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Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT

1_Problem Pictures Task

ESM410 Assignment 1:
Problem Pictures Task - Creating openended questions
Student Name:

Elizabeth Hondromatidis

Student Number: 212066134

Campus: Burwood

PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as the students own work, or
copies without acknowledgement as to its authorship, the work of any other person. Collusion occurs when a student
obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose with the intent of obtaining an advantage in
submitting an assignment or other work. Work submitted may be reproduced and/or communicated for the purpose of
detecting plagiarism and collusion.
DECLARATION I certify that the attached work is entirely my own (or where submitted to meet the requirements of
an approved group assignment is the work of the group), except where material quoted or paraphrased is
acknowledged in the text. I also certify that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other unit or course.

DATE: 29/08/2015

An assignment will not be accepted for assessment if the declaration appearing above has not been signed by the

Assessors Comments: Your comments and grade will be recorded on the essay itself. Please ensure your name
appears at the top right hand side of each page of your essay.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

All points must be ticked that they are completed before submission.

Requirements checklist:


The rationale addressed the rationale prompts in the assignment description.

The rationale included relevant citations/references which are stated.

Created 3 quality problem picture photos.

The photos MUST be original photos taken by yourself.

Location of photos are stated, e.g. Taken at Deakin foreshore.

Developed an original question for each photo with an accompanying enabling and
extending prompt.

If your photo has numbers that you are referring to in the problem, the numbers MUST
be clearly visible to be able to read in the photo.

Open-ended questions are creative and engaging.

Matched each problem with the appropriate mathematical content, year, definition and
code from the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Each question is accompanied by three possible correct responses.

Cross-curriculum links are made to each photo.

Reflecting on the trialling of the questions with an appropriately aged child or children.

The trialling reflection included relevant citations/references which are stated.

There is evidence of reference to problem-picture unit materials.

Problem pictures were collated into a word document using the assignment template.

File size of the word document is under 4mb.

Assignment is uploaded to the Cloud Deakin drop box.

In order to pass this assignment you must have fulfilled all aspects of the checklist.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Rationale for the use of problem pictures in the classroom

Incorporating open-ended problem-pictures in the mathematics classroom has a
myriad of benefits and positive effects for both the student and the teacher. An openended problem-picture is defined by Bragg & Nicol (2011, p. 4) as a photograph of
an object, scene or activity that is accompanied by one or more open-ended
mathematical word problems based on the context of the photo. Photographs
naturally generate interest, excitement and curiosity, so its no surprise that teachers
are incorporating photography with open-ended problem posing to help build
students awareness, and to get them to notice, that mathematics is everywhere, both
in and outside of the classroom.
One of the most obvious benefits of using open-ended picture problems is that they
act as a visual stimulus whereby students engage with a sense of curiosity with a
desire to explore possible solutions to a given problem (Brag & Nicol, 2011, p. 4).
One way of ensuring that this type of learning remains engaging and contextually rich
for the students is by collecting images familiar to students so as to pique their
interests (Bragg & Nicol, 2011, p. 4-5), and to ensure that learning tasks remain
motivating and personally meaningful (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers,
Falle, Frid & Bennett, 2012, p. 87). Problem pictures also add a touch of realism
allowing teachers to provide students with opportunities to apply their mathematical
thinking to interpret and reason within a real-world context (Sparrow & Swan, 2005, p.
113), thus making mathematics more relevant to them.
Furthermore, open-ended questions promote higher levels of thinking, where there is
more than one [correct] possible pathways, responses, approaches or lines of
reasoning that require more than simply recalling facts (Sullivan, Mousley &
Zevenbergen, 2005, p. 106). Additionally, incorporating open-ended tasks with
picture problems creates opportunities for extension of mathematical thinking as
students are free to explore a range of options, as well as considering forms of a
generalised response (Sullivan, Mousley & Zevenbergen, 2005, p. 106). Open-ended
tasks allow for multiple entry and exit points, particularly important in heterogeneous
classes, whereby students can approach the task at different levels and in different
ways to suit their strengths.
I will continue to endeavour using open-ended problem-pictures to support my
teaching in the future, particularly as a way to help differentiate tasks to be inclusive
of all student abilities. By using this approach, I am able to identify individual
strengths/areas needing improvement, students levels of understanding, and the
various strategies and processes employed by students as to how they solved a given
problem (Sullivan, Mousley & Zevenbergen, 2005,).
Picture-problems will be used in my classroom to help my students make deeper
contextual links between mathematical concepts; how these can be applied to real-life
scenarios, and how mathematics is constantly evident and seen all around us. I will

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

also use problem-pictures in open-ended learning to promote healthy classroom

discourse, where students can reflect on and discuss the process they took to reach
their answer. Open-ended questions are welcomed in such an environment as they
stimulate thinking and communication (Davis, 2003, p. 38). This will not only
promote a collaborative learning environment, but one in which students can gain
insights into other possible acceptable strategies used by their peers which they can
then add to their own repertoire.

