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National Conference on

The Evolving Regime in Intellectual Property Protection

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and the Third World
Network (TWN) under the umbrella of the Health Economics Association of India (HEAI) will host a
three day conference on The Evolving Regime in Intellectual Property Protection on 2nd to
4thNovember, 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi. Several international, national experts,
policy makers and civil society groups would participate in the deliberations. The objective of the
conference is three-fold: one, to discuss the experience of India and other developing countries in
implementing the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) during
the past two decades, and two, would discuss the implications of the emerging regime of intellectual
property protection, especially on access to medicines and agriculture, and three, to examine the options
available to developing countries for addressing the development challenges posed by the evolving
international regime of intellectual property protection.
Some of the broad themes of the conference would include:
Experiences of implementing Agreement on TRIPS
Flexibilities under Agreement on TRIPS for developing countries;
Impact of TRIPS Agreement on agriculture;
iv. Contribution of multinational enterprises (MNEs) towards access to medicines
v. Utility of patent pools for enhancing access to medicines;
Issues arising from the emerging regime on intellectual property protection
Impact of TRIPS on access to knowledge


Utility of voluntary license including patent pool in enhancing access to medicines

Those who wish to present research papers may submit abstracts of not more than 500 words, briefly
explaining the research objectives, methods, findings, and discussion. The last day for submitting
abstracts is 30th September, 2015. Abstracts will be peer reviewed. Authors of selected abstracts would
be intimated by 10th October, 2015. Please send your abstracts to
Support for travel and boarding and lodging would be provided to authors of selected abstracts. Travel
expenses for shortest distance 3-Tier AC train tickets will be reimbursed on producing original tickets.
Conference is open to all. General participants may register by writing to,
for attending the conference proceedings.Conference registration fee of Rs. 500 can be paid in person
during the conference. Both presenters and general participants would have to pay registration fees on
the conference day.
Sakthivel Selvaraj,
Senior Health Economist/General

Biswajit Dhar,

K.M. Gopakumar,
Legal Advisor and Senior

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