Puranic Encyolopaedia - Vettem Mani - Part3

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CYAVANASRAMA. Bhagavata. Reveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka 17, Sikta 116; Chapter ‘fo, Vana Parva). 6)" Other. detals. (1) Paracurama once came and stayed at the arama of Gyavana, At that time Bhgu and Cyavana were in the Aérama. ‘They blessed him and advised him to go to Kailasa and do penance there to propitiate Siva. Tt was thus that Paraguraima happened (0 go to Kaildsa to do penance there, (Brahmanda Purana, Chapter 62). 2). Cyavana got a son named Pramati, ‘This Pramadi Wos the father of Rura and the grandfather of Sunaka, {Chapter 5, Adi Parva), (3) Cyavana married Arusi daughter of Manu. Aurva whey the som born to Arugi from her high. In descending order from Aurva were born, Reika—Jamadagni— Parasurama, (Chapter 66, Adi Parva): — C4) Aaa earns Senge ai om te Ha of Gyavana. (Chapter 48, Adi Parva). 2) ea nthe ora of Botha, (Sloka Ul, Chapter 37, Santi Parva). (6) King Vuvandéva once went to the aérama of Cyavana greatly worried over the Jack of a descendant. Cyavana Prepared some sacred water made parent with the recital repared some saree gestation and kept it there. Rese dentally the King drank that water and, got pregoant. ‘The pregnancy developed without misca7ri1¢ andindue time the Ring gave breth to a chil the Je side of his stomach bursting forth to push out he child. It was this me ‘who became Mandhata. (Chapter 126, Vana "arva). Ferengi tte ne Stoke T1, Chapter 22, Santi PAM): under i) nes (Siok eto Pala (ietheword) See r ckaralohita)- : ce 9) Once ‘he august Vedasarmé of Kausikagota ee ence he Zee ana lostin thought. Oy reason ved him with due respect and ‘enquired about ty ofa for his sorrow. Vedasarma then nn seieres son worried him much. yavana then ane ase iin atachild 3007 oe Ti, Padma Purina) (0) ‘Cyavana had a daughter namer fat mac a sage called Somaéarma. ama Purina). ‘i saver CYAVRN AGRA. 8. sacred place. Asi oa 26, ee Kasirdja, used 10 bathe ng pond nearby. thapter 186, Udyoga Parva, js believ- CYAVANASAROVARAM. A stcicl place Ming Ps ed that this is. the best placr Se 125, (Gpirits of the dead). mI Parva). snt_ member of th D (1) Rudea and (2) tremor v. (zp, THs Teter meatis cor fear (trasa). DAT Es Gtaie means avine 348). DABHITI. ‘veda. It is mentioned in 16, Sikta 112, that the As it is ised much in the Rg- ‘A hermit who is praised mia Ly (eins nieve Ne sons of 10+ gni Porta, Dabhiti, Dhvasanti and from a’ danger. DADHICA. (DADHIC!). jon is made in 1) Birth Pfamovs Kermit. Mention ana 83, that Mahabharata, Salya Parva, ChaPICr jcrmit Bhrew this hermit was the son of the B= 191 DADHICA (M) that he was made ofthe esences ofthe world, with a ioe od. By rhe birth ofthe hermit Sérameta, Dadica erected bis 2 Tle i ok te ives Sarva and began heritage oe pe power of penaper increased daly Seding this Indra was flrried. So he sent the eee ‘maid Alarnbus& to break the penance of Dadhica some- roaid Alaribusk bund came to the hermitage of Dadhica and began to dance. ‘and sing. When the hermit ‘saw her he grew lustful ‘and seminal discharge occurred 0 him, The semen fell in the river Sarasvati, who be- to i egnant and in duc course gave birth to a cil, came pregnay nvne hermit Dein and told. She wok the id, The her was mush plese ‘He took the child ‘and embraced itand blessed the river Sasa ibis Sarasval dhe gods and the celestial maids wil be pleased jf your water is offered as! oblation.” ‘Dadhici then said that ‘the child should be named Saras- Dade iso added that when there was a drought conti- vate for twelve Years, Sarasvaia would have the aoc fe wes, hen Sarat! took the child 10 pone Pee brought up ae oe dasoed the auras withthe head ofa erst, Once