yama praising and worshipping him, (MB. Sabha Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 10). VARUNAT. One of the eight guardians of the quarters. 1) Birth, “Varuna was the son. of Prajapati, Kasyapa born of Aditi. He was one of the twelve sons) of Aditi. So he is considered tobeone of the twelve Adityas (Sons of Aditi. The twelve Adityay are Dhith, Aryaman, Mitra, Sakra, Varuna, Arhéa, Bhaga, Vivaivan, Pisa, Savité, Tvasta and Visgu. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 15), These twelve -Adityas were the twelve Devas (gods) known as Tusitas in the Manvantara of Manu Cakeusa- ‘A statement occurs in Visnu Purana, Ariéa 1, Chapter 15, that when Vaivasvata Manvantara was’ about to bedin alter the end of Caksusa Manvantara, the famous “Tusitas united together and took birth as the sons. of Kacyapa. 2) Ringship of the waters. In Krtayuga the Devas approached Varuna and said to. him. “You must be eer ford of all the waters, as Indea is our protector. You Gas tive in the heart of the ocean. All the rivers in the World, and the ocean which is their husband will obey you, You will wax and wane along with Candra (Moon). Varuga agreed to comply with their request, A King of the Lunar dynasty. (Bhigavata VARUNA 1 All of them anointed Varuna as the King of the waters. (M.B, Salya Parva, Chapter 47) 3) The Guardian of the quarter west. Brahe’ appointed Varuna as the guardian of the western zone. Vaisravana once did penance before Brahma, and when Brahma appeared before him, he made a request that he should bbe appointed as one of the guardians of the quarters. Brahma replied. “I have already selected Indra, Varuna and Yama as guardians of the points. I was thinking who, the fourth, should be, when you came. So from this ‘day onwards, Indra shall be the guardian of the East, Yama that of the South, Varuna, that of the ‘West and you Vaigravana shall be the guardian of the North.” After saying this, Brahma disappeared. ‘Thus Varuna became the guardian of the West. (Utara Ramayana). 4) Fanily. “Varuna had several wives and children. Prominent among them were Gauri and Varunani. Mention is made about the sons Susena, Vandi and Vasistha and daughter Varuni, Cargani was anothet ‘of Varuna. Prajapati Bhrgu, who died in the erifice of Dak took birth as the son of Varuna and Carsani. Devi Jyestha, the daughter of Priest Sukra was another’ wife ‘of Varuna. The children of Jyestha were Bala, Surd the Suranandint and Adharmaka the destroy~ er of the elements. The semen of Varuna fell oR Valmtka (White-ant-hill) from which the great hermit Valmiki was born, Besides them, Dakgasivargi, the ninth Manu was the son of Varuna, Puskara was) an other son of Varuna. The handsome Puskara was received as husband by the daughter of Soma (Can- dra). Vandi, who was defeated by the hermit Ast vakra at the’ palace of Janaka was the son of Varuna- (MB. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 117, Stanza 95 Parva, Chapter 66, Stanza 52; Adi Parva, Chapter, 99, Stanza 5; Vana Parva, Chapter 134, Stanza 24; Val- miki Ramayana, Balakinda Sarga 17, Stanza 133 ‘Valmiki Ramayana, Balakinda, Sarga 46,'Sianza 36). 5) Carrying away Utathya’s wife. Bhadra, the daughter of Soma (Moon) was extremely beautiful. Soma sav her in marriage to the hermit Utathya, Varuna carrie her away. Utathya got angry and drank up the occa? dry. Varuna returned “Bhadra to ‘Utathya. (For further details see under Utatbya ) 6) Theft of Varuna’s cow by Kafyapa, Kaéyapa once decided to perform a sacrifice. He made all prepara” tions. But he did not get the required cow at the sti pulated time. So he got the Homadhenu of Varu® by theftand began to perform the yiga (sacrifice) Varuna ‘knew this. Tostantly he went tekacyapa, a4 demanded his cow. But Kafyapa refused to return the ger Varuna complained “to Brahma, who sent Kafyapa and asked him about the cow and boul Brahma and Varuna cursed Kasyapa that he who}: taken the cow by stealth would take birth as a cowhe? in Ambidi. (For further details see under Kas74 and Nandagopa) 7) Gursing Heariscandra, Harigcandra. 8). Other information. (i) The Vaisnava bow received by Sti Rama from Bhargava Rama, was given to Varuna (valintkt Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 77, Stanza 1). : (ii) The capital city of Varuna one of the eight guard For detailed story see unde? VARUNA I fans of the universe was called Sraddhavati. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8). oF (ii) At the time of the burning of Khindava forest Krsna and Arjuna helped Agni (Fire). Agni prayed to Varuna to supply Krsna and Arjuna with weapons so that they might fight with Indra. Varuna appeared and gave Arjuna the bow ‘Gandiva’, a quiver which would never become empty of arrows and a banner with the emblem of a monkey depicted on it. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapters 234 and 237) . (iv) The image of Varuna should be dedicated in temples as sitting on a horned shark with a rope in hand. (Agni Purana, Chapter 51). (%) Once Varuna gave exhortations to Puskara, which he i ie turn gave to Parasurama. (Agai Purana, Chapter 51). (vi) Te is stated in Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 2, Sikta 2, that Varuna Ra ‘Mitra are the Deities of (ii) Once the King Marutta performed a sacrifice at which the guardian of the eight points were present. Ravana came to the sacrifice and tried to do harm’ to the hermits, At the beginning of the attack, the guardians of the points assumed forms of various creatures and escaped ftom the place. Varuna escaped in the form ofa swan, (Uttara Ramayana). (viii) Ravana defeated Yama. On his return he defeat ed the Uragas (serpents) of Patala (Nether world)- After this, he challenged Varuna, who came out wit Bie song ‘and army and fought with Ravans who won he battle. (Uttara Raméyana) 5 (i) Varun jae Rea agembly of Brahms (B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 117, Stanza 51). Fee ee cee re word of Deva, Varuna gave him the ‘weapon Pasa (rope). (M.B. Vana Parva; hapter 41, Sianza 27). (xi) Indra, Agni, Vana and Varga, tested Nala and finally gave him blessings. (For details see under formed penance along i gods in Vigakhayapa. (MCB. ‘Vana Parva, za (sit) "Vanana once gave Retks thousand black-eared horses, (Wor further details see under Reika)s sg. (xiv) At the coronation of Set Rims, Ta chaste s appearance and proclaiteS erga, Stanza 29). and pure. (MB. Vana Parva, Chapter zi (xv) Varui bow. Gandiva, in his poss fe Jaana had the eta Para, Chapter #91 tanza 6). a (rt) Oboe Se Kegon defeated Varuve. (MB: USS Parva, Chapter 130, Stanza 19). the King Sruttyudba (xvii) Parnaga, the mother of ‘Varuna once worshipped ra with vow and fast 3 Se Denes cps ah" dat OE Yrona Parva, Chapter 92) followers named (xvili) “Varuna gave Subrabmanys 5 er 45, Yana. agate Bae ir. Salya, Parvas MPs (ay ica Varuna gave SUrAEMNTE 2 EP (MB. Salya Parva, Chapter 16,50 . d aictha. (x) Once Varuna. performe SPitecration sacrifice) at, Yamon ee "arva, Chapter 49, Stanza 11)- js soul wen (ex) "Whe Batathnara Rama ded ond 833 VASATALA to Patala (under world), there was Varuna also amon those wo came to recefve him. (MB, Mausala, Farvas Grape, Sea) fen) Ac the time of his great departure, Arjuna threw the bow Gandiva ang taco erat or one em to Varuna, (MB, Mahipresthana Parva, 1yStanaa A). ‘ e — (init) Words such as Aditiputra, Aditya; Ambupa, Sibupat,Ambucat, Ambvile, Apimpal, Devadera, Gopath Jalachipa, Jalesvara,"Lokapata,”Sallarajay Saltese, Udakapad, Varipa, Vadaoimbhartd and s0 on have beea ured as synonyme of Varuna. in Maha- bharata, VARUMA IL. A Deva Gandharva, It is mentioned in Mahabhanaia, Ad Favs, Chaps 0 Sata 42 that this Devagandharva was the son of Brajapat Kaiya bom of his wife Mu ane VARUMA (8). The sons of Aigiras. (See Payarya). VARURADVIPA, An island famous in the Porapas Mention is made about this island. in’ Mababarata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 83. VARUMATRADA, "A lake of God Varna Tt is men- Nenedl Mt Mahsbhirata, Udyoea Parva, Chapter 98, Stonva, 18, that the god Agni (Fire) always shines in this lake. VARUMANIL A wife of Varuna YARUMASROTASA, A holy place situated in Mathara Aneta South India. (MLB. Vana Parva, Chapter 88, Stanza 10). VARUSATIRTHA, A holy place at the mouth of river Muah Menten is made in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Heesmier 2, Stanza. 