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The Random Walk

Financial market analysis

Edited by:
Miles Hamilton
Adrian Booth
Random Walk commentary Adrian Booth
The phrase „trading range‟ is being used The FDIC‟s Quarterly Banking Profile
more often than in 2009. In 2009 the states that bank lending shrunk by 7.5% or
common phrase was „rally‟. Since October $587bn in the fourth quarter of 2009. It‟s
of last year the FTSE 100 and the S&P 500 deposit insurance fund is now at a negative
have remained unchanged and a sideways $20.9bn. GDP should take a hit as a result
pattern has formed as investors await and the FDIC may need a bailout from the
clarity on a number of issues. The first and US Treasury. Expect it to tap its line of
most prominent is the Greece debacle as credit with the Treasury by years end. The
well as the „exit strategy‟ of central banks. FDIC‟s recent numbers also show an
increase of 27% from the 3rd quarter of
Politicians and mainstream economists troubled banks. This raises the total to 702
have been cheerleading this „recovery‟ institutions. New home sales in the US
now for over a year, yet he fact remains we shrunk by 11.2% in January, or 309,000
are stuck in a long painful deleveraging units annualized. Freddie Mac is currently
process that will take years, not quarters. bleeding money with a $7.8bn loss it made
During a period of deleveraging or „on and in the 4th quarter. With trillions pumped
off‟ recession, investors realise the true into the system, we clearly aren‟t getting
value of assets such as stocks and real value for money. The economic picture
estate. Now that equity prices have soared remains dire for the US and the rest of the
majestically in the past year we believe world. With only 5% of the world‟s
that a „crash warning‟ is in order. This population, the US is borrowing 2/3 of the
warning is just that; a warning. It‟s not a worlds savings. In 2009, $5.3 trillion was
forecast. A prediction. A calculation. required to fund the World‟s economies.
We still think it‟s wise to remain cautious Over $3 trillion was for the US alone. The
in the current environment as authorities can only paper over this mess
policymakers continue to play with fire. for so long before the tide goes out. It‟s as
Equity prices could still rise. In fact the Warren Buffet said: “It‟s only when the
best performing stock market of this last tide goes out do you realise whose been
decade was Zimbabwe, when measured in swimming naked”. In the case of the US
worthless currency. Sure you would have economy, the tide is starting to turn once
made a hefty profit in Zimbabwe dollars, more. •
except your money could buy less. The
index jumped a few thousand percent. In
Editor’s comment: The masked problem.
gold terms or measured in Euros the index
essentially crashed.
My impression is that for the US, the main development
For all the stimulus measures the is that the Greek debt crisis has masked the incipient
backlog of foreclosures and mortgage losses. To me this
government undertook, the economy is
seems to reflect the fact that banks have delinquencies
still in the dumps. Real unemployment and foreclosures that need to be worked through as they
reaching 17%, when counting those forced still present a risk to their balance sheets. Ultimately, it
to work part time or have given up seems that banks have not fully realized the losses that
searching, and new home sales have failed the collapsed housing market has created.
to recover. Bank lending continues to
decline and new business loans are scarce.
The gold bug
George Soros said that Gold was in an ‘ultimate bubble’ and he has recently increased his stake in a Gold exchange
traded fund. While many believe this is contradictory, there is a strategy that I think Soros is pursuing. By Miles Hamilton