Sree vent tothe world of the devas (gods). From there he Jooked down and saw the earth filled with the asuras. Indra went to destroy them, But he could the aeu"h¢ made a search for anything left behind by Dadhica. He ‘understood that Dadhica had with him pa ofa horse. Tt was found ina lake in the country fhe head oT With the bones taken from that head Thdra and Dadhica destroyed a large number of asuras. aa eae aodala 1, Amuvaka 18, Soka 84) veda, Mandal otra wes made from a bone. 4) Toe cect, (Aspire, which sa that the Ay ef Indra wan made of @ bone of Diack, The asuras went to fight with Indra under the pap of Vetirdsura. Indra tried his utmost co kill ade etna, but he could not. At last Indra approached Fees who told Indra thae if a bone of the hermit Bran adhea was obtained it could effectively be used cae rue, Accordingly Indra_went with Nara again Vitea co the banks of the river Sarasvath and and Nitihe hermitage and bowed before the shining encore thes red hi ofthe errand. ‘The hermit Pvliad that he had no objectionin. giving his hermit woke the gods, Saying thus the hermit discarded bone 1° Tadra took the bone of Dadhici and made his his BE ofDiamond (Vajra) with which he killed Veta eqPPt, followers. (Mahabharata, Chapter 100). 5) Other, information , ) Attn taerice of Dakys, Dade’ got angry bea (OA ot given his dus ofthe sacrifice, (Sip: Santi Parva, Chapter 204). Fae adic ike o Brin called Kan (2) Ores Pesmoranee of the es diate 0 Sta tt Bama, Chepter 101) Pa oarjaya V to know how tht Hermit gave See etom cue to 0 fy ICA. (M). A holy place in Kurukyetra. Avigiras DAD of Saasvati was bora in this place, From onal the so" rds thi place became a holy place It is_men- ant fahitharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, DADHIMANDODAKA obtain the fruits of performing the sacrifice Aévamedha, and enter the world of Sarasvati. DADHIMANDODAKA. An ocean. This ocean is near the ocean Ghrtoda samudra (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter: 12, Stanza 2). DADHIMUKHA I. A famous serpent, born to Kasyapa prajapati_ by his wife Kadri, (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 8). DADHIMUKHA IL. "A famous monkey. This old mon- key was the general of a huge monkey-army. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, | Chapter 283, Stanza 7 that this general approached $17 Rama once, with his army. DADHIVAHANA. An ancient king of Bharata. The hermit Gautama saved the son of this King from the attack of Parasurama (Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 49, Stanza 8). DADHIVAKTRA. A monkey who helped $11 Rama. Tt is seen in Adhyatma Ramayana, Sundara Kanda, Sarga 5, as follows -— “Dadhimukhah Kruddbasugrivasya matulah”. From this it is understood that Dadhimukha or Dadhiva- ktra. was the uncle of Sugriva. (For further infor- mation see Madhuvana). DADHYAK! A_ hermit. Once Indra taught this hermit Madhuvidya (the art of mead) Indra told the hermit that his head would be cut off if he taught any- body this art. The Asvinidevas approached Dadhyati to Iearn this art. Fearing Indra the hermit refused to teach them the art. Agvinidevas cut off his head and buried it in a place. Then they cut off the head of a horse and fixed it on the neck of Dadhyasi. Having the head of the horse he taught the art to the Asvi devas, When Dadhyan had finished teaching, they took away the head of the horse and fixed his own head in place. (Rgveda, Mandala 1, Anuvaka, 17, Sakta_ 166). DAHA I. One of the eleven Rudras. He was the grand- > son of Brahma and the son of Sthanu, (Mahabharata, ‘Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Stanza 3). DAHA IL. An attendant’ given to Subrahmanya by ‘Arba, a god. (Mahabharata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 