09, that thore who bathe inthis Shack willbe filed with’ radiance and will enter ‘the Mod of Varuna VERURE? "(Varunibhrgu). The hermit Bhrgu. having AY ia the ssoiice of Daksa, took birth again fom the died ee Varune. At this stage, the name of Bhrgw sacriles caning (For farther details see under Bhrg under I). VARUNT IL, The daughter of Varuna, When the Sivas and the Asuras churned the sea of Milk, four Dvn amd ans caine 40 arse by” Varupa and bly pot Sfambrosia, by Soma,,The four damsels were Sulaksmi, Sea kd and Sresth, of whom ‘Virag! was Macal By Devan (Padua Purina, Bhimi Khanda, Ghapter 119): VAREMEMIRTHA, Aboly place situated in Pindya- “gain South India. (Mahabharata, Vana Parva. ‘Chapter 88, Stanza 13). VAROTHA. A King of the family of Aag (Agni Purana, Chapter 277) % ary VAROTHINI. A celestial maid This celestial maid reformed a dance in the-palace of Indra, in honour of Peeciitof Arjuna. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 43, Stanza 29). ‘SA. A hermit who is praised in the Reveda. (Reveda, VASA. sn Ir Ska 116). aren, VAGANA.. Wile of the Vasu named Arka, (Bbigavaca, ‘Skandha 6). VASANTARA. A person in the story of Udayana. (See ‘under Udayana). VABRTALA?"A Country in India famous ix the Purina, Mention ip made in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, ‘VASATI I 834 Chapter 52, Stanza 15, that the princes of this country gave presents to Yudhisthira at the time of his sacrifice of royal consecration. VASATI I. A king of the Candra (lunar) dynasty. He ‘was the eighth son of Janamejaya, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 57). VASATI IT. A country in ancient India, The Ksatriya ‘Kings of this country took the side of the Kauravas in the Bharata Battle and were employed to protect Bhisma. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 51, Stanza 14), VASATI III. A King who fought on the side of Duryo- Ghana. When Abhimanyu entered Cakra-vyiiha of the army formed by Drona this King took a vow that he would commit suicide if he did not kill Abhimanyu and then ran to the scene of the battle. In the fight bet- ween Vasiti and Abhimanyu, Vasati was killed, (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 43, Verses 8-10). VASATIKA. A warrior who fought on the side of the Kauravas against the Pandavas, “He was killed in the fight with Abhimanyu. (M.B, Droga Parva, Chapter 44, Stanza 8). VASAVADATTA. Wife of Udayana, (See under Udayana). VASAVARTI. A group of devas(gods). It is said that in the third Manvantara there were five groups of Devas, each group containing twelve persons, known as the Sudhamas, the Satyas, the Japas, the Bratardanas and the Vatavartins. (For mofe details see under Manvan- tara}. VASAVI. Another name of Satyavati the mother of ‘Vyisa, (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 63). VASAYU. | A son born to Puriravas by Urvaéi, (Padma Purina, Srsti Khanda, 12). VASISTHA. A hermit who was the son of Brahma. 1) The thre births of Vasistha, Vasistha with the radiance of Brahma, is very famous in the Purinas. He had three births. 5) First birth, a) Birth. Vasistha is one of the mental sons of Brahma, ‘This isthe first birth of Vasistha, srada was born from the lap, Daksa was born from the right thumb, Vasistha from the breath (prana) Bhega from the skin, Kratu fram the hand of Brahma, In this birth, Arundhatt was the wife of Vasistha. Arundhati was known by the name Orja also. There is fa Purinic story behind the marriage of Vasistha and Arundhati. In her previous birth the name of Arundhatt was Sandhya. She was born from the passion of Brahma, ‘As soon as she was born she grew up. Seeing her exqui site beauty the Prajapatis were filled with excitement, Even Brahma, her father, was some-what excited at het sight, Siva, who understood this, teased Brahim: Sandhya wat ashamed. Even after Siva, Brahma, Pra: japatis and the others had gone their ways, she remained there blaming her birth. She said to herself: “The mo- ment I was born, I grew up to be a young woman. My father and my brothers looked at me with desire. 1 also looked at them excitedly. As an_ atonement for this sing L will burn my body in fire, Ido not want a body desired by my father and brothers. With this decision she went to the mountain Cantonbbaes, which ‘Sthe -ource of the river Candrabhaga, and began. to polar penance. Bralma who came to know ofthis, ‘VASISTHA was filled with pity and sent Vasistha to her. He went there in the form of a Brahmin boy and taught her how to perform penance. After the return of Vasistha she con~ tinued che severepenance to Visnu. Her penance became thesubject of talk and wonder everywhere. After ashort while Visnu appeared before her sitting on his convey- ance Garuda. She praised Vignu. Visnu was pleased with her and’ asked what her desire was. She said: “Lord, creatures should not be sexually excited at theit birth. "They should have sexual desire only when they are grown up. The three worlds must. know that T am chaste. In all my births I should not look at anybody except my husband with sexual desire. The man who looks at me with sexual desire should lose his manliness and become a hermaphrodite.” Mahavisnu agreed to her request. It was from that day onwards that sexual desire appeared in creatures in their grown-up stage only, after they have passed the stages of infancy and childhood, Mahavisnu told, her. “Iv is preordained that this body of yours in fire, Medhatithi, (Meghatithi), the son of Priyavrata performing thegreat sacrifice called Jyotisioma waich is to be completed in twelve years, Itis coming t @ close. There is none equal to him because of this sact- fice. ‘That great hermit’s sacrifice is being performed in the basin of this river Candrabhaga. Unscen by the hermits, you should go there and get into the fire. Be- cause of my blessing you will be born from that fire 95 the daughter of Medhatithi, You should go into the fire thinking of him whom you want to be your husband i this birth.”” Mahavignu touched Sandhya with the tip of his finger Sandhya walked to the sacrificial hall, Seen by money she got down into the fire. She was burnt in the blaz; ing fire. By the order of Visgu; the God fire placed Sandhya who was burnt in the sacrificial fire, in th¢ Solar region. The sun divided that body into two am placed them in his chariot. The upper portion became the pratassandhya (dawn) between the day and he night and the lower portion became the Sayanten® Sandhya (the evening twilight) At the end of the sacrifice, from the centre of the sacrificial fire a git); like the flame of fire rose up. Medhatithi took that child in his hands and called her Arundhati, The child became famous throughout the three worlds, as (Be name stood for the principle that on no reason what-s0" ever will rightcousness be obstructed, (Rodha mea™® obstruction. So Arundhatiis onewho cannot be obstruct” ed). In. some other Puranas Armdhati is given dhe daughter of Pajapati Kardama and Devahld farriage. Arundhati grew up in the hermitage of Medhatithi. Candrabhaga holy bath which was ‘© playfield of Arundhati, is even today, known as ATU dhatitirtha. Arundhati becamefive years of age. Brabn® saw her when she was playing on the ground after a” ing taken her bath. “At the instruction of Brahm Arundhati was, entrusted to Savitr? and Bahula fof education. Savitri is the wife of the Sun. Arundhat lived in Manasa lake with Savitri, Gayatri, Bahl Sarasvati, Drupada and such other celestial woe and completed her education. One day Arundba happened to sce Vasistha who was shining with radi ance. They fell in love with each other, Parents 2 relatives and the elders came to know of this. SAVi"%p patting Arundhati blessed her to become the wile ® VASISTHA 835 Vasigtha. ‘The marriage of Arundhalt with Vasstha was Conducted inthe: presence ofthe Gods ©) Sons. Seven sons, named Citraketu, Purocis, Viraca, Mitra, Ulbana, Vasubhdyana and Dyuman were born xo Vasitha by Aronabat All the even ‘of them were rahnarss- d) The meaning of the names Vasistha and Arundhati. The meaning of the name Vasistha is given by Vasistha Timeel as follos Tam known a asst for two man’, ‘The Srutis say that Air, Earth etc, are Vasus. Thave become Vasistha because I have bro sht under control the Vasus beginning with Anima (the power Of reducing the body fo an atom). Sec what Arun Ghat hewelf says, about the meaning of the name Anuadhatt “| consider mountains, earth and heaven as elemenss in which I live, only after considering my hus Bane re eat jn which T live, My husband is the frst and foremost element in. my life. Morcover Teonform Canurodha) with the mind of my husband. ‘So know me as Arundhati.” 