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KARTTIKEYA came forward to prevent them, was beaten to death by Candragupta, (Brahmanda Purana, Chapters 67 to 70). 10)” Jamadagni’s Restoration to Life. Parasurama returied soot to the Agrama, with the disciple Arta rana. At the sight of his father lying dead on the floor, Paraturdina cried aloud, Renuka beat her breast twentyone times. Secing thi, Parasucima took a folema vow that he would go round the world _twenty- gne mes and. extrpate the Keatriya Kings. The sage Sitkra appeared there with Susi who had. vanished. ‘After restoring Jamadagnl to life Sukra went back. 11) Death of Rirtciydjina, Parag Rama_who had turned himself into the very embodiment of Revenge, accompanied by Akrtavrana, took his stand at the gatcs ofthe. city of Mahismati and challenged Karlavir- Jarjuna to.a fight, Kartavirya came out. with a huge Army. In the terrible ight that followed, Parafurima ims’ with his_axe“(parasu) chopped off all the thousand arms of Kartaviryarjuna, All his sons. were Killed, Kartavirya himself fell down beheaded. ‘This was the end ofthe pillar of Hehaya dynasty. (Brahmi nda Purana, Chapter 81) 12) Kartasia’s sows. Kastavitya bad one hundred sons, All of them were killed in the battle by Paragu- Fama. Their names, as given in Chapter 76 of Bralnnina Purana, are given below -— Nirmada, Rocana, Suiku, Ugeada, Dundubhi, Dhruva, Supaiti, Satrujit, Kraunica, Santa, Nirdaya, Antaka, Rivts, Vimala, Dhira, Niroga, Buhuti, Dama, Adbas, idhua, Sauraya, -Manasvi,” Pugkala, Buéa, Tarun, Riabha’ ‘Blea’ Satyaka, ” Subala,” Bali,” Ugresta, Drakatnd Satyasenay Durisada, Viradhan, Dirgha- tha "Akampana, Subahu,, Digghaksa, _Vartulaksa, Canidaiigtra,” Gotravan, Manojava,”” Ordhvababu, (otha, “Satyakird,, Duspradharsapa, Satyasandha, Mabisena, Sulocana,Raktanetra, Valradachstra, Manthaie, Keauavarmd, Manonuga, Ditimraketa, Piliiloane, Avyanga, Jatila, Venumin, Sin, Pao: an Rouddbata, Duranta, ‘Kapila, Sambhu, “Ananta, Rivage, Udara, Krti, Keatrajit, Dharm, ‘Vydehra, Ghose Aabhuta, Puradjaya, Carapa, Vagmi, Vira, Rede” Govibvala, Saigramajit, Suparva, Narada, Satyaketn, Satanika, Deuhayudha, — Citradhanei, Saxisena’ Virupakss, Bhimakarmiy Satmutapana, Gurasena, Duradharsa Vidaratha, Stra, Sirasena, Dhisana, Machu, and Jayadhvaja. KARTTIKBYA. Skanda, the son of Siva. Far details see under Skanda, KARUMA. Sec under Dhanafjayas ARUSA I. A King .of Kardsa. ty of name KAROSA 1. Performing penance co, get this King as setttepand when Sisupala carried her away. (Sloka II, Chapter 45, Sabha Parva). KAKUSA II. One of the nine so The other sone are eam. saryati, Narisyanta, Prashsundga, (7th Skandha, Devi Bhigavat). ats TIL. A Yaksa, This Yaksa accompanied by bis browalings, to. propitiate Devi, taking in only Te"Devd was pleased and appearing before him in ir op aid “You will become the, lord of Manvan- Penn (Skandhas 10 and 13, Devi Bhagavata). ns of Vaivasvata Manu. Nabhiga, Drsta, Dista and Prsadhra. 395 KASTL KARUSA I, The sixth son of Vaivasvata Manu. (MB. ‘Adi Parva, Chapter 7) oe KAROSA.Ti. An ancient land. (The King of this, land used to suppress robbers and plunderers. He was present at Draupadi’s Svayathvara. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 185), KARUSA (M).’ A place in ancient India, Historians are of opinion that itis the Bundelihanda_ of modem India, ‘The sin of Brahmahatya (killing of beahmins) fof Indra was washed away by brahmins at this place. The place where Katisa (cowdung) from Indra. fell ‘was called Kariga and it gradually became Karisa. eae Meamal) KARVATA. An ancient country of India. The King of ths tan was dln by Bhimnena (Chai Sabha ‘arva). KASERAKA. A Yaksa, Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, ‘Chapter 10, Verse 15 says that Kageraka continues to attend on Kubera as a_member of his assembly. KASERU. A lovely daughter of Tvasta, the Prajapati Narakisuraabducted Rageru when she was fourteen years old. She was one of the virgins married by. Sti Krsua who won a victory over Narakasura, (M.B. Sabha Parva, Chapter 38. Daksinitya PAtha) KASERUMAN (KASERUMAN). An Asura who ‘was a Yavana, He was slain by Sei Krsna according to Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 12, Verse 32. KAST peel BANARAS). (See under Divo- 1) General, One of the oldest and most popular ee Reet are natha temple of hoary traditions, according to one of which the Sivalinga in the temple was installed by Brahma himself. (Halisya Mahatmya) 2) Pilgrimage on foot to Kast. Devotees from many pas of India go on pilgrimage to Kat on foot, bathe in the holy waters of the Gafiga and thus carn spiritual satisfaction and release from worldly attachments. ‘The reason for the above is stated in the Agni Purina as follows :—Once, at Kailisa Siva told Parvati that the ‘temple at Kasi was called ‘Avimukta? (unreleased) as it never perished, and all Japa, tapa, homa and dana made there never cease to give auspicious results, One should walk on foot to Kaéi_and live there. Having gone there one should never leave the place, There are ight great tirthas at Avimukta, i.e. Harigcandra tircha, Avriakesvara tstha, Japyosvara’trtha, Sct Parvat tirtha, Mahdlayatirtha, Bhrgu tirtha, Caydeivara tirtha and Kedatatirtha, These tirthas extend to two yojanas to the cast of the Kai temple and halfa- Yojana to the west of it. The river Varana is also there, and Varinast is at the centre of all these. Whatever is done at Varinastlike bath, Japa, homa, worship of Devas, dina, obsequies for the dead, oneself living there te. i8 productive of devotion and salvation. (Agni Purina, Chapter 112), 3) References to Kati in the Mahabharata. (i) Pandu once conquered Kast. Chapter 9). Gi) Bhima married Balandhara, daughter of the King of Kasi. (Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 77). (iii) Bhimasena conquered Kasi. (Sabha Parva, Chap- ter 30, Verse 6). (iv) Sahadeva conquered Kast, (Udyoga Parva, Chap- ter 50, Verse 31). (Bhigma Parva, KASI II 396 (v) In the war between the Pandavas and the Kaura- vas, the King of Kagi fought on the side of the former. (Uayoga Parva, Chapter 196, Verse 2). (vi) Arjuna conquered Kasi. (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 40). (vii) $ri Krsna conquered Kasi, (Drona Parva, Chap- ter 11, Verse 15). (viii) ‘Karna once conquered Kasi on behalf of Duryo- dhana, (Karna Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 19). (Gx) Kasi had been ruled by the Kings called Haryaiva. Sudeva, and Divodasa. (Anusacana Parva, Chapter 30, Verses 12 to 15). (x) King Vrsadarbha and Usinara had ruled over Kasi. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 9). (xi) Bhisma conquered Kasi during the Svayarhvara of Amba. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 44, Verse 38) . (sii) ‘The horse sent out in connection with Yudhis- thira’s Asvamcedha passed through Kasi also. (Asva- medha Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 14). ‘(aili) Fer the origin of the name Kaci see under Divodasa KASI II. An inhabitant-citizen-of Kasi. (Bhisma Parva, ‘Chapter 106, Verse 18). KASI III, Ason of Kaviprajapati. (Anusasana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 183). KASIKA. A famous charioteer on the Pandava side (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 171, Verse 15). KASISVARA TIRTHA. A sacred place on the banks of river Ambumati on the borders of Kuruksetra, A bath in the river redeems one from all sins and raises one to Brahmaloka. (Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 57). KASMIRA (KASMIRAKAM). A state in North India, ‘Kaémira was famous during the Mahabharata period also, Once Arjuna conquered this state (Sabha Parva, Chapter 27). People from the statehad attended Yudhis- thira’s Rajasiiya with many articles of presentation. Sti Krsna once defeated its ruler. (Drona Parva, Chapter IL, Verse 16). Parasurama also once defeated its ruler. (Drona Parva, Chapter 70, Verse 11), KASMIRAMANDALAM. A particular place in Ka‘mira ‘where once a conference of sages was held, (Vana Parva, Chapter 203). Besides all the prominent sages of North India, distinguished persons like Nahusa, Yayati, Asi and Kaéyapa attended the conference. Rivers Jhelam and Chenab flow through this place, and it isa holy centre. Those who bathe here will become like sages. KASTORIGANDHI. Another name for Kali (Matsya- andhi) or Satyavati, the mother of Vyasa, To know Kew she got this name, see under Satyavati. KASYA L.A famous King of Kasi ; father of Amba, ‘Ambika and Ambalika. He was also called Krodha- yaéa, According to Chapter 171 of Udyoga Parva, Keasya’s real name was Senabindu. SYA II. One of the great sages who visited Bhigma his bed of arrows. (Sines Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 10)- see "SPA I, Chief among the Prajépatis. HN pa_—Sonor Grankon of Brahma? Tt isimpossible to ‘a. definite ever to is question, In Maha ive Rar Parva, Chapter 65, we see that six spirit= Bharata, Ag rch Angiras, Ate, Pulastya, Pujaha and pal sons porn, to. Brahina. Ketyapa, was boon as sie "ei and that all living beings in the the son of Marict z, ined took their origin from Kasyapa. According to this statement, Kasyapa is the grandson of Brahma KASYAPA But in the 14th Sarga of Aranyakinda in Valmikt Ramayana there isan account of the creation of all animate and inanimate objects in this world. According toa statement in that passage, we find that Kaéyapa was the youngest brother of Marici, Atri, Pulastya and others.’This means that KaSyapa was theson of Brahma, “Therefore there is nothing wrong in regarding him either as the son or as the grandson of Brahma. In the Puranas we find references to him in both ways. 2) Original Gotra or Clan. Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Chapter 297, verse 17 says that all living’ beings belong to the four original Gotras — the gotra of Aiigitas, Kasyapa gotra, Bhrgu gotra and Vasistha gotra and that all the other gotras came into existence subse- quently. 3) Kaxyapa’s wives. Kasyapa had 21 wives who were: Aditi, Diti, Danu, Aristé, Surasd, Khasé, Surabl Vinaia, Tamra, ’Krodhavasa, Ira, Kadri, Muni, Paloma, Kalaki, Nata, Danayus, Sirhika, ’Pradh ‘Visva, and Kapila, Of these, the 13 wives, Aditi, Di Kalaka, Danayus, Danu, Simbika, Krodha, Pradhé ‘Visva, “Vinata, Kapila, Muni and Kadra, were the daughters of Daksa. Of these the first wife Aditi had 12 sons. These 12,s0”8 namely Visnu, Sakra, Aryama, Dhata, Tvasta, Past Vivasvan, Savita, Mitra, Varuna, Ashéa and Bhaga "© called Adityas (sons of Aditi). Tn the sixth Manvantara these 12 Adityas belonged to the tribe known as Tusitas, (The present Manvantara is the seventh one), ‘The 59 crores af Devas came into being from the twelve Adityas. a ‘The Daityas were born from Kasyapa’s second wi Diti. The chief Daityas are Hiranyakasipu, Hiranyaks® and Sigahiki, All the other Daityas were born fro them, : ‘The Danavas were the children of Danu, another wife of Kagyapa. Dvimirdha, Sambara, Ayomukha, Sak Siras, Kapila, Saikara, Ekacakra, Mahabahu, ‘Tarak# Mahabala, Svarbhanu, Vrsaparva, Paloma, and Vipr- citti are the famous Danavas. ‘The other Danavas we" the children of the people mentioned above. : Another wife of Kasyapa, Surabhi gave birth to Ait Bkapad, Ahjrbuddhaya, “Tvasta and Rudra and ais? the Ekadaia Rudras namely:—Hara, Bahuriy a, Leyare baka, Aparajita, Vrsakapi, Sambhu, Kapardi ,Raivat: Mrgavyadha, Sarpa, and Kapall. Vinata gave birth © Garuda and Kadra was the mother of the nagas. Th" Puranas proclaim that all living beings that we see ! the world today, sprang from Kasyapa’s offspring® f his different wives. (Valmiki Ramayana, Bala Kand? Chapter 29; Visnu Purana, Part I, Chapters 15-2 fl Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapters 16 and 65 9” Agni Purana, Chapter 18). SS 4) Brahma taught Kaiyapa cure for snake poison. The 36. pents (Nagas) were born fo Kadri, one of the wiv of Kasyapa, Once Kadri asked her children to han! down like hair from the tail of Uccaissravas. TRY refused to do so, Kadrii became angry and cursed the that they would be buent alive at Janamejaya’s Sal Er Sattra (snake-sacrifice). After the curse, the Nags became dangerously venomous. At this stage, Brahi" taught Kasyapa the art of curing snake-poison protect other creatures that might be bitten by (fr Nagas. Cure of snake-bite in this world dates fro that time, (M.B. Adi Parva. Chapter 20). KASYAPA I 397 5) Kagy pa and Gartda, Garuda is a mighty son of Kasyapa by his wile Vinata. Vinata made a bee with her ‘sister Kadra. Kadri won the bet, Vinata became Kadra’s maid-scivant as a result of the bet. To relieved of this bondage Vinata’s son Garuda had to bring Amrta from Devaloka and give it to Kadra and her Naga-sons. Garuda agreed and flew up to Heaven to fetch Amria, On the way, he visited his fuher Kagyapa who was performing penance on the Gandhamadana, mountain. He asked’ his. father to give him some food, as he was very hungry. Kasyapa told him the following. story:— “Tong azo a sage named Vibhavasu lived near this place. He and his younger brother named Supratike began to quarrel over the sharing of their father’s wealth. The Glder brother transformed the younger brother into an Elephant by a curse and the younger brother tumed the elder into a tortoise hy his curse. They are still Tiving in yonder lake as clephant and tortoise and continue like enemies. If you eat both of them, you will be strong enough to fight against the Devas and get possession of Amrta for yourself.” Gn hearing this, Garuda went to the lake and caught the elephant and tortoise in his claws and flew up. into the sky. The mountains began to tremble and a whi ‘wind swept the Heavens when Garuda beat with his wings. He flew about here and there unable to find a convenient place to sitand enjoy his meal. On the way, his eye caught sight of a huge banyan tree spreading its branches fur and wide, to a distance of 100 yojanas around it, When he perched on one of is branches MMth. the clephant and tortoise, the branch broke and Tell down. From that branch certain sages known as Balakhilyas were hanging with their heads downwards. So, to prevent them from falling to the ground, Garuda Tied it in his beak and began to fly up again, Unable to find a suitable spot where he could deposit the Branch with the sages, Garuda returned to, his father gain. At the request of Kasyapa, the Balakhilyas went ithe Himalayas. He showed Garuda a vast, snow- Glad. mountain on which he could deposit the broken Branch he was carrying. Garuda flew to that mountain and ate up the elephant and tortoise and thus gained strength to fight with the Devas for Amrta. After that hhe proceeded to Heaven, (M.B, Adi Parva, Chapters 29.31) 8) Otter Birth of Kasyapa. In Caksusa Manvantara, the Sage Sutapas performed a penanee along with bis wife Poni for 12,000 years. Lord Visnu appeared to them eed asked what boon they wished to ask. They prayed that the Lord should take birth as their son. Visqu granted their prayer aid was born as their som gromied ext Manvantara (the period of Vaivasvata Mana) ‘Sutapas and Prgni were re-bom as Kaiyapa a iitt respectively. At that time also Mahavisnu an pera toAditi ax Vamana. (See under Vamana), was, ports, Kagyapa had many other wives besides FAD Strash was one of those wives. (Bhigavata, 10th Skane KaSyapa himself who was reborn as Vasu: Twos My Adid became Devaki., Surasé| was born as Hove ant nother wife, ‘There is another reason, for Kasyapa and Aditi to take birth for the third time. Gey Pacyapa had prepared to perform a Yaga, A Cnet gements were complete. But the sacrificial cow KASYAPA I alone was not available, Kasyapa solved the problem Ey aealing cow from Varuna’ catteahed. AdG and Surasa concealed it in the Atrama. Enraged at the theft of his cow, Varuna complained to Brahma, A. curse yas pronounced by Brahma and Varuna. that as a punishment for stealing and hiding the cow, Kasyapa {hoaldbe reborn asa cowherd and Aditi and. Surass should be reborn as the cowherd’s wives. It was by this cus that Kafyapa, Adit! and Surasi ‘were reborn as Vasudeva Devaki and Rohint respective i ee eee eee Parasurdna’s gift of land to KaSyapa. Parasucima Kings, At that Yaga he gifted all the lands he had conquered till then to Kasyapa. In Mahabharata any Parva, Chapter 117, there is a reference to this i 8) Kelpapa aud Kerala. After Parasurima went 1 the oh citces_ times and “exterminated "ie Keatriya Kings he performed a Yaga. At that Yaga he gave the whole earth as daksina to Kasyapa. After that, Kaiyapa drove away Parasurima from the earth to the fouth, Taking pty on Parafurima, the ocean gave him the region known as “Sixparaka’”. Kasyapa seize Sirpirebs® also irom Poragurima and’ give. it to Brahmanas, Paragurama went to the forests after it. Later on, intormixture of castes took place in this region Gite enavchy acailealtheselGAUl Ga ene h Sree sank down into Patala (lower world). Kasyapa who saw this held the earth up, brought Katriyas from the ort and made them rulers of te country. (M.B. inti Parva, Chapter 49) . This “Sarparaka” is believe Cured et 9) Other Details about Kasyapa, (j) Kasyapa arrived at the ‘place of Arjuna’s birth accompanied by other sages. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 122) eri eae Gi) Kafyapa flourished in Brahmi’s assembl hi Parva, Chapter 11). a (iii) Once there was a dispute between Virocana, the son of Prahlada and Sudhanv: a the son of Afgiras, Tt dispute. (Sce the 5th was Kasyapa who settled Para under the word Avigiras). (iv) Once Kagyapa went on a pile Giv) Once | Ki ilgrimage in the company of Yudhisthira. (MB, Vana Parva, Chapter (v) Once Brahma gifted the entire earth to Katyay Ce eee eae a ae yeas distressed at it, went to Patila and, begin, to lament.-At that time Ka’yapa propitiated the goddess by his austere penance, (MB, Vana Parva, Chapter 114) (vi) After Paragurdima had given the entire earth to Katyapa, Kasyapa drove away Parasurama from the carth, Parasurama then shot an arrow inté the sea and converted that portion of the sea into land. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 70, Verses 18 and 19). (vii) When the war between Kauravas and Pandavas was in progress, Kasyapa approached Drona and Wanted him'to bring "ie battle to 4 close.” (MB. Drona Parva, Chapter 190) (viii) Kasyapa was also present with other sages at the time of Skanda’s birth, (M.B. Salya Parva, Chapter 45). KASYAPA IT ix) Kafyapa once gave some pieces of advice to Searaval (cs Sate Parva, Chapter 73). (x) In the 8th verse of Chapter 208 of Santi Parva, in Mahabharata, we find that Kasyapa had another name Aristanemi. (xi) Kagyapa once related to Bhisma, the story of Mahavisnu’s Varahavatara. (Incarnation as Boar). (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 209, Verse 6) (sii) | Bhagi Bharata says that gingelly seeds were first, introduced into this world from sage ‘Kasyapa’s body. (M. B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 10).. (sili) | KaSyapa cxplained to Vrsadarbhi, the evil of receiving pratigraha (presents). (M.B. Anusasana Parva, Chapter 93). (xiv) | Kagyapa once spoke to Arundhati about the weakness of his body. (M.B. Anuéasana Parva, Chapter 93, Verse 65). (xv) At another time, Agastya suspected that KaSyapa had stolen his lotus. But KaSyapa swore that he was innocent, (M.B, Anusasana Parva, Chapter 94) . (xvi) In Bhasa Bhdrata it is said that Kasyapa was one of the Sapta Gurus (seven Preceptors) of Kubera, The other six Gurus were—Vasistha, Atri, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Visvamitra and Jamadagni, M.B, AnuSa- sana Parva, Chapter 150}. (xvii) In’ Bhigavata we see that Kasyapa and other sages were instrumental in bringing about the destruc- tion of Yadu Varhéa. (For further details see under SAMBA). ie KASYAPA II, A serpent. In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, ‘Chapter 122, we real that this serpent was’ present at the time of Arjuna’s birth. KASYAPA I. (KANVA). 1) General. Two sages Kaéyapa and Kagyapa aremention- ed in the Puranas, and due to the close similarity in the names in some Purdnas the two names are used one for the other. There is, therefore, considerable difficulty in distinguishing the one from the other and unerringly hitting upon the right person in certain contexts. ‘There is a very ancient sage the first cause or the original father of all living beings in the universe. He is described, in most of the Puranas, as the grandson of Brahma and the son of Marici. He was the husband of the original er first mothers of living beings, called Diti and Aditi. The interpretation that he was called Kas ya- pa as he used to drink Kagyam (liquor) is not founded ‘on facts, No Purana refers to him as a drunkard. ‘The sage called Kasyapa was the foster father of Sakuntala. The statement that he was called Kasyapa as he was born in the dynasty of Katyapa is also not Correct. Kanva was not born in the dynasty of Kasyapa. ‘The genealogy of Kasyapa is as follows: 2). Genealogy. Descended from Visnu thus: Brahma— Alsi — Gandea—Budha—Purtravas—Ayus—Nahusa— Yayaed —Puru—Janamejaya — Pracinvan — Pravira Raeee yu Vitabhaya—Sundu— Bahuvidha — Sarhyati a "ahevad! = Raudigtva— MainiePrdradie— vatithi—Kanva (Kasyapa). 2 Mednitht was Kanva’s. father. (Santi Parva, rece (208, Verse, 27). According to. the Agel Peer son called Kanva was born (K&syapa) er yaitith;, son of King Pritiratha of the Puru cee But, nothing about the family matters of dynasty, But rod therein, In the Mahabharata itselt the mame Kasyapa is often used instead of Kanva. 398 KATVAKU rom the above facts it may be understood that Kanva was born asa prince, and that later on, he became a sage. Moreover, the Agni Purana says that Santurodha, the brother of Kanva’s father, was the father of Dusyan- ta. According to that Kasyapa and Dusyanta were the sons of brothers, Kasyapa being that of the elder one. For the time being the above are the only reasonable inferences, and the truth has to be found out by farther researches. But, one thing is certain according to the gencalogy, that Kasyapa was born twenty generations after Kasyapa, 3). Kaiyapa and Taksaka. ‘The story is told in the 2nd Skandha of Devi Bhagavata and in the Adi Parva of Bharata that Taksaka set out to bite King Pariksit and Kasyapa to cure him of Taksaka’s poison, but that Taksaka bribed Kasyapa off his mission to save the King. But, the story as such is unfounded. Tt was Kas- yapa and not Kasyapa whom Brahma had taught the science of the treatment and cure of poison (see under Kasyapa) and, therefore, it should be Kasyapa whom ‘Taksaka bribed. 4). Kasyapa and Sakuntala, See under KA. VA. Father of Reyasriga was 5). Kaiyapa and Reyasriga one Kasyapa; may be Kasyapa or Kasyapa. The great” er possibility’ is for Kagyapa to be the father. (See under RSYASRNGA). 6). After a Yajfia Vivakarman made a land-gift (© Kagyapa once. (See under KAINVA). KASYAPA II. Priest of Vasudeva; this Kasyapa lived for years as a good friend of the Pandavas, He is consi- dered to be a very distinguished ascetic. (Asvamedha Parva, Chapter 16). KASYAPA LIL. Son of Sage Kasyapa. This Kasyapa ¥5 ‘member of Indra’s assembly. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 7)- He was present at the Yajfia conducted by emper® Probu. KASYAPA IV. An Agni, the son of Kasyapa. PaficajanY® was born from the five Agnis, Kaéyapa, Vasisth® Prana, Angiras and Cyavana, all of whom were sons ©! Kasyapa. (Vana Parva, Chapter 220). KASYAPA V. A haughty Vaisya once felled to the ground a brahmin youth called Kasyapa by hitting hit™ with his chariot. (See under Indra, Para 38) . KASYAPA VIL ‘Sons of Kasyapa_like Vibhandak® Rajadharman, Visvavasu, Indra, Aditya and Vast other Devas and other living beings born in Kaéyap@’ dynasty—all these are also called Kasyapas. KASYAPADVIPA (ISLAND), An_ island. in the shaP® ‘of a hare visible in the moon. (Bhisma Parva, ChaP- ter 6, Verse 55). KASYAPI. (Earth). ‘The carth came to be known a5 ‘Kasyapl as it had been given as a gift to KaSyapa bY Paragurima. “The whole of the earth was given to Kasyapa and thus it came to be called Kasyapi”. (Brahminda Puran® Chapter 83). KATHAKA. A soldier of Skanda. (Sloka 67, Chapt 45, Salya Parva); KATHASARITSAGARA. See under BRHATKATHS. KATHOPANISAD. See under NACIKETAS. KATVAKU (KHATVAKU). A son of Vaivasvata Man, Brahmanda Purana states that he was an ancestor ©} Tksvaku In the beginning Manu, alias Vaivasvata, had @ 20% named Katvaku. He was the first of kings and he rul i KATYAYANA 399 the world for along time, On the banks of the river Soraya he comiructed a city called Ayodkya. Ayodhya tras Gclebrated for is beauty and wise men proclaimed Tat i was more beautiful Gan the, cl of the eight guards of the universe or the city of even Brahma, the Brent RATAN I. A grammarian who more ee it- ‘on Panini’s grammatical work entitled Astadhyayi. He has also writen Srauta’Sitras and a” book on “Dharma Sastra”. KATYAYANA. II. Kathisaritsagara says that “Katya- ana” was another name pf Varar KATYAYANA, III. A great sage who flourished in Taki cesably. We wm reftence to Mim in Mabie Enteatas Sabha Parvas Chapter 7, Verse 19) KATYAYANI. One of the two wives of Yajfiavalkya, ‘After withdrawing completely from worldly activities, ‘Yajiiavalkya asked his wives to divide his worldly assets qually between them, But Maitreyi the other wif, being ofa deeply spiritual ature, Kavyayant- herself had to undertake the burden 6f all the material affairs. (Brha-~ Straryakopanisad). KAUKUHAKA. An ancient country in. South India. (MB. Bhisma Parva, Chapter, Stanza’ 60). KAUKULIKA. An attendant of Skandadeva, (M.B. Satya Parva, Chapter 46 Stanza 15). KAUMODAKI. The club of Sri Krsna. It is mentioned, in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 224, Stanza 23, that this club was given to ‘Sci Krsna by Varuna the gpd of water, ar he time of the Burning’ of the forest Ghapaavs- KAUNAGA: A.cerpent born in the fam his terpont was” butat to death in the (sacrificial fre to kill serpents) of Janamej arin, Chapter 37, Stanan 6) KAUNAPASANA. A famous serpent born in the family of aurava, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 35, Stanza 14). KAUNDINYA I. See under Mitrabheda. KAUNDINYA II. A hermit who lived in the Palace of soMiatire: (MB. Sabha’ Parvay” Chapter 4, Stanza 18). See under Dhstabuddi : KAUNDINYA ILL, A hermit, This hermit had erected his senltage fo Tiastimalinbhramatiafgama and lived tare. “Once due to excess of rain the river Hooded and WiSNénmteage wae washed away. So. the hermit cured the niven “Werth river be deed up", Then he went to the realm of Vaikuntha, (Padma Purana, Uttara Kharida, Chapter 145). £ KAUNIKUTSYA, A noble Brahmin, It is mentioned in Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 8, Stanza 25, that sBrahenin visited Pramadvari who died of snake- bite, _ ne, KAURAVA (main, "Those who were born inthe Dy Gere errous, King, Kuru, Descended in the following order from Vi ‘Brahma—Atri—Candra Rui Sporaravas ~-Ayus —Nahusa —Yayiti—Pairu sisi Beata Naas Virb ‘Bahuvidha—Sarnyati —Rahovadi—Raud- inane Saved Devgan Bhar iéva Matinee Sg = Garda — Suketu — Bhat Ee te A ea — Rs Suivarana ‘Kuru, sae at Kuru. From Kura the genca- ae lions Jabmu--Suratha,— Vidura: tee! Girvabhaurna —Jayatsena —Ravaya —Bhivuka— KAURAVA(S) Gakrodahata —Devatithi —Rkye —Bharata —Pratica— Santanu. Santanu had two wives Gaiigi and. Satyavat * Bhisma was born of Gaiiga. Vyasa was born to Satya vati before her marriage, from the hermit Paraéara, Afier the marriage, from Santanu, two sons Citeanigada and Vicitravirya were born to her. A Gandharva killed Citrafigada. Bhisma brought the three daughters of the King of Kasi, Amba, Ambika and Ambalika as wives of Vicitravirya, but on the way knowing that Amba was in love with the King of Salva, she was sent back. Ambiké and Ambalika became the wives of Vicitravirya Shortly Vicitravirya also died. With @ view to continue the royal family, Satyavati sent for Vyasa, so that he might beget children of Ambika and’ Ambalika. At the time of coition Ambika closed her eyes to avoid seeing the uncouth face of Vyasa. So she got as son Dhrtardstra who was blind from birth. Seeing the ugly figure of Vyasa Ambalika turned pale and so the son bom to her was pale in colour. He was called Pandu. From Dhrtarastra, Duryodhana and his brothers were born and. from Pindu were born the Pandavas. All members born in the family-of Kuru. were known as Kauravas, But later, the sons of Dhrtarastra came to be known by the name ‘Kauravas’. 2) The origin of Kauravas. (Duryodhana and his bro- thers) . Dkrtarasira married Gandhari the daughter of Subala the King of Gandhara: Once Vyasa reached the palace weary with hunger and thirst. Gandhari_ gave Vyasa food and drink. Vyasa was pleased with her and told her thatshe might ask for any boon. She said that she wanted to. get hundred sons from Dhytardstra ‘Vyasa granted the boon. Gandhiri became pregnant, Even alter two yearsshe did not deliver. She heard that Kunti, the wife of Pandu had given birth to a child, Gandhiari became sad. She crushed her wontt and gave birth to a lump of flesh, Understanding this, Vyasa came there and cutting the Iump into hundred and one pieces kept them in ghee-pots. Advising Gandhari’ to keep the pots in secret, Vyasa went to the Himalayas. ‘The pots were broken at the proper time and hundred sons and a daughter came out.. Besides them Dhrta- rastra had another son named Yuyutsu by a Vaitya ‘The hundred and one sons of Dhrtarastra begi Duryodhana are the Kauravas. 3) Names of the Kauravas. Duryodhana, Dussasana, Dussaha, DusSala, Jalagandha, ‘Sama, Saha, Vinda, Anuvinda, Durdharsa, Subahu, Dus- pradharsana, Durmarsana, Durmukha, Duskarna, Karna, Vikarna, Sala, Sattva, Sulocana, Citra, Upacitra, ksa, Carucitra, Sarasana, Durmada, Durvigaha, Vivitsa, ‘Vikatnana, Urnanabha, Sunibha, Nanda, Upananda, trabana, "Citravarma, Suvarma, Durvimoca, Ayo- bahu, Mahabahu, Citraiga, Citrakundala,, Bhimavega, Bhimabala, Valaki, Balavardhana, Ugrayudha, Susen Kundadhara, Mahodara, Citrayudha, Nisafgt, Past, Vmndaraka, " Drdhavarma, Drdhakgatra, Somakirti, Anidara, " Drdhasandha, Jarisandha, _ Sayasandha, Sadasuvak, Ugraéravas, Ugrasena, Senini, Duspara- java, Aperjity, Kungesigiy Valakso, Duraahare, Drdhahasta, Sulasta, Vatavega, Suvarcas, Adityakevu, Baas, Nagadatia, Ugeasayi, Kavacl, ” Krathana Kurd, Bhimavikrema, Dhanutdhara, Virabahu, Alo,- lupa, ‘Abhaya, Drdhakarman, Drdharathasraya, Ana~ dhrsya, Kundabhedi, Viravi, Gitrakundala, Pramatha, ing with KAURAVYA Apramithin, Dirgharoman, Suviry Suvarma, nadhvaja, Kundasin, Virajas, and Yuyutsu. Dusala (daughter). (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapters 67 and 117). (Por further details about the ‘Kauravas see under Duryodhana and Dussasana) . KAURAVYA. _A noble serpent which was born of Aird- vata, (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 218, Stanza 18), KAUSALA (KAUSALA). Skandadeva once changed the shape of his face to that of the face of goat. Then he got the name Kausala. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 298, Stanza ‘t). KAUSALYA I. "A queen of King Dagaratha and mother ‘of Sri Rama, Daaratha had three wives Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra, Kausalya gave birth to Sri Rama, Kaikeyi to Bharata and Sumitra to Laksmana and Satrughna, (Vali Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga KAUSALYA II. Queen of the King of Kadi, Amba, ‘Ambika, and Ambalika were daughters of this Kausaly’. Of these daughters Ambalika also was called Kausalya. After. the death of Pandu she went to the forest with Ambika. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 129) . KAUSALYA IIL The queen of a Yadava King. She ‘was the mother of the Yadava named KeSin. (Devi Bhigavata, Skandha 9). KAUSALYA IV, Wife of Puru, the son of King Yayati “Janamejaya was born 10 Puru of his wife Kausalya. (MB. Adi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanza 11). KAUSALYA V. The queen of Janaka, the King of ‘Mithila, Once King Janaka devided to sell his palace and everything he possessed and to go abegging for alims. But his brave wife Kausalya convinced her husband by her reasonable arguments that he should not venture to do so, Thus she prevented her husband from carrying out his decision. KAUSALYA. A’ teacher, who belonged to the line of disciples of Vyasa. Jaimini was the disciple of Vyasa. Sumantu was the son of Jaimini. A son named Sutva, was born to Sumantu, Sukarman was the son of Sutva. Sukarman had two disciples Hiranyanabha. and Paus- pinji. Kausalya was another name. of Hiranyanabha, (Visgu Purana, Ansa 3, Chapter 6) KAUSAMBI. Four sons, Kusamba, Kusanabha, Asiirta- rajas and Vasu were born to Kuga, the son of Brahma, of his wife the princess of Vidarbha. According to the order of their father each prince built a city and began to rule over it. Kausambtis the city built by Kusamba, Kuganabha_ built the city of Mabodayapura ; Asirta- rajas, the city of Dharméranya and Vasu the city of Girivraja. (Volmiki Ramayana, Bala Kanda, Sarga 32). It is mentioned in Kathdsaritsagara that the city of Kau- gambi stood in the middle of the kingdom of Vatsa and that Udayana born of the family of the Pandavas had tat yuled this country with Kausambi as his capital. KAUSIKA I._ (Visvamitra). See under Vitvamitra. EAUSIKA. iT. A hermit who lived in the palace of So ohisihira. Te is mentioned in Mahabharata, Udyoga Yodnie Chapter, 83, that while going to Hastinipura, Sar Krsna met this hermit on the way. A ‘A minister of Jarasandha. It is mention- J AI. A KAU ahabhirat, Sabha Parva, Stanza 22, thathe ther name Harhsa also. : KAUSIEA TV. While the Pandavas were leading forest Lie the hermit Markandeya told the story of a noble He eee peamed Kausika, to Dharmaputra. Once this #00; KAUSIKA VI Brahmin sat under tree and performed penance, A small crane which sat on a branch of the tree passed excreta fon the head of the Brahmin, He became angry and looked at the bird. Instantly the bird was reduced to ashes. The Brahmin sincerely repented and went to the countryside to live on alms. Once he reached the house ofa Brahmin. The wife of the Brahmin came to the door and requested him to wait a bit. Immediately her husband arrived, and she, being engaged in. looking after the needs of her husband forgot the Brahmin Kausika, who became angry and spoke cruel words to her, She argued that the noblest deed was looking after ‘one’s husband and that it was not meet and right for Brahmins to get angry. She advised Kausika to go Mithilapuri and to receive advice from the famous Dhatmavyadha, Kaugika repented his rash nature, went to Dharmavyadha and received advice from him: He returned home and lived peacefully with his parents (MLB. Vana Parva, ten chapters from 205). Though a man of veracity, he finaly had 0 go to hell, for the following reason. While he was engaged in penance in the forest some thieves came by tha way wit some stolen goods. The owners of the goods were chasin& the thieves. Kausika told them the way by which the thieves had gone. So at the end Kausika was throw? into hell. (M.B. Karna Parva, Chapter 69) KAUSIKA V. A King of the Puru dynasty, Kapila was hhis father and Grtsapati was his brother. The four castes Brahmana, Keatriya, Vaitya and Sita oeaina ed from Grisapati. (Agni Purana, Chapter 278). KAUSIEAVI PA hesmle, This ‘ancient hermit lived ‘Kuruksetra. His sons Svasrpa, Krodhana, Hirhst4, Pituna, Kavi, Vagdusla, and Pitrvarti lived with hermit Garga for learning under him, ‘Their names indicated their character. Their father died. The sons were in poverty, Atthis time rain ceased altogether. Garga asked his disciples to take his mileh cow to (FP forest for grazing. Owing to hunger the brothers ed to killand eat the cow. But the youngest said“ you are bent on killing the cow, we had better mab tise of offering to the Manes, and no sin WH visit us.” ‘All agreed to this and Pitrvartti killed the cow and began the sacrifice, Two elder brothers were employe", in worshipping the gods and three were detailed to 8 offerings to the manes. One was asked to be the gue Pitrvariti was the sacrificer. Remembering {7 ancestors with reverence he began the sacrifice 17 ‘aecordance with the rites. Thus the seven hermits 37 the cow and told Garga that the cow was. caught bY tiger. Inde courte the seven of them died, and 10 as rude low-caste people in Datapura. Becaust Sicifice and offerings tothe Manes they had thy Temembrance of their previous birth. So they, fear god and took fast and vow at a holy bath and in J rebirth . . + Presence of a multitude cast_off their lives and wer born again as animals in Kalafijara hills. Because their abstinence due to knowledge they cast off ie lives by Prapatana (jumping down from the top Of fy. mountain) and were born again as Ruddy geese» i 7 Manasasaras whentheir names were Sumanas, Kus Vasu, Citradarst, Sudaréi, Jnaté and Jnanaparag names conforming to their character. The seven Brot ie became pure and sinless by their union with KAUSIKA VI 401 Supreme Spirit. But three of them fell out of the union because of their desire. They saw the pleasurable life Ied by Anuha the King of Paficala who was immensely wealthy with many beautiful wives. At the sight of this, fone of the gccse—the Brahmin Pitrvartti, who performed the sacrifice of offering to the Manes because of his love for his fathes-—wished to become a king. Seeing the two wealthy ministers who led luxurious lives, two of the ruddy geese wanted to become ministers. Accordingly Pitrvartti was bora as Brahmadatta the son of Vaibh- raja and the other two as sons of ministers with names, Pundarika and Subslaka. Brahmadatta was. anointed as King of Paicala in. the grcat city of Kampilya. That King was mighty, loving, his father well, always desirous of ving offerings to Manes and barmeniows with God, having the ability to read the hearts of every living being, He married Sannati the daughter of Sudeva. This woman in her previous birth was the cow of Ganga. As this cow was used as offering to the Manes she got rebirth as a_religious-minded woman and be= came the queen of Brahmadatta, who ruled over the Kingdom well for a long time. Once the King and the queen were walking in the garden when they saw two ants which were quarrelling with each other. ‘They were husband and wife. After a time the quarrel ended and they grew more loving than before and the she-ant pressed closely against her husband. Brahmadatta hearing their conversation stood smiling. He could understand the language of every living being because of the merits of his previous births. When the King smiled his wife asked him for the re son, He described to his wife the quarrel of the ant- Couple. ‘The queen did not believe his words. She thought that the King had been making fan of her. She asked him how he learned the language of birds land beasts. But the King could not give an answer and he became thoughtful, The remaining four of the raddy {geese took rebirth asthe sons of a_poor Brahmin in the Same city of Kimpilya. They had the remembrance of previous births. Their names’ were Dhrtiman, Sarva~ Gant, Vidyacandra and Tapodhika, names befitting theircharacter. They decided to perform severe penance to attain Supreme bliss, and were about to get away from the house when their father, the poor Bralumin cried bitterly, being helpless. They taught, their father the following poem and advised him to recite the poem before the King the next morning, in order to get plenty of wealth. “Noble Brahmins in Kuraksetra ‘The seven foresters in Dagapura Deer in Kalafijara and in Manasa Ruddy geese, the same now are men.” Brahmadatta who was not able to give answer tothe Gestion of his wife, was about to go out from the palace does yall with his wife and ministers, when the old brah vor atmade his appearance and recited the poem taught by his sons, to the King. When the. King heard the Hef previous births and fainted stanza he remembered Che Piaters, Subalaka son of a lown. ‘The two mi geal doce ie ey rl aetes He aaeev en of Pafieala the author of the science of medicine Ti treatment, also remembered about their previous Bathe and fell’ down with grief. The three of them pavtated about theie fall from the union with the Sup- jane Spirit. Brahmadatta gave that old Brahmin plenty KAUTSA, of wealth and villages and sent him away contented. After anointing his son Vigvaksena as King, Bralmadatta and his reinae went to, Manasasras "for penance. 'or a while they lived in the forest engaged in penance and then east off their lives and entered. the world of Supreme bliss. (Padma Purana, Part 3, Chapter 10), KAUSIKA VIL “A King. This ‘king became a cock at night. His wife Visala was filled with grief at this transfiguration of her husband in the night. She told her grief to the hermit Galava who told the queen about the previous birth of her husband. as follows +— ‘Inthe previous birth he used to eat cocks to. get strength. Knowing this Tamraciida the king of fowls cursed him. “You shall become a cock during nights.” That is why your husband has become a cock.” According to the advice of the hermit the King began to worship Lord Siva and he wat liberated from the curse. (Skanda Purana) . KAUSIKA. (GOMATI)! A river, The hermitage of ‘Visvamitra stood on the bank of this river. The modern name of river Kausika is Kosi. ‘The river Kosi flows though Bihar. Those who bathe in this river will obtain remission of sins. See under Gomati. (M.B. Vana Parya, Chapter 84). KAUSIKACARYA. ‘The king Akrti.. It is mentioned Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 21, that this King ruled over Saurisira and was known also by the name Kausikacarya. KAUSIKAKUNDA. A holy place. It is. mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 142 ‘that Vigvamitra got his attainments in this place, KAUSIKASRAMA. A holy place. Ie was at_this place that Amba, the daughter of King of Kaét performed a severe penance. (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 156, Stanza 27). KAUSIKYARUNASASIGAMA. A holy place. It is stated in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 84 that ifa ‘man fasts in this place, the confluence of Kaugiki and ‘Arund rivers ke will be absolved of all his sin KAUSTUBHA. A brilliant precious stone, It edin Agni Purina, Chapter 3; Valmiki Rimayana Balakinda Sarga 45, Stanza 39 and Mahabharata, Adi Parva that this precious stone floated up at the time of the churning of, the sea of Milk. This jewel which originated from the ghee in the sea of Milk, was worn fon the breast by Visgu. “This divine jewel called Kaustubha came up. in the middle of ghee and stayed in the breast of Visnu, spreading its rays everywhere.” (MLB, Adi Parva, Chapter 18, Stanza 37). KAUTHUMI, Son of a Brahmin named Hiranya- ndbha, Once this Brahmin youth went to the hermitage of King Janaka and entered into a controversy with, the Brahmins there. Tn the argument Kautbumi became angry and killed a Brahmin. From that'day he became a leper. The sin of Brahmahatya (murder of Brahmin) also followed him. Finally according to the adyice of hhis father he worshipped. the sun God, with Srdvya- sarhjiiakasiikta (a spell or incantation) and by the blessing of the Sun God he got deliverance ftom the sin of Brahmahatya and the disease of leprosy. (Bhavi- sya Purana, Brahma Parva). KAUTILYA. See under Canaloya. KAUTSA. Anoble Brahmin scholar. He was present at ‘the sarpa-sattra (sacrificial fire to Kill serpents) of mention. KAUTSYA a0) Janamejaya, (M.B, Adi Parva, Chapter 58, Stanza 6). KAUISYA (KAUTSA). A hermit who was the disciple ‘of Varatantu. When ie had completed his education hie asked his teacher what gift he desired, The teacher said that he wanted fourteen crores of gold coins as gift, Kautsya approached the emperor Raghu, ‘The ‘emperor had just finished a sacrifice called Vigvajit and hhad emptied his treasury by giving away all the wealth he had as alms. Only pots made of wood. were left as his wealth. When the emperor heard about, the need of Kautsya he decided to conquer the capital city of Kubera, That night Kubera filled the treasury of Raghu by a shower of gold. The emperor Raghu gave Kautsya fourteen crores of gold coins, (Raghuvarhia) KAVAGA, Acsage in the “assembly of Indra. (MB, Sabha Parva, Chapter 7). He was one of ‘the sages of the wesetn part. (MB Santi Parva,” Chapter 208, ‘Verse 30). KAVACI "Onc of the sons of Dhrtardstra. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 103). In Mahabharata, Karpa Parva, Chapier 84, itis said that he was killed by Bhimasena, ERL A holy iver in South India. Famous sacred places like Sriraiiga and Kumbhakona are on its banks. we Devi of the river lives in Varuna's assembly yonkipping him, (abl Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 20), Skanda Purana has the following story as te iy Kivel came ite leat | a nce Agastya propitiated Siva at Kailasa the boon of some water for an to Rae on earth. At the same time Kaveri alee ping Siva, Siva filed Agantya’s bowi sgh and sought 2 sacred place was worship- Kaveri water. a cursed movant, Caled Kraurca and Kicked the Vindies mountain down. (See under Agastya). ‘Af nee at the request of eae the bowl flowed as a tiver, and that river ig the mae Kaveri. (Asurakinda, Skanda Purana). 