References for the rationale:

Bragg, L. A. & Nicol, C 2011, Seeing mathematics through a new lens: Using photos in
the mathematics classroom. The Australian Mathematics Teacher, vol. 67, no. 3, pp.
Davis, C 2003, Communication in the classroom, including the use of open-ended
questions, Australian senior mathematics Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 36-46.
Reys, R, Lindquist, M, Lambdin, D, Smith, N, Rogers, A, Falle, J, Frid, S & Bennett, S
2012, Helping Children Learn Mathematics, 1st edn, John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane.
Sparrow, L., & Swan, P 2005, Starting out: Primary mathematics. Victoria: Eleanor
Curtain Publishing.
Sullivan, P., Mousley, J. & Zevenbergen, R. 2005, Increasing access to mathematical
thinking. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 105-109. The
Society, St Lucia, Qld.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Problem Picture 1

My House (my letterbox)

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Problem Picture 1 - Questions

Grade level: Grade 1
Question 1
This is a two-digit number that has more tens than ones. What could the number be?
Show how you know it is correct.

Answers to Question 1

AusVELS - Number and Algebra

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Year 1: Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value

Code Elaboration: Understanding two-digit numbers as comprised of tens and


Enabling Prompt
Provide students with concrete materials such as tens frames, unifix blocks and/or
place value mats, or number lines.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Answers to Enabling Prompt

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Year 1: Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value

Code Elaboration: Understanding two-digit numbers as comprised of tens and

ones/units and;
Understanding partitioning of numbers and the importance of grouping in tens

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:
I simply incorporated the use of manipulatives to help students work out possible
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I have incorporated visual materials in the problem-picture task to provide
concreteness by limiting the amount of abstraction required. The number line, tensframe and unifix blocks offer a visual representation that students can use to help
them model the problem and illustrate the concepts.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Extending Prompt

Can you think of other two-digit numbers that have more tens than ones? Is there a
pattern that you can find with these numbers?

Answers to Extending Prompt

Answer 1:
Numbers could be: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90. All the decade numbers
have multiple groups of ten with no ones.
Answer 2:
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98;
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87;
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76;
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65;
50, 51, 52, 53, 54;
40, 41, 42, 43;
30, 31, 32;
20, 21;
The rule works for numbers 10-43 above and their doubles.
Answer 3:
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98;
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87;
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76;
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65;
50, 51, 52, 53, 54;
40, 41, 42, 43;
30, 31, 32;
20, 21;
The rule works when numbers are increased by 10 or 11.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Number and Algebra Number Patterns
Year 2: Describe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements (ACMNA035)

Code elaboration: investigating features of number patterns resulting from

adding twos, fives or 10s

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:

I encouraged students to extend their thinking to see if they could find other two-digit
numbers that have more tens than ones and then to see if they could find a
rule/pattern that they could apply to their solution.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I selected this modification because I wanted students to extend their thinking by
forming generalisations about place value. Additionally, I wanted to challenge them
to see if they could explain their thinking strategies and processes used as to how
they established their rule. Their rule that they established about place value could be
used by one of their peers, who may be struggling with the task.

Cross-Curriculum Links
Using the problem-picture as a guide, students are encouraged to draw and label
simple sketches to design and build their own letterbox. During the design process,
students experiment with different materials to see which best suits their design
functionality. With help from the teacher, students plan simple steps to complete their
own project. Additionally, they begin to engage in different forms of evaluating and
critiquing their products (Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority,
[ACARA], 2013).

AusVELS - Cross-curriculum
Cross-curriculum area, Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Design, Creativity and Technology - Design and Technologies Processes and
Production Skills
Year 1: Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas through
describing, drawing and modelling (ACTDEP006)

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Report of Trialling Problem Picture 1

Childs pseudonym, age and grade level:
Steve* is 7 years old and is currently in Grade 1.

