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Test 1 - Answers

Answer Key
For each correct answer, you score 1 point.

Section I
1. b
6. b

2. c
7. c

3. a
8. a

4. a
9. b

5. d
10. d

Section 2
1. b
6. a

2. c
7. c

3. c
8. b

4. a
9. a

5. d
10. b


Example ESL English Test - Level C1 Advanced

Section 3
1. up to his father
2. hadnt recognised him . he wouldnt have been
3. Sally goes / often Sally goes /often she goes .... the happier she is. /the happier Sally is
4. having / getting his new house painted / going to have his new house painted
5. them down
6. for not being able to make
7. were all the facts made
8. I didnt have to work
9. up against / into
10. put you
Section 4
1. competing
6. unfulfilling
Section 5
1. a
6. c

2. happiness
7. emotionally

2. c
7. c

Your total: ..................points

3. b
8. b

3. government
8. unsuccessful
4. d
9. d

5. d
10. a

4. education
9. procession

5. impossibly
10. enjoyment

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