1. _A son of Vaivasvata Manu. Vivasva son of Vivasvan, Manu hhad sixteen sons who were— Manu, Yama, Yami, Aévinikumarag, Revanta, Su: Nariyace ANTE Sarva, ‘Dinta, Dhyne Nativanta, Nabhaga, Prradhra and’ Roop Narisa, KAVIIL. There is a reference torn sage named Kavi who was the son of the say Bhrgu, in’ Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 43°" fe 4 among the sages who stole the lots aCe ie Caper ne Res ACRE KAVI IL, An agni who wat the Sith son. of Behaer. is ames Ka “Th ag a does Basen, form of Badavagni, This agni has two nape t8S also—Udaha and Orddhvabhik, (MB, Vance BAS Chapter 219, Verse 20). a, KAVI'TV. In Mahabharata, Anusasan 132, Chapter 85, we find that three py a Patva, Verse ersons, nami KAYASODHANATIRTHA sacrificial fire at the famous Yaga of Brahma. Of them Brahma made Kavi his own son. This Kavi had eight sons known as the Varunas, One of them was named Kavi and another was named Kavya, KAVIV. Reveda, Ist Mandala, 7th Anuvaka, 116th Siikta refers toa blind sage named Kavi, KAVIRAJA. A Sanskrit poet who lived in India in the 12th Century A.D, His chief works are “Raghavapanda- viya”” and “Parijitaharana”. His real name was Madhavabbatta. z KAVISA. A sage. There was a person named Kaviga among the sages who came to visit Sri Rama when he returned after his life in the forest. The sages who came there from the western country were, Vrsanigu, Kavisa, Dhaumya, Raudreya, Narada, Vamadeva, Saubhari, Astavakra, Sula," Bhrgu, Lomaga, and Maudgalya. (Uttara Ramayana). : KAVYA. Son of Kavi, one of the Prajipatis, (Anuéa- gana Parva, Chapter 85). Also, a synonym of Sukra. KAVYA (M). Agni Purana,” Chapters 390" to 400 contain a discussion on poetry, which is the basis for literary criticism in India. “The above discussion in. Agni Purana, comprehends the forms and features of Poetry, rasa (sentiment), style, the art of acting and the drama, and other matters related to poetry and art. KAVYAMATA. Mother of Sukra, the preceptor of the Daityas.? Kavyamati possessed extraordinary powers gf penance. In the Devi Bhagavata the following story sgiven; how she cursed Visnu and how she” made Visnu and Indra powerless, Once a fierce war was fought by the Devas and the ‘fautas in which the latter got defeated, and they sought furs, and he therefore advised them to’ get_on some how or other for some time, After that Suita went. Kailisa and performed penance, hanging head down- wards, for a thousand years to secure rare and. ¢X- Septional mantras. During this period the Devas again attacked the Asuras, who ran up to Kavyamati for queeour, and she, by one glance, sent the Devas to long sleep. She reduced Vigna and Indra ako 10. Sate of Paralysis. Then Visnu meditated upon the spatd to life, and she, in furious rage cursed that -Vis0U should take many births, As a result of “the urs? times. (Devi Bhagavata, 4th A Bhagavata, Skandhas 11 Pitss were born from the bom to her. Kavi, Bhrgu and Asigiras took thelr’ bith fae" ely, KAYASODHANATIRTHA. A holy place in Kuru- gu the J Stk aho known as Kavya. Gertain Parkas claim {0 of hcg. Puloma was Bhrgu's wi. But, the Purioas at SER 38 the son of Birgu, wt ee the: fhe son of Bhrgu, Puloma and ‘the ton of Kavi. ksetra, According to Mahabharata, Vana Parva; lle certain others refer to him as the son of Kavi nat. No mention is made about the wife, of Kavi MEM hy another wile, or he might bE KAYAVYA 403 Chapter 86, by taking a bath at this place the body would be purified. KAYAVYA. A Gandala. He was born to a Candia woman as the son of a Keatriya, But the Gandalas who were impressed by Kayavya’s moral conduct, made him the headman of the village. He taught others that all people should honour Brahmanas and love their country. His political creed was that those who prospered by the ruin of a country were just like the worms living on a dead body. (M.B. Santi Parva, Chapter 135), KEDARA. A holy place in the interior of Kurukyetra, Itis mentioned in Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, that those who bathe in ‘this holy Bath would obtain the fruits of good actions. One of the: twelve Lingas “consecrated “in important places, 8 in KEKARALOHITA, A. great serpent which once took sage Cyavana to Patila, Cyavana, after worshipping Siva at Nakulesvara Grtha got into river Narmada to take his bath when the maga cailed Kekaralohita caught hold of him, dragged him and bit him. As the sage meditated upon Vigna the poison did’ not affect him. The serpent released him from Patala as hhe was unaffected by poison. Cyavana went to the palace of Prahlada accompanied by naga damsels. On the request of Prahlada Cyavana described to him the holy places on carth, and without any delay Prahlada came to carth for hunting during which sojourn on earth he visited Naimisaranya, (Vamana Purana, ‘Chapter 8). KEKAYA. The Mahabharata mentions another Kekaya, a King of the solar dynasty. He wedded two Malava princoues from the elder of whom’ were born Kicaks and Upakicaka, and from the younger was born Sudesna, also called Kaikeyi. ‘This Sudespa married Matsya,’ the Viri{a King. (Virita Parva, Southern text, Chapter 16). KERAYA(M). 1) General. "A Kingdom in ancient India. Kaikeyt, one of Dasaratha’s wives, was a daughter of a Kekaya King. 4 2) Origin, The country got the name ‘Kekaya’ as it was ruled by King Kelays. His genealogy is a8 follows. Descended from Vignu thus :—Brahma—Atri——Candra— Budha—Purtiravas—Ayus—Nahusa — Yayati— Anud- yuhya—Sabhdnara—Kalanara— Senjaya — Ustnara — Sibi—Kekaya. Sibi had four sons called Bhadra, Suvira, Kekaya’ and Vrsidarpa. (Bhagavata 9th Skandha) Seat i,, (1) ‘The Kingand the people of Kekaya were called the Kekayas. pote (2) Five heroic Kekaya prince_ met with dei. death in fighting Drona. (Stri Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 25). {G) ‘Two Kekaya Princes, Vinda and Anuvinda fought Oye Raurava side. (Karma Parva, Chapter 13), KERAKA, People of an ancient country in South Tie ft is mentioned in Mahabhirata, Sabbaparva, Guapter 31 that Sahadeva the son of Madr conquered the Kerakas and Kerala Li I KERAEA. gfrmaion, A_soall coty Wing in the Sduthewest corner of India. From the Purinas it Sid he understood that this country lying to the south of Gokarna upto Cape Comorin and to the KERALA. west of Western Ghats had a very ancient history and civilization of its own. 2) Origin of Kerala, ‘There are two statements, slightly different from each other, in the Purinas, about the origin of Kerala. (1); For performing the funeral ceremony of the sons of Sagara whose ashes were lying in Patala (Nether world), Bhagiratha performed penance and brought the heavenly river Gafiga to the earth. (See under Ganga). ‘The river fell in North India and flowed in torrents to the sea and the surrounding regions were submerged in water. Among the places submerged, there was the important holy placc and Bath of Gokama also, lying on the west coast of India. Those hermits who’ lived in the vicinity of the temple at Gokarna, escaped from the flood and went toMahendra- iri and informed Parasurama of the calamity of the food. Parafurima went with them to the. seashore. ‘Varuna did not make his appearance. ‘The an Paralurdma stood in deep meditation for a litle ‘while, The weapons came to his hands. Varuna was filled’ with fear and he instantly appeared before Parasurima, who asked him to release the land swallowed by the sea. Varuna agreed. Parasurima sent his bow and arrow back to thesty. ‘Then he took a winnowing basket (Sirpa) and threw it at the sea. “The sea retreated from the place up to the spot where the winnowing basket fell, and the portion of land including Gokarna which had been swallowed by sea was, recovered. This ands called Kerala, which is, known by the name ‘Sirpiraka’ also, (Brahminda Purina, Chapters 98 and 99). - (2) Paraurama went round the world eighteen times and killed all the Ksatriya Kings. After that he performed the sacrifice of Agvamedha (horse sacrifice). Tn the sacrifice he gave all the lands as alms to Brahmins. Kagyapa received all the lands for the Brahmins, After that he requested Parafurama to vacate the land, Accordingly Paraéurima created new land by shdoting an arrow at the sea, for his own use, “At the words of Kasyapa, he made the sea retreat by shooting an arrow, thereby creating dry land.” ‘This land was Kerala. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 70)° 3) Kerala and Pétéla (Nether world). ‘The ancient sages of the Purinas have grouped the worlds into three, the Svarga (heaven), Bhimi (the earth) and the Patala (the nether world}. The three worlds. taken as a whole were divided into fourteen worlds. It docs hnot appear that this grouping was merely imaginary. A.keen observation of the Puranas would lead one infer that the Himalayan plateau was considered as Devaloka-Svarga (heaven), the planes between the Himalaya and the Vindhya as Bhiloka (che earth) and the regions to the south of the Vindhya’ as Patala (the nether world), by the ancient people of Indi ‘The seven worlds of Patdla such as Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rastala and Patala might have been seven countries in this region. The following description which occurs in Devi Bhagavata, Skandha 8, ‘would substantiate this inference. “Patdla is below the earth, This Patala is a group of seven worlds one below the other, with names, Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Taldtala, Rasitala and Mahatala. In all those worlds, there are several beautiful cities and KERALA al uses, palaces and castles, parks, gardens, open temples Saari re tors ee ive the Asuras, the Danavas (a class of Asurat-demons Tiel, Pea es of ane) with happiness and comfort, Chirping birds, pigeons? Parrots, docile parrots ete. always play there with thels inseparable mates, Tress beating: sweet ruts, plants Govered with fragrant flowers, arbour with creepers Srowing thick, beautiful houses floored» with ehive ‘marble, and s0 many other things giving pleasure “and omfort are seen there in plenty. In these thiugs ‘the Patala surpasses heaven, Daityas, Dinavas and’ the Nagas (the Asuras and the serpents) are the dwelles ofthese worlds. They lead a happy and pleasant life with ‘helt families enjoying all sorts of comfort and luxury.” Patala, one ofthe seven divisions of the world is dex abe edaas follows : Desutful, with clean body. ‘They use perfumeniog oY 4s sandalwood, aloewood, saffron, etc. gi this description, the words Daityas, Nagas, Ananta, pantiliood, alocwood etc. and the mentiga of mast eawy should ‘be paid particular attention tor fo tog Ramayana we can understand that the Aeyao: Peo GL the Devi as Anus, Raksasas (Giants) ete, Keni? that the Nagas were the early inhaliaie, Gf Ketan The act wench Th peru Ananta-puram). The temple of Si aspects Deke Primitoass of Kerala. Prot the Portions of ascertained that own from the very ancient days, (1) Among the Kings who atte and Vidas, ire was ee ee oh ; Giisavata, Skandha 3), °°" Of Kerala also, (Devi (2) When deseibing he vations places in the pat of ae ams ack fhe Southern Stisika, Karmdjaia etc. occur int petite Kerala, So it is to be understood tac gti Aguiar, vara, there was the kingdom oF Reta VPS, it Has separate from the counny or wate eng Pav, Chaprer 9) TY: (AB. {i Maravirdrjuna tok his majete seat in ing Sit of Cle, Kerala, Pind and other Kini tHe gains under the sa who were standing wage pry homage to hin." (Drahtnda Pari i (gilts mentioned in Agai Purana, Chapter 277, tae aking named Gindhira was bor iat i, ynasty KERALA of Turvasu the brother of Yadu, and that from Gan- chars were bie poets Ps the Keralas, the Colas, the Pandyas and the Kolas. (8) In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 175, it is mentioned that the people of Kerala were considered as barbarians by the North Indians, {G) In Bhagavata, Skandha 10, itis mentioned that the Kings of Cola, Pandya and Kerala, from South India, had ‘reached the capital city of Vidarbha to take part in the Svayathvara (marriage) of Rukmint, () Menton iy made Mahabharata Vana Parva, Chapter 254, Stanza 15, that in his conquest of the countries, Karna had conquered Kerala als {Gt is mentioned in Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Chapter 31, that Sahedeva, one of the ‘Pandavas, cout Quered the Keralas and the Kerakas, It may be ‘noted that the Kerakas are different from Keralay’ (2) ‘Valmiki mentions the countries which could be Seay the monkeys who were sent to the South by Sugtiva to search for Sita, Nadia Godavari caiva farvamevanupaiyata | ‘Tathuivindhdn o2 Pounded ca Colin Pandyan ca Keralan, 1) connect, sg6 the iver Godivart and beyond it the gountries of Andhra, Paundra, Cola, Pandya and Kerala,” hk is 8 Proof ofthe primitiveness of Kerala, (10) "The King of Kerala had given Yudhisthira, as Dakansrcandalwood, pearls, Lapis Lazuli ete. (MB. paksingtyapatha, Sabha Parva, Chapter 3) } to. several other Puranas also, mentions stout Kerala occurs, 5), Ee ance giministration of Kerala, Parimelazhakar, Sabet Poet who was a. great expounder of ee ral”, has stated that from the beginning of the world the thrce kingdoms, Cera, Cola sot Pandya had existed. menuah there isa bit of exaggeration ae fee statement, there are enough proofs to say that long time before the birth of Christ, Kerala was under a systematic rule. In ‘Tolkappiyam’ the first grammatical work in Tamil Ruention is made about the admi istration of Kerala. Megasthenes, a traveller of 4th century B.C. has stated about the rule of Kerala: (ead rete five councils ‘called the Pafcamahdsabhis fie five great councils) io help te ee Kings. Ttigattted that these councils were formed by the King Citas, Cera “of the “Trhkand forte meg ey these five priest of (ee 88 an advisory Committee: af which, the dnd the Guages the Chief Minister, Gkicr cree spies and the Chief Revenue officer (Kaviti) were members. Tey eonvenience of administotens ty" country was divided into ira ates (groups of houses—villges) and S—Broup of villages), ‘Taras Gea Neots (Distr atSs) were ruled by four Sides. (Karanavas), Four villages formed aNalpadu (group) of four. Tee ‘Nal- idus formed a Kazhaka (a tio mn of the country with panief temple within it), and fae Kazhakas formed a Perurikazhaka (greater K: » Perurikazhaka was fag, Own as” Trkkala. The assembly hall of tek- ie a called Kort This all was erected generally a chagmble: The chief officer of the ner ale Bos the chairman’ of the (eecati oF Us People). When a wkkay 4s assembled, sixtyfour elders of the “taras”, the“accas” (officers) of Kazhakas, KERALA 405 the sistyfour TandAns and sixteen Nalpidies had to be present. The Nalpadies were the chiefs of four taras. The accas, who were the Presidents, had to come clad in. variegated silk, with waist-band of long cloth and. wearing a small sword (Churika). Till recently the Kazhakas of Audallir, Rampallya, Kurvantatta, Turutti etc., and so many Nalpidus and taras and the elders thereof had been retaining and enjoying titles and distinctions of rank. The Namboothiris “(Brahmins) entered, Kerala before the beginning of the Malayala Era. With that, changes took place in the administration of Kerala. Certain edicts help us to ascertain the changes that took place inthe administration. The edict of Vazhappally of the 9th century by Rajaéekhara isan important one in this connection. ‘This emperor of th Ceras who is consi- dered to be .a contemporary of Sri Sankaracarya had the title beginning with “Rajadhiraja Paramesvara Bhataraka”. (T.A.S. Vol. II, P. 8-14), The subject dealt with in the edict is the ‘daily worship and_ seit ment’, in the temple of Tiruvottiyar. It is stated in this .ppally and the representa- sions had met in the temple edict that the people of Vi tives of 18 Nadus or di and taken certain decisions, ‘The next one is the Kottayam Gopper edicts known as the “Tarisa Church Bdiets.” Thisis 4.documentgranting the Tarisa Church in Quilon, the adjoining lands and some other institutions. ‘This edict was granted by ‘Ayyanati tiruvatikal the ruler of the Natu: (division) , for’ the Gera emperor. It is mentioned. as “including the Temple Officer Vijayarakatevar”, which means that Vijayaraka had been present on the occasion of granting the edict, as the representative of Emperor Sthanuravi. The ‘Niduvazhis (local ehiefs or rulers of division) were not empowered to take decision in very important matters. Titles, rights distinctions of rank ete, were granted by a council of Chief minister, Officers, Punnattalappati and Polakkitippati (two high officials). Vijayarakatevar, the Koll. adhikari, ‘was the representative of the emperor at Mahodaya- pura, The supervising officials of temples were genc- Pally called the ‘Koil adhikii?, Normally. the younger Brothers of the Kings were ‘appointed in this rank, ‘These temple-officers were helped in their duties by the Divisiencrulers, people of the locality and the in- ferior officers in’ the temple. When the empire of Kulaickhara declined, the family of Perumpadappu got this position of ‘Koil adhikari” So the title “Koil Sihikari is added to the names of the princes of Cochin. , n Another-one is the Mampally Bets, ‘This isa deed of granting some lands frce to the temple of Aird, in the ame of Adicean Umayamma of Trkkalayapurain, by Venatia $11 Vallabhankota in ME. 149. Bven sue an unimportant thing as the granting of free Iands, fad to Be effected with the permission of Cera kings and their councils. (T.A.S. Vol IV, Page 9) . From these edicts its clear that che administration of the temples was ented out by represntatves lect ‘or each village temple there was an pm, Foe eh ge pl hs eet by Niduvazhis and Desavizhis (Divisional and Sub ‘Divisional rulers who had Nair infantry (big or smal as the case may be) at their disposal, |The admin: ative assembly met either in the open hall at the main KERALA gate of the temple or on the “stage for performances. The rights and authorities were in the hands of the general assembly of the people called Nagrukkatta and the council of the temple officials. When the Namboothi- ris became powerful they became members of the ‘council. With this change the Kings and Koil adhiksris became puppets in the hands of the Namboothiris, In fhe Rametvaram edict of M.E, 278 it is mentioned that King Ramavarma Kulasechara was punished with retribution for his ‘hatred’ of the Aryas, Finally the Nambithiris (Malayala Brahmins) became the land- lords of the country. 