2) Conjugal fidelity of Aruidhati hermits} once left Arundhati al to the Mountain Himalayas to gather fruits at asons. Iam ‘Vasu i, ‘The Saptarsis (the seven Jone ina forest and went wad roots. the earth In those days, due to severe summer, e became a “altieress. So. the hermits lived in fhe Hlimalayas, “Arumdgatt all alone, did penance, > Te forest, On one day Siva took the form : Bola one 2a requested her for ls. She ICP lied: “There are only Ziziphus fei Bel aaa She else to eae he Brahmin asked her to boll these foo, placed the pot of Zizipbus, fruits on Si a a There peti good storie told by the Brahmis: Te without thinking about her hunger oF thine "tye Tor twelve years hearing the StOFies DOTS slavas, Brahmin. When the hermit returned, Fler | Siva assumed his original form ane oe, has acquirt This oo Ee ing inthe ermlagt more penance shan you haveacquired ION, 8S Good Pvornan | What boon 80 Yn ss che holy. Tequested that gat pace shouting of Zips fruits) place called ‘Badarapacana (cookin : iva allowed fe. even touay that Place a holy place, 4 at the sacti- 1) Death, When s0 many devas were (eae Sith them. fice of Daksa, ‘Vasisiha ako 4 Oe Jeath both of ‘Atundhat; Rifowed her husband. Aller tet ars, Renta i eta io ) Seeing, Arundhatt, In India there 88 o anget is the ing the women, the star A i - first of the women. who 10 fe meaning of this custom i ae Aruna oul be acai of India, Moreover, ifthe sta 2 Vasistha, iis considered co forebore world. (ikaliks Purana) - in i , fed at the, sacrifice Catan Pit, vasiiha who del thal fre of of Daksa took birth again were dt Brahma, Aksamals was tH f,. So, in. some Algamaia wee ine rebirth of AMEE ih of Vasie Puranas, both are shown 28 O84, Of qperor Nimi of tha was’ terminated by the &¥" VASISTHA the Tksviku dynasty, (For details see under Nimi). (iii) Third birth, In the third birth Vasistha was born from a pot as the son of Mitravarunas. In this birth Vasistha was the brother of Agastya. (For detailed story see under Agastya, para 2). In this birth the wife of Vasistha was an Arundhati, who was the sister of Narada, Thus according to the Puranas, it took three births for Vasistha to complete his life. Tris difficult to ascertain, in which particular birth, a parti- cular story, stated in the Puranas, took place. Tris, probable that a large number of episodes might have {Taken place in the second and third births Stories connected with the life of Vasistha are given below: D\Vasistha and Vitvdmitra. Vasisgha and Visvamitea ‘were two herm its who quarrelled with each other through- fut their lives. The quarrel between Vasistha a Brann hermit and Vivémiea a royal hermit, is given below: E) Reason for the enmity. Vigvamitra was a King who Osama torte welfare fis subjects” Onee he vent with his army to hunt, He became tired by the hhunt and reached the hermitage of Vasistha who welcomed them with hospitality. He told them that Tood would be ready when they returned after a bath, ‘The King and his men bathed quickly and when they returned, a grand feast was ready for so many thou- fands. ‘The King was in great perplexity. After the fneals Vivamitra approached the hermit Vasistha fand asked him how he got such a grand feast ready Hie replied that the cow Kmadhenu in his hermitage was tapable of granting any wish. ‘The king desired to have Gre tow. He asked the hermit to exchange the cow for Grove of ordinary cows. Vasistha did not agree to th. Vievamitra’ said that the noble and superior things of the country belonged to the King. The hermit Gid not agree to that also. Finally Vitwamitra was Shout to take away the cow by force, ‘Thus the quarrel Began. Understanding the wish of Vasistha Kamadhenu held her horns and tail up and stood as a fierce ped cruel figure. From the various limbs of the cow so Many thousands of warriors jumped out and a fierce Jarle ensued in which the hundred sons and the huge pany of Visvamitra met with defeat. At last Visvamitra tied to launch a ditect attack against Vasistha. But the arrows of Viévimitra were changed to flowers when they touched the body of Vasistha. At last the King admitted that the power of the penance of a Brahmin hhermit. was the real power and he admitted defeat from Wasistha. From that day onwards a deep-rooted, hatred against Vasistha aroscin the heart of Visvamitra, He left the administration of his Kingdom in the hands ofhis relatives and went to the souih where he erected ‘a hermitage and began to do severe penance. Heacquir- fed great powers of penance and became a royal hermit Ofimmense attainments and the quarrel between the two great hermits Vasistha and Visvémitra began, (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, 5 sargas from 51). (Gi) Second confrontation. ‘The next contest between the two ermits was duc to the king Trisaiku of the Solar dynasty. Trifariku wanted bodily attainment of heaven, Vasistha tried to discourage the king, Visvamitra took up the matter, He began to perform a sacrifice to lift up the king bodily to heaven, and Tritaiiku began to Hse up higher and higher. But Indra did not allow ‘him ‘VASISTHA 836 to enter bodily into the heaven. At last Visvamitra, by the power of his penance created an artificial heaven midway between the heaven and the earth and placed ‘Trigaiku in that heaven. With this the gap between the two hermits widened. (For more details see under ‘Trigaiku). (ii) Third conftontation. By the blessing of Varuna, a son named Lohita was bora to Harigcandra. He had promis- ed Varupa to sacrifice his son Lohita. But Lohita ‘came to know of this and he left the palace. Harifcan: dra was in a difficult situation, Vasigtha advised him to buy ason and to sacrifice him, Accordingly a Brah- min boy named SunasSepha was bought. Vasistha decided to sacrifice him, Visvamitra said that he could not be sacrificed. Harigcandra was loved by Vasistha. So Vitvamitra tried to harm him as far as possible, Harigcandra fell in the trap of Vigvamitra and. lost his country, city, wie, everything and had to live in funeral places. (For detailed story see under HariSeandra.) (iv) Hourth confrontation. Vasistha did not like the deception practised by Vigvamitra, on Harifcandra. Once Visvamitra and Vasistha met in the forest by chance. Vasistha scolded Vigvamitra, who had only the guise of a hermit, thus: “You wicked Vigvamiwa ! Why do you put the truthful Harigeandra into so much misery? You are deceiving him as the stork sits in meditation and deceives the fish, So you will become a stork.” Visvamitra looked at the hermit Vasistha who had cursed bim and said. ‘'So long asI am a stork you shall be Kingfisher. "Thus they cursed each other. Both of them became birds and went to the shore of Minasa lake and each building a nest_on the top of trees began to live there. There was nothing but quar- rel between the two birds daily. Both pecked and scratched each other to such an extent that they were covered with bleeding wounds. They looked like an Enythrina tree filled “with flowers. Everybody who saw them was filled with sadness. Thus they lived there for a long time Once the Kind-hearted Brahma, the father of Vasistha, saw their sorry plight. Having pity on them he eame there