34). DAHADAHA. , An attendant of Subrahmanya. (Maha- phdrata, Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 20). DAHATI. A warrior given to Subrahmanya by god ‘Ariéa. Mention is made about this warrior in Maha- bhirata, Salya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 34. DAIVA I. Almighty God. (Sec | Tévara). DAIVA Ii. A kind of marriage. The form of marriage ‘by which one gives his daughter to a priest. (See Vivaha). DAIVALIKA. A country. Mention is made in Maha- bharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 52, Stanza 18, that the King and the people of Daivalika were present ‘on the occasion of the sacrifice of Rajasiiya (imperial consecration) of Yudhisthira. DAIVASAMPATTI. The virtues born of a noble family. “He Bharata ! Security, knowledge of tattvas the desire vThe stories regarding the two hermits Dadhici and Dadhyah i Goned as the soa of Bhrgu, and in Rgveda it occurs that De Moreover the story of Dadhyan teaching the Aivinidevas the Some’ statements the Haveda make i diicul, as Dadhiel tos the'son of Bhyge whereas the hermit wh of those who are 192 in the Purinas are not very clear» dhiea was the son of Hermit Atharva who wat “‘Madhuvidya? el esc both Dadhyaii and Daghicl are one and the same Prrso™ ons and to eRe book hae” accepted the fact that these hermits are se taught Madhuvidya to the ASvinidevas was Dadhyat DAKSA. to attain harmony with the Supreme Being by the know- ledge of Brahman, alms-giving, self restraint, perform- ing sacrifice, self-study, penance, sincerity, truth, libe- ality, continence, kindness, mildness, modesty, resolu- tion, cleanliness,” forgiveness, brightness, abstaining from committing murder and getting angry, having no malignity, covetousness, fickleness and pride and not injuring others are the Daivasarnpatti or good qualities of a noble man.” (MB. Bhisma Parva, Chapter 40). DAITYADIPA. One of the sons of Garuda. Mention is made about Daityadipa in Mahabharata, Udyog Parva, Chapter 101, Stanza 1]. DATTYASENA, Sister of Devasend, the wife of Surah; ‘anya, Kesi, an asura, married her, (For detailed story, see Devasend). DAKINI. A class of women supposed to be proficient ‘in magic and the performance of feats with the help of mantras, (See Ksuraka). DAKSA. 1) Two Daksas. In most of about two Daksas occur. In some purana: referred to as one and the same person, some others both are considered as separate Perey So much 0 the stories concerning both are interloct and entangled very often. The fact is that there Fr only one Daksa, whose life was of two stages, The Try Daksa was killed at the sacrifice of Daks: ‘ends the first stage, or the first Daksa. ‘The secon: was the rebirth of the same Daksa. ‘A short biogt OF Daksa including both stages is given below “i, Brahma created by his mind, the seven great herm Marici, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Vasistha, Pulaha ee Kratu, So these seven hermits are called the Manas putras (sons born from mind) of Brahma. ‘After this Fom the anger of Brahma, Rudra was born, 2° Foon his lap Narada, from his right thumb Daksa, his mind the Sanakas and from his left thumb 2 daug’ named Virani were bor Virani nama tasya stu asiknityapi sattama Oe ees From this pe which occurs in Kalila Pures of may be assumed that ‘Asikni’ was another parahy® ‘Virani, Daksa did penance in the mountain 0° agha for a long time. It is mention ve 8, that Mahavisnu appeared him ‘Asikni as his wife. Several sons were born to Daksa b The Tact one was a daughter named Sati wh fice the wife of Siva, At this time Daksa performed 25°" sont ‘As he was not invited that sacrifice, Virabhadra and Bhadrak: and killed Daksa. the devas put the head of a goat in place 0 fares head and