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4th year

phrasal verbs and prepositions (review)

A. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb:

give in
run into

carry on
make up

set off
put up with

come across
take after
wash up
think over

pick up


Eventually I ........................... and accepted the job on their terms.

My father was forgetful and I ........................... him; I forget everything.
When I was looking for my passport I ........................... these old photographs.
I ........................... my cousin in Harrods recently.
You needn't ........................... your mind at once. Mr Hammer can ........................... without
an assistant for another fortnight. But ......................... it ......................... and let me know.
6. I'm sick of being given too many orders and I'm not going to ......................... it any more.
7. After breakfast my sister Alice ........................... and did the cleaning.
8. We ........................... at 8.30 and drove first to Mr Pitt's house to ........................... his
son Tom who was coming with us.

B. Fill the gaps by completing the phrasal verb or adding a preposition.

1. They thought they were just going to get told ..................... but they were charged
criminal damage.
2. I finally decided to turn ........................... the job offer.
3. He had to set ........................... for work early because he lived ........................... the
outskirts of the city.
4. She comes ........................... with loads of ideas but nine times ........................... of ten
they are completely impractical.
5. It was love ........................... first sight but now they're having problems
sorting ........................... their relationship.
6. We ended ....................... booking a holiday ..................... very short notice on the internet.
7. He broke ........................... with Mandy ........................... their fourth date.
8. She's a complete liar and capable ....................... making ........................... the whole story.
9. When they finally came ....................... their senses, it all worked ...................... quite well.

C. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition:


Are you going to apply ........................... that job at the bank?

Did you know he has a qualification ........................... rocket science?
I have absolutely no hesitation ........................... recommending her for the job.
I shouldn't rely ........................... him to help you.
I think you should concentrate a little more ........................... your studies.
The TV series was based ........................... her autobiography.

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