While the gold price is up 64% over the George Soros has recently doubled his
last three years, gold shares are up by only stake in the in exchange-traded fund
20% over the same period. If gold shares SPDR. I believe that this is because he has
make up some of the lost ground, investors predicted the possible correlation. From
could benefit. the beginning of 2009 to the present, Gold
and the SPDR ETF have gained nearly an
identical amount. On a return basis, they
have been moving in tandem earning 23%
in this time frame. The two securities have
developed a strong correlation since April
of last year and it seems that there will be
an inevitable dissipation. The only way
this will happen is if gold languishes or the
SPDR ETF sees returns greater than the
Gold price. •
The graph above reflects how there is a
disparity between the price of gold and the
price of gold shares. The graph shows the
Deal or no deal?
Bankers say that the biggest worry among potential
market index for gold stock in Canada
bidders at the moment is not how to finance a deal but
(white) and the price of Gold (orange).
how institutional investors will react to it given the
Thus, it is possible that there will be a
recent economic turmoil. By Folarin Araromi.
convergence in the two indexes with the
price of gold
decreasing and
Therefore, an
investor could
short gold and
take a long
position on
gold stocks to
Given the scale and scope of the worst
profit from the convergence and
economic downturn in decades, it is of
little surprise that the global mergers &
As the centre graph reflects, March has acquisitions (M&A) market suffered badly
been the worst month for the price of Gold in 2009. A total of 9,493 deals, worth
and Credit Suisse believes that on this US$1.76tn, came to market over the year,
a decline of more than 25% in terms of
basis we can expect Gold to drop in price.
both deal volume and value from 2008.
This is evidence to suggest that a
convergence is imminent.
Q4 2009 also accounted for 30% of the
year‟s transactions as the financing
environment, and the general economic
climate began to improve. The climate for
large-cap deal making undoubtedly
improved as the year progressed, borne out
by the fact that five of the top 10 deals of
the year were announced in November or
December. This trend has continued into
2010 with several significant deals being
announced in the first few weeks of the
year. David Brooks, head of M&A at
Global deal value is correlated to the Grant Thornton, asserts “While 2009 was
volatility of the equity capital markets about repairing balance sheets with a
(ECM), lagging on average by one quarter, strong focus on cash flow and profitability,
such that the value and number of deals 2010 will see an increase in acquisitive
has tracked the equities markets since listed firms taking advantage of relatively
1990. While growth in ECM encourages low valuations”. Proof again that even in
M&A to grow at similar rate, a difficult times firms with strong balance
consequence of falling confidence in the sheets and well defined strategies are able
ECM is that M&A activity dries up. This to do big deals.
was particularly evident in March 2009
when the FTSE 100 plummeted to 3512,
the lowest level since the eve of the Iraq
war in March 2003.

In 2009, a meager nine firms launched an

initial public offering (IPO) on the London
Stock Exchange, raising less than £1bn,
the lowest amount in more than 15 years,
according to Dealogic. The UK market for
IPOs, which before the crisis had seen
companies from home and abroad rush to
tap London's financial infrastructure, froze Furthermore, global ECM issuance
over as traumatised investors cowered doubled in January 2010 when compared
from risk. Despite this, there are a number to the same period last year. US, Europe
of encouraging signs that M&A and ECM and Asia Pacific ECM are all up too 77%,
are recovering as deal making conditions 443% and 132% respectively compared to
and market confidence slowly improve. January 2009. Follow-On offerings were
This can be seen to good effect by looking the main driver of ECM activity making
at the quarterly breakdown of 2009 deal up 68.8% of the total activity for January
flow with announced activity increasing 2010.
each quarter, trending upwards from 2,093
Additionally, a further wave of companies
transactions in Q1 to 2,686 deals in Q4.
is expecting to float in the first half of this
year as corporate and investor confidence
increases with market rallies. However,
"The UK IPO market has always been a
size and price sensitive arena, and it is
today. As ever, vendors will try to execute
on proposals which are unrealistic and
end up disappointed. I would expect to see
a high degree of price debate in UK IPOs
this year” says Rupert Hume-Kendall,
president of International ECM at Bank of
America Merrill Lynch. 2010 has certainly
got off to a good start, especially with
Kraft‟s £11.5bn takeover of Cadbury
punctuating the end of the recession in
Britain, but the question still lingers - will The graph above shows the spread
investors get indigestion, or will the bout between European corporate bond yields
of renewed confidence allows a broader and equity dividend yields has fallen to 78
range of companies to come to market basis points, the lowest level since 2005. A
further into the year? • narrow gap favours stocks. Historically,
when similar levels have been reached
Editor‟s comment: Oil and Gas M&A equities have outperformed bonds and so
the implication of this is that equities are
Mergers and acquisitions activity in the oil and gas
intrinsically cheap relative to credit. In
sector is at its highest level since records began with a
effect, there is a cross- asset mispricing
value of $38.8bn. Activity has been spurred by a
stabilisation in the price of crude oil and that has opportunity as bonds do not offer that
reduced one of the traditional impediments to M&A- much extra yield. •
a gulf between buyer and seller valuation. Currently,

Goldman Sachs is ranked first in global oil M&A with
two deals worth a combined $13.5bn.

