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Course Name
CHs (Credit Hours)

: ICT for Education


A. Course Objectives
This course aims at making students have comprehensible and systematic
knowledge regarding the Information, Communication & Technology (ICT)
and its application in English Education.
B. Course Description
This course introduces and develops students knowledge related to the ICT
and enhances their comprehension in its principle application in English
education. The issues and empirical cases that have to do with ICT for
education, specifically ICT for English learning, are extensively discussed.
C. Structure & Content of The Course





Learning Outcomes

Topic Discussion
The emergence of CALL:
A broad discipline &
technology driving CALL
The Changing focus of
research in CALL
A brief history of CALL:
CALL in the 1950s and
1960s; CALL in the 1970s
and 1980s; A brief history
of CALL: CALL in the
1990s; CALL in the
twenty-first century
Hypertext; Hypermedia;
Multimedia; Antecedents
of Multimedia
Science fiction and CALL;
The printed book & CALL;
Applications to general




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D. References

learning; Applications of
multimedia to language
Eight CALL applications:
Word processing; Games;
Literature; Corpus
Linguistics; Computermediated communication;
WWW resources; Adapting
other materials for CALL;
Personal Digital Assistants
(PDAs) and mobile
MID term test
The place of CALL in
research and teaching:
second language
acquisition and models of
The place of CALL in
research and teaching:
Collaboration &
negotiation of meaning #1
The place of CALL in
research and teaching:
Collaboration &
negotiation of meaning #2
The place of CALL in
research and teaching:
Defining a model of CALL
The place of CALL in
research and teaching:
Defining a model of CALL
The place of CALL in
research and teaching:
Theoretical & pedagogical
concerns #1
The place of CALL in
research and teaching:
Theoretical & pedagogical
concerns #2
Final Test

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