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This story is about a beautiful,

attractive widow named Mariah who
stayed in a smallvillage town of Molo,
Kelantan. She was a nasi seller in
Molo. Her nasi belauk was
famousamong the villagers especially
men because they really love to watch
Mariah, instead of enjoying her nasi
belauk every time they went to her
stall.In the village, there was the
Imam, who was the guardian of
modesty and proprietyand enforcer of
stringent mores. He is the one who the
villagers refer to when they faced
anyproblems, especially problems in
marriage. This is because his harmony
marriage life was anexample to the
villagers. His wife, Cik Yam was a good
and obedient wife.One day, when the
Imam saw Mariah, he was transported
to his youth time,remembering his
past love when he was studying in
Pattani. At last, he asked for her wife
permission to marry Mariah. Because
her love towards his husband, Cik Yam
allowed theImam to marry Mariah.
The themes of this story are loyalty,
sacrificial love, desires and jealousy.
Loyalty: Cik Yam is very loyal to her
husband. She never missed doing
housework in order to serve her
husband the best. She takes a good
care of her husband, Imam which was
also a model to be followed by the
other womenfolk in the village.
Sacrificial love: Cik Yam agreed to the
second marriage of her husband
because she loved him so much and
did not want him to be sad. Her
husband, Imam was just thinking
of himself. He already had a good wife
but he was not satisfied because Cik
Yam cant be able to produce heir for
him. So, thats the reason Imam asked
Cik Yam to marry Mariah.

Desires: When Imam first saw Mariah,

he had a desire on having her as a
wife because Mariah looks like his long lost
love. At first he tried to not to follow his lust
and he pray to God to prevent it from
keep on messing on his mind. But
after a little try, he lost the fight and
he asked his wife to marry Mariah.
Jealousy: the womenfolk in the village
really jealous of Mariah because their
husbands keep on having breakfast at
Mariahs stall. This can be seen when
CikGu Nab tries to poison Cik Yams
mind with defamation she throw
towards Mariah.

She was a nasi berlauk seller in
She was a widow. She
had been married
one but her
husband passed away soon after.
Mariah was tall and well
proportional and move gracefully.
Her faced was unlined, her
complexion fair and her very dark,
very black eyes appeared to grow.
Mariah always had on a short
She used to cover
her head and part of her torso with
kain lepas.
~ He such a sainted man.
~ Imam is Cik Yam husband.
~ He is also CheGu Lehs friend.
~ He is quite religional man in the
Cik Yam

She is Imams wife.
She always took great care in her
She has culinary and
housekeeping skills. Her housekeeping
was also a model to
be followed by other womenfolk
in the village.

~ Mariah sells her nasi berlauk in

~The man congregate to have
at Market Square.
Mariahs house
~Wedding ceremony of Mariah and
takes place.

She was one of the local women
She was a teacher at a local
primary school.
She like to spread slender. She
accused the other peoples without
evidence. CheGu Nab told Cik Yam
that Mariah might put something in
her nasi berlauk.
~ He is Imams friend in the village.
~ He is also CheGu Nab husband.
~ He is religious man and the most
trusted man by Imam.
~He is a patient man and and nice
compared to CheGu Nab.

~ She is CheGu Nab best friend.
~ She is very talkative.
~ She likes to meddle the other
~ She told Cik Yam about Imam
having breakfast at Mariahs stall.

Bridal Chamber
~ The place where Imam and Mariah
~ Mariah sit herself alone in the bridal
chamber and ready to again begin life
anew as a married woman.
Imams House
~ CheGu Nab tells Cik Yam about her
husband having breakfast at Mariahs
~ Imam asks permission from Cik Yam
marry Mariah.
~ Imam went to the mosque and
~ Imam dallied in the mosque. He
come out
but went in again. Finally Imam went
and fell into a trouble sleep in the
Mariahs stall ( Kedai Merpati)
~ The men of the village went to
Merpati for breakfast after Subuh
~ Imam and the men went to
Mariahs stall
for breakfast.
~ CheGu Leh invited Imam to join
them for

~ When the Imam was young his

father sent
him toPattani to learn under the
of a well-known Syeikh.
~ Imam fell in love with Syeikhs
1. We should willing to sacrify for
other happiness.
~Cik Yam willing to sacrify for
her husband and agrees with
Imams request to take Mariah
as his second wife.
2. Do not meddle the other
~Che Nab tells Cik Yam about
her husband having breakfast at
Mariahs stall.
3. We should be an obedient wife
to our husband.
~Cik Yam is an obedient wife.
Although Cik Ya,m refuses to
agree with Imams request at





first, but as a wife, she realized

that she must obey to her
husband and let Imam marry
with Mariah.
Do not spread any slender
without evidence.
~Che Gu Nab tells Cik Yam but
she also not sure about that.
Do not accuse the other people
without any evidence.
~Che Gu Nab tells Cik Yam that
Mariah might put something in
her nasi berluak.
Be patient for any situations.
~Cik Yam only silent and tries to
understand when Imam tells her
about Mariah.
We should be a responsible
~Cik Yam is a responsible wife.
She always make breakfast for
her husband,Imam.

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