Deflation and Interest

Canelo stock valuation
rates. By Adrian Booth
According to a valuation method developed by Peter
Canelo from Morgan Stanley, stocks are undervalued
The talk of imminent interest rate rises has
if bond and dividend yields are similar. In this short
sparked concern that, as money looses its
article we apply this concept to the current financial
cheap status, commodities will suffer.
markets. By Miles Hamilton

According various strategists at Morgan

Stanley, European stocks are set to
outperform debt as the difference between
the yields on companies‟ stocks and bonds
is the narrowest in at least five years.
The chart above shows the 3-Month note The investment battlefield still dominated
yield as well as the prices of industrial between the forces of inflation and
metals and futures contracts linked to deflation still rages on. The chart below
commodities. We can see that in times of from David Rosenberg shows total loan
sharply rising interest rates, commodities leases in bank credit from commercial
perform exceptionally well. Yu Yingxi, a banks in the US. The unprecedented fall
Barclays analyst, mentioned in a report continues and money supply, measured by
that this shouldn‟t be counter-intuitive the broadest measure M2, also carry‟s on
seeing as rising interest rates are either declining.
linked to rising inflation or growing
confidence in the economy. The future rise
in interest rates could therefore be a
profitable trade on commodities and
precious metals in particular in the next
few years.

This magazine believes the long term

outlook for the US and world economy is
inflation (hence the recommendation on
gold last week). This does not mean that
However, it‟s obvious from the chart deflation risks cannot persist in the short
above that the long term trend for run. The best way to trade this short run
commodities is downward. The chart deflation play is through the Barclays
below shows the inflation adjusted price TIPS Bond Fund ETF. Many out there in
for a commodity index going back to the investing world believe that TIPS
1934. The trend line remains down, (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities)
making it hard to make money in come with a floating interest rate that is
commodities in the long run. That does not linked to the consumer price index. In fact
mean to say an investor can play the one to it is the principle that changes, not the
two decade long secular bull markets that interest rate. This makes this trade a safer
occur every so often. We care currently in bet then others. The principle on these
one that started in 1999 and that could last TIPS changes twice a year with inflation
to at least 2013-2015 where it may reach and rise as inflation rises. The upside to
its climax. this trade is that the par value of the
security will not drop below par no matter
Deflation Plays: how severe the deflation.
Say, for example, the bonds value is $100.
If inflation rises to 10% in a year the
principle will rise by $10 and the value
will rise to $110. If, however, deflation is
at 5% and the real value of the security The chart above shows the pound dropping
declines to $95 dollars, the value of the as speculators increased bets on its decline.
investment will not drop below par value Investors are close to the most bearish on
of $100. This is essentially an option on sterling since at least 1992, as the Treasury
inflation that protects the investor‟s capital last month said its budget is heading for a
during inflationary times while remaining deficit exceeding 170 billion pounds ($262
profitable the more severe deflation billion) this financial year. According to
becomes. • Satoshi Okumoto from Fukoku Mutual
Life Insurance Co. investors are
Editor‟s comment: Why will TIPS be a good investment?
speculating that there will be a decline in
At the moment, the breakeven rate or the yield spread between the pound as the government may have to
a nominal Treasury and a TIPS bond maturing in mid-2019 is gradually weaken the pound in order to
approximately 2.3%. This suggests that investors collectively prevent a further widening of the budget
expect inflation to run around this level. On the basis that we deficit. •
expect inflation to be higher than the level reflected by the
differential, a TIPS bond could be a good investment as an
investor will receive an inflation adjustment on their principal,
Risky Business
which will translate into a higher payment at maturity along In the past month, the risk premium on Greek
with higher real yields because of the coupons received during government bonds have fallen and in this article
the lifetime of the bond. we dissect this risk premium and analyse its
various components. By Miles Hamilton
A catalyst for correction: The latter part of this month has seen an
improvement in sentiment as equity
Sterling markets shrugged off a rather turbulent
With widening fiscal deficits and heightened political few weeks with regards to Greece. In
uncertainty, the pound fell to a low of against the essence this is because the ECB has shown
dollar on the 1st of march, the weakest level since its capability of supporting and controlling
May 2009. By Miles Hamilton the Greece situation and this has subsided
fears of a Greek default.
In 1992 Gordon Brown stated that „A weak
currency arises from a weak economy,
which in turn is the result of a weak
government‟; a theory that has certainly
come back to haunt him. Sterling recently
dropped to $1.4780 against the dollar
because of worsening perceptions about
the prospects for the UK economy and
lack in the credibility of UK economic
The decrease in default probability has markets have consequently frozen.
manifested itself in Greece‟s credit spread Subsequently, there is only demand for
which has fallen considerably from a peak Greek collateral repos priced with a 40-50
of 430bps to about 350bps. What these basis point liquidity premium above
credit spreads suggest is that Greece last benchmark.
month had a 30% chance of defaulting on
its 5 year bond and this has decreased to a
25% default probability.

