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General -of This was generallygood although declawed

animal wed re to move but little canbe done about this. Some
femal gight bably due to birth control implants. Of most concern
to be very thin and favouring his right hind leg. This
on to evaluatehis condition and the causeof lameness.

were also thin despitemore regularfeeding of greaterfood volume

rming. The causeof this lack conditionneedsto be established.

nature of the Park has changedconsiderablyover the past year the

ilefnents forthe welfare of the anirnalshas changedas well. ZionPark is no
fer a hands-oncentreand so the enrichmentrequirerientsfor the big catsneeds
be increasedto make up for the lack of handling which was the main sourceof
stimulation in the past. Catsdeprivedof this human contactwill need other ways to
occupy their time.

In the past the'catshad much greaterhuman interactionand exercise. Without this

exercise,the enclosuresneedto be made as large aspossible. Training and

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