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Peter Zeroni

PO Box 84
Parap NT 0804
(m) 0439 935 552
Dear Selection Committee
Recreational Fishing Awards Program 2015
Nomination for Award Category No. 4 Fishing media/writer/media personality show
I wish to nominate the ABCs Tales from the Tinny Radio Program (the Tinny) for an award under
category No. 4 for its outstanding and ongoing contribution - through the media - in support of the
Northern Territorys recreational fishing industry and its participants.
Please find below information provided in support of the Tinnys nomination against each of the five
stated selection criteria. In deference to the program itself, where possible this nomination has been
written using the Smith, Moore & Faggion Style Guide (2015) available from TFTTE Pty Ltd.
1. Overall contribution to the development and promotion of the image and activity of
recreational fishing in the NT.
Since the Tinny program first commenced back in 2006, on a weekly basis it serves to promote
recreational fishing across the Territory, and across Australia. In fact the program also has an
international listening audience via its podcasts available on the web. Like fishing itself, the Tinny has
the rare ability to attract wide-spread popularity and like a sharp filleting knife easily cuts through
otherwise societal barriers of class, religion, race, creed and decency.
To some, the Tinny is just a bit of good fun to listen to early on a Saturday morning while youre
getting ready to wet a line yourself, or making a cuppa before you kick off your day undertaking less
important tasks like going to work perhaps? Hearing co-host Robert Smiths opening oration on all
things political, social, perverted and just bizarre fires up anglers from Darwin to Alice, much like
former footy coach Ron Barassi (or is Barraasi?) did to inspire his North Melbourne premiership
sides back in the 1970s.
However in reality, this program delivers so much more to both promote and develop recreational
fishing in the Territory. It clearly does this by:
Giving the good oil on where to catch a fish to assist your average Territory anglers to
Get amongst it!
Celebrating the feats of those who managed to catch something special or perhaps who got a
lure lodged in their personal tackle. Now hands up if youve managed to get a hard-body pinned
to a soft part of the anatomy? Most of us have a story to tell about it missing by that much as
we hold thumb and forefinger a couple of centimetres apart.

Communicating key educational messages with respect to fishing for the future (e.g. promotion
of the understanding and adherence to bags limits), and responsible fishing practices (e.g.
ongoing endorsement of catch and release as well as a bit of kill and fillet thrown in for good
Providing a ready conduit for NT Fisheries staff to communicate directly with recreational fishos
on what research is being undertaken and why it is important (e.g. barotrauma in demersal
species). Whenever NT Fisheries Head Researcher - Thor (the Barra God) Saunders is on the
show the collective intellect of the Tinny audience goes up a notch as he imparts insightful
information on the life cycle and habits of the Territorys iconic sportfish which by the way
should be on the Territorys coat-of-arms. That burning issue needs to be put to the people at
the next Territory election.
With respect to promoting the image of recreational fishing in the Territory Im sure there are a
few bureaucrats at the Tourist Bureau and some other government agencies cringing at times when
the Tinny boys (and some of their guests) take the low road when it comes to classy conversation.
Get a mullet up ya! can indeed be a confronting message to some. But that just showcases the
colourful lure-box that typifies the Territory and makes it a must-visit place to wet a line in the
beguiling and wild jewel that is our northern outpost. Hell now even Im starting to sound like a spin
doctor! But back on topic its the Tinny show that most effectively projects the Territorys deep
connection with recreational fishing and its importance to those who live and breathe it, and the
substantial economic flow-on effects which result.
And lets not forget that the Tinny Captain himself Robert Smith in 2012 put fingers to his
keyboard and wrote that literary masterpiece Get a mullet up ya with predications it would sell in
excess of 300 million copies around the globe. Well maybe that stretch goal was not fully achieved.
But one things for sure, his book certainly assisted to promote rec fishing here in the Territory and
right across this wide brown land.
With the advent of Face-ache (thats Facebook to non-Tinny followers), the reach of the Tinny
extends well beyond the airwaves and its site has over 8000 likes! Most of us didnt realize that many
people actually knew ABC Radio ever existed with the exception of political tragics, sport lovers,
Country Hour devotees and now Tinny listeners. Without the Tinny, ABC Radio in the Territory would
be like Don Bradman without a bat when it comes to reaching out to increase its listener base.
Given all of the above examples, from a media/mass communication perspective it is clear that the
Tinny is a key contributor to the development and promotion of recreational fishing in the NT.
2. How the individual or organisation includes sustainability, habitat protection or rehabilitation
and environmental best practice into their operations.
I am interested how this criterion came to be applied to this category of award? Well I guess you
cant turn a small marbou jig into a big marlin pusher so I wont even try except to say that where
possible the Tinny is consistent in delivering the message that our rec fishery is only as good as the
environment it exists in.

3. How the individual or organisation shows leadership, shares knowledge, experience and
supports others to promote and develop recreational angling in the NT.
As detailed in criterion 1, the Tinnys bread and butter is to share knowledge and experience for the
betterment of recreational fishing in the Territory starting at ground zero with each individual
Territory fisho. Every program includes interviews with expert fishos, guides, fishing store owners and
others who impart valuable info in support of recreational fishing. There is no doubt that having the
President of AFANT on every program provides this bastion of NT rec fishing with the mechanism to
directly communicate to rec fishos across the Territory as and when required. Also, having the
weather bureau as a show regular has meant that your average NT fisho now has a better
understanding of both why and when the winds are going to blow and how much its going to rain.
As we all know (with the exception of co-host Tim Moore) knowledge is power, so arming fishos with
more of it means better fishing outcomes for those who take on the good stuff imparted. However
one of the problems with the Tinny is sometimes trying to work out which part is actually the good bit
amongst the irrelevant but humorous tripe so generously provided. But you cant spoon-feed too
much otherwise the Territory will turn into a nanny and caf latte ridden-state like Victoria.
4. How the individual or organisation creates a positive, inclusive and active industry
for all age, gender and racial backgrounds.
One of the strengths of the Tinny is that it is unashamedly egalitarian and thus reflective of what it is
to be a Territorian. Like Darwin itself, those who appear on the show, listen to it and grace its
Face-ache pages represent a cosmopolitan collection of ages, genders and cultures.
5. How the individual or organisation supports the vision of the Recreational Fishing
Development Plan 20122022.
As Mr Cigar Lover himself Billy Clinton once said Yes we can! Well, from the information provided
in the past four criterions it is clear that a Tinny response to number 5 is Yes we do!
Best wishes with your deliberations for all category awards.
Peter ><>
Peter Zeroni
Unashamed Tinny admirer & life-long Territory Rec Fisho.
21 August 2015

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