Biology Plants

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Local Name: Mata Ayam

Scientific Name: Ardisia crenata roxb.

Family: Myrsinacceae
Location: Bukit Cahaya
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 26/6/2015

Local Name: Fern

Scientific Name: Athyrium filix-femina
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Location: Bukit Cahaya
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 27/6/2015

Local Name: Kacang Butoi

Scientific Name: Psophocarpus
Family: Fabaceae
Location: Bukit Kuda
Habitat: Housing Area
Date of Collection: 1/5/2015

Local Name: Broad Beech Fern

Scientific Name: Phegoteris hexagonoptera
Family: Thelypteridaceae
Location: Bukit Cahaya
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 27/5/2015

Local Name: Mambu

Scientific Name: Azadirachta indica
Family: Meliaceae
Location: Bukit Cahaya
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 27/6/2015
Local Name: Pokok Cermai
Scientific Name: Phyllanthus acidus
Family: Phyllanthacceae
Location: Bukit Cahaya
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 27/6/2015
Local Name: Curry leaf
Scientific Name: Murraya koenigii
Family: Rutaceae
Location: Bukit Kuda
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 1/5/2015

Local Name: Duku Langsat

Scientific Name: Lancium parasiticum
Family: Meliaceae
Location: Bukit Cahaya
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 7/6/2015

Local Name: Sappan Wood

Scientific Name: Caesalpinia sappan l.
Family: Caedulpiniaceae
Location: Bukit Cahaya
Habitat: Forest
Date of Collection: 3/6/2015
Local Name: Durian Tree
Scientific Name: Durio sp.
Family: Malvaceae
Location: Tanjung Sepat
Habitat: Orchard
Date of Collection: 7/6/2015

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