20 Rules For Dealing With Agencies and Direct Clients

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20 Rules for Dealing with Agencies and Direct Clients

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Here are a few tips for dealing with direct clients and translation agencies (based on personal experience and
accounts of colleagues):
1. Always get your client to sign a Purchase Order. A written confirmation by fax or e-mail will do the trick in
most jurisdictions.
2. If the agency requires you to sign a contract for subcontractors, read it carefully. If there is only the
slightest doubt in your mind, don't sign it. One example of a delicate clause that some agencies use is the
time of payment clause, as I call it: in it, the agency states that the translator will get paid once the
agency has received payment from its end client. Under contract law, this is completely wrong and should
not be signed by any professional translator. As a matter of fact, this transaction involves two contracts:
one between the agency and its client and another contract between the agency and the freelance
translator. The latter is completely independent of the former, and whether or not the end client ever pays
the agency is of no concern to the translator. In other words, the agency has to pay the translator according
to the contract between them, even if the end client defaults on its payment to the agency. Therefore,
withholding payment until payment has come in from the end client is highly unethical and violates contract
3. Train your clients: explain to them, in simple language if necessary, what translation is all about. Do not
accept any unrealistic demands from them (eg, 5,000 words within 24 hours). Many people out there still
believe that translation involves nothing more than replacing words of language A with words of language B.

Emphasize that the translation of 1,000 words usually takes longer than writing those same 1,000 words.
4. Be strict about your terms of payment: upon initial contact with the agency (or direct client), explain your
terms to them. Be polite, yet firm. Inform them that they will be subject to late-payment interest if they
don't pay within the period of time stipulated. Remember: it is the seller (= YOU) who sets out the terms of
payment, not the buyer. When you go into a store or order something online, you have to abide by the
sellers terms and not your own. Most agencies will pay you within 30 days, but there are some, especially
in the Benelux countries, that define payment terms of 45, 60 or more days. Explain to them that the seller
defines those terms and not the buyer.
5. Sometimes, an agency may tell you that they cannot pay you on time because of cash flow problemsthat
is, after you have already sent them several reminders for payment. ALARM BELLS! This means: a) they
have lousy clients themselves that don't pay them (which is not exactly a ringing endorsement of the
agency and its business acumen); b) their management is really sloppy; c) they are not professional; AND
d) things can only go downhill from there ==> so stop accepting any new jobs from them; tell them that
you may consider working for them again if and when you have been paid and if and when they have set
their house in order.
6. If you do get into trouble with an agency, again, be firm. Inform them that you will have to charge
late-payment interest and that they will also be responsible for any legal or collection fees you may incur in
the process. You may also want to point out to them that you will post information about their payment
practices to several payment practices lists.
7. Avoid any agencies that post jobs on the Internet or contact you by e-mail but fail to give detailed
background information on themselves (phone number, mailing address, etc.).
8. Avoid clients that use free e-mail accounts such as Hotmail or Yahooif an agency uses such accounts, you
can rest assured that they are not legit and professional. A professional agency can afford either its own
server or a professional hosting service.
9. Avoid agencies that require an excessive number of words to be translated by way of a testit could be a
way for them to have a document translated for free. Remember: standard translation tests should not
exceed 200-250 words.
10. Regarding tests: even if the sample is only 200-250 words in length, make sure it is a self-contained text;
otherwise, it might be that they are sending out small portions of a larger text to a number of translators as
testsagain, for the purposes of getting the translation for free.
11. Beware of UNSOLICITED e-mails you receive from agencies (we have recently come across your name and
would like to invite you to join our team of translators. Please send us your CV, rates, client list, etc.)this







is often a trick to scan the competition (they want to know who your clients are), so if you provide them
with 2 or 3 professional references, they will contact them, not to verify your work, but to solicit business
from your clients!
Regarding references: never, under any circumstances, give out references. Giving out 2 or 3 references is
common practice when applying for a permanent position, but as freelancers we cannot do that: we are
legally and ethically bound to keep any and all information regarding our clients confidential. Therefore,
suggest to the agency that they could send you either a 200-word test or a small job for which they would
have to pay you a minimum fee (the proof of the pudding is in the eating). This way, the agency does not
take on too much risk and you would not have to breach your clients' confidentiality. Remember: when you
see a new doctor, you cannot ask the doctor for his/her patient list either!!!
It is always better to forgo a potential job (in case of any doubt about the client) than to go through the
hassle and headaches of chasing after your money later on.
Stay away from telemarketers: if you receive a phone call from an agency, and that person talks as fast
as a telemarketer or used-car salesperson and does the whole sales-pitch dance (even though that person
may strike you as being very personable), be polite and end the conversation as quickly as possible,
because, in all probability, no good will come of this conversation anyway.
For larger projects, charge a retainer, or down payment, of about 25%. Demand to be paid in various
stages as the project moves along. Don't beat about the bush: tell your client that you will still have to feed
and clothe yourself for the duration of the project (e.g., 2 months)and that you will not be available to
other, regular, clients for the duration of this project, for which you need to be compensated. For example,
25% upfront, another 25% halfway through the project and the remainder upon completion of the project.
Speaking of retainer: Do not be afraid to charge new clients upfront. Depending on the volume of their
first job, you may require as much as 100% to be paid in advance. Credit is a privilege, not a right, that
must be earned. Asking for payment upfront is the best way to separate the wheat from the chaffor, put
differently, to separate the crooks from the honest ones.
If a client asks you to acquire special software or any other product (as a requirement for receiving work),
please check and double-check the facts before you agree to anything. In most cases, these people are not
real clients, but merely telemarketers or scam artists trying to sell some useless software, product, etc.
Remember: as a professional translator, you should never have to *PAY* your own clients .... that would be
ridiculous and insane, wouldn't it?
Never, under any circumstances, accept work sight unseen. When an agency has a rather difficult or
unpleasant project, they will either call you or send you an e-mail without any attachments. The idea is to
get you to agree to handle the job without having had a chance to take a look at it. Some agencies pull this
stunt with unsurprising regularity around 4 or 5 PM on Friday afternoons. Its an urgent job, and we need it

ASAP, but no later than Monday morning. Something like that gets really fishy if the call comes from an
agency you have never worked with before. Fishy because no professional agency would ever hand an
urgent and important job to an untested translator. This can mean only thing: they are trying to set you up
and have no intention of ever paying you. In cases where you do know the agency, different motives come
into play: they know that most translators would not want to handle the file because the file format is
awkward (e.g., source text is available as a hardcopy or, worse, fax copy only) or because it is a generally
difficult text. By just cold-calling you, they hope you will give them a quote and agree to do it just like
that (Hey, that agency is calling me. Man, that makes me feel really important! Cant say no now!). Then
you receive the file and have the shock of your life.
19. Volumes: In Europe, many translation agencies go by the following standards: 1,000 words a day (normal
volume) and 2,000 words (express/rush). Personally, I believe that any professional should be able to
handle 2,000 words a day, and 2,000 words is the standard most commonly applied. Never agree to any
volumes that you cannot handle.
20. Always deliver on time or ahead of schedule. This will not only ensure repeat business; it is also the
professional thing to do. Too many translators today deliver latesometimes as much as 48 hours after the
deadline has passed. Tardiness is a growing disease in our profession these days, and many clients are
already painfully aware of this trend. So, by delivering on time or early, you can score some major brownie

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