Basic Mathematics

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BASIC MATHEMATICS Volume-2 Copyright © 2005 New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers Comfrchensice is a trademark of Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd Any kind of deceptive reproduction is prohibited under Trademark act of 1999. NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS 4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110 002 Visit us at : Offices at : Bangalore, Chennai, Cochin, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Ranchi This book or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. ‘This book cannot be sold outside the country to which it is consigned by the publisher without the prior permission of the publisher. Rs. 245.00 ISBN : 81-224-1684-5 C-05-05-103 Published by New Age International (P) Ltd., 4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002 and typesetter Pagetek, Delhi printed in India at Pack Printers, Delhi Contents Foreword vil Preface ix 1.__ Mathematical Logic . 1 L1__Introduction 1 1.2 __ Propositions 1 1,3 Logical Connectives and Compound tions Conjunction, Disjunction, Conditional, Biconditional, Negation 2 1.4 Tautology and Contradiction 9 1.5 Logical Equivalence 12 1.6 Converse, inverse and Contrapositive of a Conditional 14 24__Introduction. 21 2.2 Fundamental Principle 21 2.3___Permutation and Combination 20 2.4 Factorial of a Positive Integer 2.5__Permutation 2.5.1 Linear Permutation 2.5.2 Value of"p, 2.5.3 Value of *p, 2.3.4 Value of LO 2.6 Permutation of Things of which Some are Alike 2.7__Circular Permutation 2.8 Combination 2.8.1 Value of *, 2.8.2_ Complementary Combinations 3.__ Probability 3.1__Introduction 3.2 Terminology 3.3 Definition of Probability 3.4 Addition Rule of Probability 3.5 Conditional Probability aiSS&e RK KSBER Ris RRB xii__Contents 3.6 Multiplication Rule_ 4. Binomial Theorem 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Statement of Binomial Theorem | .1__Definitions 5.2 Partial Fractions eb B aa & is r Introduction Matrix Types of Matrices Algebra of Matrices Transpose of a Matrix Application of Matrices in fanaa Problems 1 and Variations Direct Proportion or Direct Variation RREREBE iG PEESEREERBRE BRE B RSS E GERSERBE B REREBESEREEE Copyrighted Contents _xiti 10.2 Shares_ _ 246 10.4 Termieslony a 247 11. Learning Curve. 255 LLL Introduction 255 11.2 Learning Curve 255 113 i Lenny Cae Bae 255 11.4 Graphical Representation of Learning Curve 255 11.5 Learning Curve Equation 257 12, Linear Programming 263 12.1_Introduction 263 12.2 Linear Programming 263 12.3 Solution to Linear Programming Problem 264 13._Cireles 278 Equation of a Circle = 278 14.3 Equation of the Parabola in the Standard Form 318 14.4 _ Different Forms of Parabola with Vertex (0, 0) 320 14.5 Different Forms of Parabola with Vertex (h, k) 321 15,_Limits and Continuity 343 15.1_Introduction 343 15.3 Function 343 Copyrighted material 16.3 Derivative of Some Standard Functions from First Principles 16.4 Rules of Differentiation 16.5__ Differentiation of Composite Functions 16.6 Differentiation of Implicit Functions 7 Differentiation of P ick 16.8 Logarithmic Differentiation 16.9 Successive Differentiation 17. Application of Derivatives 17.1 __Derivative as a Rate Measure 7.2 Maxi i Mind 18._ Integration 18.1 Standard Integrals 18.2 Algebra of Integrals 18.3 Substitution Method 18.4 _ Integration by Partial Fraction Method 18.5 Integration by Parts 18.6 Integrals of the Type fer F(x)]ae 19. Definite Integrals 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Properties of Definite Integrals 19.3 Application of Definite Integrals to Find Area 20. Application of Calculus in Business 20.1 Terminology Examination Corner + Blue Print + Model Question Paper 1 + Model Question Paper 2 + Model Question Paper 3 + Chapterwise Arran tion Bank * Gist and Formulae REE R BEE BBES 397 REBBE BR GER & g 3 EEE Bees BEE ges sao SBR Mathematical Logic 1.1 INTRODUCTION: Logic is the science dealing with principles of reasoning. We can find all the different ways of solving a problem by logical reasoning. The English Mathematician George Boole is the founder of mathemati- cal logic. To express the principles of reasoning, a symbolic language has been developed. This sym- bolic language is called mathematical logic or symbolic logic. Mathematical logic finds application in switching circuits, digital computers and other digital devices. 1.2 PROPOSITIONS: A proposition is a statement which in the given context is either true or false but not both. The propo- sitions are denoted by small letters p, q. 7. Examples: 1. Sum of two even integers is even integer. 2 V3 is 3. Barth is flat, 4. Delhi is the capital of Karnataka 5 6. rational number, . 7 is a prime number. . ST -2, Note: ‘The statements involving opinions, question marks, exclamatory mark, command, wish are not propositions. Examples: 1. Logic is interesting. 2. What a beautiful weather! 3. Where are you going? 4. Please sit down, 5. May God bless you. 2_Basic Mathematics ‘TRUTH VALUE: The truthness or falsity of a proposition is called its truth value. If a proposition is truc it is denoted by ‘7" and if it is false it is denoted by *F’. Example: The truth value of 1. S+6=Uis‘T. 2. ‘Asia is in India’ is F. 3. “Today is Sunday’ is cither ‘7 or ‘F” in the given context i.¢., on a particular day it is only one of 7’ or *F’. 1.3 LOGICAL CONNECTIVES AND COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS Two or more simple propositions are connected by using the words ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘if... then’, ‘if and only if". These words or phrases are called logical connectives. Any proposition containing one or more connectives is called a compound proposition. The simple propositions occurring in a compound propo~ sition are called its components. ‘TRUTH TABLE: The truth values of the compound proposition for all possible truth values of its components is expressed in the form of a table called truth table, For a compound proposition with only one proposition, Truth table consists of 2 possibilities (either T or F). For a compound proposition with two propositions truth tablé consists of 2? = 4 possibilities. For a compound proposition with 3 propositions truth table consists of 2? = 8 possibilities. CONJUNCTION: if p and q are 2 simple propositions. Then the proposition ‘p and q’ is called the conjunction of p and q. It is denoted by p Aq. Example: If p:7 is a prime number. q: 6 is an even number, then Pp Ag +7 isa prime number and 6 is an even number, ‘The truth value of the compound proposition p A q depends on the truth values of p and g. Note that the conjunction of p and g is trve only when both p and q are true, otherwise it is false. ‘Truth Table alais|s]s als] a]afs DISJUNCTION: If p and g are 2 simple propositions, then proposition ‘p or q’ is called the disjune- tion of p and g. It is denoted by p vq. Example: If p : J is rational number. Mathematical Logic 3 4g: 2 is odd number, then pvq= V2 is rational or 2 is odd number. The truth value of p v q deperids on the truth values of p and g. Note that the disjunction of p and q is false only when both p and q are false. Otherwise it is true. ‘Truth Table [eva als|ayps al s|alals v T T ¥ F r CONDITIONAL (IMPLICATION): If p and q are two simple proposition, then the proposition if ‘p .» then q’ is known as conditional or implication. It is denoted by p + q or p => q. is an even number. : 6 is divisible by 2, then p+ g:1f 6 is an even number then 6 is divisible by 2. The truth value of p -» g depends on the truth values of p and g. Note that p > q is false only when p is true and q is false. Truth Table Piped Tir] Tt T\F F Fit lelre[ or BICONDITIONAL (DOUBLE IMPLICATION OR EQUIVALENCE): Ifp and q are simple propo- sitions, then the proposition ‘p if and only if q° is called biconditional or double implication. It is denoted by p + 4. Example: If p : kis odd number. q: B is odd number, then p <> q kis odd number if and only if (iff) # is odd number. Note that p <> q involves both the conditionals p > q and q — p. 4 Basic Mathematics pergis(p—>g)a(q p) The biconditional p + q is tue if p and g are both true or both false i.e., if p and q have same truth values, Otherwise it is false. ‘Truth table Pla | pa [ap | pogie.p>gag>p) Tilt, 7 {Tt T TlF[l F T E Fi[rT[ 7 F F Fl[F[ Tt z T NEGATION: If ‘p’ is a proposition then the proposition ‘not p’ is called negation of p. It is denoted by -p. Example: If p 6 is odd number then ~p : 6 is not an odd number. If p is tue then -p is false and if p is false then ~p is true. Truth table pP\n~P T|F Fi Tt WORKED EXAMPLES I. Write the following propositions in symbols: 1. An integer is even if and only if itis divisible by 2. Solution: Let p : An integer is even. q : It is divisible by 2. + The given proposition is p< 9. 2.186 +3=7, then7-3=6 Solution: Let p : 6 +3 =7 q:7-3=6 ‘Then the given proposition is p + q 3. I play chess or I study at home. Solution: Let p : I play chess study at home. Mathematical Logic & The given proposition: p v q. 4. It is raining and the ground is wet. Solution: Let p : It is raining. q: The ground is wet. The given proposition : p 0 . 5. If it rains today then government declares a holiday and we are happy. Solution: Let p : It rains today q: Government declares a holiday r: we are happy. Given proposition: p > (¢ A 1). 6. If a number is not real then it is complex. Solution: Let p : A number is real. q: Ibis complex. Given proposition in symbols: ~p —> ¢. 7. If Rama is intelligent or hardworking then logic is easy. Solution: Let p : Rama is intelligent q: Rama is hardworking 1: Logic is casy. Given proposition: (p vg) + r. 8. If 3 is not odd and 2 is not even then 7 is not odd or 8 is not even. Solution: Let p : 3 is odd q:2iseven r: Tis odd 5: Biseven. Given proposition: (~p ~g) > (-r v ~s) IJ. Express each of the following compound propositions in sentences if ‘P: The question paper is difficult. q: I get good marks. r: I can go abroad. Lpa-q Solution: The question paper is difficult and I do not get good marks. Rqar If I get good marks, then I can go abroad. R-pagor Solution: If the question paper is not difficult and I get good marks then I can go abroad areg Solution: I can go abroad iff I get good marks. S.(p Aq) > =r 6 Basic Mathematics Solution: If the question paper is difficult and I do not get good marks then J can not go abroad. III. If p, g, ¢ are propositions with trath values T, F, T respectively then find the truth value of the following propositions: Lpa-g ss ” 4 a So Truth value of p a ~g is T when p is T and q is F pagan [e anr | p>(gar) LrlF [TF F * = BR (pager 4.9 -g)eo Ga-r wo @ ()Q) plal-@[p-a[ +] =m | delay TF) T T T|F F F Given Given Given S.p—>(q- =r) » ¢ [7 [=r [aoe | po G-9 TLFlTlFl 7? T IV. Write the truth values of the following propositions if 2p: 2is even prime number. q:J2 is rational number. +7 is a composite number. lo pa@vn Given p: 2s even number ~ True proposition. So Truth value of p: 7. Similarly Truth value of q : F Truth value of r : F Mathematical Logic _7 plate lavr| patave) TLFLF[ F F “. Truth value of p A (qv r) is F. 2 pr@ga-n plafr [=r] an-r | po @- Tie lel Ft F F Truth value of p ~ (¢ A ~ ris F. 3. potan~n Pl@ r | ar] -qa-r | po(-qa-n) TL FLT [FIT az T Truth value of p< (~¢ A= ris T. V. 1. A certain compound proposition (p 0g) —» r is known to be false. Find the truth values of p, q andr. Given: (pag)>risF This implies paqisTand ris F Us T> Fis F) > pis T,qis Tand ris F [s TaTisT] 2. A certain compound proposition (p A q) ~» (rv ~s) is known to be false. Find the truth values of p. grand s. Given: (png) (rn ~s)isk => paqisT and rv~sisF [<7 Fis F] => pisT, qisTandris F,~sisF [+ TATis Tand Fv Fis F] > pisT, qisT, ris Fandsis T. [-~ FisT]. 3. A certain compound proposition (~ pA ~q) A(rA5) is given to be True. Find the truth values of P.qQrands. Given: (~ pa~qa(ras)isT > ~ pa~qisTandrasisT => ~pisT,~qgisTand ris T, sisT [-TATisT] > pisF, gisF; ris T; sisT. [-~Tis F]. 8 Basic Mathematics VI. Construct the truth table for the following compound propositions: Ll. p+-p WARTARE Tl Fl] Ff Fi[T T Explanation: A compound proposition with one component will have 2 possibilities either T or F. Write ~p finally p -> -p. 2 pra pia |~p|~a|-po-9 TlrT[FlF T Tlrl Fir T F[r[7TlF F Fle[7r [tT T Explanation: A compound proposition with 2 components will have 4 possibilities. Write 2 T and 2F under p, alternatively 7, F under q to get all possible combinations. Now ~p is T when p is F and vice versa. ~q is T when q is F and vice versa. ~p > ~q is F only when ~p is T and ~g is F. Otherwise it is 7. 3. peng gq | pe(pag, T F T r 4. pv ~-pvq) pl -e[@ | -pva | -Ceva) | -(-pva) | TL FT| T F T | Tlre|lF{ fF T 7 | Flr |r| Tf F F Fl 7r{[r[ 7 F F Mathematical Logic _9 5. paa@vn pial [avr [paar Trlr | Ff T Til7r[Fl[ 7 T [7] F[r[ 7 T TlF[Fl F F Flr{r| 7 F F[r{F[ 7 F Flr{r|7 FP F{Fl[Fl Ff F Explanation: A compound proposition having 3 components will have eight possibilities. Write 47 and 4F under p, 27, 2F, 27, 2F under g and alternately T and F under r to get all the possible combinations of truth values. Now q v ris F only when both g and r are F. Otherwise it is T. P-A(qv ris T only when p is T and (q vr) is T otherwise it is F. 6 (p>~gerqn~r) + 7 s t (p>- 9 Ga-") T P T pe ar r F F F F als}a]apals|alals sls]a]a]s]s}als s|2]3]2]s[a[s}5 1.4 TAUTOLOGY AND CONTRADICTION A tautology is a compound proposition which is always true irrespective of the truth values of its ‘components. A contradiction is a compound proposition which is always false irrespective of the truth values of its components. Note: To determine whether a given proposition is a tautology or a contradiction, construct its truth table. If its truth value for all possibility is True, then it is tautology. If its truth value for all possibility is False then it is contradiction. Otherwise it is neither tautology nor contradiction. 10 Basic Mathematics WORKED EXAMPLES 1. Prove that p A ~p is a contradiction. P| -p| pa-~p TTF] F FLT F From the last column p A ~p is a contradiction. 2. Prove that p v ~p is a tautology. | Pe evel [Ti Fl] 7 Fl r[ 7 From the last column p v ~p is a tautology. 3. Find whether p —» ~p is tautology or contradiction or pi -~P | Pp>-P T| F F FIT T neither From the last column, clearly p -> ~p is neither tautology nor contradiction. 4. Prove that (p ~ ~g) «> q is neither tautology nor contradiction, ~9 | pang | (pa~geog F F F T F T From the last column it is clear that (p A ~g) ¢9 q is neither tautology nor contradiction. 5. Prove that (p ~> q) «> (~q —> ~p) is a tautology. ( &) ela|-a|-e[ pog | ~as-p | XeY¥ T|T] FI] F T T | T TlFe[ r[Fl F F T F([T[Fi[Tr| ft r tT Fle[?r[?ril 7 T x From the last column it is clear that (p > q) <> (~q > ~p) is a tautology. Mathematical Logic 14 6. a Prove that (p v q) A (~p A ~@) is a contradiction. s]s F F T T {7] LF] Le] ais} From the last column, the given proposition is contradiction. 7. Examine whether (p > g) (q —> 7) is a tautology or contradiction or neither 5 P- = s (e>9AG>") T sslafafals|s|sts}s a] ala}a]=|als]s]s al s}afs]a]a]s} a] slsinfalalalslsl siafals|sls}sls}y Sa] aja] =jals From the last column it is clear that the given proposition is neither tautology nor contradiction. Prove that [(p-> q) a(q-> 7)| + [pr] is a tautology P14]? loa] ar | Poaagy | pr | [p> aan) iptr) T[T[T| Fr T T T T tTlr[Fl 7 F F F T Tlr[r| F T F r T TIFF F T F [F T F[t[r] rf r € |i T F[lrilFl fr F F [7 T Fle|{[rl 7 T T [Lr T Fl[F[F[ 7 T T [7 T From the last column clearly the given proposition is tautology. 12__Basic Mathematics 1,5 LOGICAL EQUIVALENCE: ‘Two propositions X and ¥ are said to be logically equivalent if and only if they have same truth values and we write X = ¥. Note that X = Vif and only if X ¢» Y is always true or X «> ¥ is tautology. SOME STANDARD RESULTS ON LOGICAL EQUIVALENCE: 1. Prove that p = ~(~p). 12 3 p | -p | ~(-P) T|F r FLT F from column (1) and (3) p = ~(~p). 2. Prove that ~(p aq) = =pv~q 12 3 4 5 6 From columns 4 and 7, ~ (p 0.4) # =p v ~9. 3. Prove that ~(p vq) = -pa~q 1 2 3004 5 6 7 p | 4a |-p | ~¢ | pve | ~(pva) | ~pa~q T/T) FF T TIF) FT T F F FLT |r| F T F F Fi) Fi] rt |r F T T From column 6 and 7, ~ (pv q) = ~pA~q. Mathematical Logic 13 4. Prove that ~(p + q)=pa-q 12 3 4 5 6 P| a@ | p+9 | ~(p>9) | ~9 | pa-a rir? F FL F T[Fl F rT [t{ 7 F[T| 7 F F[ FP Flr] fT F TI[ F From columns 4 and 6, the given propositions are logically equivalent. S. Prove that ~ (p €> 4) = (p A~g) V (@. A -p) 1203 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pla | peg | ~(pg) | ~p | ~a | pan~q | aa~p | (pr~q)viga~p) T[rT[L Tt F FLF| F F F T| Fl F T F(t T F T F(T & T TIF FE r T F\F[ 7 T tT |T F T T From columns 4 and 9, ~(p <> 4)=(pa~q)v(qa~p) Note: The results ~(pag)=~pv~q ~(pva)=~pa-q ~(p>a)=pr~q ~ (p> g)=(pr~a)v(~ pag) are used to find the negation of compound propositions. WORKED EXAMPLES: I. Negate the following: 1. 6 is an odd number or 3 is an even number. Let p : 6 is an odd number. q:3 isan even number, Given proposition in symbol is pv 14 Basic Mathematics We know ~(pyqg)=~ pa~q +. Negation: 6 is not an odd number and 3 is not an even number. 2. He is rich and He is not happy Let p : He is rich. q: He is happy. Given: pang We know ~(pr~q)=~ pv~{~9) =~pyg ’. Negation: He is not rich or He is happy. 3. If the cow is big, then it is healthy. Let p : Cow is big. gq: Itis healthy. Given proposition in symbols: p > ¢ We know ~(p>4a)= pa~q . Negation: Cow is big and it is not healthy. 4. If the triangles are not equiangular then the sides are not proportional. Let p : The triangles are not equiangular, q: The sides are not proportional. Given proposition: p + q Its negation: ~ ( p > q) But ~(pq)= pa~q Negation: The triangles are not equiangular and the sides are proportional. 