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Pathway Christian Academy

Meeting Agenda
August 25, 2009
6:30pm, WeighStation

ƒ August 25th 2009 Board Meeting

Prayer at 6:30pm
Call to order at 6:35pm
Roll call – Curtis Carr, Terri Shaffer, Rebecca Wilson, Tara Breeden, Grant
Long, Chad Clark, Mark Bordwine and Sheena Asconi
Approval of minutes from last meeting - all in favor to approve

Executive Session
Open Issues:
a) Treasurer Report (Tara)
• 09/10 Budget
o $10,000 in bank account at this time
o Enrollment is 144
o Staying with Anthem for health insurance for the teachers
o Income vs. additional staffing requirements (aides, janitor,
receptionist, etc.)
• Financial Aid Requests
b) Fund Raising Report (Grant)
o Pancake Breakfast at Applebee’s – October 17th – 8am-10am.
o Pass the books out to the families at September 15th
PTF meeting.
o Christmas Fair is November 21st.
c) Marketing Report (Rebecca)
• Nothing to report at this time
d) Communications (Mark)
• PTF – 6:30pm September 15th at Pathway
o Flu information to be handed out at PTF
e) Vision & Strategy (Chad)
• Janitor position
o Tim Johnston is cleaning the school
o We will be using Southern Maintenance Supplies for cleaning supplies
o Dumpster to be delivered this week
• Playground
o $1775.00 for Playground equipment
o $9478.92 is what has been spent so far on playground
o Have $4219.00 – using to buy the mulch we need and picnic table with
cover on it for the teachers
• Yard Sale - $944.00
o Yard sale money is buying a Super Dome Climber for the playground
f) Academic Affairs Report (Sheena)
• Nothing to report at this time
g) Administrator’s Report (Sheena)
• Nothing to report at this time
h) Capital Campaign (Curtis)
• Nothing to report at this time
i) Personnel Report (Terri)
• Status of the Receptionist resume.... next steps
o Have had several interviews
• $4,000.00 in lockers is going to be delivered this week

• New Business:
a) Other issues: Discuss September board agenda

Adjournment – 9:00pm

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