Original Question:
This is a two-digit number that has more tens than ones. What could the number be?
Show how you know it is correct.

Childs response to the question:

Transcript of childs response:
S: It could be 32. There are already 2 ones on the letter box and if the number has
more tens in it, it must be bigger than 2, so 3 comes after 2 and it is bigger.
T: Very good. Can you think of any other numbers it could be?
S: The missing number could be anything bigger than 2. So 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. So
32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82 and 92. All these numbers have a bigger number of tens.
T: How do you know this?
S: Because we learnt about this earlier this year using blocks and groups of ten. The
tens number has to be bigger than the ones number, so it has to be bigger than 2.
Extension response:
S: Numbers could be: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and lots more like 53 and 72.
All the numbers with zeros on the end have no ones in them.

Reflection on childs response:

Steve* answered my problem-picture question as expected and with relative ease. He
understood partitioning of numbers using place value in his initial response, and was
able to justify his answer demonstrating his thinking process. He was successfully able
to state the place value of digits in his number responses. It is clear from his
responses that he has consolidated number benchmarks perceptual anchors that
become internalised from many concrete experiences, to help him with his
understanding of place vale (Reys et al, 2012, p. 156).
Reys et al (2012, p. 157) states that a tens frame is an excellent tool for facilitating
patterns, developing group recognition numbers and building an understanding of
place value. Thats why I chose to include this visual tool in my enabling prompt,
along with the number line and unifix blocks to provide more concreteness to those
who may require it.
Steve* was able to extend his thinking of place value and recognise that all decade
numbers have a greater number of tens in them than ones. Additionally, he also
highlighted numbers such as 53 and 72 where they also had more tens in them as
opposed to ones, but was unable to find any other rule to apply to these numbers.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

If I were to ask another student the same original question, I would just give them the
full two-digit number and ask them to explain it to me in terms of how many tens?,
how many ones?, does the number have more tens or more ones? etc. I
interviewed an extended family member who is very bright and Im not quite sure if
Id get the same level of response from another student seeing as place value can be
a very tricky concept to grasp for many students, even those in the upper primary
Overall, Steves response to my original problem-picture showed his ability to
successfully partition numbers using place value, which links in nicely with the
mathematical intent of understanding two-digit numbers as comprised of tens and
ones/units for Grade 1. He is well positioned for Grade 2, where they will continue to
describe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements (Australian Curriculum
Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2013).

Rephrased Question:

References for reflection on the trial of question 1:

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2013, Australian
Curriculum: Mathematics. Retrieved 26 August, 2015, from
Reys, R, Lindquist, M, Lambdin, D, Smith, N, Rogers, A, Falle, J, Frid, S & Bennett, S
2012, Counting and number sense in early childhood and primary years, in R Reys, M
Lindquist, D Lambdin, N Smith, A Rogers, J Falle, S Frid, & Bennett (eds), Helping
Children Learn Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane, pp. 139 164.


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Problem Picture 2 - Questions


Crawford Reserve, Templestowe Lower, VIC.


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Grade level: Grade 1

Question 2
What are some of the 2D shapes you can see in this picture and how can you show
me what you know about the features of these shapes by drawing, labelling and
describing them?

Answers to Question 2
Answer 1:

Answer 2:

I have many 2D shapes in my house including circles, triangles, squares and



Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task
Answer 3:






4 equal length edges


Edges arent always the same length

1 continuous curved edge


Opposite edges are parallel


2 pairs of parallel sides (like rectangles and

squares) and these sides are also equal in


AusVELS - Measurement and Geometry

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Measurement and Geometry - Shape
Year 1 Recognise and classify familiar two dimensional shapes and threedimensional objects using obvious features (ACMMG022)

Enabling Prompt

Remember when we talked about 2D shapes last year and when we used some of
these shapes from the class maths tub to create our big 2D house on the butchers
paper. Can you see if you can spot 3 of these shapes in the photo above or anywhere
else in the environment? Label, draw and describe their 2D features using words such
as sides/edges, corners and faces.