5. 6 is even if and only if it is divisible by 2. Let p : 6 is even, q: 6 is divisible by 2. Given: p< g. Its negation is ~(p €> q) But ~(pe>q)=(pa~a)v(- pag) ~. Negation: 6 is even and it is not divisible by 2 or 6 is not even and it is divisible by 2. 1.6 CONVERSE, INVERSE AND CONTRAPOSITIVE OF A CONDITIONAL Let p — q be the given conditional then the conditional g > p is called converse of p > g. The conditional ~p -» ~q is called inverse of p —> q. The conditional ~q -> ~p is called contrapositive of poe % Note that contrapositive is converse of inverse. Mathematical Logic 18 WORKED EXAMPLES: Write the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following conditionals: 1. If.x = 3, then 2 = 9. Solution: Let p : x =3,q: 7 =9. Given: p > q Converse: > p Ifx? = 9, Then x= 3 Inverse: ~p > -q Ix #3. Then 2 #9. Converse: ~q > ~p Wat 29, Then x #3. 2. If two triangles are congruent then they are similar. Let p: 2 triangles are congruent. q: 2 triangles are similar, Given: p> Converse: q>p If 2 triangles are similar then they are congruent. Inverse: pg If 2 triangles are not congruent then they are not similar. Converse: ~q>~p If 2 triangles are not similar then they are not congruent. 3. If cows can fly then birds cannot fly. Let p:: cows can fly. q: Birds can fly. Given: pra Converse of p> gisq>p Converse of po-~qis-g>p ie, If birds cannot fly then cows can fly, Inverse of prgis-p>~9 So inverse of p->~qis -p > ~(-q) p44 ie. If cows cannot fly then birds can fly. Contrapositive of prqis-q>-p : Contrapositive of p > ~q is ~(~q) > -p ie, q>p. If bieds can fly then cows cannot fly. 16 Basic Mathematics 4, If | work hard then I can score 90% and I can go for engineering. Solution: Let p: work hard. 4g: Tecan score 90% r: Lean go for engineering. Given poqan Converse. qar+p ie. If I can score 90% and I can go for engineering then I work hard, Inverse is ~paHgan ie, -p>~qver If I do not work hard then I can not score 90% or I cannot go for engineering. Contrapositive is “Gan—>-p Cqv-n>-p If I cannot score 90% or I cannot go for engineering then I do not work hard. 5. If ¢ is not irrational and 7 is rational then 6 is not even or 2 is odd. Let X : is not irrational and x is rational Y: 6 is not even or 2 is odd. Given Xo>yY Converse: ¥>X If 6 is not even or 2 is odd then e is not irrational and x is rational. Inverse: ~X73-Y Ife is irrational or x is not rational Then 6 is even and 2 is not odd. Contrapositive: -¥>-xX If 6 is even and 2 is not odd then ¢ is irrational or 7 is not rational. REMEMBER + is T only when both p and q are true otherwise it is false i + pv qis F only when both p and q are false. Otherwise it is True T. .. TAT is T otherwise it is F .. Fv Fis F otherwise it is + p> qis F only when p is truc and q is false ie., T—> Fis F otherwise it is 7. + p + q is T only when both p and q are together True or False, i.c., T €> T and F «> F is T otherwise it is F, + =pis T when p is F and vice-versa, + Tautology is a compound proposition which is always ‘true’ for all possible combinations of the truth values of its components. + Contradiction is a compound proposition which is always ‘False’ for all possible combinations of the truth values of its components. + 2 propositions X and ¥ are logically equivalent if and only if they have identical truth values. It is denoted by X= Y. + -Cpep Mathematical Logic 17 *~Paga-py-q *~PYQE-pa-g *~PIogapan| t-PeogePra~gdvcpvg * Converse of the conditional p > q is g -> p + Inverse of the conditional p > q is ~p > ~¢ + Contrapositive of conditional p -» q is ~q ~» ~p. EXERCISE Write the following compound propositions in symbols. - If a triangle is equilateral then all the sides of the triangle are equal. . IF E don’t go to picnic then I will study at home. . Sun rises in the east and earth is not flat. . fF is itvational ot 5 is real. . A number is prime if and only if it is not composite. . IF2 +244 and 6 +6 4 12, then4+7=60r5+3=9. . ABC is a right angled triangle if and only if one of the angle = 90° and square on the hypotenuse = sum of the squares on other 2 sides. 8. a+ib=x+iyiffaexandb=y. Pe IL. Ifp, q and r are 3 propositions with truth values 7, F and T respectively then find the truth values of the following: lL. (pvg)oer 2 -p(qan) 3. (paghe-(qvr) 4. (pagyvresp 5. p>(pvq) 6. (perry~q IIL. Construct the truth table for the following propositions: 1. ~pa~q 2 pamg 3. ~ pong 4. ~(p>-q) 5. (pagher(qn~r) 6. py~(paq) 7. ~p>(aar) Vv. Verity rhether the following compound propositions are tautologies or contradictions or 1. p>(pva) 2. pY~P 3. PA~P 4. pat- pv) 5. ~(-p)erp 6. (~paga(q>p) 7. (paq)vp 8. [(p>a)ag>~n)]> (p>) 9. ~pal(py~q)rq] 10. [pv@an]e[(pva)a(evr] 18 Basic Mathematics V. Find whether the following compound propositions are logically equivalent: t. (ag) >(pva)i(pva)>(pag) 2. (pvavrs pyv@vr) 3. pr(gan:(prgaip>r) 4. pqi~ pq 5. palgvn)s (pag (par) 6. ~[po(ga~nhpacavn ‘VI. Negate the following compound propositions: . Sis odd and 6 is even. Cow is not big or it is black. . If 2 liries are parallel then they do not intersect. |. I will pass the examination iff the questions are easy. Pav pag a YwaePe 7. pala) & peng VII. Find the inverse converse and contrapositive of the following: sm Oowtenn - If x is even then x? is even. . If a? + 6? = c? and a? = c? then b = 0. |. If a number is real then it is rational or it is irrational. . If Smitha gets a first class then she is either intelligent or hard working. . If 3 is not prime and 7 is not an odd number then 37 is not an even number or 73 is an odd number. po mg . (pag)>(pva) 8 p>(qon 9. p>(-q>-1) 10. (pvg)>r. ANSWERS 1 Pag 2 ~p>q 3. parg 4 py 5. por 6. (~ pa~g) (rvs) 7. pean) 8 po(gerr) ll. wee VI ERS wma Mathematical Logic 19 ~PA~q PA~q ~P>~9 ~(p>~9) F F - T F T T F F 2) F = ro i 4 T . F T F (page(qa~") poaqnr z ieee ¥ pv~(prq) T 7 r 2 r 6. T 1 r r F F Tautology 2. Tautology 3. Contradiction 4. Neither . Tautology 6. Contradiction 7. . Contradiction 10, Tautology . No, not logically equivalent. 2 . Logically equivalent. . Logically equivalent. 6 + . [tis not odd or 6 is not even Cow is big and it is not black. . 2 lines are parallel and they intersect |. I will pass the examination and the questions are not easy or I will not pass the examination and the questions are easy. va PA . PVG A-r) . (PAQ)Y (~p Ang) Neither 8. Neither Logically equivatent. . No, not logically equivalent. Logically equivalent. 20 Basic Mathematics VIL. » Inverse: If x is not even then x? is not even x ~ © Converse; If x is even then x is even. Contrapositive: If x? is not even then x is not even. Inverse: If a? + b # c? or a? # c? Then & #0. Converse: If 6? = 0 then a? °B? = c? and a = c2. Contrapositive: If b #0 then a? + b? # c? or a # ¢. Inverse: If a number is not real then it is not rational and it is not irrational. Converse: If a number is rational or it is not irrational then it is real. Contrapositive: If a number is not rational and it is not irrational then it is not real. |. Contrapositive: If Smitha is neither intelligent nor hardworking then she doesn’t get a first class. Converse: If Smitha is either intelligent or hardworking then she gets a first class. Inverse: If Smitha does not get first class then she is neither intelligent nor hardworking. |. Contrapositive: If 37 is even and 73 is not odd then 3 is prime or 7 is odd. Converse; If 37 is not even or 73 is odd then 3 is not prime and 7 is not odd. Inverse: If 3 is prime or 7 is odd then 37 is even and 73 is not odd. . Inverse: p> q Converse: ~q-> ~p Contrapositive: q > p . inverse: (~ pv ~q)>(~ pa~q) Converse: (pv q)-> (pq) Contrapositive: (~ pa ~ q)—(~ py ~ 9) - Inverse: ~ p->(gn~r) Converse: (q->r) > p Contrapositive: (ga ~1r)>~ p Inverse: ~ p> (~qar) Converse: (~q->~1)> p Contrapositive: (~ qr) >~ p . ~ pa~qr-r r>pyq ~~ pa~g Permutation and Combination 2.1 INTRODUCTION: In our daily life we come across situations where we have to select or arrange certain things out of a given number of things. This selection or arrangement involves a principle known as fundamental principle which is illustrated by the following example. Suppose that in a auditorium there are 4 different entrance doors (say J,, fy, fy and f,) and there are 5 different exit doors (say O,, O,, Os, Oy and O,). In how many ways can a person enter and leave the audi- torium? Ifa person enters the auditorium through the door 1,, he can go out by any one of the exit doors O, 0, Oy O, O,. So there are 5 ways of leaving the auditorium if the person enters it through door /,. Similarly corresponding to the entrance door I, there are $ ways of leaving the auditorium. Altogether 5 +5 +5 +5 = 20 different ways. In general if there are m different entrance doors and n different exit doors, a person can enter and leave the auditorium in mm ways. This is fundamental principle. 2.2 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE: ‘Auditoriuen Fig. 2.1 fir ‘one event can be done in m different ways and after it has been done in one of these ways, a second ‘event (which is independent of the first) can be done in ‘n” different ways then the two events together can occur in mn ways. The extension of this principle (also called the mnp ... principle) to the case of more than 2 events is obvious. Example: 1, A boy and a girl have o be selected from a group of 5 boys and 6 girls. In how may ways can the selection be made? 22 Basic Mathematics Solution: Here First operation is selecting a boy from a group of § boys. This can be done in 5 ways. After this is done, the second operation is selecting a gir! from 6 girls. This can be done in 6 ways. By fundamental principle, the total number of selections = 5 x 6 = 30 ways. 2. There are 4 candidates for the post of manager. 3 candidates for the post of officer and 5 for the post of clerk. In how many ways can these posts be filled? Solution: A manager may be selected in 4 ways, An officer may be selected in 3 ways and A clerk may be selected in 5 ways. By fundamental principle, the 3 posts together can be filled in 4 x 3 x 5 = 60 ways. Lod BS 2.3 PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION: Suppose 3 members (say a, b, c) went to a cinema where they get only 2 tickets. So it is required to select 2 members out of 3 members (a, b, c). The following selections are possible: ab, be, ca. So there are 3 ways of selecting 2 members out of 3 members. In symbols this can be written as *c,, It is called number of combination of 3 members taken 2 at a time. Now consider 3 symbols a, f and y, If we wish to arrange these letters taken 2 at a time, we get the following arrangements a8, By, yo., Ba. 7B, cry. These arrangements are called number of permutations of 3 symbols taken 2 at a time. In symbols this can be written as 4p), vote that in arrangement order is important. Therefore cf is different from Ba, whereas in selection order is not important. Hence ab is same as ba and so it is regarded as only one selection, 2.4 FACTORIAL OF A POSITIVE INTEGER: The product of first 2 natural numbers i.e. 1.2. 3.... (n— 1), mis called factorial n, It is represented by the symbol [1 or n!. -2-3..(n= lea = a(n =l)...3-2+1 So l= [2=2x1 [3=3x2x1 [4=4x3x2x1=4[3= 43 x[2 and so on. In general [= n|a=1=a(n-1)-[n=2 and so on. 2.5 PERMUTATION: An arrangement of all or part of a set of objects in some order is called permutation. If the objects are arranged along a straight line it is called a linear permutation, If the objects are arranged around a circle then it is called circular permutation. Permutation and Combination 23 2.5.1 Linear Permutation: Each of the different arrangements in a straight line that can be made by taking some or all of a number of things at a time is called linear permutation. ‘The number of permutation of n distinct things taken r at a time is denoted by "p,. 2.5.2 Value of "p,: ‘The number of permutation of n distinct things taken rat a time ie. *p, will be same as the number of ways in which r blank places can be filled up with n given objects. As the first place can be filled in by any one of the # objects, there are n ways of filling the first place. After having filled in the first place by any one of the n things, there are (n~ 1) objects left. Hence 2 place can be filled in (n ~ 1) ways. Similarly 3" place can be filled in (n — 2) ways and so on, Hence + place can be filled in (n ~ (r~ 1)) ways ie., (n —r + 1) ways, Position of the object [1 | 2% | 3” |. Namber of ways [nm | (n—i) | (n-2) (n-r+)) By fundamental principle, r places can be filled by any r of m objects in m (n-1) (n-2) ... (nr +1) ways. . "p, =n(n-I(n=2)(n—3)...(n-r+1) Muliplying and Dividing by (n ~ 7) (a —r- 1) «2-1 in RAS we get Hence value of 2.5.3 Value of *p,: The number of permutation of n distinet objects taken all at a time is "p,. It is same as the number of ways in which n blank spaces can be filled up with n given objects. [oa™ [a Position of the object | | 2 [2 1 Number of ways | n | a=1 As the first place can be filled in by any one of the # objects there are n ways of filling the first place. After having filled in the first place, 2! place can be filled in (n ~ 1) ways and so on. By fundamental principle, "py =n(n=1)(n=2)...241 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Permutation and Combination 25 [2=6x5xdx3x2x1 21720 3 | 360 ln=ls sT0 5130 * a8 ote 1 3. If %p, = 72, find n. We have [By inspection: 72 = 9 x 8}. = 4. In how many of the permutations of 7 things taken 4 at a time will (a) One thing always occur (b) One thing never occur? Solution: (a) Keeping aside the particular thing which will occur, the number of permutation of 6 things taken 3 at a time ‘py = 6x 5x4 = 120. Now this particular thing can take up any one of the four places and so the total number of ways = 120 x 4 = 480 ways. (b) Leaving aside the particular thing which has never to occur, the number of permutation of 6 things taken 4 at a time =p, =6x5%4 x3 = 360 ways. 5. How many 4 digit numbers can be formed with the digits 2, 4, 5, 7, 9. (Repetitions not being allowed). How many of these are even? Number of 4 digit numbers that can be formed with the digits 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 (without repetitions) = 5p 5x4x3x2= 120, Since we require an even number, we must have 2 or4 in the unit's place. After filling the unit's place by 2 or 4, the remaining 3 places (Ten’s, Hundred’s and Thousand’s) can be filled by remaining digits 5, 7. 9, 2 or 4 in 4p, ways 4 x 3x 2 = 24 ways. + -. Number of even numbers that can be formed ye 20rd ‘bs Th q Tt u = 2xtp, =2x24=48 6. How many numbers can be formed by using any number of digits 3, 1, 0, 5; no digit being repeated in any number: Solution: The number of single digit numbers = %p, (excluding zero) = 3. The permutation of 4 digits taking 2 at a time are 4p, but 3p, of these have zero in ten’s place so reduce to single digit number. : Numiber of 2 digit numbers = 4p, - *p,. “similarly number of 3 digit numbers = 4p, - %p,. Number of 4 digit numbers = 4p, ~ 5p, 26 Basic Mathematics Total number of numbers =3+(“p-'p)+(*es-*p2)+(4p4-"P) =34(4%3-3) +(x 3x2-3x2)4(4x3%2x1-3x2x1) =3+(12—3) +(24-6)+(24-6) =3+9+4 18+ 18=48. 7. There are 4 Kannada books, 3 Hindi books and 5 English books. In how many ways can these be placed on a shelf if the books of the same language are to be together? Solution: Since the books of the same language are to be together. Let us consider the 4 Kannada books as | unit, 3 Hindi books as another unit and $ English books as a different unit. Then we have to arrange 3 different units. This can be done in "Py =|_3=6 ways. But the 4 Kannada books remaining together can be arranged in “Py =| 4 ways. Similarly, 3 Hindi books can be arranged in |3 ways and 5 English books can be arranged among themselves in |5 ways. Number of permutations = [3 x[4{3 «|S 3K2K4KIKIKIKIKIXSK4KIKIXI 6 x 24x 6 x 120 = 103680 ways. 8. In how many different ways can 5 examination papers be arranged in a row so that the best and the worst papers may never come together, Solution: Without any restrictions the 5 exam papers can be arranged among themselves in Sp, = [5 = 120 ways. , Considering now, the best and the worst papers as a single paper, we have only 3 + 1 =4 papers. Now these 4 papers can be arranged taking all at a time inp, =4x3x2=24 ways. But in each of the 24 ways, the best and worst papers can be arranged among themselves in |2 = 2 ways. Total number of ways, where the best and the worst paper always come together = 24x 2=48, Hence required number of arrangements where best and the worst paper never come together = 120 - 48 = 72 ways. 9, In how many ways can 5 boys and 3 girls be seated in a row so that (a) each girl in between 2 boys (b) no two girls sit together (c) all the girls are together. 