brought Daksa to life again, M0 ace. Tl is made about the life of Daksa after the saQ" "phage the first stage of the life ‘of Daksa ends. ee vata, Skandha 7). of ‘After this, once the Pracetases (the ten son8 > were engaged in penance and the earth WS 0 perly cultivated in consequence of which big, Tn Maha bbirata Dadhlet ys tt a he Seoanee Py the Puranas references s both are whereas i” persons: ‘ed in Bhagavata, Ska before Daksa an yy is wife ASR “is “connected with Dadhici in 0 rparate pers! DAKSA, grew up and the whole of the earth was changed into 2 big forest, The sky was covered with trce tops. It {was difficult even Tor the wind fo pass through them land thus the forest thrived for ten thousand years. The pracetases got out of the sea afier penance and entered the shore. When they saw the big forest they got angry fand the ten of them discharged fire and wind from their faces, ‘The wind up-rooted the trees and the fire Ghied them, ‘Thus almost the whole of the trees were consumed. Then Candra, the King of the medicinal herbs came there and told the Pracetases “Oh, Kings, hold’ your anger. Twill make the trees conclude a treaty’ with you. ‘The beautiful Marist who was born tothe ees is my foster-daughter. T give her to you a8 your wife. From halt the portion of your minds Sd flr the portion of my mind the, great and wise prajipati Dakga is going to take birth inher womb’ Ta neetases controlled their anger and accepted Mee i this wife, at te words of Somadeva (Candra) Marish as their fen pracetass the Prajapati Daksa = Prace age ofthe li of Daksa. ‘was born, With this the second stage of Was born. Witljportant occurrences Jn, the two stages begins. Sr Daksa are given below in thelr ond: he i no the reso ebecs, Once Dahan nPttSaksa and ordered bim to create raids OT jects. Accordingly Daksa created the gods, the hermits, Jeets, According’ y emi-gods) the Asuras, the serpent ere, Santee that dhe subjects he created Wore Te pros Titrating as required he thonght of Soper subjects Taerate mate and females and he Peg by_ his By Coithee five thousand sons, and they, ere called Haryasvas. They in, their tam Sore about to create ta fore them and said Frayne Narada appeared etre Ot norant : xen Naa are mere children and ignerst CO Hanya ytef this world. How do, Ye intend to treate subjects ? You fools, to go up and cl why don’t you HY 1 vvords of Na earth >” Hearing by eee in diferent rections and have no} retut a Hee 2 in different dre the Haryasvas. Dats tS ahalacvas Thus Daksa. iy Ack’ and they Wer Cece subjects Sear they also WEE AO oye treks Sering tat ped tem. 280 DY, mn of the earth ‘Sabalasvas who had gone € $°° the h Na jhim thus > ‘Narada and ‘cursed a “You also, like my childres shall eae ee aa “3 to place all over the hidia. From thal dey eng Nakada became a wanderet, 7) place. The wise Praja dameclt tt ot 2 mls by Asi Tern 10 a6 them to Soma, and four of t iven ‘Bahuputra, te wive Heel? oo were GE en Tne AEE hhave not yet return Daksa got angry Wi ° nee Hpelow =~ aria, Surasts Kase 1) Rabepe ais, Dit Danw, avis Pa Kade Sutabhivinatd, ‘Tame’, re 4 F Muni, | «Vasu, Yar Laiiba, Munk madece, Aranda, VE yguharts, SHSbYS Bhanu, Marutvati, Sankalpa Yee 1, bara, Kets obit, Mo (3) Soma. Asvayuks 5, Pusyam, Je arate’ (Arde) Pnarvasm PUP 193 DAKSA sam, Janakam, Philguni, Uttaraphilgunam, Hi fam oat rinham, Angedht yen, Milam, Puruisidham, Utiarasadham, Srona, Siavistha, Pracetas, Purvaprosthapadam, ‘Utaraprosthapadam, Revatl. The names of the wives given to Angra, Aristanemi Bifuputra and ‘Krsaéva are not mentioned.” Besides these damsels, ewentyfour daughters were born Te Dakga of his wile Prasati who was the sister of Ustanas (pide, Dbarmadeva marred thirteen of themalso, named Reedaha, Laksmi, Dbrii, Tusti, Medh3, Pusti, Kriya Buddhi, Lajja, Vapus, Santi, Siddbi, Kirti. Of the est, Khyadi was given to Bhrgu, Sati to Siva, Sarhbhiti to Maul, ‘Smet to Adgiras, Priti to Pulastya, Keami Mavsiaha, Santati to Kratu, Anasya to Aur, Oxia to Vudtha, Svaha to Agnideva and Svadha to the Manes, (Vigu Purina, Ainéa 1, Chapter 15). 