The default risk has fallen because the

European Central Bank can provide funds
by purchasing existing Greek bonds from
banks and institutions. Effectively this
means that the ECB can monetize the debt
issuances of European governments.

Risk premium for government bonds is

made up of two main factors; default risk
The graph above shows how turnover in
premium and liquidity premium. The most
the Greek stock markets have declined
substantial and significant is default risk
reflecting a fall in liquidity. According to
and this has been the main factor that has
Dimitris Kontogiannis, it is not easy to
elevated risk premiums.
find buyers of Greek debt when foreign
players want to sell a good amount of
The rising risk premium is explained by
bonds, leading to the widening of the
Greece‟s rising debt levels. As GaveKal sovereign spreads. Many investors have
stated „the correlation between public debt pointed the finger at the local secondary
ratios and Eurozone bond yields has electronic bond trading platform, which is
systematically been above 70% over recent not liquid in periods of market stress
months.‟ This is because the Euro is because the majority of primary dealers of
Greek government debt are not active as
constitutionally anchored on sound public
they should be.
finances because of the Stability and
Growth Pact, something that Greece has Lena Komileva, head of G7 market
betrayed. economics at Tullett, stated that „we've
seen some positive reaction (to talk of a
However, GaveKal made an interesting rescue) in ancillary markets that have
comment that liquidity accounts for 15% liquidity but the funding market is still
of the risk premium. Throughout the shunning the risk of volatility and credit
development of the Greek crisis, the risk in very short maturities‟ she said.
concept of liquidity risk has been rather
The LIBOR / OIS spread is often
overlooked. Thus, I believe that there is a
suggested as being a measure of illiquidity.
liquidity risk that has not been considered. BNP Paribas analyst Alessandro Tentori
said that the spread of Libor rates over
overnight indexed swap rates (OIS) --
The Greek repo market epitomises this
currently 21 basis points -- may widen if
illiquidity. As sovereign risk has spilled
the ECB reverts to variable rate tenders as
over into the financial sector, investors
some banks will have to bid well above the
have lost confidence and the Greek repo
marginal rate to secure liquidity.
said that „ratings are generally a firm
In the Financial Times on the 4 of March, requisite for coming to market‟ and this a
David Hale questioned why the Greek quality that the Greek market currently
crisis was a problem for the Euro when it lacks. •
only comprises 2% of European GDP.
Well in response to this, it seems, as
GaveKal suggests, that Greek risk
The Guru Column
premiums are not accounting for the This is a new column devoted to what the market
potential dislocation of the Euro, however, wizards are investing their money in. Our focus
what has arisen from the Greek crisis and this month is George Soros By Adrian Booth
what is a serious problem is the re-
emergence of country risk. The new reality George Soros‟ latest portfolio holdings
is that Greece's funding costs will include a large purchase (94 million
increasingly be a manifestation of Greek shares) of Citigroup stock. We also know
fundamentals rather than German Soros is betting heavily on Gold with a 6
fundamentals. million purchase of the „Spider Gold‟ ETF,
A further problem for Greece could be the despite calling a bubble early last month.
decreasing activity in the high yield Its clear from observing the sector
markets. To me this is of most pertinence weightings of his portfolio that Soros
for Greece and its ultimate recovery. favours the Oil and Gas sector. 29.9% of
his portfolio is weighted in this sector
Traditionally, Europe‟s high yield market alone, with consumer services coming in at
has been dominated by loans from banks second with 14.9%. His biggest oil holding
rather than bonds. That meant that there is Sandridge Energy Inc (SD), a company
was far less need for companies to get high with a principal focus on exploration and
ratings which is in direct contrast to the production. Soros has a holding of 1.25
US which has the biggest and most mature million shares with a value of $11m. Soros
capital market. However, the loan market isn‟t the only one. Legendary oil baron T.
was one of the biggest casualties in the Boone Pickens also has a substantial
crisis and firms have been forced to find holding in the company. Judging by Soros‟
money elsewhere. The growth of the high investing habits, we know he is betting
yield market was intended to fill the gap. heavily on oil and commodities. This
Subsequently, if the high yield market reflects our view that commodities will be
stalls, companies are in danger of being the best play for the next decade as
starved of funds at a time when they are emerging markets continue to grow and
most needed. currencies continue to be debased. Add
low inventories of many commodities to
Thus, the current relapse in the Greek high
the picture and the stage is set for the bull
yield market could be a sign of turbulence
market to continue. •
to come. Todd Youngberg from Aviva said
that „Investors are getting selective and
lower quality deals with light covenants
and high leverage will see the effect.‟
Furthermore, Boris Okuliar from UBS
5 most financially-
Piper Alpha Oil - At its peak, this rig
damaging in peacetime produced 31,000 barrels of oil a day, one
of the largest amounts for any single oil