4 Solution: (a) First we arrange 5 boys in a row. This can be done in Sp, = [5 = 120 ways. . Consider one such arrangement: Bi 4B, 4 B,1 B, 4B, Permutation and Combination 27 ‘There are 4 places available for 3 girls, so that each girl is between 2 boys. The 4 places can be filled by 3 girls in 4p, ways = 4 x 3 x 2 = 24 ways. For one arrangement of boys, there are 24 ways of arranging girls. .. For 120 arrangement of boys = 120 x 24 = 2880 ways. (6) Again we arrange 5 boys in a row. This can be done in [5 = 120 ways. Considering 1 such arrangement +B,*B,9B,*B B+ There are 6 places available for the girls so that no two girls are together. The 6 places can be filled by 3 girls in Sp, ways = 6 x $ x 4 = 120 ways. cRequired number permutations = 120 x 120 = 14400 ways. (c) We require all the 3 girls to be together. So we consider 3 girls as one unit. Now 5 boys and 1 unit (of 3 girls) can be arranged in [5+ 1 =[6 = 720 ways. Again 3 girls, wherever they are together can be arranged in [3 =6 ways. Number of permutations = 720 x 6 = 4320 ways. “10. How many different words ean be formed with the leters ofthe word ‘ORDINATE". (a) Beginning with O (6) beginning with O and ending with E. (C) So that vowels occupy odd places. (a) Keeping ‘0’ in the first place. We can arrange the remaining 7 letters in 7 places in Tp, = |_7 ways = 5040 ways. Le ° py Number of words that can be formed with the letters of word ‘ORDINATE? that begins with 0 = 5040. (6) Keeping O in the first place and E in the last place, the remaining 6 letters can be arranged in 6 place in %p, = [6 = 720 ways. Ce “Pe In the word ‘ORDINATE? O, I, A, E are vowels. There are 4 odd places and 4 vowels. The 4 vowels can be arranged in 4 odd places in 4p, =[4 ways = 4 x 3.x 2x 1 = 24 ways. (©) 28 Basic Mathematics Remaining 4 even places can be occupied by remaining 4 letters in 4p, ways =|4 ways =24 ways. -. Total number of permutations = 24 x 24 = 576. 11, If the letters of the word MAKE be permuted and the words so formed be arranged as in dictionary what is the rank of the word? Solution: The alphabetical order of the letters is AEKM. If A is fixed in Ist place, the other 3 letters can be permuted in |3 = 3x2 =6 ways. ‘The number of words begin with A = 6. Similarly the number of words which begin with E and K = [3 =6 each. The words beginning with M are MAEK and MAKE. ‘ Rank of the word = 6 +6+64141 = 20, 12. Prove that the number of ways in which n books can be placed on a shelf when 2 particular books are never together is (n=2)-|n=1 Solution: Regarding the 2 particular books as one book, there are (n ~ 1) books now, which can be arranged in *“'p,_, =[n=1 ways, Now these two books can be arranged in [2 ways. Therefore the ‘umber of permutations in which 2 particular books are always together = [2.[n—1. nat The number of permutations of n books without any restriction =[n. ++ The number of permutations in which 2 particular books never occur together =[n-(24n-1 =n-[m=1-2[a-1 =[n=1(n-2) =(0-2)[n-1 Hence proved. 2.6 PERMUTATION OF THINGS OF WHICH SOME ARE ALIKE ‘Theorem: If x is the number of permutations of n things taken all at a time of which one set p are alike, another set g are alike and so on. Then prove that Permutation and Combination 29 Proof: Replacing p like objects by ‘p’ unlike objects, q like objects by ‘g’ unlike objects and so on, we arrive at a stage where all n objects are 1. By permuting these unlike objects amongst themselves each of the x permutations would give rise to | p-[¢ ... permutations. Hence x permutations give rise to 2+(p-[q..-. But the number of permutations of n distinct objects taken all at a time = [n. ipa =i = zal, tela WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. In how many ways can letters of the word ‘INDIA’ be arranged? Solution: There are $ letters in the word ‘INDIA’ of which I occur 2 times, Number of words possible = =5x4x3= 60, 2. In how many ways ean the letters of the word PERMANENT" be arranged so that 2E’s are always together, Solution: There are 9 letters in the word ‘PERMANENT of which E occurs 2 times, N occurs 2 If E's are together, taking them as one letter we have to arrange 8 letters in which N occurs two times. fe. Number of arrangements = | =8X7K6X5x4 x35 20,160 3. In how many ways can be letters of the word ‘HOLLOW’ be arranged so that the 2L's do not come together. Solution: There are 6 letters in the word HOLLOW in which L occurs 2 times, © occurs 2 times. Number of arrangement (22 OXSx4 «342 2xtx2xl = 180. If 2 L’s are together, taking them as one letter, we have to arrange 5 letters in which O occurs 2 times. is Nomnbes of arrangements in which 2 Liv are togeher= >= S34 x3 = 60, Number of arrangements in which 2L’s do not come together = 180 ~ 60 = 120. 30 Basic Mathematics 4. Find the number of permutations of the word “EXCELLENCE". How many of these permutations (#) begin with E (ii) begin with E and end with C (iif) begin with E and end with E (iv) do not begin with E. Solution: The word “EXCELLENCE! contains 10 letters of which E occurs 4 times C occurs 2 times, L occurs 2 times. i} Number of permutations = _10%9KBX7x6xS _ s7499, 2x1x2x1 (@) Put E in the first place and arrange the rest. Now there are 9 letters of which E occurs 3 times, L occurs twice and C occurs twice. Number of permutations = (2. 312-12 _ 9x87 x 6x54 2x1x 2x1 = 15,120, (ii) Put E in the first place and C in the last place, and arrange the rest. There are 8 letters of which E occurs 3 times, L occurs twice. gos ele Number of permutations ==> 8x 7x6 «5x4 | 2 (ii@) Put one E in the first place and another E in the last place and arrange the rest. There are 8 letters ‘of which E occurs 2 times, L occurs twice and C occurs twice. 3360. Number of permutations = F> BxTx6xSx4K3 ~~ Fxdxaxd = 5040. (iv) Number of permutations that do not begin with E = Total number of permutations. — Number of permutations that begin with E. = 37800 - 15120 = 22680. 5. How many numbers less than 3 millions can be formed using the digits of the number 2123343? Permutation and Combination 31 Solution: tor Since the number should be less than 3 millions, we can have either 1 or 2 in the million’s place. Keeping | in the million’s place and arranging the rest. There are 6 numbers 2, 2, 3. 3. 3, 4 of which 2 repeats twice, 3 occurs thrice. 6 Number of numbers = a sagt = 60. Now keeping 2 in the million's place and arranging the rest. There are 6 numbers 1, 2, 3, 3.3, 4 in which 3 occurs thrice. Booxsxa B = 120. ‘Total number of numbers less than 3 millions. = 60 + 120 = 180. Number of numbers = 2.7 CIRCULAR PERMUTATION: If we have to arrange 4 leters A, B, C, D in a row. Then 2 of the arrangements would be ABCD, BCDA and we treat these two arrangements as different. But if we arrange along the circumference of the circle, the two arrangements »€}» and “(_}« are one and the same. So we conclude that circular permutations are different only when the relative order of the objects is changed: otherwise they are same. In circular permutation of n different things one thing is kept fixed and the balance (n ~ 1) things are arranged relative to it in [n—1 ways. If the clockwise and anticlockwise orders are distinguisheu, the required number of permutations = n=l Number of ways in which m persons can occupy the chairs in a round table = [1-1 If the clockwise and anticlockwise orders are not distinguished then required number of permuta- wo! tions = ==. 2 32_ Basic Mathematics n=l Number of ways in which » flowers or n beads are strung to form garland or necklace est WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. In how many ways 5 people sit around a table? Solution: Fixing the position of one person, the remaining 4 persons can sit around a table in 4 ways =4x3x2x1l=24. 5 people can sit round a table in 24 ways, 2. In how many ways can 7 different jewels be strung into a necklace? Solution: Keeping one jewel fixed, remain 6 jewels can be arranged in [6 = 720 ways. Since clockwise and anticlockwise arrangements are same, Required number of permutations. i 720 = 360 ways ; 3. In how many ways can 7 people be arranged at a round table so that 2 particular persons always sit together. Solution: First, the two particular persons can be arranged in [2=2 ways... Considering them as one fixed person, the remaining 5 persons can be arranged in [5 = 120 ways. The required number of permutation = 120 x 2 = 240. 4. A round table conference is to be held between delegates of 9 countries. In how many ways can they be seated if 2 particular delegates must not sit next to each other? Solution: The number of ways in which 2 particular delegates must not sit next to each other = Total number of permutations — Number of permutations in which 2 particular delegates sit next to each other. Now Total number of circular permutations of 9 delegates = [9-1 =[8 Considering 2 delegates as one fixed person, the remaining 7 delegates can be arranged in [7 ways. 2 delegates again can be arranged in |2 ways. :. Number of permutations in which 2 particular delegates sit next to each other = [7x2 +. Required number of permutation =[8-[7x2=8|7-[7x2=[7(8-2) = 6[7 = 30240 5. In how many ways can 6 persons sit around a table so that all shall not have the same neighbours in any 2 arrangements? Solution: 6 persons can sit round a table in [5 = 120 ways. But cach person will have the same neighbours in clockwise and anticlockwise arrangements. Permutation and Combination 33 P {s Required number of ways = 6 In how many ways can 4 gentlemen and 4 ladies sit down together at a round table so that no two ladies may come together. Solution: Let the gentlemen first take up their seats. They can sit in [3 = 6 ways. When they have been seated, there remain 4 places for the ladies each between 2 gentlemen, Therefore the 4 ladies can sit in 4 places in [4 = 24 ways. Required number of ways = [3 [4 = 6x 24 = 144. 2.8 COMBINATION Each of the different groups or selection which can be made by taking some or all of a number of things al a time (irrespective of the order) is called a combination. ‘The number of ways of selection of n different things taken r at a time is calied the number of combination of n different things taken r at a time. It is written as “c,. 2.8.1 Value of *¢,: The number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time can be arranged in |r ways. "c, combinations will produce “c, x|r permutations. Now %c, x[r = Number of permutations of n different things taken rat a time ="p, "eo xLE="P, ne a Pe c= > ar . n But p= [n= Note: (1) When r=n. {. When r =n. 34__ Basic Mathematics 2. When r=0 3. When r= 1. 2.8.2 Complementary Combinations: 1. Prove that "c,="c,_, Proof: |. By using formula for "c,: LHS: “Eee afl) n a RUS: Se poner [amr [ror "eqep 2 " [a=r i= wf2) ge From (1) and (2) Proof: By analytic method: “c, is selecting r things from n things. If we select r things from n things then (n ~r) things are left. *. For every combination of (n ~7) things, there corresponds a combination of r things. , -» Hence proved. 2 te, 2. Prove that "c, +",_, ="*!c, Proof: By using formula for *c, LHS: "0, + "yp -—lt_,__le___. [azrle [wale Lest n [zar4l[r=1 [a @=r4l)-[n—rr—1 Permutation and Combination 38 Proof by analytic method: ** 'c, is the total number of combination of a + 1 things taken rat a time which is nothing but the combination that contain a particular thing ("c,) plus the combination that do ‘not contain a particular thing ("e,_ ,). ie, Mle, wey Meat WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. Find the value of (i) 7c, (ii) Sc, + 8c, (i) We have a TXOXSX14 55 “[4x3x2x1 (i) Sey +5, = He, = 8c, [eet ens =™c] fiw fy = 1k 8X5 Ld os 6-2(2 [4-2 OR Se ate lS 5 a* "5-22 5-1 Sxdx13 Slt Bx2 a1 =1045=15. 36_ Basic Mathematics 2. Find 1 if qq = "cy Solution: In the formula *c, = ",_, We observe r+ n =r =n "emg =" => 20+6=n => n= 26. 3. Ife, Cay find "ea ey = "xy => ae7+23 asi Now. = 4. 16%, = Mea, then find r. Given ena = ear = r#2=2r-6 246=2r-r => r#24+2r-6=20 > 6. If "cy = 24 %cq, find n. Permutation and Combination 37 7. If "p, = 60 and "c, = 10, then find n and r. Solution: We have “c, =——= le Given: n(n-1)=72 n(n-1)=9x8 (By inspection) n=9. "cs =24-"c ns 124, & ard = =6 “eB r=3 "P,= "py = 60 n =60 n~3 21.60 2130 3[1s 5LS. n(n-1)(n-2)=60 1 n(n=1) (n-2) 25K 4x3. (By inspection) ass. parte [eee r+re2=18 2r=16 = r=8. 8-515 2 BX7x6x 3. 3xaxlx[s 9. In how many ways can 4 persons be selected from amongst 9 persons? How many times will a particular person be always selected? Solution: The number of ways in which 4 persons can be selected from amongst 9 persons ag = LD DBT X6 “oasis 4x3x2x1 Let a particular person is selected always. Then we have to select 3 persons from the remaining 8 126. persons. This can be done in *c, ways = 56. 18 . 8-3-3 | 10. A student has to answer 7 out of 10 questions in an examination. How many choices has he, if he must answer the first three questions. Solution: There are 10 questions of which a student must answer first 3 questions. Remaining 4 questions (-> he has to answer 7 questions) can be selected among 10 - 3 = 7 questions in 7c, ways. Number of combinations = "cy “aoa _7x6x5x|4 3x2xix|4 = 35 ways. 11, In how many ways 5 red and 4 green balls can be drawn from a bag containing 7 red and 8 green balls. i 1 12 Solution: Number of ways of drawing 5 red balls from 7 red balls = ey = >< . Tx6x|5 =21 2x5 Permutation and Combination 39 Number of ways of drawing 4 green balls from 8 green balls = "cy = 8 geal xTx6x5_ 4x3x2x1 Total number of ways (By fundamental principle) = 70x21 = 1470, 12, Find the number of (a) Straight lines (6) triangles that can be drawn from 20 points of which 4 are collinear. Solution: Two points are needed for a straight line. If none of the 20 points are collinear then we would get %c, straight lines. But 4 points are given to be collinear, So we would not get ‘cy lines, instead we get only one straight line containing all the 4 points. Number of straight lines = 7c, — 4c, +1 ai 20=2-[2 [4=2-[2 20x19 4x3 oz!) 483 2 2 = 190-641 = 185. (b) We need 3 non-collinear points for a straight line, If none of the 20 points are collinear then we would get ?c, triangles, Since 4 points are given to be collinear, we would not get ‘c, triangles 1 from these points. Number of triangles 1 ___it 20-33 [4-33 = 1140 - 4 = 1136. 13. A committee of 10 members is to be chosen from 9 teachers and 6 students. In how many ways this can be done if (i) The committee contains exactly 4 students. (ii) There is to be a majority of teachers. (iii) There are atleast 4 students. (iv) There are at most 7 teachers. Solution: (@ The committee contains exactly 4 students and 10 - 4 = 6 teachers. 4 students can be selected out of 6 students in °c, ways and 6 teachers out of 9 teachers can be selected in %c, ways. 40_Basic Mathematics The number of selections =®c, x %, (By fundamental principle) ii) (iii) (iv) - 6 - 9 [6-4-4 9-616 6xSx|4 9x8x7x16 Dx dx [4 * [6x3x2x1 = 15 x 84 = 1260. As there is to be majority of teachers, the committee may consist of (a) 6 teachers 4 students (b) 7 teachers 3 students (©) 8 teachers 2 students (d) 9 teachers | student. Number of selection = (a) %g x °c, = 1260 (b) %ey x cy = 720 (0) eq x Seq =135 (d) ey x%ey =6 ‘Total number of selections = 1260 + 720 + 135 +6 = 2121. As there is to be at least 4 students, the committee may consist of (a) 4 students 6 teachers (6) 5 students $ teachers (c) 6 students 4 teachers, Number of selections = (a) °ey x 9cg = 1260 (b) %es x 8s = 756 (0) %cg x Peg = 126 So Total number of selections = 1260 + 756 + 126 = 2142. As there is to be atmost 7 teachers, the committee may consist of (a) 7 teachers and 3 students (b) 6 teachers and 4 students {c) 5 teachers and 5 students (d) 4 teachers and 6 students. Permutation and Combination 41 Number of selections = (a) °c, xc, =720 (b) Peg x cg = 1260 (0) cq x ®es = 756 (d) Seq x eg =126 Total number of selections = 720 + 1260 + 756 + 126 = 2862, 14. A team of eleven is to be chosen out of 16 cricketers of whom 4 are bowlers and 2 others are wicket keepers. In how many ways can the team be chosen so that there are at least 3 bowlers and at least one wicket keeper. Solution: 4 Bowlers 2 Wicket keepers 10 others (a) 3 1 7 {by 4 1 6 (ec) 3 2 6 (d) 4 2 5 Number of ways (a) 4c, x7e, xc, = 960 (6) Sey xe, x cg = 420 (e) ey x7eq x Meg = 840 (d) Seq x 7ey x cq = 252 Total number of ways = 960 + 420 + 840 + 252 = 2472. 45. Arun has 7 friends, 4 of them are boys and 3 are girls. His sister, Aalekya has 7 friends, 4 of them are girls and 3 of them are boys. In how many ways can they invite for a party of 3 girls and 3 boys. So that there are 3 of Arun’s friends and 3 of Aalekya’s friends. Anun's friends Aalekya's friends 3 boys 4 girls . Number of selections: (0) 4e5 x eg x 3e9 x *cy = 16 (b) ey xc; xe, x *cy = 324 (0) ey x eq x ey x Sey = 144 (d) eg x3es x Fey x 4ey =1 . Total number of selections = 16 + 324 + 14441 16. = 485, How many diagonals are there in # octagon? Solution: Number of diagonals in octagon = *c, -8 =20. REMEMBER: Pr “po=h * "pelt * "psn Permutation of 1 objects of which p objects are of one kind, g are of another kind and so on is te ile ~ Number of circular arrangement of n persons round a table = [n-1 Number of circular arrangement of n beads or n flowers to form a necklace or garland = bs. ['> octagon has 8 sides) Permutation and Combination 43 “e+ "4="c, Number of straight lines that can be drawn from n points of which p points are collinear = Wey Peg +1. Number of triangles that can be drawn from n points of which p points are collinear = "c, ~ "cy. Number of diagonals in a polygon of n sides = "c, ~ n. EXERCISE I. Find the value of: 1. ™p, 2. p, 3. Moy 4. Bey 5. Meg IL Find a if 1. "p,=90 2. "ce, =20 IH. Find rif 1, §p, = 360 \. Np = 156 IV. Find n and rif 1. "p, = 240 and%e, = 120 ~/2, tp, = 336 and"c, = 56 v 4 If "p, = 12, "p, = 120, find n. If "p, = 56, "p, = 120, find n. VL 1, How many 3 digit numbers can be formed by using the digits 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2 (repetitions not allowed)? (a) How many of these are less than 400? (6) How many of these are multiples of 5? (c) How many of these are multiples of 2? 2. In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘STRANGE’ be arranged so that (a) The vowels never come together. (6) The vowels are never separated. 3. A shelf contains 6 Hindi books, $ Kannada books and 8 English books. In how many ways can they be arranged so that (a) Hindi books are together? (6) Hindi books are together and Kannada books are together. + 2 = = 2 10, u 12. 