6) Tie people af ancient Kerala. ‘It is assumed that the ancient inhabitants of Kerala were Dravidas. But some historians “have mentioned about the “Proto Dravidians and the Pre Dravidians. The hill tribes such as Kanikkars, Mutuvas, Mala Vejas, Pulayas, Kura- vas, Nayatis, Malayarayas, Mlayatis, Malap- pandaras, Malayaralis, Mutuvans Pullatis cto. are said to have belonged to this group. They worshipped several things such as stone, banyan tree, clenji they Asclapia tree, Nim tree Terminatia Rellaria, Borasus fabelliformis, cassia fistula, Ghosts, thunder, vain, the sun etc. They worshipped good ghosts for welfare, and bad ghosts to avoid misfortunes. They had images of Mata, Catt Preta, Vachij Givu, Maruta, Pertucavu, Aruiula, aakki, Ayiramilli, Parakkuwti, Kartujati, x Marigi, Nayattu Pe Mahkattamma, Muniyappa, Vetjaikiran and so on. They worshipped in small bushes, open grounds or houses. ‘They knew black magic such as cursing, giving poison in meals etc ‘These uncivilized people were very particular about, cleanliness, on the occasions of delivery, menstruation, death etc, They pleased bad ghosts by offering liquor, ficsh and blood, and good ghosts with mill, ghee, honey etc. They. buried dead bodies with a little raw rice meant for food at the time of entering the other world ‘They had collective worship. They sang songs at the time of worship using some primitive musical’ instru ments. For each village there were elders who were priests and rulers. They erected stone’huts in the burial place and buried the dead inside these in graves. These graves were called ‘Pandukuzhy’. The Urilis, continue the custom of posting two stones at either end of the grave. The custém of burial prevailed more than cremation. Nair, Nambitiri, Tzhava, Christians, Muslims and such other castes camé to Kerala from other places later. 7) lin Batua and Kerala. Ton. Batuta who was born in the town of Tanjir in Morocco in Africa in A.D, 1304 had traveled all over the Eastern counties shen known. He iad started from his house on a Haj Pilgrimage at the age of 32. He returned home only after 29 yeu hu travelled all over the known countries. He has written a book in Arabic about his travels of 29 years. One third of this thick volume is devoted for descriptions of is travels in India alone, Its name is “Tah Phattunannar’. He passed over the Hindu Kush in A.D. 1333 and entered India, Tn the midst of his travels throughout the length and breadth of India, he came to Kerala also, He says as follows about Kerala in his book:— “Malabar is the country of Pepper. This country's length from Gokarna to Quilon is two months? journey, All the roads in this country are rendered cool and shady by asclapia trees. On the roads at intervals of half an KESARA uur there arc inns. Near the inn there will bea well water in pots. But water is poured into the hands of Muslims. Rice is served in plantain leaf and sauces arealso served in the same leaf. Uncultivated and uninhabited land is not to be ‘seen. Each house is situated in the centre of a cultivated area. ‘The people ofthis country do not use animals to carry goods. Travelling is on foot, Only Kings use horses. “There is @ conveyance called matical (Palanquin). Slaves are used as Palanquin bearers. I have seen roads which could be, used so fearlessly, only in Kerala and, no where else in the world. Capital punishment is given to ‘one who steals even a coconut. ‘The people ‘of this ‘country respect Muslims. ‘There are twelve kings in Malabar. None of them are Muslims. Many of them are powerful having an army of more than fifty-thousand soldiers. But there are zo quarrels or clashes among them. The powerful do not have the desire to subjugate the less powerful. The inheritants of these kings are not sons, ‘but nephews (ons of sisters). Besides the people of Kerala I have fcen only the Muslims of the country of Salam on the bamks of the Niger in Africa who have adopted the system of inheritance in the female line.” Ton Batuta has given some minor descriptions about the ‘owns of Maigalapuram, Ezhumala, Kannas Calicut, Paliyam, Craiiganiz and Quilon, KESARA. A Mountain in Sakadvipa (Sika island), ‘The air on this mountain was always filled with trag: Farce (MB. Bhisina Parva, Chapter [1, Stanza 23); KESARI. A forest King who lived in the Maha Meru, While Kesarl was living in the Mahameru, Brahont fared a celestial maid named Managarva and changed Berinto a female monkey. She became the wiftec? i, under the name Afjana. F couple had no children. Aaja gavan (Wind-God) for'a child, ‘Once during this period the gods and hermits went jo Paramma Siva and requested him to begets sont Hoe Mahivisau who. was about. to incarnate (Shanda was called “The mountain of é Purana, Asura Kanda). arvana, Chapter 18, Ta Aaa Statement in Hee he moun that the mountain Krauiica is tan Main, teson of MEE wih she, A nid ma lin heey ae te meat the Dattlefeta and hid) himsell Hs untain into two Kranfea, Subrahmanya Cl S rireegod), 2h with the acrow giver PY. a Krauficdsura was liberate Jeavage Parva, Cl 46). ons about the clearer FES ia gs in the mountain Krauoa 7? ; KRMI I Parva, Chapter 225, Stanza 38, mention is made that through. this cleavage swans and vultures fly to Maha~ meru. (For the story of how ParaSurima cleft the Kraufca mountain see under Parasurama). KRAUNCA IIL. (A kind of snipe). A bird. KRAUNCADVIPA. (ISLAND OF KRAUNCA). One of the Saptadvipas (seven islands), The seven islands are Jambidvipa, Plaksadvipa, Salmalidvipa, Kua dvipa, Krauficadvipa, ‘Sakadvipa and Puskaradvipa, (Devi Bhagavata Skandha 8). Krauficadvipa is des: cribed as follows in Mahabharata, Bhiyma Parva, Chap- ter 12:—In this island there are the mountains Krau‘ica, ‘Varsanaka, Andhakira, Mainaka, Govinda, Nibida, and Viskambha. ‘The various countries in this island are Kusala, Manonuga, Usna, Pravaraka, Andhakaraka, Munideéa, Dundubhisvana’ ete. KRAUMCANISODANA. A holy place on the banks of river Sarasvati. It is mentioned in Mahabharata, ‘Vana Parva, Chapter 84, Stanza 160 that he who bathes in this place would get @ Vimana, KRAUNCAPADI. A holy place. He who makes ob- lations of balls ¢f boiled rice in. this place will obtain remission of sin of Brahmahatyé (sin incurred by Killing @ Brahmin). (MLB. Anusisana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 42). KRAUNCARUNAVYOHA. Another name of Kratiiea- vytiba (strategic disposition of an army). Dhrsta- ‘dyumna formed the Krauficarupavytha, (Mahabharata, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 50). KRAUNCAVYUHA. A strategic formation of the army in the shape of Kraufica bird. (snipe). In the battle ‘of Bharata, Bhisma made the formation of Kraufica. (MB, Bhisma Parva, Chapter 75), ‘The Krauea dis ition has eight stratégical positions, the face, eyes, Bead, neck, stomach, left flank, right flank and. thighs In the disposition formed by Bhigma, Drona stood at the face, Atvatthama and Kypa stood at the cycs, Hicdilya atthe head and Sirasea a the neck, The King of Pragiyotisa stood at the stomach of the form- ation, The Tugiras, Yavanas, Sakas and Cupuvas guarded the right flank. Srtayus and Bhirisravas kept BEORE A daughter b KRAUNCI. A daughter born to KaSyapaprajapati_b fis wile Timea the daughter of Dakya; Five daughters, Krauficl, Bhasi, Syeni, Dhrtarastri and Suki were born of Tamra. From Kraulici, were born the owls, te Bhasas from Bhsi, the hawks and vultures from ‘Syenf, the swans and ruddy geese ftom Dhrtarastri and Nard, the mother of Vinata from Suki. (Vali ‘Ramayana, Sarga 14). F KRAVYADA (8). A particular group of the Manes or the deified ancestors. that receive the souls of the deceased, Mention is_made about the Kravyadas in Mahabharata, Sinti Parva, Chapter 269, Stanza 15. KRIYA. One of the daughters of Daksa. Dharmadeva ‘married her and three sons Danda, Naya and Vinaya were born to him of Kriya, (Vina Purana, Arisa I, Chapter 7). KRKAYEYU, (KAKSEYU). One ofthe ten sons whom King Raudragva of the Pury dynasty begot of the ‘Apsaras called Misrakesi, (Adi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 10) KRMIL | AKing of the royal dynasty of Aga, King ‘Usinara had five wives named Negi, Nara, Krmi, ‘Daéa and Dysadvati, and of them were born respectiver ee KRMI ID 418 ly the sons Nrga, Nara, Krmi, Suvrata and Sibi. (Agni Purina, Chapter 227). KRMI'i. “A'wife of Uisinara, (See under Kymi 1). KKMI IL, A Keatriya dynasty. (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Verse 13). payee KRML IV. A river, (Bhisma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 17). KRMIBHOJANA (M). "One of the twentyeight hells, (Gee Naraka under Kala I). KRMILA. A king born in the Puru dynasty. There was ‘aking in the dynasty called Bibyatva, who had five ons called Srijaya, ‘Brhadi, ‘Makula, Kymila and Yavinara. In later years they ‘became famous as P&ti- clas, (Agni Purana, Chapter 278). KRMISA. “A hell inown as Kymibhojana also, (See under Kala 1.) KRODHAT. A famous Asura bom to Kaiyapa by his wil Kala. (MLB, Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 35). KRODHA IT. itis stated in Bhagavata that Krodha was born from the eye-brow of Brahmé. ‘There is a story about this Krodha in the ‘Jaimini-Aévamedha Parva’. Once, while the hermit’ Jamadagni was performing ssctfcial offerings co the Manes, ‘Krodba came there and secretly put poison in the pudding prepared from the mill of the surifcal cow, Even though the hermit new this he did not get angry. Seeing this, Krodha became altaid of the hermit and approaching’ him said “Oh, hermit! I thought that the Bhargavas (those born of the family of Bhrgu) would get angry quickly. ‘Now [ understand that itis wrong.” Jamadagni pardon- ed him and said : “But you have to appease the anger of the Manes”, ‘The Manes cursed him that he would have to take birth as 2 mongoose. But he was given remissiom that he would be. liberated. from the curse, ‘when he narrated the story of the Brahnnin Uficchavrttt at the palace of Dharma inthe presence of Sri Krsna. ‘Thus Krodha regained his former form, KRODHAHANTA. A famous Asura. "He was born to Prajapati Kasyapa by his wife Kala. ‘The notorious Vrtrésura was the brother of Krodhahanta, (MB, Adi Parva, Chapter 65). KRODHANA, An attendant of Skands. (MLB. Salya Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 6) KRODHANA. A hermit of great importance inthe ogc of Indra, (Mababhirata, Sabha Parva, Chapter , Stanza, KRODHASATRU. A famous Asura who was bom to Prajapati Kaiyapa of his wife Kala. (MLB. “Adi Parva, Chapter 65, Stanza 35), KRODHAVARDHANA. An Asura. In Mahabharata, ‘Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Stanza 46, itis mentioned that in later ages this Asura was reborn under the name Dandadhara, KRODHAVASA. A follower of Indrajit. In the battle between Ravana and Sti Rama this Asuramade himself jnvisble and attacked the monkeys, By the help of Vibhisana, who was an expert in the art of vanishing, the monkeys kled Reedbavate Gn the batts. (MB, ‘Vana Parva, Chapter 269). VASA. Wile of Prajapati Kagyapa, (Valmiki vam tom to Krodhavasa are also called Krodhavasas ‘Most of these Krodhavasas were employed to guard the Most lake of Kubera. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 154) Fae ittna once entered the lotus-lake of Kubera and plucked the “Saugandhika” flower. The Krodhavasas KRPA IT is stated ran to Kubera to inform him of this theft, Tt Js sit Jn Mahabaraca, Vana Parva, Chapter 269, Stanz® ¢ that these Krodhavafas were present in the a7™Y Ravana ae KROSANA. A female attendant of Skanda. (MB: Saly Parva, Chapter 46, Stanza 17). Ge KROSTA. A son of Yadu, Sahasrada, Payoda, Krost®, ‘Nila and Ajika were the five sons of Yadu. (Harivarhsa, ‘Chapter 38). KRPATE A’Ring in ancient India, He never ate Hesh. (Anuédsana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 64). KRPAIL (KRPACARYA). i 2S cenpitn. Demguiet tees Fase dhs # Brabant ‘Ati—Candra —Budha —Purdravas —Ayus—Nahuso— Yayati Pura —Janamejaya —Pracinvan —Prav! Namasyu—Vitabhaya—Sundu—Bahuvidha—Sary Rahovadi —Raudraiva —Matinara —Santurodha— Dusyanta—Bharata—Suhoti- Gala Garda Suet Brhatksetra—Hasti—Ajamidha—Nila—Sanci— Susan Puryja—Arka—Bhavyasva—Paficala—Mudgala. 4 day aghterealied Ahalya was born to Mudgala, Maharsi Gav- fama married her. To Gautama was born Satananda, «© him Satyadhyti, to_him Saradvan and to Saradvan was born Krpicirya. The Purinas refer to the generation preceding Gautama only in the maternal lin. [ts $344 Jn verse 2, Chapter 130 of the Adi Parva, that Saradvan wwas the son of Gautama. According to Agni Puranas Bhagavata etc, Saradvin, father of Kypa was the SO, of the greatgrand son of Gautama and grandson Satinanda. (Agni Purdna, Chapter 278). a. 2) Birth of Kita. Though’ born in a family of Sages Raeaivteathced more interest ip Dhanurvede HE performed penance in the forest, with bow and aTow Aleposited by his side. As his penance gathered intensity the Devas got alarmed. To break his penance Indra deputed the Devata called Janapadi to the earthan she appeared before Saradvan and danced, dressed ORY one piece of cloth. Emission occurred) to him. Bat dom dawned on him immediately and leaving behind hhim the bow, arrows and deer skin he quitted place. oh “The semen discharged by him fell on the arrow whi broke into two giving birth to a male ehild and & female one. : 3) Kepa inthe Palace. One of the attendants of King Santanu, who had come to the forest to_ hunt, saw tBe children and took them to the King. The King felt BrP (pity) for them and brought them up in the palace and as they were thus brought up due to his Krpa they came to be called Kypa and Krpi. (Adi Parva, Chapt? 130). 