Answers to Enabling Prompt


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Answer 3:

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Measurement and Geometry - Shape
Foundation Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and threedimensional objects in the environment (ACMMG009)

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:

I reduced the amount of 2-dimensional shapes that the students had to visually
represent. They only needed to select three 2D shapes. I also made the instruction
explicit as to what they had to include when visually representing the features of 2D
shapes, as well as drawing their attention to previous tasks such as the whole-class
house making out of shapes on the butchers paper.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I reduced the amount of 2D shapes the students had to visually represent to reduce
the complexity of the task. I wanted to draw students attention to the key language
used when describing properties of 2D shapes, hence the explicit instruction. Finally, I
wanted students to realise that these sorts of shapes can be seen everywhere around
them and have been taught/touched on in the past, so I used the reminder remember
when. By using this remember when example I aimed to encourage students to think
about where similar shapes can be seen outside of the classroom environment (such
as on a house).

Extending Prompt

What is something you could say about the relationship between the features of twoand three-dimensional shapes?


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Answers to Extending Prompt

Answer 1:
2D shapes only exist in the real world as the faces of 3D shapes or when drawn on
paper (i.e. plane shapes)
Answer 2:
An edge can be a boundary of a plane 2D shape such as a side of a square. It can
also be the line where two shape faces meet in a three-dimensional shape.
Answer 3:
All 3D shapes are made of multiple individual 2D faces joined together or 2d nets.

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Measurement and Geometry - Shape
Year 2 Describe the features of three-dimensional objects (ACMMG043)

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:
I had the students consider the features of three-dimensional shapes and not just the
features of two-dimensional shapes.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I selected this modification because I wanted students to extend their thinking to see
the relationship between two- and three-dimensional shapes and how many 2D faces
are joined together to form a solid 3D shape. This links in nicely with what they would
progress to learn about in Grade 2 as per the AusVELS code above (ACMMGO43). This
problem-picture process has shown them moving from simply drawing twodimensional shapes and specifying their features to recognising the connectedness
two-dimensional shapes have with the make-up and features of three-dimensional
objects (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2013).

Cross-Curriculum Links

Using the shapes students found in the playground problem-picture, in groups of

three, they must come up with a chant/poem or song describing the features of twoand three-dimensional shapes. After rehearsing, performing to the class and receiving
feedback from their peers and the teacher, Grade 1 students will have the opportunity
to show their performances to the Grade 2 students.

AusVELS - Cross-curriculum
Cross-curriculum area, Content strand/s, year, definition and code
English - Speaking and listening (literature)


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Year 1 - Listen to, recite and perform poems, chants, rhymes and songs, imitating
and inventing sound patterns including alliteration and rhyme (ACELT1585)


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Report of Trialling Problem Picture 2

Childs pseudonym, age and grade level:
Steve* is 7 years old and is currently in Grade 1.

Original Question:
What are some of the 2D shapes you can see in this picture and how can you show
me what you know about the features of these shapes by drawing, labelling and
describing them?

Childs response to the question:

Trialling of original question:

Extending prompt answer:

2D shapes make up lots of 3D shapes. Like lots of squares are on a cube, like a dice

Reflection on childs response:

Steve* identified two-dimensional shapes within this problem-picture with ease. He

told me that he had been practising his shapes a lot at home with his Mum. As Steve*
is one of my extended family members, I was able to ask his Mum a lot about his prior
knowledge about shapes. I believe it is paramount to draw on the prior knowledge,
interests and experiences of students so as to connect students lives with learning.
Pat Thomson describes this as exploring and harnessing each childs virtual schoolbags in order to maximise their potential as successful learners (Thomson, 2008). By
doing so, you can (re-) engage students and make learning authentic and meaningful
in a real-world context. This is supported by Len Sparrow (2008) when he states in his

