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Department of Health

Legal Framework:

R.A. 7160 (1991) Local Government Code

 -Provided for the decentralization of the entire government.

 -All structures, personnel, and budgetary allocations from

the provincial health level down to the barangays were
devolved to the local government units (LGUs) to
facilitate health service delivery

 -LGUs are now responsible for the delivery of basic health

services (implementation function)

-DOH (governance function)

E.O. 102 (1999)

The Department of Health is the national

authority on health, providing technical

and other resource assistance to local
government units, people’s organization,
and other members of the civic society in
effectively implementing programs,
projects, and services that will

(a) promote the health and well-being of

every Filipino,
(b) prevent and control diseases among

population at risks,
(c) protect individuals, families, and

communities exposed to hazards and risks

Roles and Functions:

1. Leadership in Health
-national policy and regulatory institution where

LGUs and NGOs will base their direction for

2.Enabler and Capacity Builder

-innovates new strategies in health to improve

effectiveness of health programs

- ensures highest achievable standards of quality

health care
3. Administrator of Specific Services

-manage selected national health facilities that

shall serve as national referral centers

-administers health emergency response services

Mission: Ensure

accessibility and
quality health care to
improve the quality
of life of Filipinos,
Vision: Health for all

especially the poor
Filipinos 

  DOH shall guarantee

  equitable,

sustainable, and
quality health for
 DOH is the all Filipinos,
leader, staunch especially the poor,
advocate, and and shall lead the
model in promoting quest in excellence
Health for All in the for health
Philippines  



• Improve the general health status of the

• Reduce morbidity, mortality, disability and
complications from diseases and
• Eliminate the certain diseases as public
health problems
– Schistosomiasis
– Malaria
– Filariasis
– Leprosy
– Rabies
– Vaccine- preventable diseases: measles,
tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis
– Vitamin A deficiency

• Promote healthy lifestyle and environmental health

• Protect vulnerable groups with special health and
nutrition needs
• Strengthen national and local health systems to
ensure better health services delivery
• Pursue public health and hospital reforms
• Reduce cost and ensure the quality of essential
• Institute health regulatory reforms to ensure quality
and safety of health goods and services
• Strengthen governance and management support
• Institute safety nets for the vulnerable and
marginalized groups
• Expand the coverage of social health insurance
• Mobilize more resources for health
• Improve efficiency in the allocation, production and
Goal: Health Sector Reform
Agenda (HSRA)
• set in National Objectives for Health 1999-2004
• health sector reform is the overriding goal of the DOH
• conceptualized because although there has been a
significant improvement in the health status of Filipinos
for the fast 50 years

• some the following conditions were still

seen in the population:
 -slowing down in the reduction of Infant Mortality Rare (IMR)
 -persistence of large variations in health status across
population groups
 -high burden from infectious diseases
 -rising burden from chronic and degenerative diseases
 -unattended emerging health risks
 -burden of disease heaviest among the poor
reasons for conditions
stated include:

• inappropriate health delivery system

(poor coverage of public health and
PHC services)
• inadequate regulatory mechanisms
for health services (poor quality
and high cost of health care
services, drugs)
• poor health care financing
(inefficient generation of funds)

Support mechanisms of

• Sound organizational development

• Strong Policies, Systems, and
• Capable Human Resources
• Adequate Financial Resources

Framework for
Implementation: FOURmula
One for Health
• engages the entire health sector,
including the public and private
sectors, national agencies and
local government units, external
development agencies, and civil
society to get involved in the
implementation of health
• It is an invitation to join the
collective race against
fragmentation of the health
system of the country, against
Four Elements:
• Health financing
• - fosters greater, better, and
sustained investments in health
• - involves Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation PHIC) through
National Health Insurance Program
(NHIP) and DOH
• Health regulation- ensure quality and
affordability of health goods
• Health Service Delivery- improve and
ensure the accessibility and availability
of basic and essential care
• Good governance- enhance health system
performance at national and local levels

Key feature: NHIP
• - supports each element through:
• Financing- reduces financial burden of
health care costs
• Governance- it influences health market
and related institutions by being a
practical purchaser of health care
• Regulation- plays a role in accreditation,
acts as driver for improved performance
in health sector
• Service Delivery-demands fair
compensation for the costs of care


• Better health Outcomes

• More responsive health systems
• Equitable health care financing
International Organizations

• World Health Organization

– the directing and coordinating
authority for health within the
United Nations system
– World Health Assembly- the supreme
decision-making body for WHO. It
meets each year in May in Geneva,
and is attended by delegations from
all 193 Member States.
– Executive Board- composed of 34
members technically qualified in the
field of health. Members are elected

 The attainment by
all peoples of the
highest possible
level of health
Core functions:
• Providing leadership on matters critical to
health and engaging in partnerships
where joint action is needed
• Shaping the research agenda and
stimulating the generation, translation
and dissemination of valuable knowledge
• Setting norms and standards and promoting
and monitoring their implementation
• Articulating ethical and evidence-based
policy options;
• Providing technical support, catalysing
change, and building sustainable
institutional capacity
• Monitoring the health situation and
United Nations Children’s
• -the United Nations (UN) body
responsible for the rights of children
• Roles:
 - required by the UN Convention to
promote the effective implementation
and to encourage international
cooperation for the benefit of children.
 -UNICEF is represented during UN
Conventions and may be invited to
provide expert advice on the
implementation of the convention

Global Structure of UNICEF:

• -International offices:
• New York and Geneva
• -Specialised offices:
• Copenhagen- Supply Division which
manages the supply centres that are
• essential in emergencies
• Florence- Innocenti Research Centre
well- known for its authoritative
• publications on children

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