13. Basic Mathematics 20. 21. L I. 1 1 (©) Books of the same languages are together. (d) No two English books are together. How many arrangements of the letters of the word SUNDAY can be made if the vowels are to appear only in the odd places. |. How many numbers of four different digits can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2. 3. 4, 5? How many of them are even? If the letters of the word GATE be permuted and the words so formed be arranged as in a dictionary what will be the rank of the word? Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word INSTITUTION, when all the letters are taken at a time. How many of them (i) Have 31's together (ii) begin with 2N's. Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word ASSASSINATION. How many of them (i) have 3 A’s together (ii) begin with 2 N's. Find the number of permutation of letters of the word TOMORROW. How many of them have (i) 30's together, (ii) End with 2R’s. Find the number of ways in which 6 different beads can be arranged to form a necklace. In how many ways can 5 persons sit around a table. In how many ways can 4 boys and 4 girls be seated round a table so that no two boys are adjacent. In how many ways can 7 persons sit around a table so that all shall not have the same neighbours in any two arrangements? A round table conference is to be held between delegates of 20 countries. In how many ways can they be seated if 2 participants may wish to sit together always, 5. (i) If ey = "eg find n. (it) Ie, _ 4 = Bea, « y then find 7. . From 8 lecturers and 4 students a committee of 6 is to be formed. In how many ways can this be done so that the committee contains (i) exactly 2 students (ii) atleast 2 students. How many (i) straight lines (ii) triangles are determined by 12 points, no three of which lie on the same straight line, ‘How many (i) straight lines (i) triangles are determined by joining 20 points in a plane of which 6 are collinear. . In how many ways a student can choose 8 questions from a set of 12 questions if the questions 1 and 10 are compulsory. Find the total number of diagonals of a hexagon. Out of 3 books on maths, 4 books on Physics and 5 books on Chemistry, how many collections can be made, if each collection consists of (® exactly one book on each subject (i) at least one book on each subject. ANSWERS 720 2. 132 3. 6435 4. 56 5. 1001 n=10 2, n=6. Permutation and Combination 45 -nsd . 120 . (a) 3600 - (a) LIZ L6 144 300, 156 14 uu Bae a 2ne8 (a) 40 (b) 20 (c) 40 (b) 1440 (6) 10-16-15 © BSS 18 (i) 30240 (i) 10080 10 @ B (i a (@ 360 (i) 120 @ 12 (i) 672 (i) cy i) 1120 (ii) 3255. (d) (Uy Probability 3.1 INTRODUCTION: The term probability refers to the chance of happening or not happening of an event. The theory of probability provides a numerical measure of the elements of uncertainity. It enables us to take decision under conditions of uncertainity with a caleulated risk. The theory of probability has its origin in the games of chance, related to gambling for instance throwing a dice or tossing a coin, Generally speaking, the probability of an event denotes the likelihood of its happening. The value of probability ranges between zero and one. If an event is certain to happen its probability would be | and if itis certain that the event wouldn't take place, then the probability of its happening is zero, Ordinarily in social sciences probability of the happening of an event is rarely 1 or O. The reason is that in social sciences we deal with situation where there is always an element of uncertainity about the happening ‘of not happening of an event. 3.2 TERMINOLOGY: Before we give definition of probability, it is necessary that we familiarise ourselves with certain terms that are used in this context. (® Random experiment: It is an experiment which if conducted repeatedly under homogeneous conditions doesn’t give the same result. The result may be any one of the various possible out- comes. For example: If a die is thrown it wouldn't always fall with number 3 up. It would fall in any one of six ways which are possible. (i) Trial and event: The performance of a random experiment is called a trial and the outcome ~ an event. Event could be either simple or compound (or composite). An event is called simple if it corre- sponds to a single possible outcome. Thus in tossing a die, the chance of getting 3 is a simple event (*° 3 occurs in a die only once). However the chance of getting an odd number is compound (‘+ odd numbers are more than one — 1, 3 and 5). (iii) Exhaustive cases: All possible outcomes of an event are known as exhaustive cases. In the throw ofa single die the exhaustive cases are six, as the die has only 6 faces each marked with different Probability 47 numbers. Similarly the number of exhaustive cases in tossing 2 coins would be 4: HH, HT .TH and TT (H-Head, T-tail). (iv) Favourable cases: The number of outcomes which result in the happening of a desired event are called favourable cases. Thus in a single throw of a die the number of favourable cases of getting an odd number are 3 (i.c. 1, 3 and 5). (v) Mutually exclusive cases: Two or more cases are said to be mutually exclusive if the happening of any one of them excludes the happening of all others in a single experiment. Thus in a throw of a single die, the events 5, 4 and 3 are mutually exclusive. (vi) Equally likely cases: Two or more events are said to be equally likely if the chance of their happening is equal, i.e., there is no preference of any one event over the other. Thus in the throw of a die, the coming up of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 is equally likely. (vii) Independent and dependent events: An event is said to be independent if its happening is not affected by the happening of the other events. So in the throw of a die repeatedly coming up of 5 on the first-throw is independent of coming up of S again in the second throw. However we are successively drawing cards from a pack without replacement, the event would be dependent. 3.3 DEFINITION OF PROBABILITY: We can define probability in 3 ways (® Mathematical or classical definition. (id) Statistical or Empirical definition. (iii) Subjective approach or set theoretic approach definition, (0 Mathematical or classical definition: If there are ‘n’ mutually exclusive, exhaustive and equally likely simple events in a trial, ‘m” of them are favourable to the occurrence of an event A. Then probability or chance of occurrence of A equal to Number of favourable cases Total number of all poss equally likely cases P(A)= P(a)=™, a Note: 1. Since O< m P(A)+ P(A) =1, 4. The main disadvantage of mathematical method is that it fails when there are infinite number of possible outcomes and it cannot be applied to trials where the outcomes are not equally likely. (1#) Statistical or Empirical definition of probability: If a random experiment is repeated for an indefinitely large number of times under identical conditions, then the limiting value of the ratio of the number of times an event accur to the total number of trials is said to be the probability of occurrence of the event, provided the limit is a definite finite number. If Tis the number of trials and event A occurs f times in ‘T" trials, then the probability of occurrence of event A is given by probability = P(A) = Jim (4) ( We use this method when the elementary events are not equally likely and the exhaustive number of cases in a trial is infinitehe limitation of this method is that in practice an identical experimental condition doesn’t exist while repeating a random experiment for a large number of times. Moreover the relative frequency ie. £ may not attain a unique limiting value when T —> ») (iii) Subjective probability or set theoretic approach: A set of points representing all possible elementary outcomes of a random experiment is called the sample space ($). The number of all possible sample points in the sample space S is represented by m (S). The definition of probability is based on the following assumptions. (i) Total number of elementary events in the sample space ($) is finite say N (ii) N elementary events of the experiment are equaily likely. Number of elementary events favourable to event A P(A)= (4) =Total numberof equally elementary evens In. Probability 49 (4) ___Number of sample points i n(S) Total number of sample points in S. Note: A pack of cards contain 52 cards, 26 red cards and 26 black cards. Among 26 black cards, 13 are calavar and 13 are spade. Among 26 red cards, 13 are Diamond and 13 are hearts, Each symbol contain A, Q, K, J, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. (13 cards) So there are 4 A’s, 4 Q's, ... 4-10's. A is also known as Ace. Face cards are A, Q, K and J. WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. If one card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. Then find the probability of each of the following. (a) Drawing an ace card, (b) Drawing a face card, (c) Drawing a diamond card, (d) Drawing either spade or hearts, (e) Not drawing an ace of hearts. Solution: (a) One card ean be drawn out of $2 cards in 2c, = 52 ways = (5). One ace card can be drawn out of 4 ace cards in 4c, = 4 ways = n (A). Number of favourable cases a THAY ‘-Probability of drawing an ace card = 77-7 omber of all possible equally likely cases” m{(S) 41 21 (b) A face card can be drawn out of 12 face cards in 7c, = 12 ways. ¢.Number of favourable cases = 12 ‘Total number of all possible a likely cases = %e, = $2 3 Probability of drawing a face card =—— & “7 (c) A diamond card can be drawn out of 13 diamond cards in '%c, = 13 ways. s-Probability of drawing a diamond card wat 524° (d) There are 13 spade and 13 hearts cards in a pack of cards. Either a spade or a heart can be drawn, in Me, = 26 ways. 50 Basic Mathematics *; Probability of drawing either a spade or a hearts card = 5 8 le (e) There is one ace of hearts. 1 Probability of drawing an ace of hearts = 35. Probability of not drawing an ace of hearts = 2. Three balls are drawn at random from a bag containing 6 blue and 4 red balls. What is the probability that two balls are blue and one is red? Solution: The bag contains (6 + 4) = 10 balls. 3 balls can be drawn out of 10 balls in %cy = ——UO_ 2 120 ways, 0-3-3 «Total number of cases = 120, & «lt. . Now 2 blue balls can be drawn out of 6 in ®c, = 6-22 = 15 ways. 1 red ball can be drawn out of 4 in 4c, = 4 ways. blue balls and 1 red ball can be drawn in 15 x 4 = 60 ways. -Number of favourable cases for the event = 60. Od 120° 2 3. Three unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of obtaining (a) all heads (6) two heads (©) one head (d) atleast one head (e) atleast two heads (f) All tails, Solution: There are 2? = 8 mutually exclusive exhaustive and equally likely cases HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, HTT, THT, TTH, TTT. --Probability of drawing 2 blue balls and 1 red ball = (a) Probability of all heads = [There is only one HHH amongst 8 possiblities] 3 [HAT (6) Probability of 2 heads = —->| HTH THH (c) Probability of 1 head = 1TH (d) Probability of atleast one head = i Probability 5% ‘HHH ” 4_1 | HHT (e) Probability of atleast 2 heads = [=>] gry THH 1 (A) Probability of all tails = 3 4. The marks obtained by 100 students are given below. [ Marks: 0-10 [11-20] 21- 30131-40141 - 50 [51-60 [61 - 70] 71 - 80 [81-90] 91-100 [No. of students | 5. 10 13 14 17 7 u 8 9 6 ‘Ifa student is selected at random from the entire group of 100 students, find the probability that his marks (i) is under 40. (i/) above 50 (iii) either between 31 to 40 or 41-50. (@ Total number of students = 100. Number of students obtaining marks less than 40 = 5 + 10 + 13 + 14 = 42. Am Required probability = 755 = 3p" (i) Number of students scoring above 50 =74+11+849+6=41 41 Required probability = 755 (ii) Number of students obtaining marks between 31 to 40 = 14 and number of students obtaining marks between 41 to SO = 17. ‘Total number of students whose score is either between 31 to 40 or 41 to 50 = 14 + 17 = 31. 31 Required probability = Toy 5. If a pair of dice is thrown, find the probability that the sum of digits is neither 7 nor 11. Solution: A pair of dice is thrown. n(S)=6x6=36, Let A be an event of getting the sum 7 and B be an event of getting the sum 11. Then A= ((1, 6). (2, 5), G. 4), (4. 3). (5. 2), (6. 1} n(Ay=6 B= {(5, 6) (6, 5)} n(B)=2. n(A) _ 6 Probability of geting 7 = “5 (5) "36° $2_ Basic Mathematics n(B)_ 2 Probability of getting 11 = 7 (9) = 36° 6 Probability of getting either 7 or 11 = 36 8 WT Probability of getting neither 7 nor 1] = |}-—=—= ability of getting tas: 3.4 ADDITION RULE OF PROBABILITY: Statement: If A and B are 2 events, then probability that at least one of them occurs is given by P(AU B)= P(A) + P(B)- P(AMB) Proof: Consider the Venn diagram. The shaded portion denotes AUB, i.c., set of all outcomes where some of the outcomes are common to both A as well as B. So P (AUB) is the probability of happening of atleast one of the events A and B. Fig. 3.1 P (A) + P (B) is the sum of all the probabilities in A and all the probabilities in B. ‘So the probability in A 7 B has been added twice in P (A) as well as in P (B). So we must subtract P(A B) once from P (A) + P (B) to obtain probabilities in AUB. P(AU B)= P(A)+ P(B)- P(AMB) Corollary: If A and B are mutually exclusive, then P (AUB) = P (A) + P (8) Proof: From addition rule we have P(AU B) = P(A) + P(B)~ (ANB) Since A and B are mutually exclusive, A and B are disjoint sets. ANB=6 vu > P(ANB)=0 P(AU B)= P(A) + P(B)—0 = P(AUB)= P(A) + P(B) Probability 53 Note: 1. P (AUB) means P (A or B) i... probability of happening of atleast one of the events A and B. P (A.B) means P (A and B) i.e., probability of happening of both the events A and B. 2. P(AUBUC) is probability of happening of atleast one of the events A, B and C. It is given by addition rule as P(AU BUC)= P(A) + P(B)+ P(C)~P(ANB) ~P(BQC)- P(CAA)+ P(AN BOC) This can be proved by writing the Venn diagram. WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. A ticket is drawn from a bag containing 25 tickets bearing number 1, 2. 3, .... 24, 25. Find the probability of its bearing a number which is cither even or a multiple of 3. Solution: The events ‘even number’ and ‘a multiple of 3° are not mutually exclusive as there are some numbers which are even as well as multiples of 3. Ex: 6, 12, 24. 7 P (an even number or a multiple of 3) = P (an even number) + P (a multiple of 3) ~ P (an even number and a multiple of 3) P({2, 4, 6, 8, ..., 24}) + PA(3. 6, 9. .... 24)} - PA(6, 12, 24)} 22,8 3 17 22,435.77. 25 25 25 25 [Since there are 12 even numbers from | to 25, 8 multiples of 3 and 3 numbers which are even as well as multiples of 3 from 1 to 25). 2. What is the probability of getting either total of 7 or 11 when a pair of dice is tossed? Solution: Total outcomes when a pair of dice is tossed = 6 x 6 =36. The events ‘a total of 7' and ‘a total of 1!" are mutually exclusive events. P (a total of 7 of 11) ~ P (a total of 7) + P (a total of 11). 84 Basic Mathematics = P (6. 1), (5. 2), (4, 3) (3, 4) (2. 5) (1, 6)} + P U6, 5) (5. 6)} 2_8 etre te2, 36°36 36-9 3. The probability that a contractor will get a plumbing contract is 2/3 and the probability that he will not get an electric contract is $/9. If the probability of getting atleast one contract is 4/5, what is the probability that he will get both the contracts, Solution: Let A be an event that a contractor gets plumbing contract. B be an event that a contractor gets electrical contract. Then Given: pay=2 P(a)=2. P(6)=1-P(B)=1-3=5. P(AUB) -t P(ANB)=? From addition rule, P(A B)= P(A) + P(B)- P(A) 4 2 4 46248 pane i 2.4 4 Pt ety ® = Vadest ss 30+20-36 45 Pana=s. 14 Probability that a contractor will get both the contracts = 3° 4. One card’is drawn from a pack of 52 cards, what is the probability that the card drawn is neither red nor king. Solution: The event ‘card drawn is red’ and ‘card drawn is king’ is not mutually exclusive because there are two cards in the pack which are red as well as king. P (card drawn is red or king) Probability 55 = P (card drawn is red) + P (card drawn is king) ~ P (card drawn is red and king) Since there are 26 red cards, 4 king cards and 2 cards which are red as well as king, P (Cards drawn is red or king), 26,4 2 28 "$2" 52° 52° 52° P (card drawn is neither red not king) = 1 = P (card drawn is red or king) 5. A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that it is a heart or a queen or black card. Solution: Let A be an event that ‘the card drawn is heart’. B be an event that ‘the card drawn is queen’ and C be an event that ‘the card drawn is black’. A, B and C are not mutually exclusive events. So P(AU BUC) = P(A) + P(B)+ P(C)- P(A B) -P(BAC)-P(EOA)+ P(A BAC). There are 13 heart cards, 4 queen cards, 26 black cards, 1 heart queen card 2 queen black cards and No heart black card. No card which is heart, queen and black. B4.% 1 2 p(AuBUG) = 4442812 0+0 (uBUO=— +50 32 ont Plauaucy= 3t4426-1-2 32 =40_10 3213" P (Card drawn is heart or queen or black) 86 Basic Mathematics This can be illustrated by the following Venn diagram. Me Fig. 3.3 teomet 3.5 CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY: Let us consider the following example. A fair dice is thrown and the number that appeared is even. What is the probability that the number 4 has appeared? Since it is given that ‘the number appeared is even’, Possible outcomes are no longer (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} but only [2, 4, 6}. Out of these 3 possibie outcomes there is 1 outcome in favour of appearance of 4. .. Probability of appearance of 4, given that an even number has appeared =i. Formally, if £ is the event “The number that appeared is 4” and F the event ‘Number that appeared is even’ then P (E/F) denotes the probability of E given that F has happened. 