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Year 2016 is starting with saturn in scorpio, Jupiter in Leo and Rahu ketu
will change to leo and Aquarius respectively on 31 st january. I will be
sharing the effects on various aspects of your life for the year 2016 and the
remedies which will help you progress in all areas of your life. Wishing you
a happy and prosperous new year.
1) Family life: You will have good relations with your brothers and
sisters. Your personal life will be full of many ups and downs but after
august you will feel much better as many problems will start to
vanish. You will not have good relations with your mother and there
will be one or other thing going on between you. You will get good
cooperation from your father. You will get happiness from kids but
their stubborn nature may bring up some moments of troubles.
2) Health: This year there is not much health issues but you will have
delaying attitude in your day to day life and you may turn lethargic.
Specially those who are running dasa of saturn will feel this more
than others. Your nature will get a bit irritating and you will not trust
people easily. Stomach, Heart, Lower limbs are the areas where
trouble can originate.
3) Finance: Your lord of second house is Jupiter which is going to be
with rahu for a long time this year. Rahui is a natural malefic and most
of the works where forgery is done this planet is working from
behind. Therefore it is better to keep your money safe till 11th august.
You can try to get profits from shares and and lotteries if allowed. Ig
running Jupiter DBA then the time after august is going to be very
fruitful for you.
4) Career: There can be problems in the job this year, your own
dominant attitude can be one of the triggers and you may lose your
job. Thus it is advised to keep cool n calm till august, there are many
chances to have a hot talk or physical abuse with a senior official at
your work place.
5) Business: This year will be good for business, you will make profits.
You will adopt illegal ways and will succeed in them, you will get best
profits in low category products. Those dealing in waste materials,
spurious liquors, duplicate books etc will make good profits. You may





be cheated by fellow businessmen but on the other hand your

friends will be very helpful and they will get things done for you.
Romance: This is a dimesion which is going to keep you happy this
year but after august. Till then you have to maintain your relations on
your own smartness. It is possible that you may stop talking to each
other for a few days but it will resume again so do not panic about it.
After august things will bevery smooth for you.
Sex Life: This year you are going to enjoy sexual acts in abundance.
Your relations will be very fruitful for you in this regard. Your
extramarital relations will also give you the pleasure of the union. You
may become inclined to have unnatural sex.
Days of caution: You should avoid travels when ever moon is
transiting in Gemini. Do not take major decisions when moon transits
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.9th to 20th January, 7th March to 6th april,
1st to 17th may,25th june to 20th July, 7th to 19th September, 8th October
to 21st November, 22december 2016 to 4th January 2017 avoid big
investments, decisions, purchases etc.
Remedial Astrology: Reciting hanuman chalisa is the best remedy for
you and keeping your house neat and clean is the second. Dont be
jealous of others.

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