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Q No: 1

Data analytics:
Data analytics is a field of sciences in which different techniques are employed on raw data to
get useful information and correlation between various factors and finally conclusions are
drawn from this information. This analysis helps the companies to improve their decision
making and enhances the business productivity. Business organisations collect data of their
consumers and study various trends of the consumers using qualitative and quantitative
techniques and finally derive the conclusions from it.
Q NO: 2(a)

Google is biggest company in IT and it uses data analytics to launch new products and
identify the trends and correlations in consumers. Through data analytics, google studies
various patterns of how consumer spend their time online. These results are useful for the
google in its ad-targeting system. Many companies use Googles adverting program for their
marketing. In fact major part of its revenue from advertisement and marketing. So it is clear
that data analytics is very useful and productive for it.

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