1 P(E/F) =>. ‘The probability that an event B occurs subject to the condition that A has already occurred is called the conditional probability of occurrence of the event B. It is denoted by P (B/A). 3.6 MULTIPLICATION RULE: Statement: The probability of the simultaneous occurrence of 2 events is the product of the probability that one of the events will occur and the conditional probability that the other event will occur given that the first event has occurred. IA and B are two events then P (A 7 B) is the probability of their simultaneous occurrence. and it is given by P(AMB)= P(A): P(B/A) or P(AMB)= P(B)- P(A/B) Proof: Let A be any event with sample points n (A). i.e.. P(A) > 0. If a(S) is the total number of sample points in $ and B = another event such that A and B are not disjoint sets. (i.e., ANB # 6), Let the sample points in ANB bem (ANB). Then from definition P(A) = “7 aa Probability 67 n(ANB) PANTS) Fig. 3.4 Now Let P (B/A) = Conditional probability of event B given A has occurred = MAQB) _MAOB)/a(s) | P(ANB) mA) nfA)jn(S)P(AY i = P(An8) ic. PUBA)= = P(Ar\B)= P(A): P(B/A) Similarly we can establish P(A) = P(B)-P(A/B) Alternative Proof: If A and B are 2 mutually dependent events then conditional probability of B when A has occurred is proportional to P (ANB). te. P(B/A)« P(AMB) P(B/A)= K-P(AMB) where K is the constant of proportionality To find K, Conditional probability of A when A has occurred is t P(AJA) = KP(ANA) 1=KP(A) 1 = X= Bua 58 Basic Mathematics Substituting Karis in POBIA)= KPA) We get 1 PUBIAY= ray PAB) = P(AMB)= P(A): (BIA) Corollary: If A and B are independent events then P (Am B) = P (A) P (B). Proof: If A and B are independent events then P (B/A) = P (B) and P (A/B) = P (A). By multiplication theorem, P(AMB)= P(A): P(BYA) Substituting P (B/A) = P (B) we get P(An B) = P(A)-P(B) Hence proved. Note: 1, The multiplication theorem can be extended. For 3 dependent events A. B and C P(AMBOC)= P(A): P(B/A): P(C/ANB) 2. If there are m independent events Ay, Ags Ags P(A, VA Aq) = P(A): P(A)- P(As):-:P (Ay) WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. A pair of dice is thrown and sum of the numbers on the two dice comes to be 7. What is the probability that the number 4 has come on one of the dice? Solution: Let the events A and B be such that Event B: Sum of numbers on the two dice is 7. Event A: The number 4 has come. Total outcomes when a pair of dice is thrown = 36 = n (S) P(B) = P{(6, 1), (5,2). (4. 3). (3, 4), (2, 5) (1, 6) 6 xs ‘To get P (AMB) select the outcomes favourable to A from the outcomes that are favourable to B. 2 6 P(B)= P(AMB)={(4, 3). (3, 4)} P(AMB)= P(A): P(A/B) Probability 69 & *. Probability that the number 4 has come on one dice given that sum of numbers on 2 dice is 7 2. Two cards are drawn from a pack of $2 cards with replacement (i.e., the second card is drawn after replacing the first card in the pack). Find the probability that (a) Both are ace, (b) First card is jack and second card is king, (c) One is king and other is queen. Solution: (a) In a pack of 52 cards, there are 4 ace cards. P (both cards are ace) (b) P (First card is jack and second card is king) wing tials, 52°52 169 (+> There are 4 jack and 4 king cards in a pack of 52 cards] {c) P (One card is king and other is queen} = P (First is king and 2nd is queen] U P (First is queen and 2nd is king] “4 “3 hx 4 [Using addition theorem P (AUB) = P (A) + P (B)] tii 2 "ie'ie "1s" 3. Two cards are drawn without replacement from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that (i) both are queen. (ii) both are diamond cards. Gii) one is king and the other is ace. Solution: We are taking 2 cards from 52 cards. This can be done in S*c, ways. There are 4 queen cards from which we require 2 queen cards. This can be done in 4c, ways. Required Probability = y¢2= 22 ee Y= Sey” 52x51 60 Basic Mathematics OR There are 4 queen cards in a pack of 52 cards, 4 ". Probability of drawing first queen card == Since the card drawn is not replaced, we are left with 51 cards and 3 queen cards. 3 ++ Probability of drawing 2nd queen card = 57 4.3 1 x. 52 St 22 Probability of both queen cards 4 (i) Required probability a_t %, (Since there are 13 diamond cards). (ii) There are 4 favourable choices to take out a king and 4 favourable choices to take out an ace. <. Number of favourable cases =e, x 4c, In total, there are 52 cards out of which any 2 cards can be taken. fet , Required probability = ht Be ~4x4x2 8 52x51 663° 4. A lot contains 10 items of which 3 are defective. 3 items are chosen from the lot at random one after another without replacement. Find the probability that all the 3 are defective. Solution: Let A, B and C be the events of drawing defective items in the first, second and third drawing respectively. Hence Probability of all the three items being defective is given by P(ANBOC)= P(A): P(B/A): P(C/ANB) 3.201 woz xl 10 9°8 abs 120° t3] 3 defective items can be picked from 3 defective items in *c, ways. Probability 61 3 items can be picked from 10 items in 'c, ways. 5e, Required probability = To” 3 1 6 TOXSxE © 10x98 3x2x1 il “120 $. Anil and Bharath appear in an interview for 2 vacancies. The probability of their selection being 1g 7 and g fespectively. Find the probability that (i) both will be selected (ii) only one is selected (iii) none will be selected (iv) atleast one of them will be selected. Solution: Let A: Anil be selected. B: Bharath be selected. 1 1 Given P(A) == and P(B)=-5 P (both will be selected) = P(A and B) = P(AMB) = P(A)-P(8) [+ A and B are independent events} (ii) P (Only one will be selected) =P[A and B or A and B] =Pl(ana)ju(ana)} = P(A): P(B) + P(A)-P(B) 6 10 2 62_ Basic Mathematics (iii) P (none will be selected) = P(A and B) = P(E nB)= PCa) 7(8) yi -(1-4)fi-4 (3-3) 6 4 24 sextet, 7°35" 35 (iv) P (at least one of them will be selected) = 1 - P (none of them will be selected) «2H 3535 REMEMBER: = H(A) . PA)= 79) O7=5. For "a [formula] Tyan =e," Ty =""eg -(2x)"* ey stesa0t (2) u *T-35 11x10«9x8%7 06 = 2 Sx4x3x2x1 : bx 2 2 = 29568-xy*. Ty, r+1=7=> r=6 rat, 7, rst = "Cp" Tale (20)! ey 7 = Ltt 5. se L616 * = M109 x8x7 45 9% 7S K4x3x2x1 x ‘ Ty = 147842 x ° 8. Find the middle term in the expansion of ( - 5) The expansion has 9 + | = 10 term, So there are 2 middle terms Ty aNd Tyas 7 2 are middle terms. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 76 Basic Mathematics To get the constant term, equating power index of x to zero 18-2r-r=0 18-3r=0 > 3r=18 ‘Substituting r = 6 in (1) Toes = Peg 82.1) 2°08 el 53 at. eee ot 9x8x7 1 3x2x1 278 18° We get Fay Bemder =P 2 (He 2B. =%,.2" og “C To get the constant term equating power index of x to zero. 23-4r=0 > 4r=23 r=. 4 Since r is a fraction there is no term independent of x or there is no constant term. ax 16. Prove that the constant term in the expansion of (4 - Proof: Comparing ( 2 We get 2 gl (ay x Try = "ep T* -2lr ay eof) To get the constant term equating power index of x to zero. 5-5- 2r=0 10-r-4r 2 10-5r=0 = 5r=10>[7=2] Substituting r = 2 in (1) we get Thay = "cy oa 271008 (1)? 2? 1x9 5 at 2xt 10x94 45 2x2 64" 78 _ Basic Mathematics ve Hence the constant term in the expansion of (4- 17. Find the value of (0.99)° correct to 4 decimal places. Solution: We know 0.99=1-001 (0.99)° =(1-0.0n5 ‘We have from Binomial theorem, asa) =x 5c ae SES 2, 5x4x3 95, Sx4x3x aS oe eed ET 4 “a Replacing a by -a. (x-a)' = x5 -5x4a+10xa? - 10x70" +5xa* - a5. Taking x = | and a = 0.01, we get (1-0.01)5 =1* - 5(1)* (0.01) +10(1)' (0.01) -10(1)? (0.01)* +5(1) (0.01) - (0.015). = 1-0.05 + 0.001 -0,00001 +5 x 10 - 1x10"! ~ 09414801. = 0.9415 (Correct to 4 decimal places). 18. Prove that sum of Binomial co-efficients of order a = 2". Also prove the sum of odd binomial co- efficients = sum of even Binomial co-efficients = 2"~ '. Proof: We have from Binomial theorem. (xt a)" = Cox" + Cx"! a+ Cpe 2a? +...4C,0" ol) To get the sum of binomial co-efficient, Taking «=a = 1 we get (4 I = Cg ECL G14. Cy 2 =Cyt+Q+GQt...+G,. ie, Cot Cty tut Gy (2) Now, Taking x = 1 and a =~ in (1) (1=1)" = Col" + G11 (-1) + G1" (-1)? +..4 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Binomial Theorem 83 A2) Given (1) = (2) a ysT Cons” 143 __. 43-2m-| 2m eels ny z age 43—m+1-[m+1 43—m+i-[m+l 43-2m-|2m 43a m—1 Lmtd ann 43-2m-|2m Mm [msl nt yo 43-2m-| 2m . 0 [By equation power index of x] > > Verification: By Substituting m = | we get 42-1141 4 43-2()-[2-1 Lat? ony L412 lel. 24, The 21st and 22nd terms in the expansion of (1 + x)* are equal. Find x. Solution: Given T,, = T, ‘We know Thay = "+x" -a" [Formula] Comparing (1 + x) with (x + a)* we get x=La=sandn=44, Tay = Meg 14® 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 86 Basic Mathematics 5 (21-4) (20-33 Y.. Find the coefficient of: 2 in(xt =a)” ; ys wins) ‘x 5: #in(2x? +4) : VIL. Find the value of: . (2+V5) (2-3) (+5) (1-49) vil. Rv and n. way o = g|- Sy 2 (v2 +1)" -(J2-1)° y 2s . Prove that in the expansion of (# +) . There is no term independent of y. . The second, 3rd and 4th term of expansion of (x + y)* are 108, 54 and 12 respectively. Find x, y Find the value of (1.01) correct to four decimal places. . Prove that the sum of odd binomial co-efficients of order n = 2°~*. Prove that the sum of binomial co-efficient of order n = 2". Binomial Theorem 87 ANSWERS Lo teat sot vox 2. De Pay + 2hx?2y? 435x7y) + 35ct yt Obey) + 7558 4 x77 > oe mle) vole) male) ay -3(2) « Ca p) 4\p) 64p° . ° 4. 64a’ — 64a +22 ty? 100 9959 , 20, 252 4 ays, Oo 3 2 2 Bi” 729 a ee 5.1 _ zl y +5y s10ys10455] sw ry I, 1. 560a* 2 Pay? 3. 6x* 4. e249 .37 ky? 5. 1760. 63 UL. 1. %ejg27* 2-ae 3. -ey 4. ecg! pf sagt ten Megs 2t- 6 EM SOD 7. "65 +642! and "eg +3227. B. eq +3927 and Peg 3O2P IV. 1. 2268 2. 405 45 3G 4. Se9-2° 5. No term independent of x. 6. -"c, Vv. 1. -1140 2. cq 3. 1365 9, 2° 4. °F 5. 80 6. 24 ¥ey. VILL. 724 2. 140V7 3, 382 Vil. 2.x=3, y= Land n=4, 3. 1.0510. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. [6 Matrices & Determinants 6.1 INTRODUCTION: The theory of matrices was developed in 1857 by the French mathematician Cayley. It was not well advanced till 20th century. But now a days matrices are powerful tool in modern mathematics having wide applications. 6.2 MATRIX: ‘A matrix is an arrangement of numbers in rows (horizontal lines) and columns (vertical lines). The arrangement is usually enclosed between square brackets [ ] or curved brackets ( ) or pairs of vertical lines |. The matrix is usually denoted by a capital letter. Order of a matrix = Number of rows x Number of columns. If a matrix has m rows and n columns, then Order = m x 1 (read as m by n) 2 Ataiedal Example: atric = [f 5 ‘] has the order 2 x 3. 6.3 TYPES OF MATRICES: 1. Rectangular matrix: If the number of rows is not equal to number of columns in a matrix, then that matrix is called rectangular matrix. a a, ay ay dy Example: Aa|b bby by bs Go ey eS Ig (a) Row matrix or Row vector: If a matrix has only one row, then it is called row matrix. Example: xXe(1 20 3] (b) Column matrix or column vector: If a matrix has only one column then it is called column matrix, 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Matrices & Determinants 109 14 12 4] r Az then AT =|2 5 If A is of order m x n then A’ is of order n x m. WORKED EXAMPLES: Lif aly S]ema-[ 5 g] Ten ind (oA + B (ii) 2A ~ 3B (iii) A+ 2A" 0 mek I Math ot Ls 4] i) 2a-s0=2[_{ sha J Ja 9 *[-5 24 of! 4]f 1 oye - 3}**}o 3}"[4 a]*lo «6 _J 1+2 o+(-8)].[ 3 -8 “[=4+0 3+6} |-4 oy 12-1 132 2 A=|4 0 -3landB=|1 -1 5S 1-1 5 6 20 Then find (i) (A + BY (ii) 2A” ~ 3B. 12 -1)f1 3 ny AvB=|4 0 +f -1 1-1 5} [6 2 141-243-142] [25 A+B=|4+1 O+(-1) -3+5J=|5 -1 2 1 5 on as 1 bo 1 Bo, w t — Ya sein (iii) A+2A' -| he oun ess 146 9 -1+2 540] [7 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 416 Basic Mathematics wrk SEG | -0 From (1) and (2) (A+B) =A'4B Hence proved. 13. al dette ind X such tha AX = 7 wher 1s identity matrix of order 2 x 2. 12 Given A=|_, 7 Tofind x such that AX = 7 6 ix x[ ‘l 4 © X is of order 2x2. Consider AX=] 1 2][a by _[avze bead] fio -l Tle @ -a+Te ~b+7d_ ooL s at2e=t; b+2d=0 -a+7e=0_; -b+7d=1 Od =1 = c=I/9, d=1/9. Substituting c = 9 Substituting d = 1/9 ava(Z)at 6+2{2}=0 > 3 2 2 al-= bus a) 9 7 ane, 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 128 Basic Mathematics Hence x=-9 or x=0. +x z 6 Provethat] x I+y z [al+xtyte af ooy dt +x ¥ z LuS: x lty 2] GaG4+Q+G x oy dt ltx+ytz yok slltatytz Ity ot extytz oy 1+ t y z . (lecty+ gil ity oc hunek hey leg hoy q (ltxtyt2)0 1 o | (l4x+y+ (= 14+ x+y+2=RAS. hoa a 7. Prove that {I B'1=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a) hoe > 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 132 Basic Mathematics Taking a, b, ¢ common from C,, C, and C, respectively we get Expanding a*b4c?[-1(0- 4) - 1(0) + 1(0)] a*b?c? (4) = 4a*b?c? = RHS. i+a@ 1 1 tid 12, Prove that] | 1+ 1 |nate(istytyt) 1 toot e . ita 1 LHS 1 ite 1 1 1 1+ Taking a, b, ¢ common from Rj, R, and R, respectively we get fo ok 6 f if) ff aot 2 2 b b b Li & I+e| coe ve het tL vo ¢ abe} tee 2 b b b I 1 1 -~ = + coe dl 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 136 Basic Mathematics eo hx => yy? Weayel oy 2 2 | hoz 2 2 FOR | ke * 4 ‘By interchanging R, and R; yx Wexyzly yo =O 7 => . 7 Then Ry and Ry 7] Z 2 | k x? 2 = (tage) |y x y=0 2 2 | > y and z are all different Hence proved. 6.8 MINOR, CO-FACTOR, ADJOINT AND INVERSE OF A SQUARE MATRIX: Let {a} be a square matrix of order n x. Then minor of an element a is the determinant obtained by deleting the row and the column containing it (i.e. * row & j® column). If minors are multiplied by (-1)!*1Le., with proper signs + or - we get co-factors. ‘Adjoint| of a matrix is the transpose of co-factor matrix. Uilustration: nirae) 2) then . 304 minor of 1 = 4 minor of 2 = 3 minor of 3 = 2 minor of 4 = | 4-3 a + = Co-factor matrix =| _, | Multiplying by| " 4-2 Adjoint of a-[ 4 ‘] Taking transpose of co-factor matrix i.c.. interchanging rows and columns, 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 140 _Basic Mathematics 1 3 2 h 2 a dh de? 2 0 =1(0)-3(0- 4) +2(0-4) \al= : = 1(0)-3(0- 4) +2(0-4) 0+12-8=420 Hence A~ exists. at aati ce 1 Now A=|1 2 minor of = [5 G]=0 1 Lb qeo-s=-4 1 3 minor of 2= qeo-4=-4 B Similarly minor of 1 = =0 ene enn minor of 3 = minor of2 = [ gro-4=-4 1 3 minor of 2 = 0-6-8 r 3 Similarly minor of 2 = la =6-4=2 je 1 minor of 0 = i =2-2=0 I) minor f= f je2-3--1 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 144 Basic Mathematics 4. Verify AA! = AA = Tif. 1 2) Solution: Given aL 3 1 q iaie[t =3-(-2)=5. ahaa 13 4] A) stto1 Now . 1,18 21 2 ‘Similarly, A andi Ae 3} _1f3-@2) 6-6 “3Lt+(-1) 2+3 aS Vf! OL, slo s}lo 1 Hence Aas AAs] 6.9 CHARACTERISTIC EQUATION OF A SQUARE MATRIX: IFA is any square matrix of order n x n and / is identity matrix of the same order then 4 — 1/1 = 0 where dis a constant is called characteristic equation of a square matrix A. The roots of the equation tA — All = 0 (ic., value of & which satisfies this equation) are called characteristic roots or eigen values. Examples: . LI A=|, 3) then 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 148 Basic Mathematics # -32-10=0 22-52 +24 -10=0 A(A-5)+2(A-5)=0 A=Sork=-2. Hence the eigen values are 2 = 5 and A = -2. 2. Find the characteristic roots of the matrix [3 a} Solution: Characteristic equation is |A~- 7] =0. a 1 Ra tee (1-A)(-1-2)-3=0 ~(I-A)(1+2)-3=0 -{P-22)-3=0 -14+22-3=0 B-4-0S8 =454222. Hence characteristic roots are +2 and -2. t 3. Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem for the matrix [: 4] Solution: Characteristic equation is |A~2d|=0 tA = | 3 Cl ry (1-2)(6-A)-2(-1) =0 6-64-2427 42=0 ¥-Th48=0- This is characteristic equation. By Cayley Hamilton theorem every square matrix obeys its characteris Hence it is required to verify A? - 7A + 81 =0 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 152_Basic Mathematics 30207 6. Find A~‘if A {: 1 0| by using Cayley Hamilton theorem, t Ft Solution: Characteristic equation: |A~2u]=0 B-aA 2 1 4 -1-A- 0 |=0 1 3001 o-af 5? lt cet Wy -0 (3~ayf(-1-a)(1-a)-0]-2[4(1-)-o]+ If12-(-1-a)]=0 ~(3-A)(1-2?)-81-a) #124142 =0 3430 +A-2-8482413+2=0 430? +10K42=0 According to Cayley Hamilton theorem, ~A*+3A? 410A +2/=0 Operating by A7! ~AS-A*43A2-AT +10AA' 4 2A =O ~A?+3A4101+2A7! =0 Now, 392 173 2 0 AaAAz|4 -1 O14 -1 Olb 1 3 alt 3 1 94841 6-243 34047 =|12-44+0 84140 4+04+0 3+12+1 2-343 14041 wT 4 Mal 8 9 4 16 2 2, 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 188 Basic Mathematics 44 a ee eb 2 = 2 (21 +30) +4 (21 - 75) +3 (-6 - 15) = 2 (S51) +4 (-54) +3 (-21) =2| 102 - 216 - 63 A, = 102 - 279 = -177. weal 7" 7? cafes 4, x-y-22=3 U+yez=5 4x-y- 211 =f 4 I q L dot dog | =1(-2-(-1)) + 4 -4)- 202-4) =1(-24+ 0+ 1-8)-2-6) =-1-8+12=43, Faq al ape areas | 4,= 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. & > * setses saot eg x fbb yy pante2 X=A"D=> Pood =llft}=5) 147-2 -1 1 a2} *[-14+742 Jose taeaitene x=-2,y=3andz=4, 4 x+ytz=3 xt2y+3r=4 xt dy +9226. toa x 3 Let As|l 2 3),X=|ylandD=]4 1 4 9 Zz. 6 Matrix equation: AX=D > X=A"D, 1 _adjA ataa’ Now 14) 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 166 Sasic Mathematics S. Matrix A and matrix B give the daily sales and selling price of soft drinks for a shopkeeper. Pepsi Coke Thumbsap me[2 3 o| , Pa A = B= Coke 6 6. “Wed}1 17 Tw |[2 1 5, A Find the total revenue from four days. Solution: Revenue matrix = AB. 63 1 7 i 39 fh 21 5 6. 