43) Saris of Dalya. Once Dakga performed a sari- pe Mitte! Brhaspatisavana. To this sacrifice he did not fe caligs daughter Sati or her husband Siva, Daksa inv invite them because of three reasons according. to the Puranas. 19) Once Durvdsas, the son of Atri, went to Jambiinada o Oeditated with the mantra or spell of “Mayabjja” ang Momhipped Jagadambika, (mother of the anda) ihe godess there. ‘The goddess was much plea~ wefarad gave him as a tokenof her pleasure the garland se amegs she wore irom which nectar was oozing. O srokens wore it on his head and went to the palace of pare the Prajapati When he saw sucha wonderful ae Mich was aot ofthis world, he wanted to haye {Pind Daedric goveitto Daa, He peed tin Kameinent place in his bedroom and enjoying the 2 Prone Pee of it he conjugated wih bis wile nor Polluted that pure garland by bis lust. Siva and his and Paine to know of this and they scolded Daksa, who Tube this bitternes in his heart and when the sacrifice opt verformes, he decided uot to invite them, (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7). (2) Siva was considered as a polluted man by Daksa as he hd says been carrying with hin the skull of 38 gpa and so he thought it wrongon his part toadmit Pratughter and son-inclaw to the sacrificial hall. The is ot how Siva came tohave the skull, s given below. Todays of old when the whole world was under the Tale wcean (of the great flood) the sun, the moon, the single crcewerything was destroyed and” darkness 'pre- fired. All. the vegetations were destroyed. All the waifons and non-emotions disappeared. The supreme gret was sleeping for so many thousands of nights Tether, Atthe end of the night he asumed the atri- bike of Rajoguna’ (activity) and got ready fo create bute iniverse. From the face of the Supreme Lord and toe tor ofthe universes came out Brahma with five faces. cea ete way, Siva with three eyes and matted hai, sn jifident and rosary of beads (Elaeo carpus) and with and pate of “Tamas” (darkness—destruction) also came ar oth Brahma and Siva were filled with egoism and uty Began to quarre] with each other. Tt was a contest boty Pooho was greater. The contest ended in attack, Sie plucked off the fith head of Brahma, when the sive Mace, Mushed with anger, scolded Siva The head Sato the hands of Siva, who could not throw it down, i Sidn’t come off from his hand, Brahma cursed ‘Siva and made him polluted, Since Siva became polluted, DAKSA, hhis wife Sati also was considered as polluted by Daksa. (Vamana Purana, Chapter 2). (3) Once the prajapatis performed a sacrifice. Brahma, Visnu and Siva were present there. Daksa, who had been invited by the prajapatis also was present, When Daksa entered the hall his son-in-law Siva did not rise up. ‘This arrogance of Siva made Daksa angry. Daksa made up his mind to take vengeance on Siva, and performed a sacrifice known as Brhaspatisavana. To that sacrifice he did not invite Siva or Sati. Hearing that her father was conducting a sacrifice Sati came uninvited. But Daksa did not even look at her. Satidevi whose heart was broken at this treatment made a fire and jumped into it and died. Siva became furious when he came to know of this, Being overwhelmed with Sorrow and anger he beat hismatted hair on the ground, from which two monsters, Virabhadra and Bhadrakali, fame out. They ran to Daksa’s sacrificial hall and des- troyed everything they saw, killed everybody, caught