history by William Whyte producer globally. July 6 1988, the 300

foot rig platform was engulfed in flames. It
eventually collapsed, killing 167 workers
Chernobyl – the largest socio-economic
and resulting in $3.4 Billion in damages.
disaster in peacetime history: over 200,000
people had to be relocated at great cost to
Exxon Valdez- Although not one the
the country‟s finances, and the total cost
largest spills, the sheer remoteness of the
(including investigation, resettlement, and
ship when it lost its 10.8 million gallons of
compensation to victims) has been
oil in 1989 rendered a huge cost to
estimated to be $200 Billion. The cost of a
Exxon‟s clean-up receipt: approximately
new steel shelter for the remains of the
$2.5 billon, including a victim
Chernobyl nuclear plant cost $2 billion
compensation of $500 million (as decided
alone. Even until 1998, the Ukrainian
by the US Supreme Court). •
Government took obligatory payments by
employers (from their workers‟ salaries) of Editors Word
5% to go to a special government fund
We would like to express our appreciation to
dealing with the consequences of the 1986
all the contributions from those who helped
disaster. out. Thank you to Folarin for the excellent
article on M&A activity this year and William
Space Shuttle Columbia- a disaster for who provided a great article on economic
NASA and state funding in the US. After catastrophes. We would now like to pitch for
crashing during re-entry over Texas in contributions to financial research and writing
February 2003, just under $500 million by any of those interested. This is a great
was spent on the investigation, making it opportunity to get involved and help develop
the costliest aerospace accident your knowledge of the on goings in today‟s
investigation in history. The original cost financial markets. If you have any enquiries or
want to work with us don‟t hesitate to contact
of the shuttle was $2 Billion in 1978,
coming to $6.3 Billion taking into account
inflation for today. The search and Miles Hamilton:
recovery of debris cost $300 million alone, Number: 07841 014 338
bringing the overall total to $13 Billion. Email:

Adrian Booth
Prestige Oil – In November 2002, the
Number: 078 50122 007
Prestige oil tanker was carrying 77,000 Email:
tons of heavy fuel oil when one of its
twelve tanks burst during a storm off
Galicia , Spain. According to a report by This article features views and ideas that intend to give a
the Pontevedra Economist Board, the total subject account of market events. Thus, they are purely an
expression of opinion. The article is intended for the
cleanup cost $12 billion, not to mention exclusive use of students and teachers of Cass Business
School. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
the 20 million gallons of oil lost at sea. material in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Please
consult Miles Hamilton for further information.

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