6%743x6+1x6] [42+18+6] [66]Mon 2x743x64+0x6 14+184+0 32) Tue “l 1x741x6+7%6 |"| 746442 |"|55|Wed 2741x6456 14+6+30} |50}Thu ~ Total revenue for 4 days = 66 + 32 +55 +50 = Rs. 203. 5. In a certain town there are 4 colleges and 12 schools, Each school has 8 peons, 5 clerks and 2 cashiers. Each college has 10 peons, 7 clerks and 3 cashiers. In addition, each college has 1 section officer and one librarian. The monthly salary of each of them is as follows: Peon: Rs. 2000: Clerk Rs. 3000, Cashier Rs. 5000, Section Officer Rs. 6000 and Librarian Rs. 4500. Using matrix notation find (1) Total number of posts of each kind in schools and colleges taken together (2) Monthly salary bill of all the schools and colleges taken together. Solution: Let A = [5 12] represents the number of colleges and schools in that order. Peon Clerk Cather §.off, Librarian _College[10 7 3 1 1 “School [8 5 2 0 0 Peon "2000" Clerk 3000 C=Cashier | 5000 S. off. |6000 Librarian | 4500. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. fl eg > x=ly=2andz=3. ie.. Rate of commission per unit for the 3 items is Re. 1, Rs. 2 and Rs. 3 respectively. 7. The prices of 3 commodities X, Y and Z are x, y and z respectively. A sells 1 unit of X, 1 unit of ¥ and 1 unit of Z. B sells 3 units of X, 1 unit of ¥ and purchases 1 unit of z. C sells 1 unit of X, 3 units of ¥ and purchases 1 unit of Z. In the process A, B and C earns Rs. 9000, Rs. 1000 and Rs. 5000 respectively. Using matrices find the prices per unit of the commodities. (Note that selling the units is positive earning and buying the units is negative). Solution. The above data can be written in the form of simultaneous equations: A: ety +7 = 9000 B 3x4 y—2= 1000 c x+3y-z= 5000, Solving these equations, by Cramer's rule: | poi -il i | id a= =1(-1+3)-1(-3+1)+10-1) 2-1(-2)+1(8) 24+24+8=12. 1] 4,=|1000 1 =I 3-1 9000(-1 +3) - 1(-1000 + 5000) + 1(3000 - 5000) 9000(2) - 1(4000) + 1(-2000) 18000 - 4000 - 2000 = 12000 fz A, 1000 | 5000 =] 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 174__Basic Mathematics ‘Then matrix equation and AT = Re 1 6 ial 1 adj A il AX=D X=A"D, ‘or A~ can be found by using Cayley Hamilton theorem, EXERCISE find A + 3B. 1 a=), Find x If A= If A= ». Solve for x: o of oua-[} a} find matrix X such that A + X = B. > dPs ole 3 Q é]02-[_, af verity tat A By =a Toate sr a] |. IfA is of order 4 x 5 and B is of order 5 x 3, does AB and BA exists? If so what are their order? 17 “10 4 a]aae-[", 5} tes sin a. i find AA‘ and A'A. Is AA’ = A‘A? i 1 0 1 o-oo |: then prove that AA’ = A'A = J, 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 178 Basic Mathematics 1 40. Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem for the matrix i 12 0 41. Verify Cayley Hamilton theorem for the matrix |-1_ 32 16 -5 10 2 42. Find A~! using Cayley Hamilton theorem for the matrix }2 1 0]. 30201 12 3 43. Find A? using Cayley Hamilton theorem if A=]0 1-1}. 11 2 44. Solve the following system of equations (a) By Cramer's rule (b) By matrix method: (i) Tx-y=16 (i) 3x+4y=10 Qx+3y=-2 4x—Sy=3 (i) 2x-3y=4 (iv) x+y=7 3x+2y=5 2x+y=8 () 3x+4y=7 (i) xt yt2z=9 Tx-y=6 3x+2y+z=10 x+2y+32=14 (it) x-4y-32=9 (witty X-y-22=3 Sxtyol9 Qxtyez=5 2x-5z=3 4x-y-22=11 (ix) r+ y+22=9 3xt2y+2=10 x+2y432=14 45. A man buys 8 dozens of mangoes; 10 dozens of apples and 4 dozen of bananas. Mangoes cost Rs. 18 per dozen, apple Rs. 9 per dozen and bananas Rs. 6 per dozen. Represent the quantities bought by a row matrix and prices by column matrix and hence find the total cost. 46. A company is considering which of the 3 methods of production it should use in producing 3 goods X, ¥ and Z, The amount of each good produced by each method is shown in the matrix. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Ratio and Proportions, Variations 7.1 INTRODUCTION: ‘Two quantities of the same kind can be compared either by subtraction method or by division method. In subtraction method we find how much more (or less) is one quantity than the other, and in division method, we find how many times (or what fractional part) is one quantity of the other. The quotient here is nothing but the ratio of the two quantities. For example, if I have Rs. 100 and you have Rs. 600 then ‘we can compare the money by subtraction method and say “You have Rs. 500 more than what I have", Or we can compare by division method and say you have 6 times the money what I have. If the ratio of 2 mutual quantities are equal then they are said to be proportional. 7.2 RATIO: A ratio is a relation or comparison between two quantities of the same kind. The comparison is made by considering what multiple, part or parts the first quantity is of the second. The ratio of 2 quantities x and y is denoted by x: y or =. ‘The first term x is called antecedent and the second term y is called consequent. Note: 1. A ratio is a pure number. Hence it has no units. Pp . When the terms of the ratio are multiplied or divided by the same quantity the ratio is not altered. For instance 2:3 = 4: 6 = 40: 60 = 80: 120... 3. Ifa: band c: dare two ratios, then the ratio ac : bd is called their compound ratio. Example : The compound ratio of $: 2 and 3:7 is $x 3: 2x Tie, 15:14, 4. Ifa: bis the given ratio then the ratio 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 186 Basic Mathematics Rama's annual income = s. 60,000 Rama's monthly income = 60,000/12 = Rs. 5,000 Ratio of their income = 3000 : 5000 5. 7. A number is divided into 3 parts in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. If the 3rd part is 32. Find the other 2 parts. Solution: Let 2x, 3x and 4x be the parts of the number. Given 3rd part = 32 4x=32 => xa8 Ist part = 2x = 2 (8) = 16 2nd part = 3x = 3 (8) = 24. 8. A bag contains rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins in the ratio 5 : 6 : 8. If the total amount is Rs. 840, find the number of coins of each type. Solution: Ratio of 1 Re., 50 ps., and 25 ps. coins = Ratio of values = Ratio of values = 5: 3:2 Now Divide Rs. 840 in the ratio 5; 3; 2 Sum of the terms of ratio = 5 +3 +2 = 10 Ist part = Rs. Bx Make 420. 2nd part = Rs. x Ho=Rs. 252. 3rd part = Rs. F840 = Rs 168. Number of 1 Re. coins = 420 Number of 50 ps. coins = 252 x 2 = S04 Number of 25 ps. coins = 168 x 4 = 672, 9. In a mixture of 35 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 4 : 1. If 7 litres of water is added to the mixture, then find the ratio of milk and water in the new mixtore. Solution: Given milk : water = 4: 1 Sum of terms = 4 +1 =5 4 Milk in 35 litres mixture = ta = 28 litres. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 190 Basic Mathematics 7.3 PROPORTION: If 2 ratios are equal then the 4 quantities comprising them form a proportion i.e. if the ratio a : b is equal toc zd, then 4 quantities a, b, ¢, d are in proportion. Example: 1,2, 4, 8 are in proportion since 1: 2=4: 8. Note :1. a: b=c: dis also denoted by a:b; :¢:d. Extremes 2. Ina proportion a: b = c : d, the first and a the last terms i.e., a and d are called ex- ; tremes and the second and 3rd terms i.e. b Ne and c are called means. means In every proportion, the product of the means is equal to the product of the ex- Fig. 7.1 tremes. ie., ad = be Conversely, if 4 quantities a, b, ¢ dare such that ad = be, then they are said to be in proportion, a:b=c:d ad = be is called rule of 3, This rule is used to solve a proportion when one of the terms is unknown. For example: 4:5=.: 15 > Sx=4x15 4x15 xeSt2e 3 =: d, then prove that b : id 12, 1, Invertendo: Ifa: Proof: Given a: @bazdic Hence proved. 2. Alternendo: If a: b= c :d, then prove that a:e=b:d Proof: Givena:b=c:d eS arcebid Hence proved. 3. Componendo: If a: b = c : d, then prove thata + b:b=c+d:d Proof: Given a: b=c:d be =ad 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 194 Basic Mathematics Solution: (a) Let the mean proportional be x. Then Qixexr8 (b) Let the mean proportional be y. Then 8, If 15x = 12y. Then what is x: y? Given: 15x = 12y 220 ° y 1S 2.4 y 5 => xiye4:S. 6. If4x- Ty; 3x+y=2:3. Then find x: Given: 4x-Ty:3xty=2:3 3(4x-7y) =2(3x+y) 12x -21y=6x+2y 12x-6x=2y+2ly 6x =23y 2,8 > 6 > xiy=23:6 7. Mx: y=7: 5S. Then find 4x - 2y sx + 3y Given: x:y=7:5 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 198 Basic Mathematics Solution: Length (mis) Cost (Rs.) | 10 225 | 2 x As the length of the cloth increases. Cost also increases. .. Length and Cost are directly propor- tional. To denote direct proportion, we use 2 arrows, with same direction. ———s 10:22 = 225: x — 10x = 22 x 225 22225 10 x= 495, 22 mts of cloth costs Rs. 495. 15. If 60 men can complete a job in 12 days, how many days will 36 men take to complete the same job? a= Solution: Men days | 60 12 36 x As the number of men increases, the days required to complete the job decreases’. Men and days are inversely proportional. To denote this we use 2 arrows with opposite direction. 60:36 — 36x = 60x12 7 36 men can complete a job in 20 days. 16, If 10 men can earn Rs. 105 in 7 days, in how many days will 15 men earn Rs. 2257 Solution: Men Money — days begat Here number of days is unknown. Leaving money, or keeping money constant, let us first consider men and days. As the number of men increases, days required to complete the job decreases. . Men and days are inversely proportional. Now, leaving men, let us consider money and days. As the days increase, money carned also in- creases. .. Money and days are directly proportional, 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 202 Basic Mathematics 7.5 PROBLEMS ON TIME AND WORK: I Note: 1. If A can do a piece of work in # days. Then work done by A in I day = —~ a N 1 If B's | day's work = —. Then B can finish the work in x days. 3. IFA is twice as good a workman as B, then Ratio of work done by A and B=2:1 Ratio of time taken by A and B= 1:2 4, IFA can do a piece of work in x days, and B can do it in y days, then A and B working together f an will do the same work in [7 days. 5. IfA and B together can do a piece of work in z days and A alone can do it in x days then B a alone can do it in ——. x-2 SOLVED EXAMPLES: 1, Ram can reap a field in 6 days which Raju alone can reap in 8 days. In how many days both together can reap this field? 1 Solution: Ram’s 1 day's work = & 1 Raju’s 1 day's work = [or } We know, if A can do a piece of work in x days and B can do it in y days then A and B together can do it in = days. x+y 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 206 Basic Mathematics vs Time taken by Y to finish the work = 90 days and time taken by X to finish the work = 90 ~ 60 = 30 days. 1 X's 1 day's work = 35 1 Y's 1 day's work = 5p, 1.1.2 (X +Y)'s I day’s work = Qo +7 >= 7S 4 1 Both X and Y can finish the work in zz 2 days, 6. A.can build a wall in 30 days which B alone can build in 40 days. If they build it together and get payment of Rs. 1400 what is A’s share and B’s share? 1 Solution: A's 1 day's work = 55 1 B's 1 day's work = Jet 30°40 33 Ratio of their work = Total = 443 =7 A's share = $x1400= Rs, 800 B's share = 31400 =Re. 600 7. A.can do a piece of work in 10 days, while B alone can do it in 15 days. They work together for 5 days and the rest of the work is done by C in 2 days. If they get Rs. 1200 for the whole work how should they divide the money? Solution: 1 1 day's work = 75 F ig work Se B's 1 day's work = 75 £.t f{ (A+ BYs 1 day's work = 75+ 7575 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 210 Basic Mathematics Solution: Let the trains meet at a distance x kms. from A. Let trains from A to B and B to A be X and ¥ respectively. Given: Speed of X = 60 km/hr Speed of Y = 80 km/hr, Time required to cover x kms. by X= 3 450-x 80 Time required to cover (450 ~.x) kms. by Y= Difference between time = Bot 3 a0 pom, 04pm. cross multiplying, 9(450 — x) 12x = 480 4050 - 9x - 12x-480=0 3570-21x=0 ‘The trains meet ai a distance of 170 kms from A. Time taken by X to cover 170 kms. = 2hrs. 50 min, So the trains meet at 4 pm + 2 hrs. 50 min. = 6:50pm. 2. Cycling 7 of his usual speed, a student is 10 min. late to his class. Find his usual time to cover the distance. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 214 Basic Mathematics Quantity of cheaper rice : Quantity of dearer rice, =4:2 =2:1 OR" Let us mix these 2 types of rice in the ratio x: y. The price of x kgs. cheaper rice = 10. Price of y kgs. deurer rice = 16 y The price of (x + y) kgs. of mixture © 10x + 16y . - 10x + 16y Price of | kg of mixture = Given: Price of | kg of mixture = 12 1Ox+16y _ 15 x+y 10x+ ly = 12x +129 I6y-12y = 12-108 4y=2s 2. Arjun travelled a distance of 80 km in 7 hrs. partly in bullock cart al the rate of 8 km/hr and partly in tonga at 16 ke/hr. Find the distance travelled in bullock cart Solution: Average distance travelled in 80 km _ 80 1 he = SOK 8 eye, sale Tale ella Distance travelled Distance travelled in | hr in bullock cart in } br in tonga 8km (©) 16 km (@) avers in te 80 7 Sn = 6) 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 226 Basic Mathematics NM, =10, X, =175 X, =200 Let total number of dress materials purchased = x M +N =x 104+N, =x Ny = x-10 ‘We have fq. NX) + NaX N+, 190 = 10(075)+(x-10)200 x 190x = 1750 + 200x - 2000 190.x = -250+ 200x 250 = 200x - 190x 250 = 10x 250 > eae was ‘Total number of dress materials purchased = 25. 9, The average weight of a group containing 26 persons is 70 kg. 6 persons with average weight 67 kg leave the group and 5 persons with weights 68, 72, 82, 56 and 54 kgs. joins the group. Find the average weight of the group now. Solution: Average weight of 26 persons = 70 kgs. (Given) Total weight of 26 persons = 26 x 70 = 1820 6 persons with average weight 67 kgs leave the group. (Given) i.e., Total weight of 6 persons = 67 x 6 = 402 Total weight of the remaining 20 persons = 1820 - 402 = 1418 5 persons with weight 68, 72, 82, 56 and 54 kgs. join the group. £, Total weight of (20 + 5) persons = 1418 + 332 = 1750 1790 70 gs. Average weight of the group now = Fe 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 236 Basic Mathematics a pe BPxTD BG 7. BG=TD-t-r TD) 8 ag = where P, = True present worth. 9. T= f(P.w)x(B.G) WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. Find the present value, true discount, Banker's discount and Banker's gain on a bill of Rs. 10,450 due in 9 months at 6% per annum. Solution: Given: F=Rs. 10.450 9 3 129 months = <> yrs. == yrs R= 6% r= 06 Banker's discount = BD = Fir 06 BD =10.450x2x006 BD = 470.25 Banker's discount = Rs. 470.25. ‘True present worth, P= a, T+er 10,450 r= 144 «0.06 10,4504 “408 P= 10,000 Present worth = Rs. 10,000. ‘True discount = Pir =10,000 x 3 x0.06 = 450. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 240 Basic Mathematics Amount of the bill = Rs. 101,000. 6. A bill for Rs. 2920 drawn at 6 months was discounted on 10.4.2000 for Rs. 2916. If the discount rate is 5% p.a. On what date was the bill drawn. Solution: Given: F=Rs. 2920. Discounted value Rs. 2916. 5 Rate = 5% = =005 ale = 5% => r= Discounted values = F (1 ~ tr) 2916 = 2920(1 ~ 1(0.05)) 2916 = =1-1(0.05) 2920 (05) 2916 (0.05) = 0 > t= 0,027398 yrs. > t= 0.027398 x 365 days t= 10 days Number of days from legally due date to discounted date = 10 days. Now Bill was discounted on 10.4.2000 Legally due date = 10.4,2000 + 10 days = 20.4.2000 Bill period = 6 months Grace period = 3 days. Bill drawing date = 20.4.2000 () 3.6.0 Bill drawing date = 17.10.1999 7. A bill was drawn on March 8th at 7 months period and was discounted on May 18th at 5%. If the banker's gain is Rs. 3 find the true discount, the banker's discount, and the sum of the bill. Solution: Date on which the bill was drawn = March 8th ie, 8-3 Period (7 months): 1 Grace period: 3-0 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 244 Basic Mathematics REMEMBER: + Legally due date = Bill Drawing date + Bil period + 3 days (Grace period). + BD = Fir [Simple interest on face value of the bill] * TD = Pir [Simple interest on present worth of the bill) * BG=BD-TD * Present worth = —— lew + BG=1Dxtr 2 + ag =) [If rand fare not given] Ws * TD = JB-G-Pw |. A bill for Rs, 3500 due for 3 months was drawn on 27th March 2000 and was discounted at the rate of 7% on 18th April 2000. Find the banker's discount and discounted value of the bill. 2. The banker's discount and true discount on a sum of money due four months are respectively Rs. 510 and Rs. 500. Find the seem and the rate of interest, 3. The difference between BD and TD on a bill due after 6 months at 4% interest per annum is Rs. 20. Find the true discount bill discount and face value of the bill. 4. The banker's gain on a certain bill due 6 months hence is Rs. 10, the rate of interest being 10% pat, Find the face value of the bill. 5. A banker pays Rs. 2340 on a bill of Rs. 2500, 146 days before the legally due date, What is the rate of discount charged by banker? 6. A bill for Rs. 1460 drawn at 3 months was discounted at 4% p.a. on 9th November for 1454.40. On what date the bill was drawn” 7. A bill was drawn on April [4th at 8 months after date and was discounted on July 24th at 5% p.a. If the banker's gain is Rs. 2, what is the face value of the bill. 8. Find the banker’s discount and cash value of a bill for Rs. 3400/- drawn on April 25th 1996 at 7 months and discounted on September 16th, 1996 at 5%. 9. The banker's gain of a certain sum due 2 years hence at 5% per annum is Rs. 8. Find the present worth. 10, The present worth of a sum due sometimes hence is Rs. 576 and banker's gain is Re. 1, Find the true discount, 11. The banker's gain on a sum due 3 years hence at 5% is Rs. 90. Find the banker's discount. 12, The banker's discount on a bill due 1 year 8 months hence is Rs, 50 and (rue discount on the same sum at the same rate percent is Rs. 45, Find the rate of interest. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 248 Basic Mathematics (#) Equity shares: An equity share holder has no special rights. The rate of dividend is not fixed. It varies from year to year. An equity share holder is paid dividend only after the claims of prefer- ence share holders are satisfied. Quotation: Consider the statement “Government paper mills 11% shares at 110". This is a quotation. This means a share of the mill having face value Rs. 100 is available for sale at Rs, 110. This share fetches him a dividend of Rs. 11 every year. WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. Find the cost of 80 shares at 5% if the market value of the share is 93 and its par-value is Rs. 100. If a person invests Rs. 37200 in such shares then find his annual income, Solution. Cost of 1 share = Rs. 93 Cost of 80 such shares = 80 x 93 = Rs. 7440. Now, the person has invested Rs. 37,200. By investing Rs. 93, the person gets 1 share. By investing Rs. 37200 the person gets = 37200%1 | 400, ‘The person possesses 400 shares. Face value of 1 share = Rs. 100 Face value of 400 shares = 400 x Rs. 100 = Rs. 40000 Annual income = 5% of face value of shares * + x 40,000 = Rs. 2,000, 2. Find the yield by investing Rs. 1140 on 15% stock quoted at Rs. 95. Nominal interest Amount invested For Rs. 100 stock, Rs. 95 is the amount invested and Rs, 15 is the nominal interest. Solution. Yield = 15 Yield =— =0.1578 = 0.16. 95 OR By investing Rs. 95, | stock is obtained 1140 x1 By ting Rs. 1140, y investing 35 = 12 stocks are obtained. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 252 Basic Mathematics x lax Income from 12% stock at 120 = 120 710 1S Income from 15% stock at 75 = 775 (100.000 - x) — 1,00,000 - x 5: Given total income = 15,000 2 - 15,000 —x + 2,00,000 = 1.50,000 > x = 2,00,000 - 1.50,000 x = 50,000 Amount invested in 12% stock at 120 = Rs. 50,000 and that invested in 15% stock at 75 = Rs. 1,00,000 — $0,000 = Rs, $0,000, 8. Mr. Gauriprasad sold Rs. 2250 stock at 75 and bought stock at 88.50 with proceeds. How much stock worth does he buy if the brokerage is 2% for selling and 1.5% for buying. Solution: Cost of | stock = Rs. 75 ~ 2 (Brokerage) Cost of 1 stock = Rs. 73 Amount received by selling stock worth Rs, 100 is Rs. 73. Amount received by selling stock worth Rs. 2250 = age = Rs. 1642.50. Now Brokerage for buying = 1.5% Cost of 1 stock = 88.50 + 1.50 = 90 By investing Rs, 90, stock worth Rs. 100 can be purchased. 1642.50 x 100 +. By investing Rs. 1642.50, Stock worth -. can be purchased. = Rs. 1825. Mr. Gauriprasad bought stock worth Rs. 1825. 9. Pusphak buys Rs. 2,000 shares paying 9% dividend. If he wants to have an interest of 12% on his money, then find the market value of each share. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 256 Basic Mathematics Units Total Cumulative Total number Average hour per Produced Output —_ time percent of hours additional unit 1 T unit 100 100 1 Dunits 80% of 100 = 80 80x 2= 160 2 4 units 80% of 80 = 64 64x 45256 4 8 units 80% of 64 = 51.2 S12 B= 409.6 655.36 - 409.6 8 WG units — 80% of $1.2=4096 — 40.96x 16= 65536 = 3072 1048.57 - 655.36 16 3units 80% 0f 40.96 = 32.76 32.76 x 32= 10487 = 24.57 326 80% of .. Taking the total output on x-axis and cumulative average time per unit on y-axis, we get the leaming curve as shown in the figure. a] t][2]4] 8 [| i | 32 |» [100 | 60 | 48 | 384 | 3072 | 2457 Seale: x-axis: 1 Unit= om 100 y-axis :20 units = 80 60 40 20 po gy Oo} + 2 8 4 5 6 7 8B wo 1 12 18 4 15 16 Fig. 11.4 The curve clearly indicates that there will be fast learning effect in the initial stages and after sometime there will be a steady state phase in which there is not any significant learning effect. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 260 Basic Mathematics Solution: Units Total Cumutative Total hours Average hour per Ouiput average time additional unit | 1 1 500 500 500 to 2 9% of 500= 450 450 2= 9100 20-50 «200 1620 - 900 2 4 90% of 450 = 405 405 x 4 = 1620 — 7 nie 4 8 90% of 405 = 3645 3645 x 8= 2016 2916 - 1620/8 = 162 Total time to produce 8 units = 2916 Given Labour charges per hour = Rs. 40 Labour charge for 2916 hrs. = 2916 x 40 = Rs. 1,16,640. Formula: = 500 x 80157 500 _ 500 gst” 1372 y= 364.43 To find 301521 a= gals loge = 0.1521 x log’ = 0.152 x 0.9031. Average time/unit = 364.43. Total time to produce 8 units 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 284 Basic Mathematics Constraints: The resources like production capacity, manpower, time, space, technology, ete. are ‘scarce and there are tions on what can be achieved. These restrictions are a set of conditions which an optimal solution must satisfy. They are known as constraints. These are expressed as linear inequalities or equalities in terms of decision variables. Non-negativity conditions: All decision variables must assume non-negative values. If any of the variable is unrestricted in sign, a trick can be employed which will enforce the non-negativity without changing the original information of the problem. 12.3 SOLUTION TO LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEM: A set of values of decision variables x, x, ... x, Which satisfies the constraints of linear programming problem is called solution. Feasible solution: Any solution to a linear programming problem which satisfies the non-negativity restriction of the problem is called a feasible solution to the Linear programming problem. Optimal solution: Any feasible solution which optimises (maximises or minimises) the objective function of a linear programming problem is called an optimal solution, Solution of linear programming by graphical method: If the objective function is a function of 2 variables only then the LPP can be solved by graphical method. One variable is taken along x-axis and another along y-axis. Since negative values are not allowed, the graph contains only first quadrant. That is, 0 and positive values of x and y are considered, Itfustration to find feasible region: Consider the graph of y = 2. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 268 Basic Mathematics Substituting y=Sinx+2y=20 x+2(5)=20 x+10=20 x=10- (, y) =(10, 5) xeaxis :1 em = § units y-axis 1 6m = 5 units Fig. 12.6 The shaded area OCPB in the figure is the feasible region. ‘The co-ordinates of vertices: O (0, 0), B = (0, 7), P= (10, 5) and C = (20, 0). Objective function: Z = 20x + 30y for (0,0) Z=0. for (7, 0) Z= 20 (0) + 30 (7) = 210 for (10, 5) = Z = 20 (10) + 30 (5) = 200 + 150 = 350 for (20, 0) = Z =20 (20) + 30 (0) = 400 Zis maximum when x = 20 and y = 0. i.e., Optimum solution is Z = 400 when x = 20 and y = 0. 4, Solve the following LPP graphically: Maximise: Z = 5x + 6y Subject to x + y < 300 and x + y $ 500 x20 andy 20. Solution: To plot the graph of x + y = 300 Put x=0>y=300 Put y=0=>x= 300 (0, 300) and (300, 0) are points on the straight line x + y = 300 To plot graph of x + y = 500 Put x=0=> y= 500 and y=0=>x= 500 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 272__Basic Mathematics (3, 4) is the point of intersection. ‘The shaded region in the figure is feasible region. To minimise Z = 3x + 2y AtA (7,0) :Z=3(7)+2(0)=21 ACBG.4)) :Z=3(3)+24)=9+8217 ALCO, 10) :Z=3 (0) +210) =0 + 20= 20 Minimum value of Z = Z,, = 17 It is attained when x = 3 and y=4 7. Food X contains 20 units of Vitamin A and 40 units of vitamin B. Food ¥ contains 30 units of each vitamin A and vitamin B. The daily minimum human requirement of vitamin A and vitamin B are 900 and 1200 units respectively. How many grams of each type of food should be consumed so a to minimise the cost if food X costs 60 paise per gram and food ¥ costs 80 per paise per gram. Solution: Food A |B | Cost x 2 | 40 | 0 Y 30 | 30 Requirement; | 900 | 1200 ‘Objective function: Z= 60x + 80y To minimise 60x + 80y. Subject to the conditions 20x + 30y 2 900 and 40x + 30y 2 1200 ie. 2x +3y 290 and 4x+ 3y2 120 *yzZ0 To plot 20x + 30y = 900 ie. 2e + 3y= 90 Put x = 0, 3y=90=5 y=30. Put y=0,2x=90->x=45, (0, 30) and (45, 0) are points on the straight line 2x + 3y = 90. To plot 40x + 30y = 1200 ie, dx + 3y = 120 Put x=0, 3y=120= y= 40. Put y = 0, 4 =120=> x = 30. (0, 40) and (30, 0) are points on the straight line 4x + 3y = 120. To find the point of intersection solving 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 278 Basic Mathematics purchase, the hens should be bought in order to have a maximum profit per week, assuming that the house cannot accommodate more than 20 hens at a time. 3. Maximise: 30x + 20y sybject to 10x + 6y $1000, 5x +4y 600 a y20 4, Maximise Sx + By subject to 2x+y $100; .x+2y 5200 x, y20. 5. A company produces 2 products x and y each of the product require two operations one on machine A and the other on machine B. The machine hours required by these two products and the total hours available are given as follows: Machine hrs. required Product Total machine hrs. available x y A 2 3 19 B 4 3 "7 Each unit of the product x and y makes a profit of Rs, 3 and Rs. 4. Find the optimal solution of the product to obtain the maximum profit, 6. Minimise Z = 4x +4 subject to 3x+4y220, x+S5y215. x, y20.. 7. Minimise Z = 10x + 6y subject to 2x+y2 60, 4x + y280, x1y20.. 8. Minimise 2 = 3x + Sy subject to Sx+2y20,x+y24,x+3y26, x,y 20.. 9. An animal feed company must produce 200 kgs of mixture consisting of ingredients x, and x, daily. x, costs Rs. 3 per kg and x, Rs. 8 per kg. Not more than 80 kgs. of x, can be used and atleast 60 kgs. of x, must be used. Find how much of each ingredients should be used if the company wants to minimise the cost. 10. A chemist provides his customers at least cost, the minimum daily requirement of 2 vitamins A and B by using a mixture of 2 products M and N. The amount of each vitamin in one gram of each product, the cost per gram of each product and minimum daily requirements are given below: Vitamin A Vitamin B Cost per gram M 6 2 20 ps. N 2 2 16 ps. Minimum requirement 12 8 Formulate the problem of finding the least expensive combination which provide the minimum requirement of the vitamins. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Circles 281 Solution: Equation of the circle with centre (0, 0) and radius = 7 units = 27 + =P. °. Equation of the circle with centre (0, 0) and radius r units = x? + y? = 3? e+yrsd, 2. Find the equation of circle with centre (3, 4) and radius 5 units. Solution: Equation of circle with centre (h, k) and radius = r units =(x— A)? +(y—&)* (x-3) +(y-4)? 25? x7 +9-6x+y? +16-8y=25. x? +y? -6x-8y+25-25=0 x? +y? -6x-8y=0. 3. Find the equation of circle whose ends of diameter are (3, 1) and (—4, 2). Solution: Equation of circle whose ends of diameter are (x, y,) and (x3. ¥3) = (x-a)(s- 2) +(9- 1) (0-32) =0 Equation of circle =(x-3)(«-(-4)) +(y- (y-2)=0 (x-3)(x+4)+(y-D(y-2)=0 x? ~3x44x-12+y? -y-2y4+2=0 P+y +x-3y-10=0. 4. Find the equation of the circle with centre (4, 3) and which passes through (0. 0). Solution: Centre = (4, 3) (Given) Circle passes through (0, 0). Distance between centre and any point on the circle = Radius. ++ Distance between (4, 3) and (0. 0) = Radius (0-4)? +( = Radius (0.0) V16+9 = Radius Radius = 5 units. = Fig. 13.4 Equation of circle with centre (4, 3) and radius 5 units = (x-4)? +(y-3)? = 5? x? 416-8x+y? +9-6y=25 x+y? -8x-6y=0 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 286 Basic Mathematics (243) +o-08a 3 Sader. 2 +1-2y 16 9 3x 2 2 tte et wet y 2y-1=0 2,238 9 -2y+==0 elated or 16x? + 16y? +24x-32y+9=0, 10. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is same as the centre of the circle x? +y?—4x + 8y ~ 7 = 0 and radius same as that of the circle x? +y? +8y-9= Solution: Centre of the circle x* + y? ~4x+8y—7=0 is (-g. ) res = (2-4) gad fed Radius of the circle: B+y+8r-9=0 2gs8 is Verpme a=4 2f=0 3 m = V16+9 =/25 =5 units. Equation of the required circle = (=n)? +9-8 (-2)° +(y-(a) 2? 42 de ty? +16+8y = 25 P+y-4x+8y-5=0. 11. A circle touches x-axis at (1, 0) and passes through (5, 2) find its equation. Solution: Let the equation of circle be x? + y? + 2gx + 2fy+c=0 (W) Since the circle touches x-axis, y-co-ordinate of the centre = Radius. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 230 Basic Mathematics ©. Equation of the circle =xt+y? +2(O)x+2 Multiplying by 2 we get 2x? +2y? -19y +37=0. 14, Find the equation of circle which touch both the co-ordinate axis and passes through the point (2,1). Solution: Let the equation of circle be + Pt grt Byec=0 (1) Given (1) touches both co-ordinate axes. [X-co-ordinate of centre = Radius = Y-co-ordinate of centre) es -g ag? +f? -c and - f =e? +f? -c Also 8 Given (1) passes through (2, 1) 2? 417 +28(2)+2F()+e=0 4+leag+2f+ce=0 S+4g+2f+c=0 S+4f+2fre=0 S+6f+c=0 S+6f+f7=0 f +6f+5=0 PP +5felf+5=0 FF +54 UF +5)=0 Fig. 13.8 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 296 Basic Mathematics Substituting x = 223% ( (10+3y)” ayt=2 00439) in the equation of circle we get the point of intersection 2 ee) +y-2( 2222), 4)-2020 4 0 "7 ae + 4y-20= Multiplying by 16 (10+ 3y)* + 16y? - 8(10 + 3y) +64y-320=0 > y +4y-12=0 y? +6y-2y-12=0 y(¥+6)-2(y+6)=0 (y-2)(y+6)=0 ys2ory=-6 pw lO43y 4 2 104302) 4, , 10+3(-6) 4 2 xsdorxs—4 ‘The point of intersection are (4, 2) and (—4, ~6). Length of the chord = Distance between (4, 2) and (—4, -6). = Ver-aF +02-0) = 4-4? + (6-2)? (ars) oma) = V8? 48? = 64368 Fig. 13.13 = Vi28 = 82 units. 5. If x+y = 1 is the chord to the circle x? + y? - 2x — 4y ~ 29 = 0, then find its length. Also find the co-ordinates of middle point of chord intercepted. Solution: Equation of the line =x + y= 1 yel-x 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 300 Basic Mathematics Since PT is a tangent, T PO) CT LPT. \ ‘ CTP is a right angled triangle. | > * By Pythogoras theorem, CPs CI + PI? > PT? = CP? - CT. Now CP = Distance between C (-g, -f) and P (x,, y,) cp = [xa +P. -CF Retain cP =x, +8) +140 CT = Radius = fg? +f -c ral fore oe | LP =p PT? = (x, +8) +( +S) -(2? +? -¢) Pr? a xP +g? +2ex, ty +f? +2 -2*-f? +e PT? = xj +y} +2gx, +2 fy te. [ere [afssF 20m, +2; 6. This is the length of the tangent from P (x,, y,) to the circle. 13.6 CONDITION FOR THE LINE y = mx +c TO BE A TANGENT TO THE CIRCLE x* + y* =a? AND POINT OF CONTACT The line y= mx +c is a tangent to the circle x? + y? = a? if and only if length of the perpendicular from the centre to the line is equal to radius. Now centre of the circle = (0. 0) Radius = a Length of perpendicular from (0, 0) to the line y = mx + ¢ = Radius (ie. mx-y +¢=0) (0) - (0) + = P Vn? +1 yr" 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Parabola 14.1 INTRODUCTION: ‘When a solid cone is cut by a plane, the curves which lies on the surface of the cone and the plane. are the curves — circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. These curves are called as conic sections. Definitions: Let! be a fixed line and S be fixed point. A point P moves in a plane containing $ and / such that its distance from S e bears a constant ratio to its distance from the line J, i.¢.. = = a constant. $ ‘The locus of the point P is called a conic. A conic is the locus of the point which moves such that 1 the ratio of its distance from a fixed point in the plane to its distance from a fixed line in a plane is constant. Fig. 14.1 SP. The fixed point is called focus and the fixed line is called directrix and the constant ratio “pay is called eccentricity of the conic. If the eccentricity of the conic is less than | then the conic is called ellipse. If the eccentricity is greater than | then it is called hyperbola. If the eccentricity is equal to one then the conic is called parabola. Circle is regarded as the conic os eccentricity zero. It is a particular case of an ellipse. 14,2 PARABOLA: Parabola is the locus of point which moves in a plane such that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed line. The fixed point is called focus. The fixed line is called directrix. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 330_ Basic Mathematics Length of lotus rectum: 4a 3 =4/—|=6. (3) 9. By? +6y+8x-5=0. Consider 3y? +6y+8x-5=0. 3(y? +2y)4+8x-5=0 3[y? +2y+1?-17]48x-5=0 afven? ~t]+8x-5=0 (y+) -3+8x-5=0 3{y +l)? +8x-8=0 3ty +1 =-82+8 3(y +1)? = 8-1) bt =-$a-0 (o-Cf =i Comparing with ( ~ 4)? =—4a (x ~ h) we get (A) = (1-1). 4e=$5 Vertex = (h, k) = (1. =I) Axis: 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Parabola_337, To find h, k and a: Length of latus rectum = 4a i.¢., Distance between (-3, 2) and (5, 2) = 4a. Cs-Cay +2-2F = 44 Vs+3)? +0240 \(-2)? =4a V4 =4a Focus = Mid point of latus rectum Focus = mid point of (-3, 2) and (-5, 2) 2 (349), 242 a } 2 But Focus = (h. +a + k) (h, ta +h) = (-4, 2) > h=-4,ta+k=2 1 trtk=2 3? keaet. 2 2 ork 2 (for ~ve a) (for +ve a) +. Equations of parabolas: @ ik-(-f =4(3)(»- (asa =2(y-3) x? 4164+8x=2y-3 x? +8x-2y+19=0. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 342_ Basic Mathematics ANSWERS ] Question — Vertex Focus —Direetrix Axis Length of Ends of Equation of No. Latus rectum Latus rectum Latus rectum (1,0) x=-1 xaxisy=0 4 22) xsl (2,0) x22 xatisy=0 8 (224) xe-2 (0.94) ys-¥4 0 paris 0 3 (4302, 4) yous (0, ~7/4) ys yaxisx= 0 7 (2722, -714) ys Wa GQ. xe-1 yet 4 (e241) xe Chi) ye-$2 0 xl 6 (13,12) y= 12 10) yaa x00 2 (28, 10) (3) xe-S yd 8 (5, 24-3) xa (92,5) xe-1I ye 2» (972,25) x= 92 | (912, -15) j 10 2 0A,2 xe y=d 6 Ue) x=12 | a2, -1) C124, 5/4) 2,98) xe IND y= SI 32 12 Q-WS) -2,-2910) y=-210 x= 2 10 1 Q,-12) 0-32) oye-2 xsl 4 ye-¥2 } 14 an 4-3 ys xe 16 yel is a-) (Q. V4) ¥ 5 (9/2. V4) yale n. is 2 3. yPa3x 1 4. yh =l6x 5. 6. 18} ay 7. yh =md(x-5) & (y-1)? =12(x-1) 9. (x41)? =-4(y-2) 1 10. 0-37 =6{x+4) I. (x-3)* =12(y-4) 12. (x=3)? =16(y+3) 13. 