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

article that if children can experience real mathematics that engages them by
connecting with their interests of the moment, and also work with purposeful activities
that bring together mathematical skills and knowledge that they have, then there may
be a better chance that children will become engaged and experience success in
mathematics (Sparrow, 2008).
Additionally, Steves mother also mentioned to me that he knows quite a lot for his
age because he often likes tracing his Lego pieces onto paper and teaching his
younger brother about different shapes. Previously, he used to do the same with
building blocks when he was in Prep to construct houses.
Steve* was excited when I asked him to find the two-dimensional shapes in the picture
and when asked to write down everything he knew about them. Upon watching him
try and find the shapes in the picture, I prompted him to see if he could find any
shapes within or directly outside of shapes that he had already found. This is because
I noticed him finding it a tad difficult to locate squares within the picture and he was
adamant to find one! It was pleasing to see the way he had structured his answer,
colour-coding the shapes in the photo with his descriptions. When I asked him why he
had done this, he mentioned that his teacher had been working on this with him in
class as he often has lots of ideas but can get them all jumbled up if he doesnt set
them out properly. I trialled the extending prompt with Steve seeing as he completed
the original task to a high standard and it was pleasing to see that he was able to
apply his mathematical understanding about the relationship between two- and threedimensional shapes when he stated that lots of individual 2D faces make-up a 3D
shape. He was then able to back up this claim with an example of how many 2D
squares make up a 3D solid cube object. His response showed a deep level of
understanding for his age.
Although Steve did recognise the obvious two-dimensional shapes, I wouldve liked
him to look deeper in the photograph to spot shapes that were unintentionally created
such as the parallelograms created between the bars of the steps. This could be
because the image was taken at a distance and these hidden shapes might have
been difficult to see. If I was to do this activity again with him, I would re-take the shot
to focus on just a third of the playground where I could encourage him to slow down
and prompt him to look for those hidden or irregular shapes.
Overall, Steve* was very eager and engaged throughout the duration of this task and
the problem-picture linked nicely with the AusVELS content strand of recognising and
classifying two dimensional shapes using obvious features for his age and year level
(Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2013).

Rephrased Question:

References for reflection on the trial of question 2:

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2013, Australian

Curriculum: Mathematics. Retrieved 26 August, 2015, from

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Sparrow, L 2008, Real and relevant mathematics: Is it realistic in the classroom?

Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 4-8.
Thomson, P. 2002, 'Vicki and Thanh,' Schooling the rustbelt kids: making the
difference in changing times, Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin, pp. 1-18.


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Problem Picture 3 - Questions


My House, Templestowe Lower, VIC


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Grade level: Grade 1

Question 3
Create a way to represent how many M&Ms there are of each colour on this plate?
Describe your results.

Answers to Question 3
Answer 1: M&M pictograph

Answer 2: Table with tally marks


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

The plate has more Orange M&Ms with 13 in total. Blue and Green M&Ms had an
equal amount on the plate and they were the least Yellow M&Ms on the plate with only
Answer 3: Bar graph

AusVELS - Statistics and Probability

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Statistics and Probability Data representation and interpretation
Year 1 Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing
represents one data value. Describe the displays (ACMSP263)

Enabling Prompt
Represent any 4 of the original 6 M&M colours on the plate. Describe your results.

Answers to Enabling Prompt


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Answer 1: Column graph counting by 2s

Answer 2: Colour grouping

Answer 3: Column graph


Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Statistics and Probability Data representation and interpretation
Year 1 Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing
represents one data value. Describe the displays (ACMSP263)

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:

I reduced the amount of M&M colours that the students had to visually represent and
describe. They were free to choose any 4 colours from the original 6 colours that can
be seen in the problem-picture.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I made this modification to help simplify the amount of data that students needed to
gather then visually represent, thus reducing the complexity of the task. The thinking
required by the students is not reduced as the students will still need to think of a
strategy to visually represent the M&M data in the problem-picture. Reducing the
number of M&M colours to 4 will also help those students who find representing 6
colours too overwhelming. It may also help them draw clearer comparisons when
describing their results as there as less colours to compare.

Extending Prompt
Think of a similar problem that the class could do to help them understand how to
represent data (like the M&MS on the plate) as a graph or in a table.

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Answers to Extending Prompt

Answer 1:
Collect all the types of different fruit brought to school today by the class. Line up all
the apples, bananas, oranges etc. one under the other on the table and youll have a
Answer 2:
Write down all the different days of the week. Go around the room and ask each
person what their favourite day of the week is. Record their responses using a tally
mark against their favourite day. Once everyone has been surveyed, tally up the
results to find the totals.
Answer 3:
Use the class unifix block set to represent the favourite colours of the class. Ask each
class member what their favourite colour is and select the corresponding coloured
unifix block and place it on the table. Repeat this step placing all different coloured
unifix blocks in a straight line on the table. If another student selects a colour that is
already on the table as their favourite colour, stack another similar coloured unifix
block on top of the original one. By the end of this process, youll have a column graph

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Statistics and Probability Data representation and interpretation
Year 2 Create displays of data using lists, tables and picture graphs and interpret
them (ACMSP050).