4) Kypa’s mastery of Dhanwroeda, While living in the Braengagal in penance Seradvan with. ede power understood that the two children forsaken bY hhimn were growing up in the palace, He went to the palace and told the king details about the children. He Blso lived there in secret and taught Krpa everything contained in the four branches of Dhanurveda and the various usages in archery. Gradually Krpa became af carya (master) in Dhanurveda. Not only the Pandavas the Kauravas, the Yadavas and the Vpsnis but also kings, who came from various regions of the country earned archery at the feet of Kypa. (Adi Parva, Chapter 180, Verse 23), NN KRPA II 8 5) Kipa at the trial of sill in archery of the Kauraoas te Pltdivan” Whe te waning ofthe’ Kanna ot the Pandavas in archery Was OVEr, a test was area for them, Spectators crowded 10 see it. Drona gS Somadatta, Balhika, Bhisma and Vidura and othe? feat ene took thei seats im the. stadium, Aone arta entered the arena for contest when Krpa inane vened and said that Arjuna was the youngest on of Kunti but Karna should specify his parentage. At iin Karna stood stunned, and i wa then that Duryodhana lared Karna to be the King of Alga, (Ad) pre Ghaptes 185) 7 Ral Parra: tivities af Krpa uplo the greatwar. (i) He attende Sh A op deat Bs sede Cee, Verse 8). eee e here he acted as the custodian of money and dist buted daksinas (monetary presents). (Sabha ou Ghopter 88, Vers 7) aa me Gi) “Tt was he who instructed the spies de Duryodhana as to how to detect the Pandavas ae? their life incognito. (Viraia Parva, Chapter 29) "M8 also detailed to Duryodhana the various aspects cf ) Kxpa once told Duryodhana that he w. enough to annihilate the Pandava arm; months. (Virata Parva, Chapter 193) 7) Kia in the war. (i) On the first day of the warhe fought with Brhacksetra.,(Bhisma Parva, Chapter 45) (i) In the fight with Gekitana he fell down eaigeey: i, (Bfa Parva, Chapter 8, Verte 31). fii) “He wounded Satyaki. (Bhigma Parva, Chapter » Verse 40) ee } + Fought a ducl with Sahadeva. (Bhisma Parva thapter 110, Verse 12). 2 (v) "He fought with Arjuna and Bhima, (Bhima Parva, Chapter 118, Vere 1), 7 (vi) Fought with Dhrstaketu. (Drona Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 33). a (vii) Fought with, Vardhaksemi. (Drona Parva, Chapter 25, Vere Al) : (viit) His fag floated in the air and could b from anywhese in the battlefield.” (Drona ‘Bate Chapter 105). 7 (ix) He killed the body-guards of Abhimanyu, (Drona Fagva, Chapter 42, Verse 28). (&) Fighting with Arjuna he fainted and fell down, (Drona Parva, Chapter 147 Verse 9), a (xi) “During the fight he ridiculed Karna, (Drona Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 13). = (xii) He advised Asvatthama to_prevent Duryodhana from confronting Arjuna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 150, tay 2, de th ed he defeated § ‘xili) In the battle that ensued he defeated Sikhandi. (Drona Parva Chapter 169, Verse 39). (xiv) When Drona fell down dead he fled from the battle-field. (Drona Parva, Chapter 193, Verse 12). (xv) He was defeated by Satyali. Chapter 20 Verse 53). (xvi) He killed Suketu, son of Citraketu, Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 28). (xvii) Defeated Yudhimanyu. (Karna Patva, Chapter 61, Verse 55). (xviii) He killed the Kalinda prince, (Kara Parva, Chapier 85, Verse 6). 8 powerful y within two (Drona Parva, (Karna KRSADRALHA. (six) He advised Kan is ise with, He advised Karna to enter into a compromise Wit the Pandavas. (Salya Parva, Chapter Led iC ran away from the battlefield to Dvaipayan © (Salya Parva, Chapter 30, Verve 9). Ke _fudlsthira came to the lake with an army and Vee OHA fiom there, (Balya Parva, Chapter 30, (gai) Re appoined Afvatihimg ebeff the arty 08 he suggestion of Duryodhana, (Salya Parva, Chaptet 65, Verse43). (eal) He foughe during the night along with ASva~ hams. Seupi Gene a ven) : tka Parvar Chapter 5, Ver 8). (e50) Helied ‘the soldiers who ran away. om Se Pandava camp. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse (av), He ‘set fire to the camp of the Pandavas. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 109 (cowi) He cried’at the pitiable condition of Dury dhana. (Sauptika Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 10). (xvii) He went to Hastinapura after telling Dhrla” Bisa, and Gandhari that both dhe Kauravas and the peel would be ruined. (Sti Parva, Chapter 11+ 8). End of Krpa. ‘The great war ended. Duryodhana and others were killed and, when Diytarastra leit for the forest with Gandhari, Krpa desired to accompany them. Bus, Dhytarastra did not permit it. Yudhisthite as advised by Dhrtarastra, put up Krpa with Date (Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 5). Before tHe Pandavas sct out on their great journey ‘Yudhisthit appointed Kypa asthe preceptor of Parks the, 2 Axjuna. (Mahéprasthana Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 4): During his last days Krpa went into the forest for pena etd pes he breathed his last. (Santi Parvas Shapter 296, Verse 14) ara 9} Synonyms for Krpa. te Acaryaigttama, Bhar tacarya. Brahmarsi, Saradvata, Saradvataputr™ Gautama, Krpa. KRPI. (See Para 2 under KrpaTl) se of Later history. Kypi was brought up in the palace © King: Santana, ‘She was duly married by Dronicley and a son called Asvatthama was bora, to them.) (er Parva, Chapter 130). Krpi lamented very much, ov the death of Drona in the great war. (Sti 1s Chapter 28, Verse 33). ; ‘Phe vrs Saradvatl and, Goutal synonyms of Krp! in the Mahabharata, ie KRSA. I. Afriend of sage Srigi. Since Kréa undeeecat ‘lot of sacrifices for the protection of dharma (gy, usness) “his body became very Kréa (lean), Ter ‘was called Kréa, Te was Kya, who told Srigt "or King Pariksic who had once thrown a.dead suike (oy is (Srigl’s) father's neck. (Adi Parva, and 42). in the Airavata KRSA TI, A prominent serpent born, in the Mien family. The serpent was reduced to ashes 8.857 ""Verse yajfia of Janamejaya, (Adi Parva, Chap’ 1). aah divine powers KRSA TIL. A great sage endowed with diving ON Wie was alto peesane ifthe company Of S865 parva, ed Bhisma on his arrow-bed- (Anuf Chapter 26, Verse 7). of the famous KRSADRATHA, Son of Titkga, brother of ‘emperor Sibi, (Bhagavata, 9th Skandhe)- are used # KRSNA 420 KRSAKA i i ats ca sty. thio Iie. Tn that case, in the next birth I shall satisly ERSARA. A niga er i0G, Vere Ie 7* OMT STD that ean in hs Btparcruge wil be RSA MCre meetin ee SN ees. the sitting oy carton behalf af he Devas, Then you Epoemieny ka ee | oS my Bar once Daal Tnernate Anetta 16 Suite Tae Krona in the Yadu dynasty and mary all of you, KRSASVA I’ ‘The Prayipati called Kréigva married (Bhagavata, 4th Skandha) : f Jey and Suprabha the, daughters of ‘Daksaprajupen ‘Accordingly sage Narayana was born as Ss Kena in aly are en ey SON sac. All the sna re the Yada yay ey een, Be Se Anjuna to wally arrow called Satara. Vivimitsa, bythe power ye ya of penance made these hundred sons (arrows) of Ky ‘The curse of Bhrgu the great sage also contributed to area Seay, og REE aoe, which Vivamitra JG cure of incarnating himself’ a5 Sri Krsna, Once For St ima at rratjmana. (Valntki Rimiyana, — apes incamad fo 10 years beer te Dens Balakanda, Cantos 21 and 26). é gid the Asuras most of the latter were killed, ‘Thon KRSASVA Ti. “A king of thesoiar dynasty, (Bhigavata, uksa, preceptor of he” Aten, “ore dled. Then Sth Standha), = Keildsa to secure exceptional weapons, and. the moas MFSrnne ell, King who served Yama in his cour, Kall relage under Kavyamata, the mother ‘of Soke (Sabht Para, Chapter, Verse 17), A Devendra sought Mahavisow’s aid, and he ont off wines Aabae hs ore yor Utara devine Kinyamiuly Beng with his Cakra (discus). Bhrgt Prince fight during the lifting of cows. (Sabha Parva, W28 enraged at Chapter 56). reasons ‘Ii 1¢ above visnu happens be. KRSEYU, A kinghrn jn the Puru dynasty, (See under nike the above Mak pappence “to PURUVAMSA} ied in tndets Vode Dea bape Pa eA Pica iy, 8 Inde’ oy Vasudeea’s wedding. ‘Vo Strasena, the Vadava Kin KRSNA (GREERSMA). Bom inthe Vidava dynaaty of Mathurapuct eggd called Vasudevan an asudeva and Devalat Gave rota Nas Born a the grand-daughter of Deval, the as the son of Vasudeva and Devakt, ri Keyna, wena 3 : p ii ninth of the ten incarnations of Mahavigers brother of Ugrasena, another Yadava king, Deval 5 Dace ea 4 Us the sister of Kanitsa. Deval was given in marriage De Coin eee gen Vie ds cages aswdeva with a dowy ‘of twelve’ bie Ce malay Yadu Sahasrajt'= Sagi eee pace wecight) of gold and a ‘chariot. Kasia Dharma—Kunti~ Bhan! Dhamaka — Kytavrya Setod as charigtcee fn wedding procession during a kinaviesjona —Jayadtvaja aa see Mich a celestial voice addressed Kaihes oe tty eo Vitibotra— Anania — Dagjaye yogna Sityaki (Yuyudhana) —Jaya—Runi 7a Cae ve oe Sini-_ Katisa stood up in the chariot “abla. wid bbhoja--Hrdika—Surasena—Vasudevay Ser Krsna. Saught hold of Devakt ty hai ‘Fen sons called Vasudeva, Devabhage, Devasravas, $word to cut her throat. All Anaka, Srijaya, Kakinika,” Syamakas Vatsa, Kat Vasudeva failed to pacify Mareettwere bom ‘to King Sarasina ‘be iS! DESH Of those ten tons Vasudeva’ macrty Deval Roget of Kashua, He had also sermon d Rohint and she was the ‘mother of Balabhadrari 4) 2S Kigne’s former births. Owe curse of Vasudeva was duly baled Vasa ef SPaPEaBBAt wasn om SESE of returned the child to its pare ‘ Vasudeva and his {Kafyapa) wives Aditi and Surges clestial voice the first-born child war ore to be his Were born as Devaki and Rohini, (See under Kagyapa enemy. Vasudeva and Devakl brought it up under the and Aditi). Like this Sei Krsna also fect Previous births, name Kirtiman, Ont one of i Once upon a time from. the heaa! of Brahma was i bom the Peay ape Dharma, who was very teats i al and we das Te nine, S20rding tothe Katina 8 how fatal t a istence 0! injunctions of the Vedas. He wedded the ten deughtes Vasudeva and Devaki, nd he heat a nee an of Dakiapeajipati, and foirone eat SR Krona illed the child by desing ne 4 Nara and Natiyana were bom to him. “Hari also kept them chained in prisos: Fag ee ae ‘Natanrayanaty ad Nat and 2) Kathsa’s excitement. The information imparted bY toplease rabid for a thousand yeaa tad Petar ana ya, tHe hat ar Srama in, the valley of the Hina: wee Satyaka Pree, and himself became King. He Bre Getestial — deputed Ayer. like Pralam| rar omen, whom Indra bad deputed ta eae atl Parstle, Arista, ‘Kett"Dhenata, CAs Vibida aed penance, approachet hele tye them tq take Pays to harass the Vadavas, the ‘Andbate id the them (celestial women) as their wives. Ascetic Nari; Vemis. After the ie th of. Kittiman, pee Yana who got angry at the clestal women rae, VE sons. (Sart in, Devaki, in the nder Karnsa. "Para tst six sons of Deval) fn also as soon as they aoe Bilson, delivered five sons, (S, was about to curse them when sage Nara intervened for the preter (See un meas maces eimai shus :—"You must protect my Vrate (Penance) “in were Bore! five childr KRSNA 421 6) Birth of St Kinyo. The, Asuras killed nthe old Devasura war were later born as cruel and evil Kings on earth, The burden of such Kings having become too much for her, goddess Barth, in the guise of a cow complained about. ito Brahma who took her to Siva who too could not find a solution to the problem posed by Bhamidevi, So, all of them accompanied by the Devas approached Mahavigqu and prayed for the redress of their grievance. Mahivisnu sent them back comforted by the assurance that he would be bora as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki to solve the. problem, He also. arranged. the Devas to be born as Gopas and the Apsara women as Gopikas on earth for his assistance, 7 Devaki conceived for the 7h time, and it was an aspect of Ananta. Mahivisnu, instructed Mayddevt, thus You go to the carth and eransfer the child in Devaki's womb to that of Rohini, the second wife of Vasudeva and afier that, at the’ very time of my, birth, you. should “be born as daughter of Yatoos, Wn Nandagopa, You would be worshipped by. the Durga, Bhadrakals etc, The child transferred by you ee womb of Rohini will become known as » alabhadra and Rama. sananeane Accordingly Mayadevi transferred hoa ney ree ‘womb to that of Rohini, and it was given ont Om Seventh chile of Deval was aborted in the worl Devaki conceived for the cighth time, and om Toe day in the month of Sitiha (Leo, Auge ray ‘when the Brahina stars were collected on the Saris, Was $1" Krgna, born. Mabivisnw incarnated Tame wee Re ec te ans hea ane he Totus ower in bis four hands. Vague e marvellous cuild, and ae chain that Dove Mh and Devas. broke asunder, 2nd. 2° 7 spoke thus ty Vasa wh tara the Prajapati called Sutapas, Wt" rmediteied gon me, for 12,000 Yea 30 boon Appeaved to them and asked ther © ees the they prayed for my being bom. og and Prsni as next fe Sucapas was born, as KeSyPe 0p \Vamana Aditi and T incarnated in the, (vag and Aditi (Dwct) as thei som. Aterwards KOT, “pints as toole various births, and I 100 f005 Sai" re born as their son. Now also, KalyaPt “iis time a daughict ares od Deep te wh You shall take me over, there a8 A child born at Gokula.” Al the above faces Ks ie of its mother. 4 child and lay by the side of #8) ise were When the garde at the P80 BON elves the doors of the prison opened PY “copula with the child Krsna, sae? Ss cOu Way the river Yamuna chal, proceed. "The doors of Yat Owing to the divine prov Yatoda, everybody in t Vasudeva placed Krsn® PY," As 30 returned home with her ge up returned the prison-guatd® ae Karta about the deliver? oye hold Karissa rushed to the houses CP" the and was about to dash it 98 war he howse em KRSWA the child slipped free of his hands and rose in the sky whereftom it spoke as follows :— Oh Vunrighteous and cruel Kashsa 1 thy prowess is not (0 be exhibited against women. Thy Killer is born ‘on earth, and search for him everywhere, (Siva Pura ‘Chapter 1), 1) Colour of Sit Ktna and Belabhadrardma. Sei Ksspa was dark in colour and Balabhadra white. There is a story in the Mahabharata to explain this difference in their colour. The Devas informed Mahavignu of their decision to incarnate themselves on carth for the annihilation of the evil and cruel people. Pleased at their decision Visnu plucked from his head a black hair and also a white hair and threw them on the ground, and he said that the black hair would enter Devaki'and be born as Krma while the white one would enter Rohini and be born as Balabhadra, Accordingly Krsna became of the colour of the cloud (black) and Balabhadra white in. colour. (Adi Parva, Chapter 199, Verse 31). 