Copyright 1992 Modern Power Station Practice Third Edition

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Copyright 1992 British Electricity International Ltd
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First edition 1963
Second edition 1971
Third edition 1992
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Modern power station practice: incorporating modern power
system practice/British Electricity International
3rd ed. p. cm.
Includes index.
1. Electric power-plants. I. British Electricity International.
TK 1191 .M49 1990 62.31 '21 dc20
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
British Electricity International
Modern power station practice3rd. ed.
1. Electric power-plants. Design and construction
I. Title II. Central Electricity Generating Board
ISBN 0-08-040510-X (12 Volume Set)
ISBN 0-08-040735-8 (Volume M)
ISBN 0-08-042252-7 (Flexicover)

Printed in the Republic of Singapore by Singapore National

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