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(Ramesh Dilshan,0002580)

a) Bogoslaw, D. (2008, September 2). Solar Energy Stocks: All Fired Up. Business Week Online.
Academic Search Premier database. www.ebscohost.com (2009, June 14)
In the reference above, what is the date this article was downloaded to your computer?
2009, June 14
What is the name of the author?
Bogoslaw D.
When was the article published and in what publication (journal)?
2008, September 2, solar energy stocks
What is the title of the article?
All Fired Up
b) Hedge, T. (2005) Writing. Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Resource Books
for Teachers.
In the reference above, where was this published?
Resource Books for Teachers.
Is this an article in a journal or a book? Who is the publisher and when was it printed?
Book, Oxford, 2005
What is the title of the publication?
Writing. Second Edition
c) Dolan, K. (2005, July 25). Clean and Green. Forbes p. 111-112. from Academic Search
Premier Database www.ebscohost.com (2009, June 10)
What is the title of the article, the journal or magazine name? What does p.111-112 mean?
Clean and Green, from page 111 to 112
Where was this located and when?
Academic Search Premier Database www.ebscohost.com (2005, July 25).
d) John Jameson wrote an article published in National Geographic magazine, volume 12, issue
02, December, 2001. He entitled the article In the Valley of the Blind; it was about blind people
living on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. The article appeared on pages 54-65. Create a
Reference entry for this work.
John, J. (2001, December 02). Volume 12.National Geographic magazine: In the Valley of the
Blind p. 54-65
e) Morris, J.D., Driver, C., Muelstein, K. (1991) Comparable Technologies of Production of
Doggie Collars (Rep. No. 556). Hamilton, N.J.: Association of Dogs and Cats of America.
In the above report, where and when was it published?
Hamilton N.J and in 1991
Who wrote the report?
Morris J.D, Driver C. and Muelstein K.
Which association published it and what is the number of the report?
Association of Dogs and Cats of America and report number 556

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