hold of Daksa and cut off his head. Then they began to create havoc in the whole world. The hermits and sages began to take to flight. Men and animals shivered. ‘Thus the three worlds began to tremble with fear. The gods approached Siva with supplication to curb his gnger, ‘The gracious Safkara was pleased to recall the eeesiers. Afver that everybody requested him to bring. Daksa back to life. But the search made for the head of Dakia was futile. At last Brahma took the head of a goat and joined it to the headless trunk of Daksa. Thus Fen vas brought to life again.’ (Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 7)- 4) Cursing Candra, Candra had married twentyseven daughters of Daksa. But he showed particular attach- fhent to Rohini. “The other twentysix. wives could not bear this. They made a complaint to their father Daksa; Daksa called Candra and advised him to show equal attachment to all his wives and not to show any partia~ ity to anyone, Candra did not gainsay, his father-in- Taw, but he did not make any change in his dispo After a few days all the daughters except Rohini fo the palace of Daksa and told him that they were going to stay with him, This time Daksa got angry and Bulled Candra and cursed him to become a sick man (of consumption). From that day onwards Candra became a patient affec~ ted with consumption. All the vegetations in the world began to weaken, It appeared that the world was bout to be destroyed. So the gods approached Daksa and requested him to show some leniency towards Gandra’ Daksa accordingly called Candra and told him that he would be affected by consumption only for a fortnight and after that he would recover gradually. Candra went to Prabhdsa tirtha and Sarasvati tirtha and dipped in water. He began to recover from that day, Seep sccording to the curse of Daksa that Candra (Moon) waxes and wanes. (M.1 Salya Parva, Chapter 35). 5) Other information. (1) Daksa has another name ‘Kan’. Daksa the Prajapati is a son of ten fathers. He has two names, They are Daksa and Kan.” (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 208, Stanza 7)._ (2) When the emperor Prthu milked the earth, Daksa 1, Though Daksa was brought Daiga again as the son of Marist, 194 to life again with the head of a goat there is no mention of him again i DAKSINA, was crowned as the King of the subjects. (See under Prthu). (3) Ie cccurs in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 11 stanza 18, that Daksa was a member of the assembly of Brahma. | (4) Daksa was one_of those who visited Bhisma in his sbed of arrows. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 47). (3) Mention is made in Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 166 that the devas, the manes, the gandharvas the velestial maids, the Raksasas, animals and birds, fishes and all living creatures were born from the daugh- ters of Daksa. DAKSASAVARNI. The name of the ninth Mani: ‘During the regime of this Manu, there will be thee? Classes of devas (gods) called the Parnas, the Mare” garbhas and the Sudharmans. Bach of these ganas Bices will consist of twelve devas or gods. Indra, the King will be known as Adbhuta. He will be mighty powerful. In that Manvantara (age of the Manu) Rowers Dyutiman, Bhavya, Vasu, _ Medhatit: Jrotigmin and. Satya will be the Saptarsis (the 51" Pree and Dhrtaketu, Diptiketu, Paficahasta, Ni Paya, Prihuérava and others will be the sons of Man aye tarni, (Vienu Purana, Arisa 1, Chapter 2):—_ DARSAYANT. Daughter of Daksa, This name is 8h), Nily used for all the daughters of Daksa. Occasions Fe eee ig used for the grand daughters of D™ also. eM DARSINA.. A daughter, born to Prajapati Ruci, wile Akati, The first Manu was Svayambhuva, "0° 5, Of Brahma. He accepted Sataripa, (his sister ‘came sinless by penance, as his wife. Satarapa gave” fo two sons Priyavrata_and Uttanapada, 00, vers, Gaughters, Prasiti and Akuti, Of these wo O505 "co Prasiti was given to Prajapati Daksa and Akt Prajapati Ruci. Akiti gave birth to twins, @ 20% "yjna Yapia and a daughter named Daksin’. | % class ‘ive sons were born by Daksing. They Were Fy jan of devas (gods) called the Yamas in thereginne ©. 