with the other gods and delivered them both from the curse. (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 6). (v) Fifth confrontation. Vigvamitra called the river Sarasvati and asked her to bring Vasistha along with her current. Sarawait did not like the idea.” Still, fearing the curse of Visvamitra she agreed todo so. The river-basin. where Vatistha had been performing penance was pulled down by the dutrent ofthe river, and taking Vasistha in the current carried him down. Sarasvag did not wish to leave Vasistha at the mercy of Vigva- mitra, So when they reached the door of the hermitage of Visvamitra, she carried him further down in a switt current. Vigvamitra got angry and cursed Sarasvath, “Let blood flow through the river.” With that the water of Sarasvati changed to blood-colour, ‘The gods were perplexed at this. They all gathered on the bants of the river. In the presence of the gods, both the hermits came to a compromise. Thenceforward ‘that place became,a holy tirtha under the name Vasisthapavaha, (MLB. Salya Parva, Chapter 42) 3) Other details G) Vasistha changed Ta a woman, (Wor details see under Ha 1). into a man, VASISTHA (ii) Wives and children. Seven sons Rajas, Gotra, Urdhvabaha,, Savana, “Anagha, Sutapas and Sukra, were born ‘to Vasistha by his wife Urja. These seven pure and just persons were the — Saptarsis (seven hermits) “in the first Manvantara. (Vignu Purana, Ariéa f, Chapter 10). (Rija, Gatra, Orchvabahu Savana, Alaghu, Sula (and Sutapas are the names given in Agni Purana, Chapter 20, ofthe sons of Vasistha boen by his wife Ora). (iil) Vasistha and emperor Nimi. (See under Nimi) (iv) The Rgveda of Vasistha. There are ten Mandalas in Reveda, of which the seventh Mandala was compose by the sages of Vasistha’s hermitage. : (¥) Gursing Ravana. Once Ravana asked Vasigtha t0 come as his teacher and teach him the Vedas and the other scriptures, Vasistha did not comply with his request. The angry Ravana got Vasistha a captive. But the King Kuvalayaéva of the Solar dynasty, liberate Vasistha from captivity. The rescued Vasistha curse Ravana. You and your family will be exterminated bY those born of the Solar dynasty.” (Kamba Ramayan Yuddha Kanda) : (vi) Vasistha jumped into the river. See under Adr Syanti . ; (vii) In uniting Tapati and Saravarana vei playe¢ a very prominent part. (See under Tapatl). : (viii) Lt was Vasistha who put a stop to the sacrifice for the extermination of the Rakeasas (giants) perfor!" ed by Pardsara. (See under Paraéara) fi (ix) Vasistha and Mucukunda. See under Mucukunds- (x) Vasistha told Sri Rama the history of the dynasty of Iksvaka. (Valmiki Ramayana Bala Kanda, Sars’ 73). (xi) The hermitage of Vasistha was situated in the valley of mount Mahameru. (Mahabharata, Adi Parv* Chapter 29, Stanza 6). (xii) The cow of Vasistha was stolen by the eight Vas™ See under Astavasus, ae (xii) Vasistha was the teacher of Bhisma, (Mahabharat Adi Parva, Chapter 103, Stanza 45). ot (xiv) Vasistha participated in the Birth festival Arjuna. (M.B, Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 51)- Jet (av) "Vasisha tried to commit suicide, (See um Adrsyanti). (xvi) Vasistha shone in the assembly of Brahma. (M- Sabha Parva, Chapter I1, Stanza 19) 1h (xvii) In the Bharata-battle an effort was made PY ‘Vasistha to dissuade Drona from the battle. But it in vain. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 190, Stanza 33); (xviti) ‘Vasistha was one of the hermits who came © visit Bhisma on his bed of arrows. (Santi Parva; Char ter 47, Stanza 7). a (xix) Once rain “failed in the world and creatut? became miserable. At that time Vasistha fed the cre" tures, (MLB, Anusisana Parva, Chapter 137). ye (xx) Once ‘Indra lost the Devaloka (the world of PS Devas) and he became gloomy and miserable, Vasisth? went to him and consoled him, (M.B, Santi Par’ Chapter 291, Stanza 91). if (ai) Vasistha was one of the hermits who were Brat min tribal workers, (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 29°” Stanaa 17). : eu xxii) Once Vasistha imparted knowledge to Ki Janaka, ‘This exhortation’ is given in ‘Mahabharat (Santi Parva, six chapters from 302), VASISTHA (xxiii) Vasistha was one of the twentyone Prajapatis. (ME) Sanat Pata! Gtapter 354 Stans 36). (xxiv) Vasistha is “considered to be one ofthe Citrasi- khandis (Saptarsis—seven hermits) (Sec under Citra- sikhandis), (xxv) Once Vasistha talkéd about Purusérthas, (the objects of life) to Brahma. (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 6) (xxvi) Vasistha talked to Saudasa about giving cows as alms. (M.B. Anusdsana Parva, Chapter 78, Stanza 5). (xxvii) On another occasion Vasistha gave, advice to Paraduirdma and talked about the origin of Gold. (MB. ‘Anusisana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza #4) (xxviii) Vasistha’once told Arundhati ho was caused. (MLB. Anusisana Parva, C Stanza 31), (xxix) ‘Vasistha avowed that he was not one of them who had stolen the lotus flowers of Agasty@. (Anusasana Havas Chapter 2, Sines Lan Dea Goax) Apava, Arundhatipati, Brahmarsi, Devarsi Hiatranysparbha Maiteavarung, Varuni, and such other words are used ab synonyms ‘of Vasistha, in the Mahi- rata, VASISTHA. An Agni (fire). (Mahabharata, eae ‘Chapter 220, Stanza I)- 'ASISTHA (M_ rasistha tirth Makibnarde Wane ana, Chapter 84, that he who va in this tirtha would ipecome a Brahmin, Lae IST! ‘A_mountain famous in 1 Pankey PARMA in Ral Parva, Chaps, 214, Stanza 2, that Arjuna came and sat on this mountain luring his pilgrimage. a VASISTI OSHA, An ancient holy bath on the Penk APAVAHES vas (See wader Vast, AT VARI Ae STHASRAMA. A_ holy place a ‘aia Frey bach ie famous throughor oe Cee rs Holy Meo bathe in this place wil) Sune the free ae pecforming, Vajapeya. yaita., (DOTEoy sacrifice). (M.B, Vana Parva, Chapter 87, Stat (haga VASORDHARA, Wife of the Vasu named ABS! cee i .e princes belong- VASTRAPA. A group of Ksatriyas, Toh nee. ing to this group brought prese™! Sabha Parte: Chapter 52,9120 15). samense VASTUPURUSA. In days of Yor 9 BPN camme into ‘size, who was” feared by all other BROT ly by ee, Tals ghost was bored ee is yw weakness Chapter 93, Vana 1a. It is mentioned ia Niscira- the Devas, ‘This ghost is ealed, VaE™ Garth, The the deity of whatever We offering made to. this Vast house ip called “Puravastuball ter 40), i VASU L.A King named Uparicaravast: diciails see under Uparicaravast) VASU 11. Astavasus, (The cisht ‘Vasas)- letails gee winder Asfavasl5)- ving of Kanyakubja VASU TIT SE to Kuta, King co samba, by his wife Vaidarbiv, Kusa had trem Kusamba Rufanabhar asirtarajas and Vast ota the city of completion of a ‘ihgni Purina, Chap- For further (For farther buile the sity of Kaugambt, Kutt remaranya and od ra, sara te ee the middle ‘Vasu the city of Giriveaja whic! 837 ‘VASUDEVA of five hills, The river Magadht flows around this city. Vall Ramayana; Balekanda Sarga'$2)- vASU'IV. -A'Vasu is mentioned in Brahménda Purina Ghapter 58, ‘asthe brother of Paraturkma, Vasu, Rimageta, Gopers, "Vileioan ‘mad ‘Foraturaase ort the five sons born to Jamadagni by his wife Renuka. VASU V. Ason of Murasura. The sons of Murasura were, Tamra, Antariksa, Sravana, Vasu, Vibhavasu, Natiasedn and Aruna. (Ghagavata, Skandhe 10): YVASU VI. "A mighty King ofthe Kimi dynasty. (Maba- Phbtata, Udvoge Parva, Chapter 74, Stanse 13)- ASU VII, It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Stanza 17, that the King. Tiina hed Ave oP Bnayeuta, Stra, Bult, Pravacd and Vau by hit Sais Rateotar VASU VIII. A scholarly Brahmin-hermit. The hermit Paila was the son of this Vasu. (M.B. Sabha Parva Chapter 83, Stanza 35)- VASUTIS. “asus usedas a synonym of Sivan Mahi- ASU qnutteana Patva, Chapicr 17, Stanza 140 VASU X. A name of Mahavisnu. (M.B. Anusasana Mee Ohapter 140, Stanza 25). VASUTR King: He was, born to Uttinapéda. by ASU 1 coumeesersy arene amnong hetmitt one, about Stor cise and for a eolution ofthe. problem the feermts approached this king Vasu, who told them bis ac aehhat th scrice of cow was, seiety apeake Pee er of sight and as uch it vas t befor 1 hs the hermits could not agree with the King, aevecursed him “Let the King go to Patala (under- world). Vasu then did very severe penance and attained fori UMfauye Purina, 148, 1828). VRSUERDRET A'ielig who! was: the supporter and Hee aN Vesathias Hevwas a mighty se te power- fal Indra. