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1:22. and he put all things in subjection under his feet.

This verse
continues the effect of Gods energizing the Christ, which started in verse 20.
This is a good example of the prophetic perfect: that something that will
absolutely happen in the future is placed in the past (aorist) tense
(see commentary on Ephesians 2:6; seated).
for the congregation. There is debate as whether to the church or
for the church (NIV, RSV) is more accurate. The word appoint is a
translation ofdidmi (1325 ). Didmi is used here as equivalent to
appoint. We have chosen, for the congregation as a translation of the
dative case. The dative case is generally translated either with the
preposition to or for, e.g. to the congregation or for the congregation.
Since didmiis not used to mean give but rather appoint, we felt for the
congregation was a better translation of the dative case because Christ is
appointed head over everything for the sake of the church, which was very
much Gods plan. This verse is not saying that Christ is over the head of
everything in (to) the church, but that he is head over everything, period,
for the sake of the church.

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