7). Svayambhuva (Visqu Purana, Arisa 1, i Now Daksind is worshipped as 2 goddess, Daksina was reborn in the Goloka under Tr Bul At that time she was a cowherd WOK” one friend of Radha. She liked to talk with day Radha saw her sitting in the lap fe Engaged in senual sports, ina secluded PICT. ye Seei saw that Radha had found them ov sane dumbfounded with shame, and sat wi, head. Sri Krsna slowly placed St dew ‘S peendy vanished. ‘The angry Radha cused Cr het Tecomenshes if ever she entered the Goloka °° p30" Radha ran about everywhere in search of a but he could not be found. : 1 for Os Immediately after the curse, Susila got down gev es Goloka and began to worship Mahdlaksm? ie we, and meditation and very severe fast ane oq ples, a long time Mahdlaksmi appeared (0 het ak her, and Susi in Mae ene Since the absorption of Sus was the of Oy. of Daksinddevi, in Mahalaksmi, devas (gods) became fruitless. They Wore They ail went to Brahma to find a solution was’ serious Brahma meditated upo" in the Purana DAKSINAGNI became pleased with Brahma and to save the devas, he attracted Daksinadev! from the body of Mahilaksrt dnd gave her as a present to Brahma. Bralmé gave that devi’ (goddess) to. Yajiapuruga (the god of sacrifice) So that the sacrifices of gods might become fruitful. When Yajfiapurusa saw that supernatural beauty hewas overpowered by Ii ‘and swooned. The couple spent & hundred divine years in seclusion enjoying the company Of each other, asa result of which devi became pregnant. The pregnancy matured in twelve divine years and she fave bing toa child which was named Phalada. Tt Tee ane Phalada, the son of Yajsapurusa and Daksin’ Stho awards fruits to all actions. ‘The learned men sty vi Yajnapuruga, Daksipadevi and Phalada divide the Thaits cf actions among the doers (Devi Bhigavata, Skandha 9). DAKSINAGNI. A. strong wind Pajicajanya. (MLB. Vana Parva, 6). DAKSIYAKAILASA. Kalubast coor a AKSINAK ATL mown by the name, Daksinakli pagitonamae Ea. A country in ancient India. ary is called Mallarajya. Its expital was ucts country is cate Mahabharata mention is made that of Kufinara. ng his conquest brought this somitY Bhimasena, NB. Sabha Parva, Chapter 2). DARSINAPANCALA. .& place famous 2 the Puranas. Fae Hes to the south of dhe Ganges 9B Fy the river Garnpat, Tt is nentioned in Mahabasre, bhai Parva, Chats 14, Stanza 27, that the King of this country Coat erring Jarisandg a ae fled to the south Ferrie Ganges But te COUN he south and moto when Drona defeated Dropada, the eee pana, and took away from the part of h con or orth of the Ganges. After ns the part taken by Drona was called Uttarapaficala aoe ae pu of tne Ganges we, aed Dak rarva, Chapter 137)- i ee SteeEGL A holy place. The Be ce zs ‘Shore of the southern sea Tl one visits is pace a takes bath there ‘he will get the fruits of ie oe tae sacrifice of Agnistoma, ona Parva, ere Seroplane of! MB. Vana Par Chapter 82, Stanza 53). Ae DAKSINATYAS. The people of born from. the fre Chapter 229, Stanza ‘Trisivaperoor and mentioned in Mahabharat Tb Seanea 2, that ate DE pay sinatyas as val, of the Mahabharata, the le DALAL Th Bhs ag Pari The son of Kins be dy te “The mother of Dal was ‘Susobband, the 4 aghier King of Mangaka. Dala had an Sala, Dala became king ‘Vamadeva was ihe, ee Pa Parva, Chapter 192}. a eee ADALBHYA); 2 story ‘