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1. Fritzgerald, S. (2013). New Consensus Document Redefines and Updates Definitions of
Stroke. . 13 (13), p30-31.
2. Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, Arnett DK, Blaha MJ, Cushman M, de Ferranti S,
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Lichtman JH, Lisabeth LD, Liu S, Ma. (2015). Heart disease and stroke statistics--2015
update: a report from the American Heart Association. . 131 (4), e29-322.
3. Palm, F.; Urbanek, C.; Wolf, J.; Buggle, F.; Kleemann, T.; Hennerici, M.G.; Inselmann,
G.; Hagar, M.; Safer, A.; Becher, H.; Grau, A.J.. (2012). Etiology, Risk Factors and Sex
Differences in Ischemic Stroke in the Ludwigshafen Stroke Study, a Population-Based
Stroke Registry.. 33 (1), 69-75.
4. Richard Macrez; Carine Ali; Olivier Toutirais; Brigitte Le Mauff; Gilles Defer; Ulrich
Dirnagl; Denis Vivien. (2011). Stroke and the immune system: from pathophysiology to
new therapeutic strategies. . 10 (5), p471-480.
5. Ralph L. Sacco, MD, MS, FAHA, FAAN, Co-Chair*; Scott E. Kasner, MD, MSCE,
FAHA, FAAN, Co-Chair*; on behalf of the American Heart Association Stroke Council,
Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, Council on Cardiovascular
Radiology and Intervention, Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, Council on
Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Council on
Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, 2013).


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