8), The incidents during the childhood of Sri Krsqa. (1) Patanamoksa (Salvation to Patera). Putani, a Rakgast and one of the assassins deputed” by Kamisa to search out and Kill Krsna, went to Kesna's house disguised asa Gopa woman and fed him on her breasts But the child extracted her life also with her breaste milk, and she assumed her original form and fell down dead. (2) Sakajasura Killed. Karhsa next deputed the Asura called Sakata to kill Kryma. He approached the sleeping Krspa in the form ofa cart and raised great sound. Krsna jumped awake and kicked the cast into hundreds of pieces, (See under Sakata). (3) Killed Tradvartésura. Tynavarta, son of Tarakasura, at the behest of Kamisa went to Ambaqii in an invisible (formless) manner. Yasoda was then breast-fecding child Krmna, and the child appeared to gradually increase in weight. YaSoda tried to lay the ghild on the bed, but had to lay him on the ground as it was too heavy for her toliftup to the bed, At once, Tyna- varta, in the form of a whicl-wind, rose up to the sky carrying Krona along with him. Amb&di (Gokula) was chokingy filed with clouds of dust; the Gopalas cried out. But, Sr Krsna clasped round the Asura’s neck and tested, and on account of the child's weight he could not rise any more. The child hardened its hhands around the Asura’s throat and he got_killed. and fell down with a thud on a rock. Yasoda hurriedly took the child in her hands and covered it with kisses. (See under Trnavarta). (4) Naming. During this period the famous sage Garga visited Krona at Ambadi, and he informed Vasudeva and Devaki of the actual facts relating to Krsna. The son of Rohini was brought there, and the sage named him Rama, and Yasoda’s child Krmna, and blessed them, henceforth Rama and Krsya grew up. in Ambadi as the apple of the people's eyes. (See under Garga) (5) All the worlds in Krsna’s mouth. ‘The Gopikiis once saw Krmma eating mud and informed Yasod3 of it, and she, in great anger, opened the child’s mouth to look for the sand when she saw there all the worlds including herself and she closed her eyes in great alarm, (Bhigavata 10th Skandha) . KRSNA rye drags Ulakhala, (Mortar). Yafodi was once Sateen when ae aout mil owing ‘out of the boiling pan, andshe put the child on the oor and went to attend to the boiling milk, Angry at this Krspa broke the milkepot by throwing “a stone at it, Yatoda then tried to bind the child to the mortar with a cord. But, any number of cords could not reach round the child’s waist, At this trouble of his mother Krsna decided to oblige her and then the first ggrcisel ced bind him round the mertar. Bat, Keyna then began running, dragging the mortar fe ee seagate ne passed Uhrowgh a narrow gap between two tres. ‘The trees were shaken and at once the trees rose up in the sky as two Devas. The two trees were actually Nalakibara and Mapigriva, che sons of Vaisravana, both of whom had been cursed into the form of trees by Narada, (See under Nalakibara). (7) Vatsswra kitted, St Krsna and Balabhadearna were one day, engaged in sports along with the Gopilas ‘on the banks of river Kalindi. At that time an Asura sent by Kariya got into the ranks of the cows disguised as a cox. Sri Krsna understood it; Balabhadra. also Pointed out the new ‘cow’ to him, ‘Then Krsna. Ieisure- Jy went towards the herd of cattle, lifted the new ‘cow? by its legs and tail and dashed it against "a. peepal tue. The peepal tree and the one next to if were broken, and thus ended the life of Vatsasura, (8) Baka killed’ On another occasion Katha deputed Bakisura, brother of Pitand to kill Krsna. He ascumed the form ofa bird, and lay there on the road with ha fieree mouth wide open. The Gopilas were terres stricken. But, Krsua entered the caverlike mowh “ofthe Dird leaving his companions behind, “The, atee closed his mouth, and the Gopalas cried out in hee and agony. But, Soi Krgna stired round and roved iis Bales stomach ‘and he was forced “to vomit ‘ata out. Along with Krspa he vos 0 died. (See under Baka), ""* 26 vomited blood and {Q) Killed Agidara, Aghisura, Mitana, deputed by Kanisa to kill Kr eee eel ws its mouth opened likes cave lay on the road used by the Gera Ee Sha emanated om ts mouth iat ae ee, eh brother of Baka and iar Be sce eGo hag Pre gay sce moka flied shook and it vomited bloor ia Sie broken stomach. The Go Gu unconscious. But, atthe very sight of Kren reguned consiownes Sec under Agha) 4 HEY (10) Brakind placed in ridiculous situation, On ee rl a ten On spat ofan, playing on the banks of the Kind! along i, Balabhadra and his companions. To vst whethes Taek Possessed powers in the assumed ‘form ‘of way Oot Brahma carried away the catde of the Gopatna’” a2 Gopalas were naturally. upset at. the disarestance os their cows. After consoling them Kymna searched’ fo. the catile on the heights of mount Govardhang ey the forest. But, the cattle were to be found’ nee and when Krsna returned to the banks of the iene? the Gopilas too had disappeared. Divining the seat’t for the whole affair by his divine powers, Krona cre both the Gopalas and the cows with his divine posted 422 KRSNA One year passed by thus, and one day Krsna and his companions with thei cate went to he top of Govardhana. Brahma was alarmed to find Krsna. with the artificially created Gopalas and the cattle, and while he was looking at them the colour of all of them began changing and within minutes they put on the form of Visau, Moreover, he saw another Brahma and Brahmaloka. Upset and alarmed by the whole phenomenon he sang the praises of Mahivisnu at which his illusion was lifted and he saw the actual Krsna, the Gopalas and the cattle, (11) Dienkasura killed. There lived in the Kadali forest on the banks of the Kalindi an Asura called Dhenuka with his followers, The forest was thick with palm trees. Out of fear of the Asura nobody dared to travel in the forest. Sti Krsna and Balabhadra having heard the story about Dhenuka one day went to the forest with theit companions. Balabhadra shook down a. lot of the palm fruits , the Gopalas loudly cheered him. ‘The Asura rushed forth challenging them when Krsna and Balabbadra thrashed him to death (12) Suppressed Kaliya, “There lived in Kalindi a fierce serpent called Kaliya with his: wife and relations. ‘The trees on the banks of the river were withered and had dried up on account of the poisonous breath emitted by the serpent. Onc day the Gopalas and their cattle drank Water in the Kalind! and fell down dead. ‘Then Krsna climbed a tree on the banks of the river and jumped into its waters and Kaliya rushed forward to him with his hoods spread out. Krsna stepped on the hoods and danced thereon, Kaliya vomited blood, got exhausted and prayed to Krsna for mercy. At the instance of Keroma the serpent with its family emigrated to the Ramanaka island. (See under Kaliya) (18) Krsna swallows fire. When Krsna’ came out of. the JWaters after having suppressed Kaliya and taking. with him the gem presented by Kaliya, the Gopilas covered Krsna with embraces. People of Ambadi came to the banks of the Kalindi looking out for the children, As the fun had set by now the Yadavas spent the night there, When a wild fire enveloped them, and they cried out ‘o Krsna. Krsna swallowed the entire fire, (Bhagavalas Wi Stand): crate etree ree (4) Killed Praiamba, ence under the shade ¢ Bhandiraka an Asura known as. Pralarba jomed theit Somes disguised asa Gopala, Krgia and Balabhadra Understood the trick. ‘They made all the others. take the following pledge, ic. that all of them would beat fhe another, and the vanquished should carry about the victor on his head. ‘The beating began, and the Gps called Sridiman defeated Krone Veabha defeat Aecorattaena and ae defeated Bralanibes ing to. the ni Krsna carried on his shoulders Sri thadeasena carried Vrsabha and tothe ag Malad, But, Pralamba rose UP ‘skies with Balabhadra, who ‘broke er head, and Pralamba fell down’ dead! tr his vot ct aa (15) Again in wild fire. The Gopa i gain i re. plas were once again thee Wild fie at the Munja forest en (on eane of cat to ony Whey cried out in great fear when Kersh yes chattemt and asked them to “remais standing wid they obeyed him, and he swallowed the nectar. The Gopalas were. astom 423 ished to find themselves safe when they opened their eyes. (Bhigavata, 10th Skandha), (U6) Bessel the wives of Bratmins. "Krona and his com- anions one day travelled along way along the banks bf the Kalindi. They felt very hungry and Kryga advis- fed. them to request for food at brahmin houses. They begged for food the wives of brahmins, and. the wives happy at Krsna’s presence there, came with food. Krgpa blessed them, (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha), (11) Thefts clots. “Kygpa once picked up the. clothes bf the Gepa women who were bathing in the Kalind and Climbed to. the. top of a tree with the clothes and play- fed on his flute, ‘The Gopa women came out of the river and saluted Krsna with folded hands. He then returned the clothes ¢o them, (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). (18) Mount Govardhana used as Umbrella, Indra is the tain-God. ‘The people of Ambidi used to perform yajtia every year in favour of Indra for rainfall. Krsna oppos- ed the custom saying that Mount, Govardhana was the Thouse-hold deity of the people of Ambadi and it was enough for them to worship the mountain. The people of Arsbadi, therefore, offered the Yajfia they had arrang- fed. that ‘year for Indra to Govardhana.. Angered at this Indra let loose heavy rains on Ambadi. Krsna up footed ‘aad held Mount Govardhana like an umbrella Test the peopleshouldsufer from the heavy rains and they feok cheliey under it. ‘The rain did not stop even, after Seven days. Yet, due to Krgna’s kindness. the people ¢' hot suffer any hardships. Beaten at his own game, Deere sang the presses. of Krypa. Devasurabhi- (com, OF 18s Detis) come and saluted Krena and anointed Bim the Inviatof the. Gopalas, ‘The Devas, addresses 72 SBo undo sneaning, he who protects the cattle. (Bhags vata, 10th Skandha). ks 15} Nandagopa abducted by Varupa, Once, aftr 9) atthe aca Nanda bathed in the 2ver BA, {nd At the instance of Varuna jee see Cea itn tthe abode of Varuna, People of Ames Ts aot ee. disappearance of Nanda re oat lstressed ot fia dived into the Kalind 39 ro and Balabhad una cold them that Be, I a ‘Nandagopa so that he might see Vise the people of Nandagops 2° pardoned Mean es ees Amba, who came fo Rating Sor ea co Arbadi with ed in it. Kroga agavata, 10th Skandha) Sl Sie Mandacas OSA in he mee (20) Rasakrida, At the adven Spring to of Krsna’s flute rendered yt Oe te or al the He weneco Venda and unmarried Ole Gopa women, wie a futile acer, een did ot dim ebasee, But, the lovesick CoP te, and the Suddenly Krsna disappeared fOr Trt out Vndava~ Saunt Kens le OME Oe Seddenly na with Radha calling“ s Trered the waters Tern peared pefore them He ea hca,, Sut Krsna Cran appeared chem and sated te pga, of the Kalin gin aneig the worl thus explained Bhaktiyoge a 10th Skandha) copa, Ove, day the COPA (21) Python aloo. anne) in Devt fore, Derformed Manesvara PAIS CTT Going to sleep on te performed Tr the night witho banks of the Kalindi. 4 py Somewhere beg Hing Nanda Fr Gopas_ tried tit swallowing Nandagops {Dove seat sSae did not Hoosen IB ee KRSNA ‘Then Krsna gave it a kick and the snake transformed itself into a Deva called Sudaréana. He was a Vidya- Ghara, who had been converted into a_python by the curse of sage Adgiras. (See under Sudarsana) (22). Killed Aristasura. (Vrsasera). During, this period Aristasura, a follower of Kanhsa, came to Ambadi dis- fquised as an ox, and people got terror-tricken at the Sight of the fierce ox. Krma engaged himself in a duel the ox (Arista) and billed it. (See under Arista) (23) Killed Kesi. Kasisa then sent an Asura called Kesi to Ambadi. He approached Krma in the guise of a horse into whose mouth the latter thrust his hand, which began growing in size with the result that the Asura veuted blood and expired ; Kryna got the name Kefava as he killed Keil. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). (94) Killed Vyomdsura. Vyomasura, son of Mayasura CO eitiofthe Asuras’ deputed by Kaitea Yo kl Krsna. He joined the company of the Gopas disguised asa goat. Krma dragged him into a cave and killed there. (Bhagavata 10th Skandha). '9) Sri Kisna quits Ambadi. When all the attempts of Karnsa to do away with Krga failed he resorted to another trick. Kari Krsna and Balabhadra, feigning great affection, to witness the dhanur yajtia (woshipping the bow) being held at Mathurapuri, the Capital of the country, The invitation was sent through ‘Alrira, a great devotee of Krsna, Hle went to Ambadi swith a chariot and delivered to Krsna and Balabhadra Karhsa’é invitation to them for the fourteen days’ dhanur yajta. The Gopas and Gopis shed tears at the prospect BF Krma leaving Ambadi. But, Krsna and Balabhadra, fook leave of them and started’ for Mathurapurl in the Chariot brought by Aksira. On. their way to Mathura they bathed in the Kalindt and when they dived in its waters Akrara saw the Visvaripa (Cosmic form of Krsna). After the bath they continued their journey when Akira informed Krsna in secret, about all the evil tactics of Karisa and requested him to kill the Tater. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). 10). Rama and Krona in Mathardpuri. (1) Rajakaoadha (the washerman is slain). Rama and Krsa duly reached MathurZpuri, and in the evening they went out for a stroll in the city to view its beauties when they saw a washerman carrying the washed clothes of Karisa. They asked him for some of the clothes but the washerman not only refused them the clothes but also ridiculed them calling them cattle-breeders. $rT Krsna thrashed the washerman on the spot and_ distr uted the clothes among the children who had gather- ed there, himself wearing a yellow cloth from the stock fand giving a blue one to Balabhadra (2) Katicukakara (tailor) given salvation. Next, they saw a tailor who used to stitch shirts, turbans ete, for Katisa, He presented costly shirts and turbans to Rama and Krsna. Krsna gave him salvation and distributed the clothes to the Gopas with (3) Suliman presets garlands. ‘Then Krsna and Rama Catered the house of Sudaman who gave them each garland. Krsna blessed hie, (A) Straightened the funch-back Trioakra, Rama and Krsna continued their walk when they saw a female hrumch-hack coming opposite to them with a beautiful Vessel filled with angaraga (fragrant things like gandal- 424 wood, musk etc, reduced into a paste to be smeared on the Body). She told. them that she was the maid-in- attendance of Karhsa 5 her name was Trivakra and the aiigardga in the vessel was for the use of Karhsa, She felt pure, love for Krsna and gave him the aigariga along with the vesel. Rama and Krsne smeared theit bodies with it. Kryna stepped om her feet and with his right hand raised her chin upwards and she was cured ‘other hunch, Her love for Krsna knew no bounds and she begged him to spend the night in her house. Krapa Promised to oblige her on another occasion and conti nucd the walk, (3) Krona broke the bow, Rama and Krsna continued their walk into the Yajfia hall of Kamsa. A big bow was seen there, and Krma broke it with his left hand before the guards could approach him. With the broken pieces of the bow he killed the soldiers sent by Kaisa to take him and Rama into custody. They again continued their walk. The sun set, and though they lay down to sleep thoughts about the underhand dealings of Katha kept them sleepless. (6) Krona killed the ferce elephant dreamt many an inauspicious dream, That night Krsna ‘The next morning onthe dais, Famous ia, Mustika, Kiita, Sala and Kosala ene, Kanhia had stationed a ferce ‘uvalayapida on the way Rama and Krima had to take to enter the arena for pusiiot tusk. After this they entered the scene, Gp Aatsz tilled. The pugilisic competition started, Raut fought agains Krsna and Mustice see: ‘Mina and both Céaira and Mogtta were ied. Rae eahecaTtae Killed three other famous pugilns war on Megaated them following the death of Cay am tis seat roaring, “Annihilate the Goo Nandgopa, drown Ugea efriend of our enema inthe RauaN Users the frend of ou extn Gleb brother of Kate who cashed again Bl BE Ronmang the women, oho lamented over eet, Eathsa and others SH Xraga got their dead ee ly Deval nd ina tnd Kris releaed