0-2) =8( +2) 14, v= =6x-2) 5. ty-2y =8( + ) 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. ‘346 Basic Mathematics Consider Using case (i) as mis +ve integer lim xa I= Case (iti) Let be a fraction, positive or negative. Take anf where p is an integer and g # 0. Now mat xhlt gla lim = lim =—S— wwe gas k-a Taking = yf and a= bt => and al” = b 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 362_ Basic Mathematics 2 7. Evaluate: tim et mio 3a? + 2n— ntnsl Solution: lim 2 STE = S = an indeterminate . non 3n42n-1 0 Consider 2f\, 1 mien went] | ( Now appiying the lim we get 14+0+0 1 3+0+0 ont tat tim Ss woe 3n + 2n— afl +2? +3? +n? im me P24 tn? nf Bt W(20+1) 6 lim wptgota 2_nlasi)Qn+l) on 2 2 1 42° 43° +... oe n'(n+1) 422 +P +n! 6 4 2 2 2 lim EA DGne and P42 4.) = ne 6 n?(n+1)? 4 ve on(t+ a2 4) lim ——_4 noe 6 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Limits and Continuity 357 WORKED EXAMPLES: x+3 whenxs2 1. Prove that the function f(x)=4 $ when x =2 is continuous at x = 2 3x1 when x22 Proof. For a function y = f(x) to be continuous at x = a we have LHL = f(a) = RHL. Here a = 2, LHL = lim f(x) limx+3=2+3=5 fla) = (2) = 5 (Given) RHL = lim, f(x) = lim 3x -1=3(2)-1=5 LHL = f(a) = RHL Hence fix) is continuous at x = 2. x+3° whenx>1 2. Verify whether the function f(x)=4 2 when x=! is continuous at x = 1 2x1 whenx <1 Solution: For a function y = f(x) to be continuous at « = @ we have LHL = f(a) = RHL. Herea=1 1 £(3) = lim 2x—1 = 2(1)— f(a) =f (1) = 2 (Given) RHL= lim f(a)=lims+3=1+3=4 LHL # f(a) * RHL So f(x) is discontinuous at x = 1 3. Prove that the function defined by when x # 64 is not continuous atx = 4. when x=4 Proof. For a function f (x) to be continuous at x = a we have LHL = f (a) = RHL. Here a = 4 *-64 LHL = RHL = tim [xe4mx<4orx>4] 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Differential Caicutus 381 Note: Sum, Difference and product rule can be extended i.e. Ausvews. ae ae ee, Ee ee ee de ae a ae WORKED EXAMPLES: dy 1. Find 3 ify=x8- 3x47 Consider y= x3 -3x+7, differentiate with respect to (w.r.t) x. 212-3047] )-Lon-4m 3x7 -32ia+0 3x7 -3-(1) +0 2 sh -3. 2. Find y if y= Tet ~ 4log, x. Given: y= 7e* —4 loge’ diff. wrt.x. (differentiate with respect to x) d y’ (ret)-Z (sto, x) a& yet ab x yore 4 : 3. Find f'(x) if fix) = +8 et -9 Consider fx) = 77+ 8 e°-9 diff. w.rt. x. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Differential Caiculus 391 2. Ify +22 +6 =0, then find s. Solution: Consider y + x? +e” = 0 diff. wart. x. dy | -2e dk te 4 2. It et +67 = logs, then find $ when x= 1 and y =0 Solution: Consider e* + e” = loge. diff. wart. x. é soHat 1a ay 1 ae when x= 1and y=0=15— 4 It yoyxt yx xt frre j Then find 2. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 400 Basic Mathematics 4. If ye" = x4, the 2 . If yet = x4 then find 5 Consider ye" = x Consider log on both sides log(ye”) = log* “: logmn = logm+ logn log y + loge? = log x* logy + yloge = xlogx logy +y= xlogx Giff. wart. x. loge =! =x (logs) + topes Le 5. Ife’ =a™, then find 4 Consider log on both sides loge’ =loga**® yloge=(x4 y)loga y-l=(x+y)loga - Joga is a constant. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Differential Caiculus 405 ya-my=0 Hence proved. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS: I. One Mark Problems: 1, Differentiate x¢ + e* ~ e° with respect to x. Solution: Lety=af teh er diff, worst, x. dy et ae x9 ex" +e’ Bare aet 2, Differentiate 2* + x? - logx with respect to x. Let ys 2B +27 - loge diff, wank. x. Bn 2*toga42x-+ de x 3. Differentiate ™"") wert. x. Lat ya ete) Giff, want x. dy plsee) 5 ans 4,(2(082+2")) act) a(t +2) x acl (2, 40} 4. If y=5"*4"7, then find y, yastitet Giff, wart. x, 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Differential Calculus 414 % ae Hence proved. 6. Ifx"y" = a, then prove that Consider x"y" = a™*". Taking log on both sides log (x"y") = log a" log x + logy" = loga™*"" mlogx + nlogy =(m-+n)loga. [+ (m-+n)logais constant) Hence proved. dy __yloga 7. If y = a, then prove that dx 1-yloga Consider y = a? Consider log on both sides logy = loga"*? logy =(x+ y)loga diff, wert. x. 18. ae toge[t+ Ls co Fan” tat toga 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 426 _ Basic Mathematics (d) If ax? + by = (a? - PPA ' dy () The tha 2-2}, n prove that Y= -{ ~ 4 7. Find 7 if 1? 2 Hicverd - = @ x=A,yaP+1 ® ee e () xa ye 3ar? OT Tae 8. Differentiate (a) log, x with respeet to e* (b) logyg x with respect to x? (c) 10 with respect to 5° dy _y (a) Hex yf = (x + yy", then prove that 7 =. (e) If e* +e = e**, then prove that (0) Me = 6%, then prove thot = — O82, + then pro de (1+logx) * () y=x7e" @) ty? 10, (a) It y=(x+V1+27)” then prove that (i+2°) yy +47, -m?y=0, tb) If y= tog(x+- Va? +27), prove that (a? +27)» +494 =0. 10) If y = ae + be™, then prove that y;— mey = 0. (dh If y = e'logs, then prove that xy3 ~(2r—1) y, #(r= 1 ted It y = G2 = 1), prove that (8° ~I)yq + 2xUl—n)y, - Quy. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 430__ Basic Mathematics ‘WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. If the displacement of a particle at time # seconds is s = 31° - 71 + 6, then find the velocity and acceleration at = 1 second, Given: s = 3° ~7+6 ds 732-10) Velocity when 1 = 1 sec. = 6(1) - 7. =6-7=-I1 univsec, Now Velocity = 6-7 vs6r-7 s|2 acceleration = 6 units/sec? acceleration when 1 = 1 is 6 units/sec?. 2. When the brakes are applied to the moving car, the car travels a distance s mts in t seconds given by 5 = 6t ~ 3#7, when and where does the car stops? Solution: Car stops when velocity = 0. Now s=6r- 30, diff. wet. 1. ds F=5(1)-3(28 = 6=6t51=1- 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 434 Basic Mathematics Given Diameter = zh ced 2x radius = 5h 1 ray AD a 230 oy 7 eedsec dh To find > when A = 30 cm. dt We have volume of the cone = inh. Veter v jx(La) h 76 akg Hea he “3°36 108 a) vate diff, wart. dv x fa dh & [43 de ial a] 30= 2 [3x(00) 2] 30%108 _ 5. ggg Zt = at 30108 _ dh 3x900xR dr dh _ 6 = a on Fig. 17.1 (from (1) 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Application of Derivatives 441 Minimum value of the function 2x5 -15x? +36x+10is 2(3)° -15(3)? + 36(3) +10 227) ~15(9) +108 +10 $4-138+118 172~135=37. 2. Find two numbers such that their sum is 20 and their product is maximum. Solution. Let the 2 numbers be x and y. Given: Their sum = 20. x+y=0>y=2-x ‘To find: x and y such that their product is maximum. Their product = xy Pex P= x(20-x) P=20x-x? dP For P to be extremum, = P=20x-x? diff, wars. x. 0=20(1)-2x 2x=20 x=10. So the numbers are x = 10 and y = 20 ~ 10 = 10. Reqd. Numbers are: 10 and 10. 3. Find two numbers whose sum is 16 and sum of their cubes is minimum. Solution: Let the 2 numbers be x and y. Given: Their Sum = 16. x+y=16 > yel6-x To find: x and y such that sum of their cubes is minimum. ie. x°+y" Should be minimum. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Apptication of Derivatives 445 <. A attains maxima for all values of x. Now, Hence Length Breadth . Rectangle has Length = Breadth. Hence it is a square. 7, Prove that the maximum rectangle that can be inscribed in a circle is a square. Fig. 17.8 Let ABCD be the rectangle with length x and breadth y inscribed in a circle of radius say a. OB=O0D=a BD=2a From right angled triangle, ABD, AB? + AD? = BD? 4y? = (2a)? w+y? ada? y 24a? x? yovaa® 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Application of Derivatives 454 Now when when . The points of inflection for the curve yee? o( 5 Hence proved. REMEMBER: * Velocity -4 , _dv_d’s * Acceleration = >= 25 + Rate means differentiation wrt. t. rate of change of area = a « Area of Square = S* * Area of circle = x77 + Surface area of sphere = 4x7? 4 + Volume of Sphere = 37" + Volume of a cylinder = 17h 1 + Volume of a cone = gwen + For an increasing function 2 > Oand for a decreasing function & <0 * To find maximum and/or minimum value of the function y = f(x), find & eauate it to zero, Let a’y ay dy sa,xebxe it ind = andy. xea,x=b,x=cbe the points. Find S70 oer and oa 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. “ of +e] site 0 ga Toga Bla 4, fede=broe s Etter) =k) +0=k 18.2 ALGEBRA OF INTEGRALS: |. If K is constant, f(x) and g(x) are 2 integrable functions, then (i fe-s)de=e: [far i.e., Integral of constant multiplied by function is constant multiplied by integral of the function. Gi [fe als) de= J Foddes fe(xdae i.e., Integral of sum or difference of 2 or more functions = Integral of the first function + integral of the second function. WORKED EXAMPLES: 1. Evaluate: [(4x" ~i)ade Solution: f(4x?-1)de= f4x%dx- fide =4[8dr— fide where ¢ is the constant of integration Je -1)de= at ree, 1 a 2. Integrate —+#" with respect to x. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 480 Basic Mathematics 2. Evaluate: f(e* -7**) de. 3. Evaluate: f(4x~6)' de 4-6)" 1 ‘no Jesz-0 r= Tol 4 +e " RD 32 4, Integrate J6—4x with respect to x. Solution: JW Feaee fio—4n3 ae. \ T stl zi : ~ (6-492 1 4 1 5. Integrate Zo with respect to x. j x dn f et) te 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Jategration 485 Substituting, eget * 9. Evaluate: [> ** x Solution: Pux+et=r diff. w.rt. x. Substituting fee a-jH x+e 2) = dlogt te 7 hog (x* +e") +0, e de 10. Evaluate: Slims ; de pide Solution: sang latices Pot | - loge st 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 474 Basic Mathematics janis es aac? 24 9x3 49 Substituting in (1) “e 2 4x+8 49 7, 49 Qx-1'(x43) 2x-1* Qx-i x43 integrating with respect to x. ee 2 -4 a 4x48 +f—ty 9 a (Qx-1)(x+3) we i“ (Qx- yr" x43 = 7384 log (2z-1) 2 (2x —1) 2"! 49 2 Fog(e+3)+¢ Ce ee a 2 14@x-1) 49 18.5 INTEGRATION BY PARTS: From product rule in differentiation we have av du Sa) nu sy Integrating wart. x. we get fouy- Jutace vibes w= Judy [vdu, i Jude =r f(t By taking u as first function, dv as second function du as differential of 1* function v as the integral of the 2" function we get 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Integration 483 29. jlog(e+1)-tlog(s-2)-— 3 +6 x2 dog #440 30. 4 3 31. ~J(x=1)+ Ziog(s— 1) Zlog(x+2)+6 32. x2et 2xet te* +e var[ na" _ ya? _ 3x3 a [ 2 2 4\*° 1 2 ya UE Go rs) 95, Slogx-2e+e fy OR as 36, xlog(x+Vx?+a?)-vx? +a? +0 3B 39. 41. 42. 43. 45. pa ev [ ee6fies}ec +e lex ER] eee . x+l fxlog(—1)-Lx-Hiog(s— +e Dlog(l+x)-x+0 1 13 7 fas 3ea(s-2)]oe . eF log(logx) +e 2 log.x- log(log x) ~ loge + +e. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 808 Basic Mathematics R(q)=0+ o(-4}s 6(29) q R(q attains maxima when R'(g = 0. 96 +124 e 96 =12q e 96 =12q7 q=2 Maximum value of the revenue = R(2 RQ)=5+ 2 +602)? =54+48+24=77. 5. The marginal revenue (in thousands of rupees function for a particular, commodity is 4 + ¢-°%, where x is denotes the number of units sold, Determine the total revenue from the sale of 100 units given that e~* = 0.05 (Approx . Solution: ‘We know Total revenue = Jostarginat revenue) dr Total revenue from the sale of 1 100 units = J (MR) de ° 1 = [late )ae > 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Application of Calculus in Business 611 = 41416-1845 9 =S7-8= 49. 9. AT.V. manufacturer produces x sets per week at a total cost of Rs x7 + 1560x + 50,000, He is a monopolist and the demand function for this product is x = ieee where P is the price 17: per set. What is the monopoly price in order to maximise the profit? Given: Total cost = x? + 1560 x + 50.000 diff. wart. x. Lre)=20+ 1560 Marginal Cost = 2x + 1560 wD Now, also given > P=12000-179x Total revenue = Px, ‘TR =12000x -179x? diff. wert. x. da gel TR) = 12000 179(22) ie, Marginal revenue = 12000 - 358 MR = 12000-3581 2) Profit is maximixed when Marginal cost = Marginal revenue. ie. Equation (1) = (2) 2x +1560 = 12000 - 358x 2x -+358x = 12000 ~ 1560 360x = 10440 a= x=20 Monopoly price P = 12000-179x 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Examination Comer _§23 . . Wa:b=2:3 and b: , then find a : c. |. The present worth of a bill due sometime hence is Rs. 1100 and the true discount is Rs. 110. Find the banker's gain. . Find the proceeds got by selling shares worth Rs. 3000 at 96 1/8 brokerage 1/8%. . What is an objective function in LPP. . Find the focus of the parabola x? + 8y = 0. wa au 10. If the marginal cost function js x* + 2x — | and fixed cost is Rs. 2500, then find total cost function. Il. Answer any ten questions: 2x 10= 20 I}. The compound proposition (pag) —>(rv-s) has truth value false. Find the truth values of p, q. rand s. 12. In how many ways can 3 girls and 4 boys sit round the table so that no two girls sit next to each other. 13, Find the number of triangles that can be formed from 12 points of which 4 are given to be collinear. 14. 2 dice are thrown simultaneously what is the probability of getting the sum 8. a s 1S. Expand (£+2) using binomial theorem. 1y! 16. Find the term independent of x in the expansion of (4) 17. Solve by Cramer's rule: 3x + y = 8 and 4x ~ Sy = 6, 18. Find the cash you would require to purchase a share worth Rs, 3000 of 4% at 102 8/9 Brokerage 19%, 19. Find the vertex focus, directrix and length of latus rectum of the parabola x? - 8y + 24 = 0. 20. 16 £00)= {775 recy i continuous atx =I, hen find. 21. If ysa**’, then find . If ya’, a 22, Evaluate: J x?e*de. III, Answer any three of the following: 4x3=12 R 3. Verify [(p 04).A(~ p)] > @ is a tautology or contradiction or neither. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Find the constant term in the 2 x ). Resolve into partial fractions: * 2 4. IL 1. IfA = {1 2 3), then find AA’, 2. ILA is of order m x n, B is of Resolve into partial fractions: Resolve into partial fractions: . Resolve into partial fractions: . Resolve into partial fractions: . Resolve into partial fractions: . Resolve into partial fractions: . Resolve into partial fractions: Resolve into partial fractions: Examination Comer _§31 expansion of (2 -r 2s b Prove that there is no term independent of x in the expansion of (o" +4) . __Ie-9 * (x= 1-2) x48 2x? pigs +x 2x 3 —10x4+13 (-1)(x7-5z+6) 9x-27 &-7 G+) x-1 (+1)(x? +1) xl (x+1)(@+2) 2x) 43x? -3242 (x-1)(x? +1) Sxt+1 MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS: One mark questions (VSA): if order n x p, then does AB exists? If so what is its order? 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Examination Comer 851 _ Quantity of cheaper _C.P. of Dearer - Mean + Rule of alligation: ~Qyrantity of dearer Mean —C.P. of cheaper (o) (d) Km) 7 es cheaper : dearer = d = mm = 6. dom, \mre 8. AVERAGES: Ka Mit Way tant Waa " Wy Wy Het Wy gz MN +X,N2 +. Kip = Mae Xm, N+ Ng +N, 9. BILL DISCOUNTING: Legally due date = Bill Drawing date + Bil period + 3 days (Grace period). BD = Fir (Simple interest on face value of the bill] 'D = Par [Simple interest on present worth of the bill] + BG =BD-TD * Present worth = 77> + BG=TDxir 2 + BG= ey [If rand 1 are not given] w 1D =VB-G-Pw 10. STOCKS AND SHARES: Nominal interest ‘Amount invested ‘When stock is purchased, brokerage is added to cost price, When stock is sold, brokerage is subtracted from selling price. idend is paid on the face value of the stock or share not the market value. Yield= Interest or 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 15. Examination Comer 888 In any parabola, focus is inside the curve and directrix is away from the parabola. Distance between vertex and focus = a, For the given ends of Iatus rectum, there are 2 possible parabolas. Focus is the mid point of latus rectum. Axis is Lo the directrix. Distance between directrix and vertex = a. LIMITS AND CONTINUITY: lim 90 ; 1" gle lig (1 +n)a =e A function y = f{x) is said to be continuous at x = a if lim f(x)= f(a) = lim, f(x) ie., LHL = fla) = RHL. Limit of a function exists at x = a if lim, f(x) = tim, f(x) (fix) is continuous at x = a iff F()= f(a) 16. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: % ™ de x” =) * 1 2 2x 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 4@ ‘You have either reached 3 page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. BASIC MATHEMATICS As per Il PU Basic Mathematics syllabus of Karnataka, * Provides an introduction to various basic mathematical techniques and the situations where these could be usefully employed. ‘The language is simple and the material is self explanatory with a large number of illustrations. Assists the reader in gaining proficiency to solve diverse variety of problems ‘A special capsule containing a gist and list of formulae titled ‘REMEMBER!’ Additional chapterwise arranged question bank and 3 model papers in a- separate section- ‘EXAMINATION CORNER’ G.R. VEENA is serving in the department of Mathematics at Surana College of Arts, Science, Gommerce and Management, Bangalore. Also she is a part time academic counsellor at a study centre of Indira Gandhi National Open University, Bangalore. She is a resource person for Algebra and Analysis paper of M.Phil course at a study centro of Barathidasan University, Bangalore. She bagged Devaraja memorial prize for socuring highest marks in B.Sc. examination at IDSG Govt. College, Chikmagalore, She obtained her M.Sc. degree in Mathomatics from Osmania University, Hyderabad. She was awarded M.Phil degree in Mathematics from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Further she has to her credit Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education and Certificate in Guidance from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. She has extensive teaching experience and has authored many books and articles. ISBN 81-224-1684-5 || a A) Mt ee NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS Gormerly Wiley Eastern Limited) ‘New Dethi + * Cochin * ‘Hyderabad Bangalore + Chennai Guwahati + Jalandhar + Kolkata * Lucknow « Mumbai * Ranch Visit us at

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