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Love Betrayed

(For the Protagonist of my heart)

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

“Give Time its due time,”

She said,
I didn’t understand,
What she meant by this,
I didn’t ask her,

I was too mesmerized,

In the moment,
Our minutes together,
When she tiptoed out of her house,
To be with me,

“Just give me two years,”

She said,
To get things in order,
For legal proceedings,
“So I may be free…”

Free to be with me!

Free to express our love,
Openly to the whole world,
To stand upon a pedestal,
And shout out her name!

“I love you,”
She said,
And I believed her!
Where they just words,
Inspired in the mist of love’s passions…

Two lovers,
An amour romancing fervently,
Kissing straight from the hearts,
Love Betrayed © 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa
That don’t lie,
Will not hide,
To express their true feelings…

“I love you,”
She said,
As I cried upon her breasts,
She comforted me,
“I never knew you really loved me;”
“Until now, my king…”

“I love you,”
She said,
The last time I saw her,
As time passed,
We drifted apart,

I phoned her,
I mailed her,

I heard,
She came looking for me,
But, I no longer worked there,
She became free,
And moved far away,

Thus I am told,
By a Sage,
Love betrayed,
Not for a lack of love,
But, by Fate…

Love Betrayed © 2010 by Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

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