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Stanza 10). VASUDAMA. An attendant of Subrabmanya Meee parva, Chapter #6, Stanea 5). VASUDANA I. A Ksatriya King. ‘This King who was ASU ANA tthe counell of Yudhigihira. was the ruler aac Otis tated in Mahabharata that this King Grevented Yudhisthira with wentysix elephants and two thousand horses.( Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Stanza $40 thease Bharata batle this King was the ‘support ‘iu ie and Daryn bee Ee gr te tiow of Dropa. (MB, Udyoga Parva” Ghapters oy tee F171; Drova Parva, Chaptere23 and 190;Karpa Parva, Chapter 6). VASUDANA TI. A prince of Patcdla, who fought on ‘the side of the Pandavas. He was killed by Drona- the wide C\4o8. Drona Parva, Chapter 2 Stanza 59), VASUDANAPUTRA, Av King who bad taken the Ascot the Kauravas and fought against the Pandavas, He dlad Abbibnd, the. son of Ring of Kasi (MB, Rican Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 74). VASUDATTA {. Mother of Varara Verarucl) ‘VASUDATTA II. (VASUDEVA). Father of Sudeva, a Mero hed (aken rebinie as hog. (See wader ASUDEVA', Being the son of Vasudeva, & VASU! ‘AI, Being the son of Vasudeva, Sri Kr ‘was called Vasudeva. ‘? VASUDEVA II. See under Pauntrakavasudeva VASUDEVA. Father of Sri Krsna, ws. (See under VASUDEVABHATTATIRI 1) Geneniogy. See under Krsna. 2) Presious birth and current irik. Vasudeva was the rebirth of Prajapati Kasyapa. Aditi and Surasi, the wives of Kaiyapa took birth as Devaki and Rohini respectively. (For details see under Kasyapa). 3) Marriage and Family. Rohini, the wife of Vasudeva, gave birth to Balarama, the fighter Sérana, Durdhara, Dama, Pindaraka and Mahahanu, Of Devaki who was also called Maya and Amavasi, the younger son Krspa and his beautiful sister Subhadra were born. Vijaya, Rocamana, Vardhamana and Devala were sons bornby Upadevi. The twosons Agavaha and Mandaga, otherwise called Angada were born of Vekad ‘Revanta who could not be defeated in battle, was born from Saptamidevi. ‘The first son of Vasudeva was Kansika, whose birth was from a Vaisya woman called Sraddh& Devi when Vasudeva was travelling in the forest. Kapila, 2 mighty son was born by the queen, Sratandhara. Saubhadra head of the archers and Abhava were born by his wife Jana. (Padma Purdga, P. 1314) 4) Other details. (i) Vasudeva was the son of Sarasena, and the husband ofDevaki, the father of Sri Krsna, the brother of Kant, and the minister of Ugrasena. it was Vasudeva who sent the priest Ka’yapa to Satagriga to perform the purification. ceremonies such as naming etc. of the Pandavas, (M.B, Adi Parva, Chapter 123, Daksinatya- patha). (ii) After the Bhirata-bautle, Vasudeva asked $11 Krspa_and learned. from him the detailed news about the battle. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 60). fii) Vasudeva fell into a swoon when he heard that ubhadra had become unconscious. (M.B. Aévamedha Parva, Chapter 61, Stanza 5). (iv) The ceremony of offering to the manes (Sraddha) of Abhimanyu was performed by Vasudeva. (M.B. Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 62, Stanza 1). (v) When the Yadavas fought among themselves after drinking liquor, $ri Krsna went to Dvaraka and visited ‘Vasudeva, and requested him to protect his wives who were awaiting Arjuna, Then sfier kissing the fect of ‘Vasudeva, Sti Krsna and Balabhadra Rama went 0 do penance. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza) (vi), When the dynasty of Vesni was completely destroy. cd Vasudeva thinking about the Supreme soul in his heart forsook his body. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 15). (Wii) Arjuna’ performed the funeral rites of Vasudeva, and aided his four wives to enter the funeral pyre. (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 19). (vii) Vasudeva entered heaven’ and took his place among Vigvadeves (gods concerned swith offering to the manes). (M.B. Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 17). (BY The synonyms of Vasudava, wed in Mahgbhteata are Anakadundubhi, Sauri, Siraputra, "Surasinu, Yadidvaha and so on. VASUDEVABHATTATIRI. A Sanskrit poct of Kerala, “Vasudevabhatiatiri was a poct who used alliteration abundantly. His important works are ‘Yudhisthira. vijaya, Tripuradabana Saurikatha, Vasudeva Vijaya, Gajendramoksa, Nalodaya etc.” VASUDHA. Daughter of Narmada, a Gandharva woman. Narmada had three daughters Sundari, Ketu- 338 VASUKI mati and Vasudha, (For more details see under Puspot kata). VASUDHARA. A holy place. Those who visit this Place, could ‘enjoy the fits of performing horse-ssert ce. Ifone gives offering to the manes after getting oneself purified by bathing in this holy tirtha (bath). one will attain the world of Vien, There is a lake of the Astavasus (eight Vasus) in this place, By bathing there, one could become the subject of the love ant regard of the eight Vasus. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 63). VASUHOMA. ‘A King of the country of Aviga. Once he we advice to Mandhata on righteousness. (M. B. Santi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 1). ; VASUJYESTHA. A King, This King was the son Pusyamitra. (Maisya Purana, 272, 28) VASUKI. One of the famous Nagas (serpents). 1) Birth, The uragas and nagas (serpents) were born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wile Kadri. Vasuki, the eldest son of Kadri spent his childhood with his parents, 2) Difirence of opinion. Vinata and Kadra staked, 08 the colour of the tail of Uccaigsravas (A horse obtait at the churning of the sea of Milk. To win the stake Kadrd asked her sons to hang on the tail of Uccaiss: ravas as black hairs, But the truthful Vasuki_ was ot prepared to do so. Kadri cursed Vasuki and the others who sided with him. From that day onwards Vasu and those who were cursed, separated from their mothe} and formed into a serpeni group. (M.B. Adi Par¥® Chapters 37 and 48) e 3) The length of Vasuki, The Devas and the asut® decided to get Amsta (Ambrosia—the celestial honey Of immortalily) by churning the sea of milk. The Devas went to bring Mandara-mountain, to be used as the churning rod. ‘Their attempt was futile, The asvres made a trial with the same result. The Bhitaga¥e (Guards) of Siva also made a vain attempt, On instruction of Visgu, Garuda went and brought 1h mountain as easily as an eagle takes away a frog. Now Vasuki should be brought. The Devas and Gandhary) failed in that attempt also. Garuda who was baught, of his strength and speed, went to the city of the na8%e (serpents) and requested Vasuki to come to the sO Milk, “Vasuki replied that if the matter was so. UB hhe had no objection for being carried to that place. By took the middle part of Vasuki in his beak and flew. 02 higher and higher and reached beyond the hori2cf" Sul the lower half of Vasuki was lying on the grO%C) So he took Vasuki in his beak as folded in two. Ste the result was the same, Garuda became aware of !0y impossibility of carrying Vasuki and returned, ashame and disappointed. Vinu rebuked him for his arrog7 yj After this, Siva stretched his hand to Patiala, Vays became a small bangle on that hand, Thus Vasuki 35 brought to the shore of the sea ‘of Milk. ( Ramayana, Yuddha Kanda). 