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:
To get students to help their peers become familiar with how to make a table and/or
pictograph by thinking of a similar problem that the whole class could do to collate
and represent data in this way.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I selected this modification because I wanted students to extend their thinking to
realise that everyday events (such as names of days of the week) or items (such as
buttons) can be collated as data (similar to M&Ms on a plate) and organised into
pictographs, lists or tables for interpretation. This modification links in nicely with the
Year 1 Maths standard, that by the end of the year students should be proficient in
collating data by asking questions to draw simple data displays (ACARA, 2013). This
will be the followed in Year 2 where they will continue to create simple data displays
and start to compare the usefulness of different data displays, in terms of tables,
lists, tallies and picture graphs (ACARA, 2013).

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Cross-Curriculum Links
Provide a bag of M&Ms to each pair of students. Ask the pair to separate all the
colours into clear plastic cups. Add water to these cups and stir for a few minutes. You
now have M&M paint! The students task is to use all 6 M&M coloured paint to create
their own dot painting. This lesson would be a great follow-on activity after learning
about how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples construct visual artworks.

AusVELS - Cross-curriculum
Cross-curriculum area, Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Art Visual Art
Foundation to Year 2 Content Descriptions- Explore ideas, experiences,
observations and imagination to create visual artworks and design, including
considering ideas in artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists
Report of Trialling Problem Picture 3

Childs pseudonym, age and grade level:

Steve* is 7 years old and is currently in Grade 1.

Original Question:

Create a way to represent how many M&Ms there are of each colour on this plate?
Describe your results.

Childs response to the question:

Steve* gave me the following verbal response when I asked him to describe his
The Orange had the most on the plate. Lots and the biggest - 13. Yellow had the
smallest with 7 and Blue and Green had the same on the plate. 11
Extending prompt answer:

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

Survey the class on their favourite colour out of the Lego colours. Line up the
different colours of Lego blocks on the floor and stack colours on top using the survey
results. This is like a bar graph.

Reflection on childs response:

Steve* answered my original question as expected, addressing all M&M colours that
are visible in the problem-picture. He started by drawing a list of coloured M&Ms he
saw in the picture (left hand-column of his answer). He then counted each of the
different colours of M&Ms and wrote that numerical figure down (right hand column of
his answer) so he wouldnt forget how many of each colour there were. Finally, he
used tally marks as a way of representing the numerical amount of each colour, slowly
counting out as he drew each mark. I asked him why he had decided to use a tally to
record the data. He said to me that they use a tally in his class to record house points
on the whiteboard. Steve* said that there a four houses (red, blue, green and yellow)
and these coloured houses are stuck up on the board and whenever someone gets a
house point, they have to go up and add a new stroke to the running tally for their
house. He also stated that they use the tally marks to count on or count up and used
tallying when doing class surveys. He mentioned that most people in his class like
them as they can all count by 5s and it is easy to add on the extras as some
students dont know how big 32 is for example if just written up on the board.
From Steves response it is clear that students in his class benefit from
representational learning or organising tools, such as tallies. Reys et al, (2012, p. 436)
mentions that tables, pictographs, bar graphs and concrete graphs are great ways to
organise data to easily examine results for young children in their initial work with
data, particularly those in Foundation to Grade 2.
As can be seen from Steves extending response answer, he is familiar with the critical
features of concrete graphs and bar graphs. His strength is his ability to think of a
similar problem that the class could do to help them with their understanding of
making and drawing simple data displays (ACARA, 2013).
If I were to re-test this problem-picture on another Grade 1 student, the only
modification I might make to help with enabling would be to supply students with grid
lines to facilitate reading frequencies; labelling of bars with numerical values and to
help those students to understand the scale.
Overall, Steves response to the problem-picture question showed evidence of
mathematical knowledge of moving from the concrete, real-graph representations to
more pictorial and then symbolic representations. This links in nicely with the AusVELS
content strand for Year 1 of represent[ing] data with objects and drawings where one
object or drawing represents one data value then describing the displays
(ACMSP263), and will hold him in good stead progressing towards Grade 2 next year
(Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2013).

Rephrased Question:

Elizabeth Hondromatidis_212066134_ESM410 AT
1_Problem Pictures Task

References for reflection on the trial of question 3:

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2013, Australian
Curriculum: Mathematics. Retrieved 27 August, 2015, from
Reys, R, Lindquist, M, Lambdin, D, Smith, N, Rogers, A, Falle, J, Frid, S & Bennett, S
2012, Data analysis, statistics, and probability, in R Reys, M Lindquist, D Lambdin, N
Smith, A Rogers, J Falle, S Frid, & Bennett (eds), Helping Children Learn Mathematics,
John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane, pp. 429 458.


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