Varroa oy Devaki and Ugrasena immediately fom sac" sey as crowned King ‘ot Mata a (8) Farewell to the people of Ambitdi. Rs, ta at sased Nandagopa snd Yabo ama and their clothes and bows for safe custody that they. would return after strengthening sn aya ynasty, ‘Rama and. Keep set thee nore Yad other Gopas home. (Bhagavata, 10th SEandhe), 11) Education of Rama and Krsna (1) After bidding adieu tothe people of Ambadi, Vagu. deva, on the advice of sage. Garga sent Ritgy ty Kim for their studies to the Aérama of the: great at Séndipani. During their education atthe Aérama Keoee ‘Then saying KRSNA and Kucela became intimate friends. One day, at the in- stance of the wife of their preceptor, Krsna and Kucela went into the forest to gather firewood, In the heavy rain and storm that followed they lose their track and wandered about in the forest, The next day the precep- tor brought them back from the forest. Krsna learned the sixty-four arts and dhanurveda (science of archery) at the feet of Sandipani, (Bharata, Southern Text, Page 802 ; Sabhi Parva, Chapter 38). (2) Gurudaksina (Preceptor’s fees). When Rama and Krena completed their studies they asked the “precep- tor as to what he wanted by way of tuition fee, ad the guru wanted to get back his son, who was, yeats ago, drowned in “Prabhisa_ tirtha, Accordingly Rama and Kygna went in their chariot to Varuna at the seacoast. Varuna told them that it was the Asura called Paricajana, who lived in the sea in the form of @ conch, who had killed their preceptor’s son. Sri Krsna entered the sea and killed the Asura. Dut, the child was not to be seen inside the conch. Blowing this conch, which in later years became famous a3 Paficajanya, Rima and Krsna went to. Yama's abode, who on being told about the object of theit visit return ed the child to Rama and Kréna, They presented. the child to their preceptor. He blessed them and they returned to Mathuraput, 12) Upto Krsta’s return to Dodraka, (1) Message through Uddhava. Rima and Krsna_who returned to Mathurapuri after their studies “at. Sandi pani’s Asrama thought about the people of Ambadi- {twas a long time since they had heard about Krma sent a massage by ter Uddhava, After duly delivering the message Uddhava stayed at Ambadi four or five months after which he returned to Mathura with the presents give? to Krsna by Nandagopa, Yafoda and the other Gopas- (2) Visited Tricabra. “Krsna had promised to visit the house of Trivakra at the time he cured her of het hhuneh, and she had been for long. awaiting Krgna. But guly now he got the opportunity to fulfil his proinis¢- Heaccepted her hospitality at Ther house and. thus ended her grief, : 2) duerested himself in the Pandavas. By this time Kids ad died. “The Pandavas and Kundy, sister 0 Te carats were living at Hastinapura along with fhe Kauravas, They were victims to all torts of superies Heating about the sad plight of the Pandavas Krst™ Khuted Akrira to Hastinapura to enquire about ther- Kuntidevt, with tears in her eyes, told Akrira about the injustice being done against the Pandavas by the Kauravas and the continuous attempts being made to kill Ppma._Abrira visited important persons ke, Vigra Dhrtardstra ete. Akrita exhorted Dhrtarastra, who had Kageutd Pandy as King, to mete out equal justice. (0 to Mathes Nell 38 tothe Pandavas. “Abvtra returned ro thangtura and gavea report to Krsna aloat his vi to the Pandavas, ©" '*POTt to Krena about his vi (2 The Jardsandha war. Asti and Prapti, wives of y Rememplained about the killing of their ‘husband 'y Krsna to their father Jarésandha, King of Magadha- [atisandha, aided by such farm Kings as Salva; Xili'ea, Cediraja, Dantavakter oot @ upala besieg: Riathurdpuri with a big army. Vaden ae eee te met ypetlabhadra, Uddhava, Akrira and Kytavarma? © enemies in battle’ in which many kings got KRSNA 425 killed. Balabhadra met Jarisandha in duel, but let him off on the request of Krsoa. But, Jarasandha, supported by Bandsura and others besieged Mathura again and again. When Balabbadra attempted to kill Jarasandha, a celestial voice declared that it was noi possible for the former to kill Jarasandha, and the war, therefore, ‘ended for the timé being. (5) Krsna and Balabhadra meet Parasuréma. The conti- huous war with Jarasandha reduced the financial re- sources of the Yadavas and to replenish their treasury Sri Krsna and Balabhadra started for mount Gomantaka the repository of gems and on their way they saw Parasurima engaged in penance under a pecpal tree. Parasurdma told them that there was a kingdom at the foot of the Gomantaka called Karavira ruled by King Srgalavasudeva and advised them to kill him and collect enough money and gems. Krsga and Balabhadra did so and reached Pravarganagiri with money and gems 30 collected. ‘There Garuda brought back to Krana his crown which had been, sometime back, stolen away by Bapasura. Kyspa and Rama returned to Mathurépusi. ince Sredlavasudeva had been killed by Kraqa and Rama, Jardsandha attacked Mathurapusi agaia, for the cighteenth time. Though during all the wars Jarasandha was defeated, by that time the Yadava power had been weakened much and s0 Krsna ultimately decided to cave Mathura and found another kingdom, somewhere else. Krsna had two reasons to come to this decision. Firstly, Jarasandha was the father-in-law of his uncle Karhsa, Next, it_was Jardsandha’s object to conquer Mathurapuri for Kauhsa’s sons. Taking into, considera; tion the above two objects of Jarisandha, Kegra, an Rama voluntarily quitted Mathura with the ¥adevas and went and lived in the city built for them by Vive Karman on an island called Dvarakd in dhe wees? $a (See under Kufasthal). (higarata, 1005 at 13) Kygna killed Kalayavana. King Kalayavana wantes to conquer Mathuraputi for, which purpose, ene mie penance and secured from Siva the boon that, none, of the Yadavas ‘would be able to Kill him. Freee ope shifted to Dvarala, somewhat dejected by, the Oot: that Kilayavana ‘could, not be protection acrarded by Sas POOH ar King ‘Another thing also happened _at this juncture, oN Aiea ne aie fandhata had. on the request, of Indra gone’ to Devaloka and, defeated re war, Indea asked him 10 choose his ove ce service and Mucukonda wanted (0 be show © nt for him to sleep as he had not slept for 2, ong Indra, accordingly showed bim cay oid be told him that he eho disturbed him in sleep 08k, reduced to ashes by his very look, Mucu sleepin that caves, Kalayayana approached Kreis Eilyovan pmol Ea ars before Lam, Kalayavana followed KES, ved, the eave where Mucukunda #8 IeeP IN king Kygna into the cave also. KAT shereupon Mucukunda for Krsna, kicked 1" 07a Kalayavanas he jumped up from sleep and looked. cared before who was reduced to ashes. ae re tne advice of Mucukunda, who praised the former 9 riys¢rama an Krsna he performed penance 9% 51 ndha). attained salvation. (Bhégavat®, to. kill him and the ‘of Kalayavana, ran a KRSNA I 14) Sri Krona escaped from fe. Balabhadra and Krsna started for Dvaraka careying all. the riches of Kalaya- vana. They met Jardsandha on their way and took to their heels, Jarasandha followed them to the heights of Mount Pravarsana where they disappeared. Jarisandha setfire to the four sides of the mountain when Rama and Krsna escaped secretly from the fire to Dvaraka. Jarisandha returned to Magadha believing that both his antagonists were burned to death. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha) . 15) Wedding of Rama and Kym. (1) Balabhadra-Revat. Balabhadra married Revat, daughter of King Anarta of Kusasthali, former name of Dvaraka. (2) Krma-Rukminz. King Bhismaka of Vidarbha had five sons the eldest of whom was Rukmi, His sixth child wat a daughter and she was named Rulemini, Stories about Krsna kindled in Rukmini love for him. Rukmi, who hated Kyspa, wanted (0 give his sister in ‘marriage to Siupala. Rukmini sent through a brahmin amesage about the affair to Dvaraka. On the day of Rukminr's Svayarhvara Rima and Krsna also went to Kundinapuri, capital of Vidarbha. and Krsna. in the presence of all Kings, carried Rukmint away in Ghariot. The Kings who, under the leadership. of Rumi, attacked Krsna were routed. A son called Pradyumna was born to Krsna by Rukmini."(See under Pradyumna) (3) Krona-Jambavati. Prasena, brother of the Yadava King Satrijit, went abunting wearing on him the called Syamantaka presented to the latter by the Sun- god. Jambavin saw a lion carrying off the gem after {Eng Prasena, Welle the Ton, recovered the gem from it and gave it to his children to play with. A Fomour was spread that t was Kena who had ‘killed and stolen the gem. Krma searched for the gem in the forest and found it out in the cave of Jambavan, In the duel that ensued between Jambavan and Krsna the former was defeated. He recognised Krsna to be the Lord, and presented Syamantaka and also his daughter Jambavati to. Krma and Jimbavati thus ‘became Krgna’s wife. (See tinder Syamantaka) crma-Satyabhana, $i Krsna returned Syaman- {aka to Satrajit and he, in return, gave his daughter Satyabhama in marriage to Krsna, Though Syaman- taka was given to Krsna by way of dowry he did not accept it. (Bhigavata, 10th Skandha). (G) Sit Kpna-Kalind!. ” The happy news that the Panda- fas had escaped from the lac palace and were living at handavaprastha took some time to reach Krsna, who had been pained to. know that they were burned to death in the palace. Assoon as Krsna knew that the Pandavas were safe at Khandavaprastha he went to them along with Yadava chief like Satyaki and others. {ewas then that the fire-god Vahni, requested Arjuna for the Khindava forest for his food’ and Arjuna con- sented to it. Itwas Krsna who drove Arjuna’s chariot fight with Indra at the buming of the forest by deva. (See under Khandavadaha). Arjuna saved Maya from the Khandava fire and Maya, in return for the kindness, built a palace for the Pandavas at Indra- prastha, Krsna also lived there for a few days. One Bay. while Krsna was strolling on the banks of the Kalindt in the company of Arjuna they saw a woman, Sho told them that her name was Kalindt and that KRSNAT she would marry none but Krsna. Krsna then took her Shara oe ee Indraprasiha for three or four months Krana returned to Dvaraka with Kalindi. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha), (6) Sif Kyma-Mitravinda.” ‘The King’ of Avanti had married Rajadhidev, sister of Krsva's father and they hhad two sons called Vinda and Anuvinda and a Gaughter Mitravindl, who had fixed in her mind Krsua as her husband. Krsna, who was present at her Svayaiivara carried her off on his chariot to Draka, (7) Sri Kypna-Satya. King Nagnajit of Kosala, father of Satya, ad Seven one like elephants in strength, “The King proclaimed that his daughter would be married to the person who would tie down the oxen. Various Kings attempted the task but failed. Ultimately Arjuna and Kryna went (0 Kosala and Kyspa assumed seven forms and tied down the oxen with cords, ‘The Seven oxen at once fell down. Krsna took Satya for his wife, (8) St Kysna-Kaitot (Bhadra). Kaikey, the daughter of “Srutakirt, father, (9) $1 Kjopa-Laksmana, of Madra chose Krana became Krsna’s wife. (10) Xrma-16000 women, Brahma had given the boon to the 16000 daughters of Narakisura in their previous birth that Visgu would marry them in their next hake While even the Devas were suffering on account af Narakisura, Sri Kroua alongwith Satyabhama mounted Garuda, went figjyotisa, ‘the kingdom of fight and released his 16000 daughters from captivity, He returned whi them to Dvaral, assumed the guise of 16000 men “ta Ruatried those 16000 girl, He built a palace for’ cart 15) aG000 wves. (For details see under Narakivuray, Hos Bes 16008 wives, The eight. women, Rokmint, Jambavat, Satyabhimd, Kalindl Mite Yinda, Satya, Kaikeyi(Bhadra) Laksmana and the 16000 Cauettess of Narakisura consiuted Krena's havo (The 16000 hughters of Narakisura are not mentioned name in the Puranas). (See under A ote Ty) nas). ( der Sudatta and ave Salvation to Ghantakargas, G! = Hoan il tg, hat an ne afler his marriage Krsna married sister of Kygna’s Lakymand, daughter of King at her Svayarivara and she Badarikasrama where he had go Ghanta and Karna 18) Fight betocon Krona and Arjuna, (See under Ce 19) Killed Murdsura.” (See nate ‘hac ase et 20) Killel Narokiswe. (See under Natgia), 2) Phaed aoey Pete Dusig terol hen Narakisura was having his own ways on ue, "OER then he took away, by. force: Eades rays ey od spel the casings of Adi the Devan, odes sna’ help to suppres the Asura. Keyra OU Satyabhimi, mounted Garuda, went and” ei Asura and restored the royal umbrella ‘to Ree he the earrings to Aditi. On their way back hon a as desired by Satyabhama, plucked by ity nog Parijta from Devaloka at which Indra’ foughn tee but got defeated. The Parijita was brought fo Degen and planted in ‘font of Satyabhimi’s palace fos stated that Paniata was thos brought and planed’ 426 KRSNAI 7 alleviate the grief caused to Satyabhima_by aged y ces fi beaanis a coal ‘Bhagavata, 10th Skandha) So) Reet ins aed pe len, ‘Ten son were born to each of the eight chief wives—from Rulanint €0 ‘Laksmana—of Krsna. Names of the chief among those cighty sons are given below. (ly) Of Reknisi_Pradyumnna, Carudeksna, Sudeksna, Carudcha, Carugupta, Bhadraciru, Caru- ace aaa Oe 2) Of Fambaoati—Sémba, Sumitra, : 8 ip ahha Bhanu, Subhinu, Svarbhamu, Prabhanu, Bhinumin, Havirbhanu, Sribhanu, (4) Of Kalindi—Sruta. (8) Of Mitravindé—Vpkahasisa (6) Of Satyé—Bhanucandra, (7) Of Bhadra—Saiigramacitta. (8) Of Letymapa—Praghosa. 5 A daughter called Rukmavati was born to Rukmi, brother of Rukmini, Pradyumna married Rulmavatl and Aniruddha was their son. It was this Aniruddha, who wedded Usa. Carumati, the daughter of Rukmini was married by the son of “Krtavarman. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). 23) Kjyna tested Rukmint While Sri Krsna was once having a chat with Rukmini he wanted to test het love for him. So he told her that he was penniless and helpless and was hiding from his enemies there at Dvaraka and that he would only be really glad if she married some other powerful King. Kryna had n0t completed his sentences when Rukmini fell down Wmeonscious. Krsna then contoled her. (Bhigavata 10th Skandha) 24) Krma fought with Bana. See under Bina 25) Kreme killed Paungraka, See under Pau 20) Nrea given salvation. See under Nrga 27) Srikrona blessed Pawcali at the time of her Svayarhvara (Sce under Paficali). 28) Subhadra given in marriage to Arjuna. Arjuna had 10.89 on a pilgrimage for one year as atonement {oF having got info the palace where Yudhisthira was spending the days with Pancali, It was during this Petiod of his pilgrimage that Arjuna married Subkadray ‘ho was the younger sister of Krsna due to -wh0% cleverness alone Arjuna got her as his wife. (For Gstails see under Subhadrs) ) Krsna got the club called Kaumodaki and he saved Maye See under Khindavadaha, 30) Krona with the Candrabhanu, | Brhadbhanu, Pratibhanu, lraka, (1) Agro’ up to the great war, are sumimaned below {0 Ble conducted Yalta continuously for many yg Darvas protection of Dharma (righteousness), (Sabba Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 16). T#Bbeoumnes). ( (2) Permitted Yudhisthira yalba (Chapter 14, Sabha Parva, MB)" (2) Along with Bhima dha a, {be Suise of a brahinin and billed Jaré sandha. (See under Jarasandha} ce (4) He crowned Sa ing of Mathura, (8) He gave a lot of Money to

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