4) Other details ott (4) For the safety and protection of the Nagas, “ie Pents) Vasuki gave his sister Jaratkairu as wife (© hermit Jaratkaru, (See under Feratkare). MB Gi) Me nigas anointed Vaso as thei \di Parva, Daksinatyapatha, Chapter 36). ily (iii) When Vasuki ann the serpents, Low of his familly falling into the sacrificial fire of Janamejaya and 4Y' ng. ( i VASUKITIRTHA VASI VASUMAN’ I. (VASUMANA: in large numbers, he sent his nephew Astika to ind out a way to rescue the perishing nagas. (MLB. Adi Parva, Chapter 53, Stanza 20). (iv). Wasule participaced in the bieth festival of Arjuna. (M.B, Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Stanza 71). (v)"Vasuki advised the Nagas to give the divine juice to Bhimasena, in accordance with the requestof Aryaka, (Sce under Bhimasena). : (vi) Vasuki stays in the palace of Varuna worshipping him, (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza )- (vii) Arjuna once allured the aster of Vasuki. (M.B, “ita Parva, Chapter 2, Slanza 14). . (viii) In “Tyipuredahana (the buraing of Tripura) Vasuki acted as the bow-string of Siva and as, the axle # ve chariot. (MB. Karna Parva, Chapter 34, Stanza (ix) In the fight between Arjuna and Kama, Vasuki yas a well-wisher of Aqjuna. (MB. Karna Parva, ter 87, Stanza 43). Ge) The Deere anointed Vasuli_ as, the King of the Nagas, (MB. Salya Par, Ghinpter 37, Stanza $0) fri) Vasnki gave Subrahmanya wo followers, same Jaye and Magan (Satya Parva, Chapter 43, Verse seven nagas w ‘Parva, Chapter 150, (xii) Vasuki is one of the shich hold up the earth (MLB, Amana San (sili) When Balabhadr death, Vasuki had gor Mausala Parva, Chapter (xiv) Once Vasuki and Vayu was ‘the more powerful of the 1WO, which contest Mount Trikiita w3s wiciniy of Mahamens, and #8 thro em Sea, (See under THkita)- aca Nagendr Gee) Wolke san Nagarit, Nagarais, NAgener Pannaga, Pannagarat, Sarparaja, and 60% as synonyms of Vaauld in Mahabharata, a. banks URITIRTHA, A holy place situated on the ort of the Gaiga in Prayaga. Bhogavalg yy trata name of this holy bath. It is mentioneg in TOT aking Vane Pe Oe pater 85, Suanes, 80 I Oy sof bath in this holy’ tirtha one could attsit Betfomaing the hores@clcts xing ofthe Sea S) the following fier his went to Patala al arima went ( ive eee ese Bm qa to find out who Inveanaequence of fpoken om the sent che south: of Tksviku. nes nage Descent a yape At ata) Ma eee Mater Based akan andere ‘Anenas - Pethuldsvae Visvagasva-Prasently aryasva- Mindhata-Purokutsa-Teasadasye- Amara) ‘asumanas, 2) Birth. Earyasva, Madhavi, the daughier o son. (MLB, Adi Parva, }) Marriage proposal. Proposed to be given in marriage Another man carried her away. ™ under Durmada IT. 4) Other information. () Once Yayatt who fell from BAF sere of mingl- Piet with Vasumanas. speea caine’ ‘heaven agai ing with good people Yayati 56). (aL with good people Nehigg, Stanza ne)” wich Kings Gi AS Pare Cheon pea Meee a Ya ygp, Stanza Chaptery named Ha Xda nana Bat enow the StOFY 368 ‘on the earth heaven : oe VATA te Anta andoshen. (ML. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, i) Vasumanas sits in the palace of Yama and praises sei estezes ene eee {iv) He went on pilgrimages and’ earned fame and wealth, (M.B. Vana Parva Chapter 94, Stanza 17). (vr) He was present at the horse-sacrifice of Astaka the ve Seiya (MB. Vana Parva, Chapter 198, tanza I). (vi) He once got into the aerial chariot of Indra and came and stood over the city of Virdta and witnessed the battle between Arjuna and the teacher Krpa. (MLB. Virata Parva, Chapter 55, Stanza 9). (vi) Tevet nae Vasa and others who had. bern forming the sacrifice of Vajapeya and worshippin Rfanavign, that Yayati fll rombeaven, (MB. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 121, Stanza 10) (ii) Vasumanas became famous under the name Denapati (lord of donations) because he had given Yayati, parePis of his good deeds. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, ‘Chapter 122, Stanza 9}. fis) While he was the King of Kosala he conducted a Gsultation with Brhaspati as to how he could bring ‘Bout the prosperity of the country. (MLB. Santi Parva, Chapter 68, Stanza 6). VASUMAN II. (VASUMANAS). A King who was amous in the council of Yudhisthira. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 32). VASUMAN {VASUMANAS) IIT. A fire, Te is stated jy Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 221, Stanza 27, that if a woman during her ‘monthly course happent Wetouch the holy fire, an astakapila should be offered (the fre Vasuman. ‘This fire called Vasumin now Sayrin the palace of Brahma, (M.B. Sabha. Parva, Ghapter 11, stanza 30). VASUMAN (VASUMANAS) IV. A prince of the family jPJanaka.:It i mentioned ia Mahabharata, Sant Gata, Chapter 302, that a hermit had given him exhortations regarding ighteouess. . VASUMITRA I. An ancient Keatriya King. Tt is asted in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza ithat this King was born from a_ portion’ of the dura named Viksara,_the son of Danayu. VASUMITRA II, A._King born of the dynasty of Suiga. i Mnentioned in Bhigavata, Skandha 10, that Bhad- Hea, otherwise called Udaka was the son of this King. tae Paar af seatecee OE Salva Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 63) VASUSARMA. See undet Dharmagarma I. VASUSENA. A name of Karna at the time of his boy- food’ He was called by the name Vasusena by fasterefather Adhiratha and his foster-mother Rad) (Sec under Karna). VASUSRI, An attendant of Subrahmanya, (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 14), VASVANANTA. The father of Yuyudha, and the son AP Upagupta. He was the King of Videha, (Bhigavata. Skandha 9). VASVOKASARA. One of the seven branches of the Ganges. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 6, Stanza 48). VATA. One of the five attendants given to Subrahmanya ATA ae god. Aha, The five atendants, were "Vata, Parigha, Bhima, Dabati, and Dabana, (M.B, Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza $4) Salya VATA VATA. One of the Saptarsis (seven hermits) of the Manvantara (Age of the Manu) of Manu Svarocisa. In this age of the Manu the Devendra was Vipascit. The Saptarsis of that Age of the Manu were Urja, Stamba, Prina, Vata, Vesabha, Niraya and Parivan. (Visnu Purana, Ari‘ 3, Chapter 1). VATADHANA. A Keatriya King. This King was born from a portion of the asura Krodhavasa (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 63, Stanza 67). VATADHANA(M). A country in ancient India, The people of this country were called the Vatadhanas, The following information is available about them from the ‘Mahabharata, (i) Nakula defeated the Vatadhanas who were Ksatri- yas at the time of his regional conquest. (M.B. Sabhi Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 8). (ii) Once the Kauravas surrounded this country which abounded in wealth and food. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 31). (iil) Varadhana was one of the foremost countries in India. (M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 47). (iv) Inthe Garuda Vyaha of the army formed by Bhisma, Agvatthama and the Vatadhinas stood at the head of disposition, in the Bharata-Battle. (MLB, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 27, Stanza 4). (v) Once $ti Krsna defeated the Vatadhanas, (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter II, Stanza, 17). (vi) It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Karna Parva, Chapter 73, Stanza 17 that in Bhiraia-battle Arjuna destroyed all the armies of the country of Vatadhana. VATADHIPA, A King who is famous in the Puranas. Te is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, Stanza 15, that this King was subdued by Sabadeva, during his southern regional conquest. VATAGHNA, One of Vigvamitra’s sons who were ex- pounders of Vedas. (MLB. Anu‘asana Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 54). VATAJA, “A country in Ancient India. (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 45). VATAPLI. A’giant, See under Agastya, Para 5, for the story of how this asura was eaten along with his food by ‘Agastya, VATAPL IL, A notorious asura (demon) born to Prajapati Kagyapa by his wife Danu. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 28). VATARODHA. A hell.” For further details see the sec- tion Naraka under Kala, VATASKANDHA. Abhermit. It is mentioned in Maha- bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 7, Stanza 14, that he sits in the palace of Indra praising and worshipping im. VATAVEGA I. (VAYUVEGA), One of the hundred Sons of Dhrtarastra. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, ‘Ai Parva, Chapter 195, that hebad been present at the Svayaiivara (marriage) of Draupadi and in the Karna Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 2, that he was killed by Bhi masena in the Bharata-battie. VATAVEGA II, One of the famous sons of Garuda, (MLB. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 10). VATIKA. A warrior of Subrahmanya. (M.B. ‘Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 67). : VATSA I. Son of Pratardana the King of Katt. It is stated in Mahabbarata, Santi Parva, Chapter 49, Stanza 79, that the name Vatsa was given to him because he was brought up in his childhood by calves of cows, 840 ‘AYU VATSA MI. A King of the family of Saryati, ‘This King ‘was the father of Talajafigha and Hehaya. (MLB. Anu: Sasana Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 7). VATSA IIT (VATSABHUMI). A country in ancient India, ‘The following information is given about this country in the Mahabharata. : (i) Bhimasena conquered this country during his region- al’conquest. (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 30, Stanza 10). (ii) Karna once brought this country under control. B. Vana Parva, Chapter 254, Stanza 9). i) “During the battle of Bharata, the people of Vatss were on the side of the Pandavas, (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 58, Stanza 1. : (iv) Deified beings (semigods) and heavenly singers hed lived in this country. There is an asylum there for holy men, Amba, the princess of Kasi ence lived it this hermitage. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 186, Stanza 34). : (W) Amba became a river and still fows through this country under the name Amba. (M.B. Udyoga Parva Chapter 186, Stanza 40), : (vi) In the battle of Bharata, the warriors of Vatsa stood on the left side of the disposition of the army call- edKrauficarunavytha, formed by Dhrstadyumna.(M.B. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 50, Stanza 53). VATSALE. An attendant of Subrahmanya. (M.B. Salys arva, Chapter 45, Stanza 72). VATSANABHA. A hermit. o- ‘once took the form ‘ofa she-buffalo and saved Vatsanabha from heavy raif; After this he thought that he was an ungrateful man an so he decided to forsake his body. But Dharma dissuad- ed him from this attempt. (M.B. Anusasana Parva Daksinatya Patha, Chapter 12). VATSARA. The younger of the two sons of Dhruva: Utkala, the elder was a man of abstinence. So the younger brother Vatsara became the prince apparent. Vatsara married the princess named Svarvitht. Six som named Pusparna, Tigmakera, Téa, Orja, Yar ‘and Jay’ were born to them. (Bhagavata, Skandha 4). : VATSYA'T. “A hermlt telongieg toihe, Guryparampart (the line of teachers). Tt was this hermit Vatsya Wh wrote the famous Vatsyayana Sitra (the science Amour). He was one of the guests at the serpant-sact fice( Sarpasatra of Janamejaya.(M.B. Adi Parva ChaP; ter 83, Stanza 9),He visited Bhisma who lay on the! of arrows. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 47, Stanza). 5¢ under Guruparampars, i VATSYA IT. A country famous in the Puranas. TP country has the name Vatsa also. (See under Vatsa) VAYASAVIDYA. The art of making thecrow tell the Pt and foretell the future, (For fur well th er Kalakavrksika) . re, (For further details se 4 VAYU T.. One of the eight guardians of the world (Dikpalakas) ight guardi f the 1) General information. Vayu was born from the brea" of Visvapurusa. (Reveda 10, 90). ‘Tvasta was the %% in-law of Vayu. The cight dikpalakas are Indra, Vah® (Fire), Yama, Niryti, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera and Sv, Vayu is the guardian of the North’ West. zone. 7! Palace of Bhagavan Vayu is known as Gandhavatl- 45 2) Confrontation with Vasuki. Once Vayu and Vass lwied to find out who of the two. was mightier, in 6%, sequence of which, Trikijaparvata, a peak of Mo™ VAYUI Himalaya, was broken from its bed and thrown into the southern ocean neat Laika. Later, the city of Laika was built on this mountain. (Tor details see under Trikiita) 3) Children, Bhimasena and Haniimin are said to be the promi sof hag sn. V8 IC enone in Reveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 7, Sika 112, that ‘Agni was the son of Vayu. To make fire from wood by attrition, the hands obtain strength by the help of, the life breath called Vyana (a breath or vayu). It is from this, that the idea that fire is the son of Vayu, came in- to existence. To know how Vayu obtained the paternity of Bhima and Handman see under Bhima and Hanis tis stated in Brahma Purana that a group of celestial maids called ‘Muda’ owes its origin to Vayu. 4) Love of Vayu. Once Bhagavan Vayu happened to see the six beautiful daughters of Kusanabha, a king, an he was excited sexually. As the princess refused fo satisly his desire, Vayu eltanged the damscls into hunch backs, by a curse, (For "Jemailed story see under Kusa- nabha). d 5) The Vayu (Breaths) in the ody. (See under Nadine); 8) Cardi tne cragance of Silkctton tee, LONE 280 silk-cottca tree grew up on the top of the Himalayas Tt grew up tor be a big tree spreading its branche of. all directions. Birds built their nests on the branctet 2 that big tree and hermits and_ animals found Set under ifs shade. ‘The silk-cotto ree became arrogi Once Narada came there and praised the teee or figantic, this ilkecotton Cee Lee ea ae ee oe et Te told Narada that the, Sore etc, were ies actvancs, Narada told VaYo» ore sille-cotton tree said to bim. Vayu Bt a7 Fe tron ing to the Wen, 3d On arr tee, in days of yore, ey atyl creation he Pook rege on you for 8 WE ea tse Keep motionless when I come t0 YOU ne helore Tinew tha yo me and fight with Tam afraid of you. are bold enovsh> Narada, If you are challenge. Next day k-cotton tee accented the haley agai Bhagavan Vayu changed the free Tne re st fm stood bare. Thus within 4 ve sry shor of the tree was curbed. how i i A Bhigina, to sho ‘Dhia story was told to Yuin by ory mile that rendering help to, 4% haughty, et Pep saad "parva, § Chapters from Other details. ff the mountains, (3) When tndra cut off the wing? oP from this Bhagavan Vaya saved the moun'ait MTT Remayana, danger, by hiding it in the ocea?- ¢ Sundara Kanda, Sarga 1, Stanza 120) (ii) The image of Bhagavan VAY" 5.) 4s sitting on the haunch ‘of a deer, ho! Porana, Chapter.51)- 1d be consecrated Miing a fag. (ABM fenak’ to hinder (i) Indra sear Vayu also along with SUT vas dancing Ie penance. of Vis vamitra. While Mg ee goth. (MB. in front of Visvamitra, Vay Adi Parva, Chapter 72, Stanza 1). (iv) Te is mentioned in Mabébt hapter 19, Stanza 22, that Vay" the gods, 941 VEDA(S) (v) Mention is made in Mahabharata, SaBha Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 20, that Vayu stays in the palace of Brahma, praising him. (ei). Once Pradvumna tried to kill Salva, At that time ‘Vayu went to Pradyurna as the messenger of Gods. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 22). (vii) Vayu proved’ that Damayanti was chaste, (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 76, Stanza 36). (viii) Vayu declared that Sita was chaste. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 291, Stanza 27). (x) In Tripuradahana (the burning of Tripura) Vayu acted as the arrow of the bow of Siva. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 202, Stanza 76). (a). Ways geve, Subrahmanya, two attendants called Bala and Aubala. (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 44). (xi) Once Vayu advised Purdravas about the need of a priest. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 72, Stanzas 10-25), {oki} Once Bhagavan Vayu talked elaborately. on the Gerets cf goodness and badness. (M.B. Anusdsana Parva, Chapter 128). (ail) Bhagavan Vayu once talked about the greatness TP Brahmins to. Kartaviryérjuna, (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 152). VAYU IL, Am ancient hermit of India. Tt, is mentioned ja Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 47, Stanza 9, that this hermit visited Bhigma on his bed of arrows VAYUBALA. See under Viyucskra. VAYUBHAKSA.. An ancient hermit. It is mentioned in ‘Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 13, that ths hermit. had been a prominent figure in the palace of Yudhisthira, VAYUCAKRA. A hermit, It is mentioned in, Maha Pitvata, Salya Parva, Chapter $8, Stanza $2, that this Vayucalra was born from the semen kept in 's pot by Me hermit called Mankanaka, From this same pot some ther hermits such as Vayubala, Vayujvala and others ore born. (See under Mankanaka, Para 3). VRYUHA. A sonof the hermit Marikanaka, (See para 3, under Mafkanaka), VAYUJVALA. See under Vayucakra. VAVUMANDALA. Ason of the hermit Maftkanaka. ‘See para 3, under Matikanaka. VAYUPURAMA, One of the eighteen Purinas. (See ‘under Purana). VAYURETAS. A son of the hermit Matikinaka, (See fara 3, under Markanaka) VRYUVEGA I. A Ksatriya King in ancient India. It is ‘mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 67, fehea 63 that this King was born from a portion of fhe asura named Krodhavaga, VAYUVEGA I. Ason of the hermit Maiikanaka, (See Para 3, under Marikanaka), VAYUVEGA IIT, One of the sons of Dhrtaristra, He te prgent at he Svayatare, (mariage) of Drauped MB. Arapya: Chapter 177, Verse 2). VAYWA. A royal hermit of the period of Rgveda, Mention, Finade about the royal hermits such as Vaya, Kark- Rudhu and others in Reveda, Mandala 1, Sakta 12. VEDA. The sunof the hermit Ayodhadhaumya. (For farther details sce under Ayodhadhaumya). VEDA (S). 1) Introduction. The root “Vid? in Sanskrit, means *to know”, The books composed of the knowledge of the VEDA(S) 842 Aryans, collected and compiled were called the Vedas. 2) "The origin and importance of the Vedas. It is said that Brahma was the ereator of the Vedas. Many say that, for the performance of sacrifices Brahma created from Agni (lire), Vayu (Wind) and Ravi (the Sun), the thrce Vedas Rg, Yajus and Saman which are eternal and in accordance with regulations. ‘The Vedas have two sides, the spiritual and the mun- dane, Morcover all the explanations of the Vedas from the Bralimanas to the Bhasya of Sayana, pertain to sacrifices. ‘The literary meaning of Veda is mundane. Considering these two points and the facts that they are religious books and that they reveal the mental and social outlooks of the early Aryans, and as the origin of all the thoughts of Indians, all the Vedas, especially Reveda, hold a lofly place. 3) Parts of the Vedas. Mahavignn incarnated as Vyasa in Dvapara Yuga and divided the Vedas. The first Veda consisted of four padas and a hundred. thousand granthas. Vyasa divided it into four parts known as, Raveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. The sage and seer Vyasa thus created by Rg, “Hautra” (a collection of lyrics in praise of different Gods, to be recited by the priest styled the ‘hotr’), by Yajus “‘Rdhvaryava”, |a book of sacrificial prayer, of prose formulas to be uttered by the ‘Adhvaryu’ priest, who performed the manual work involved in a sacrifice), by Saman, “Audgatra”, (Songs meant to be sung at the Soma sacrifice by a Special class of priests ‘Udgatr?) and by Atharva *Brahmatva”, (a collection of songs, spells and incantations, for the lealing of disease, the restora- tion of harmony, the exorcism of evil spirits and to celebrate the power and omniscience of God) and established them separately. “Paila, a scholar in Rg~ veda, and a disciple of Vyasa, gave the original Veda to Indrapramiti and its Samhita (collections )to Baskala as gifts. Baskala divided the Samhita. into four, and gave cach of them to Baudhya and others, Yajurveda was divided into twentyfour branches. They were com- posed by Vaitampayana of extraordinary intelligence, ple of Vyasa. Kandas (Chapters) such as, Vajaz saneya etc. were composed later by hermits such as Yajiavalsya and others in theform of Smrtis (tradition, as handing down only the tradition derived ‘from an: cient sages, to whom the Vedas were ‘revealed?). Jaimini the disciple of Vyasa, divided Smaveda into Gifferent branches. Sumantu and Sukarma compiled separate Sarihitas (collections) from them, - Sukarma ‘composcd thousand Sarihités, Sumantu the disciple of Vyasa took the Atharvaveda and taught it to thousands of Paippalada disciples. By the blessings of Vyasa, Siita made the Purina Sarhbita. (the collection of Puranas). (Agni Purdna, Chapter 150). 4) Branches af the Vedas. Ti has already beenmentioned that the Vedas are four in number called Ry, Yajus, Sama and Atharva. Each of these Vedas has branches called Satihitas (collections) and Brahmanas_(treatives felating to prayer and sacrificial ceremony), Aranyakas are appendices to the Brahmanas. Upanigads (secret for esoteric doctrines) are appendices of the Aranyakas. Thus each of the Vedas has Samhitis, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanisads. All these are, ina way, ex positions of the Vedas. In all these expositions there re mumberless Stiktas. All these taken together are called Vedie literature. ‘VEDA(S) In the Sarhhitas there are lyrics in praise of different gods. ‘All these are spells and incantations (mancras) in’ the form of tongs. ‘The under-currents of all these spells are Vedas and stories from the Vedas. Generally speaking the Brahmanas contain prose texts giving practical observations on sacrifice which are mentioned in the songs of praise, Here and there stories from Puranas and epics occur. ‘The Aranyakas (forest-texts) got that name, because they are books of instruction to be given in the forest or writings meant for wood-dwelling her- mits, As they contained esoteric spells and incanta- tions which might cause injury even to those who were not concerned with them instruction in them was not given in towns or villages. The contents of the Arany- akas are the allegorical signification of the rites and sacrifices and the mystic meaning of the Vedas. It has been mentioned that the Upanisads are append- ices of the Aranyakas. Still there is not much differ- ence between thetwo and hence they cannot be separat~ ed from one another so easily. ‘The Upanisads are called Vedantas, (The aim and completion of the Vedas), because they are the end of the Vedas. The Vedantas belong to the later period of the Vedic ase: Instruction in Vedantas was given only afier completing the study of the mantras (Vedas) and the Brahmanas ‘The Upanigads contain philosophical speculations about the conception of Brahman and the Vedas. ‘The word Veda includes the Vedaigas also. Vedanigas (Ancillaries of the Vedas) are Siksi (phonetics), Vyakaran2 (gcammar), Chandas (metrics), Nirukia "(etymology )> Joytisa (astronomy), ‘and Kalpa (ritual). At, frst Instruction is given in the study of Brahman and the study of Vedas. When more discussions and expositions fon them are needed, the study of Brahmanas an Rranyakas are resorted to. In course of time the Brahmanas and Aranyakas, which contain discussion’ and expositions of the Vedas became independent branches of study under these names. That is why theY contain mainly prose texts. ‘There are one Iakh of mantras or spells and_ incant@> tions in all the four Vedas taken together. They 9' for blessing everybody and to make the four objects o life-easily attainable, Sailehyayana and Asvalayan® sorted and grouped ‘the mantras. Accordingly, there are two thousand onc hundred and ten mantras know? as Brahmanas. Dvaipayana and other hermits have stated the number of granthas (verses) in Reved. is said that there are one thousand nine hundred ninety nine mantras in Yajurveda, ‘There ate 00% thousand ‘eightysix branches also. The branches, 1? ‘Yajus are known by the names Kanvi, Madhyandin!y Kathi, Madhyakathi, Maitrayani, Taittiriya, Vaisi™™ pivaniid and so on. : In Sima Veda there are branches such as Kauthum Auharvaniyint and soon; and songs suc aa Rranyake@s Uktham, Wham and soon. ‘The number of Samavedie Yeretare nine thousand four hundred and wen” Sumantu, Janjali, Slokayani, Saunaka, Pippala4”7 MuiijakeZa and! aigt“ethes Se apie he the sorting and grouping of the mantras in the Ath@=veq , Altogether there are one thousand six hum Upanisads. "(Agni Purina, Chapter 271). $ 3) Expositions of the Vedas." The religion of the ABYC ‘became an established one when Vyasa had created and

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